#Apple ProRaw
meta-holott · 2 years
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2022 Paris, mask.
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mcmillan27 · 11 months
Why I Shoot ProRAW — And This Won’t Be For Everyone
When I sold my DSLR camera and lenses in 2016 I made the decision to be an iPhoneographer. I’ve been shooting with an iPhone since then and haven’t looked back. That was seven years ago! Crazy isn’t it? Especially since I am what I’d consider to be a “technical” photographer. Sure, I think about composition, aesthetics, and, sometimes, even what story the photo could be telling, but if I’m being…
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Yesterday I took delivery of an iPhone 14 Pro Max – to replace my iPhone 7 Plus that I’ve had for many years. To be honest I wouldn’t have bothered upgrading if it wasn’t for the poor battery life that it was developing and the spurious connectivity to the charging port, presumably due to wear. So it was the right time for me to upgrade, and even more so with the recent launch of the new iPhone…
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senolsenturk · 2 months
iPhone 15 Pro ve iPhone 15 Pro Max Kamera Ayarları
Yeni iPhone 15 Pro ve iPhone 15 Pro Max, Apple’ın şimdiye kadar yaptığı en etkileyici kameraları içeriyor. Bu kameraları fotoğraflarınızı ve videolarınızı harika gösterecek şekilde kullanmanın yollarını burada öğrenebilirsiniz.Apple’ın Kamera uygulaması, iOS güncellemeleri ve donanım geliştirmeleri ile her yıl daha da iyileşiyor. İşte kamera uygulamasına dair kapsamlı rehberiniz. iPhone 15…
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bloguitecnologias · 1 year
iPhone 14 Pro: Dynamic Island é estrela, mas câmera faz a diferença - Review
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Review completasso do iPhone 14 Pro, veja se vale a pena a nova atualização da Apple, confira todos os detalhes, aqui no Blogui Tecnologias.
iPhone 14 Pro: Super Review
Neste artigo você vai ver um review completo no iPhone 14 Pro, vai ver as novidades que Apple mudou em sua linha pro, por dentro e por fora além do conjunto de cameras renovado, trazendo um novo sensor de 48 Megapixels com Quad Pixel.
iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island
O IPhone 14 pro e pro Max tem um novo note Batizado de Dynamic Island que transforma o local onde está a camera e os sensores do Face ID em um atalho rápido para aplicativos em execução. Essas mudanças fazem o iPhone 14 pro ser a versão definitiva para quem quer um novo iPhone, ou entrar no ecossistema Apple, com os testes realizados pelo Emerson Alecrim e texto escrito pelo Felipe Freitas eu Arieli Bórico vou responder essa pergunta.
iPhone 14 Pro idêntico ao iPhone 13 seu antecessor
Assim como o modelo básico o iPhone 14 Pro, é praticamente idêntico a seu antecessor por causa das novas câmeras e o note que eu vou falar sobre ele mais para frente, o smartphone ficou mais grosso e tem uma ilha de câmeras mais protuberantes. Apesar das pequenas diferenças as capas do iPhone 13 pro não encaixam no iPhone 14 pro, a estrutura das bordas do iPhone utiliza aço inoxidável de qualidade cirúrgica, conforme destacado pela Apple a resistência continua no nível ip68, com a tela protegida pela tecnologia, ceramic shield, presente na Apple desde a linha 12, do iphone.
Tela iPhone 14 Pro
A Tela mantém a tecnologia pro motion que chega até a taxa de atualização adaptativa de 120 hz, e painel super retina XDR mas o Display tem muito brilho que pode chegar até 2.000 nits. Na prática para quem tem o hábito de tirar muitas fotos na ruas, principalmente em praias e outros ambientes com muita iluminação, o brilho mais alto deixará a visualização da tela bem fácil. Já o painel OLED mantém o seu tamanho de 6,1 Resolução de 2.556 por 1.179 pixels e traz o modo Always On Display, o modo permite que o usuário deixa a tela de bloqueio sempre ligada, mostrando as horas, widgets e notificações. Nessa função o brilho da tela fica reduzido e a taxa de atualização cai para um hertz, com isso a Apple promete que o Always On Display não causa prejuízos a autonomia da bateria, um assunto que já vamos tratar em breve, continue lendo até o fim do artigo. Iphone 14 Pro Review Completo Ele funciona de forma diferente dos aparelhos Android, aqui todo o display é mostrado e você consgue ainda visualizar o papel de parede, mas a cereja do bolo na tela é o novo Note batizado pela Apple de Dynamic Island. Que tranformou o iPhone 14 Pro em uma central de notificações e ações rápidas, o exemplo mais prático disso é na execução de músicas, ao ouvir uma faixa no Spotify por exemplo, o álbum da banda aparece de um lado e do outro você verá um ícone de equalização para mostrar que o áudio, que esta sendo produzido. Ao pressionar o Note por alguns instantes abre o mini player do Spotify, com um toque rápido abre o aplicativo, no Dynamic Island você também consegue incluir mais de um aplicativo ao mesmo tempo. Como exemplo você pode abrir o cronômetro do iPhone Pro 14 e um app de música, em um canto você vai ver o relóginho rodando, e do outro o player de música. Além de ser maior o novo note fica mais abaixo do antigo itália, e que deixa ali um fiapo de tela meio inutilizado, só que com o tempo de uso o Dynamic Island vai entrar em sua rotina. iPhone 14 Pro em Jogos E não vai ser prejudicado pelo novo note, em jogos e consumo de mídia, o estranhamento ali é só nos primeiros momentos, mais com o tempo vai ver que é um smartphone fantástico. Veja também os Melhores Xiaomis para 2023 https://blogui.com.br/os-3-melhores-celulares-da-xiaomi-custo-beneficio-em-2023/
