#He's singingggg!!
kowtownart · 2 years
Aaaah- disregard this but- would it be okay to ask for a drawing of my boy, Samuel?
Suggestion to disregard... disregarded!! >:3c
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Jolene, Joleeeene~
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secondbornavaricious · 18 hours
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"Oh, I wanna dance with somebody I wanna feel the heat with somebody Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody With somebody who loves me."
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
noooooo i can't go downstairs to get water bc i was singing real loud and i don't wanna face my family and theyre down thereeeeee in the living rooooooommmmm :((((
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ultramantr1gger · 2 months
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majorbaby · 10 months
actually we are both SO lucky because tumblr wouldnt let me send the ask initially—I had to copy an earlier version and try sending it to myself several times to figure out what the error was. so i DO have an earlier copy of the ask—it was less clean so I'll add more fun colors to make it less of a pain to read. ANYWAY, IT IS AS FOLLOWS:
"THE GEORGE EPISODE...sorry this is gonna be a long ask, I hope you don't mind! I love that ep for personal reasons that have almost nothing to do w/ the episode itself, which is, I agree, aside from the social message of "don't be a bigot" (AND TRAPPERS SINGINGGGG) kind of mid!
but. i was re-watching it recently. and the scene where George comes out and then Father Mulcahy interrupts w/ the football and Hawkeye does a really bad throw, kind of caught my attention oddly.
I know the main purpose of the interaction is to wrap up the scene nicely, give Hawkeye a way to bounce off of George asking Hawk not to tell anybody abt him being A Homosexual. but it also directly connects Hawkeyes Comedic Sports Failure to George's Homosexuality and w/ the way that lack of aptitude in sports is considered a Gay Thing especially back in the day, the little voice in my head that loves looking for meaning in stories said: "This is a purposeful connection the writers are drawing between Hawkeye and George"
and then the rest of my brain kicked up and kicked in and kicked down the door and said "take a breather, you transexual bisexual. not everything is about intentional queercoding." and i was like yeah. fine. whatever. fine. alright.
and while I do kinda believe bisexual reading of Hawkeye is inevitable to any viewer who has ever given thoughtful consideration to how one man might want to touch another man, calling it coding in this scene might be a pretty dramatic stretch. i can't argue with that. sure.
BUT. i was working on a sewing project later and needed something light and easy to listen to, and i poked at the MASHMatters podcast and found they had an interview with one of the writers of that very episode—Gary Markowitz. [ep 71 if u want it]
AND. i have three interesting things to tell u i learned from that.
1) ORIGINALLY the ending of the episode was not going to be "Frank was hiding something embarrassing in HIS past TOO! He paid for his degree!" (Markowitz did not like this ending because he was like "are we really going to say that being gay is something in your past you Should be ashamed of?") but instead. Frank was going to get drunk and admit that there was an older family friend with a tattoo he really. really admired when he was younger. Admired the guy's muscles. Maybe. Sure, maybe he wanted to be him, but maybe...maybe he wanted...Something Else.
Obviously...I mean. I don't think I'd consider that a Diversity Win.
Honestly? In this one weird case maybe I agree with the censors that blackmailing Frank about paying for the answers to the test was kind of better. Esp with the idea that "the most homophobic people are the homosexuals themselves" being a particularly shitty trope.
and I think the explicit confirmation that Frank himself might have some homosexual tendencies might have overshadowed the single-ep-character, George, and come right around to being a "well its ok to bully the annoying homosexuals" message. which would already be a horrible message in an era where I think homosexuality itself was cause for disgust and irritation for many people. but. well. anyway.
Markowitz said they intentionally included the monthly checkup bit to illustrate how, in a situation such as this, men are often very intimate with each other, putting themselves in vulnerable situations with other men, touching other men, already.
Like, sure the rest of the episode maybe you (a homophobic 1970s audience) are freaking out about a man wants to touch other men intimately, but you're totally okay and unbothered about this corporal getting so up in his C.O.'s business that he can see a little nativity scene in his ear?
