#Eleanor Ivie
aviesims · 1 day
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Cordelia and Leon came to visit the triplets but they were a little more crowded as a family than anyone last remembered. Cordelia was apparently pregnant but not showing during Momo's wedding because she had triplets as well! Shortly after Momo had theirs so the kids were only a few months apart.
Eleanor was now no longer an only child and had three little siblings. Heaven and Isaac with their mother's hair next to their father's blue eyes and Laura who had her father's hair and mother's eyes.
The triplets now had another set of triplets as cousins, what were the odds?
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helenadurazzo · 9 months
Welcome to one of my first big stories to be focused on Magic Awakened! In this story, Genna and her friends come to rescue her mother from a dark organization but arrive too late to spare her of any damage. Yet a mutual understanding emerges at the end once everything calms down.
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Magic always confused Eleanor and she tried her best to stay as far away as she could from it as the mother of a young witch could. Yet somehow here she was, getting pulled back into it by being a hostage for a supposed dark wizard organization. She tried to remain calm in the dark and eerie room with steady breathing but was not sure how long it would last her. She should have known better than to walk alone so late at night, yet there was always something so calming about being in the city with all the lights when it was dark out. Eleanor deeply hoped she didn’t worry anyone too much, she did not have many people left of her own blood in this world as she lost touch with her cousins, aunts, and uncles as she got older and more distant. Yet she always had the love of her life and as much as they disagreed, Genevieve was still her beloved daughter.
On of the people that was dressed in a white and black striped mask walked closed to the chair she was gently restrained to, “Don’t worry muggle.” He spoke as if she was a small child or pet using the term that wizards and witches had for the people without magic, “We are only here to help you and by helping you, we can help the rest of your kind.”
Eleanor figured it was wise to stay silent and staring at the dark ground when she could. After all, she didn’t want to get herself into an even worse situation. In fact, she felt for a second she might be able to achieve that, until she heard loud noises from outside causing everyone’s heads to suddenly turn.
Her daughter led a group that burst into the dark and quiet room, being able to recognize her immediately by her rage filled green eyes. Some of her friends looked familiar, such as the curly haired Sandy Durazzo, the boy with dark long red hair named Daniel, and the mysterious girl with platinum blonde locks known as Ivy. And then of course there was also her daughter’s boyfriend in the group, Colby Frey. Eleanor was not sure what comforted her more in these current days. That someone had found her in that moment, or that her daughter managed to find such loyal friends. After all, she knew how her little girl struggled with finding friends when she was younger as she remained loyal to the idea of fairytales and fantasy while everyone else transitioned into a more realistic view of the world. Yet Eleanor could never boast about having helped her, only feeling guilty.
“Let my mother go Gridley.” Genevieve commanded in a stern voice that seemed almost uncharacteristic for a teenager.
“No need for theatrics, I mean your mother no harm.” The man in the mask who spoke to her earlier - Gridley it seemed his name was - smoothly talked. “I just aim at assisting her.”
“You aim to do nothing of the sort!” Colby spat.
“And I should know.” Daniel added, “Especially after what you did to my sister!”
“You are mistaken.” Gridley continued, completely unfazed. “You see Miss Raleigh, I am simply helping NOTME, you should as well considering their goal is quite a noble one. You see, Magic is an extremely helpful tool and could help so many more people if the ministry was more open about it with muggles. Yet each time a muggle sees a magical event, obliviators rush in to make sure it’s forgotten and only leave behind a list in their archives of their victims. But with this artifact,”he claimed as he held something circular made of what looked like gold, “perhaps we can revive the truth that the obliviators stole.”
“Please, it’s not worth it.” Eleanor heard her daughter desperately plead, “Just let my mother go. This will not solve any of our current problems and will only harm everyone. There has to be a better way if this is what the world needs.”
“You and your little companions know that will never work, only harsh action will bring change.” The masked man hissed in a way that made Eleanor shudder. “Now watch and learn.” He finished as she aimed the golden artifact right at Eleanor, and unleashed its beam right towards her, and she started to lose herself not long after…
“Come on Ellie!” A childish voice Eleanor had not heard in so long called out, “Radley’s surprise isn’t going to surprise itself you know.”