Cameras Novo iPhone 14 Pro
E eu já vou adiantar que as cameras, no iPhone 14 Pro são de fato decisivos na hora de comprar ou não um iPhone 14 pro, as fotografias no aparelho chegam em um patamar, com grande nível profissional. Claro que para que fotografa eventualmente, pode ser um investimento, um pouco alto, eu recomendaria o iPhone 13 por causa da baixa do preço. Vamos falar um pouco das configurações do iPhone 14 Pro, por longos sete anos a Apple até que enfim atualizou o sensor principal, sai a câmera de 12 Megapixels e entra a câmera de 48 Megapixels. O conjunto de lentes é formado ainda por uma câmera ultra-wide e uma camera teleobjetiva, a camera principal tem um sensor Quad Pixel, que no Android a tecnologia já está presente a muito tempo, e no iPhone somente agora houve esta atualização depois de muito tempo. A Apple somente agora, atualizou seu smartphone com essa Tecnologia, ela une 4 pixels para formar um pixel maior, dessa maneira captura de luz é aprimorada e a foto fica ainda mais detalhada, com este conjunto conseguimos obter imagens com nível profissional. Com uma excelente qualidade, com ótimo brilho a camera tem um bom resultado, até em ambientes com baixa iluminação, o smartphone consegue trazer resultados fantásticos, comparados a fotografia profissional. Mesmo com o uso da camera durante a noite, as cores são vívidas, e alta resolução, traz um resultado de fotos com cores suaves sem excesso na saturação, as fotos contam com o nível de ruído bem baixo. Entretanto as maiores diferenças do iPhone 14 pro para o iPhone 14 básico, os modelos da série iPhone 13 chegam em um nível muito próximos são aparelhos bem idênticos, pois em ambientes pouca luz, você conseguira obter uma qualidade maior que os outros smartphones da marca. Esta seria a grande vantagem que a Apple afirma sobre a versão iPhone Pro 14, é uma linha que vem atender os criadores de conteúdo com youtubers e amadores avançados do mundo da fotografia. Leia com atenção nosso objetivo, é tornar seu processo de compra facilitado com nossas dicas, o fator decisivo na hora da compra, para que você inicie com a linha pro, é que Apple pensou em um público mais ligada a fotografia profissional. O iPhone 14 Pro é o modo Pro Raw, com esse modo a fotografia, não sofre nenhuma redução de qualidade conforme indica ali no modo Raw no nome. A imagem é uma imagem mais pura, ou crua assim podemos dizer, que conta com a qualidade máxima da camera, trazendo todos os seus 48 Megapixels e dados capturados pela camera, só existe um pequeno problema, nem tudo são flores. E quando falamos em uma foto feita no mod pro raw, obtemos um arquivo muito grande, que ocupa muito espaço, em um dos testes que realizamos o Modo RAW capturou uma imagem com 84 Megas. Mas consegue chegar até 100 megas, o que ocupa muito espaço, claro que isso não seria problema para quem tem um smartphone iPhone 14 Pro, pois a medida que fazemos as fotos, podemos ter um backup fora para armazenar nossas imagens. A camera teleobjetiva de 12 megapixels, tem um zoom ótico de três vezes, o que é um pouco decepcionante, para quem quer usar a camera para fotos mais profissionais, porque a camera principal já tem um zoom de duas vezes. E que um sensor recorta a imagem de 48 Megapixels, para gerar um efeito de aproximação, podemos observar que faria mais sentido se a teleobjetiva ganhasse no mínimo um ponto extra de Zoom, subindo para quatro vezes. Já a outra lente da camera é uma Ultra Wide, que permite uma maior captura de detalhes em ambientes mais fechados, e em fotos de grupos, em comparação com seu antecessor, sendo uma alternativa para captura panorâmica, ela também funciona como uma lente macro.
Gravação de Video iPhone 14 Pro
Em gravação de video o iPhone 14 Pro também se superou, para gravar vídeos o iPhone 14 pro, consgue produzir uma filmagem em até 4K a 60 FPS, uma qualidade ultra profissional, conta ainda com a estabilização da lente, com um processamento super ágil. Permitindo que o usuário realize videos com alta qualidade, sem tremidos, no modo cinema que funciona como uma espécie de modo retrato para os vídeos, é possível também gravar em 4K mais a 30 FPS. Ah algo importante que não podia deixar de citar, devido ao espaço Ocupado pelos vídeos em 4K o modo pro Raw do iPhone 14 pro de 128 GB, só permite filmagens em 1080p a 30 FPS, a gravação em 4K só está disponível dos modelos de 256 ou com mais capacidade de espaço.
iPhone 14 Pro Processadores
O iPhone 14 pro são equipados com processador A16 Bionic o novo chip traz diferenças bem pequenas em relação ao ao chip A15, a grande evolução mesmo do A16 além do processamento de imagens traz milésimos de agilidade para Smartphone. E você nem consegue fazer um comparativo entre o iPhone 14 pro e o iPhone 13 pro, para ver em quanto tempo o seu Instagram está sendo aberto e se o A15 trabalha com sobras no iPhone 14 Pro, a mesma coisa vale para o A16, Assim como no modelo básico o iPhone 14 pro rodou, Asphalt 9 e Genshin Impact sem sofrer.
