#Gy feedback
queen-haq · 4 months
Will there be an update soon for GY? 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 I'm so looking forward to seeing what's gonna happen next, I love the story sm!
Was literally working on the new chapter when I saw this message :)
Hoping to post it either tomorrow or by this weekend.
Thank you for the lovely message, dear anon :) Readers like you keep me going.
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burpenterprisejournal · 8 months
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(english below) La Chute & Burp Enterprise vi invitano trepidanti al concerto di Don The Tiger Giovedì 28 Settembre al circolo Il Progresso di Firenze. Dj set / Aperitivo alle 19 a cura dei Sistemi Audiofobici Burp.
Don The Tiger è il progetto solista di Adrián de Alfonso Prieto-Puga (La Coruña, 1978), artista e ingegnere che ha collaborato con artisti del calibro di Carla Bozulich, Lucrecia Dalt, Regina de Miguel, Valerio Tricoli, Lydia Lunch, El Guincho, Aksak Maboul, Paloma Polo, Victor Herrero, Robert Forster, GY! BE, Rubén Patiño, Krapoola, Alex Reynolds, Arnau Sala, Nuno Marques Pinto, Olivier Arson, Sam Ashley e Macromassa.
Con sede a Berlino dal 2011, Don The Tiger trae ispirazione da tutto ciò che gli manca in quella città - che si tratti di rumba, MPB, bolero, fantasy barocco, guabina, torch songs, copla o Fania Records - e lo canalizza attraverso elaborate tecniche di campionamento e musique concrète. esplosioni, trasmettendolo con una spinta simile al flamenco o al rockabilly.
Nelle sue ultime apparizioni dal vivo, Don The Tiger approfondisce come le sue performance possano abbracciare contemporaneamente il partecipativo, il portatile e il sostenibile. Utilizzando più trasmettitori FM, occupa frequenze FM specifiche per amplificare le sue sorgenti e i suoi microfoni, consentendo ai partecipanti che trasportano una radio FM di partecipare attivamente alla formazione della musica.
L'uso illimitato delle radio nello spazio consente ai partecipanti di giocare con fenomeni sonori come riverbero, ritardo, distorsione, interferenza o feedback, creando un contesto sonoro imprevedibile e unico per la performance. Oltre a un mucchio di nastri e cdr non rintracciabili, Don The Tiger ha pubblicato fino ad oggi due LP -"Varadero" (2013, Canada) e "Matanzas” (2018, Crammed Discs) - ed è apparso su media come The Wire, Tiny Mix Tapes, PopMatters, Vinyl District, WFMU o Battiti.
Don The Tiger is the solo project of Adrián de Alfonso Prieto-Puga (La Coruña, 1978), artist and engineer who has collaborated with the likes of Carla Bozulich, Lucrecia Dalt, Regina de Miguel, Valerio Tricoli, Lydia Lunch, El Guincho, Aksak Maboul, Paloma Polo, Victor Herrero, Robert Forster, GY! BE, Rubén Patiño, Krapoola, Alex Reynolds, Arnau Sala, Nuno Marques Pinto, Olivier Arson, Sam Ashley and Macromassa.
Based in Berlin since 2011, Don The Tiger takes inspiration from everything he misses in that city -be it rumba, MPB, bolero, baroque fantasy, guabina, torch songs, copla or Fania Records- and channels it through elaborate sampling techniques and musique concrète outbursts, delivering it with a drive akin to flamenco or rockabilly.
In his latest live appearances, Don The Tiger delves into how his performances can simultaneously embrace the participatory, the portable and the sustainable. Using multiple FM transmitters, he occupies specific FM frequencies to amplify his sources and mics, allowing attendees carrying an FM radio to actively participate in the shaping of the music. The unrestricted use of the radios in the space enables attendees to play with sonic phenomena such as reverberation, delay, distortion, interference or feedback, creating an unpredictable and unique sonic context for the performance.
Besides a bunch of untraceable tapes and cdrs, Don The Tiger has released two LPs to date -"Varadero" (2013, Canada) and "Matanzas” (2018, Crammed Discs)- and has been featured in media such as The Wire, Tiny Mix Tapes, PopMatters, Vinyl District, WFMU or Battiti.
