#God Xipe Tótec
senig-art · 2 years
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Una idea crece y crece :v espero poder hacer bien esto o por lo menos intentarlo XD
Advertencia: La historias a contar a continuación no intenta ser 100% exacto a la historia de los dioses originales, solo intenta contar una historia por simple entretenimiento.
Los dioses a mencionar aquí, son los siguientes:
Xipe Tótec- El hermano mayor, el primero de los 4 hermanos, “Nuestro señor el desollado” es el dios de la regeneración del maíz y de la guerra; de la primavera y la nueva vegetación, por tal motivo, se le considera como un dios de la fertilidad, además, es patrono de los orfebres. También conocido como Tlatlauhqui Tezcatlipoca -Tezclatlipoca Rojo.
La leyenda dice que Xipe Tótec se auto-sacrificó en beneficio de la humanidad, sacándose los ojos y desollándose en vida para alimentar a las personas con su piel. 
Estaba tan estrechamente relacionado con los sacrificios que se le ofrecían que se le mostró con ellos como su iconografía central. El dios desollado de México usaba la piel de sus víctimas sobre su propio cuerpo. 
La cultura azteca está estrechamente asociada con brutales y sangrientos sacrificios humanos.
En la actualidad, en este pequeño mundo, el trabaja como cocinero y mantiene su propio restaurante, alimentando siglos y siglos a los humanos pero ahora de manera mas ‘’natural’’ pues cocina tanto vegetales como carne. Se alejo del dinero de la familia y logro mantener su restaurante en el mundo humano, es bastante alejado, y prefiere resolver sus problemas a resolver la de sus hermanos.
Tezcatlipoca- El segundo hermano mayor, el segundo en nacer, es una deidad omnipotente, omnipresente, omnisciente, viril y siempre joven, con una personalidad conflictiva y compleja, caprichosa y voluble, poco predecible;​ siendo el dios de la providencia, lo invisible, la oscuridad, creador del cielo y la tierra y señor de todas las cosas.
Se le atribuye el otorgamiento de cosas buenas y malas al hombre a su merced, era la encarnación misma del cambio a través del conflicto, por lo que en tiempos prehispánicos fue temido y reverenciado. 
Según el mito, Quetzalcóatl y Tezcatlipoca son dualidad y antagoniza cosmogónica. Quetzalcóatl es llamado también Tezcatlipoca blanco, en tanto que el color de Tezcatlipoca es el negro.
Tezcatlipoca gobernó el primer mundo del sol, pero luego fue derrocado por Quetzalcóatl. Sin embargo, ambos cooperaron más tarde para crear el quinto sol.
En la actualidad peleaba por la empresa que formaron el y Quetzalcoatl, ambos hermanos se empezaron a llevar muy mal, y la envidia de Tezcatlipoca, lo llevaría a muchas veces a conspirar contra su hermano. Frio y calculador, era lo que este dios representaba en todo momento.
Coyolxauhqui- Una diosa líder de los dioses de estrellas Centzon Huitznáhuac. quinta hermana, pero no parte de la creación, puesto que el verdadero y cuarto hermano, permanecía en la panza de la madre, el cual ella y otros dioses iban a eliminar por simbolizar deshonra.
El mito cuenta que Coyolxauhqui, furiosa al sospechar que su madre, Coatlicue, estaba embarazada de un desconocido (la cual en realidad fue embarazada por una bola de plumas que cayó desde el cielo y guardó en su vientre), guio a sus hermanos (los cuatrocientos surianos) hacia Coatepec, donde se encontraba su progenitora, para matarla, y así redimir la ofensa. 
Al llegar los hijos a Coatepec, Coatlicue dio a luz a Huitzilopochtli, quien vestido de guerrero y armado, nació listo para defender a su madre. El dios venció a sus hermanos, decapitó a su hermana, mandó su cabeza al cielo para que su madre pudiera verla cada noche y arrojó su cuerpo montaña abajo, por lo que este quedó desmembrado.
