rohanssi · 2 months
Asthenozoospermia is a condition where sperm movement is reduced, impacting fertility. Studies suggest asthenozoospermia affects 18.7% to 63.13% of infertile men. Various factors, like genetics, hormonal imbalances, infections, and lifestyle choices, can play a role in asthenozoospermia. Symptoms often include challenges with conception, decreased sperm count, etc. Treatment options range from lifestyle adjustments to therapy or assisted reproduction methods for couples facing fertility issues. In this article, you will find the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Asthenozoospermia.
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IVF and Male Infertility: Solutions for Sperm-Related Challenges in Chennai
The dream of parenthood comes naturally to many, but for couples struggling with infertility, the journey can be fraught with challenges. Male infertility, a contributing factor in roughly half of all infertility cases, can often feel shrouded in uncertainty and stigma. However, thanks to advancements in Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), hope and solutions abound for couples in Chennai and beyond.
Understanding Male Infertility: Diagnosing the Root of the Challenge
Male infertility encompasses a spectrum of conditions impacting sperm production, quality, or motility, hindering their ability to fertilize an egg. Identifying the cause is crucial for determining the most effective treatment approach. Some common culprits include:
Low sperm count (Oligospermia): Having a lower-than-normal concentration of sperm in the ejaculate.
Abnormalities in sperm morphology (Teratozoospermia): Sperm with abnormal shapes or sizes, reducing their ability to swim and penetrate the egg.
Low sperm motility (Asthenozoospermia): Sperm with sluggish movement, hindering their journey to the egg.
Varicocele: Enlarged veins in the scrotum leading to increased scrotal temperature, impacting sperm production.
Hormonal imbalances: Conditions like hypogonadism, where the body doesn't produce enough testosterone, can affect sperm production.
Genetic conditions: Certain genetic disorders can disrupt sperm development or function.
Tackling the Barriers: IVF as a Beacon of Hope for Male Infertility
When natural conception eludes couples due to male infertility, IVF emerges as a powerful tool. This multi-step process bypasses certain hurdles, offering a pathway to achieve pregnancy:
Consultation and Diagnosis: The journey begins with a thorough consultation at a reputable Male fertility center in Chennai Specialists will delve into your medical history, perform physical examinations, and conduct semen analysis to diagnose the cause of infertility.
Sperm Retrieval Techniques: Depending on the diagnosis, different sperm retrieval techniques may be employed. For conditions like varicocele, surgical intervention might be necessary. In cases of low sperm count or blocked tubes, techniques like testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) or microepididymal sperm aspiration (MESA) allow for direct retrieval of sperm from the testicles or epididymis.
Fertilization and Embryo Culture: The retrieved sperm is then combined with the partner's eggs in the laboratory under controlled conditions. Advanced techniques like Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) can be used to inject a single healthy sperm into an egg when sperm count or motility is particularly low. Fertilized embryos are then nurtured in the lab for a few days.
Embryo Transfer and Pregnancy: The optimal embryo or embryos are carefully selected and transferred into the partner's uterus through a minimally invasive procedure. Post-transfer, pregnancy monitoring and prenatal care become crucial for a healthy gestation and delivery.
Beyond IVF: Exploring Additional Solutions for Male Infertility in Chennai  
While IVF represents a powerful tool, other options might be suitable depending on the specific diagnosis and severity of male infertility. Here are some additional avenues to consider:
Lifestyle modifications: Maintaining a healthy weight, adopting a balanced diet, managing stress, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can improve sperm quality and overall health.
Medication and hormonal therapy: In some cases, medications or hormonal treatments can address underlying imbalances and boost sperm production.
Surgical procedures: For blockages or anatomical abnormalities, corrective surgery might be necessary to improve sperm transport.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI): This less invasive procedure involves placing washed sperm directly into the woman's uterus around the time of ovulation, increasing the chances of fertilization.
Finding the Right Support: Male Infertility and Emotional Well-being       
Navigating male infertility can be emotionally challenging, leading to feelings of isolation, inadequacy, and anxiety. It's crucial to remember that you're not alone. Seeking support from your partner, loved ones, and mental health professionals can provide invaluable coping mechanisms and emotional strength. Chennai boasts a supportive network of fertility specialists and counselors at esteemed centers, ensuring you're well-equipped to navigate this journey with both medical expertise and emotional guidance.