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martanomb · 2 years
MB's Monologue: Advice and Tips on How I Dropped Over 4 Stone in Weight
I recently shared a somewhat candid post regarding many aspects of my life over the past 2-3 years and the progress I’ve made. Since then, I’ve had a tidal wave of kind comments and positive feedback, both online and in person and to be honest it’s really quite something! If you have taken a moment to reach out to me then I offer you my sincere thanks, it’s very much appreciated and I don’t say that flippantly. What I didn’t really expect though, is that a few people have been in touch to either say that what I shared has helped them in some way shape or form (e.g. gaining some inspiration to make a change) or to ask some follow up questions regarding specifics in order to get themselves onto a better path.
I’ve been thinking a lot lately that I do enjoy writing as an outlet, although hardly ever utilise the opportunity to do so. I believe in part for my own reasons (you know, to articulate a thought on a more creative platform) that there may also be some value in providing more detail and nuance as to how I managed to shift over 4 stone and become significantly fitter, healthier and consistent considering the feedback I have been receiving. I’ll keep the focus on weight loss specifically as I’ll end up writing a piece longer than my dissertation from back in my university days if I go too far off topic!
I would like to provide the preface that everything I am going to talk about here is specific to me and what works for me may not work for you. You should always absorb as much information from as wide a variety of sources as possible and figure out a bespoke approach which works for you on an individual level. I’d like to think that I’m quite an observant person and I’ve taken such a huge number of ideas and details from sources like reading books, YouTube, trial and error (my favourite!), observing habits within others and listening at the right times. Some ideas I added to my routine and have remained in place ever since, others served their purpose and were discontinued and some were immediately discarded because they were likely just garbage. An important thing is to be willing to adapt until you get it right or even just a little bit better until you can find what a new normal is – you’ll never look back once you do, trust me.
However, I do hope that for anyone who needs it that they are able to take at least one or two nuggets of information to empower yourself to progress closer to where it is you want to be. If no one does then that’s still not a bad thing as far as I’m concerned because I’ll have spent some time doing an activity I enjoy and been able to get a thought off of my chest – albeit a rather long one.
Step 1 – Increasing Activity Levels
One of the first things I changed when I started my journey (God I HATE that expression) was to become more physically active. I decided early on because I was strong yet unfit (as well as overweight) that one of the easiest ways to achieve this was to simply walk more frequently. So I strapped on my Fitbit or smartwatch and made sure that I hit 10k steps per day as often as I could manage. I now average around 15k steps per day.
By doing this I was burning an incredible number of additional calories and over a period of time the compound effect is more or less inevitable, this has such a positive impact for weight loss. There are so many forms of exercise and it is easy to get hung up on the intense stuff (which is great by the way!) or what I can't do, but walking was and remains my superpower. It should not be undervalued – it’s a calorie killer.
This leads on to the general principle that by walking more I was increasing my Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) which essentially boils down to how active you are physically out with regular exercise. General examples of this are to walk instead of taking the car for short distances (e.g. work, going to the shops, taking the stairs rather than a lift etc).
An example specific to me is that I walk to my gym every.single.time. This is approximately 2,000 extra steps per day. Now that’s 2,000 steps per day x 6 days per week which is 12,000 steps per week or over 600,000 steps per year! Do you see how one small change can lead to such a significant milestone over time? That’s the compound effect in action and it should be everyone’s ally, it’s certainly mine.
How you choose to approach a task/routine/activity (e.g. half-arsed) is likely how you will do most things in your life and your outcomes will be aligned with that. By taking a measured, positive and I’m going to give it my all here approach to every single thing you do in life will stand you in good stead, imagine how far you could progress if you actually tried and gave it your all? It’s amazing - honestly, try it. Unless you are in a very small percentage of people your body is exactly where it deserves to be, we are the result of our actions on a daily basis over a long period of time, it’s a transparent, qualitative and rather easy way of tracking progress.
