#Dr Collingwood
atinyladybug-art · 3 months
Second redesign! This time it's Dr Collingwood
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My version!
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I think she should dress up more like a Kindergarten Teacher especially given her position as Head Researcher for SCP 999? Like that thing is a developing child so like. Colourful stuff for child development.
Anyways her clothing is vibrant, lifely and colourful but in a soothing way. She also embroidered her mom jeans. Sneakers to move around easily as well.
Also this entire redesign thing is just an excuse to draw 999 in a see-through pet carrier bag hehe.
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shufflet · 1 year
Do you ever get obsessed over a youtube series?
Even though the series hasn't updated in a while. I'm still speculating on the series. Hoping I can get better at humans so maybe I'll make fan art someday.
I'm making headcannons and attempting to learn human art after watching Tales of the Foundation a lot more than reasonably healthy XD
I really like Dr Buck and Dr Collingwood a lot.
Because of the Dracula Factory episode I have a lot of guessing of what Dr Buck used to do. Seeing her handle the specimen in that episode made me wonder if she was a veterinarian at some point. Perhaps even a marine biologist because of her IDing of the lamprey makes me wonder if she has a background studying deep sea stuff? Could you imagine being a marine biologist and learning some organization wants you to identify an actual land lamprey species that hunt humans? (Look I know in the actual scp file for the scp 2191 the Dracula Factory creatures are considered related to humans but the idea of a land lamprey species is terrifying and fascinating).
I like to think Dr Collingwood has a background in psychology because of all the way she questions people. She is very calm usually in the earlier episodes. There doesn't seem to be much about her beyond her assignments. Though maybe I overlooked something?
Agent Lawrence is kinda neat too when you learn he used to be an electrician. Wonder if he saw something while repairing a customer's electronics? Or did the Scp Foundation just like hired the guy and later learned he was a good fighter or something? That would be shocking. One moment you're repairing a blown circuit at your new job, next moment a big monster or some other supernatural entity is breathing down the back of your neck. Like that would be scary but kinda funny in a way. That's like one way to get promoted.
I dont really know much about Carson though. I think he keeps his face covered after enough things attacked his face and head area. So I don't think he's the type to show off much.
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tired-jonah · 1 year
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Just Dr. Collingwood being tickled by SCP-999
(I literally wish I was Dr. Collingwood, bro let me interact with SCP-999😭)
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trashyswitch · 8 months
Day 4: Weak Spot
Dr. Collingwood is an SCP-Foundation researcher, who had been given the file of SCP-999. She is ordered to research her. And what better way to know your SCP, then to meet them?
Day 4...Once again, late. Sorry. Hope you enjoy.
Dr. Collingwood: “Hello. This is Dr. Isabelle Collingwood. It is June 10, at 5:53pm EST. Today is my first day as head researcher of SCP-999, and I will be taking the first step in this job by meeting the creature directly. I have already gone through 999’s file and read through the information provided to me by [DATA EXPUNGED], so I feel thoroughly prepared to meet this lovable creature.” 
She walks into the room and looks around for the creature. She isn’t able to find the creature at first…until she feels something nuzzling the back of her leg. She looks down and locks eyes with the creature’s beady eyes.
999: (curious gurgles) 
Dr. Collingwood: “Oh! Hello. You must be SCP-999.”
999: (claps pseudopods and eagerly gurgles) 
Dr. Collingwood watches as the creature jumps up onto her. She grabs 999 with her hands, and feels the creature’s consistency. 
Dr. Collingwood: “Fascinating…he really does feel like orange peanut butter. I am hesitant…and unsure what to think of this creature being confirmed to be the result of [DATA EXPUNGED]. If the email was true…then this makes everything about [DATA EXPUNGED] even more confusing.” 
999: (blinks and tilts head, making curious gurgles and coos)
Dr. Collingwood: (smiles) “But that doesn’t matter right now.” (hugs 999) “My name is Dr. Collingwood.” 
999: (cheerful gurgles and bounces in her arms) 
Dr. Collingwood: I feel…happy and comfortable. Is this the mild euphoria that was described in the file?” 
999 begins to wrap its pseudopods around her shoulders and snuggle its face into Dr. Collingwood’s chest, letting out soft gurgles.  
Dr. Collingwood: “I…I-It’s so cute and loving…” (takes a deep breath) “Focus, Isabelle. This is just for research purposes. You’re just here to meet it…maybe play with it a little…and go.” 
999 proceeds to enwrap Dr. Collingwood in its gelatin-like body. 
Dr. Collingwood: “Oh…oh goodness.” (takes the moment to feel 999 against her body) I feel like I can physically swim within this creature…The creature is not liquidy, but it’s not solid either…” (tilts head) it feels like something in between? Like partly hardened jello.” 
999: (gurgles playfully and begins jiggling around, presumably tickling the doctor) 
Dr. Collingwood: (squeaks) “Oho GOHOHOD-!” (throws head back and laughs)
999: (smiles brightly) 
Dr. Collingwood: “IHIS THIS THEHEHE TIHICKLE WREHEHESTLING?” (continues laughing)
999: (coos and gurgles with excitement) 
999: (nuzzles its face into Dr. Collingwood’s neck) Dr. Collingwood: “HOHOLD OHON-” (Cackles loudly) NAHAT THERE! MY ONE WEHEAKNESS!” 
999: (gurgles excitedly and almost begins to imitate her laughter) 
Dr. Collingwood: (wiggles around) “YOU’RE SOHOHO STROHONG! IHIHI’M S-SURPRISED!”
999: (coos proudly) 
999 stopped tickling Dr. Collingwood, and freed her. Dr. Collingwood looked at her clothes and dusted herself off. 
Dr. Collingwood: “I guess SCP-999 doesn’t leave any residue behind.” 
The door opens, revealing Dr. Bright. He walks into the room with Necco™ wafers in a bowl. He grabs the empty bowl from the ground and puts the filled bowl down before noticing Dr. Collingwood in the room with him. 
Dr. Bright: (Pauses) “Oh, hi. I didn’t expect there to be someone else in here.” 
Dr. Collingwood: “Hello there. My name is Dr. Isabelle Collingwood. I’ve been assigned to do further research into SCP-999’s origins.” (offers hand) 
Dr. Bright: (shakes hand) “Dr. Bright. Director of Site-17, Site-19, and Site-63.” 
Dr. Collingwood: Oh! You’re Dr. Bright! Pleasure to meet you.” 
Dr. Bright: “Yeah, yeah. I’m just here to feed 999 since no one else has done it yet.” 
999 slithered up to Dr. Bright and wrapped its pseudopods around Dr. Bright in an attempt to show him love. 
Dr. Bright: “Yeah, hello 999. I brought you one of your favorite foods. Hope you enjoy.” 
999: (gurgles with confusion and follows Dr. Bright) 
Dr. Collingwood: “You don't want to stay longer?” 
Dr. Bright: “Nah, I’m good. Not really in the mood.” 
999 wrapped its pseudopods around Dr. Bright really quickly, pulling him away from the door. 
Dr. Bright: “999, unhand me right now!” 
999: (excited gurgles) 
Dr. Collingwood: (giggles) “I guess 999 wants to play with you too.” 
Dr. Bright: “Well, I have work. And you do too, Ms. Collingwood. A-ACK-!” 
Dr. Collingwood sighs and attempts to rescue Dr. Bright from 999. But her attempts are fruitless the moment 999 engulfs the doctor in its gelatin mass. 
Dr. Bright: “Uh oh- WAHAIT!” (Starts laughing) “CUHUT IT OUT!” 
999: (coos and imitates laughter) 
Dr. Collingwood: “999, please let him go.” 