Bateria iPhone 14 Pro
O fator bastante importe é a bateria do iPhone 14 pro, o smartphone possue uma bateria que é o suficiente para passar o dia inteiro longe do carregador, claro que nós sempre vamos querer mais de um smartphone top de linha com um custo altamente elevado, principalmente se falando que estamos no Brasil. No primeiro teste que realizamos com o iPhone 14 pro, o smartphone ficou por quatro horas com Netflix e um brilho no máximo, 20 minutos de Genshin Impact , uma hora conectado em redes sociais e mais uma hora de Spotify no alto-falante. Resultado do nosso teste iPhone Pro 14 super aprovado no quesito bateria, pois ao final do dia a bateria ainda mostrava uma carga com 36% de sua bateria. Outros testes foram realizados usando o recurso Always On Display ligado a bateria, e o smartphone conseguiu ter uma performance em sua bateria, finalizando o dia com 31% de carga. Contudo não podemos culpar a função Always On Display, por consumir 5%, pois os apps em segundo plano e a variação no uso da tela podem ter causado o grande impactado no consumo da bateria.
Preço iPhone 14 Pro
Não poderiamos deixar de falar no preço, pois o iPhone 14 pro, não é um smartphone barato, em sua linha mais barata o iPhone 14 Pro tem um preço bem salgado de R$ 9.499,00, caso se o seu foco seja realizar fotos e vídeos mais profissionais o iPhone 14 pro vale a pena cada centavo. Só que para quem pretende utilizar o smartphone, como um fotógrafo de fim de semana, o ideal é adquirir um iPhone 14 pro com 128 GB ou um iPhone 14 básico já é de bom tamanho, devido ao fator preço mesmo. O iPhone que testamos, possue um tera de armazenamento e custa R$14.499, um precinho bem agradável para nosso bolso, kkkk, para criadores de conteúdo que usaram regularmente a função pro res e pro Raw, Influencers grandes que precisam armazenar muitos vídeos e fotos faz sentido pagar este valor.
iPhone 14 Pro: Dynamic Island
Por mais que o Dynamic Island seja um recurso muito divertido, que traz uma enorme praticidade no iPhone, não é ele que deve influenciar na decisão de compra entre um iPhone 14 pro ou um iPhone 14 Básico. O Dynamic Island, realmente veio para ficar, só que quase não compensa, realmente não vale a pena a diferença de preço, entre os dois modelos, no fim o que vai determinar qual a melhor opção para você, está em quanto é amante da fotografia. Este fator realmente vai te que responder, Qual é o Melhor Smartphone para você, sem contar o fato preço é claro que não poderia se esquecer, pois é preciso vender um rim para termos a top linha do iPhone. Para quem, já possue um iPhone 13 pro e pensa em fazer um upgrade, a verdade é que não existem grandes diferenças, pois os aparelhos são muito parecidos, veja o comparativo completo entre o iPhone 13 vs iPhone 14 e avalie sua escolha de compra. https://blogui.com.br/iphone-14-vs-iphone-13-qual-e-melhor-comparativo/
iPhone 14 Pro vs Iphone 13 pro
Realmente não existem grandes diferenças, para que adquiriu recentemente o iPhone 13 pro ainda é um super smartphone, no caso de usuários do iPhone 12 pro mesmo com dois anos de idade, ele ainda é um modelo com varias configurações atuais, que permite utilizar o smartphone por um bom tempo. Falando no fator preço, que é determinante, o Melhor Custo Benefício para uma possível atualização, nós do Blogui Tecnologias recomendariamos a você leitor a se fazer um upgrade para o iPhone 13 pro. Veja o Review Completo do Iphone 13 Pro porque é uma excelente opção de compra. https://blogui.com.br/iphone-13-agora-e-a-hora-de-comprar-um-re-analise/ Fizemos hoje uma analise de tudo que tem no iPhone 14 Pro, tudo que tem neste modelo somado a uma super câmera, e se você quiser abra a carteira agora e vá para o iPhone 14 pro, mas calma preparamos duas ofertas com nosso parceiro do canal, para você ver o que se encaixa em seu orçamento.veja abaixo mais detalhes do iPhone 14 Pro, e o iPhone 13 Pro 1Iphone 14 ProApple iPhone 14 Pro (128 GB) – Preto-espacialTela Super Retina XDR de 6,1 polegadas com tela Sempre Ativa e ProMotion Dynamic Island, uma nova forma de interação no iPhone Câmera grande-angular de 48 MP para resolução até 4x maior Modo Cinema, agora em 4K Dolby Vision até 30 qps Modo Ação para vídeos em movimento com mais estabilidade Tecnologia de segurança — Detecção de Acidente, que liga para a emergência se você não puder Bateria para o dia todo e até 23 horas de reprodução de vídeo A16 Bionic, o máximo em chip para smartphone. Rede celular 5G ultrarrápida Durabilidade líder na indústria com Ceramic Shield e resistência à água iOS 16, com ainda mais maneiras de personalizar, se comunicar e compartilharSuper Oferta Amazon