He said they wanted to make it clear that homophobia is a silly stance to take when men are touching men for all sorts of reasons all the time in a setting like the military. Like. It is just naturally a kind of homosocial homosexual homoplatonic environment just on account of how homogenous the gender variance of any given environment is.
and I was like. whoa. hey. that's a lot more thought than I gave the writers credit for, and that's on me! I really like that scene even more now!
3) Apparently, when Markowitz and his writing partner (John W. Regier) submitted this (their first script to get accepted) idea to the usual MASH writers nobody was Thrilled about it. Like, it was Fine but they were in a friendly competition with All In The Family to tackle social issues, and so they were like "FINEEEEE i GUESSSS we'll talk about THE GAY ISSUE. since All In The Family Hasn't yet. WHATEVER."
which doesn't surprise me in the least given the show itself as well as the time it was made in, but does disappoint me a little.
So I took all this stuff and brought it with me when I started thinking about all the other little scenes in there—like when George pauses when Frank mentions The Pink Scourge before Frank clarifies that he means communists.
OR when Henry gets his nails done by the nurse he's sweet on—and asks with an easy familiarity for the buffing treatment. How she calls his hands beautiful, and he says he got them from his mother.
OR OR OR. the one where Hawkeye is painting that nurse's toes, and she says "wow you're really good at this" and then Radar comes over and ALSO says hawkeye is really good at painting toenails. and that scene is RIGHT before he throws the football really badly. and how THAT is followed by Mulcahy getting tackled by a bunch of other soldiers, so it's just a writhing mass of olive drab, men's bodies against men's bodies against men's bodies.
Perhaps it wasn't just to wrap up the scene, but also used just very very subtly reinforce that in some ways, Hawkeye is less of the Red Blooded American Icon of Masculinity than this Gay Soldier, who is begging to be sent back to the front lines to serve his country, despite being assaulted by his own unit—and then. maybe. Maybe the American Ideal Of Masculinity, commonly tied to football, to being in the military, etc, is itself...a little...Hm. You Know. Like when Radar opens the door to the shower while Hawk + Trap are in there, and a crowd outside starts clapping. I think that transexual bisexual impulse is getting the best of me maybe. anyway.
ANYWAY i hope this ask was enjoyable for you you and i thank you for reading it! Your analytical posts about MASH always give me a lot to think about and I find myself wanting to return some of that enjoyment back to you! "
postscript: thank u so much for posting ur thoughts despite the tumblr mayhem, i am eating them!!! slurping them up like a carton of noodles. packaging the rest in a little tupperware to save for later!!
ah thank you for re-submitting it! i couldn't remembering enough of it to summarize your points and do them justice.
... very very subtly reinforce that in some ways, Hawkeye is less of the Red Blooded American Icon of Masculinity than this Gay Soldier, who is begging to be sent back to the front lines to serve his country, despite being assaulted by his own unit—and then. maybe. Maybe the American Ideal Of Masculinity, commonly tied to football, to being in the military, etc, is itself...a little...Hm. You Know
I do think this is what is textually happening in several episodes of MASH, including in George. @marley-manson articulated it very well in a post that i am unable to locate at this time, where she stated that Hawkeye's "hmm" moments are about gender expression. moments that hold him up as something other than "Red Blooded American Icon of Masculinity."
there's lots of examples of this from early MASH but my favourite is this one from Yankee Doodle Doctor. runner up: Frank at some point @ HawkTrap "you-! you... guys!" HawkTrap: "we are notttt~"
totally valid to see that as lending itself well to a trans Hawkeye headcanon (although Trapper is the one following when they dance, not Hawkeye - and big lug that he is, Trapper also manages to subvert trad masculinity in his own masc way... ), but I really like it as is too - there's more than one way to be a man. you don't have to buy what traditional masculinity is selling you. you can be a lover, rather than a fighter.
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Oop that's a lot of papers!
And now there's fire ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Uh oh xd that does not seem good
LOL death and taxes xDD yep
Aww poor Athena :((( that sucks </333
OOOPE 👀 the drama
I mean it makes sense to suspect but I wouldn't suspect too much
Wild o.o
This one's gonna be a crazy one xD
That's the last of my last thoughts, now it's time for the. . .