999: (coos with puppy-like confusion) 
Dr. Bright: “PLEHEASE STOP!” (gasp) “Ohno-OHNO- NOT THERE! NOHOHO-” (cackles)
Dr. Collingwood: “999, he’s not in the mood to play with you.” 
999 looks at Dr. Collingwood with puppy-like distress and lets out whimpers of sadness. Though note that it’s a little hard to hear 999’s whimpers with Dr. Bright’s laughter filling up the room.
Dr. Collingwood: “If you want, I can play with you for a bit. But only if you let Dr. Bright go.” 
999: (looks up) 
Dr. Collingwood: “I promise.” 
999: (slowly smiles and lets Dr. Bright go) 
Dr. Collingwood: “Thank you, 999.” 
Dr. Bright: (Dusts himself off) “Thank you, Dr. Collingwood.” 
Dr. Collingwood: “You’re welcome. Glad I can help out a coworker.” 
Dr. Bright: “Mhm.” 
999 slides up to Dr. Bright and rubs itself against him, whimpering with an apologetic expression on his face. Dr. Bright looks somewhat unphased. 
Dr. Bright: “999…” (sighs) “Fine. But only one hug.” (hugs 999) 
999 gurgles a little more happily and wraps his pseudopods around him for a minute. When Dr. Bright attempts to let go, 999 lets him go and backs away. 
Dr. Bright: (walks to door) “Okay. You may spend your time researching and observing 999. However, we close 999’s pen between 8pm or 9pm for sleeping hours.” 
Dr. Collingwood: “Okay. Thank you.” 
Dr. Bright: “Bye.” (exits the room) 
999 slides to Dr. Collingwood and pokes her lower back. This catches Dr. Collingwood off guard, making her jump and involuntarily giggle. 
Dr. Collingwood: “WAH!” (laughs) (turns around) “I guess you found my weak spot again.” 
999: (gurgles happily) (pokes it again)
Dr. Collingwood: “I’m guessing you wanna tickle it again?” 
999: (gurgles and coos with excitement) 
Dr. Collingwood: “Alright, alright.” (lays down) “Okay. Go for it.” 
999 wraps his pseudopods and part of his body around Dr. Collingwood and nuzzles her cheek with a third pseudopod. We can safely assume that 999 is tickling Dr. Collingwood, due to the abrupt laughing fits that fill the room not long after. 
Dr. Collingwood: (laughter) “Yohohou’re so playful!” 
999: (elated gurgles) 
Dr. Collingwood: “Ahand smart too!” 
999: (coos softly) 
999 begins to hug Dr. Collingwood, nuzzling its cheek against her shoulder. She lets herself giggle as she hugs 999 back for a while. At 7:54, Dr. Collingwood says goodbye to the creature, and leaves the pen. 
Memo from Dr. Collingwood: “The creature is the sweetest little thing. It’s almost impossible to see 999 and link it to such horrifying origins. I suppose we can say that 999 is something good to come out of [DATA EXPUNGED]. I look forward to my next visit with 999. For now, I have some more research to do.” 
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kwebtv · 3 months
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From the Golden Age of Television
An Almanac of Liberty - CBS - November 8, 1954
A presentation of "Westinghouse Studio One" Season 7 Episode 8
Running Time: 60 minutes
Written By Reginald Rose
Directed by Paul Nickell
Narrated by Charles Collingwood
P. J. Kelly as Mr. Neary
Archie Smith as Harmon
Ethel Everett as Mrs. Church
Bruce Marshall a Mikey
Ginger MacManus as Susie
Florence Sundstrom as Ottilie Sweetser
Brandon Peters as Horace Sweetser
Dorothy Patten as Matty Wilkinson
Karl Lukas as Hank
Jack MacGregor as Sam Hunt
Clarice Blackburn as Sybil Hunt
Fred Herrick a Ted Franklin
Gene Sultan as Billy Sweetser
James Winslow as Dr. Slattery
Eli Mintz as Mr. Nathan
Frieda Altman as Mrs. Nathan
Lawrence Fletcher as George Wilkinson
Lee Richardson as Ben Philips
Sandy Kenyon as John Carter
Martin Rudy as Mr. Falion
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Since the form is now live...
here are the number of nominations for each entry
Mother Gothel - 35
Odalia Blight - 19
Lusamine - 18
Prospera Mercury/Elnora Samaya - 14
Mrs. Asahina/Mafuyu’s mother - 12
Shadow Weaver - 10
Other Mother/The Beldam - 9
Morgan Fey - 9
Rosa Ushiromiya - 9
Beatrice Horseman - 7
Yu Ziyuan - 7
Margaret White - 7
Marisa Coulter - 7
Rainflower - 7
Lucille Bluth - 7
Medusa Gorgon - 7
Lady Tremaine - 6
Naomi Bunch - 6
Mary Keay - 5
Adora Crellin - 5 this marks the end of the 5+ nominations. I chose from remaining characters based on the arguments presented in their submissions and my own familiarity with them
Cersei Lannister - 4
Alice Smith/Cooper - 4
Pelleamena Novenarius - 4
Your mom - 3
Caroline Collingwood - 3
Zira - 3
The Godmother - 3
Cora Mills - 3
Kikyo Zoldyck - 2
Dorothy Walker - 2
Fairy Godmother - 2 note: this was a weaker nomination but it was too funny to exclude sorry
Highly nominated contestants that did not qualify:
Charlotte Linlin - 8: although she got a high number of submissions, I decided not to include her because of her character design and concept, which as a fat person made me extremely uncomfortable
Commander Wake - 6: she got more nominations than Pelleamena Novenarius, but she lost in preliminaries to her
Ragyo Kiryuin - 5: she got enough nominations to be included, but I decided to avoid nominations who were submitted for reasons related to sexual violence
Dr. Carmilla: according to fan input, she is unsuited to the poll and has been removed
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ratherembarrassing · 1 year
Hello, my well traveled Australian-would you have any recommendations for cafes or restaurants to visit in Melbourne? Also, on the off chance any recommendations for any places worth visiting in San Francisco? Hope the weather is treating you well down south (it is pretty disgustingly humid up in Brissey atm, with absolutely no sign of any actual summer afternoon thunderstorms).
hello! as always, these things really depend on what you are into, but here are some suggestions.
melboure food:
sorry this is almost entirely in the inner north.
literally my favourite place is falco on smith street, which is technically a bakery and where i buy my bread and coffee at least once a week. their toasties are fabulous, i cannot recommend them enough, and they do a meat pie that tastes like a cheeseburger that's incredible.
the current trend is sandos, so there are lots of great lunch places at the mo. a highlight is hector's, who also do a great breakfast sando. they have a few locations, but they just opened in fitzroy.
now some proper brunch recs: mavis the grocer in abbotsford; terror twilight in collingwood; bentwood in fitzroy; faraday's cage also in fitzroy; humble rays in carlton.
restaurants: sezar in the cbd (one of the best meals of my life was here); mejico in the cbd; waiters club in the cbd; hu tong dumpling bar (when i lived in the cbd i practically lived here, their xiaolongbao is chefs kiss); gingerboy in the cbd.
some good pubs/bars: the napier in fitzroy; dr morse in abbotsford (also fun for brunch); embla in the cbd.
after dinner drinks and a cigar if you're into that sort of thing: siglo.
san francisco recs:
i've only been here a couple of times and the last time was 2009, so. a grain of salt from a trip when i was but a poor uni student.
museums: the de young; california academy of science (for the planetarium! if you are into those). these are both in golden gate park, so you can combine adventures.
food: this is more a fun touristy thing, but i love mel's diner for both the fun american diner experience and also the movie history experience. somewhere in my house are the cardboard cars your fries come in.
general touristy walk arounds: berkeley is rad, and if you have a car, the berkeley rose garden is one of my favourite places on earth.
adventures nearby: if you have a car, go for a drive over the golden gate bridge (fun in and of itself, especially if the fog is low) and head north to see the giant trees. i've never seen anything in australia that compares.
again you need a car for this, but do the bendy street!