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2iPhone 13 ProApple iPhone 13 Pro (256 GB) - Azul SierraSobre o iPhone 13 Pro Tela Super Retina XDR de 6,1 polegadas com ProMotion para uma sensação mais rápida e responsiva. O modo cinematic adiciona profundidade de campo rasa e muda o foco automaticamente em seus vídeos. Sistema de câmera Pro com novas câmeras 12MP Telefoto, Wide e Ultra Wide; LiDAR Scanner; Alcance do zoom ótico 6x; macro fotografia; Estilos fotográficos, vídeo ProRes, Smart HDR 4, modo noturno, Apple ProRAW, gravação 4K Dolby Vision HDR Câmera frontal TrueDepth de 12 MP com modo noturno, gravação 4K Dolby Vision HDR Chip biônico A15 para desempenho ultrarrápidoSuper Oferta Amazon Mais uma vez agradecemos sua visita ao Blogui Tecnologias, lembrando sempre que nossa missão é passar a melhor experiência em tecnologias e sua decisão de compra, comenta ai abaixo se gostou, e qual a sua preferência entre os dois gigantes da Apple. Read the full article
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swamyworld · 14 days
Apple iPhone 14 Pro, 512GB, Space Black - Unlocked (Renewed Premium)
Price: (as of – Details) Experience cutting-edge technology with the iPhone 14 Pro. Its Pro Motion XDR Display offers vibrant colors and a smooth 120Hz refresh rate. Powered by an A15 Bionic Chip for lightning-fast performance and efficiency. Capture moments like a pro with a 48MP main sensor, Ultra Wide, and Telephoto lenses. Enjoy ProRAW, Night mode, and 8K video. Stay connected with 5G, even…
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iphone12promaxcases · 20 days
Difference Between iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max
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While the world was struggling with the onset of an endemic, Apple decided to lighten the heavy mood with a brand new release. A virtual launch in 2020 revealed iPhone’s new 12 series with the iPhone 12 Pro and the iPhone 12 Pro Max models creating quite a stir. This flagship product by iPhone was considered the best of all its previous ancestors packing in some unique, innovative features like never before. That is of course, until the release of Apple’s 13 family. Even though the iPhone 12 models are a bit old now compared to the newer models that are out there, it is still quite a worthy buy if you’re considering an upgrade from any of the older iPhone series.
However, the back to back launches of these two models have left the crowd quite confused in terms of which one to buy and which one not to. While we say, both are considered top-notch in terms of features, you’d still have to choose one. Maybe we can help?
 Today we are going to break down Apple’s premium iPhone 12 pro and pro max feature by feature to give you a better understanding of what the intricate differences are. Are you ready for this?
Table of Contents
Display Size
Battery Strength
Performance & Design
Color & Pricing Comparison
iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max- Final Takeaway
Display Size
If you believe ‘bigger is better’ , the first noticeable physical difference that you’ll see is the difference between the screen sizes. The iPhone 12 Pro features OLED display of 6.1 inches making it quite a compact and comfortable phone to carry around. On the other hand, if you like streaming movies or videos on the go and like the ‘big screen experience’ more than portability conveniences, the iPhone 12 Pro Max will give you it’s stunning 6.7 inch display to do just that.
Another teeny tiny difference is that the iPhone 12 Pro comes with a 2532-by-1170 pixel resolution while the Pro Max features 2778-by-1284 pixel resolution. A lab test also concluded that the 12 Pro proved to be a tad bit brighter compared to the Pro Max even though the differences are so minor that you won’t even notice it’s there.
Apart from the significant size difference, both the models remarkably portray the same features and functions starting from their Super Retina XDR display to 60Hz accelaration. However, the Pro Max will feel much more spacious in terms of its UX design owing to its larger screen space. Then again, if you want pocket-ability and hand grip comfort, 12 Pro might just be the one for you.
Moving on to the camera, if you’re someone who enjoys photography, both the iPhone 12 series will be your best friend. With identical triple camera in the rear, both 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max features 12MP cameras filled to the brim with features like Apple ProRAW, LiDAR Scanner, Night mode, Smart HDR 3, Deep Fusion and not to forget the Ultra Wide, Wide, and Telephoto lenses.
However, unlike the 11 series, this time Apple really upped their camera game when it came to the 12 Pro Max with some noticeable differences making the 12 Pro Max camera just a tad bit better than the 12 Pro. The Pro Max has a few extra camera features, that is-
47 percent larger sensor with bigger pixels allowing more light to enter as compared to the wide angle camera of the 12 Pro.
Telephoto lens of the ‌iPhone 12 Pro Max‌ has an f/2.2 aperture as compared to 12‌ Pro that comes with an f/2.0 aperture;
the 12 Pro Max features a 65mm focal length and 2.5x zoom lens while the 12 Pro settles for 52mm focal length and 2x zoom lens. This means the 12 Pro Max offers 5x optical zoom range.