Embracing Hope and Optimizing Your IVF Journey in Chennai
Chennai's best fertility hospitals stands testament to the city's commitment to providing advanced, compassionate care for couples grappling with infertility. These centers boast experienced fertility specialists, cutting-edge technology, and personalized treatment plans, tailored to each couple's unique needs
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fertilitylens · 6 months
Oregano for fertility: Does it help you conceive? Benefits and how to use
Does oregano help fertility? Yes, Studies say oregano oil can boost sperm motility and improve its DNA integrity. It’s considered a better alternative for treating asthenozoospermia and managing male infertility [1]. Furthermore, Oregano’s zinc content supports sperm production, and its vitamin K content contributes to successful embryo implantation. In addition to its nutrient composition of…
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mangeshvaidya · 7 months
Best Low Sperm Motility in Pune | Ashakiran Hospital
Ashakiran Hospital in Pune provides treatments to improve sperm motility and increase the chances of successful conception. Book a consultation today for personalized care. Male infertility is frequently attributed to low sperm motility, commonly known as asthenozoospermia. It describes a condition when a sizable portion of the sperm in a sample of semen is less able to move or swim effectively. In order to address low sperm motility and assist couples in realizing their desire for parenting, Pune's AshaKiran Hospital, with locations in Baner, Deccan, and Narayan Peth, offers cutting- edge testing and treatment solutions.
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ayurvedicopinion · 9 months
Asthenozoospermia: Causes, Symptoms, and Ayurvedic Treatment Options
Male fertility is impacted by asthenozoospermia, a medical disorder marked by diminished sperm motility or movement. Natural conception may be challenging for couples who have this issue. We'll talk about asthenozoospermia's causes, symptoms, and Ayurvedic treatment options in this blog post. 
Read for more information :-
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sayeedaqsa · 11 months
ICSI Treatment: A Solution For Your Infertility Issues
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The most fulfilling step in a couple's life is becoming parents. However, some couples are having difficulty having a baby and are missing out on this wonderful life change known as pregnancy. This problem happens due to infertility issues in both or any one of the partners. We offer a variety of techniques to help with infertility, one of which is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). If you have pregnancy issues and plan to undergo ICSI, here are all the details you need to know about the procedure. We have discussed the same with our eminent ICSI specialist in India. Keep scrolling to know more.
What is ICSI?
The head of the sperm must penetrate the egg wall and sperm must swim into the cytoplasm of the mature egg for effective fertilization of a man's sperm and a woman's egg.
If the egg wall is too thick to penetrate or the sperm are unable to swim in the cytoplasm of the egg due to motility difficulties, intracytoplasmic sperm cell injection(ICSI) may be the only option.
Also, read - IVF Pregnancy Guide for Aspiring Mommies
Why do you need to undergo an ICSI procedure?
If the male partner is facing reproduction problems, such as male infertility,
Semen of poor quality
Low sperm count, also known as oligospermia, is a condition in which the number of sperm produced is insufficient.
Asthenozoospermia is a condition in which sperm motility is reduced.
Previous failures of IVF procedures.
Teratozoospermia refers to sperm that are abnormally formed.
Infertility due to unknown reason
In most IVF situations, ICSI is performed in conjunction with IVF treatment to boost the odds of successful fertilization and pregnancy.
ICSI is sometimes used in reversal vasectomy instances to ensure that fertilization can occur without difficulties, as there is a risk of sperm destruction due to antibodies created by the male partner's body after the surgery.
Also, read - IVF Cost in Bangalore\
Conclusion-By simply packing their medical journey to India, infertility treatment can substantially benefit the patient with their orthopedic-related therapies. We also offer a comprehensive range of counselling for coping with emotional changes to our international patients.
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supremonutrition · 1 year
What is the Role of essential nutrients in male fertility?
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What is male fertility? Male fertility is the ability of a man to make millions of spermatozoa, which are made in the testes. It refers to his ability to have sex and make babies. Healthy sperm flow through the body and travel towards the reproductive organs. Sperm count describes the amount of sperm present in semen; motility describes how fast sperm move; Sperm morphology describes the size, shape and number of sperm cells; volume describes how much semen is produced (or ejaculate); and density describes how much volume.
Male infertility is an issue that affects an increasing number of couples and is particularly challenging for families.