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
cult members and NPC infos for mobile, long so behind a cut as always
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Cult stuff and possession nav
Possession timeline and lore for mobile Azathoth info and traits for mobile Azathoth powers for mobile
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Cult members and NPC info
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Dr. Arthur Friedkin
Leader of the cult of Azathoth, 1940s *01/05/1900- +08/16/1948
"Dr Arthur Friedkin was a Harvard graduate neurologist who was Collingwood's head physician from 1937 to 1948. He was famous for his work in experimental brain surgery. He was a major advocate of prefrontal lobotomy. Under Friedkin's supervision, there were about 140 lobotomies." - Morgan Turner, March 2003
Born in the year 1900, Arthur Friedkin grew up in a world all too familiar with death and suffering. Losing his father in the first world war and his mother to the influenza pandemic of 1918, the young Bostonian wanted to get answers just like anybody else in that time period. All thanks to the US' spiritualism craze around 1920, he became fascinated by the occult. Seances, spirit boards and spirit photography were an exciting opportunity and distraction from all that death.
The birth of his son Sean Everett Friedkin in the year 1921 marked a happier period in his life, and his acceptance into Harvard and a detailed dive into the world of neurology turned Friedkin away from the occult at least for a little while. Nevertheless, he remained an avid reader of works of fiction similiar to Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft, whose focus on cosmicism and scientific horror fascinated him especially. And even though he was a doting father and seemingly a 'family man' through and through, Friedkin's general misantrophy and generally cold and methodic approach in his field were somewhat infamous.
Friedkin moved to Maryland in 1933 and worked as Neurologist at Danver's State Hospital. When his wife became pregnant with their fifth child, they decided to leave the city and move into a spacious subburbian mansion in Ryerson Valley, a quiet little town known for its gigantic psychiatric hospital. Friedkin became part of Collingwood's medical staff in 1935 and was subsequently appointed head physician in 1937.
Since the state's focus was primarily set on Danver's State Hospital, being in charge of Collingwood allowed the neurologist, who was much younger than most his peers, to start experimenting with new and questionable procedures on the surplus of patients his hospital provided.
After the loss of his son, Friedkin founded the cult of Azathoth within the walls of his hospital and began experimenting with the idea of disrupting the veil between the real world and the spirit world. See more details for that in my detailed possession timeline.
On August 16th, 1948 six patients broke out of their room, freed more of their fellow inmates and wrecked havoc inside Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital. In the chaos, Arthur Friedkin was killed by one of the patients, Lance Preston.
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The Cult
Friedkin's nursing staff, 1940s
Death, as fate would have it, would never stay far away from Arthur Friedkin, this time with a twist of irony. At the age of just 21, his first born son Sean was drafted into the US military to fight in World War II. The horrors he witnessed during that time left the sensible young man shell-shocked and damaged beyond repair. Severe PTSD, depression and psychosis were taking their toll on his mind, and despite having learned so much from his father in the field of psychology and even wanting to become a neurologist himself after the war, all hope was lost.(keep scrolling)
Sean Everett Friedkin committed suicide just three years into his military service abroad. Running straight into enemy territory and getting torn apart by heavy artillery fire, leaving his father without a body to bury, without closure, without answers, and utterly devastated. With his belief in the ability to cure mental illness shattered, and succumbing to madness himself, Friedkin once again turned to occultism to search for a solution to destroy the monster that was insanity and death once and for all.
Due to the horrors of world war II and many men lost to the battlefields abroad or on their own soil, it was not hard for the charismatic neurosurgeon to find like-minded souls within his own staff. Nurses and orderlies alike had lost loved ones and family as well and were desperate to see them return. Ever surrounded by the madness of an overcrowded insane asylum, with many patients dumped and forgotten in their care, Friedkin soon decided to combine pseudo-science with his occult beliefs. Delusions of grandeur dictated that together with new surgical treatments for the insane, they could not only cure insanity, but death itself.
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Their God
Azathoth and Nyarlathotep ∞
"Outside the ordered universe is that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity, the boundless demon sultan Azathoth whose name no lips dare speak aloud and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable unlighted chambers beyond time and space, amidst the muffled maddening beating of vile drums.”
A man of science from an early age, Friedkin never believed in any conventional gods or common religions such as Christianity. Instead, he became obsessed with the Cosmic horrors described in H.P. Lovecraft's works, the most powerful Outer Gods in particular. Ever linked to psychology and insanity, Friedkin took a special interest in the likes of Azathoth and its offspring Nyarlathotep. Even seeing himself as the human embodiment of 'The Cold One', and his deceased first born as the reincarnation of 'The Crawling Chaos'.
Azathoth, known as 'The Blind Idiot God', 'Nuclear Chaos' or 'Demon Sultan' is a supreme omnipotent being. It is a significant malign presence in the Necronomicon as both Albert Wilmarth (HPL: "The Whisperer in Darkness") and Walter Gilman (HPL: "The Dreams in the Witch House") are horrified at the mere mention of its name having both read about it in the occult tome.
There is no definite description of Azathoth because everybody envisions it differently and it is always changing. According to some accounts, it is a huge sentient black hole. Among its many followers, "obscene rites" were often performed that involved "atrocities practiced on still-living victims".
Nyarlathotep, known as 'The Crawling Chaos' is a supreme omnipotent being as well, a direct offspring of Azathoth's. He differs from the other deities in the Lovecraft's Mythos in a number of ways. Most of the Outer Gods, like his father Azathoth, are exiled to the stars, Nyarlathotep, however, is active and frequently walks the Earth in the guise of a human being, usually a tall, slim, joyous man. He has "a thousand" other forms and manifestations, many reputed to be quite horrific and sanity-blasting.
Most Outer Gods use strange alien languages, while Nyarlathotep uses human languages and can easily pass for a human being if he chooses to do so. Finally, most of them are all-powerful yet evidently without clear purpose or agenda, yet Nyarlathotep seems to be deliberately deceptive and manipulative, and even uses propaganda to achieve his goals.
Unlike the other Outer Gods, spreading madness is more important and enjoyable than death and destruction to Nyarlathotep. It is suggested by some that he will destroy the human race and possibly the earth as well.
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Brenda Peterson
Head nurse and member of the cult of Azathoth, 1940s *10/28/1905 - +08/16/1948
Brenda Peterson was born in Baltimore in 1902. The eldest of 9 daughters, Brenda faced the brute force and hatred of her father from an early age. A failed physician with an alcohol problem. Throughout the remainder of his failed life and with their family left in poverty, Brenda's father pushed hard for her to make it into the medical field, knowing that even though his daughter would never become a successful doctor herself, nurses and other medical staff were well sought after during the first world war.
Life in poverty as well as the ongoing abuse from her father rendered Brenda a bitter, violent woman with a sadistic streak. Feared among the patients she looked after and her peers alike, Brenda's steely attitude and work ethic made it possible for her to become head nurse at Collingwood Psychiatric hospital in 1941.
It was there that she began idolizing Dr. Arthur Friedkin, who represented everything her father failed to achieve in his life. Infatuated, almost obsessed with Friedkin, she soon clung to his every method and teachings, and was the first to join his cult when he founded it. It was her who provided Friedkin with sufficient input on which patient to chose for the next experiment and ritual, and she was also the one to admister sedatives to get their patients where they were needed. Covering their tracks by falsifying patient records and only having members of their cult on the clock whenever a ritual was supposed to take place.
Brenda became so convinced of what they were doing was right and the only way for their world to make it past the 40s, that she too involved her children in Friedkin's teachings and cult from a very early age, leaving the path wide open for future generations of said cult to come.