Eleanor’s green eyes widened as she saw the face of Evelyn, her twin sister, who she had not seen in so long. Her low pig tails were just how she remembered them, as were her bright eyes full of excitement. And the thought of their childhood friend Radley still being around was quite interesting to say the least. Eleanor almost thought she was still her adult self before she noticed that her hands were a child’s and figured the rest of her look was just like how she was when she much more innocent and happy. Yet in the present day, those days were far behind her.
“I’m coming.” Eleanor hesitantly replied, mentally noticed her voice had returned to its childlike state.
“That’s the spirit!” Evelyn cheered as she suddenly grabbed Eleanor by the hand and gently brought her towards where Radley stood with that confident smile on his face as they approached.
Radley’s face was just as Eleanor had remembered it, his face covered in fierce freckles and his messy rust colored hair was all over the place. He was a boy of their own age who Evelyn always was fascinated by. And although Eleanor was always a more quiet person, she did find his stories to be intriguing. Yet while Eleanor could not remember what memory this was - figuring it had to be one - some feeling swirling around inside her gave her a couple of ideas.
“There you two are!” He cheered, “You both are going to love this!”
“At least your parents having magical careers and do interesting things for work.” Evelyn commented, “Ours just sit around all day and talk about some boring business stuff.”
“Well adults in the wizarding world have boring jobs too.” Radley shrugged, “But those who work with creatures like mine are especially interesting. Now come on, you need to see this.”
“Aren’t your parents coming to show us this creature?” Eleanor commented, trying her best to play along as if she was an actress without a script.
“They would be boring about it if I did.” Radley insisted. “Trust me, I know what I am doing, don’t worry.”
“You heard him Ellie.” Evelyn added on to Radley’s energetic spirit. “Stop stalling.”
Eleanor hesitantly found herself following Evelyn and Radley who seemed to be quite unfazed and upbeat. Meanwhile Eleanor started feeling almost sick to her stomach, something telling her to run the other direction. And the sight in front of her made her suspicions feel accurate. Although she did have to admit, the slumbering black scaled draconic beast was quite fascinating from a distance.
Evelyn practically squealed, “Your parents care for dragons!? You never mentioned that. It’s so cool!”
“That’s the surprise!” Radley beamed.
“Well it’s certainly nice…” Eleanor started, “But perhaps we should head back, I figure these creatures must be fierce when they awaken.”
“Stop worrying El.” Radley cockily soothed her although it was certainly normal for him. “It’s no fun to see these dragons just when they are asleep. And besides, my parents care for dragons like this all the time, and they are always calm when they are around.”
“Rad is right.” Evelyn comforted her with a quick hug before turning to Radley, “Come on, show us!”
“Be ready to be amazed!” Radley introduced like a showman as he walked over to the dragon and to Eleanor’s shock, used his wand to cast some sort of spell that seemed to certainly awaken the dragon, yet not smoothly.
Eleanor’s green eyes widened as she immediately sensed what was about to happen next, feeling a strange case of deja vu. The dragon awoke with a start and sternly looked at the three of them with eyes full of fire accompanied by numerous grunting sounds. The dragon made numerous jerking motions of frustration as well and certainly was not pleased with their actions.
“Is that normal?” Eleanor stuttered.
“Don’t worry I can calm him down.” Radley assured his friends, trying to mask whatever feelings he had with confidence as he tried to approach the dragon, “Come here, it’s alright.”
The dragon did not seem quite convinced and proceeded to charge at them. It’s breath emitted burning flames that Eleanor felt right above her and Evelyn. The dragons claws slashed towards them and Eleanor’s first instinct was to run and hide behind a particularly large tree, losing her sister and Radley in the midst of the chaos. But the screams she heard and rushed footsteps did not give her anymore reassuring feelings and only proceeded to panic her more.
By the time Eleanor got the strength to peek from behind the tree, she noticed that the dragon was subdued by Radley’s parents and a couple of other people who seemed to appear out of thin air as well to assist. Her eyes darted around in an innocent hope to spot her sister and friend but her mind - aware of the present despite being in the body of a child during this sequence - knew the truth… they were gone… forever.
“Foolish children.” One of the people who wasn’t Radley’s parents muttered yet Eleanor heard him clearly, surprisingly, Eleanor learned that he managed to spot her alive and well seemingly earlier, “We are all lucky that one of the children is breathing and not burnt to a crisp.”