To understand why millions of men are struggling to have a baby, it’s important to understand what male reproductive health is and how it can impact fertility. 
Up to 15% of couples worldwide, or over 70 million couples who are of reproductive age, are supposed to struggle to conceive due to poor male reproductive health, with male infertility accounting for about half of the instances. According to data, 35% of infertility cases solely affect women, 20% involve both men and women, 30% involve issues that just affect men, and 15% of infertility cases are unsolved.
Ever wonder why some men have trouble getting pregnant? Here are the most common reasons.
Characteristic features for measuring male reproductive health, such as;
Oligospermia: I.e., inadequate sperm count in semen.
Asthenozoospermia: I.e., Low sperm motility or poor sperm motility.
Teratozoospermia: I.e., blockage in the reproductive system.
Role of essential nutrition in Male Fertility:
Diet and lifestyle are two of the most essential elements that affect male reproductive health. By following a nutrient-rich fertility supplement for men and making smart lifestyle changes, you can improve your chances of having a healthy baby and reduce oxidative stress naturally.
When it comes to male fertility, it's essential to get your vitamins in. Take the right men's conception vitamins and minerals to ensure you're making healthy choices that are right for your body and help increase your chances of conceiving.
A combination of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts made by Supremo Nutrition in "Ultimate Conception Max for Men" has been chosen specifically to increase the fertility of males. Each tablet contains substantial amounts of the vital elements needed to boost sperm count.
The best start to fatherhood?
Try our Ultimate Conception Max for Men to promote healthy sperm cells and normal sperm motility.
Vitamins are crucial when it comes to treating oxidative stress and having them on hand can make all the difference in conceiving. 
 Co-enzyme Q10 boosts energy synthesis and aids in protecting cells from oxidative damage. L-carnitine, an amino acid, may combat free radicals and aid in sperm count growth. Similarly, L-arginine significantly increases blood flow to the reproductive organs and sperm motility. For the healthy development of male reproductive health, you need nutrients with antioxidant qualities including Lycopene, Selenium, and Vitamin E have antioxidant properties that may prevent cell damage, which is what you need for the healthy development of male reproductive health.
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Infertility is commonly seen among couples. The male often encounters problems such as low sperm count, Premature ejaculation, Low sperm motility, etc. Did you know? Male fertility can be improved by adhering to men's fertility vitamins. 
Male reproductive health is one of the most important factors when it comes to achieving a healthy baby. 
Men, if you are struggling with infertility or want to reduce oxidative stress naturally, or just looking for fertility supplements for men, don't worry. There are good options available. To know more about male infertility and its treatment, visit supremonutrition.com today.
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freshlymoms-1 · 1 year
10 Warning Signs of Low Sperm Count Every Man Should Know
As a man, the health of your sperm plays a vital role in your reproductive health. A low sperm motility can affect your ability to father a child, and it can also indicate an underlying health issue. In this article, we will discuss the ten warning reasons for low sperm count that every man should know.
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Difficulty Conceiving
The most obvious sign of low sperm count is difficulty conceiving. If you and your partner have been trying to conceive for a year or more without success, it may be time to see a fertility specialist. A semen analysis will be conducted to check the quality and quantity of your sperm.
Less Sperm Volume
A low sperm count is defined as having less than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen. This can make it difficult for sperm to fertilise an egg and increase the likelihood of infertility.
Abnormal Sperm Shape
Abnormal sperm shape, or teratozoospermia, is a condition where the sperm has an irregular shape. This can make it difficult for them to swim to the egg and fertilise it. It is estimated that 40-60% of infertile men have abnormal sperm shapes.
Low Sperm Motility
Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperm to swim toward the egg. Low sperm motility, or asthenozoospermia, can make it difficult for the sperm to reach the egg and fertilise it. This can also increase the likelihood of infertility.
Pain or Discomfort
Pain or discomfort during ejaculation may be a sign of low semen count. This can be caused by a blockage in the reproductive system or a condition called epididymitis, which is inflammation of the epididymis, a small tube that stores and transports sperm.
Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. ED can be a sign of low sperm volume, as it can indicate a problem with blood flow to the penis, which can also affect the production of sperm.
Decreased Libido
Low semen motility can also lead to a decreased libido or sex drive. This can be caused by hormonal imbalances or other underlying health conditions that affect the production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for sexual desire.