Así fue como Coyolxauhqui se convirtió en la representación de la Luna y sus hermanos pasaron a representar a la estrellas; así como el propio Huitzilopochtli se convirtió en una representación del Sol, que cada día vence a la Luna.
Tras un tratado de paz entre ella y su hermano menor, siendo ella la única sobreviviente a la masacre de Huitzilopochtli, ella al bajar a la tierra se convirtió en patinadora, trabaja como entrenadora de gimnasia rítmica, valed y yoga ( este ultimo lo practica en la actualidad) Y profesora de astronomía, es seria y rencorosa cuando se trata de su hermano menor, pero ante los demás es respetuosa y competitiva.
Huitzilopochtli- El hermano mas joven, el ultimo Tezcatlipoca Azul, protector y feroz, creador de los Mexicas, siendo su líder, dios y guia en toda su existencia. Dios de la guerra, la venganza, el poder, la dominación y el Sol.
​la relación entre Tezcatlipoca y Huitzilopochtli era más bien de hermano mayor y hermano menor respectivamente, donde la fiesta de Tóxcatl era dedicada al ‘‘dios descendiente’’ Tezcatlipoca y la de Panquetzaliztli, al ‘‘dios ascendente’’ Huitzilopochtli.
Siendo el mas joven y el hermano adoptivo de los tres hermanos creadores del universo, este interactivo dios, creo su vida a través de una miseria, puesto que puso en peligro a sus mejores creaciones, terminando por ser eliminada en la conquista, siendo para el la primera vez que sus lagrimas salían y lo dominaba una enorme tristeza, su hermano mayor Tezcatlipoca lo consoló por tal perdida y lo ayudo creando otra nueva era en la tierra de su vieja creación, y el bajando a la tierra para volverse un líder de guerra y paliaría muchas veces en tierras humanas.
Peleonero, guerrillero, atrevido, hipócrita, protector, vengativo y dominante, es algunas de las cosas que es parte de este dios, sintiéndose en deuda con  Tezcatlipoca lo apoya muchas veces en contra de Quetzalcoatl, aunque el dice que no tiene en nada en contra del dios serpiente emplumada. Es guardaespaldas de Tezcatlipoca y a peleado muchas veces contra otros dioses para probar su fuerza.
Espero  les guste VwV no quiero alargarlo tanto, y realmente espero y les guste esto, aun que sea un poquito XD
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theartfulmegalodon · 5 years
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Surprise! Yet another Godlings character head! (As with all my little character head portraits, these are just the base character, for my reference.) Xipe Totec, The Flayed God, everyone!
Whew! Okay, these just keep getting more elaborate! In my defense, the Aztec gods in my comic are functionally inseparable from their elaborate costumes, and they're all featured prominently in the coming pages, so they all need their designs hashed out in detail. And this guy, I mean...
Xipe Totec! Aztec deity of springtime, rebirth, harvest, agriculture in general, all that good stuff. And in the truly, wonderfully warped logic of the Aztecs, spring and renewal was best represented by a living thing dressed in the husk of something dead! Like a man wearing a suit made of the recently flayed skin of some honored sacrifice... something that their priests ACTUALLY DID! Bonus points for looking through the eye holes of another man's face! So, apologies for the creep factor, but it is pretty accurate. My Xipe is very tall (so tall I had to create a new template for his portrait) and thin, almost skeletal, and indeed dressed in a suit of flayed skin, just as he is portrayed in the Aztecs' art. His actual "skin" is basically raw red muscle, his crown features a ring of corn husk-like fronds, and his eyes glow a *lovely* spring green color! CHEERFUL!
I hope you like him, folks! He doesn't do much in my story, just sort of stands around and occasionally comments along with the other Aztecs, but that doesn't mean he can't have a cool design!
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archaeologicalnews · 5 years
Pre-Aztec 'Flayed god' temple uncovered in Mexico
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Archaeologists in Mexico say they have made an important discovery, uncovering a temple to Xipe Tótec - the pre-Hispanic "Flayed lord".
Historically, throughout the region, priests paid tribute to the deity by wearing the skin of human sacrifices.