Memories started flooding back to her, both internally and in external depictions. She remembered how one of the the men who was dressed in dark clothes escorted her away from the field nearby Radley’s house where the dragon had resided. She remembered how he escorted her to a room and sit down in a chair, yet forgot the exact events of what happened after he pulled out his wand, only remembering the part when he took her back to her parents who, while grateful she was safe and sound, were grieving the loss of Evelyn. She remembered how she looked in the mirror after dressing in black for her sister’s funeral, forever seeing her sister’s face whenever she gazed in the mirror, even as each year continued to pass by.
She remembered how things started to turn for the better. How she met Andrew who tolerated her despite her pushing practically everyone else away in a means of coping. She recalled how he stayed by her side and never left during the funeral of her parents where she could hardly keep herself together. She remembered how he comforted her after the loss of their second born daughter, who only lived in the world for a couple of days. And she remembered how he would mediate any arguments Eleanor and her daughter initiated about the latter’s interest in fairytales and fantasies. She let her own past get in the way of her daughter’s happiness, something she hoped she would never do but found herself doing anyways. And now, all she wanted, was to hear her little girl’s voice.
“Mum, Mum!” Eleanor vaguely heard her daughter’s familiar voice for the waking world try to get her attention by calling her name, “Wake up… please…”
Eleanor slowly opened up her green eyes. Her vision took a while to become clear but she could see the silhouette of her daughter right away. Her beautiful red hair and green eyes that showed concern and almost looked teary. Her little girl had always been so confident and daring and it was always quite startling whenever Eleanor saw her so upset or worried and this was no exception and Eleanor did her best to gather her strength to reassure her daughter, but doubt she was being very convincing at that point.
It took Eleanor a bit to realize that she was in a hospital bed at that time but she did manage to sit up on her own. She noticed the faces of some of the friends of her daughter but struggled with putting names to all of the individual faces. She did however recognize Sandy Durazzo just from her being around the longest out of the group. However, a good bit of her daughter’s friends quietly excused themselves leaving only Genna and Sandy themselves, along with her husband and Sandy’s aunt Helena, both of which she did not spot before.
“Are you alright El?” Her husband gently and soothingly asked in a manner that Eleanor always found as quite charming. “You had me worried there.”
“Yes.” Eleanor managed to find the strength to say, “I’ll be fine.” Although she was still unsure about the context of everything as her memory was fuzzy.
Suddenly, her daughter turned to Helena with urgency, “Are you sure that the crown is out of their hands.”
“Yes.” Helena assured her, “I have a good friend of mine who is in the auror office and returned the crown back to the ministry himself. They are planning on destroying it for good before another dark organization has a chance to claim it for their malicious purposes.”
Eleanor raised her eyebrow “Crown?”
Helena turned to her and began to clarify, “The Crown of Mneme. It’s an ancient magical artifact that used to be stored deep within one of the cursed vaults. The crown’s power has significantly changed after it was affected by the vault’s curse. I know full well because I saw it’s affects first hand, when R performed an experiment on Erika. When I heard what happened I came right over to make sure you were ok, I know it was quite traumatic for her as she was forced to live through her worst memories once again. And, additionally, I assume something like that can be quite jarring for a person with no connection to magic.”
Her description seemed to be extremely accurate although Eleanor hated to admit it and wish she did not have to. Repressing her darkest memories in silence had been her way to cope with her losses for so long, even though it did cause her to occasionally snap when moments that reminded her of that were brought to her attention. She tried to keep in her mess of internal emotions inside but figured the second she was left alone she would break, it’s what typically happened although Andrew always managed to be nearby to comfort her. Now, being forced to deal with her past head on made it clear to her that silence could not solve her problems forever, no matter how much she wished it to.
“I better be making my leave.” Eleanor vaguely heard Helena continue, “The healers did say you should have as much rest as possible and I would not want to intrude on that. And besides I do also need to catch up an old friend of mine on the recent events as he might be able to help.” Helena then turned to her niece, “I will be taking you to your father as well.”
“Yes Aunt Helena.” Sandy quietly obeyed before giving Eleanor’s daughter a quick hug of support and whispering something in her ear and then leaving the room right behind her aunt.