Changes in Testicle Size
Changes in the size or consistency of your testicles may be a sign of less sperm volume. This can be caused by a varicocele, which is a swelling of the veins in the scrotum that can affect the quality and quantity of sperm.
Breast Tissue Growth
Gynecomastia, or the growth of breast tissue in men, can be a sign of less sperm motility. This is because low levels of testosterone can lead to an increase in oestrogen, the hormone responsible for breast tissue growth.
Emotional Distress
Emotional distress can also be a reason for low sperm count. Infertility can be a stressful and emotionally challenging experience, and it can take a toll on your mental health. It is important to seek support from a therapist or counsellor if you are experiencing emotional distress due to infertility.
In addition to these warning signs, it is important to understand the effects of less sperm count. Less semen count can increase the risk of miscarriage and birth defects, and it can also affect the overall health of your sperm. Men with low sperm may also have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer.
On the other hand, there are also signs of high sperm count and healthy sperm. A high sperm count is defined as having more than 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen, and healthy sperm should have a normal shape and size, as well as good motility.
In conclusion, every man needs to be aware of the warning signs of sperm count. These signs include difficulty conceiving, low sperm volume, abnormal sperm shape and motility, pain or discomfort during ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, changes in testicle size, breast tissue growth, and emotional distress. It is important to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any of these signs. Additionally, it is important to understand the effects of less sperm and to take steps to maintain a healthy sperm count and overall reproductive health.
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drchiraggupta · 1 year
What Is Male Infertility?
The term "infertility" is thrown around a lot, but it pays to remember that it can easily take up to a year for a normal couple to get pregnant. As such, infertility is typically said to be the inability to conceive a child after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. The statistics say that about 85% of couples will successfully conceive within this amount of time. The statistics also say that about 15% of couples trying to conceive are deal with some form of infertility, with 40-50% of those cases being due to male infertility.  Best Urologist in Jaipur
 So if you've been diagnosed with some form of male infertility, do not despair, you are far from alone and many options are available to you. The standard forms of male infertility are due to one, or several of the issues of low sperm count, low sperm motility, and poor sperm morphology. In a smaller portion of cases, a physical obstruction or blockage can prohibit normal sperm delivery.
 It is important to understand what each of the sperm related terms means.
 Sperm Motility
 Sperm motility is the ability of the sperm to move forward towards an egg. This is the sperm's "forward progress."
 Sperm Count
 Sperm count measures the concentration of sperm in a man's ejaculate. Over 15 million sperm per milliliter is considered normal, yet the average today is between 20-40 million. These numbers are just a guideline, and especially with today's technology, men are able to conceive within a wide range of sperm counts. Urologist in Jaipur
 Sperm Morphology
 Sperm morphology refers to the size and shape of the sperm. Certain sizes and shapes of sperm are better at fertilizing an egg than others. It is estimated that up to 10% of sperm has observable defects and will have difficulties fertilizing an egg. It is important to know that sperm morphology is the easiest, and cheapest thing a man can change in terms of his fertility. Basically, the healthier you are the better your morphology. This means eat right, have great morphology.
 It is important to remember that successful fertilization relies on a balance of these three factors. Low motility in a high sperm count is not ideal; whereas if you have high motility in a low sperm count you may have no problems conceiving. Also, it will take around 3 months to see changes in these things since it takes about 2 and a half months to grow new sperm.
 Here are 6 classifications of male infertility you may have heard about:
 Oligospermia - "low sperm count", or low concentration of spermatozoa in the semen
Aspermia - complete lack of semen
Hypospermia - reduced seminal volume
Azoospermia - absence of sperm cells in semen
Teratospermia - increase in sperm with abnormal morphology
Asthenozoospermia - reduced sperm motility
Stay Positive
 Being diagnosed with male infertility can be devastating. Believe me, I know. However, the more you learn, the better you will be able to deal with it, and hopefully overcome it. When you make the commitment to undergo treatment, you will be subject to frequent invasive testing and observation. As hard as this will be, keeping a healthy baby in sight will make this part easier. We as humans have an instinct to procreate and often have feelings of insecurity and insufficiency when this basic process does not work. If I get one thing across to you in this article, it is that infertility, both male and female, is very common and can be overcome. Good luck with your journey.
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Where ICSI may be recommended?
