#Also he has glowy tattoos across his body
puppetmaster13u · 23 days
Prompt 306
Danny is having such a good time right about now actually. Is he being carried like a football? Yeah. But pretty much every other ghost is avoiding him, and he got to see Vlad get his ass kicked. Sort of. He got to see him get scruffed like a misbehaving cat and then tossed to a ghost that apparently has some sort of mental-health obsession thing. 
But! Unimportant! Big halloween ghost knight? Yeah, apparently they’re also a halfa- which he guesses sort of makes sense? There had to have been some at some point before him and Vlad for that to be like, a proper term or whatever. But still! That is far more important than the fruitloop in his opinion! Learning how to wield swords! More important than any of that, thank you! 
Also dimension travel, sweet, cool, whatever, he technically does that all the time via going to the Zone. Magic. Swords. And an older halfa that doesn’t want to marry his mom! This is great! Best weekend ever! He’s going to get Sam and Tucker so many souvenirs while he’s there too, but magic swords!!
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Chayane!!! Tell me more abt Chayanne where did the bestest boy come from :0 ?
Chayanne! My beloved egg, my precious, little warrior.
Once again, child abuse warnings. And like. Serious, serious injuries to a kid.
So. We'll start with the basics. Of the surviving eggs, Chayanne is the eldest - in literal terms, anyway. He was created first. Only one of the eggs - A1 - looks older than him. And he doesn't look very old, maybe 11 or 12 (another indicator that the aliens have been kidnapping people since before the war). He was originally crafted with the specifications of the Eldest of the Elders in mind, IE as a host for the leader of the invading aliens (named Ethereals). As such he has a high level of ethereal DNA. He also has a bit of glow squid in him, and also bone imp. Part but not all of the bones on his face are exposed - part of the reason Missa gave him one of his masks (Missa has bone tattoos covering severe facial scarring, then often wears a skull mask over the skull tattoos for the vibes) is to protect and hide the exposed bones. Tiny little glowy red eyes in hollow blackness. And the combination of glow squid and ethereal makes him have really pretty glow-in-the-dark purple markings across his skin. The purple is a mark of the Ethereals.
He was /supposed/ to be able to psionically connect with all of the other Eggs, so that once his body was taken by the Eldest of Elders, said Elder would be able to be in constant contact with all of the others. This is the reason for the high Ethereal DNA, and he was also made from very specific human specimens - nobody we care about, but pairs of soulmates such as Tazercraft were specifically hunted down and turned into goo to make him. Unfortunately for the Elders, and fortunately for Chayanne, as he grew and more Eggs were created, it became very apparent that while he can psionically detect every single other Egg, and even has a good idea of where they are, he cannot actually... use it? His bond to the other eggs is stronger than most, yes, but he cannot perform the telepathy which he was designed to do. Later on, after he has already been discarded, they find he is able to telepathically communicate with the egg which becomes Tallulah - but only her.
He is also just generally mediocre at psionics, despite how much care was given to give him the best advantage (the glow squid DNA probably fucked it up, tbh, but the Elder wanted to be pretty and glowy). As such, he wasn't really... useful? Mediocre is fine for lesser Ethereals, but not their leader. The Elder of Elders said he didn't want this body, make him a new one. So they did, and Chayanne was offered around.
Of course, none of the lesser Elders were willing to take a body designed for their leader. Still, despite being a failure, a lot of time and resources went into making Chayanne. Rather than liquidise him back into his constituent parts, Chayanne was given to one of the Chosen to train - specifically the Assassin.
Now, the Chosen were made by the same method as the eggs, but are not considered eggs - eggs are something from which life comes (referring to when they are possessed). The Chosen were never meant to be possessed, they're the prototypes using only human and Ethereal DNA, considered the children of the Elders, not hosts themselves. They have been allowed to grow and develop and trained to be useful basically to make sure the process is stable.
But the Assassin doesn't know that. When Chayanne was given to her to train, she already had one apprentice - Bobby is younger than Chayanne by a little way, but was discarded much sooner. While Chayanne is not good enough at psionics for his body to be possessed by the most senior Ethereal, a race that relies on psionics, Bobby is so bad at it not even a lesser Ethereal would take his body. But that's Bobby, not Chayanne.
Unlike some, the Assassin made sure to keep both of her apprentices fully fed and watered, and also provided with enough psionic energy to grow properly. And she did train them, in knives and swords and violence, just as she said she would.
The problem is... her training methods would have been considered overly violent on anyone. Bobby liked his fists and the Assassin fought like to like - bruises and concussions were common for him but could be handled - but Chayanne... Chayanne took to swords, just like the Assassin.
And she was /thrilled/.
The problem with the Assassin being thrilled is she fought him near to death day in and out. Chayanne learnt to defend himself and fight very well and very fast, but was also a literal child who every time he managed to get onto his feet was being taken to the training room, given a few pointers and stance adjustments and such, and when after around 20 minutes the Assassin would get bored... "sparring" with real weapons, where she was significantly more trained, more powerful, bigger than him. And also his caretaker. Also fighting to your opponent cannot stand with anything is dangerous, but especially swords.
As such Chayanne has spent a lot of time bleeding on the floor, and generally critically injured. (But then Bobby, beside him, spent it with broken bones and unable to see properly from concussion messing with his head).
The Assassin wanted to break her toys, but the two boys she got refused to. She was created with violence in mind, not care, and so she did violence towards them.