I loved this episode! I thought it was great :D. The storylines fit together, and with the theme, really well :D. And since it was performance review, everyone got at least as bit :D. What a slay honestly :)). The calls were great too! Were there calls? Anyway XD. I loved all the storylines, I thought they were great :)). And AAAHHHH Ravi's back :DDD!!! Yayyy 🥰🥰!! Looks like he really needs the 118, and he may struggle a bit, but I'm just glad he's come back to us :)). I missed him <3. And I think everybody's performance reviews were pretty accurate :)!
By the way, everything from "the calls" onward is, once again, the day of the next episode xD. If "were there calls" didn't make that clear lol (or that there were at least a few days if not the whole week lol). Listen, it was show week, give me a break XD (literally no one is forcing me to do it earlier). And also I can do what I want lol.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Ravi :DD! Like I said, I'm really glad to have him back 🥰🥰. I'm so sorry for what he went through though :((( 😭😭. He didn't deserve that <3. And like I said, I really think he needs this - he'll benefit from being back at the 118, I'm pretty darn sure :). They're his family ❤️. If he has to heal (which he does lol) this is the place for him to do it :'). It better all work out though lol - we're keeping him this time <333. Anyway, even if it's not his calling, he was great at his job :D. I love him 🥰.
Okay I had some stuff to do so now I have like an hour while doing something else soo the rest of these will be short xD.
Maddie! We didn't see much of her this episode, but she was great 🥰. And the SINGINGGGG :DDDD. Lovely :'DDDD. Her voice is amazing <33. The same week as Grace, too :D!! That call was so sweet :')). And I'm happy for that kid, I hope he did well!!!! I'm sure he did :D 🥰. And the scene with Jee, AAAAHHHHHHHH 🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍🤩🤩. I love them :'))). Anyway, she was great at her job, as always :D. I love her 🥰.
Athena! We didn't see her much this episode, but she was great :)). She was great at her job :))! I love her 🥰🥰🥰. I might add more later when I remember what she was doing this episode lol. I'm nervous for next episode though o.o. But yeah, she slays :DD.
Buck! He was great this episode :)). I don't remember much about him this episode, but I will say BUDDIEEEE!!!! PLEASE. We need it xD. Anyway, to be fair sir you did just die recently xD. But, yeah :). He was great at his job! I love them 🥰🥰.
Hen! Girl is going through it for real xD. But she's trying her best <3. I hope that dinner went well :)). And I'm glad she decided to stop trying to perform as much for him - no offense to him, but he's not worth it. I don't think they should be hostile xD, but they're inviting him into their house lol. I hope it gets a bit better though :)). Anyway, OBVIOUSLY she slays 🥰🥰. With the performance review I mean lol. So, clearly, she was amazing at her job 🥰🥰. I love her so much :DD ❤️.
Bobby! Man was going through it this episode too XDD. But in a much more lighthearted way LOL xD. He did finally get the performance review though :')) :DD. Anyway, I love how scheming with Chimney lol XD. I mean, more like about Chimney xD. But I'm glad it worked out :). Anyway! He was great at his job this episode :DD. I love him 🥰🥰🥰.
Chimney! He was so great this episode :D. I loved seeing him be in charge - even if he doesn't like it, he's great at it :). He deserves it 🥰. And I hope it helped him :')). Even if the main idea was (ooh segue) to get Ravi back lol. Which I'm SO GLAD he did :'DDD. Really proud of him 🥰🥰. And I'm so glad he helped that recruit :D. He'll be a great 911 operator :)). I'm so happy for him 🥰🥰. Anyway, yeah :D, back to Chimney lol. He was great at his job this episode :)). I love him ❤️❤️🥰.
Eddie! DATE BUUUUUCK!!! Anyway, he was great this episode :)). I still need to watch the beginning, I meant to do it while writing this but I was busy lol. Anyway! I'll add more later lol. I love him 🥰🥰❤️. He better not date that girl though lol.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I loved all the storylines :D. And I'm so glad we have Ravi back!! Anyway, we got a nice even focus this episode :)). The next episode looks wild o.o. But yeah, I thought everything form this episode fit really well :)).