The iPhone 12 Pro Max‌ also upgraded to sensor-shift optical image stabilization on its Wide lens instead of the lens-shift which accounts for better optical image stabilization. No more shaky or fine-line blurs we think.
To conclude, if you rely on your iPhone frequently for pictures and videography, you’ll fall in love with the 12 Pro Max camera.
Battery Strength
Needless to say, when we are comparing iPhone models, the battery part CANNOT be excluded. We are going to keep this short and precise. There’s a prominent difference between battery life when it comes to these two models. While the 12 Pro guarantees 2,815 mAh battery, the 12 Pro ax boasts of 3,687 mAh. The larger sizing of the Pro Max can accommodate a better, bigger battery. This means, the 12‌‌ Pro delivers up to 17hrs of video playback as per Apple while the Pro Max can go up to 20hrs. 
However, both these iPhones are shipped without chargers. You need to get your own if you want turbo charging. Alternatively, you can also opt for MagSafe iPhone 12 Pro Max cases that come with in-built systems to make your charging feel more effortless.
Performance & Design
When it comes to design, both the models use the same DNA with just dimension changes setting them apart. Copying the iPad Pro design, the iPhone 12 family opted for flat edges with edge-to-edge displays surgical grade stainless steel bodies that are dust, water, and splash resistant. However, owing to its size, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is a bit heavier compared to the 12 Pro. Here are the dimension specifications below-iPhone 12 ProiPhone 12 Pro MaxHeight 5.78 inches (146.7 mm)Height 6.33 inches (160.8 mm)Width 2.82 inches (71.5 mm)Width 3.07 inches (78.1 mm)Depth 0.29 inch (7.4 mm)Depth 0.29 inch (7.4 mm)Weight 6.66 ounces (189 grams)Weight 8.03 ounces (228 grams)
Both the models are however almost identical in terms of performance. Both the iPhones feature a A14 Bionic process which is considered the fastest chip in a smartphone. They also feature the latest 16-core Neural Engine and 6GB of RAM as compared to 4GB RAM that iPhone 11 series provided. The biggest selling point for the 12 family was the ability to connect to next-gen networks, that is, both these phones offer 5G connectivity which is a turning point as compared to its older series.
Color & Pricing Comparison
Both the iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max comes in four vibrant color selections, namely, Pacific blue, silver, gold, and graphite. However, there are pricing differences between the two.iPhone 12 ProiPhone 12 Pro Max$999 for 128GB storage$1,099 for 128GB storage$1,099 for 256GB storage$1,199 for 256GB storage$1,299 for 512GB storage$1,399 for 512GB storage
iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max- Final Takeaway
If you’re looking to upgrade your iPhone, the 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max models will be worth your every penny. It all comes down to, what specifications you want to focus on. If you want a compact phone that’s easy to carry and has brighter display, you should go for the iPhone 12 Pro. However, if you like big screens and better battery life, the 12 Pro Max is more your type.
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rwoshop · 29 days
Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max (1 TB) - Alpine Green We have a great collection of WFH products in our online shop. Our shop includes other essential remote home working devices like Webcams, Chairs, Tables and much more. Lets improve your WFH enrolment today with the Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max (1 TB) - Alpine Green. https://www.remoteworkingoffice.com/product/apple-iphone-13-pro-max-1-tb-alpine-green/?feed_id=3774&_unique_id=66081ad8b7016 #homeoffice #remoteworking #ratemyoffice #homeworking #rwo #remoteworkingoffice
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imobileculture · 2 months
Unveiling the Evolution: iPhone 11 64GB Review and iPhone 12 Pro Unlocked
In the ever-evolving realm of smartphones, Apple continues to set the standard with its iconic iPhone series. From the reliable iPhone 11 to the cutting-edge iPhone 12 Pro, each device boasts profound applications that cater to the diverse needs of users. Let's delve into a comprehensive iphone 11 64gb review and explore the features of the unlocked iPhone 12 Pro.
iPhone 11 64GB Review: Striking the Perfect Balance
The iPhone 11, released in 2019, remains a popular choice among consumers seeking a balance of performance and affordability. The 64GB variant offers ample storage capacity for most users, making it a practical choice for everyday use.
Design and Display: The iPhone 11 features a sleek design with a 6.1-inch Liquid Retina HD display, providing vibrant colors and crisp visuals for an immersive viewing experience.
Camera Performance: With its dual-camera system, including an ultra-wide lens and Night mode, the iPhone 11 delivers stunning photos and videos in any lighting condition. The 12-megapixel front camera also ensures high-quality selfies and video calls.
Performance and Battery Life: Powered by the A13 Bionic chip, the iPhone 11 offers impressive performance and efficiency for seamless multitasking and gaming. The long-lasting battery ensures all-day usage without the need for frequent recharging.
iPhone 12 Pro Unlocked: Setting the Bar Higher
The iPhone 12 Pro, released in 2020, represents the pinnacle of Apple's smartphone innovation, boasting advanced features and cutting-edge technology. The unlocked variant offers users the flexibility to choose their preferred carrier without restrictions.
Design and Display: The iPhone 12 Pro features a stunning design with a Ceramic Shield front cover and a surgical-grade stainless steel frame. The 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display delivers HDR content with unparalleled clarity and detail.