They did it back. Rarely effectively, but when they could.
Outside of being trained, they lived in joining cells. Literally cells. Think QSMP prison levels of comfort. Food would be delivered and medical treatment provided by Federation Workers under the Assassin's command.
And of course, all the while Chayanne was very aware of other siblings being created - and many of them killed or otherwise rendered non-sentient (or unconscious. They can't feel each other when unconscious or in stasis). Interestingly once an egg is possessed, becoming an Avatar of an Elder, Chayanne (and the other eggs) can no longer perceive them. They don't get to psionically connect with the new entity in the sibling's body, its just... that bit of bond is gone. He does his best to help them, but is so far away he cannot really. Just... share ideas to them.
Tallulah is created, and he can speak with her. She worries for all the times he vanishes, unconscious due to being beaten into the floor by the Assassin and so gone from the bond. Chayanne never tells her why, but does his best to help her. Even when she is written off and given to the Hunter to use as living target practice...
But, again, that is not Chayanne's story.
Chayanne lived an inch from death constantly - he has absolutely had to be resuscitated before. Likely more than once. Each time that happened the Assassin would step back a bit - she is expected to train these kids into fighters unlike her brother who gets to kill his - but it would happen again. Slowly she would get more and more violent in the 'training', until it happened all over again.
Still he remains defiant, attacking her whenever she touches Bobby, Stab stab stab rarely does anything but piss her off, but Chayanne still stabs and Bobby still bites and kicks and punches (and stabs if given a sword) in defiance.
There comes a time when Chayanne considers himself back on his feet but by any reasonable standards he isn't and should absolutely be in a hospital under close observation not abandoned in a prison cell with only another kid - one who can't even see him as they're kept side by side. During that time, there is what is best described as a disturbance. It does not take very long for Bobby and Chayanne to recognise it as the base being attack.
Bobby has acid spit, and melts through the wall seperating them while all the guards are distracted. He jumps over to Chayanne, and then uses his spit to melt the lock on his cell door, and the two escape.
They go to the training room, they get their weapons, and then... Well, they know where the Assassin is. So they decide to kill her or die trying.
Getting there is simple - they both know how it works - but... she doesn't appear when they arrive in her chamber, and Chayanne's injuries start causing trouble. They hide to wait for her, Bobby tries to patch Chayanne up, and then Chayanne sits guard as Bobby sleeps.
And passes out himself.
He wakes to the sound of fighting. He nudges Bobby awake, and they grab their swords, and try to get at the Assassin.
Only for Chayanne to be caught by a man in blue, skeleton-painted armour and a purple hood. There's a skill on his face, and he refuses to let go. Chayanne does his best to struggle - especially when he sees a man in red grab Bobby - but is held tight and safe by the man with the purple hood.
The Assassin is killed, and the adults discover the kids are actually injured - their weird skintones and alien features making it hard for them to initially tell. Having seen one heal the others, Chayanne hides his injuries a bit more to make sure Bobby's broken arm and concussion are seen to. In turn Chayanne passes out while Philza is still treating Bobby, freaking everyone out.
They get back and get actual medical treatment, and are extremely clingy - mostly to the adult who grabbed them, but Bobby is also enchanted by Jaiden as she killed the Assassin (and after Chayanne passed out let him stab the corpse a few times while they waited for evac), and Philza who kept them both alive to get to the infirmary spends a lot of time with Chayanne, meaning they get close too.
(Philza, unlike the other people, knows what the readouts meant when he actually checked on Chayanne - Bobby's broken limb was obvious, and Philza is not an alien biology expert)
Theeeen once Chayanne and Bobby are healed enough, the adults try to take them somewhere safe. This... causes both to freak out, and forcibly bond themselves to their two favourite adults.
Meaning they need to be close to at least one of the adults... Not all the time, but most of the time. To grow and be healthy (being won't kill them but is faaar from recommended), anyway. This was entirely instinctual and fear based because a handful of adults were nice when all the ones they've known before have been awful. Petrified of losing the adults who helped.
Chayanne considers Missa to have chosen him when he grabbed him, and Philza is clearly his husband and so they must both be his dad. He figures after being introduced to storybooks and both reading and writing. Upon finding out they're not together officially (but yes Philza has permission from his wife) he starts trying to push for it. Gently, but still.
He is much, much safer and happier now, but still has nightmares from being yk repeatedly left in a critical condition by the adult responsible for him.
Fun bonus fact: Dapper was actually created as a Chayanne 2.0, the aliens having further experimented and refined their techniques, and worked out the correct DNA to use. And also uses different alien samples. Dapper also cannot perform full telepathy, but shows aptitude for psionics in general, and so they are seeing if she can be trained into the full telepathy with the others. Chayanne was too shit at psionics generally for that to be feasible. Chayanne also has the better personality for leading, buuuuut given the eggs were designed to have their souls and minds entirely kicked out and replaced, the personality of the egg doesn't actually matter.
Fun bonus fact 2: Despite Chayanne having had the most frequent near death experiences and horrific wounds, Richarlyson is the one in the worst state physically when he is rescued. Chayanne had at least been healing for a bit first (then pushed it and ripped stitches badly and internal injuries getting knocked in scampering around extremely bad). Richas literally gets rescued from being strapped down to an experiment table partially cut open with wires in him to take readings and shit. But, Richas is at least allowed to fully and properly heal between experiments, and the Warlock is much more careful not to fatally injure his test subject than the Assassin and her trainee. The Warlock is actively injuring Richas but trying to keep him alive. The Assassin doesn't give a damn if her two die or not and will kill them herself if bored enough.