Brenda was the only other cult member killed along with Friedkin on August 16th, leaving behind her 21 year old son Emmett and her 18 year old daughter Jennifer. With the former continuing on the rites, rituals and beliefs of their cult despite Friedkin's passing.
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Andromeda Peterson
Leader of the cult of Azathoth, 2000s *08/07/1983
Andromeda Peterson is the great-granddaughter of Brenda Peterson. Her grandfather, Emmett, went on to pass along Friedkin's teachings of the cult of Azathoth to his children, and with his entire circle of friends consisting of members of the cult, it came as no surprise that Andromeda, too, would come to believe that the veil between the real world and the spirit world ought to be broken, that chaos and a complete reset of everything that is known and conceivable is the only way for humanity to surpass its misery and death itself.
Coming from a long line of psychiatric nurses, she happens to work not just at Danvers Psychiatric hospital by the time she's 24 years old, but she is also the head of the CPH (short for Collingwood Psychiatric Hospital) historical society. A new, far more inconspicuous name for a cult that is still active and waiting for their most promising experiment and subject to turn back up in their current timeline - Lance Preston, who brought about the death of their original cult leader as well as Andromeda's great-grandmother all the way back in 1948.
With her father's passing in 2015 Andromeda has only just become the new leader of the cult of Azathoth, and just like Brenda, she's a fiercely loyal, cold and sadistic individual who will stop at nothing to unleash their god and teachings upon the world.
By 2016, it seems that her ideals are well on their way of becoming real, when Lance Preston turns back up in their timeline and is brought to her hospital, where she's more than eager to interview him in the name of the CPHHS. Lance is quick to catch on to her and the cult though and runs, leaving Andromeda and the members of her cult no choice but to try and follow him wherever he goes. Eager to catch and kill him so that his body can be fully taken over by their deity.
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Matthew Sinclair
Member of the cult of Azathoth, 2000s *11/30/1986
Matthew Sinclair is another member of the cult of Azathoth and Andromeda's right hand man. Born in 1986 in upstate New York into a rich family of investment bankers, Matthew never felt quite at home where he was. By the time he was 17 years old he ran away from home, and spent the next five years on the road travelling all over the states in order to find himself.
By 2008 he ended up in Baltimore, Maryland, where he crossed paths with Andromeda Peterson and quickly became infatuated with her. Andromeda, a gay woman with no interest in men whatsoever, still saw a chance in using Matthew's infatuation for her own purposes. Promising him a place to stay and a way inside a career he's always wanted, but could never pursue to his lack of credentials and medical training.
Matthew always saw his parents as heartless bloodsuckers without a purpose, and always wanted to help people as a doctor - a career choice they heavily objected, and which ultimately forced him to run away in the first place. Andromeda's family as well as the CPHHS made almost all of his dreams come true the second he walked into their open arms though - providing him with a job at Baltimore Psychiatric Hospital as a janitor, with the prospect of making his way into a nursing position by 2014.
With his ongoing love for Andromeda, the Peterson family paying his rent and having the last say in his employment, Matthew is at the complete mercy of the cult and easily susceptible to its expert brainwashing methods. He soon follows their teachings and beliefs to a T as well, and will stop at nothing to make Andromeda happy.
When Lance Preston turns back up in 2016 Matthew catches glimpse of him and becomes a fullblown believer, convinced that everything the cult and Andromeda have been saying to him about their origins is true and worth pursuing. When Lance flees Baltimore in an attempt to get away from the cult, Andromeda sends Matthew after his known family in Washington and California, where he tries to worm his way into their lives so that the CPHHS has leverage against their most valuable asset yet.
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Police Captain Malcom Hodge
Police detective for Baltimore PD, 2000s *03/03/1962
Captain Malcom Hodge was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. Incredibly involved in his community from a young age, Malcom first wanted to become a fireman, but changed his mind after witnessing severe misdeeds in the local police force and crime scene. Determined to make his hometown a safer, juster place, he pursued a career in law enforcement. Starting out as Valedictorian for his academy, Malcom was quick to climb the ladder, working his way up to Police Captain.
Him and his team have been building a case against the Peterson family for several years now, and as a former Ryerson Valley local, has had a very personal interest in the disappearances of the Grave Encounters crew for the past 13 years as well. With Lance having turned up in his city again and killing a member of the nursing staff at Danver’s Psychiatric Hospital in Baltimore, Hodge and his force are actively trying to recapture him, so they can solve not just the current murder, but the Ryerson Valley cold cases as well.
Unlike his RCMP counterparts, Hodge has a thorough and levelheaded work ethic and believes in uncovering the unfiltered truth, whatever it may be. Whether that ends with him putting Lance behind bars or putting an end to decades of debauchery and torture at the hands of the cult of Azathoth is left to be discovered.
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Kiara Evelyn Miller
The only remaining family *12/10/1987
See thatevester for more detailed infos on her, as well as threads I'm writing for her.
Kiara is Lance's only biological daughter and the accidental result of a onenight stand he had during his first semester at film school. For the first 28 years of her life, Kiara has had no contact with Lance whatsoever.
Born on December 10th 1986 in Santa Barbara, California, Kiara was raised by her doting mother and adoptive father, and only learned about her heritage on her 16th birthday. By the year 2003, Lance promised he'd meet her at least once, but a month before that could ever happen, he vanished off the face of the earth for the next 13 years. Kiara spent her teens and early 20s troubled by severe problems with self worth, and more details about her can be read in her blog bio if interested.
In 2016, she was the first person Lance came back to, hoping to deliver on the promise he made all the way back in 2003. With his mother suffering from severe dementia and having placed in a nursing home, Kiara is pretty much the only family Lance has left, and the years inside Collingwood after losing all of his friends have taught him to appreciate that a lot more.
His choice to come to her has put her in the crossfire though, and it doesn't take long for both Azathoth as well as its cult to show an immense interest in her, hoping to use her as leverage against her father. Kiara in return is just as eager to find out the truth about his disappearance, and soon digs deeper into the circumstances surrounding Lance, Collingwood, as well as Friedkin and what remains of his cult.
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Hayley Anne Miller, nee Thompson
The teenage trouble *07/19/1969 - +12/15/2016 (verse dependent)
Hayley Anne Miller was born as Hayley Anne Thompson on July 19th, 1969 in Santa Barbara, California. From a very young age, she developed an interest in all things photography and film. By the time she was 18 years old, she was more than happy to begin film school at UCLA-TFT, where she met Lance Preston, a fellow film enthusiast and student.
While Lance could be considered an overachiever, stockpiling sports trophies and top grades in all their classes as the years went by, Hayley was more of a free spirit, out to meet as many creative and interesting people as possible.
It was spring 1987 when Hayley took an interest in the infamous guy that was top of her class, sitting somewhere in the shadows on campus, writing, planning, alone and constantly busy. A snapped candid photo of the person of interest soon turned into casual conversation, and the Santa Barbara native was determined to make the broody Washington film nerd her next muse and project for the summer. Ever the collector of interesting stories, faces, people.
While the desired friendship between them never really hit it off because Lance was much more interested in his studies and projects, friendly 'hi's and 'how's your latest project doing' still turned into the occassional meet up for coffee, and Hayley, as stubborn as ever, was determined to turn him into someone to her liking. Knowing that much more might linger beneath if only she pushed him in the right direction. After weeks of nudging, she eventually managed to drag Lance to a frat party on campus, where she proceeded to get him drunk, high, and focused on something other than his projects for once. Minutes of drinking and talking turned into hours, one bottle of beer and a shot of whiskey turned into two, three, four, and by midnight, all was said and done.
The endeavour resulted in an accidentental pregnancy. After much consideration and despite their young age of 19 and 18 respectively, Hayley chose to keep the unborn girl that would soon become one Kiara Evelyn Miller. She quit her studies by spring break and left UCLA to live with her childhood sweetheart back in Santa Barbara.