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was really great. I'm excited for the next one! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 14: Performance Anxiety
It was great! The next episode looks pretty crazy. I'm a bit nervous, but excited. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
9-1-1, Season 6, Episode 14: Death and Taxes
See you next week!
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
Paigey Harry starts with Golden right? I haven’t really watched a whole live stream because it kind of makes me dizzy and the sound just isn’t great lol. Does he pop up when the introduction is playing? Or just hop up and grab a guitar then go to that part of the stage lol
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kyovtani · 3 years
zade zade zaaaade help so uhm i developed a giant crush on jaehyun overnight and i dont know what to do with it. my confused ace ass was up until 4 am listening to snippets of his live singingggg im crushing on someone's voice dear lord :'((( i mean he's always been cute and kind and quite funny,,,,but i---i didn't know he could sing like thaaaaat zade :'(((( omg it's 3 pm now and guess what lol im still listening to try again ahhhhh omg hahahaha
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why is this the cutest thing ever 😭😭 as someone who's been stanning nct since late 2017, i feel like i was just introduced a new nctzen and have to introduce you to the life of neos bdkdnld
jahyun's been my ultimate kpop bias alongside bts' taehyung for the past 2+ years so i absolutely understand what you mean. honestly? just enjoy yourself baby 🥺 kpop is amazing, the neos make me so fucking happy and i think they make you happy too so just enjoy it !!! if you need anybody to talk to or have any q's please feel free to hmu !!!
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no-droids · 4 years
dude i was a little skeptical about reading your obi fic bc idk maybe cause ive never read for obi, i joined the fandom in december so i dont know MUCH about star wars but ewan mcgregor is hot as fuck so. anyways and i read it and dude i felt horny and i havent felt horny in MONTHS. but like anyways ive never read a smut like that it was too much for my soul. but im glad i read it. it was great. LOVE your writing.
oh GOD THANK YOU SO MUCHHH🥰🥰🥰 and fuck yeah ewan mcgregor IS hot, I actually didn’t realize it until I watched the Moulin Rouge and he was SINGINGGGG and he sounded so GOODDDD
also man what’s it like not being horny for months bc I stg I feel like I need a break
I’m at the point where I’m like overloading on a buffet of cock and I just need someone to take the shit away from me, like snatch the bowl of dick I’m slurping from and just give me a napkin or something please
you can always have some of my horn anon that’s what this blog was created for
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patroclusonly · 4 years
Tonight I'm watching the episode live because if I don't I'll have to wait two weeks and I'm not gonna get the whole fucking season spoiled
Oh no Stefan
Oh my god I missed them
How's the leggg
Yas bitchhhh
Uuh those smiles
Those looksS
So much Buddie so soon
Oh shit
I love you Michael
I want them to adopt me
May is so worried, baby it's gonna be okay
I hope
They're so cute I love them
I love you baby
I hope you never see him again too boo
Birthday baby
Lmao Maddie
Baby boy fuck your father
Oh such a cute smile
Poor Chim, I love you
Yes fuck y'all's father
Oh boy I hope nothing sad comes out of this
Oh it's okay, it's a commercial cut
Don't do that to fish, go vegan y'all
That's revenge from the fish
Fuck you man, he has a good life
I love you Chim
Caring babies
Yes Chim, fucking mood
Oh my godd, Hen and Karen are about to be foster parentsss
Please don't hurt them
Lmao I knew he was gonna ask but same
Wtf bro
Yas Hen
Strong bois
So many words
Mmm I see tension
Buck's such a babyyy
Poor Chim
Bro so many commercials
Lmao mood
Okay so carpe diem is the sentence of the episode
Lmao this is so fucking weird but funny and kinda cute
Motherfucker it froze again
Oh no Chim
I'm gonna fucking shoot this shit
Oh my fucking god I hate this
So, I'm gonna have to watch the last ten minutes again because this motherfucker froze
Chim I love you
Oh she ran to her brother
Oh my god
Oh boy May and Michael
They better not kill Michael or I'm gonna throw hands
I love Buck so much I can't
He's so soft I love him
Not the time but Chimney's looking goodd
I love you Chimmm
Wait what
I love this family so much
I'm about to fucking cry they're all so cute
Nia is such a pretty name
They're so cute I love them
Okay I missed like 10 minutes of the episode but everything in i did watched was so great. I missed them so much!