Items relating to the deity were discovered at a site in Puebla state, and believed to date from 900-1150 AD.
Mexican archaeologists say the find may be the earliest dedication to Xipe Tótec discovered in Mexico.
Worship of the God, who represents fertility and regeneration, is known to have later spread throughout Mesoamerica during Aztec times.
The INAH say the 85cm (33in) ceramic effigy of the god was found in relatively good condition, though some parts are unattached. Read more.
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veraramirez87-blog · 4 years
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Tattoo Quetzalcóatl Quetzalcoalt ❤️ Según la cosmogonía mexica, Quetzalcóatl es hijo de la dualidad creadora del universo Ometeótl, formado por Ometecuhtli y Omecíhuatl. Sus hermanos eran Huitzilopochtli, Tezcatlipoca y Xipe-Tótec. La religión mexica relacionó a Quetzalcóatl como la deidad del viento en su acepción de «Ehécatl», también era la representación del planeta Venus (que anuncia el alba), los comerciantes, las artes, artesanía y conocimiento. Así mismo del sacerdocio mexica, del aprendizaje y el conocimiento. #quetzalcóatl #aztec #cultura #culturamexicana #mexico 🇲🇽 #tenochtitlan #mx #god #aztecgods #gods #dios #diosesbueno #mesoamerica #azteca #culturaazteca #serpiente #serpienteemplumada #tattoo #tatuajes https://www.instagram.com/p/B-N_-c1DuhV/?igshid=gaaddpb7u42y
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morbidfantasy21 · 5 years
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Xipe Tótec by David Romero
Aztec god of life, death and rebirth.
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tobrodachi · 5 years
Mexico’s own little Yuuka Kazami
Or how a fertility god representative of the corn became demonized and got turned into A Big Motherfucker.
Xipe Tótec, as baptized by the Yope tribe over at Guerrero and imported by the Mexica, was these guy’s God Of Corn And Fertility. Yeah, this motherfucker is the god that makes plants grow, let that sink in. However, why did I call this dude like that in the subtitle?
Let me tell y’all a little about Xipe Totec. He’s also known by another name, “Tlatlauhqui Tezcaltlipoca”, which is literally translated to “Red Tezcaltlipoca”. And no, while it has to do with more human sacrifice that prehispanic civilizations practiced, that name didn’t come from that.
Y’see, Xipe Totec was from the time when the 5th sun in mythology was born. He was one of THE Big Shots alongside Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl, and Tezcaltlipoca. Also, and since food was such a big deal back then and any sense of self-preservation is for cowards, turns out his legend talks about him plucking his own eyes out and skinning himself alive to make corn grow!
Wait, what?
Yeah, turns out that his name “Xipe Totec” can also be literally translated to “Flayed One”, fun fact!
So, while Super Meat Boy’s blind great-great-great-great-grandpa was running around trying to feed mesoamerican tribes, local gods were being awed in response, and the humans?
“Damn, we gotta get some more of this corn stuff, it’s great.”
“How do we grow it?”
“I dunno--- WAIT, I’VE GOT AN IDEA!”
And that’s probably how the Tlacaxipehualiztli festivities were born!
What’s that, you ask?
Why, it’s just the day where they celebrate the 5th sun being born by having several captured warriors fight in a gladiatorial style to represent each different god, all because the Mexicas thought that anger born through battle was the most pure of emotions. After that, they were ritually sacrificed, their hearts ripped out, AND their skin flayed so that priests could dance while wearing the skin to represent Xipe Totec’s own images in several codexes, only for them to end up sacrificed as well, all so that corn would grow.
Man, talk about an expensive way to make blood meals for plants.
There’s also another theory of Xipe Totec ALSO taking over an aspect of Huitzilopochtli and becoming a God of War in the sense of bloodletting through warfare to make plants grow, while Huitzilopochtli handled the destructive part of war, but honestly? This shit’s mad confusing, especially since there’s a lot of historians dipping their fingers into trying to figure out what’s metaphor and what’s not.
