deer-with-a-stick · 1 year
NOT ONLY ARE WE GETTING ATLA LIVE ACTION REMAKE (for the love of the GODS let it be better than that-which-does-not-exist) BUT WE’RE ALSO GETTING 3 BODY PROBLEM I’M SO BEHIND ON NEWS
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goodsirs · 9 days
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3 Body Problem 1.06 "The Stars Our Destination"
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shutupcrime · 2 months
Thoughts on 3 Body Problem before it gets cancelled because Netflix is a joke:
these scientists need to be way more nerdy. One of them mentions watching Rick and Morty and I don’t believe it
Video games needle drop? What in the Lana del ray is this
These aliens are real fucking virtue signallers get over yourselves
A lot of children have been murdered with very little discussion about it
My theory is anyone who was in game of thrones in this is gonna die
What is with Liam Cunningham and the fucking one liners
Benedict Wong kind of just disappears
Jin really slays in period clothing
More doomsday cult action plssss
Anti alien truthers is very real but give us more of that and less of Augie moping
Too many bad monologues
The green screen is atrocious
Wills family sucks
I hope the monkey is ok
Seriously where is mr Wong?
Every time they say sophon I just hear cellphone
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lasaraconor · 2 months
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147-moths · 2 months
lots of people have been saying the exact same thing but honestly netflix's biggest and most frustrating problem is that they really do treat audiences like the biggest of dumbasses. yea we've seen this time and time again but we have two perfect examples rn in the live action atla and 3 body problem. erasing sokka's misogyny and "internationalising" 3 body by?? making everyone british?? perfectly encompass this descent into dumbed-down everything. i get that there would've been people misinterpreting sokka's arc and i get that there would've been people complaining about the chinese names or whatever but by catering to that specific subset of the audience you lose so much nuance and complexity!! but alas, profits.
also one of the major criticisms against the three body problem was the characters being one-dimensional and dull but like. is this better? is shoehorning romantic relationships fucking everywhere better?? what the fuck is up with ye wenjie and mike evans. WHO asked for this. benedict wong as da shi is perfect but why the fuck is his name CLARENCE
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insanityclause · 23 days
What do you think about Shogun potentially moving to drama category in Emmys? I think it would be a bit of a cheat (they just announced S2, which is a shame, the book is done and the best actress and character is not going to come back) but I already read that it would probably hurt Loki/Tom the most. Tbh, Loki show nom is a long but Tom DOES deserve it. Not sure why he is suddenly the one "out"? Sugar made barely any waves and Farrell is there only bc he is Colin Farrell.
Hi Saney, I recently read that the limited series Shōgun will submit into the drama series categories, do you know anything about it? If true, I heard it will be a tough competition..
Honestly, it's such a weird year, I'm not sure that anything's safe (except The Crown). I think everything else is either new or never nominated before.
In terms of series, IF (it hasn't been decided yet afaik) it moves, then it will easily get nominations in all the major categories. The thing is, I've never been confident in almost all of the other contenders, tbh. All have positives and negatives - will it affect Loki, Sugar, The Curse, 3 Body Problem, Fallout? I could see that. Sugar doesn't have a ton of buzz, as first anon said, but it does have Colin. But I personally haven't had it in series for a while. I could also see it pushing The Curse down, because it was divisive, and maybe only Emma Stone gets in. 3BP doesn't really have actors that might get in (maybe Benedict Wong).
In fact, I could even -- and this goes against "conventional" awards pundits -- see The Crown missing a lot, except Series and Supporting Actress, and some writing. I personally go back and forth on Dominic West in Lead Actor, because he didn't get nominated last year, and his role wasn't that great this year. Same with The Gilded Age (same categories). And, with Fallout being so successful, how does that affect Mr. & Mrs. Smith, which wasn't watched by nearly as many people, and presumably would become Amazon's second priority?