Lance never bothered to question or challenge her decision. Instead, he gladly accepted her proposal to have the other man named as the father just before she left, because he considered family life an unnecessary bump in the road to his filmmaking career. Parting on mutual and respectful terms, Hayley left for Santa Barbara while Lance focused back on his studies. He graduated from UCLA with honors, scoring several internships and freelance jobs as a cameraman and screenwriter. It was the last time either of them would see each other for the next 28 years.
In early 2016, Hayley filed for divorce from Kiara's adoptive father when she found out that he was cheating on her with a much younger woman. Spending a couple of months griefing the loss of her marriage as well as worrying about her daughter's mental health. It was in late November of the same year when things seemed to be looking up for her, because a young man by the name of Matthew Sinclair started courting her at her local café.
Hayley, flawed and still hurt from her divorce, flees into an affair with the man, not knowing that he's only come to California to keep an eye on her and her daughter - hoping to catch glimpse of her long lost one night stand. It doesn't take long, because only a couple of weeks later, Hayley receives a call from her daughter, who lets her know that her elusive biological father has turned right back up on her doorstep. Naturally, Hayley is more than eager to come right over to L.A. - unknowingly leading Matthew and thus the CPHHS right back to Lance.
Depending on the verse and timeline, Hayley ends up in the crossfire and gets killed by Matthew and the cult (or Klaus Mikaelson in my TO verse with @sanguinelupus)
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scp-torment · 1 year
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SCP-3008: A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA
SCP-3008 is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA, a popular furniture retail chain. A person entering SCP-3008 through the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to SCP-3008-1. This displacement will typically go unnoticed as no change will occur from the perspective of the victim; they will generally not become aware until they try to return to the entrance.
Tale: New Job
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August 30, 2022
Happy 50th Anniversary to one of Wes Craven's first flim he ever directed
The Last House on the Left
Sandra Peabody as Mari Collingwood
Lucy Grantham as Phyllis Stone
David A. Hess as Krug Stillo
Fred Lincoln as Fred 'Weasel' Podowski
Jeramie Rain as Sadie
Marc Sheffler as Junior Stillo
Eleanor Shaw (credited as Cynthia Carr) as Estelle Collingwood
Richard Towers (credited as Gaylord St. James) as Dr. John Collingwood
Directed by: Wes Craven
Produced by: Sean S. Cunningham
Release Date: August 30, 1972
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tailsmaster · 1 year
What moments of the series (plural) you've watched made you realize ("This character has so much wasted potential")?
Gametoons / Among Us Logic / SCPA spoilers
The first character that came to mind were NoVisor and Dr. Doktor. I absolutely loved their characters. Both served a quick purpose, yet that was really about it. The denouncement and the falling action of the NoVisor series fell short and alot of things were scrunched into a small time (as for alot of GT series). I don't know if Dr. Doktor is actually dead tbh and I wish we at least got to see what happened after with him and the rest of the group. Wish the Novisor fight lasted at least a minute longer, it felt a little dissapointing seeing that after the whole initial build up.
Bday and Rose... My favorite little meow meows. They got just so little screentime :( At least they got to appear as an enemy in the God Player episode.
NOOB. Of course. Huge comfort character. Glad she got to be in SGL. Eventually she sadly had to be decomissioned because of the voice actor leaving. I wish she stayed in more episodes of AUL. I wouldve liked to see her as not only just Players gf, instead as a character herself. I'm glad that they did that in SGL honestly, the character development she got bonding with Player was adorbs.
Gustav, Dr. Buck, Thomas Green (I think thats his name, I'm reffering to Dr. Bucks love interest) Gustav was cool as a character. I felt like he was only used for the universe change though, and that really was about it. I don't blame the team since during the time SCPA-TFTF was falling out in views and they needed a reason to change art styles- they couldn't do as much as they used to soo. Thomas Green was just... left behind? and forgotten? we don't know what ever happened to him. He was one of the characters that brought out Dr. Bucks soft side and I feel like at least there could've been closure in that relationship. It would've been important for Buck to grieve his loss. Either way, Dr. Buck as a character is still good as its own, it just missed that opportunity. I'm at least glad that she shows care for Collingwood in the current universe.
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thedarkoneswithin · 1 year
Don’t let miss Faulkner sleep! ( Part 1 )
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Word COUNT: 2.8k words
If you ain’t 13 or older this story may creep you out.
Your free to leave!
This is the first text i wrote in a long time.
I hope you enjoy!!
Also; sorry if you find spelling mistakes, i tried to edit it out.
My pencil makes led scratches against the canvas. Etching the cascading sunrays that shimmered from the calm current off the harbor here in Collingwood. The old grain elevator still stood tall after all these years, stalwart against the strains of time which had won some battles against the chipped-away surface of this local historical site. Our town has seen an injection of tourist botox that has turned a naturally beautiful landscape into a silicone shell of its former self. Natural parks no longer brimming with pine trees and plantations that grow side by side, but instead a surgeon’s knife that had cut through the natural order, ripping out the roots and keeping what Instagram and TikTok viewers deem acceptable in a world of filters and falseness.
I sat in my favorite spot on the road leading up to those historical terminals, working on my sketch when my work phone began to buzz relentlessly in my pocket. I put down my shading pencil, flipping open my phone. And yes, ‘flipping’ it open. I can hear your judgment behind these typed words.
To give you an idea of what I do. I work as an independent personal support worker, meaning I own my own PSW company. I have my clients, but things have slowed down over the past couple of years due to a recession, along with inflation making my prices increase, and in turn, my clients heading to more affordable homes, rather than one-on-one care.
“Hello. This is Kris Scott of Compassionate Care.” I said, trying to sound professional, covering up my deep desperation for more work.
“Hello. My name is Dr. Khaleed. I work as a neurologist who specializes in Alzheimer's. I was wondering if we could have you take care of one of our early symptomatic patients near London Ontario. When can I book you for an interview?”
“I-I am free. Free whenever!” My overly giddy, the stammering voice may as well have screamed ‘Please god, pay me!’
“Excellent. Today is Monday, so perhaps tomorrow at three in the afternoon?”
“Yes, of course. Thank you so much!”
As soon as my thumb grazed the red phone icon to end the call, I was in my Hyundai and speeding off on the 401. Making my three-hour drive in two and a half and booking my room at the first hotel I set my sights on, which unfortunately was a Ramada.
I scarfed down chicken wings that tasted like oven-baked fisher price plastic, then went right to bed. I wanted to feel as fresh and well-rested as I could for my newest client since my next client visit wasn’t for another week anyways.
I had expected us to meet up in an office or at a hospital in the mid-sized city, but instead, we met on an old dirt road just a little way outside the city, near a farmhouse. I will not give much description of the house, as all addresses are private.
“So, are we doing the interview out here?” I tried to make light of this peculiar situation.
“I apologize. Do you prefer Kris or…?” he asked politely, a kind smile had formed as he spoke.
“Kris is fine. And you?”
“You may call me Ameer. I have been the neurologist for this client for, well, let’s just say it has been a good portion of my professional career.” He let out a hearty laugh, his belly reverberating with each inhale.
“She must be important to you.”
Ameer nodded, motioning for me to follow him. As we moved closer to this impressive-sized, three-story farmhouse, Ameer stopped, looking up at the sun bursting through a breach in the cloud coverage. As I looked around to marinade in this area, I could see a hawk with its wide-reaching wingspan swoop down and land swiftly onto a stump nearby the house, just up the hill.
Ameer handed me a closed dossier. “These are your new clients’ paperwork. Should you choose to take on this job, of course.” His voice was emphatic with gratitude and a small pang of excitement hidden somewhere between his spoken words.
