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Banks of the Garonne river by Barsac, Gascony region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed to Versailles
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retrocgads · 2 years
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UK 1985
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mywinepal · 2 years
2019 Bordeaux Release on Nov. 19, 2022 in BC Liquor Stores
2019 #Bordeaux Release on Nov. 19, 2022 in BC Liquor Stores @bcliquorstores
If you enjoy drinking Bordeaux wines, the 2019 Bordeaux release at BC Liquor Stores happens on Saturday, November 19, 2022.  Below is the press release I received from BC Liquor Stores.  Sorry for all the frames showing in the press release.  It is how the press release was formatted. ~~~~ BCLIQUOR’s highly anticipated 2019 Bordeaux Release is happening on Saturday, November 19th in select…
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balu8 · 7 months
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JM Krings
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bamisuke · 9 months
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skubri30 · 3 months
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BARSAC - Gironde
Problème de référencement Google ?
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armatofu · 4 months
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Julio Verne siempre estará asociado a mis inicios como lector allá en mi adolescencia. Sus personajes y Asterix, por otro lado, en el mundo de los cómics, me hicieron pasar muy buenas horas de lectura. Y Verne me hizo además soñar con sus historias.
Nuestro personaje de hoy nació en Nantes el 8 de febrero de 1828. Estudió derecho, aprobando su tesis doctoral en 1850, y aprovechó su buena situación económica para dedicarse a la literatura. Se dio a conocer con su obra Cinco semanas en globo (1863), que tuvo una gran acogida entre el público y en la que se empiezan a manifestar las características que constituirían su obra: aventura geográfica, voluntad didáctica y preocupación por el progreso tecnológico y científico.
Se le considera el padre de la moderna literatura de ciencia ficción. Aprovechando sus conocimientos geográficos, adquiridos a través de numerosos viajes por Europa, África y América del Norte. Sus predicciones fueron asombrosas, por su gran precisión narradas en sus libros como la aparición de algunos inventos en ese afán por los avances tecnológicos que luego en el siglo XX vieron la luz como las naves espaciales, los submarinos o los helicópteros.
Dotado de una imaginación inagotable, gran cultura, una gran capacidad para la creación de personajes y extraordinaria fuerza narrativa, fue el más popular y el más leído de los escritores de su época y su obra está considerada un clásico de la literatura no solo juvenil.
Los éxitos se sucedieron de forma vertiginosa, así en 1864 publica Viaje al centro de la Tierra y un año mas tarde De la Tierra a la Luna. Al tratarse de los preparativos del viaje, se complementaría con una segunda parte cinco años después, Alrededor de la Luna. Donde relata el viaje.
Les siguieron, Las aventuras del capitán Hatteras (1866) y Los hijos del capitán Grant dos años después.
En 1870 ve la luz Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino, con el legendario Nautilius y su enigmático capitán Nemo. Y tres años después nos embarcaríamos en un globo aerostático para dar La vuelta al mundo en 80 días con el flemático aristócrata británico Phileas Fogg y su inseparable Passepartout. Llevado a la gran pantalla y protagonizado por David Niven y Cantinflas. De hecho, son muchos los libros de Verne que han sido llevados al cine con gran éxito u en varias versiones.
Pero mi favorita sin duda es Miguel Strogoff (1876), el correo del zar, recorriendo la espeta rusa, atravesando Siberia para llegar a su misión en la lejana ciudad de Irkutsk donde tiene que entregar el mensaje al hermano del zar avisándole de los planes del traidor Ogareff, líder de una revuelta tártara. Las apasionantes aventuras durante el viaje, el momento del encuentro con su madre que no le puede reconocer o su relación con Nadia Fedor, son ingredientes que te atrapan y mantienen en tensión durante todo el relato.
Simplemente a modo de resumen, no nos podemos olvidar de otras obras como Un capitán de quince años (1878); as tribulaciones de un chino en China (1879); El faro del fin del mundo (1881); Dos años de vacaciones (1888) o Los viajes del capitán Cook (1896).
En 1892 había sido condecorado con la Legión de Honor.
En sus última obras, editadas póstumamente, El eterno Adán (1910) y La misión Barsac (1920), ese entusiasmo progresista había dado paso a cierta amargura escéptica respecto a la ciencia y a la perfectibilidad humana.
Falleció en Amiens el 24 de marzo de 1905.
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fuckyeahfightlock · 1 year
Advent Ficlets 2022, Day 3
“In the bin, please.”
Sherlock dropped a rather heavy something wrapped in wax paper into John’s ill-prepared hands and he fumbled it a bit, caught it, thought it felt a bit squashy. He peeled the paper back here and there, caught a whiff and saw a glossy bit of candied black cherry shining out at him.