There was also that one time when the Mexicas went and committed a faux pas so bad, they became exiled from their benefactors into a little swampy island in Lake Texcoco, which coincidentally HAD an eagle eating a snake while standing on a prickly pear.
What did they do to get exiled, though?
Y’see, before they could settle in any land, the Mexica tribe was acting as a mercenary town. Usual stuff for people being taught how to live like heels by one of their many God of Wars, just fight and everything will turn out A-OK! And since they were so effective at what they did, the Mexicas went and asked for the daughter of a random person (who just so casually happened to be the ruler of one of the lands they were doing chores for) like this.
“Hey, mind if we take your daughter to join the gods----“
“As in, holy matrimony? I’d be honored!”
“…. Yeah, sure let’s go with that.”
And that’s how she found out that “Become as gods” isn’t as good as it’s made out to be. You end up dead, possibly skinned after being forced into combat, and then worn by a creepy priest in front of your horrified dad, who most definitely expected something other than a reenactment of one of NieR:Automata’s most iconic moments before it could even be composed.
In conclusion, and tl;dr: Saying the history behind this dude is pretty damn fucking crazy is like saying water is wet.
I don’t know what to write about next, but hell, there’s a lot of material to uncover, so I’ll probably take a long while before deciding on anything.
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marasamsara · 5 years
I hate gods. But I have some sympathy for Xipe Tótec. To worship him, the Aztecs have skinned people. Alive, as I sincerely hope. Aw, good old times.
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belacqui-pro-quo · 5 years
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Two sculptures dedicated to the pre-Hispanic fertility god Xipe Totec (c.900)
Archaeologists Find Pre-Columbian Temple of ‘Flayed Lord’ in Central Mexico - The New York Times
Archaeologists in Mexico say they have found the first temple dedicated to a deity called the Flayed Lord, an important god in the Aztec Empire whose worshipers were said to wear the skin of sacrificial victims.
Artifacts related to the god were found in the central state of Puebla, at a site built by the Popoloca people, Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History said in a statement on Wednesday. The Popolocas built in the area over several centuries, beginning around A.D. 900, and were assimilated into the sprawling Aztec kingdom.
At the temple, which the institute said was probably built between A.D. 1000 and 1260, the archaeologists found artifacts related to the god, Xipe Tótec, including two stone skulls and a stone torso that had an extra hand hanging off its left arm. Scientists said the extra hand suggested the god was wearing the remains of a sacrificial victim.
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adorned-in-ashes · 6 years
I’d like to talk you about  Xipe Tótec ("The Flayed One") 
Aztec/ Toltec god of agriculture, spring, sweet corn, abundance, rebirth, new vegetation and sunsets. Xipe Tótec represents renovation, detachment of what is no longer useful, regeneration, fertility and sacrifices . 
He is portrayed wearing the skin of a human victim, as a symbol of the new vegetation that covered the earth every spring.
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ownerzero · 5 years
Xipe Totec, The Flayed Lord of Mexico
A recent discovery was made in Mexico where archaeologists dug up a pre-Aztec temple of the "flayed god" called Xipe Totec. Items relating to the deity were discovered at a site in Puebla state, and believed to date from 900-1150 AD. Mexican archaeologists say the find may be the earliest dedication to Xipe Tótec discovered […]
The post Xipe Totec, The Flayed Lord of Mexico appeared first on AWorkstation.com.
source https://aworkstation.com/xipe-totec-the-flayed-lord-of-mexico/
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karoga89-blog · 5 years
Contrasting Durkheimian and Marxist perspectives:
I am totally Mexican, parents and raised in Mexico. You would think that in my culinary social group the totem food is the “taco” but wrong! It is the “Pozole” it is a pork broth with corn kernels, you usually eat it with chopped cabbage, onion, and tortilla or “hard” tortilla that it’ll be the “tostada” 
To my social group, it is a dish that everyone enjoys on special dates birthdays, independence day, or just a gathering with the family.
The pozole dish comes from the Mayas, an old native culture from the beginning of Mexico. The dish has been modified on everyone's tastes in every different state of Mexico.