“Yes. Yes of course!” I shook his hands and took the documents from him. My heart pounding with a mix of ecstasy and a touch of dread, given the new commute I had just inherited.
He walked me to the porch of this old farmhouse, and it was the doors themselves that threw me through a loop. The doors were not your traditional wood doors with that initial screen door that never closes and always slams open and closed at the mere feel of the wind.
A metal double door with no handle whatsoever. Life itself punched me in the snout with a red flag.
“Why?” was all I could ask when looking at this completely out-of-place contraption.
“The first owner wanted his home turned into a facility for your new client. A facility to keep her safe. Out in this area, the trucks rip down the highway at stupid speeds. Doesn’t want his last living relative to go out like that. Especially with her beginning to sundown.”
To those that do not know sundowning is a state of confusion that can happen in the late afternoon or night and can have all types of behaviors associated with it, all depending on the person and their situational triggers.
I’ve had war veterans as clients who after eight at night would build a barricade or dig holes and lay in them for hours. Some would wander from one town to the next. Every person’s dementia and Alzheimer’s are different. The same is for sundowning.
When we entered, my red flag and that uncomfortable feeling in my stomach almost completely alleviated. If this was a facility. It was state-of-the-art, all while feeling comfortable.
Every shelf and cupboard had locks. This lucky lady had her dietary aide who would come in and make all her meals. Central air is every form of streaming service you could ask for. A wifi connection so powerful I could watch a live sports streaming service on internet explorer on my flip phone. Okay, maybe not explorer, but chrome most certainly.
I know many of you assume that something crazy or weird would just happen that night I took the job, maybe that week? No. Nothing happened for nearly a year.
I became so unbelievably happy with this client. I dropped all my others, and because the pay was substantial. I mean. Substantial.
The rules of this client, Mrs. Faulkner, were simple:
-Do not let Mrs. Faulkner sleep until just before sundown. Otherwise, she will wake up in hysteria and begin to wander.
-Mrs. Faulkner always has her medicine after dinner, always before sundown as it will stabilize her serotonin, along with inducing sleep.
-Should Mrs. Faulkner wake up in the night, be wary of her disposition. Treat her as if she is sleepwalking and monitor her behavior. Do not intervene unless the need arises.
Most of these rules you will find are standard amongst retirement homes. They were more than easy to follow. They had been passed down by the owner of the home now turned facility, who as I would learn later down the line, was the power of attorney for Mrs. Faulkner. He had been her uncle and caretaker till his death a week before I was hired on. A multi-millionaire who had found great success as a dairy farmer and had several stakes in businesses all over the surrounding counties, so needless to say; Mrs. Faulkner's inherited estate could afford all of this.
I scanned my key card at the door, and when it buzzed, I opened the double doors, walking into a nice refreshing blast of cool air. I saw the dietary aide, Tracy, chopping her onions, boiling the rice, and making a pot of tea for our shared client.
“Hey Trace!”
She looked back up at me with a smile, her eyes watery from the fresh onion, “Her girl!” she called out, tossing the pieces onto the frying pan. That satisfying sizzle immediately followed.
“How’s Mrs. Faulkner today?” I asked, putting my bags into the closet, and then locking it.
“She is doing better since her fall in the shower last night. Poor thing. They had her up all night last night, and she has been awake all day today.”
“Where is she now?” I asked.
Tracy pointed to the living room, where Mrs. Faulkner sat in her lazy boy recliner, sitting in the dark, scribbling away at her notepad.
Mrs. Faulkner was likely a tall woman, she had a hunch and needed a walker as she moved, so it was hard to fully gauge her height. Even as a hunched-over person, she was nearly six feet tall.
She was African American, curled dark hair, and would always tell us about her stories growing up in South Africa. Then moving here with her family when she was in her mid-twenties to attend school.
For a woman in her late seventies, she still tried to take care of herself. Vegetarian diet. Practicing yoga, even despite her physical limitations. She also deeply loved reading and drawing and writing too. She was a woman of many hobbies and talents.
I sat with her, trying to get a peek at her drawing, but as usual, she playfully hid her work from me. A new habit she had been forming these past three or four days.
“It’s not ready, Kris,” she said with that familiar and kind smile forming on her face.
“Just a glance!” I said playfully.
She held her notebook to her chest, “I think not!” she laughed, waving me off in a joking manner.
“Alright, you two. The meals are cooked. All the cabinets are locked back up. Don’t make a mess of it while I am gone.” Tracy waved goodbye and made her way out the door and into her car.
Our day was a mostly routine one. I bathed Mrs. Faulkner. Gave her dinner, she took her medications, and then she was off to bed. Her bedroom is the last room, the end of the hall on the second floor. She refused to take the guest room on the first floor. Always insisting that the stairs ‘kept her young.’
“Alright Mrs. Faulkner. Time to get some sleep.”
Right after I had said those words, I can still remember vividly the crashing of wind against the house and the way it creaked, the foundation groaning against the gale force.
“Hard to do with all that racket!” Mrs. Faulkner complained.
“Lucky enough for you, you’ve got strong meds,” I said with a wink. Making sure my favorite client was tucked in and comfy before leaving.
“Maybe if the oncoming storm wakes me up, we can play a hard loop of stuff” her smile extended on her face.
“Oh, and how do we play…that?” I asked, a little baffled by her unusual request.
“It’s a game I used to play a lot back home. I’ll teach it to you. You only need to play once.” She closed her eyes, that smile still plastered on her face.
As I left the room, I quickly glanced behind me to make sure she was still tucked in bed. She was still lying in bed, but her grin was wide-daggered teeth. Her eyes imprinted on my spine.
That was the first time that I saw her like that. Like she scared me. And she wasn’t even trying.
At least, not that time.
I closed the door and in truth, sped off downstairs to grab my cell phone which was still charging on an end table in the living room. Just as I reached for it, the ringtone blared its tune so loud it made me jump. I shook off my stupidity and answered it.
“Hello?” I asked. My voice quaking.
“Kris, it’s Ameer. Is Mrs. Faulkner in bed?”
I was a little taken aback by the question. For almost a year I had done this job without missing a beat.
“Yes?” my voice likely sounded a little defensive.
“Did she take her medication?”
“Yes,” I reassured him.
“Okay. Good, good. That’s good.” His sighs of relief only made me feel more bothered.
“What is the matter?” In truth, I wanted to ask him what his problem was. I knew how to do my job.
“When she was at the hospital there was a situation.” My wounded pride turned to concern in seconds.
“Situation? What happened Ameer?”
“From what I hear she didn’t get her medication due to the concussion she suffered. I don’t know if something happened, but they’ve requested me at the hospital A.S.A.P. Listen. I’ll call you as soon as I know what’s going on. Just hang tight and be careful, okay?”
The line ended immediately.
“Be careful?” I said the words out loud, then swallowed the fear that emanated from the most unlikely of statements.
I made my way to the guest room that was now fashioned into a work office of sorts, closing the door behind me. I began to step towards the computer desk in the center of the room when that all too familiar feeling of paranoia and overreaction hit me like an anxiety-tidal wave and rushed back to the door, locking it.
I perched myself on that god-awful gaming chair that we inherited from Tracy’s son for our workspace. Booting up the PC and began to type away at an overview of the night so far. Essentially working through the nightly expectation checklist.
Our computer also had a live feed of cameras throughout the house. A necessary breach of privacy to keep Mrs. Faulkner alive and in good condition.
I scanned through the live feed. All was well. Mrs. Faulkner still practically swaddled in her bed.
It was clacking away at the keyboard when I noticed a note from the previous worker, Abigail. She had been taking care of the previous owners’ estate when there was one item still unaccounted for.
An access code to the locker directly behind me.
Thunder began to bellow low warning groans that whiffed by my ignorant ears.