In short you need to get your butt moving as often as you can and by doing so your baseline of how many calories you can consume in a day will increase, the health benefits are absolutely stellar.
Step 2 – Calorie Management
I don’t like the term Calorie Tracking so I have gone with Calorie Management as I feel it’s more appropriate because you can track anything, that doesn’t mean you’re going to see a difference. Taking responsibility and managing your caloric intake on the other hand? Well that’s something entirely different...
Weight loss can be a confusing topic when you aren’t armed with a little knowledge and it can be quite jarring at times as a result. But here is the kicker and it’s as simple as this; on any given day your body has an energy balance in terms of calories. Go over the number and you’ll gain weight, hit the number and you’ll maintain and if you create a deficit, you’ll lose weight. That’s it in a nutshell.
My biggest issue was that I didn’t fundamentally understand what I was consuming, how many calories were within that regime and what should I be looking to hit for my physical profile? I downloaded an app called Nutracheck (I now use My Fitness Pal; they all do the same thing) and started tracking what I was eating and ensured that I hit my calorie target as often as I could. I naturally fell into a 5:2 nutrition plan whereby 5 days per week I would be in a sustainable and healthy deficit with 1-2 days to allow more flexibility (e.g. the weekends). It’s important to still live a full life when cutting weight. Throughout the year or so while I was losing weight I did not skip a single social occasion that I didn’t want to (I skipped plenty I didn’t fancy, haha!) and ensured that any blow outs were accounted for and whilst doing this will slow progress down, overall I still lived a great life and didn’t have to make sacrifices which aren’t worth it, it’s important to stay connected and foster sustainable change.
To summarise this section succinctly I determined what a good calorie target would be for me and made sure I hit it on a weekly basis rather than a daily basis. You can’t be in a calorie deficit every single day for long periods of time, it’s not that good for you; physically or mentally.
Step 3 – Food Selection
After I gained a solid understanding of what I needed to do to lose weight in terms of calories, this inadvertently forced me to consider what I was eating. Whilst I can now create a deficit quite easily if I need to, I do this by selecting foods which A. I like and B. fit the right profile (e.g. calories, protein etc). Meaning I can eat loads and never feel hungry whilst maintaining a calorie deficit.
An example of how I achieved this was that I swapped almost all of my snacks to fruit, low fat yoghurts, Greek yoghurts and high protein yoghurts.  I found that I still got that sweet hit but for a fraction of the calorie count of other snacks (e.g. sweets, breakfast bars etc) and often got extra protein which helped me keep my strength up as I love to lift weights.
If you drink full fat fizzy juice, just don’t. They’re a source of empty calories and best avoided (I never have but appreciate many do).
Breakfast cereal was swapped for healthy alternatives such as scrambled eggs most mornings. The eggs also contain more protein, less calories and they take more energy for your body to metabolise, honestly, they’re like a cheat code.
By understanding what you are consuming and how many calories are within you can make more informed choices and actually end up eating more and feeling fuller for less calories.
(Fun Fact: Did you know that a pint of beer has approximately 220 calories? Whereas a 25ml rum and diet coke has approx. 60 calories? Informed decisions are available everywhere, you just have to look for them.)
Step 4 – Portion Control
Leading on from calorie management is portion control and for the first time in my life I now own a set of kitchen scales. I now ensure that all portion sizes are accounted for and appropriate so that everything I consumed was part of the plan.
For example in the past I would habitually just have two of basically anything (e.g. chicken breast fillets) and why? I’ve not got a clue; it was just an ingrained habit I had. Whereas now I tend to batch cook in advance and weigh each portion so that I’m getting the correct amount. A key thing for me was weighing all loose items so that I understood their calorie profile and ensured that everything in my diet was accounted for as best as I possibly could.
Please watch your portion sizes, they’re a silent killer when it comes to gaining and losing weight. But with a little effort this has actually been something I really enjoy. Although it’s rarer now, there were many moments where I thought: Oh fuck, I didn’t realise there were so many calories in that!
(Yes, I like to swear within my inner monologues.)