Don’t get scared of what you are going to read but like everyone knows the Mayas were bloody.
But initially, the meat that was added was human. The gastronomic offering was granted to the god of spring in a prayer for good harvests. Fray Bernardino de Sahagún recounts in the General History of Things of New Spain, that during the ceremonies in honor of the god Xipe Tótec (Our Lord Flayed), Emperor Moctezuma is served a huge plate of well, crowned with the thigh of A prisoner slaughtered.
in the passing of time, in cooking recipes collected by the Spanish friars after the conquest, it is manifested that remains of the body were cooked with corn. Other versions indicate that what was boiled in the pozole was not human flesh, but Xoloitzcuintle, a breed of domesticated dog and raised for human consumption. Today is just pork meat, don’t get scared Mexicans are not cannibals, or eat dog meat. 
From the Marxist perspective, The concealed part it is the way how they kill the pig to get the meat. They hit the pig in the head with a hammer, or a shot with a gun. But to us, it is practically normal because since the beginning of times that's how people eat meat to kill the animal to get the food and survived. For the corn kennels, people from the farm collects the corn cobs and let them dry for 2 or 3 days. The seeds do no shear until they reach 12% of humidity.
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Archaeologists believe priests worshipped Xipe Tótec by skinning victims and wearing their flesh. from BBC News - World https://bbc.in/2SEqmYI
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allnewsonthego · 5 years
Archaeologists believe priests worshipped Xipe Tótec by skinning victims and wearing their flesh. from BBC News - World https://bbc.in/2SEqmYI via IFTTT
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veraramirez87-blog · 4 years
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Quetzalcoalt ❤️ Según la cosmogonía mexica, Quetzalcóatl es hijo de la dualidad creadora del universo Ometeótl, formado por Ometecuhtli y Omecíhuatl. Sus hermanos eran Huitzilopochtli, Tezcatlipoca y Xipe-Tótec. La religión mexica relacionó a Quetzalcóatl como la deidad del viento en su acepción de «Ehécatl», también era la representación del planeta Venus (que anuncia el alba), los comerciantes, las artes, artesanía y conocimiento. Así mismo del sacerdocio mexica, del aprendizaje y el conocimiento. #quetzalcóatl #aztec #cultura #culturamexicana #mexico 🇲🇽 #tenochtitlan #mx #god #aztecgods #gods #dios #diosesbueno #mesoamerica #azteca #culturaazteca #serpiente #serpienteemplumada https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ODyU2DNTC/?igshid=1sjr46c8119ru
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nbntv-blog · 5 years
Pre-Aztec 'Flayed god' temple uncovered in Mexico
Pre-Aztec ‘Flayed god’ temple uncovered in Mexico
Image copyright Melitón Tapia INAH Image caption The sculptures were discovered during an excavation of pre-Aztec era ruins
Archaeologists in Mexico say they have made an important discovery, uncovering a temple to Xipe Tótec – the pre-Hispanic “Flayed lord”.
Historically, throughout the region, priests paid tribute to the deity by wearing the skin of human sacrifices.
Items relating to the…
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veraramirez87-blog · 4 years
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Quetzalcoalt ❤️ Según la cosmogonía mexica, Quetzalcóatl es hijo de la dualidad creadora del universo Ometeótl, formado por Ometecuhtli y Omecíhuatl. Sus hermanos eran Huitzilopochtli, Tezcatlipoca y Xipe-Tótec. La religión mexica relacionó a Quetzalcóatl como la deidad del viento en su acepción de «Ehécatl», también era la representación del planeta Venus (que anuncia el alba), los comerciantes, las artes, artesanía y conocimiento. Así mismo del sacerdocio mexica, del aprendizaje y el conocimiento. #quetzalcóatl #aztec #cultura #culturamexicana #mexico 🇲🇽 #tenochtitlan #mx #god #aztecgods #gods #dios #diosesbueno #mesoamerica #azteca #culturaazteca #serpiente #serpienteemplumada https://www.instagram.com/p/B-OAEyoj_4A/?igshid=nmcxq6mq0u4v
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