I left the office to do my hourly check around the house and on my client. Leaving the office, I made my way up the stairs and toward Mrs. Faulkner’s room when a blinding stream of light came crashing near the house, followed by the crackling boom of thunder.
I dashed into her room, causing poor Mrs. Faulkner to shoot up out of bed. The way she clutched her chest I thought I had put the old bat in cardiac arrest.
“Oh, my lord Kris. You should be a little more careful considering you have to clean and change me!” she yelled.
Something about that statement made me feel at ease, in truth. Something in her voice that felt docile. That lack of that smile, that natural fear. Palpable, real jitter that felt…human.
I wish she had stayed like that.
I apologized to her, checked on her vital signs, and even did a memory test to ensure that she was not in a sundown or delusional state.
After cooing her back into her bed, I began to tuck her in.
“If you sleep through the night, maybe we can play that game you wanted to play?” I suggested to her, to which she just gave me a rather odd stare, handing me the glass she had finished drinking.
I wanted to pursue it further but she had got so worked up, she was crashing hard and needed sleep. So instead, I kept it to myself.
The power flickered throughout the halls until finally the main power failed, and the backup generator did not start up. Managing to fumble my way down the stairs I made my way back to the office, collected my phone, and noticed a missed call from the good Doctor Ameer himself.
I dialed him back. He picked up the phone in less than a ring. He was breathing. Breathing hard.
“I’m on my way to you, Kris. Is Mrs. Faulkner still asleep?” his voice was rushed, panicked.
“I just put her back to bed. She woke up during the storm, but I did the tests and…”
“Screw the tests, Kris! Do not let Mr. Faulkner sleep!” My heart sank so deep in me that I could have crapped it out right then and there.
“She is sleeping. I’m…I’m sorry. Wait. What happened? What did you find out?”
“She is fixating on Kris. Fixating dangerously. Her routine is messed up. There was never any concussion. She injured herself getting into the hospital and mess up her routine intentionally. Her drawings Kris. They are violent. They depict violence against all of us. These images. The words. This is some criminal, sycophant, planned, pervasive behavior.”
I said nothing. I melted into that chair. Staring endlessly at the locked door in front of me. My cameras were dead, and with the entire facility was key card and internet and power controlled. I was locked inside this place.
Locked in with her.
“Keep your distance, Kris. Stay safe. I will be there with emergency services. Hang tight.”
The call ended. I felt the phone slip from my face, surprised that at that moment it did not drop to the floor, instead falling harmlessly into my lap.
Something in that moment. In that feeling of despair and fear, a flicker of something hit. An epiphany.
I turned to the locker behind me. When the power went out it would run on battery, so I had time enough to enter a passcode into the pin pad.
Hard-loop of the stern. Nothing. I sighed. Then decided on another hail-mary idea of sorts.
Good old google translate.
I entered Mrs. Faulkner's words into the translator. Afrikaans to English. Expecting it to say some sort of classic kids’ game or some rendition of the sort. No. It was not that. It was not that at all.
It translated to ‘Hide or Die. 
I like to write horror/Creepy/Hospital stuff on my free time to! 
I could maybe do fluff and other stuff if i get more likes.
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shufflet · 5 months
So there were a lot of details I missed after rewatching Tales of the Foundation. But they still fit perfectly with my suspicion on how the scp foundation interacts with ordinary people or would civilian populations be more accurate?
Now I could be completely wrong about things which is fine. Those can stay fanfics. Kinda doubt we are going to get any new content but I can still have my fun speculating. It's going to be two years soon of no new animations and the original YouTube channel has said they are working on a different project.
Okay let's start with Agent Lawrence. Now I know electrician is more than dealing with electrical equipment in the scp universe because of the wiki explaining the foundation has a more supernatural power source. But the way Lawrence mentioned used to being an electrician seems more of an ordinary electrician job. Like when he got the power back on it during scp 106 wasn't based on use of supernatural elements. So the idea of this guy just getting dragged into the foundation after witnessing stuff that definitely doesn't belong in normal electrical equipment is my favorite theory. The MFT career might have been due to his reaction to a supernatural threat that usually most people would have died from.
I completely forgot that Dr. Collingwood had outright said she had a PHD in Experimental Research of Cryptids. Sorry about that. So she probably either took a chance on a shady college that later led her to the scp foundation or most likely is part of the population in the scp foundation universe that has prior knowledge. Still cool and I wonder if that has lead to to misunderstanding in the past with other coworkers. It also could explain the different reactions between the meeting photo between Dr Collingwood and Dr Buck. Personally after rewatching I think she probably knew stuff that families who outright have a culture from working mainly with people in the scp foundation itself.
Now about Dr Buck, odds are most likely prior knowledge since her father worked in the foundation. But I have a pet theory with the idea that she may not have outright know about what the foundation was at first. This secrecy with her father having a job that is not on any known legitimate agency could have contributed significantly to family difficulties. Since the politics even in a scp universe would have their own political scares with governments both knowing and not knowing everything with this organization that might as well be its own country/government that operates by hiding itself from the general public. This lack of transparency between her parents could have contributed significantly to the arguments that was depicted in a flashback. Her mother would definitely would want explanations especially since there could be psychological tolls that working with a secretive job that cant be declassified and/or actual unexplained close calls that could have been dangerous to her and her family thanks to the father's secretive job. Their constant fighting could have led to Dr Buck trying to be more independent of her parents with her own goals earlier on. One of the things the scp 3887 preyed upon was Dr Buck's childhood fears and her fear of being insignificant. Regardless of if Dr Buck knew of the foundation, she could have been a workaholic that focused a lot on achieving goals but neglects socializing outside of work. I still like the idea that Dr. Buck had veterinarian experience and later a marine biology degree that got her either acquired by the foundation or was simply a job that looked good on paper that turned out to be the same company her father could never give answers for. Especially since anomalies can be come in a lot of varieties. I still think that some sort of undersea anomaly is what led to her initial hiring. She later got answers to lot of questions later on about her family's secret job.
Agent Carson I'm speculating was raised knowing and wanting to be part of the Mobile Task Force in the past. Much like how some kids want to be soldiers. His disillusionment when talking to Agent Ramsey about being disposable as the D class makes me wonder if he puts a lot of faith in his gear more than other people. As for why Carson doesn't have a former civilian vibe, he does complain and compare things within conversations. He seems like the type of guy to accidently over share some of his past.
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Was "The Best of Dr. Seuss" Really His Best Works?
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Butter battles, daisies growing on heads and elephants hatching eggs galore, 2000's "The Best of Dr. Seuss" compilation program has the formulaic balance of entertainment that I'm sure that a child would love, right? Of course, we can see Dr. Seuss' beloved character The Cat in the Hat all over the packaging and your kid must think "Hey, it's that cat from the book I just read!". And you'd be correct. This is the 2003 DVD version I'll be covering here on this blog.
The first thing you'll notice right away when you pop in the disc is the menu design which pulls off some creative work the home video team at Warner Bros. had ever put out.
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As you can see, the menus themselves are drawn in Dr. Seuss' trademark art style with some detailed backgrounds. The Cat on both these and the packaging looked like he was traced from the book he originated from. However, you are not going to be ready for what he looks like in one of these stories.
Although all of these menus are presented in 16:9 widescreen if you play them on a computer like I do, the contents are actually in 4:3 aspect ratio. So, let's go through all three stories one at a time and see if they're a good fit on this DVD.
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First, we have "Daisy-Head Mayzie", a TV special completed in 1994 -- given the copyright disclaimer, but never aired on TV until February 5, 1995. This would be one of Seuss' final works before he passed away. The special was previously released individually on VHS a few months after its original broadcast, and was also the final voice credit for Henry Gibson; already recognizable as the voice of Wilbur the pig from Hanna-Barbera's "Charlotte's Web" adaptation. A real coincidence, given that both Gibson and H-B worked on this, too.