Step 5 – My Training Programme
I’ve done weight training for a number of years now (10+) and it’s something I’m passionate about and thoroughly enjoy. However, at the start of this process I found despite my physique making me outrageously strong I was overweight and fundamentally unhappy with myself about that fact. One thing which really made me realise that I was unhappy about my appearance was when I was thinking why am I avoiding getting my photo taken? I used to love getting a wee photo here and there... The answer? I looked dreadful and subconsciously I knew it. I'm back to normal now though guys, get the cameras at the ready, haha!
After a period of time (over 6 months) of simply walking more and eating progressively better I went back to a public gym and really doubled down on my training.
I very gradually implemented some light cardio, then dabbled with classes and now I do both classes and weights (probably a lot more than anyone could be reasonably expected to, but that’s just me!). Although it’s something that I love, training as such is not necessarily required to make real changes. Although I would highly recommend that everyone engages in some form of exercise, it’s good for you.
Importantly it’s always a case of taking one steps at a time; walk before you can run.
Step 6 – Consistency and Dedication
This aspect is truly a winner and probably something which cannot be taught and is difficult to master. Consistency and dedication are truly my golden bullet, being consistent over a period of time you will almost always win and win convincingly, trust me.
Most changes in our lives will take time to bear fruit and at least initially change can invoke a lot of effort and stress, but this gets easier as you go. Hang in there and maintain course and your consistency will take you levels beyond what you thought was possible, beyond your initial goals and this has certainly helped me on the up-and-up. You will find if you can be consistent, you will quickly see, hear and feel the benefits whether it be kind words from others or having higher energy levels. Every day is a small-scale battle and every battle won is a step forward and ground gained. This keeps me motivated to always keep pressing forwards (not blindly though, adapt as you need to).
You’ll need to work on this one yourself here though. The best advice I can probably offer when confronted with a moment whereby you doubt yourself or you’ve hit a brick wall and you know you’re going to forfeit consistency and dedication - is to stop making bloody excuses and start making plans on how you’re going to deal with the task at hand.
In Summary
If I was less like me, which I’m not… It would have been easy to have gone in the opposite direction after realising that I was overweight. You know, my knee is fucked, I’m overweight and let’s head down the slippery slope of regression, feel sorry for myself and start a pity party – woe goes me. But that’s not me, I don’t have that in me and as a very good friend of mine told me recently: you always overcome, Martin.
Those words mean a lot to me and I’ve thought about them every day since. I wasn’t born with any outstanding talents, I lacked confidence in myself at times when I was younger (e.g. at school) and was somewhat of a late developer but now? Now I feel like I can do anything and it’s an incredible feeling. I feel well-rounded, I feel accomplished, I feel knowledgeable, I feel powerful, I feel resilient, I feel capable and I feel like I have scope to help others. I absolutely love to see people do well and work on themselves. We all have our limitations (e.g. physical) and must work within that framework but every day is an opportunity to start working towards a better tomorrow and the moment to act is now, not tomorrow, not after you’ve done X-Y or Z, it’s now. Right now.
If anything I’ve said here has resonated with you, please feel free to reach out and let me know and please also take care of yourselves. You’re important and you matter, don’t forget that. Especially if you’re not where you want to be right now.
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paincorpsrarefinds · 2 years
89-94 Nissan 240sx Right Side Power Door Mirror S13
NISSAN JDM: Seller: sidewaysfab (98.2% positive feedback) Location: US Condition: Used Price: 44.99 USD Shipping cost: Free Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/185582158123?fits=Model%3A240SX%7CMake%3ANissan&hash=item2b358f012b%3Ag%3AbqUAAOSwxy5jI-gY&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779479&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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cracksz1 · 2 years
Voice Attack Free Download 1.8.7 with Crack +Activation Key 2022
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Voice Attack Free Download 1.8.7 with Crack +Activation Key 2022 Voice Attack's free crack behaviour is rumoured to be colourful, alien. Even more so if you have a virtual reality headset like the Oculus Rift. As a result of particle acceleration experiments, and accidentally, a foundation was laid for the quantum neural network as we know it today. We will do our best to ensure that Beta is doing well before releasing it here, however, make sure there is no guarantee. Voice Attack's free crack Activation Code Feedback is always welcome and encouraged! You want to use Voice Attack to promote or replace some expensive macro-powered hardware that you want to provide.
