killuaisaprincess · 7 months
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mellowscrolls · 2 years
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if i EVER manage to capture this exact emotion in words with what i am about to do i shall make myself a wealthy man indeed
(art by t00thpasteface)
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Brb gonna attempt to write. Gotta sit my ass down and work on these WIPs before exams start again in a few weeks-
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corvus--rex · 2 years
I've gotten really frustrated with how much I haven't been writing in the last several months. There are a mountain of reasons why, but even when I can sit down to do it, nothing happens (that part at least probably has something to do with my rampant adhd). This 1k start to the chapter has been sitting in my wip folder for a very long time now, and even though I know where the chapter is going (I have an entire outline ffs) I haven't been able to get anywhere with it. So here it is, as much of it as there is, the beginning of the actual chapter 14 (the rest of it is here)
With Keith’s party over, attention shifted back to the Halloween party over the course of the week.  Everyone was working on their costumes, Acxa informed everyone that she was making cupcakes and that Narti had given her a new drink recipe, and Pidge, being Pidge, had decided that she was going to make an oversized – and functional – pocket watch for her White Rabbit costume.  During a break at Oriande the day after Keith’s actual birthday, Lance checked his messages and jumped into the Halloween group chat immediately.
SilkDancer > The Mad Tea Party
SilkDancer: looks like we’re gonna need to change our party venue
TheRedKing: everything ok?
SilkDancer: I just got a text from my Mami 💖 they’re going to have Nadia and Sylvio for the night and just asked if I’d take them out trick or treating bc Rachel won’t be home in time for it and they always buy a truckload of candy for the neighborhood kids
Cinnamoroll: how do your parents feel about us having our party over there?
SilkDancer: I’ll find out brb
SilkDancer: we’re good
SilkDancer: hey, babe, how do you feel about coming along with me and the kidlets
TheRedKing: I think I’ll survive ;p
PigeonBot6000: we were going to use most of the same decorations for this party.  want us to come get them?
DancingQueen: Melle and I can pack them up and bring them to Oriande so no one has to make an extra trip
SilkDancer: love you Lura ❤
“All right, I think that’s everything,” Allura said as she dropped the last box of decorations into Lance’s trunk the next Monday.
Lance closed said trunk and hopped up onto the back of his car.  “Meh, even if it isn’t this is way more than enough.”
“And we’re all still on for Friday night, yeah?”
“Of course.  Gotta have a pre-party party to make sure everything’s set for the party.  And with that, I need to drag Keith off to see Florona for a last fitting before Friday, and then we’re dropping all this off at my parents’.”
“Give them my love and tell them I miss them,” Allura said as Lance slid off the trunk.
“You’ll see them on Saturday, Lura, but of course I will,” Lance said with a laugh.
Quite honestly, Lance wasn’t sure what he walked into or noticed first when he stepped inside Luxite.  Pidge was on her back-of-chair perch snickering, the familiar buzz of a tattoo machine told him that Matt was with a client, and Shiro and Hunk were setting up a table in the front gallery room ignoring the fact that Keith was sprawled across one of the leather sofas looking like he was completely done with every human alive.  One of the five of them was apparently in an odd music mood that day, the scene in front of him set to a mix of The Pixies and Radiohead.
“What happened in here?” Lance asked, sneaking in beside Pidge.
Pidge explained through barely contained giggles.  “So this guy wanted barbed wire – boring in the first place.  But he wanted it around his neck – they never get them finished.  Ever.  And the best part – he wanted it shaped like a hand with the fingers wrapping around from the back.  I saw the ‘sketch’.  It was awful.  I gotta admit, Keith was pretty patient trying to explain why his idea sucks.”
“What the actual fuck.  Even I think that sounds stupid.  Well, I’d better go rescue him from his own wallowing.  We have to go see Florona for a last fitting before the weekend.”
“We’ve got ours all done, although I did have to talk Matt down from trying to order a cheap fursuit off Amazon.  I love Halloween, really I do, and everything that goes with it, but this thing looked like a possessed Easter Bunny.”
“And on that note…”  Lance said and left Pidge to her giggle fit to drop onto the sofa beside his boyfriend.  He immediately found himself with a lapful of exasperated Alpha burrowing into whatever he could reach.
“Why do people have to be…like that,” Keith mumbled.
“No idea.  I’ve asked myself that every time I deal with an aggressive dance mom.  And as much as I would like to stay and snuggle, we have to get to Flora and then drop everything off at my parents’.  Come on, up.  Frank Black and Thom Yorke are definitely not helping with your mood.”
Keith allowed himself to be dragged off the sofa, pausing only long enough on the way out the door to grab his black leather jacket from where he’d left it on the back of the chair Pidge was perched on.  She smacked his shoulders several times for unsettling her, but he only laughed.
“You can’t hit for shit,” he said, still laughing.
“Nope.  But I know that about myself.  I go for the long game.  Watch your back, Kogane.”