Camera Performance: Equipped with a triple-camera system, including a LiDAR scanner, the iPhone 12 Pro offers professional-grade photography capabilities. The ProRAW and Night mode enhancements allow users to capture stunning images with remarkable depth and clarity.
Performance and Connectivity: With the A14 Bionic chip and 5G connectivity, the iPhone 12 Pro delivers unparalleled performance and speed for demanding tasks and high-speed data transfer. The MagSafe technology enables effortless attachment of accessories for added convenience.
Embracing Innovation with Apple
Whether you opt for the reliable iPhone 11 64GB or the advanced iPhone 12 Pro unlocked, Apple's smartphones continue to redefine the user experience with their profound applications and cutting-edge features. To explore the latest Apple devices and accessories, visit iMobileCulture.com for a curated selection of products and expert insights.
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luwiancamera · 2 months
Photography Tutorial Part 1 - Luwian iPhone Academy of Photography
The manual camera mode is available on Luwian and provides complete control over the camera hardware. This feature permits adjustments to shutter speed, ISO, white balance, manual exposure control, zoom, and manual focus. The Luwian app supports a range of formats depending on your device, including JPEG, HEIF, TIFF, RAW, JPG+RAW, and Apple ProRAW.
The feature of Films & Filters can be employed to capture photos and videos with a vintage appearance, replete with a genuine color range.
Furthermore, the self-timer attribute is also available, enabling the user to capture images at predetermined 1 to 60-second intervals while operating in the continuous shooting mode. This feature is particularly useful for capturing lightning and other atmospheric events using a tripod or for ongoing events, selfies, and group photos.
Achieving the perfect lighting can make all the difference in your photos. That’s why having a reliable tool to handle light correction in different conditions is crucial. With the exposure setup, you can easily enhance the overall look of your images, capturing every detail with precision.
Let’s take a closer look at how to use each feature for your daily photography.
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alzeyoudidubai · 2 months
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6.7-inch Super Retina XDR display with ProMotion for a faster, more responsive feel
Cinematic mode adds shallow depth of field and shifts focus automatically in your videos
Pro camera system with new 12MP Telephoto, Wide, and Ultra Wide cameras; LiDAR Scanner; 6x optical zoom range; macro photography; Photographic Styles, ProRes video, Smart HDR 4, Night mode, Apple ProRAW, 4K Dolby Vision HDR recording
12MP TrueDepth front camera with Night mode, 4K Dolby Vision HDR recording
A15 Bionic chip for lightning-fast performance
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meta-holott · 2 years
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2022 Paris, Moka.
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cognivisio · 3 months
Upgrading from iPhone 14 Plus and iPhone 14 Pro Max: Making the Most Out of the Selling Process
The world moves closer to new technical advancements with every passing day. Amongst all, Apple has retained its value even though technology is making advancements on a daily basis. The company continues to be one of the biggest producers of gadgets worldwide. Customers of Apple tend to upgrade their iPhones more frequently and keep the last one with them for shorter periods of time. There are certain iPhone models that are popular and pique the interest of tech aficionados everywhere. Whenever you want to make an iPhone 14 Plus sell, you simply need to find a reliable online dedicated platform to make the most out of the practice. The Impeccable Features of iPhones Apple gadgets have been exemplary when it comes to innovation and technological advancements. Each iPhone series stands out for its brilliant features as well as upgrades. The release of every iPhone takes the world by storm as people flock to stores to get their hands on the phones. But just like any other Apple patron, they have now moved on to newer models and want to sell their current phones. There are several dedicated sites where you can get a good price as you go for the iPhone 14 Pro Max sell. This particular iPhone series continues Apple's tradition of excellence and provides users with a plethora of features that enhance entertainment and productivity. - iPhone 14 Plus The iPhone 14 Plus has an advanced A16 Bionic chip. This offers unmatched speed and efficiency to users even when they are multitasking. Additionally, it features a vivid display with accurate colour and crisp content. The advanced camera system enables users to capture every minute detail of the object. You can also shoot 4K videos without facing any trouble. The battery life of the iPhone 14 Plus is superb. You do not have to reach out for the charger constantly even if you are watching videos and surfing through social media at the same time. Whether you are browsing the web, watching videos, or staying connected on social media, enjoy extended usage. Like any other iPhone, security is top-notch and protects all sensitive information. - iPhone 14 Pro Max Users of the iPhone 14 Pro Max enjoy more fluid animations and seamless scrolling with the ProMotion display. With its bigger sensor and enhanced low-light capabilities, the camera makes it easier to take stunning photos with remarkable clarity. Video recording can be done with ProRaw and ProRes capabilities. This iPhone comes with a LiDAR scanner that unlocks new realms of immersive gaming and precise measurements. The 5G connectivity will help you with seamless connectivity at all times whether you are streaming HD content or video calling or downloading large files. Not to overlook the fact that the phone has an incredibly sleek design and exudes elegance and sophistication for a luxurious feel! Why Upgrade Your Phone? The latest iPhones have an undeniable charm. With each new release, Apple expands its feature set and enhances existing ones, bringing new capabilities to the camera, display, and other departments. Individuals who value staying up to date with technology make a conscious decision to give up their current iPhone in favour of the newest model. Of course, one cannot overlook the high cost of iPhones. The iPhone 14 Plus sell offsets the cost of updating to the newest model. With this financial strategy, enthusiasts of cutting-edge technology can indulge their passion without going over budget. 1. Performance: Newer iPhones feature faster processors and enhanced performance. Naturally, this allows users worldwide for smoother multitasking and improved overall efficiency. The attraction of better performance lures Apple patrons into selling their current phones and purchasing new ones.