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a-realproblem · 4 years
Ed Sheehan was out here ✨SINGINGGGG✨and the instrumentals....
Now he wasn’t doin nothin crazy but it was something
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cherryeoo · 4 years
LEEDO SINGINGGGG HFDGD and woongs rap,,,,,oooh,,,,,OOH HBFGDG xions hitting hard this comeback too
CAMI!!! LEEDOS SINGING ALWAYS CATCHES ME OFF GUARD! Like even though I know he’s an a amazing singer too I’m so used to hearing him rap and see him as a rapper when he sings I’m like😳😱But god I melt every time. Same with Woong! I’m used to him as a vocalist so when he raps😳😱Xion’s growing up and I don’t know how to feel about it! He’s definitely hitting different this comeback!
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sofeyhh · 6 years
So. I scoured the internet today and found this gem of a video....I watched it without anything in mind, thought the two boys (Heedo & Gunmin from B.I.G) were handsome, I was vibing to the music, they were killin the choreo and then...and then 1:20 came and...........simply put, I choketh on my waffle. The gay lords of the universe were singingggg and the fangirls were screaminggg. If you love malexmale fanservice, watch from 1:20 - 1:39....because blesseth he who maketh this video possible.
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pignoblade · 3 years
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doyouknowhoyouare · 3 years
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rqs902 · 4 years
for a split second i actually thought tencent had bought them gifts but LOL oh its their parents that makes more sense 
ofc zzn would be with ljt’s groupppp hahahha aw im glad nana got to work with a group she had previously said she’d wanted to collab with. 
lol why do i feel like langlang is bringing all his friends and family onto this show LOL 
i cant tell if i like xiao li without bangs better, but a change isnt bad, gives him a new look 
oof the way xiao li says “im someone who doesn’t have a father” being raised by his mom and aunt and just remembers broken plates from his childhood, and left at 13?? its been 6 years?? wild 
and hyt commiserating talking about how admirably strong he thinks his mom is too but then im like wait a minute... they’re probably the two that contributed the most to making this song (well mostly xiao li) but theyre the ones whose parents didnt come, that’s sad :(
i respect xiao li rocking this bright colored hoodie in a sea of black LOL
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wow i think he’s saying that music should have a personal touch to it, tell a story, and even tho growing up sometimes there are moments that aren’t happy, when you look back it may still be a treasured moment. is he talking about the broken plates? wow this just got real deep real fast and im just so intrigued by his artistic mind wow im just grateful that his group mates are really letting him drive their musical direction. i mean thats part of why hyt chose him, for his composition abilities, so im not surprised but its really so cool that his group is helping him tell such a personal story through their music 
pushu complimenting xiao li’s guitar composition in the demo and xiao li’s like im the one playing it :’) xiao li is really so talented wow
wait why did they do the elims in the middle of them making their own compositions tho? that just makes it sad that the groups that didnt make it didnt get to show their music and the reshuffled groups are at a huge disadvantage they only have 3 days left?? the timing seems bad
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so basically xiao li did everything except hyt made his own drum part and they all supposedly wrote the lyrics together 
wow this song is.... oof. im still trying to process 
on a side note, i was kinda worried how mz would fit in this group but its great that he can be their bass player! and tbh im still kinda questioning xiao xiong’s singing, like it still sounded kinda pitchy to me but maybe its at least improving like gem said lol
but back to the song, when asked why a song about family isnt more warm, the way xiao li said life can be cruel but he still sees it as beautiful when he looks back and he still loves his family. i think thats why this song creates such conflicting emotions in me. its sad and even spiteful but also touching. you can feel how lonely and lost he’s been in life, but he recognizes he’s still loved. theres a lot of complicated emotions presented in the space of a few minutes (which shows how real and personal this song is) and i think i need to listen a few more times to help me digest his story. i feel like the messy, discordant chords in his piano solo represent his inner feelings and im grateful and amazed that he was willing to share his vulnerabilities so openly. 