Keith raised a single eyebrow at her while slipping his jacket on.  “You forget that I’m also a younger sibling.  You won’t get me that easily.”
Pidge made a show of examining her nails.  “You say that, but we both know that Shiro is about as subtle as a brick with this kind of thing.”
Lance sneaked in beside her, making her jump.  “Yeah, that’s true, but I’m the baby of five.  And my siblings are that sneaky.  Maybe you should watch your back, Holt.”
“HolyfuckingshitLance,” she wheezed, “Yeah, ok, you might have made a point.  But just the one.  And you can’t be here all the time to protect him.  I’ll get him when he’s not looking.”
Keith snorted.  “I think you forget that we live together.  I’m used to his deviousness.”
Pidge scrunched up her face, shoving at them both.  “Ew.  No.  Go away.  Go to your appointment.  I do not need to hear about Lance and his deviousness.”
“Yeah, babe,” Lance said while pulling Keith toward the door, “I don’t think Pidgey wants to hear about our…deviousness.”
“Oh god!  Ew!  No!  Gross!  Get the fuck out of here!”
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lacuna-at-dawn · 2 years
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
July fic recs? 👀
I loveeee that emoji, it’s so cute and nosy, I respond to it on a visceral level, this is literally me anytime a friend of mine indirects someone (only I cannot unlock the mystery of using emojis on Tumblr, so I just go, “Who ya indirecting //insert nosy emoji eyes//???” Oh, me.) I’m actually a teensy bit behind on some fic in my “to read” pile (longer fic for the most part) because I’m a genius who decided to run a fest in the middle of my biggest work month EVER, but I’m sure I’ll catch up on those outliers soon--in the meantime, I *do* have some fics I read this month that I absolutely loved. Enjoy!!!
I’ll start with the baby I birthed this month, @momrryfest2020!!! I just posted the author reveals, so go here and read every single one of 'em, holy SHIT, they’re so good!!! Lactation! Regular mom stuff! Pregnancy hi-jinks! Insanely amazing pairings!!! Definitely worth the time, they’re all short! And as a related bonus, two superstars originally wrote longer fic, withdrew those stories, posted them outside the fest, THEN CAME BACK and wrote shorter ones so we’d have a full roster--my heart swells every time I think about it, tbh. So yes, highly recommend Donor-Conceived by @jaerie and The Baby Whisperer by @jacaranda-bloom!!
Shot, by @sashinalash, 751 words, Harry/Louis. This is part of the @wordplayfics challenge, and I think it’s one of my faves??? A stream of consciousness that describes the chaos of Harry’s camera roll.
Knife’s Edge, by @sadaveniren, 1.4k, Harry/Louis. Another one in the wordplay series, but ALSO part of this author’s series about people on the BDSM scene who are also parents. Each installment is a gem, but this one? NICE!!!!!
serotonin stole the moment, the best of me was left under the bedsheets, by publunchesownmyass, 2.5k, Harry/Louis. One of my fave newer authors, I’m so glad I subscribe because I was blessed with so much this month? Perfectly bite-sized, too!! This one imagines a BTS during one of Louis’s recent interviews (with sexi results).
Girl you can bend me, shape me, make me, by enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 3.5k, Harry/Louis. Godddd, I love Asia, who said, u know what? I’ll write a bl fic, but Harry’s gonna be massively pregnant, and it’s gonna kill every annoying characterization in the genre, and I think that’s neat (p.s. I LOVE YOU, ASIA)
i moustache you a question, but i’ll shave it for later, by adoreloux, 3.9k, Harry/Louis. The banter in this one, all the names Louis has for Harry with a 70s porn stache, good stuff!
Dreams and Stars, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 4k, Gimli/Legolas. Look, these people could be called Barfli/Armslice, and I’d still read it and LOVE IT, and I’m still bowled over that this is only one of 150 or so E fics in this pairing??? It ticks so many boxes, I’m really fascinated with the rest, tbh.
the one that keeps the dream alive from the morning, past the evening, by publunchesownmyass, 4.3k, Harry/Louis. Banter banter banter, this author and dialogue, swoon!! 90s AU? Swoon even more!!
Compromised, by AlchemyAlice, 5.7k, Napoleon/Illya. I literally YELLED when I got this notification, one of my favorite series authors posted something new??? That’s old/unreleased? But new? BRB, gotta reread that collaring series!
mon petit, little one, by publunchesownmyass, 5.6k, Harry/Louis. I think there are least three (3) seriously great fics about Harry getting fucked in that sweater, and i am here for ALL OF THEM, two of my fave fandom authors have now done it, even better! YESSSSSSS!
All Night Long, by objectlesson/ @alienfuckeronmain, 62k, Bard/Bofur. This one’s a wip, and I’m hashtag blessed I get to edit and thus get all the sneakpeeks and ability to yell in the google doc about it, IT IS SO GOOD!! Oh, Bofur! Oh, Bard! HIGHLY RECOMMEND, you definitely don’t need to see the movie to fall in love with this story and these two dum-dums.