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Alternatively, it could be a simple and useful software program designed to make video games and goals more enjoyable by turning on keyboard instructions with your voice. To improve your voice attack results, do not include words such as serial number keys, etc. Voice Attack's free crack Mac is also a number of samples that will help you to hear the sound of getting ready! Are! Sound packs are available for purchase or pre-order at New Stores located here. The Voice Attack app is a small tool that lets you take the spoken commands in your microphone into a series of keystrokes on the keyboard and do other things like start the program! Voice attack is not a commercial product I am referring to. This sound pack is the culmination of about 100 hours of work for me in a few months. Feature: - CONTROL YOUR GAMES AND SIMULATORS WITH YOUR VOICE - ALSO, CONTROL YOUR APPS. - CREATE CRAZY-POWERFUL MACROS. - VIRTUAL REALITY: THE TIME IS NOW. - PLAY SOUNDS AND/OR MUSIC. Activation Keys: JHGSA JHGSA KUD HYIA HDSG HJXDG JHDSG JHGDS SLKJDHAI NI US HDAQ HJSD HJGSD JHDF JHS ZHSHGD JKZ HSX IAOS GHADS JHSD KJSDF JKSD JHDSG ZHSGD KSJ ADH NJK ASA KI JSAIOSHDS JHGSD JHDG SHGD HDG Serial Numbers: ASDF BNCX ZXCV MNBV VBCN JHFD JHGD JXDHF HDF VBN  ETRY GFDHA VCXBNZ  VBX JZHG DSF XJH DF XHJDF JZSHSD XJHFD JHHF LIESUR UTY XKJXV JHF JDF SKDU KSDJ RTRY UYTK KDFLDKJF KRDJRT JHGF Keygen Number: 3R3E W5T4 MJU7 MNGH6 hjgsd jksdh jshdg WQ ER TY NHFD BVDF 6TRGVD NB67 jhdsf uhdsa jhsgd QW ER YT WQ RE TR YT YU G FD SD S WE RFKMFD RJGS KSJ EFH SKJEJRU SKEU KSUH SK JDD LK EJW LK IKJ UJY HUY GY Screenshots:
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What's New? - Voice Attack is designed to make games and applications - more fun by adding your voice as an additional controller. - The program will take commands that you speak into your microphone - and convert them into a series of keyboard presses and mouse actions. - With a comprehensive toolkit, you can design your own macros to control virtually - all aspects of your Windows experience or add a whole new layer of immersion to fresh SIMs. - Change the commands you speak into your microphone in a series of keyboard presses. - Automate program launches, data processing, standard operations, - and specific actions performed on a timer or randomly. - Check microphone compatibility before input. How to enable voice commands in Elite Dangerous via Voice Attack? - Landing gear up / down - Deploy the fuel scope. - Deploy weapons. - Drop chaff - Get out of SuperSoft. - Convert power to shield. - Clean the dock and jump (it performs a one-time macro afterburner, - engages at maximum speed and waits - for a while then engages in a jump drive. How do I run Voice Attack as an administrator? - Next, right-click VoiceAtik.EX - and select 'Properties', - and then go to the 'Compatibility' tab. - Check the box labelled - 'Run this program as an administrator' - and then click 'OK'.   Read the full article
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markrosewater · 3 years
Ok, after doing well enough on Arena drafts, I feel like I have enough experience to provide stryxhaven feedback. This is the perfect power level for a set in my opinion. I would be ecstatic if every future set was around this power level. The only critique I have is that Lorehold, I feel, should have had instants and sorceries at common that messed with their own GY.
Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad you’re enjoying Strixhaven limited.
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Obliviosus by MSW
Genre: Doom metal/Ambient
This album is very heavy and very dark, as portrayed excellently by the album cover.