2. Camera improvements: Upgrading to a newer iPhone means gaining access to improved camera systems. Every new release comes with better sensors, optics, and computational photography capabilities. Thus, users can capture stunning photos with enhanced details and also take smooth videos.
3. Software support: Over the years, your iPhone may no longer receive software updates or support from Apple. This is why it is essential that you sell the iPhone 14 Plus. Upgrading to a new phone ensures access to the latest iOS features and security patches. The phone also becomes more compatible with new apps and services. 4. Advanced features: With each iPhone series, Apple brings innovative features and technologies. Users find a certain path to enhance productivity, creativity, and entertainment. The characteristics of new iPhones are to die for, thereby giving users the incentive to make the iPhone 14 Pro Max sell and buy the new one.
5. Resale value: People who regularly upgrade their iPhones maximise their resale values. They recoup a portion of their original investment and use that money to buy the newer model. Finding a reliable online platform is essential for this. Getting Your iPhone Ready to Receive the Best Value All smartphones nowadays have developed into more than just basic tools for communication. The decision to sell the iPhone 14 Plus should be a thoroughly considered decision, allowing you to select the finest-selling platform and receive a competitive price. Make sure that all pertinent data has been removed before proceeding in order to avoid unauthorised access. There are numerous advantages to the practice of selling your current iPhone. Continue reading to learn some ideas and tactics that can help you get the most money for your used iPhone: 1. Be aware of the condition of your phone
Describe your iPhone's condition honestly on the website. Make sure to take a picture of any dents or scratches on the screen and submit it. As you sell your iPhone 14 Pro Max, you will naturally receive a higher price the better the phone is in condition.
2. Polish and clean the phone nicely
Despite its sleek and fashionable design, the iPhone has a tendency to become a touch boring with time. When considering whether to go for an iPhone 14 Plus sell, it is best to give it a full cleaning and shine. You will undoubtedly receive a higher price when swapping or selling a well-maintained phone. 3. Take advantage of discounts to receive better deals
Promotions and discounts are regularly updated on a few dedicated websites. Reductions of this kind are frequently offered in order to raise the selling value of iPhones. You stand to gain a lot from that, so keep an eye out for it. 4. Recognize the most current trends in the industry Having a reasonable understanding of your iPhone's market value is essential before you sell the iPhone 14 Plus. The values of current models can increase due to collector interest or specific characteristics. Also, anytime Apple releases a new phone, people tend to sell their current iPhones at that time. In conclusion The above-mentioned two phones are at the apex of Apple's smartphone technology as they come with a remarkable blend of features and performance. These gadgets surpass expectations for both a casual user and a tech enthusiast. A number of dedicated online sites provide sellers the opportunity to get on with iPhone 14 Pro Max sell with ease and earn a substantial sum of money, making them too attractive to pass up. You can guarantee a simple sale by taking the time to appropriately prepare your device. Those who eagerly await Apple's stream of announcements stand to gain a lot by following this trend of selling current phones and upgrading to the newest releases.
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doramcdonald · 3 months
Tips to make the most of your iPhone 15’s camera
The iPhone 15 is a bastion of technological prowess for smartphone photography enthusiasts! In this blog, let's explore the tips and tricks you can utilise to ensure you milk the most out of the iPhone 15's camera machinery. 
Leverage the Advanced Camera System:
The advanced camera system of the Apple iPhone 15 includes improved sensors, enhanced image signal processing, and computational photography. The camera has specialised modes such as Night Mode, Deep Fusion, and Smart HDR. The Night Mode of the iPhone 15 performs exceptionally compared to its competitors, salvaging the most detail possible in low-lit conditions.
Maximise the Power of Ultra-Wide Lens:
The ultra-wide lens on the iPhone 15 provides unparalleled wideness to your frame, allowing you to capture expansive landscapes, group shots and more. The wide lens also enables one to unleash creativity by using lens distortion for unique shots. The perspective shift offered by an ultra-wide lens is a potent storytelling tool in your arsenal. 
Mastering Portrait Mode:
The Portrait Mode on the iPhone 15 was among the best in the segment. However, even that has received notable improvements, ensuring you can easily create professional-looking photos. When using the mode, also make sure your subject is well-lit and try to play around with the different lighting effects in the app. Remember, you can adjust the depth control post-capture to fine-tune the finished product! 
Embrace ProRAW for Unparalleled Control:
The ProRAW feature is the perfect tool for photographers who wish to exercise maximum control over their photography! This feature allows you to shoot and produce raw files while utilising Apple's computational photography capabilities. 
Tap into the Power of Photographic Styles:
Photographic styles are presets. Introduced with the iPhone 15, they allow you to apply unique looks and post-processing to your photos based on your aesthetic preferences. You can also create styles of your own to create a look and finish that is truly unique to you!