But yes! Chayanne knows this is fucked up, but he's the oldest. He's got to look after his siblings, and push it aside to do so. All those siblings who died on him? He failed them, he needs justice for them, but he's just a boy and his body is wrecked and his new parents want him to play on the wii not fight...? He doesn't understand. He's trying, but he doesn't, and he'll do his best. Gotta protect everyone!
His discovery for a love of cooking is caused by Missa trying desperately to get him a hobby and being like. Why don't we make cookies for all your siblings? Which he loved. He loves making food, and he loves giving it to people he loves. Someone stays with him in the kitchen because still a kid, but he does eventually get to do his thing.
(When the ship is downed and attacked you can bet he is gathering all his siblings into the same place and guarding the door himself. Not alone, but himself.)
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wonderingduke · 2 years
╔════════════ஓ๑Vittorio Main Verse๑ஓ═════════════╗
For my main verse for Vittorio, I follow cannon pretty closely when it comes to his past and how he got sucked into the fog but it diverges a little from there. At first he is free to explore the realms and search for the Observers. During this time he grows his powers and studies the runes on his body and in books he finds scattered through out the realms. He gets to the point where he can pretty much hop between realms as he chooses and not randomly get thrown around. One day though while experimenting with runes to find a new realm he got to ambitious. He used to many runes he was not familiar with and got pulled into his first ever trial. These trials looked very different than "modern" trials as we see in the main dbd verse with the generators and door. He goes through that torture for about 50-100 years until he finally learns how to break through the entities rules and use his magic. He escapes the never ending trials and goes back to exploring trying his best to forget the hell he was trapped in. Now 200+ years later Vittorio is probably one of the most powerful people in the fog that wasn't "blessed" by the entity. He can now create and pull items from the fog it self and transport freely between realms with little energy. He has learned how to use advanced magical artifacts and has a very vague understanding of modern history/language thanks to both magic and just picking it up from books and other people in the fog. For some unknown reason one day Vittorio is being pulled away from his tower and the all to familiar feeling of being yanked into a trial washes over him. Even if it's been two centuries since his last trial he could never forget that feeling of being pulled into one. This is how he meets the new survivors and killers of the realms. He learns very quickly how the generators work and despite not being in trials for so long he's a very skilled looper/ general distraction. He's actually fairly secretive about all the things he's learned in the fog and his powers as he doesn't know who he can trust with this information or not among the new survivors. He does teach those who can use his type of magic how to work the potential energy spell (though most survivors can not "hold" as much energy as he can and loses that energy quickly if they're not careful enough). He loves sharing knowledge with others and will gladly talk about things he deem "safe" for the survivors he's talking to but will avoid questions or simply just refuse to talk about certain magic. (One way to get him to not share any more knowledge or magic with you is to push about magic being used to hurt others no matter if they're a killer or not.) ═════════════ஓ๑Toscano Verse๑ஓ═════════════ tags for this Vittorio are verse: the other side This Vittorio (Who goes by Toscano) IS violent and uses magic in ways normal Vittorio would never. The tattoos on him are much larger and will move across his body like a living creature. He has inserted the magic ink he's found in towers into his eyes causing them to be glowy like his tattoos. He is very charming and kind but will flip if he views you as an "evil" he must get rid of or if you become a obstacle for his goal of the perfect world. He will claim he doesn't kill/harm others but this is all a lie and front he puts up to gain supporters for his cause. He very much will harm others and on rare occasions "kill" people. Since permanent death is so hard to achieve in the realms his killing is simply either turning the person into an empty husk with no personality or thoughts of their own anymore. Though for people who have a much stronger resolve well he also has access to the void in a way very few people have. Any major threats if they can't be converted to his view point on life through torture/mind breaking well he simply dumps them into the void. He has convinced himself he's an observer or at least someone destined to become more powerful than them .
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ahomeganeyatsu · 5 years
Ran Off in the Night (Part 5)
On his walk to the bus stop, Lucas had resigned himself not to see the guy again. It was clear he had no plans of being caught. It was still strange why the guy showed up in the common room when he had been completely gone the whole day. Or why he let Lucas meet his eyes. Lucas was still unsure if the guy even existed. If he was even real. If he had really seen him. Like he said, his tail had been completely silent the whole day. Lucas probably conjured him from say, desperation. 
His friends had also sensed his plummeting mood but made no comment. They didn’t even stop him when he told them he was heading home first, only giving pats, a side hug and another hair ruffle. Variations of “Take care, Lulu” following after him. He knew he had to tell them what was bothering him at some point. He just didn’t know how.
He should probably start out by coming out to them. The only thing stopping him was the gaping unknown that was their reactions. He knew they had no problem with it. He had seen the boys interact with Mika, and none of them had been aggressive. But what if? What if they weren’t okay with Lucas? What if it changed their friendship? What if they didn’t want to be friends with him anymore? What if? What if? What if?
