#I am so tired of the same blond doll being copy and pasted into different historical outfits over and over again
betty-bourgeoisie · 1 year
I could fix her (American Girl Doll historical collection)
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Me and You Together, 1/? (Taywhora) - Ortega
fic summary: The cardinal rule of having flatmates is that you Do Not Catch Feelings For Your Flatmates, because everything inevitably goes to shit and gets made horrifically awkward. A’whora and Tayce both know this, but being in first year of uni and making good decisions have never really gone hand in hand.
a/n: i honestly have begun this wip with glitter and jesus. i have no idea how many chapters it’s going to have or what exactly the plot is going to be…all i know is that it’s fwb (flatmates with benefits) to lovers taywhora with a background love triangle involving Ellie bc she’s my fav. pls enjoy and pls leave me love because i am a keyworker so really one comment = one 6pm clap xo
P.S. the Friday mentioned in this fic is the one A’whora’s obsessed with and was dancing to on her insta…not the popular Rebecca Black song. also 100 points to anyone who knows the song Lawrence and Ellie get excited about in the club.
content note: they’re freshers at uni in the UK and this country has a binge drinking problem xo. please don’t expect any of these girls to be acting responsibly. if you think you might be influenced by a fic talking about alcohol, smoking, sex and drugs, this might not be for you luv xo
December- Fell in love with her in stages
A year ago if you had asked A’whora what she was doing on a Tuesday night, the answer would’ve been mundane.
Homework, maybe, if she could be bothered. She could always copy it from Mocha in registration, after all. Making tiny outfits for Barbie dolls out of fabric scraps, very probably; she hadn’t stopped doing that just because she was older, the only difference from when she was nine was that she didn’t make her Barbies talk anymore. Invariably she’d stay up til’ well past her bedtime, earphones plugged in to her laptop and trying not to sing along to the playlist of dance music she’d spent a year cultivating. She’d poked fun at her Mum for still giving her a bedtime at the big age of eighteen, but she’d maintained that while her girl was living under her roof it would be bed by eleven on a weeknight and out no later than three on a weekend.
These rules, however, were quickly disposed of as soon as she’d got the keys to her uni flat. As soon as she’d found out her other flatmates were just as riotous and chaotic as she was and loved a night out just as much, her weeks had been filled with nights she’d never forget in bars she couldn’t remember, heads against speakers and sore feet from heels and ridiculous pre-drinks with even more ridiculous cocktails.
One such cocktail is the one her flatmate’s making for her now. Ellie doesn’t have any of the professional equipment a usual bartender would, but that doesn’t seem to stop her- the messy countertops are a treasure trove of obscure liqueurs and alcopops, and Ellie twirls a yellow-blonde curl around her finger before giving a gasp of satisfaction as her hand settles on a sticky green bottle.    
“One shot of apple soors, half a can of blue Monster, top up the rest with vodka,” she explains as she works with the various bottles and cans quickly, pouring into the pint glass they’d stolen from one of the pubs on a bar crawl during Freshers Week. She hands it to A’whora with a cheeky, mischievous grin on her painted face.
A’whora sniffs her glass and feels her nose wrinkle up involuntarily at the concoction her flatmate’s poured for her. “Els, if I drink that I’ll die.”
Ellie, to her credit, simply gives a snort of disapproval in response. Her pink acrylics click against the quarter bottle of vodka as she tightens the lid and replaces it in their freezer, all shiny and slick with frost. “Well if you are gonna take three hours to get ready then you’re gonna have to deal with the consequences of playing catch-up, babe.”
“Bitch,” A’whora jokes, rolling her eyes before sipping from her glass. The mixture makes her screw her face up so she takes another sip, then another until the weird sour-sweet-burn in her throat becomes more like a cocktail than cough syrup.
“Good, right?” Ellie prompts her, leaning against their kitchen counter proudly.
“No,” A’whora deadpans, causing her friend to burst out laughing. Then, realising something, she cocks her head. “Wait a second. What the fuck did you call the green drink?”
Ellie frowns. “Soors.”
“…Sourz?” A’whora says back to her, already giggling at the difference in dialects.
“Don’t play the pronunciation game with me, bitch.”
“Oh, I absolutely will when you’re just saying it wrong.”
“Lawrence!” Ellie shouts through to their other flatmate, sitting on the sofa and frowning at the bluetooth speaker as if it’s personally committed some crime against her. Ellie holds up the bottle as Lawrence snaps her head round, dark curls flying over her shoulder. “What’s this?”
“Liquidised heartburn,” she says instantly. A’whora snorts as Ellie rolls her eyes.
“Fuck’s sake. What’s it called?”
“Soors,” Lawrence shrugs back at her, and Ellie gestures triumphantly at A’whora who can only pout in reply.
“Listen, I can get Tia, Bims and Tayce through here and they’d all outnumber you, so. Shut it.”