Right now, my only sure things in the two main categories are:
The Crown
The Morning Show
Slow Horses
+ 4 from about 6 or 7 other shows
Gary Oldman
Walton Goggins
+ 4 from probably 6 other possibilities that all have positives and negatives
So yes, if it moves, it would make it tougher, but I honestly don't know who it will actually affect. But we'll just have to wait for the TV Academy's decision.
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haroldgross · 2 months
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on https://literaryends.com/hgblog/3-body-problem/
3 Body Problem
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[3.5 stars]
TL;DR: An interesting interpretation that isn’t all I’d hoped but which picked up aspects the previous adaptation didn’t. But I am hooked and want to see where they take it all now that they’ve set up what really interested them in the story. So, yes, you should see it. It isn’t an instant classic, but they’ve, ultimately, built some good bones.
Now the long version: Dune, infamously, had all manner of attempts to adapt it over the years. From the unproduced Jodorowsky, to the Lynch attempt of the 80s, to the dual 200X SyFy Channel entries to, finally, the Villeneuve masterpiece. Like Dune, I think we’re in another decades-long saga of waiting for the person who can do this story right.
I have to admit, I am having a hell of a time getting the book and the Tencent adaptation of the same out of my head enough to give this a clean review. But suffice to say, neither adaptation really nails the full story. And both have aspects they do better than the other. If we could merge the them, we’d get a better overall experience.
The Chinese series excelled at taking its time, really sinking into the pace and structure of the books. Liu created a wonderful slow boil in the books that only slowly revealed itself to the reader. This new version rushes to provide answers, speeding past the suspense and shifts rather than mirroring the whole point. And this is where the latest adaptation reveals itself.
What interested the writers in the newer version is what comes up in the last three episode. Conversely, this is where the Chinese series peters out story-wise (despite one extraordinary moment that both series share). The Netflix version, however, is just getting its legs by the end. Weiss and Benioff (Game of Thrones), along with Alexander Woo, were most intrigued by what comes over the long haul of the story. And it is a great story (Liu got two more brick-sized novels out of it). But the series really compacted too much into the 8 episodes. We never got to enjoy the sense of mystery and the peeling back of the layers. 10 or 12 episodes would have been more appropriate.
But I was thrilled that they provided better motivations for the main instigator of the plot and were less jaundiced in their depiction of history. They also tackled the more complicated aspects of the response to the events of the tale around the world. The Tencent version sort of glossed and then dropped that thread, capturing the despair, but not the long vision of how to deal with it.
But this series also took some liberties with the plot to get it into present day as well as gender-flipped and splintered some characters to create a larger ensemble. Frankly, those changes mostly worked for me, though it was a bit confusing at first knowing the original material. Fortunately, it’s mostly a great cast. Rosalind Chao (Together Together), Benedict Wong (Raya and the Last Dragon), Jovan Adepo (Babylon),  Alex Sharp (Living), Liam Cunningham (The Vault), John Bradley (Moonfall), and Jess Hong are all solid in their roles.
In fact, only Eiza González (Ambulance) didn’t work for me. And boy she didn’t work. Her character, one of the gender flips and splinters, didn’t seem at all to have the intelligence and presence she needed to be at the crux of world-changing events. Emotions, yes, but there was no understanding behind her eyes when she spoke about anything other than that. A cardinal sin in good science fiction.
All of that said, I hope they get to continue the tale. I can’t really give it the clean watch I’d have loved to provide, so I also am not able to properly assess it at the moment. But I am intrigued by where they’re going now that they’ve set up the foundation of what they really wanted to do. I do think they made some major mistakes building the season that way, but perhaps it works better for those that don’t know anything going in? I dearly wish I could combine the two series to get something that better captures the feel of the book and the scope of the story. However, like Dune I suspect we’ll have to wait for another attempt down the road. For now, this is far from bad…just not perhaps everything I’d have hoped. And the subsequent seasons may still succeed in ways I haven’t anticipated.
Where to watch
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lasaraconor · 2 months
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