And then, there was the thing with his ability. He wasn’t even sure he wants to tell the boys about it. Being, well, gay already separated him from most people. Lucas didn’t want anything more to put a divide between him and his friends. Plus, he didn’t want to put that kind of burden on them. He would rather have them living oblivious about the things in the dark than live the rest of their lives always looking over their shoulders and cultivating an amount of distrust for the world.
Like right now for example. He was just walking to the fucking bus stop of all things and yet he kept checking if someone was following him. If he had to avoid anyone to keep himself from any trouble. To be safe. And dammit, his tail for the past week had seriously made him more paranoid than ever. With a quiet frustrated huff, he stopped and stood in front of the shed and checked the schedule of the next bus.
As if the universe had heard his desperate plea, Lucas spots the guy just right across him.
A seed of doubt planted itself into his mind. Should he approach him? Or should he continue to ignore him? He had done for the better part of the week. Except, what if he poofs out of existence like well— like a ninja just when Lucas was so close? What if this was just a mirage? What if Lucas had been dreaming all this time?
With all these thoughts, Lucas came to one unchanging fact. He needed answers. He needed to know why he had been following him; why he had been watching him; why he was so familiar. He probably had an idea why Lucas’ memory had been spotty about Saturday evening. And honestly, if the guy was going to keep on tailing him, Lucas deserved to at least know who he was. Dream or otherwise. He was the only thing that made Lucas completely suspicious of his situation.
He took a deep breath and pursed his lips. Okay, he was actually doing this. Lucas approached silently, steps determined and tentative at the same time, as if he still can’t believe this was happening. Which pretty much summed up the whole of it. It wasn’t like he approached guys all the time. Figments of his imaginations or not, Lucas was shit scared when it came to seizing an opportunity. Especially right after the Yann debacle. (Come to think of it, he always somehow manages to develop a slight crush on guys linked to Emma. Fuck, he seriously has a problem.)
The guy remained unaware of Lucas. So, the brunette teen took this time to observe. He stood in front of the vending machine. His shoulders were hunched, fingers rubbing anxiously at his lips. His eyes stared at the machine with a look of deep contemplation—one more suitable for something philosophical rather than deciding what snack to choose. Then again, Lucas couldn’t blame him. The teen understood the great intricacies of choosing the right snack.
“Number 24 isn’t bad,” he heard himself suggest. Things happened too fast for Lucas to comprehend. One moment, he was staring at a broad back. The next thing he knew, he was facing the end of a blade. A weirdly glowy, wickedly sharp blade.
“Shit.” The guy’s eyes widened at the sight of him and Lucas tried not to move, fearing the blade would nick him. He flicked his wrist and the blade disappeared up into his sleeve. A movement so quick Lucas wondered if it even happened at all. A frown made an appearance on the guy’s face and Lucas can’t help but think how unfair it was that he still looked handsome. “You really can see me.”
“No shit, Sherlock.” Lucas blurted. His muscles were still tense. Body keyed to run at the first sign of danger. He could see the strange marks peeking under the guy’s shirt and Lucas latched onto the dumb stereotype of tattoos-equals-trouble. Not one of his proudest moments he knew, but give him a break. He just had a blade pointed at his face literal seconds ago. He was allowed to lose a few decent brain cells.
“You’re a mundane.” There was no bite to it. No hidden disdain. Lucas still found himself reacting negatively.
“Are you calling me boring? You don’t even know me!” He scowled at the guy and a spike of annoyance rose within him when he saw the guy’s lips twitch, trying to hold back a smile.
“No, I mean. You’re human,” he explained, tilting his head and Lucas wanted to pull those stupid messy locks. “Normal.” Like that made any more sense. Of course, Lucas was human. He just had this freaky ability that lets him see things other humans don’t. He was also getting tired of being referred to as mundane like he should know what that meant when they threw the term at him. It wasn’t like the dictionary provided any helpful answers. It didn’t hold the nuances of this other world that he was sorely missing.
He noted how the guy’s eyes sharpened. Face becoming shuttered as he took a step closer to Lucas. It happened in such a short span of time that the teen couldn’t even react. Suddenly, there was barely any space between them. And this close, Lucas becomes aware of how tall the guy really was. It rankled that he had to strain his neck to meet those eyes. Lucas could feel his breath on his cheek as he looked down at him. Stormy-greys eyes staring deeply into his. Roaming all over his face and seemingly seeing right through him.
“Or are you?” His voice was soft, sounding more of an exhale. “You’re certainly pretty enough to be one of the fae.” Lucas could practically feel the way the blush crept up his cheeks. “Or maybe you’re a warlock? You could easily glamour your mark that way. Your eyes certainly can’t be this blue to simply be human.” A finger brushed his cheekbone with the gentlest of touches and Lucas can’t breathe. “She certainly could have lied to keep you safe.” He added as an afterthought.
This was real. This was fucking real, his mind screamed. He could actually feel the touch. Feel his breath. Smell him, like the hoodie, a voice whispered. He smells like the hoodie!
“Are you actually flirting with me?” incredulity strained Lucas’ voice. His brain didn’t even try to comprehend the guy’s words. Too focused on the not so subtle compliments the guy was aiming at him. And the thought that I’m not dreaming. Oh god. Seriously, what the fuck?
A wide, bright smile broke across the expressionless face. Stormy-grey eyes brighten, the blue standing out more, and they dance with mirth. Lucas’ heart fluttered.