“Yeah bet you’d love to get Tayce through here, A’whora,” Ellie smirks, raising both her eyebrows at her in an infuriatingly smug expression.
A’whora is clamped for a couple of reasons, the first being the God-awful nickname all her flatmates use against her. She’d managed to acquire it the first time they’d all played Never Have I Ever together and A’whora had drank for pretty much every situation or scenario presented to her. Before she’d known it, her very lovely, very Disney Princess-esque first name had been replaced by a pun that Bimini had come up with in the midst of their third rum and coke, and thus Aurora was dead and A’whora was born.  
The second reason for her silence is a result of the mention of one of the girls she’s living with. A’whora had never really expected to develop a crush on any of her flatmates, which had been a ridiculous thing to assume- given the fact she’s attracted to girls and was going to be living with other girls, the odds would dictate that at least one of them would be her type. Luckily, though, she hasn’t developed any feelings for any of them. At least, that’s the lie she’s telling herself, as the cardinal rule of having flatmates is that you Do Not Catch Feelings For Your Flatmates because everything inevitably goes to shit and gets made horrifically awkward.
Tayce is different to Ellie, Lawrence, Tia and Bimini, though. None of the others get A’whora so flustered when they speak to her, none of the other others get her heart racing so fast it threatens to fly out her ribcage. She doesn’t feel the same sense of dizzy joy when she’s alone with any of the others: only when Tayce makes dinner with her, or when she comes to her room at ten at night for chats, or when they play Tayce’s stupid video games together and she beats her way-too-many-consecutive-times in a row to be considered fair. A’whora has tried to explain it away as just wanting to be liked, just wanting to be good friends, just just just until she can’t justify her own excuses any more and has instead resigned herself to repressing the feelings she has for her friend. The tension between them is building, though, and it’s only a matter of time until something happens.
A’whora jumps a little, flinching as she realises she’s gone too long without a comeback. Ellie’s expression is expectant and impatient as she clicks her fingers once, twice, three times in her face.
“Shut up, Ellie-phant,” A’whora manages to mumble almost incoherently as she turns on her heel, walking through to the living room area to sit with Lawrence and join her on her quest to making their speakers work.
Their flat is an odd one. The front door leads to a prison cell-style line of equally pokey rooms- Lawrence’s, Tayce’s, A’whora’s, Bimini’s, Ellie’s and Tia’s respectively- and two bathrooms. Then another door opens out onto two hobs, endless cupboards and grimy, cluttered countertops, and a scrub of shitty green carpet and three worn out red-purple sofas that look as tired as Bimini does when they come home from a random afterparty just as A’whora leaves for lectures. It doesn’t in any way look like a normal flat, but A’whora supposes they’re about as far away from normal as a sentient slice of cheese.
“Oh babe, you must be crushing crushing. I don’t think I’ve heard you come out with a comeback as shit as that in the whole four months we’ve lived together,” Ellie continues the conversation, buzzing behind her like an annoying fly.
“It wasn’t shit, it was good!”
“Lawrie, what’s a good comeback to me calling A’whora a whore?” Ellie appeals to her friend again.
“Rich of you to be calling anyone a whore. You come from a long line of whores. You’re a whore, your maw’s a whore, your maw’s maw was a whore. There’s cave paintings of your ancestors wi’ twelve dicks in their mouths. There’s tapestries of them gettin’ shagged left, right an’ centre. There’s clay sculptures of them being whores. Pipe the fuck doon,” Lawrence reels off, Ellie growing more and more breathless with hysterical laughter beside her and A’whora falling into giggles too.
“Well this was a weird time for me to enter the conversation.”
A’whora feels her heart lift and her face light up when she turns around and sees Tayce walking through to join them, the posture of a model with her fingers curled elegantly around the stem of a wine glass. She flicks her long, dark hair over her shoulder as she sits down on the small sofa beside A’whora, and she wonders how Tayce can sit in a way that makes the stained, battered, scratchy upholstery seem like the set of a high fashion photoshoot.
“Just talking about you,” A’whora sticks her tongue out at her, laughing at the way Tayce reels in fake horror and Lawrence explodes with laughter across from them.
“The valour, the bravery and the backbone,” Tayce grumbles, rolling her eyes. Her gaze rests upon something behind A’whora- the back of the sofa. Maybe there’s a new rip in it, God knows how that can have happened. She holds back a gasp, though, when Tayce reaches out and runs a gentle finger down her spine against her bare skin; an advantage of the sparkly backless cowl neck top she’s wearing that she hadn’t known existed until now. “Speaking of backbones, you’re such a skinny minnie.”
“Did you go to the school of backhanded compliments?” A’whora teases, deflecting from the way her heart’s still thrumming in her chest at the contact.
“Shush, you. You know you look bloody gorgeous,” Tayce says back to her, and even though there’s a laugh to her voice A’whora knows she means it. Her heart’s still going like a train but she can chalk that up to the half can of Monster Ellie’s dumped into her drink, so when she mutters out a thanks hun, same to you she hopes it doesn’t sound as insincere as it feels.