Optical Zoom for Distant Subjects:
The camera architecture on the iPhone 15 also possesses advanced optical zoom capabilities, boasting an optical zoom of up to five times magnification. 
Harness the Power of AI with Smart Composition:
The iPhone 15 now comes with AI Smart Composition, which can help you frame the perfect shot based on photographic principles. It is a tremendous guiding system, especially for those just starting. 
Prioritise Stability for Sharp Shots:
The optical image stabilisation or OIS on the iPhone 15 is excellent at reducing minor shakes or tremors caused by slight movements of the hands. Utilise the same for creating sharper, smoother shots. Even then, using a tripod when shooting at night or taking long exposure shots is recommended.
Tap into AI Editing for Quick Enhancements:
In addition to Smart Composition, the iPhone 15 also features AI Editing for Quick Enhancements. These tools can be leveraged to enhance your images and adjust exposure, colour balance or sharpness, all with just a few clicks, streamlining your editing process!
To conclude, the iPhone 15 is a camera powerhouse with a capable system and innovative features. It unleashes many opportunities for smartphone photographers to take their art to the next level. We hope this guide helped you learn tips and tricks to squeeze the most value out of your iPhone 15.
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techstrendzzz · 4 months
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ravnparker45 · 4 months
iPhone 15 Review: A Leap Forward in Performance, Innovation and Experience
Introduction: The smartphone industry has always been a battleground for innovation, and Apple has consistently been at the forefront with its iPhone series. The iPhone 15, the latest addition to Apple's lineup, continues this tradition with a slew of new features and improvements. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the design, display, performance, camera capabilities, battery life, and overall user experience of the iPhone 15. Design: The iPhone 15 maintains Apple's signature sleek and premium design, but with subtle refinements that enhance both aesthetics and functionality. The device boasts a ceramic back panel, which not only adds durability but also gives it a sophisticated look. The frame is made of aerospace-grade aluminum, ensuring a sturdy build without compromising on weight. One notable change is the reduction in the size of the notch at the top of the display, a move that many iPhone users have been eagerly anticipating. This reduction not only provides a more immersive viewing experience but also allows for a slightly larger display area. The iPhone 15 is available in a variety of colors, including some new additions to the lineup. The color options are vibrant and add a touch of personalization to the device. Display: The display on the iPhone 15 is nothing short of impressive. Apple has introduced a ProMotion XDR display with a 120Hz refresh rate, resulting in smoother scrolling and more responsive touch input. The brightness levels are exceptional, making the screen easily readable even in direct sunlight. The resolution has been bumped up, delivering crisp and vivid visuals. The True Tone technology adapts the display's color temperature based on ambient lighting, providing a more natural and comfortable viewing experience. HDR content looks stunning, thanks to the improved dynamic range. Performance: Apple's A-series chips have always set the bar for smartphone performance, and the iPhone 15 is no exception. Powered by the latest A16 Bionic chip, this device is a powerhouse. The CPU and GPU improvements translate to faster app launches, smoother multitasking, and enhanced gaming experiences. Machine learning capabilities have been further refined, resulting in faster Face ID recognition and improved camera performance. The iPhone 15 handles resource-intensive tasks with ease, making it a top choice for power users. Camera Capabilities: The camera setup on the iPhone 15 is a testament to Apple's commitment to photography excellence. The triple-lens system on the rear includes a wide, ultra-wide, and telephoto lens, each contributing to a versatile shooting experience. The low-light performance has been significantly enhanced, producing clear and detailed images even in challenging conditions. The AI-powered computational photography features continue to impress, with improved Smart HDR and Night mode. The ProRAW and ProRes video recording capabilities cater to photography enthusiasts and filmmakers alike, offering unprecedented control over image and video capture. The front-facing camera has seen upgrades as well, with improvements in Portrait mode and the ability to capture ProRes video from the selfie camera. Battery Life: Efficient power management has always been a priority for Apple, and the iPhone 15 takes it a step further. The combination of the A16 Bionic chip and optimized software ensures a longer battery life compared to its predecessors. Whether you're streaming content, gaming, or navigating with GPS, the iPhone 15 keeps up with your demands throughout the day. The introduction of MagSafe technology for charging and accessories adds convenience to the charging experience. The device supports fast charging, providing a significant boost in battery percentage with just a short charging session. User Experience: iOS 16, the operating system that comes pre-installed on the iPhone 15, introduces several new features that enhance the overall user experience. The redesigned Control Center, improved widgets, and enhanced privacy controls contribute to a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. The 5G capabilities of the iPhone 15 ensure faster download and upload speeds, taking advantage of the evolving mobile network infrastructure. The device also supports Wi-Fi 6E for faster and more reliable connectivity when using Wi-Fi networks. Conclusion: The iPhone 15 builds upon the strengths of its predecessors and pushes the boundaries of innovation in the smartphone industry. With a refined design, a stunning display, powerful performance, advanced camera capabilities, long battery life, and an improved user experience, the iPhone 15 solidifies Apple's position as a leader in the smartphone market. While the price tag may be steep, the combination of hardware and software excellence makes the iPhone 15 a worthy investment for tech enthusiasts and those seeking a top-tier smartphone experience. Smart Watch Online
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