“Wouldn’t you want to know.” The guy took a step back, leaving the teen confused and bereft. “I have to go now Lucas. We’ve got a lot to talk about, but I can’t stay any longer. Don’t look for me, I’ll come find you.”
He uttered a surprised sound. “Oh, and here,” he reached for one of Lucas’ hand that held the strap of his bag in a death grip. He felt his hand loosening as the guy tucked something in it. He heard the crinkle of the wrapper before he could even look. His brows still rose all the same upon seeing the Crunchy Choco he had just been given him.
Before Lucas could say anything else, ask how the guy knew his name, someone interrupts them. He turned and Chloe was right there, smiling at him. His stomach turned. Anxiety instantly pumping through his system.
“Hi!” she said cheerily. Lucas reciprocated the pleasantries automatically, albeit lacking the same amount of enthusiasm Chloe was exhibiting. “You left without saying goodbye.”
Lucas fetched for a response that wasn’t, Kind of the plan since I don’t want to talk to you. And shuffled his feet. He twisted his head a bit, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious stranger, but he wasn’t there anymore. Lucas wasn’t even surprised. Disappointment stirred heavily in his chest but he stomped on it quickly.
Chloe was still looking at him expectantly; she waited patiently for an answer Lucas could not provide. Not without offending her. And like Superman swooping in to save a hapless victim from being pancake on the ground, the bus pulled in. “Uh, that’s my bus. Bye Chloe,” he said and ran like a bat out of hell.
He didn’t even turn around. He just rushed into the open doors of the bus. He walked to the back, stopped at a seat in the second to the last row and pressed himself against the window. He let out a breath as the bus door closed and it lurched to drive away. He was finally able to breathe. Alone with his thoughts, his mind easily drifted to familiar stormy-grey eyes, that handsome face and the sound of his name being uttered by that voice.
He stared at the snack in his hands. As if it would summon the guy through sheer force of will. And lo and behold, it didn’t. He blew out a disgruntled sigh and proceeded to unwrap the treat. He bit into it with undeserved violence. It was unfair really. The guy knew his name and Lucas still had no idea who he was. All Lucas knew was he carried a strange blade, wore black clothes, sported strange tattoo-like marks on his skin and had a habit of stalking a sixteen-year-old boy, flirt with them and give them their favorite snack before disappearing all together. Again.
At least Lucas finally knew this was real. That he really hadn’t been imagining him. (It wasn’t like Lucas was that imaginative to come up with that face.)
I’ll come find you.
Stupid Teumessian fox. Paradox be damned, he wasn’t going to just sit here and wait. He still needed answers. Lucas was going to catch himself a sneaky, smooth fucker if it’s the last thing he had to do.
Ten minutes later, Lucas realized he got on the wrong bus. 
Somewhere above, the stars were laughing at him.
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viiperfang · 5 years
Tumblr media
Detective Roger Davis's report:
"I'm writing everything I know about Los Santos' "Black Demon" in case something happens to me. I feel he's gotten wind I know too much.
Name: Shirk ??? Raya Age: 22 Aliases: "Black Demon" "The Dragon" Gender: Male Hair Color: Red (Dyed???) Eye Color: Green Tattoos: A brand-like mark on his right hip. Other Identifying Marks: Scars across nose and lip.
Relationships: x Close with Chaos Crew's leader, Ace. Maybe more than friends? x Friends with rest of crew. x Not fond of Fakes, hates Vagabond (They're,,, eerily similar. If I had never seen them both in the same place, perhaps I would have thought them to be one in the same.)
Skills: x Killing in numerous ways x Weapons, including Guns, Knives, Axes, his hands… x Agility (Speed somewhat lacking due to size but the man can Move) x Singing (who knew a murderer has such a lovely voice?)
Crew: Seemingly works alone, seen with the Chaos Crew for some god-forsaken reason.
Fears: x Sleeping (???) x Sexual Advances x People seeing his body x Rats
Vices: x Smokes x Drinks x Fights in Fighting Rings x Pulling his hair
History: Born to [ineligible] and [smudged]. Ran away from home with his sister, Alandria, at the ages of 8 and 6 respectively. A man, George Smith, took them in, seemingly in good graces. However, by the age of 10, Shirk was running drug deliveries and stealing for their 'adoptive father'. This is probably how the kid got into the crime life. Sources also tell me that the man demanded sexual favors from the kid. As he got older, the jobs went from deliveries to straight-up murders and more, unsavory things. [The rest of the paragraph is unable to be read to to blood and smudging.]
At the age of 16 Shirk killed Smith, took his sister with him, and fled the city. They ended up in Los Santos where Shirk became a merc for hire to make money for his sister to go to college. He has become one of the best killers in the city, extremely quickly--"
The report is unfinished. There is blood staining the paper, making some of the works hard to make out. You fear the worst.
@artlesscomedic Here it is! My crimnal for the Chaos Crew! Don’t worry, a sort of,,, origin story for how he met and became friends w/ Ace and their crew is coming! His face paint under his mask is modeled after a sugar skull, and he has glowy bits within the mask. He has a lot of hair, but the mane on w/ his mask is fake hair/fur/whatever. The headshots in the corner are w/ the mask and underneath the mask. He’s like, 7′1. Tall as fucking shit, my dudes. I fucking,,, forgot to color his gauge. WELP.