....and I literally just started to look at A Sweeter Place, by anonymous, which is older Harry/Louis and one of the ones in the “to read” pile, so you’re getting an up-to-the-minute snapshot, ha!
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tirednotflirting · 3 years
yayyy questions time !! 8, 9 for pretty venom fic my beloved, 10 for you're the one to help me get to sleep etc, 17 (post another!!), 29, 44 yes this is a lot thank you for your service i love youuuu xoxo bella
i love YOU!!! and oh boy so many! lemme go get my tea before i start brb
alright i’m back (okay this got long so we’re gonna throw it under a read more lol
8. Where do you take your inspiration from?
this was actually somewhat difficult to nail down i gotta say. but i think it kinda comes down to about three things: good tunes, moments in life that made me feel things, and other people’s writing. like so much of what i write is basically songfic like it’s what speaks to my mostly. esp w all the taylor stuff like she songwrites in such a storytelling kinda way i can’t resist. there’s a few different fics i have (or have since deleted) that are drawn like. pretty damn directly from stuff that’s happened kinda in my own life (the 1 lashton, austin jalex, etc) and i think it’s actually been kinda good to sorta take those moments and look at them from an outside perspective like that idk. and i think i pull Vibes(TM) from other people’s writing quite a bit. stuff like emo lashton taught me a lot about how writing intimacy in a variety of ways works and like meghna’s stuff like starlight fic rlly showed me the power of playing w time in your writing and also just making every moment so big and loud even when it’s quiet. this was a long answer lol
9. In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote? (for but it’s clear when it hits me)
this fic is really only like two scenes but like this chunk from that fic is my favorite bit and was also the first part of it that i wrote, fun fact:
Alex moves to stand but Jack drops a hand to his knee and their eyes meet, Alex’s holding a question. He parts his lips to ask it but Jack beats him to it again. “Can I stay with you tonight? This tune’s kinda put me in a weird mood now and I just,” he pauses and his eyes drift from Alex’s. “Just want to stay with you.”
He picks up Jack’s hand and lets their fingers tangle together before lifting them up to press his lips to Jack’s knuckles. “Always.”
They head in the direction of the stairs, leaving the guitar and journal resting out since the living room was already in a state of musical chaos. Jack’s exhaustion is obvious from his shuffled motions as they move up the steps and Alex laughs softly, these hours not unfamiliar to his racing thoughts, though he knows that obviously can’t be the norm for everyone. He lets a hand move to press against the bottom of Jack’s back and guides them in the direction of his room once they hit the top step.
fairly certain that i also kinda reused part of the last paragraph in a different fic (the one where jack is sitting around waiting for alex’s fight to get in) but it was pretty so i just kept it in both lkfjdsl
10. In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind? (for you're the one to help me get to sleep // maybe i fell in love when you woke me up)
okay so this one is fun! my favorite things to write (and what i kinda think i write best tbh) is either going to sleep scenes or waking up scenes and so i had the wild idea of throwing both of those into one piece and having each one be from a different POV. really liked the idea, i remember i wrote the first half and got a little burnt out by it, had you read it, and then you confirmed it didn’t suck so i was able to keep going. but i hadn’t played around with like pulling a metaphor across a piece in awhile (like i do it in little ways but the last time i had really gone for it w that was 1973 fic) so i had the idea of starting and ending each scene with corresponding lines. 
the first line in each one was easy to work with:
The sun is just beginning to set over LA and Alex is in love.
It’s pouring down rain in Maryland and Jack is in love. 
but i really struggled with getting the last lines to coordinate in a similar way and have it not sound too clunky. like i’m telling you i spent way too fucking long figuring out how tf to phrase the one i ended up using for alex’s section.
And maybe that’s what love is, falling asleep already in a dream.
And maybe that’s what love is, waking up to the beginning of another dream.
but i’m genuinely so fucking proud of how it ended up working out like of all of my fics this one felt like it really covered all my favorite things about my writing.
17. Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
lmao okay lemme see what we got here
He laughs along with Alex while he tells him about the elaborate excuses he gets for late homework and tries to ignore the electricity he feels run up the entire length of his body when their feet knock together below the bar.
yeah that’s a good one there we go
29. Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
lol so total honesty, even if like, a couple of you in the club read my stuff and found even a glimmer of joy in it that would be enough for me (and i know the audience we’re working with here is already pretty limited) but probably either and we'd both stay out 'til the morning light (just bc it’s just fucking pretty imo and definitely one of the most well written pieces i have) or i can picture it after all these days aka all too well fic that i wrote w @reveriesofawriter. like i know it’s sad but fucking hell it’s a damn good fic 
44. What is the last line you wrote?
the last actual line i wrote was whatever the last line was in the paper rings merrikat from the other day. HOWEVER, last line that i have no shared w the internet yet is: 
It’s a sight he feels like he could look at for days despite the tiny voice in his head telling him to consider pumping the brakes a little. “Looking forward to it.”
boy that was a lot! thanks for the questions my love x
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