There was a few moments of silence before Eleanor watched Genevieve approach her bedside, “I am sorry for everything mother. I should have come sooner, I should have known they would do something like this. You are here because of me.”
“You did nothing wrong.” Eleanor soothed her daughter. “You must stop worrying about those you can’t control, we need to only worry about the present.” She then sighed, “but I must say, I haven’t been great to you either. The fact that you came for me at all despite me not really being there as I should be for you is something. But I aim to change it… immediately.”
Genevieve smiled faintly, “Thanks Mum.” She then embraced her before quietly claiming, “We will stop them soon, I don’t want to see anyone else get hurt.”
“I know you will.” Eleanor whispered back, “You are capable of so much and will do great things.”
“It’s good to see you two finally being on the same page.” Her husband heartwarmingly smiled.
“Yeah… it is.” Eleanor found the strength to smile as she gently stroked her daughter’s strawberry blonde hair, “I will be alright.” She assured her daughter, “I have been through a lot and I will get through this as well. You are just as tough as me, and remember that I am and always have been proud to call you my daughter.”
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knifelesbianjo · 1 year
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Hannah New as Eleanor Guthrie in BLACK SAILS (2014 - 2017) • 2x05 “XIII”
I have spent a lifetime exposed to your self-serving lies. They’re the manure from which I sprouted
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isawitaround · 2 years
Drea and Eleanor at Do Revenge gave me so much Harley and Ivy vibes.
Just two psycho gay pals doing mayhem to the one who cross their path, and discovering true friendship and love along the way.
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krokaxe · 8 days
Thank you for the tag @papakhan~
I'm tagging @koilarist, @thespiral and @kharonion. If you see this and would like to participate, consider yourself tagged by moi.
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I've been a lot of lore revision/design updates so consider this a sneaky peep of what I've been doing on the Fallout side of things.
Eleanor Pruitt; REVG1-E01: independent pharmacist. First generation line of Evermore revenant synthetics; memory lost.
IV "Ivy"; SYNG1-AIV: first generation line of Evermore's human replicant synths. Railroad operative.
Farren Skau: radioactive wasteland mutant. Former raider. Not your friend. Can and will eat you.
Farren and Eleanor/IV's designs have been in baseline upgrade mode for a while, so the old Fallout sheets (here and here) are a little outdated, but you get the idea.
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andthnyoudie · 9 months
I found something more than a purpose, I found a love worth being foolish for
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krokatron · 1 year
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I, Chimera Ref Sheet: Unit Dyad
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7rashstar · 5 months
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heycoyotegirl · 10 months
love how the message of season 4 was that you have to have extremely good grades and have gone to parties to be able to successfully adjust to university
#nhie s4 spoilers#nhie s4#nhie#never have i ever#nhie critical#if you had mediocre grades or were too uptight might as well not even bother going since you're apparently fucked#like. devi ben and fab all got into an ivy and seemed to be enjoying university and doing well right away#meanwhile we have eleanor who gets 1 rejection and gives up on furthering her education entirely (why didn't she think about film school??)#and paxton who worked So Hard to get into college only to immediately drop out just because his roommate was shitty#& blair who was an excellent student but partied too hard and failed out and tried to keep it a secret because it was 'kind of humiliating'#like. blair mentioned that she was burnt out but then it was almost immediately reframed as her having been 'too perfect' in high school#the only character who never planned to go to college was trent who was so bad at school he had to repeat his senior year#why weren't there any students who had done well at high school yet struggled academically even though they were genuinely trying?#or students who hadn't done super well in high school but then thrived in university when they had more freedom to choose their classes#where were the top students who didn't get into their first choice school? or knew that they didn't want to go to college at all?#obviously the show couldn't cover every possible permutation of how people decide whether to go to college and then how they adjust to it#but it's uhhh not great that the 3 'smartest' main characters were admitted into ivies and immediately thrived at university#while the 3 who struggled with school or prioritized non-academic interests either didn't try to go to college or gave up extremely fast#the show has always had moments where characters will be elitist but it seemed much more prominent & tied into the narrative this season#my post#my meta#tag ramble
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fenharel · 2 years
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tagged by @shadowglens to make some ocs in this picrew, thanks so much 💜 tagging (if u feel like it, ofc!) @rkyloren @baldurians @arlathen @noonfaerie @avallachs @catacomb-chaos @solasan @queennymeria @thefathersbride @risingsh0t @evievfrye & you!