ICSI is usually recommended in cases of male factor infertility where fertilization is extremely difficult. ICSI is used in the following cases of male infertility:
Oligospermia (very low sperm count)
Asthenozoospermia refers to the lack of sperm motility or motility.
Teratozoospermia is an abnormally shaped sperm.
Poor sperm quality, also known as azoospermia, occurs when the sperm cannot penetrate the egg. Azoospermia is classified into two types:
Obstructive and non-obstructive. Obstructive azoospermia can result from congenital absence of the vas, previous sterilization, or trauma from a previous infection.
Sperm is extracted by TESE, or testicular sperm extraction when a man is unable to ejaculate but is producing sperm.
Retrograde ejaculation is the removal of sperm from a man's urine.
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seotoday00 · 2 years
มารู้จักการทำ IVF หรือ การทำเด็กหลอดแก้ว กันให้มากขึ้นกันดีกว่า
IVF คืออะไร
ฝ่ายหญิงท่อนำไข่มีความผิดปกติ (Tubal Factor) จนไม่สามารถแก้ไขได้โดยการผ่าตัด เช่น อุดตันตีบ หรือคดงอ, บวมน้ำ หรือไม่มีท่อนำไข่จากความพิการแต่กำเนิด, หรือเคยผ่าตัดท่อนำไข่ออกไปทั้งสองข้าง
หญิงที่มีภาวะเยื่อบุโพรงมดลูกเจริญผิดที่ (Endometriosis) รุนแรงจนมีพังผืดในอุ้งเชิงกราน (Pelvic Adhesion) ล้มเหลวจากการรักษาด้วยยาหรือผ่าตัด หรือพังผืดจากการผ่าตัดรัดท่อท่อนำไข่ให้ใช้งานไม่ได้ คลินิกมีบุตรยาก
ปัญหาไข่ไม่ตกเรื่อรังและล้มเหลวจากการรักษาโดยยากินหรือฉีด หรือผู้ที่มีปริมาณไข่คงเหลือน้อย (Low Ovarian Reserve) ผู้ป่วยจะเหลือโอกาสไม่มากก่อนที่จะไม่มีไข่เหลือ
ชายที่มีปัญหา (Male Factor) น้ำเชื้อตัวอสุจิน้อยกว่า 10 ล้านตัว/มิลลิลิตร (Oligozoospermia), การเคลื่อนไหวต่ำ (Asthenozoospermia), หรือรูปร่างผิดปกติมาก (Teratozoospermia), หรือไม่พบตัวอสุจิ (Azoospermia), ไม่สามารถหลั่งน้ำเชื้อออกมาได้ (Aspermia)
ล้มเหลวจากการรักษาโดยการฉีดเชื้อเข้าโพรงมดลูก (IUI) เกินจำนวนที่เหมาะสม
คู่ที่มีภาวะมีบุตรยากโดยไม่ทราบสาเหตุ (Unexplaned Infertile) หรือพยายามมากกว่า 2 ปีแล้วยังไม่สำเร็จ
คู่ที่มีการตรวจวินิจฉัยตัวอ่อนก่อนการฝังตัว (Preimplatation Genetic Testing: PGT) สำหรับคู่ที่เสี่ยงเป็นโรคผิดปกติ (Abnormal Genetic Dissease)ที่สามารถถ่ายทอดทางพันธุกรรมไปสู่บุตรได้ ,เคยตั้งครรภ์แล้วได้บุตรพิการ หรือแท้งบุตรบ่อยเนื่องจากโครโมโซมผิดปกติ
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Vitamin B12 Benefits
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Vitamin B12, otherwise called Cobalamin is a water disolveable vitamin required for a wide assortment of organic procedures in the human body. From digestion of cells to the unfaltering working of the sensory system, Vitamin B12 assumes a noteworthy job in keeping up a solid physical state. Spirulina is the perfect wellspring of Vitamin B12. It can likewise be gotten from eggs, fish, meat, dairy items, and so on. Homepage Diabetes Support sugar metabolism promotes normal blood sugar level reduces post-meal blood sugar elevation Reduces absorption of sugars & other carbohydrates
Vitamin B12 has numerous medical advantages and can help your body in different ways. Here's a glance at the different advantages offered by Vitamin B12:
1.) Age of Red Platelets - The development, support and fix of red platelets is to a great extent reliant on Vitamin B12. Competitors and individuals with low vitality levels typically take B12 infusions, for a moment support in vitality levels. Vitamin B12 additionally assumes a key job in the recovery and advancement of DNA and RNA (the hereditary material in our body). It's fundamental for the fast blend of RNA and DNA during cell division, uniquely in tissues where cells are isolating rapidly.