“Why, what’s gone wrong?” John set the fruitcake down on the worktop and and unwrapped it further. “It looks fine. Smells good and boozy.”
“I think for a wedding something a bit lighter is in order. That’s fine for Christmas but it’s a bit dark. Heavy.”
Sherlock had already donned his lab apron and was not-quite-but-almost slamming ingredients into place on the kitchen table. Flour flew as the cannister was not tightly covered, and the dried pears and apricots they’d bought on the previous day’s shopping trip appeared in a cling-filmed bowl, mixed with bits of lemon and orange and soaking in some pale golden liquid John knew must be liquour.
John looked back at the fruitcake Sherlock had already been regularly basting with fantastically good brandy for over a week.
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“Whatever you like,” he acquiesced, trying to keep any skepticism out of his voice. “Can we not have both?” The idea of throwing away the already tempting cake filled John with disappointment. He did love a good old boozy Christmas pudding. And Sherlock’s were near Platonic ideals; John had begun dreaming of this year’s fruitcake sometime around bonfire night.
Sherlock hummed absently. “Even one is too much for a handful of guests, but if you like you can have that one on Boxing Day. Or New Year’s Eve.”
John grinned and began to rewrap the cake, looked around for the tin where it lived while awaiting its shining moment as the center of the dessert table.
“But you’re going to have to be responsible for it. Can you handle that?”
John was too pleased to have saved his precious pudding to even feel affronted at the implication he was not up to the task of pouring brandy on the thing at intervals. “Yes, of course. I’ll set a reminder.” He patted his pockets, looking for his phone. “So what makes this new one different?”
“White sugar, citrus and pale-coloured fruit. I think I’m going to use a Sauternes, or even a Barsac, wine instead of spirits. Maybe they’ll be petits fours.” He began rummaging for a baking sheet. “Any way, plenty of time to decide on decoration. White chocolate glaze, and. . .candied violets? Doesn’t match the decor.” He frowned toward the sitting room, festooned in shades of dark teal and cherry. It seemed he drifted in thought for a long moment, stock still, the new fruitcake forgotten while he tried to reconcile edible violets with his considerable labour on the decor he’d chosen before they decided to make the Christmas eve drinks thing into a wedding reception. With a quick snap of his head, he reanimated in an instant. “I’ll sort it out.”
“Anything I can do to help?” John offered, by then pressing the lid of the cake tin into place.
“Leave the kitchen.”
“All right.”
“And reserve us a table for dinner somewhere.” Sherlock looked up from the giant bowl where he was beginning to stir together his dry ingredients. He gave John a bright smile. “Thank you.”
“I’ll leave you to it, then.”
Sherlock’s inspiration recipe for wedding fruitcake petit fours.
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Le Château de Myrat à Barsac
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ivan Mozzhukhin in Feu Mathias Pascal  (Marcel L'Herbier, 1926)
Cast: Ivan Mozzhukhin, Marcelle Pradot, Lois Moran, Marthe Mellot, Pauline Carton, Irma Perrot, Mireille Barsac, Michel Simon, Jean Hervé, Pierre Batcheff, Isaure Douvan. Screenplay: Marcel L'Herbier, based on a novel by Luigi Pirandello. Cinematography: Jimmy Berliet, Fédote Bourgasoff, Paul Guichard, René Guichard, Jean Letort, Nikolas Roudakoff. Art direction: Erik Aaes, Alberto Cavalcanti, Lazare Meerson.
Feu Mathias Pascal takes nearly three hours to demonstrate the truth of Kris Kristofferson's observation that "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." Mathias (Ivan Mozzhukhin) is a studious young man working on a magnum opus, The History of Freedom, while the world around him begins to crumble: His widowed mother is cheated out of her home by an unscrupulous magistrate in their small Italian town. Meanwhile, his shy, homely friend Pomino (Michel Simon) wants him to court Romilde (Marcelle Pradot) on his behalf, but she secretly has a crush on Mathias, who falls in love with and marries her. Because Romilde is under the thumb of her shrewish, demanding mother the marriage quickly sours, and when the two people Mathias loves more than any others, his mother and his infant daughter, die, he decides to leave town. In Monte Carlo, he wins a fortune at roulette, but after deciding to go home he learns that he has been declared dead. Embracing this new opportunity for freedom, he goes incognito to Rome, where he spots the pretty Adrienne and, following her home, takes a room that her father has for rent. There's much ado involving a plot to marry Adrienne (Lois Moran) to the odious Terence (Jean Hervé), and in the course of it Mathias realizes that you can't have your freedom and enjoy it too. It's a fascinating mess of a film, with startling shifts in tone from pathos -- the death of Mathias's mother and child -- to Kafkaesque surrealism -- Mathias's stint as an assistant librarian in a dusty, rat-filled jumble of a library -- to romantic comedy -- his rescue of Adrienne from the clutches of Terence and his fake-spiritualist cohorts. The narrative gets a little elliptical, especially toward the end, when Mathias exposes the corrupt magistrate who cheated his mother. But the Russian actor Mozzhukhin is adept at both the pathos of Mathias's life and the Buster Keaton-like deadpan comedy of much of the film, and he's well-supported by the cast, including Simon in one of his earliest roles as Pomino. Filmed on location in San Gimignano, Monte Carlo, and Rome, the movie provides glimpses of such familiar places as the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, and the Forum, strikingly free of traffic and tourists.