CARI AMELL (dao) ✨ ELEANOR HAWKE (da2) ✨ ALVA LAVELLAN (dai) ✨MELODY (p:k) ✨ WILLOW (dos2/d&d) ✨ IVY NIGHTGROVE (oblivion)
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e-lisard · 2 years
Maybe a little rest for the wicked
Characters: Eleanor 'Ivy' Bright, Sirius Oswald, Seth Hyde, Ray Blackwell, Newt Parker
Warnings: None, just an idiot overworking herself
Story: Visitors With Blonde Hair/Ivy's Route (pre actual story)
WC: 708
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Ivy collapses on the couch with a relieved sigh and a grin. "Guess who's home, darling~"
Seth smiles, bending down to give her a quick kiss. "Welcome back, lovely. Did your mission go alright?"
"Ah, it went fine, I suppose," she says, ignoring both the soldiers who are teasingly wolf whistling and those who are playfully making gagging noises around them. "Was nice to see Edgar again. He gave me some candy."
"Ivy, you're back, perfect." Sirius looks tired as he enters the room, making a beeline for her and Seth. "I know you've just returned, but we need you for another mission." He seems sorry, not quite looking her in the eyes.
"It's alright, papa," she teases him, even if she wants nothing more than to collapse on her (or one of her friends') bed. "Never any rest for the wicked, right?" She sticks her tongue out at him as he finally looks her in the eyes.
"If you're going to call me papa, you better show me some more respect, young lady," he teases right back, and Ivy can see the tension leaving his body.
(Seth, on the other hand, is extremely tense now, eyes flickering between the two of them, although Ivy doubts anyone but her can really see it.)
"Of course, papa." She grins. "Can I get a hug before I go, though?"
"Such a demanding child I have."
She does get her hug, though.
() () () ()
The next while is much the same, with Ivy getting sent on mission after mission, barely any breaks in between. To be fair, her missions aren't very physically demanding. She just travels somewhere, spends some time there as the sweet Lady Eleanor while gathering information, writes a report and dumps it on Ray's desk.
Not that bad, right? And sending her is safer than sending any random Black Army soldier. They just don't have the same standing as a noble lady.
Still, after 7 weeks, she collapses.
Not on a couch, this time, but on the ground, as she's leaving Ray's office after a meeting.
And then she wakes up again in her own bed, Bonbon curled up on top of her chest, and some of her friends around her bed.
"Ivy!" Newt shoots up when he notices that she's awake, catching the attention of the others.
"Mornin'," she whispers, squinting against the light as she starts petting Bonbon.
"And you see, Ivy, this..." Seth sounds terribly fragile as he speaks, voice shaking. "This is why we do rest, even as the wicked." He tries to make a joke out of it, but doesn't quite succeed.
"Why didn't you say it was too much?" Ray sits down on the edge of her bed, frowning down at her as he softly touches her forehead. Worried about a fever?
"I dunno... Thought I was holding on better..." She shrugs as much as she can without jostling Bonbon. Sure, she'd been more tired, but that's no reason for alarm just yet. And then she tried to leave Ray's office and her sight started to swim before it went black, and then she was here.
"I think you held on better than anyone else would have, with 7 weeks of back to back missions." Which, yeah, fair, most people would have collapsed much earlier. Ray sighs as he strokes her hair. "Seems I'll need to watch your workload better, if you won't do it yourself."
"You really worried all of us, Ivy." Sirius waits until she makes eye contact before he continues speaking. "I know you think you have to somehow earn your place here, but you've already done so. No one will blame you for not taking a mission or two if you've already been busy for a while, and no one will benefit from you collapsing like this."
Ivy can't help the flush creeping up her face at that, not having realized that Sirius had noticed how she felt. And now everyone knows.
"Maybe the average wicked can do with no rest, but this wicked is gonna be on bed rest for the next week, and after that only light duty for at least another week." Ray softly chuckles, pushing himself off the bed. "Sleep well, Ives."
Flash Fiction Friday taglist (ask to be + or -): @flashfictionfridayofficial
Visitors With Blonde Hair taglist (ask to be+ or -):
General taglist (ask to be + or -): @simkarta333 @asher-orion-writes
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denimoverall · 1 year
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orchestrahearts · 1 year
🦃 (american) thanksgiving starter call.
like this for a thanksgiving themed starter from one of my muses. specify if there’s anyone you want.