Obliviosus starts off on “O Brother”, and this establishes the theme for the rest of the album. A diary in the suffering and tragedy of drug addiction and the destruction of family that it causes when unchecked. MSW speaks about his brother, who has torn apart his family due to his actions, and the misery and hatred he feels, but also the love he still feels for his brother. Musically, the song is a crossroads between debut The Third and The Mortal, and what is to be expected with funeral doom. 
The second song is named “Funus”, this song is entirely instrumental with only violins and piano. This song amplifies the sadness he is feeling towards his circumstances, with the repeating chords and the mournful piano notes accompanied by violins later in the track. It is a short track, but a very nice one.
The third song is titled “Humanity”, and it starts off with an ominous guitar lick followed by quiet violins, guitar feedback then fills in the rest and the distorted guitars take precedent over the song with overtone singing filling in the rest. It then calms back down to the earlier riff with some low baritone singing about how long his brother will continue on his path, and how long it will take until he dies. After another loud section, it calms down into a whispering section and then back into the quiet section of the song.
The magnum opus of this album is definitely the self titled track, and final track of the album “Obliviosus.” At about 20 minutes long, this song is a bit of a journey away from the earlier tracks with a lot more post-rock influences and quiet interludes. It feels like a mix between early GY!BE and how I described “O Brother.” There is a lot to talk about in this song, but it’s best to just experience yourself.
Overall, the album is a very nice and refreshing appearance in funeral doom, and is very enjoyable to listen to if you want to relax, or if you’re having a difficult time in your life
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thesunlounge · 4 years
Reviews 351: MAÂT
At the end of 2019, Growing Bin Records tossed a special surprise into one of my mailorder packages, which took the form of an unmarked and incorrectly sequenced test pressing of an upcoming release. Even without any context to anchor myself to, I dove over and over again into the entrancing landscapes of world music infused post-rock, cinematic sunset disco, solar stoner blues, seaside psych folk, balearic dub pop, organic studio jazz, and new age fusion contained therein, all the while feeling as if I had some secret sonic treasure completely to myself. And after spending a few weeks in blissful ignorance, having no clue where or when in the world this music was created, its source was finally revealed as the trio of Adrien Colle, Tim Karbon, and Maxime Castanet, otherwise known as MAÂT. Far from spoiling the magic though, knowing the authors of Solar Mantra only enhanced the experience, as did the loose ideological framework provided by the song titles and Alan Briand’s enigmatic artwork, for now, I had conceptual signposts to guide my imagination as it continued exploring the trio’s exotic environments, where rainforest rhythms anchor skeletal stoner blues riffs as smoke-shrouded vocals croon towards the sunset; where bass synths filter between fusion walks and subsonic growls while idiophones of every color splash and sparkle; where pastoral prog guitars jangle over the heavenly drone of an electric organ; where chanted harmonies flow into mantric incantations above spiritual synth cascades, swelling cymbal shimmer, and ambient funk basslines; and where heady angel voices melt down over soul-affirming expanses of dub-kissed dreampop psychedelia. I was also thrilled to discover that MAÂT dedicated the album to Don Cherry’s, Naná Vasconcelos’, and Collin Walcott’s work in Codona, a favorite group of mine who here provide less of a direct sonic inspiration and more so a spiritual one, as Solar Mantra sees another trio of gifted and sympathetic collaborators pushing each other to the limits of individual creativity in the search for sonic transcendence.