B12 Inadequacy can disturb DNA creation and cause anomalous cell development, prompting frailty.
2.) Sound Sensory system - Vitamin B12 helps in the smooth and legitimate working of the cerebrum and nerve cells in the body. Each nerve fiber is encompassed by a protecting greasy sheath made up of Myelin, which is a mind boggling protein. Myelin secures the nerves as well as licenses transmission of electrical driving forces between the nerve cells all through the body. Vitamin B12 assumes a critical job in the digestion of unsaturated fats significant for support of Myelin.
An absence of Vitamin B12 can have critical neurological impacts extending from loss of sensation to visual debilitation to dementia and memory misfortune.
3.) Treats Wretchedness - Vitamin B12 is respected to advance movement of synapses and hormones that can impact your passionate state and disposition. These hormones include Dopamine, Serotonin and Melatonin. Patients with discouragement are regularly recommended Vitamin B12 supplements as it can set off serotonin 'glad hormone' creation and inspire their state of mind.
A lack of B12 vitamin can prompt nervousness, stress and gloom.
4.) Directs Homocysteine Levels - Appropriate dose of Vitamin B12 in mix with Folic corrosive can viably control the homocysteine levels (an amino corrosive created from proteins) in the blood plasma cells. Vitamin B12 lack can bring about hematological infections, expanding the danger of heart conditions, stroke and osteoporosis
5.) Solid Skin and Hair - Vitamin B12 is fundamental for DNA and RNA blend and cell multiplication. Our skin, hair and nails experience a procedure of consistent development and recharging, which is the reason they need enough measure of B Vitamins, particularly B12 for keeping up a sound development. Insufficiency of Vitamin B12 can prompt dry skin, wrinkles, skin inflammation, fragile hair and nails and skin issues simply like dermatitis.
6.) Invigorates Assimilation of Folic Corrosive - Folic corrosive is fundamental for the blend of red platelets in the body. Without Vitamin B12, folic corrosive can't be recovered in the body and ends up stuck in a metabolically futile structure. For right recovery and ingestion of folic corrosive, one needs to get enough measure of Vitamin B12. Both folic corrosive and Vitamin B12 are reliant on one another, as insufficiency of Vitamin B12 is trailed by a lack of folic corrosive, and the other way around.
7.) Weight reduction - Vitamin B12 is additionally called the 'Vitality Vitamin' since it can give a moment and genuine jolt of energy. It can speeden up the digestion procedure, in this way consuming more calories and improving the pace of weight reduction. It likewise expands the general vitality levels in the body, enabling you to build your degree of physical movement and exercise.
Additionally as we talked about beforehand, Vitamin B12 helps in battling discouragement and stress, indications which are for the most part associated with weight gain.
8.) Supports Sound Pregnancy - Contrasted with run of the mill grown-ups, pregnant ladies need a higher measure of Vitamin B12 to cause red platelets, to keep up a solid sensory system, discharge vitality from nourishment and to process folic corrosive. B12 lack can cause birth deserts and even unnatural birth cycle. The RDA (Prescribed Dietary Stipend) of Vitamin B12 for pregnant young ladies is 2.6 mcg every day, and it's significant that this prerequisite is met.
9.) Helps Battle Mental Decrease - Vitamin B12 is an indispensable supplement significant for everyone including more seasoned grown-ups. As indicated by ongoing investigates, satisfactory measure of Vitamin B12 can take out mental decrease related with seniority. Alzheimer's infections, transient memory misfortune and Dementia would all be able to be stayed away from, as Vitamin B12 advances sound working of the mind and neurological framework.
Specialists have discovered that when patients experiencing Alzheimer's or other memory issues were cured with vitamin B12, various of their side effects blurred inside a half year and they recaptured mental concentration and lucidity.