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pzyii · 2 years
God i love myself an emotionally constipated queer bastard
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e-lisard-archive · 2 months
Maybe a little rest for the wicked
Original post October 21st, 2022 (x)
Ivy collapses on the couch with a relieved sigh and a grin. “Guess who’s home, darling~”
Seth smiles, bending down to give her a quick kiss. “Welcome back, lovely. Did your mission go alright?”
“Ah, it went fine, I suppose,” she says, ignoring both the soldiers who are teasingly wolf whistling and those who are playfully making gagging noises around them. “Was nice to see Edgar again. He gave me some candy.”
“Ivy, you’re back, perfect.” Sirius looks tired as he enters the room, making a beeline for her and Seth. “I know you’ve just returned, but we need you for another mission.” He seems sorry, not quite looking her in the eyes.
“It’s alright, papa,” she teases him, even if she wants nothing more than to collapse on her (or one of her friends’) bed. “Never any rest for the wicked, right?” She sticks her tongue out at him as he finally looks her in the eyes.
“If you’re going to call me papa, you better show me some more respect, young lady,” he teases right back, and Ivy can see the tension leaving his body.
(Seth, on the other hand, is extremely tense now, eyes flickering between the two of them, although Ivy doubts anyone but her can really see it.)
“Of course, papa.” She grins. “Can I get a hug before I go, though?”
“Such a demanding child I have.”
She does get her hug, though.
() () () ()
The next while is much the same, with Ivy getting sent on mission after mission, barely any breaks in between. To be fair, her missions aren’t very physically demanding. She just travels somewhere, spends some time there as the sweet Lady Eleanor while gathering information, writes a report and dumps it on Ray’s desk.
Not that bad, right? And sending her is safer than sending any random Black Army soldier. They just don’t have the same standing as a noble lady.
Still, after 7 weeks, she collapses.
Not on a couch, this time, but on the ground, as she’s leaving Ray’s office after a meeting.
And then she wakes up again in her own bed, Bonbon curled up on top of her chest, and some of her friends around her bed.
“Ivy!” Newt shoots up when he notices that she’s awake, catching the attention of the others.
“Mornin’,” she whispers, squinting against the light as she starts petting Bonbon.
“And you see, Ivy, this…” Seth sounds terribly fragile as he speaks, voice shaking. “This is why we do rest, even as the wicked.” He tries to make a joke out of it, but doesn’t quite succeed.
“Why didn’t you say it was too much?” Ray sits down on the edge of her bed, frowning down at her as he softly touches her forehead. Worried about a fever?
“I dunno… Thought I was holding on better…” She shrugs as much as she can without jostling Bonbon. Sure, she’d been more tired, but that’s no reason for alarm just yet. And then she tried to leave Ray’s office and her sight started to swim before it went black, and then she was here.
“I think you held on better than anyone else would have, with 7 weeks of back to back missions.” Which, yeah, fair, most people would have collapsed much earlier. Ray sighs as he strokes her hair. “Seems I’ll need to watch your workload better, if you won’t do it yourself.”
“You really worried all of us, Ivy.” Sirius waits until she makes eye contact before he continues speaking. “I know you think you have to somehow earn your place here, but you’ve already done so. No one will blame you for not taking a mission or two if you’ve already been busy for a while, and no one will benefit from you collapsing like this.”
Ivy can’t help the flush creeping up her face at that, not having realized that Sirius had noticed how she felt. And now everyone knows.
“Maybe the average wicked can do with no rest, but this wicked is gonna be on bed rest for the next week, and after that only light duty for at least another week.” Ray softly chuckles, pushing himself off the bed. “Sleep well, Ives.”
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bookjunkiez · 3 months
Ivy Hill Virtual Book Tour
A Novel inspired by True Events   Coming of Age / Fiction Date Published: November 28, 2023 Publisher: Manhattan Book Group     What happens when a loving family man dies suddenly and a stranger takes his place? IVY HILL is a thoroughly American coming-of-age story set in the mid-20th century. Earthy, realistic, and mordantly funny, it is rich with details of that iconic era. It is also a…
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