MAÂT - Solar Mantra (Growing Bin Records, 2020) In “The Walk,” echo-soaked toms, tambourines, and chain off snares gallop through the void while claps crack, four four kicks beat beneath dreamspace vibraphones, and desperate smears of singing fade into focus. Then everything cuts away, leaving space for ceremonial organs and fat acid basslines to ambulate beneath a pair of voices seeming to intone “can’t you see how they walk?” as bells and shakers swell violently. A squelching synth solo seeks out the sunrise and light kisses of dub delay work the snares as the track spreads further out into pastoral folk psychedelia, with ecclesiastical organ chords supporting jangling acoustic guitars. Vibraphones add soulful jazz flourishes and harmonize with bleary-eyed fusion leads as pleading vocals thread in and out of the stereo field and at the track’s conclusion, kick drums and shakers move together, hand drums spill over themselves, and those smokey vocal hazes continue flowing in round over light acoustic guitar brushstrokes, before it all ends in a fractal storm of xylophones and shakers. “Jaki & Bryn” comes to life on smoldering synth swells as twanging guitars play single note snake charmer leads before working into a potsmoke chug. Synthetic bells melt and pitter patter percussions pop beneath lyrical incantations, with everything slowly devolving into self-oscillating abstracting. As we snap to the groove, we find ourselves floating on a post-punk raga of skeletal guitar riffing while shakers and bongos guide the hypnotic groove. Organs dart and dash like fireflies and haunted vocalisms flow in each ear, with touches of downer prog and crooning blues mergin into a stoner lullaby. At some point, everything cuts away, leaving lonely lyricisms to float in the void, accompanied by a light panorama of shakers and melting chordscapes. Later, as ping pong echo drums rush us back into the groove, music box arps move drunkely over melting FM synth environments…the whole mix growing strange and alien. Subtle blasts of galactic magic suffuse the stereo field as we work towards the end and eventually, it all reduces to minimal guitar work and hazy vocal hymns, with drums clattering wildly and everything filtering towards darkness.
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Minimalist organs join a dancing panorama of filtering chords in “Feuglace” before everything starts reversing in time. Subsonic drums and shakers emerge amidst a bubble cloud of echo-morphing vocal expressionism and as soul-soaked house chords pan across the spectrum, we drop into the groove proper, where dazzling cymbal patterns work around slap bass fusion lines while snares and claps swing on the beat. Idiophones play melancholic island melodies and at some point, the groove grows abstract, with militant percussions pounding then fading as kalimbas, marimbas, vibraphones, and tapped cymbals dance through a cloud of reverb. Then comes a smash cut into tribal hand drum rolls, Afro-folk guitar refractions, and ghostly vocal harmonizations while xylophones beat out sunshine refrains. And later, after the vocals morph into a cloud of fevered insect psychedelia, smeared deep house pianos return alongside handclaps and equatorial fusion basslines to guide an irresistible groove, wherein sparkling ride cymbals and cycling organ riffs refract sunshine and those scatting echo vocal swim far in the distance while the stereo swells with mutating choral hazes. The A-side closed with “Solar Mantra” and its steel pans dancing in a picturesque sunrise. Shakers and tambourines glitter over a tropical bongo groove and layers of plucked psaltery slowly suffuse the stereo field with a jangling dance of polyrhythmic string psychedelia. Sensual sub basslines soften the vibe and kalimba melodies fall like a gentle summer storm until suddenly, vocals ride in on effervescing tapestries of electronic drumming and sing towards the sky: “I want you to grow / praise the sun”. Bleary-eyed synths solo softly and vocal scats imitate shakers as everything reduces down to simplistic hand drumming, ambient thumb piano atmospheres, and plucked string shimmer. But eventually, the groove slowly builds back in strength, though somehow it all seems shambolic and barely held together as various passages flow in and around each other according to some unknowable logic, with plucked psaltery glowing and smokey vocals moving between the titular solar mantra and wordless soul reveries.