Fran Smith, the voice of Helga in Nickelodeon's "Hey Arnold!" would make her voice acting debut in this special as the titular Mayzie McGrew. Now this is a year before that show would even premiere on TV, so I'm not surprised.
Yeah, this would be forgettable without the addition of The Cat in the Hat, which in this special looked A LOT more off-model than he does in the DePatie-Freleng specials. It almost makes it feel like a bootleg version of Seuss' popular character compared to what the packaging and menus gave us. Oh well, at least they tried.
One reason I like to know why they made him that way in the first place was this is a co-production between two unlikely companies that never even made any Dr. Seuss adaptations beforehand.
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As you may have just read from the credits, a British animation studio named Tony Collingwood Productions (now known as "Collingwood & Co.") was largely responsible for the production of this special.
So, you may get some Britishness in the way it was produced. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, an otherwise American studio that got rebranded in 2001 as "Cartoon Network Studios",
I've never actually seen Hanna-Barbera work on a Dr. Seuss special before (rival studio DePatie-Freleng did most of their Seuss specials prior to this), so it is kinda interesting to see a British-American joint venture.
The special itself was.... eh, it was okay. I kinda prefer Seuss' original illustrations made before they were changed (the daisy being the only character to teach Mayzie a valuable lesson instead of The Cat), but I think this would be something interesting if you're a parent looking for entertainment for your youngest child.
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As for the quality? For a previously-separate TV special, it sure looked better on DVD than it ever does, due to it being remastered from the original material (at least for 2003 standards). While not Seuss' greatest work overall, it's so nice to see this being presented in clear pristine quality.
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Another previously-separate TV special is adult film director Ralph Bakshi's version of "The Butter Battle Book", and is surprisingly better than I thought. It's accurate to the original source material and has rarely even been talked about due to its themes of war.
The original book had even gotten as far as having been banned in some Canadian libraries due to its close ties with the Cold War, which was still ongoing at the time of its publication.
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Now prove me wrong, I have never actually seen any of Bakshi's works, but this is something. I love how Bakshi and his team are able to keep the ending from the book, which ends the story on a cliffhanger. This was also released on VHS, but unlike "Daisy-Head Mayzie", there's actually TWO different releases of the same special released a few years from each other.
Although a much better special than "Daisy-Head Mayzie", the picture quality has the same level of squeaky clean quality as that special, so I'll forgo the explanation.
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And to wrap up the compilation came not a TV special, but a cartoon short film created by Warner Bros. themselves! You heard me right. The boys at Termite Terrace made a 9-minute adaptation of Dr. Seuss' earlier book "Horton Hatches the Egg".
Directed by Bob Clampett, this is an unexpected surprise to anyone who grew up with any of Dr. Seuss' works (like me). What makes this especially perfect is the vocal performances of Kent Rogers, Sara Berner and Mel Blanc. Now, why did they make Horton's skin pink? Either it's a creative choice made by Clampett's unit or they felt that grey was too common for an elephant's color.
There IS a distinction between this and the other two Dr. Seuss stories I've covered so far and that as this is a Looney Tunes cartoon, it has actually had some home video releases in the 90s by both MGM/UA and Warner Bros.
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Also, the picture quality on this cartoon has the same level of excellence as the Golden Collection. So much so that it got re-released on DVD as part of the sixth volume of the Looney Tunes: Golden Collection series (which I'll get to when I'll do an entire blog on this series by itself).
Time to move onto the bonus features this DVD has.
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So... all there is as extras are three trailers (or "Family Favorites" as the menus call them). Each of these trailers are for a collection of Tom & Jerry DVDs, the annoying little brat Caillou's Christmas-themed movie and a German animated film called "The Little Polar Bear" ("Der Kleine Eisbär").
You do have language options for the program itself, though they're for subtitles only. A real disappointment for those of you who are expecting dubs. I will admit, watching these in a subtitled language can be pretty fun, no matter if you're Hispanic or French-Canadian.
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Overall, if you are able to watch these three Dr. Seuss cartoons, I highly recommend picking up the 2008 Deluxe Edition "Horton Hears a Who" DVD. And in case you haven't read the copyright disclaimer on the cover, my copy is a 2010 reprint.
And by reprint, I mean the Warner Bros. home video department updated the packaging, but nothing else. This is something I'll see a lot more of when I look at a few other Warner DVD releases on this blog. So, keep an eye out!
By the way, both "Daisy-Head Mayzie" and "The Butter Battle Book" are free to watch on YouTube despite being under copyright. "Horton Hatches the Egg", however, is another story and is usually blocked worldwide on YouTube (I learned the hard way on how copyright works on there, so good luck watching it on Dailymotion if you can!)
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omegawizardposting · 16 days
Got an OC that's ready for shipping.
Will Scarlet and he's Half-Werewolf, meaning that while he can't fully transform he retains the wolf ears, tail, and furred forearms and claws. He has long brown hair and is quite pale with red eyes, an eyepatch is over his left. He wraps his arms in bandages to avoid scaring the humans.
Will is a professional Vampire Hunter who is solely in it for the money, making him more of a mercenary than anything else. Despite the rivalry between Werewolves and Vampires, he has no ill will toward the bloodsuckers and can be bribed out of killing one if offered enough money.
Overall he's a pretty chill guy outside of his work and is known to be rather quiet and out-of-the-way, just kinda moving from place to place without bothering anyone. He views himself as kinda boring and wishes that mating season didn't exist.
Unbeknownst to anyone, he is bi-curious.
I am hurling Granger at him at light speed.
I've talked about Granger on here before, but the TL;DR is that he comes from a long line of vampire hunters, his parents were murdered by infamous vampire supremacist Desmond Collingwood, and so Granger is now a freelance hunter who did a few, uh, interesting things to attain immortality so he could chase Desmond across all of time if he has to. He is quite literally so obsessed with revenge that he became inhuman just so he could make sure he killed Desmond.
He's also a complete fucking clown. Like, this man takes absolutely nothing and no one seriously. He'll often draw out hunts as a form of entertainment, like a cat toying with its prey. It's not that he particularly enjoys violence and death, he just loves the thrill of the hunt. He especially loves meeting vampires who can challenge him. Hunting someone who could actually get a shot off on him is a total adrenaline rush, and he is an adrenaline JUNKIE.
Most people find him difficult. His energy is a lot to handle, and he is an extreme extrovert who never shuts the fuck up. Undiagnosed ADHD for sure. Will yap your ear off about his hyperfixations, which include classical literature, the theatre, and GUNS. He's wickedly intelligent, but typically comes off as kind of an airhead due to his playful disposition and, uh, the aforementioned ADHD.
Tall, slim, got that long dark hair and those pretty green eyes, dresses like a theatre kid, has the most adorable gap between his top front teeth, INVENTED A GUN THAT LAUNCHES STAKES.
I think it would be interesting to see Will get drawn into Granger's revenge schemes. Plus Granger is loud, and opposites attract. I am feral for quiet boring guy × loud weird guy ships.
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trashyswitch · 8 months
Shannon: The two fanfics today were very fun and adorable! I loved how Luigi was trying to overcome his fears of the Darklands and managed to befriended the enemies that chased him before. I love seeing Luigi's bravery and playful in full display, it was so touching and cute. Day 4 was very cute too, it's so nice to see 999 again! I also liked how you made reference to 999's origins.
Hi Shannon!! I’m glad you like it! Writing Luigi’s fear and developing it into playfulness was a little bit of a challenge…but I was determined to make it work. And…I guess it did.
Writing about 999 was fun again! And yes, I do have to write about 999’s origins. Because…Dr. Isabelle Collingwood is a canon researcher in the SCP Foundation, who received an email about researching on SCP-999. If I find the story link again, I’ll add it to this post later. ❤️
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