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moravskysommelier · 11 days
Tour de France 
Projedeme vinařské oblasti Francie i bez kol!
ČTVRTEK 13. června 2024 v 19.00 vinotéka Břeclav
 nutná rezervace předem
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Moravský sommelier Libor Nazarčuk (trojnásobný sommelierský mistr ČR, trojnásobný mezinárodní mistr Slovenska a vítěz celkem 14 sommelierských soutěží) vás provede světem francouzských vín. Vybral vína jen z vinařství, které navštívil, osobně zná vinaře a jejich vína dováží do ČR. Jako člen Commanderie du Bontemps de Médoc, Graves, Sauternes et Barsac představí nejen vína, ale také jednotlivé oblasti i apelace a přidá své postřehy a zkušenosti z cest po Francii.
Co ochutnáme?
Nemůžeme začít jinak než šumivým vínem, a to nejen Champagne! S víny pak procestujeme celou Francii. Navštívíme šest nejvýznamnějších vinařských oblastí. Ochutnáme Chardonnay z Burgundska, Sauvignon z Loiry nebo Riesling z Alsaska. Za červenými se vydáme k řece Rhôně do Châteauneuf-du-Pape a v Bordeaux porovnáme vína z obou břehů řeky Girodne. Mezi jedenácti víny nebudou chybět ani ta z kategorie Grand cru a také něco z našeho archívu!
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nage-en-mer · 2 months
Mai 2024 - 15 évènements, il faut commencer à faire des choix .
A vos agendas. 8 Événements de Nage avec Palmes prévu en mai 2024 : Samedi 4 et dimanche 5 mai 2024 : les 100 km de la Garonne (randonnée palmée en flotteur) Sur 2 jours : départ de Port-Sainte-Marie – arrivée à Barsac Organisateur : Bordeaux Palmes Aventure ; Site de l’organisateur : https://www.bordeaux-palmes-aventure.fr/ ; Inscription :…
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random-racehorses · 3 months
Random Real Thoroughbred: MOSELLE
MOSELLE is a bay filly born in Argentina in 1912. By BARSAC out of MIMINA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/moselle18
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qkawine · 4 months
Khi nói đến rượu vang, không thể không nhắc đến vùng Bordeaux, một trong những vùng sản xuất rượu vang hàng đầu tại Pháp và trên toàn thế giới. Với danh tiếng của mình, rượu vang Bordeaux luôn là điểm đến của những người yêu thích vang. Trong hành trình khám phá Bordeaux, không thể bỏ qua vùng Sauternes/Barsac. Hãy cùng QKAWine khám phá về rượu vang Sauternes và vùng sản xuất vang nổi tiếng này trong bài viết dưới đây.
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les-degustations-ugo · 8 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, aimez-vous le cépage Malbec ❓❓🇫🇷
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🍇🍷AOC Bordeaux rouge 2020 cuvée Villa Lucanius du @vignoblessiozard 🍇🍷:
🍇 :
50% Malbec
50% Cabernet Sauvignon
Élevage en barriques neuves de chêne Français pendant 12 mois.
📌Héritage de l’ère Gallo-Romaine, la Villa LUCANIUS, domaine viticole ancien, située à proximité du domaine familial, aurait été érigée par le beau-frère du célèbre poète Ausone. Cette cuvée élaborée en hommage à Lucanius📌
13,00 € /bouteille
👁️ :
Robe de couleur rouge soutenu avec des reflets violets.
