#Abaddon Bellerose (oc)
spare-stories-archive · 9 months
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Magnolia May
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Abaddon Bellerose
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Nyx Drakos
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spare-stories-archive · 9 months
Braid Buddies
I just love them ok? Ok.
Abaddon sat patiently on the plush pink carpet, his back resting against the foot of the massive bed as Pyrrha brushed his hair. The little princess had been insistent on braiding his hair, as she needed to practice according to her nanny. He understood the reason, braiding was an important skill to learn for those with longer hair. It was a way to protect one's hair from damage, and it taught patients and was good practice for when she had to learn other skills that required nimble fingers. He didn’t think nearly 5 minutes of hair brushing was needed for him, but she seemed content, so he wouldn’t comment.
“Abba?” she asked, running the brush through his now silky smooth locks.
“Yes, your royal highness?” he replied, tilting his head a bit to look at her.
She kept brushing, but it seemed less rhythmic now. “Do… you think mother will want to see my braiding skills? Perhaps let me braid her hair? And she might braid mine?”
Ah. Always a sore spot for the child, and for him. He knew the pain of parents who didn’t care, knew how it hurt to try too hard to gain their approval, just to be shunned. “The Queen is a very busy person.” he hummed, his face neutral, though he was saddened for his young charge.
“Yeah… I know.” she sighed, putting down the brush and finally parting his hair into three sections and loosely braiding. “Am I… bad for wishing she’d be less busy? For wanting her to spend less time on the kingdom and more on me?”
Oh damn his heart. “No, your royal highness. You are not bad for wishing such things.”
She braided his hair in silence for a time, till she tied it off with a ribbon and laid down, her head resting on his shoulder. “I wish mother cared like you do Abba.”
“She cares very deeply, your royal highness.” he said automatically.
“Just not about me.” she hummed sadly, tilting her head so her long red hair draped over her face.
He couldn’t refute it, he’d seen how her parents treated her. They acted as though she was nothing but a toy, or a prized poodle. Just something to be shown off at events, or gawked at by strangers. She was just an item to them, not a child.
He gently tilted his head, bumping it to hers, which was very much not protocol. Though with Pyrrha, there was hardly any real protocol he could follow. “You know… the kitchen is about to be done making dessert. And… I’m feeling a bit tired, I might have to shut my eyes for a moment.”
Pyrrha’s head snapped up, and she grinned at him, the little sparkle in her eyes he loved to see. “Weeeeell, if you’re thaaaat tired. I won’t say anything, and I’ll stay riiiiight here, the whole time.”
He nodded respectfully, “Thank you, your royal highness. I only need a few moments.” He tightly shut his eyes, pretending not to feel her chin leave his shoulder, or hear her giggles as they got further away from him, and he pretended he didn’t hear her chamber doors open and shut. And he pretended not to be smiling as he got up and followed after from a distance. 
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spare-stories-archive · 10 months
Master post for my Small Moments au and a current up to date time line
A Little Visit
Painting the Town Red
A Lovely Day
Diary Entries of Ozpin Valiant
Song of Summer
A Reunion Long Overdue
Bed Time Blues
Bakers Tail
Braid Buddies
Extra Info
Pantheon (still in progress)
Extra info (Nyx and Jaune)
Extra info (Abaddon and Magnolia)
What they look like (OCs)
Prompts (all canon)
“Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let go of you”
"I thought we could do this together."
Two characters interacting lovingly with each other
“Tell me where you are, I’ll come get you”
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spare-stories-archive · 9 months
Since no one asked, heres some random facts about random characters in the Small Moments AU
This is only loosely canon since things are still subject to change as the story goes on. If y'all have anything you want to add or ask more about, feel free to send an ask!
Magnolia May
Magnolia has a very rare coloration of scales, it could go for a high price in the dark market.
When she was young, about 10 or 12, she killed a man. He'd tried to kidnap her to sell her for her scales, and she bit him. Her kind have a ver potent and deadly venom in their fangs, so the man was dead in minutes. She's never gotten over that.
Magnolia is a kitchen witch, a pretty damn good one too. She learned everything from her mother, and still has all her mothers old cookbooks that she's put many safe guard charms in.
Her mother died when Magnolia was 22, it was natural causes, but Magnolia was devastated.
Her and her father are still very close, and while they live about 2 days journey apart, they still make the trek at least once a month.
Magnolia has a sizable garden at her place, and often gathers ingredients from it for her cooking and baking, but she doesn't turn her nose up to buying certain products if she needs too.
She often gives a free treat or two to kids, and anything she doesn't sell will become care packages for for her friends.
Her hands have claws on them, ones she tries to keep short, but they grow pretty fast.
Abaddon Bellerose
He's the personal guard for Princess Pyrrha Nikos.
He has a pet raven named Soul who he cares for a great deal.
Abaddon was raised by an abusive mother and a neglectful father, and he had a sister named Caroline.
Caroline died when she was 12 and he was 17. He loved her dearly, and the lose nearly broke him, especially since it was fully preventable had their parents cared even a little.
He ran away from home and joined the royal guard when he was 18, and hasn't seen or spoken to his parents since. He does visit his sisters grave when can though.
Abaddon a very skilled swords man, and has an affinity for Alchemy.
He has a very serious, cold, calculated and stoic demeanor, which served him well in battle. He has many victories under his belt, though he never forgets the losses.
He found Soul when she was just a chick, and took her in when he saw her foot was injured. He nursed her back to health and she hasn't left his side since.
Pyrrha reminds him of his sister a great deal. They even have similar eyes, both being bright green.
He's extra protective of her because of this, and if she's in danger there is nothing short of death that can stop him. And even that's debatable.
Abaddon wants Pyrrha to be happy, and to live a full life. So he'll often allow her to sneak out of the castle, making sure to keep an eye on her from a distance.
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