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the-energon-hole · 6 years
Maybe a cute Drabble with tfp starscream still in the harbinger but has a smol human child who looks up to him like a parent, he pretty much took them in because they have shitty parents
❗Long post, continued under “Read More” tag❗
This was highly unorthodox for someone of his stature and standings for him to be put into a position like this!
He was a high ranking Decepticon officer! Also not to mention he was, during a grand point in time, the damn overlord of this whole operation at the high point in his career.
Yet here he was- babysitting some dirty human child that managed to crawl its way into his once impenetrable spark.
“I found more of that glowy rock stuff you like, Starscream!” The child called from its place in front of the giant radar tracking system The Harbinger poses.If this kid were a Cybertronian, they would definitely be a seeker, and it makes him sick how that thought filled him up with a little pride.“This is good, you have done well for yourself here in this ship. Keep it up and I may make you my Second in Command.” He couldn’t help but sing praises as the child beamed up at him with a big smile that took up more than half their slightly chubby face.
Once he took a good look at that face, his optics couldn’t help but hone in on the unfortunate scars and bruises they still had on their skin from before, and as he looked at those marks for a few seconds to long he remembered why he took this little one in in the first place.
He remembered trying to find energon the old fashioned way, crawling around on his servos and peds like some kind of animal trying to sniff it out using his natural seeker gifts to get enough fuel so his tanks would stop grumbling at him. He was so distracted by his own woes and pains that he almost missed the sounds of screaming and crying- almost. He looked up from his hidden position in the tree lines as he watched what appeared to be a human child fleeing from something with tears staining their bloodied and bruised face.
He was curious and couldn’t help himself.
He watched the child trip and land in the softened dirt as their clothes became caked with grime and stains, it looked like whatever fight was in the child’s eyes was gone and dissipated as it just laid there ready to accept whatever fate it was about to be given. It wasn’t long after the child landed that they were roughly picked up by their hair by an older human whom he can only assume was their caretaker, a male human who went without a shirt and was covered in strange markings those humans looked to call tattoos. He taunted and teased the child while jostling them back and forth by the strong and painful looking grip he had on their hair, the child was crying and begging for mercy as the human male just kept laughing and taunting them.
Starscream was about to leave well enough alone until that human male uttered one simple phrase that made the seeker freeze on his tracks.
“You have betrayed me for the last time you disgusting little maggot, if you survive the beating I’m about to give you, don’t bother coming back home because it will mean the end of your life!”
He had a small flashback in that moment as Megatron said something similar to him once right before he came close to death from a beating he didn’t think he deserved.
He reacted more to the situation than he thought he would, as before he could really think upon his actions and the consequences they may have, his body just decided that this human male was better off flung half way across this dense forest of trees while he hit every single sturdy branch along the way.After that, he couldn’t seem to shake this tiny little human off of his tail.He had no energy to fly so after he ride his prescents of the offending human he just simply walked off to take refuge in his long forgotten and abandoned ship The Harbinger.
The child followed naturally, having nowhere else to go.
The child slept soundly now on the side of the console as if they didn’t experience a near death experience, and as he began to record all the coordinated locations of the raw energon deposits- he wont ever admit it in a million years but…
He was glad he was able to save another soul from a lifetime of torment and abuse that was similar to the kind he had endured at the hands of his master.
This kid won’t be so bad, at least, they were someone to talk to.
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blackjacketmuses · 5 years
hc; og dante 8
A short list of distinguishing characteristics of my own interpretation of Dante:
One (1) scar on his entire body, a scar on his gut from where he shanked himself with Rebellion in DMC5 --- the mass absorption of power and the transformation of his DT that followed was enough to leave a permanent mark on him from it.
A smallish tattoo on his left bicep of a quote from Henry V (Dante’s favorite play when they were little), “For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.” and a sprig of rosemary --- Tony got shitfaced drunk and Gilver, being a little shit of a brother, dared him to get a tattoo. Gilver picked the design, obviously. Dante is both mostly embarrassed about this but also a tiny bit fond, now that he knows the whole truth of that time period.
Dante’s front teeth are a little crooked and his nose is a tiny bit offset from something (he won’t tell me what) hitting him really, really hard in the face when he was little/Tony and his demonic half was really suppressed, before he started having to Fight. 
Freckles. Mostly just across the bridge of his nose and his shoulders, they’re pale so they’re not easily noticeable, but when he’s in the sun for a while they start being really visible. Which means they’re visible a lot considering his line of work is very much outdoors.
Fangs. He definitely has fangs, his canines are definitely sharper than a normal humans. He also has tapetum lucidum (cue shiny glowy eyes in the dark like a cat, probably red).
It’s not a big thing, but he’s a nail biter when he’s fidgety, so his nails are always bitten down to the quick.
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destiny-islanders · 7 years
FFXV x Hocus Pocus AU Ideas Part 4
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Yes! Here it is... The conclusion of the Hocus Pocus AU...
So the broomstick ride to the school is one filled with Terror and Regret
Gladio: *Has Ignis sitting on his lap* “Would it be weird if I complimented Ignis’s cologne right now?”
Gladio: “It would probably be weird.”
Gladio: “He’s so soft I can’t”
Noctis sneezes and almost falls off of the broom. Prompto lunges to catch him and nearly sends them all hurtling to their deaths.
Noctis: “Dude, it’s not like I can die. You’re flying so damned slow. I could take another 300 years to get to the school and I’d still beat you there”
Like I said. Terror. Regret. IRRITABILITY. 