👃 :
Un nez sur des notes de fruits noirs, épices
💋 :
En bouche, on a vin puissant, mais qui garde beaucoup d'élégance et de complexité. Des tanins ronds apporté par l'élevage en fûts. Sur des arômes de cerises, mûres, myrtilles sauvages, prunes, noisettes torréfiées, épices (la réglisse, le poivre en grain). Une bonne longueur en bouche avec une finale sur une note de mine de crayons.
📜En résumé📜 :
Un vin très réussi, l'élevage est encore présent et apporte de la finesse et de l'onctuosité. Avec quelques années en cave, le boisé devrait être encore plus fondu. Un beau Bordeaux.
🧆Dégusté sur une escalope de dinde et ses champignons de saison 🧆.
🍷Quelques accords mets et vin possible avec cette cuvée🍷 : Cassoulet, Boulettes de veau, Lamproie à la Bordelaise, Cuisse de dinde grillée au barbecue, Echine de porc fumée,.....
📌N'oubliez pas, boire un canon c'est sauver
un vigneron. Allez voir le site internet du domaine pour voir toutes les cuvées et promotions du moment📌.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🗣️Description du @vignoblessiozard 🗣️
✅Aujourd’hui, les frères jumeaux, Laurent & David SIOZARD, représentants de la 6ème génération de viticulteurs sur le domaine, perpétuent une longue tradition familiale.
Animés de la même passion, chacun dans son rôle, une seule ambition guide notre travail : produire une gamme de vins de Bordeaux de qualité, régulière selon les millésimes et pour votre plus grand plaisir !
La découverte il y a quelques années de traces d’habitations gallo romaines non loin du Claouset, laisse à penser que cela fait bien longtemps que l’homme a su tirer parti des qualités agronomiques des sols de l’Entre deux Mers.
Au fil d’acquisitions successives, la Famille Siozard, originaire du Périgord, et installée depuis le début du XIXe siècle sur les rives de la Dordogne, face au célèbre vignoble de Saint-Emilion, exploite une soixantaine d’hectares de vignes.
Implantés également sur le prestigieux terroir de Barsac, nous produisons une gamme complémentaire de liquoreux en appellations Sauternes, Barsac et Graves Supérieures ainsi que des vins des Graves.
Cette longue histoire nous permet aujourd’hui de mieux appréhender notre sol et la typicité de notre terroir afin de vous offrir une gamme de Bordeauxrésolument moderne et répondre aux attentes de chacun tout en conservant un esprit familial et traditionnel.
Labellisé en Agriculture Raisonnée« Terra Vitis » à compter du millésime 2016, conscients de la fragilité de notre environnement naturel, nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour respecter et sauvegarder ce dernier afin de le transmettre à de futures générations de viticulteurs☑️.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, do you like the Malbec grape variety ❓❓🇬🇧
🍇🍷AOC Bordeaux red 2020 vintage Villa Lucanius from @vignoblessiozard 🍇🍷:
50% Malbec
50% Cabernet Sauvignon
Aging in new French oak barrels for 12 months.
📌Heritage from the Gallo-Roman era, Villa LUCANIUS, an ancient wine estate, located near the family estate, was allegedly built by the brother-in-law of the famous poet Ausone. This vintage created in homage to Lucanius📌
Deep red color with purple reflections.
A nose with notes of black fruits, spices
On the palate, we have a powerful wine, but which retains a lot of elegance and complexity. Round tannins provided by aging in barrels. With aromas of cherries, blackberries, wild blueberries, plums, roasted hazelnuts, spices (licorice, peppercorns). Good length in the mouth with a finish on a note of pencil lead.
📜In summary📜:
A very successful wine, the aging is still present and brings finesse and smoothness. With a few years in the cellar, the wood should be even more melted. A beautiful Bordeaux.
🧆Tasted on a turkey escalope and seasonal mushrooms🧆.
🍷Some possible food and wine pairings with this vintage🍷: Cassoulet, Veal meatballs, Lamprey à la Bordelaise, Barbecue-grilled turkey leg, Smoked pork loin,.....
📌Don't forget, drinking a barrel is saving a winemaker. Go to the estate's website to see all the current vintages and promotions📌.
🔞“Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞Most of the wines have been tasted and spat out. Unpaid tasting.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🗣️🇬🇧Description of @vignoblessiozard 🗣️🇬🇧
✅Today, the twin brothers, Laurent & David SIOZARD, representatives of the 6th generation of winegrowers on the estate, continue a long family tradition.
Driven by the same passion, each in his role, a single ambition guides our work: to produce a range of quality Bordeaux wines, regular according to the vintages and for your greatest pleasure!
The discovery a few years ago of traces of Gallo-Roman dwellings not far from Claouset suggests that man has been able to take advantage of the agronomic qualities of the Entre deux Mers soil for a long time.