“Quetzal Pacino” builds wondrous anticipation from the outset, with mallets tapping and ethereal atmospheres swelling. Violins soar to the surface and drums take on a spaghetti western gallop before dropping into disco intoxication, with hi-hats working the mind via energetic double time flourishes and big synth basslines snapping and sliding. The background swirls with fantasy orchestrations and occasionally, marimbas emerge to beat out anthemic island melodies. Basslines filter into a monstrous growl, martial snare rolls portend some mighty climax, and radiant whooshes of electro-psychedelia flow across the mix until the drums drop away, leaving basslines and layered mallet instruments to pound on the beat, ride cymbals to swell into flashes of white light, and oceanic phaser strings to seek out the sky. Then, things reduce further and string synths start weaving paradise spells amidst a rainfall of cymbal shimmer. And as the extasy-laced disco groove builds back to epic proportions, with a sunset symphony swimming overheard and filtered basslines roaring, the vibe is of some thrilling chase scene…of convertibles careening down seaside highways in the light of the setting sun…the heart racing along with urgent disco drum pulsations while textures of tropical exotica subsume the spirit. Cosmic electronics harmonize with Renaud Guy-Rousseau’s clarinet in “Clairière,” with druidic cycles and ancient melodies spreading into delirium drone. Textured clicks move beneath howling ghosts while cymbal and rimshot splashes bring to life a tribalistic drum groove, which kicks fully into gear once romantic basslines begin executing drunken dances amidst layers of polyphonic idiophone mesmerism. Synths percolate like bubble clouds, hi-hats bash away, and moaning brass electronics mimic a siren until the rhythms disperse, leaving behind machine screams and computronic synth flourishes. Eventually, the clarinet re-emerges…its touches elegiac and reverb soaked jazz enticing the groove back into focus, now with sawing strings and sliding portamento sonics reminding me of the magisterial post-rock and desolate folk Americana of GY!BE, especially Efrim Menuck’s screwdriver guitar freakouts. 
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In “Mount Bevray,” blurred e-piano bass chords support solar feedback swells as slap jazz and fusion funk basslines dance across shimmering ocean wave crests. Layered cymbal polyrhythms gleam in the sunlight, brass polysynths spread outwards into new age fusion cloudforms, and all the while, wordless vocal cycles build in support…these paradise incantations of impossible beauty…so simple yet so emotionally affecting. At some point its all obscured by dark filtering, with the cymbal patterns fading and synths soloing through banks of moonlit seafog. But soon, the radiant rhythms of tapped metal return, bringing with them the psych pop vocal cascades and nimble bassline motions as the background overflows with wavefronts of balearic bliss. “Llomé Dub” opens in a futuristic seaside saloon setting, where lofi island percussion and snake tail rattles surround daydream ivory leads and tapped cymbals fall like rain. Droning organs sing LSD lullabies and an upright piano flutters on an echo breeze until we lock into a breezy psych pop groove featuring Laurel Canyon basslines that occasionally transmute into subsonic bubbles and drums that swing and sway in the dubwsie sunshine. Echo modulating tom toms and hyperkinetic ride taps join dopamine choirs to background lazed acoustic guitar strums and after a devolution into crazed delay fx and anxious musique concrète, we transition towards one of the best musical moments of 2020, as vocalist Leya descends upon the mix like some balearic angel to sing flower power dream lullabies while heavy dub basslines skank over bopping reggae-pop drumbeats, body swaying clap rhythms, and soaring 60s organs. The good vibes only increase from here, as the song works itself into a breathtaking closed eye chorus seeing Leya’s vocals move towards pure wordless revery while crazed echo lasers whoosh upwards…the whole thing so perfect as to soar the spirit towards a cloudland paradise. Then, it all breaks down and returns again to the seaside western settings of the intro, as saloon pianos and echo panning guitars move over a ghost town bassline thump. And as the drums resume, bringing rimshot taps and a jazz pop swing, glorious cascades of piano chord mesmerism flow over seasick sequences and oceanic organ wavefronts before it all gives way to an outro of bleating synth detritus, abstracted ivory flutters, and underwater dub bass.
(images from my personal copy)
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queen-haq · 7 months
Super interested in finding out what the convo with alistair was about and how it went
literally working on that scene right now. Let's just say Reader isn't happy. Thanks for the feedback 😀
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queen-haq · 1 month
Eagerly waiting for the next part of GY! I love the way you write Billy and how your reader is never flat, she’s always felt like a full bodied character in her own right and I can always find myself rooting for her. Thank you for allowing us to be witness to your skillful writing!
You are so sweet, dear anon! Thank you so much for the lovely feedback and the generous comments about my Reader. I always try to give them "life" so they feel somewhat real.
I know I haven't posted a new chapter in a while, inspiration has been low. But I know me, it'll return eventually because I adore their dynamic. Please be patient with me 😀
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queen-haq · 8 months
We need to see some hard core groveling from Billy after the last chapter of GY🙄😭
lol lots more of the story to go 😘
Thanks for reading 😀
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