They thankfully make it to the school without dying.
They set up a trap-- lure the Sanderson Brothers into the kiln
Prompto: “Look! I made this clay pot to hold my wolfsbane potion!”
Prompto: “Once I make it”
Prompto: “I’ll get it right this time”
Noctis: “You are literally the worst witch I’ve ever seen:
They use Prompto as the bait-- it’s easy for the witches to sense his presence, and he has the best chance of defending himself. He stands inside the kiln (his clay pot safely stowed in his pocket)
The Brothers arrive and corner Prompto in the kiln-- and Prom strikes! He casts Stop
Time magic is not his strong suit
But all he needs is the few seconds it takes for him to run
He rushes out of the kiln, Gladio slams the door shut, and Ignis turns up the heat
Gladio: “Iris, don’t look!”
It works! The Sanderson Brothers are toast!
Gladio: “Somebody order charbroiled witch?”
Gladio’s Tattoo: *SQUAWK*
With the Sanderson brothers out of the way, the group heads to Gladio’s house.
Prompto and Noctis have a Pretty Serious Talk about what happens next
It’s all Prompto making promises about what good care he’s going to take of Noctis, and how they’re going to be so happy together
Gladio: “Didn’t peg you for a fuckin’ furry”
Noctis: “What’s a furry”
Iris: “Prompto’s not really that furry, is he? The only hair I see is on his head”
Prompto, Noctis, and Iris end up falling asleep in Gladio’s room. Gladio takes a photo of them. Partly because it’s cute. Mostly because it’s blackmail for Prompto, who has Noctis curled up on his chest
Cue Gladio’s chance to sneak downstairs with Ignis
Ignis: “Well, you managed to make one of the most spectacular blunders in the history of Salem, but I suppose it all worked out in the end”
Gladio: “Thanks to you. I never would have thought of using the kiln”
Ignis: “I do have my moments”
Gladio: “Your”
Gladio: “Your cologne”
Gladio: “smells nice”
Gladio: *Oh my fucking God I wish the Sanderson Brothers were still around so that they could fucking end my life”
Ignis: “Thank you, Gladio. You smell rather pleasant, yourself”
Gladio’s Tattoo: *SQUAWK*
Ignis: “Okay, if we’re going to date, we need to do something about that tattoo of yours”
Gladio: “Yeah I know it’s really--”
Gladio: “Wait what”
Gladio and Ignis go upstairs to retrieve the spellbook, then head to the study so that they don’t disturb the others
They have two (2) objectives
1. To find a way to reverse Noctis’s kitty curse
2. To figure out how the hell to get rid of Gladio’s screeching tattoo
Little do they know that halfway across town, the Sanderson Brothers are rising from the ashes in the kiln. And the book is calling to them while it’s open in Gladio’s house
Noctis must also sense the book’s power, because he scampers into the study and lunges onto it, forcing Gladio to shut it
They’re too late-- someone’s screaming upstairs
Continued under the cut!
Ignis and Gladio run upstairs with Noctis and find the Sanderson Brothers in the bedroom
Loqi has Iris-- he’s singing softly into her ear, putting her into a trance so she can’t fight back
Ardyn has Prompto pinned to the wall, using magic to hold him up by the throat
If anyone’s curious, Iedolas is kind of off to the corner not really doing anything. I think he’s forgotten what they’re supposed to be doing
Ardyn: “Well, well. Fancy that you’d drop by.”
Gladio: “This is my fucking house”
Gladio’s Tattoo: *SQUAWK*
Ardyn proposes a trade: Innocent life for the spellbook
Gladio really hates it, but he has no choice. He can’t let anything happen to his little sister.
He hands over the book
Ardyn: “Thank you.”
Gladio: “Now keep your end of the bargain. Let them go.”
Ardyn: “Them? Oh, you misunderstood me, dear boy. I said ‘innocent LIFE. Not LIVES.”
Ardyn: “Leave the girl. There will be plenty more children where she came from.”
He drags Prompto, kicking and screaming, towards the window.
The others try to help him, but Loqi and Iedolas cast magic spells that send them flying across the room.
Gladio gets knocked out when he smashes into his drum set
Gladio’s woken up by Noctis scratching him mercilessly across the face
Noctis: “Come on! Wake up!! We gotta help Prompto!!!!”
Gladio: “Iris, you should stay here.”
Iris: “No way! I’m going with you! Prompto’s my friend, too!”
Ignis: “If the Brothers have their way, there won’t be a safe place for children like Iris to go, no matter where she is”
Gladio: “Ugh okay fine”
Gladio: “But first we’re getting something from my dad’s room”
Meanwhile, in the Sanderson House, the brothers have used the spellbook to create the potion they’ll need to suck the life out from young people
They’ve got Prompto tied to a chair. He’s going to be their first victim
He’s like 17... that’s still pretty young
Ardyn: “Shame that we must do this to one of our own...”
Prompto: “Uh. No one’s stopping you from NOT doing this, y’know.”
Prompto: “Anyway, why don’t you spend the next twenty minutes telling me your life story and explaining the motives behind every single one of your actions”
He’s stalling for time okay
He knows Gladio and the others are on their way-- they just need time to show up
Iedolas and Loqi are content with blabbing away with Prompto, but Ardyn’s not an idiot. He orders his brothers around, getting Loqi to help pry Prompto’s jaws apart so that he can pour the potion into his mouth.