Over the course of successive acquisitions, the Siozard family, originally from Périgord, and settled since the beginning of the 19th century on the banks of the Dordogne, opposite the famous Saint-Emilion vineyard, has cultivated around sixty hectares of vines.
Also located on the prestigious Barsac terroir, we produce a complementary range of sweet wines in the Sauternes, Barsac and Graves Supérieures appellations as well as Graves wines.
This long history allows us today to better understand our soil and the typicity of our terroir in order to offer you a resolutely modern range of Bordeaux and meet everyone's expectations while maintaining a family and traditional spirit.
Labeled in Raised Agriculture "Terra Vitis" from the 2016 vintage, aware of the fragility of our natural environment, we do everything in our power to respect and safeguard it in order to pass it on to future generations of winegrowers☑️.
🇮🇹 ❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E tu, ti piace il vitigno Malbec ❓❓🇮🇹
🍇🍷AOC Bordeaux rosso 2020 vintage Villa Lucanius di @vignoblessiozard 🍇🍷:
50% Malbec
50% Cabernet Sauvignon
Affinamento in botti nuove di rovere francese per 12 mesi.
📌Patrimonio dell'epoca gallo-romana, Villa LUCANIUS, antica tenuta vinicola, situata nei pressi della tenuta di famiglia, fu presumibilmente costruita dal cognato del famoso poeta Ausone. Questa annata creata in omaggio a Lucanius📌
€ 13,00/bottiglia
Colore rosso intenso con riflessi violacei.
Un naso con note di frutti neri, spezie
Al palato abbiamo un vino potente, ma che conserva molta eleganza e complessità. Tannini rotondi forniti dall'invecchiamento in botti. Con aromi di ciliegie, more, mirtilli selvatici, prugne, nocciole tostate, spezie (liquirizia, pepe in grani). Buona persistenza in bocca con finale su una nota di mina di matita.
📜In sintesi📜:
Vino di grande successo, l'invecchiamento è ancora presente e apporta finezza e morbidezza. Con qualche anno in cantina il legno dovrebbe risultare ancora più sciolto. Un bellissimo Bordeaux.
🧆Degustato su scaloppa di tacchino e funghi di stagione🧆.
🍷Alcuni abbinamenti enogastronomici possibili con questa annata🍷: Cassoulet, Polpette di vitello, Lampreda alla bordolese, Coscia di tacchino alla griglia, Lombo di maiale affumicato,.....
📌Non dimenticare, bere una botte fa risparmiare un enologo. Vai al sito dell'azienda per vedere tutte le annate e le promozioni del momento📌.
🔞“L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione”🔞La maggior parte dei vini è stata assaggiata e sputata. Degustazione non retribuita.
🗣️🇮🇹Descrizione i @vignoblessiozard 🗣️🇮🇹
✅Oggi i fratelli gemelli, Laurent e David SIOZARD, rappresentanti della sesta generazione di viticoltori della tenuta, perpetuano una lunga tradizione di famiglia.
Spinti dalla stessa passione, ognuno nel suo ruolo, un'unica ambizione guida il nostro lavoro: produrre una gamma di vini bordolesi di qualità, regolari secondo le annate e per il vostro più grande piacere!
Il ritrovamento qualche anno fa di tracce di abitazioni gallo-romane non lontano da Claouset suggerisce che l'uomo ha saputo sfruttare da tempo le qualità agronomiche dei suoli dell'Entre deux Mers.
Nel corso delle successive acquisizioni, la famiglia Siozard, originaria del Périgord, e stabilita dall'inizio del XIX secolo sulle rive della Dordogna, di fronte al famoso vigneto di Saint-Emilion, gestisce circa sessanta ettari di vigne.
Situato anche nel prestigioso terroir di Barsac, produciamo una gamma complementare di vini dolci nelle denominazioni Sauternes, Barsac e Graves Supérieures, nonché vini delle Graves.
Questa lunga storia ci permette oggi di comprendere meglio la nostra terra e la tipicità del nostro terroir per offrirvi una gamma decisamente moderna di vini bordolesi e soddisfare le aspettative di tutti mantenendo uno spirito familiare e tradizionale.
Etichettato in Agricoltura Ragionevole "Terra Vitis" dall'annata 2016, consapevoli della fragilità del nostro ambiente naturale, facciamo di tutto per rispettarlo e salvaguardarlo al fine di tramandarlo alle future generazioni di viticoltori ☑️.
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chdanglade · 9 months
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GITE LE VIEUX PRESSOIR BARSAC (33) a 10 ans aujourd'hui !
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