dreamerwitches · 1 month
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Here are the new factor of despair witches!
Zola…. I expected more of you…
Oooeeee yes yes yes!!
Right first thoughts are: Unsure how I feel about Andreana, she looks too busy..?? I love Cendrillon, Maura is still just curtains, I wasn't expecting a crib for Delanna, yeah Zola is disappointing (I did better), Heidesommer is also a little disappointing, I think Elfriede is super beautiful
I'll probably do a deep dive like I did the last ones a little later
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duckbuttsurvivor · 7 years
You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your mp3 player, itunes, spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs & then tag 10 people, no skipping !!! Remember to REPOST, not REBLOG !!!
1) Panda Hero - Shion Kaito 2) Help!!! -Hell side- MM! 3)  Jungle wa itsumo - Hare & Guu 4) Candrillon - Kaito + Miku 5) Naruto Main Theme 6) Self-Inflicted Achromatic  7)  Imperial Capital Agniratha 8) Grip 9) Underhanded Rangers 10) Alice of human sacrifice
Tagged by: @kusunokihime
Tagging: anyone else who wants to do it ; v ;
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dreamerwitches · 24 days
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Kit takes a shot at redoing witches part twoooo! Like before, this is my fixes for the witches, designing them solely on the doppels (or anime appearance)
Elfriede. Not too many complaints aside from balloon baby hand. Thinner hands, dress and neck are more like the doppel and i had the nails dripping on her ‘legs’ just for fun tee hee. I added arms cause I was worried it looked too much just like her doppel. On the fence about them, too much?
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Zola! This was mostly just refining my pixel art version. Added the mouth I wanted as well as the gate headpiece. I think the headpiece would be too crowded in my pixel art but it might work for the full thing. I know the anime one doesn’t have the mouth but its cool okay?
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Andreana. Struggled with her, I just didnt really know what to add to make it better… i liked the pose for nanaka so I stole it. Her legs are made out of ribbons from the bookmarks. Had her head cut off for a little spooky tee hee. She probably cuts so much she accidentally cuts off her limbs over time
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Maura. The boring curtain. Tried my darn best to make her not boring. Behind her curtain would always be shadow with a strange figure behind it you can never quite see.
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Heidesommer. I had a vision for her and I think its fun. I was inspired by may day and fertility rituals and such. She’s like a maypole and her familiars are the dancers. She’d still have her mass of flowers, I just didnt want to draw it all
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Cendrillon. Another I had fun with! Why does she look nothing like her full witch..? Cause her witch looks nothing like her doppel….. Ran with the cinderella theme. This is one where I didnt really follow the anime appearance cuz um… shes Cinderella she needs a BIG. DRESS. Plus, i think her hair should stay as her head. Plus plus I think the one leg works better. I do miss the creepy faces so that might go on her body, I just missed it here. Her familiars will have the bird theme instead
Where’s Delanna? Eh, I thought her witch was fine and wasn’t totally interested in changing it
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dreamerwitches · 2 years
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Doppel concept art and descriptions from the Magia Archive Volume 1
Scans by Silvermoon424, thank you so much for your effort in scanning these!
(found from here)
Changes: Giovanna doesnt have the two puffballs on her ‘shoulders’ yet
Campanella has different eye and top designs. The early designs on the left are really cool, could the furthest left be her true witch..?
Concept Yu hong isn’t as detailed on the balloon bit
Beatrice is barely changed but the silver parts seem to be golden in the final version
Theresia seems unchanged
Elfriede’s fingers are paler/uncoloured in the concept. Certain patterns on her dress change too. I quite liked the old spotty underskirt
Cendrillon has a necklace in the final version and the colours change a little. I like seeing the sketches of her attacks and moves :)
Zola is unchanged but there’s a dope big body drawing below her. I love it a lot~
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