Oof I read xiao li's weibo post about this song and it's so poetic I had to use the dictionary but oof it just made me think of hyt saying it seems like xiao li has been through a lot. I'm grateful he says he isnt lonely with the family members he loves (again sad they couldnt come support him...) I'm wondering what the meaning behind his words is when he says he still has candy and can forever be a child. At least he says he'll be happy.
OOF continuing with another sad story, man maybe its why that group of kids are so close, xu yang also talking about being raised by his mom (and zk too) from meager beginnings. kinda sad he cant perform the song himself but at least his friends can publicize it for him? i do feel like it wouldve been even more emotional for xu yang to have been in the perf himself :\ they did make it together but writing the lyrics shapes the whole message of the song. glad to see zk and jym are on good terms still and xu yang supported them to perform the song. 
well im glad to see that the adults are able to whip the kids in qiang ge’s group into shape so muji and wjy can work together lol seems like qiang ge’s learning from them and gaining confidence. oof qiang ge’s father being responsible for a family with 5 kids and always getting sick
happy to see mty so happy on stage and qiang ge so happy to see his parents and muji being so gentle with his little brother 
im tearing up at wjy talking about his grandma’s noodles and then qiang ge being all “arent my noodles good too?” I CRACKED UP HAHHAHAHAHHAHA
me watching xiao zhi’s group: wow xiao zhi is such a great older bro
AW muji’s little bro sitting at muji’s desk with the rest of the kids backstage !!! and then high fiving the kids going on stage !!!  
zhang yang’s always seemed a bit like an awkward turtle but you can tell he really loves his group mates, its sweet
oh ljt’s comment about parents gradually becoming like kids and the kids have to learn to 包容 them.... thats so real 
did nannan just walk in with a SUP DUDE.... HAHAHHAHAHAHA
nice to see jym has found peace within their group haha and not surprised ljt’s dad likes ljt’s music but zzn’s dad thinks zzn’s music is too loud L O L 
lol they said liu yang wrote the music and szb and ljt wrote the lyrics, then how come the credits have only ljt for the music and lyrics?? 
lol ljt’s dad’s singingggg hahahhah 
i teared up at szb’s mom’s words bc it must be hard for her to blame herself for everything
LOL JYM’S DAD !!! they seem to have a fun relationship. and i love how ljt saw jym sit down and immediately went to check to make sure he was okay. 
oof rip wu xing’s dad being like uh so we cared more about your older brother when you were growing up oops
but wu xing’s song may be my favorite from this ep. theyre not my favorite group, but i like this song.  
LOL zjy’s dad seems fun, why do i suddenly get the feeling thats how i imagine ljt would be like as a dad L O L 
oof hyt saying hes not surprised his dad didnt show up but he felt like something was wrong when he mom said she was sick. then asking whether parents should hide something like hospitalization from their kids... thats rough
aw muji’s mom feeling so sad for hyt and crying when saying muji would also feel like something was wrong if she hadnt shown up.. aw 
honestly i cant tell if i like muji in particular, bc there are times where i feel like his personality seems a bit unique in a way im not sure if he’d be easy to get along with, but i respect that hes repping his culture and staying strong and seems very close with his family. 
xiao xiong’s cantonese tongue twisters with the badminton LOL that made me laugh, he just seems so pure
man im sad that xiao zhi’s group is least popular, so they’ll likely be broken up. MAN if xiao zhi gets eliminated ill be sad......... hopefully he’ll get saved and jus reshuffled bc it may be cool to see him in a different context. itll be weird to imagine him as a side addition rather than the main pillar of a group tho. 
yall at this rate hyt’s group is gonna win this competition and idk how i feel about that even tho i like them. 
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