10.) Licenses you to Rest Better - Vitamin B12 improves the creation of Melatonin, a hormone that encourages solid rest designs. This is especially gainful for more seasoned grown-ups, similarly as with age their body turns out to be less productive in making this hormone. Vitamin B12 can help in expanding Melatonin generation enabling more seasoned individuals to rest better.
While the previously mentioned advantages of Vitamin B12 are very much archived, there are a few different advantages that are being considered by researchers and wellbeing specialists around the world. One of such explores demonstrates that Vitamin B12 can radically expand sperm check and treat male fruitlessness. Additionally, tinnitus (steady ringing in the ears) can likewise be cured with B12 supplementation.
Vitamin B12 is without a doubt a significant supplement required for the greater part of our life forms - from improving physical wellbeing to boosting mental execution, Vitamin B12 can help you from numerous points of view. Ensure that you get enough measure of this vitamin either through B12 supplements or from dietary sources.
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aveya-natural-ivf · 3 years
Asthenospermia is common for male infertility to be a result of low sperm count, but when poor sperm motility is the underlying cause of problems with fertility, the condition is called Asthenospermia.
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maxkhan · 3 years
What is sperm motility? How does it affect fertility?
What is sperm motility?How does it affect fertility?
 One of the prerequisites for achieving fertilization and successful pregnancy is sperm motility. It has a contribution to your success rates in ART procedures like IUI and IVF. Healthy sperm motility is sperms with forwarding progressions of at least 25 micrometres per second. Sperm motility  also refers to the ability of the sperm to swim efficiently to reach the egg during the process called fertilization.
 There are different types of sperm motility issues:
 Slow or sluggish progressive motility 
 Non-progressive motility, which is as anything less than 5 micrometres per second
 No mobility
 Sperm motility testing is through a routine semen analysis. These are usually obtained by masturbation at a doctor’s office or testing laboratory.   A condition of slow sperm motility is known as Asthenozoospermia when less than 40% of total sperms are motile. 
 Causes of Asthenozoospermia:
 - Genital tract infections
 - Testicular dystrophy
 - Anti-sperm antibodies
 - Prolonged period of abstinence. 
 - Immotile cilia syndrome
 Treatment A few changes in the lifestyle may help increase sperm motility for some men: 
 ·       Exercise regularly
 ·       Maintain a healthy weight
 ·       Limit cell phone exposure
 ·       Reduce alcohol
 ·       Quit smoking  Talk to our fertility doctor if you’ve been trying unsuccessfully to conceive for 12 or more months. Our fertility doctors can test you and can provide the necessary guidance to increase sperm motility.
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ICSI- Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection Treatment in Hyderabad
 Intracytoplasmic Sperm injection was mainly introduced to tackle male infertility in an effective manner. This is a procedure wherein a single sperm is injected directly into the ovary of the woman. The treatment is a significant operation for those men who have a lower sperm count or are diagnosed with a poor fertility rate. Excessive smoking, drinking and consumption of unhealthy food are factors that contribute to lower fertile rate among men. Here is where ICSI treatments can come to every man’s rescue to help his spouse conceive without any kind of a problem.
There are basically three kinds of issues when it comes to diagnosing male infertility. These include:
a)      Oligozoospermia- an incredibly low sperm count
b)      Asthenozoospermia- poor sperm motility and
c)      Teratozoospermia- Too many abnormal sperm cells
 Sometimes, men may not be able to receive sperms during the intercourse especially when there are severe obstructions near the ducts. The ailment is named Azoospermia or zero sperm count.
How does it work?
Even though men do not get sperms in their blood count, you can derive the sperms via surgical methods. For a zero sperm scenario or azoospermia, the doctors use ICSI to derive sperms from the upper portion of his testis. The process is named PESA- Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration.
In case of a non-obstructive azoospermia, the sperms can be derived directly from the testis. The procedure is named TESA- Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration. This way, even if men have zero sperm counts, their respective sperms can be surgically derived reducing the need to approach a sperm donor. In other words, azoospermia patients can still go ahead with their own biological offspring indeed.
You can avail ICSI treatments at a reputed fertility clinic in Hyderabad. Namely ‘Sree Fertility IVF’.