They manage to force him to drink it!! Oh no!!!!
But before the Brothers can start to sap away Prompto’s youth to claim for themselves, Gladio KICKS DOWN THE DOOR AND SHOOTS THEM DOWN WITH A SHOTGUN
Iris: “Prompto! You’re okay!”
Iris: “Why is your body all glowy???”
Noctis: “They made him drink the potion. We have to get him out of here-- quickly! Before the witches revive!”
The group runs back to the cemetery. Prompto’s broom is at Gladio’s house-- meaning that Gladio has to give him a piggyback ride when they set foot on hallowed ground.
They’re about to reach the heart of the cemetery when Ravus lunges out at them from behind an oak tree
He reaches for the combat knife Gladio stole borrowed from his dad’s closet
He manages to grab it
Ravus’s body stumbles over to his head and uses the knife to slice the stitches sewing his mouth shut
Ravus: “Help! Help you!”
Gladio: “You expect me to believe that???”
Noctis: “I can vouch for Ravus. We rarely saw eye to eye. But he hates the Sanderson Brothers as much as any of us”
The group has two (2) objectives now
1. Protect Prompto and stop the Sanderson Brothers from draining his life force
2. Hold out until the sunrise-- then it will all be over
To free up everyone’s hands, Gladio helps Prompto climb the oak tree. He’s high up off the ground and difficult to get to, thanks to all the branches. Win-win.
They don’t have much time to prepare. The Sanderson Brothers are here!
Gladio declares open season on witches with his dad’s shotgun
He fires off one shot (and misses) before Ardyn sends the gun flying across the graveyard with a flick of his wrist
Iedolas and Loqi work to distract the party while Ardyn goes for Prompto.
It’s not hard. The kid’s glowing like a Lite-Brite in a basement
Prompto fires off a couple of spells. One of them nearly knocks Ardyn off of his broom.
But Ardyn takes advantage of Prompto’s soaring confidence-- he rights himself on his broomstick while Prom’s in mid-celebration and smashes right through the branches of the tree. Prompto’s snatched up with a shriek
Noctis sees Ardyn holding Prompto by the throat and sucking out his soul and leaps into action. He climbs the oak tree and launches himself at Ardyn.
Prompto lands on the slab of an overturned tombstone. Drives the air right out of his lungs
Ardyn lands in the dirt
Noctis lands on his side on top of a tombstone. His bones crunch upon impact
Ardyn stalks towards Prompto, his hair a dishevelled mess, his eyes alight with uncharacteristic and unbridled rage. He reaches a hand towards him, ready to draw the life right out of him-- but then he realizes that he can’t move. His feet are rooted to the spot.
He’s standing on hallowed ground
Though Prompto has the bruises to show for it and he’s pretty sure his shoulder is dislocated, he landed on the tombstone. He’s technically not touching the ground
He watches in horror as Ardyn’s body begins to turn to stone.
As all this is happening, the sun peeks out through the trees. Iedolas and Loqi explode into dust upon contact with the sunlight
Ardyn is only able to watch as the light of the sun travels along the grass... closer and closer... until it touches him. And then he is no more.
Gladio, Ignis, and Iris cheer. They did it!!!!
Their celebration is cut short by Prompto
Prompto: “S-Someone please-- please go check on Noct! Is he okay? Please tell me he’s okay!!!”
He can’t reach Noctis from where he is. He’s trapped on the tombstone.
The group rushes over to Noct... and...
Gladio: “P-Prom... I’m...”
Prompto: “No. No. He’s not dead. He can’t die! He can’t die!”
Gladio doesn’t have a wisecrack about where to put the body this time. The cemetery is completely silent except for Prompto’s sobs
Noctis: “Jeez, Prompto, get a hold of yourself”
His soul-- in human form-- is sitting on top of Ravus’s tombstone. He gives a nod of acknowledgement when Ravus shuffles past him and settles back into his grave to rest once more so his soul can travel back to a place of peace
Noctis: “It’s better this way. There are people on the other side who’ve been waiting for me for a really long time.”
Sure enough-- that’s Luna’s voice calling Noct’s name. She’s a beautiful shade-- pure white light standing beside a tree
Noctis: “I’d better get going. Thank you, guys. Especially you, Prompto.”
Prompto just smiles and nods. As much as he wants Noctis to stay, he knows he can’t. Noctis’s soul deserves to rest in peace after centuries of suffering alone
Noctis: “Maybe I’ll see you around, Prom.” *Kisses Prompto on the cheek*
Tbh he’s a ghost so he actually probably kisses the inside of Prompto’s head but at least he’s cool enough to not point that out and ruin the moment
Noctis: “In my day, that’s basically third base”
At least the smile that lingers on Prompto’s face as Noctis takes Luna’s hand and ventures forth into the sunrise is genuine
A week later, Prompto is in his study, finally putting that wolfsbane inside the clay pot he’d made in art class.
He feels something rub against his leg and SCREAMS
He drops the pot
He glances down at his feet... and there goes the ladle he’d been holding in his other hand
The wispy silhouette of a not-quite-there black cat doesn’t bother to dodge the spoon that passes right through its body
The cat smiles as much as a cat can at the sight of Prompto’s overjoyed face
For the curious: Prompto is able to mute Gladio’s tattoo... but he has no idea how to remove it. He’s working on it!!!
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