Areas where ICSI treatments help patients
Here are scenarios where ICSI treatments can help patients. The list follows:
1.      Azoospermia- Zero sperm count
2.      For lower sperm counts. The condition is named Oligozoospermia
3.      In case of poor quality or motility of sperms. The underlying condition is Asthenozoospermia
4.      For men who have too many abnormal sperms. The condition here is Teratozoospermia.
5.      Retrieving sperms via the urinary bladders of men. The procedure is named Retrograde ejaculation.
6.      You have a medical procedure named Anejaculation. Here, the doctor retrieves male sperms via an electro ejaculator.
7.      Failed attempts via a regular or conventional IVF center
8.      In case the age of the spouse is beyond 37 years. The eggs have a thicker layer of coat namely zona. Here, men find it difficult letting their sperms enter the woman’s ovary.
 Procedural explanation
This procedure is a highly specialized one and it requires intricate skills of the doctor or specialist who takes up the same. Specialized microscopes and micromanipulation equipment are potentially required to carry out the surgical procedure. A woman’s fertilized egg measures one-tenth of a millimeter. The egg is gently held by a suction pipette. The sperm is picked using a micro-injection needle. The sperm is then dropped into the cytoplasm of the woman’s fertilized egg. The sperm must pierce through multiple layers of the egg’s tough shell to traverse through. It is then the biological ovulation or fertilization process starts.
Helping you paraphrase the steps involved in ICSI via easy to remember steps
1.      The mature egg is held by a special type of pipette.
2.      The specialist uses a hollow and a thin injection to pick a sperm from the man’s testis.
3.      The needle is made to pass through the outer layer of the eggshell known as zona.
4.      The sperm then travels all the way to reach the cytoplasm of the egg.
5.      While the sperm is gently inserted into the cytoplasm of the egg, the needle is then removed.
6.      The next morning, you can check for fertilization of the egg.
 Success rate of the procedure
ICSI is a detailed procedure that is necessarily carried out via an IVF clinic. ICSI has a success rate ranging anywhere between 36-45%. The success rate for an ICSI is just like IVF treatments.  Embryo transfer procedures have marginal percentages of success rate. This is because ICSI deals with compromised sperm quality of patients belonging to different age-groups. Frozen embryo transfers have a success rate above ICSI. The percentage starts off from 60%. For an ICSI treatment to be successful one must also consider the age of women. If the lady is below 38 years, the success rate of the procedure is way higher.
How is the health condition of babies born via ICSI?
Babies born via ICSI are as normal as one would expect in case of healthy deliveries. Clinical studies show that there are no birth abnormalities for babies that conceive via ICSI treatments. Babies born via ICSI too receive their vaccination injections up until 15 years of age. Hence, children born at IVF clinic or hospital show no birth defects. In other words, they are born the same way as normal children.
Stay periods in Hyderabad
You must follow the procedural stay periods if you take up ICSI procedures via Sree Fertility Clinic at Hyderabad. The protocols are as follows:
Longer stay at the hospital
There is an injection named Inj Lupride. The concerned woman takes the injection starting from the 1st day of her periods up until 21st day. You can take a minimum of 15 injections during this period. To and fro travel must strictly be avoided at this point of time. It is better you prepare a one month stay in Hyderabad. While you can visit the hospital over your scheduled appointments.Buserelin 0.5 ml subcut can also be taken from the 21st day of your periods until the next menstrual cycle.
Shorter protocol
You can take a birth control pill or a contraceptive from the 2nd day of your periods. This should be done in the month preceding to the month of your arrival at the hospital. You must take one tablet every single day. You must also inform the hospital about the date from when you started taking the pill. You must take the last tablet on a Sunday. While the surgical procedure can be carried out the following week on Friday. Upon arrival to Sree Fertility IVF in Hyderabad, you must stay at the hospital for about 15-20 days.
Alternative short protocol
For those of you who must make visa arrangements and book flights or make train bookings, this is the procedural protocol that can be followed. You can begin a tablet namely progynova (estradiol valerate) 2mg. This tablet must be taken twice every day. You must wait until the 25th day of your periods. The cycle can be repeated until your next periods. You can further visit the hospital on the 2nd/3rd/4th/5th or even after the 6th day of your periods. You must continue with your medication even while you are having your menstruation. The doctor will then start treatment for IVF without wasting much time or upon waiting for your next periods to start.
Sree Fertility as a Clinic
Sree Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad offers ICSI and sperm donor treatments at an affordable cost indeed. You can acquire higher chances of conceiving when you approach a clinic that offers you with the best of fertility treatments.
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