The thing is, she does look gorgeous. She’s dressed in a black lace bodysuit with straps that criss-cross up the back and a tight leather skirt that makes her legs look even longer than they already are. She’s opted for heels like A’whora has (unlike Ellie and Lawrence who have designated night-out trainers stained with spillages of drinks gone by) but hers have straps that are laced all the way round her calves and tied with a knot at the top. Everything about her outfit makes everything about her look outrageously good, and A’whora thinks it should be illegal for anyone to be this ethereal.
Tayce looks as if she’s about to fire something back at her judging by the little smile on her face but she’s interrupted by an outrageously loud boom from the speakers, as something that could be Lady Gaga but is too deafening to be deciphered screams through it. As the girls all flinch there’s a frantic diminuendo that comes from Lawrence mashing the volume button until the pitch is finally bearable and they can all take their hands off their ears.
“Lawrence, did you get the speakers working?” Ellie quips sarcastically, to which Tayce and A’whora burst out laughing and Lawrence almost elbows Ellie off the sofa opposite.
In the melee A’whora almost doesn’t notice Bimini and Tia come in, and they look ready to start the night if a little panicked.
“What the hell was that?” Tia asks quickly, opening the fridge and grabbing her bottle of premixed Malibu and pineapple before perching herself on the couch beside Ellie. “I thought part of the building had exploded.”
“Nah that was just my vagina, babes,” Lawrence says offhandedly, the others either screeching with laughter or groaning in anguish. Bimini crosses the room with their selection of drinks cradled in their arms and budges Tayce and A’whora up with an oi, oi!, A'whora’s pulse thudding at her wrist as a result of her close proximity to her crush.
No- her friend. Her friend who’s never going to be anything more than that.
With the six flatmates assembled, drinks poured, and tunes on, their pre drinks can begin. Pres at their flat often look like drinking games, yelling along to early 2010s pop, tipsily booking taxis and then touching up their makeup in the waiting time before they arrive. Tonight is no different; they bicker about where they want to go and eventually decide on the union because although it’s “too het” according to Ellie, it’s admittedly cheap and a good night out. A’whora chips into the conversation every five minutes with shady, catty jokes that Tayce howls at and leans into her side and clutches her arm or her hand or her thigh.
The contact is nice. They’ve reached that stage of their friendship where they’re touchy and close a lot of the time- A’whora’s constantly playing with Tayce’s hair and Tayce thinks nothing of just walking into A’whora’s room and getting under the duvet with her. They throw their arms around each other and bump shoulders as they walk and touch legs on the sofa, much like they’re doing now. A’whora has never been a cuddly type of friend- to be honest, she still isn’t- but there’s something about doing all this with Tayce that she doesn’t mind. It’s a comfortable kind of intimacy, a knitted blanket of sorts, but it’s a fragile space for Tayce to occupy too and A’whora knows it’s risky to let her rip a wall down she’s never been aware of til now.
The night rolls along and with every refill of A’whora’s glass the music gets turned up a little more, a little more, a little more until they’re all having to yell over each other as they play wiggly wiggly woo, who’s most likely to. It’s all fun and games until it gets to who’s most likely to sleep with a flatmate, and there’s a confusing mess of finger-pointing where Lawrence points to Ellie, Tayce points to Lawrence, and Bimini, Ellie and Tia point to A’whora.
“Fuck off, why’s it me?” she screeches in outrage, trying to cover up the fact her cheeks are burning and that Tayce seems suddenly all too close to her.
“Because! It’s you! It’s A’whora!” Bimini laughs, their accent making them seem all the more mischievous and shit-stirring.
“Well! If I’m sleeping with a flatmate that must mean one of you’s gonna be involved, doesn’t it?!”
“Right, sorry, yeah,” Bimini nods understandingly, before immediately switching to point to Tayce. There’s an arena-crowd roar that erupts from the others, one that makes A’whora laugh and blush scarlet at the same time. She sneaks a look at Tayce, who’s regarding her with much the same expression.
“I’m down if you are, hun,” A’whora jokes-but-not-really, shaking Tayce’s arm as if it’ll take away from the weak joke she’s trying to make. Tayce only shoots her a wink with her tongue trapped between her teeth.
“In your dreams, love.”
A’whora’s glad of the others laughing so she can pretend to join in, occupy herself with something other than the overwhelming urge to reply to Tayce with exactly.
The rest of pres fly by tipsily and incoherently. They get a noise complaint from the weird flat underneath them which seems solely comprised of six boys who never go outside, which prompts them to book taxis even though the union is only about a ten minute walk away. A’whora helps Tia re-glue on her eyelashes in a rush and Bimini spontaneously fills a hipflask with Ellie’s apple sourz, “for the road”. When the taxis roll up outside Lawrence hurries them all out the door with the urgency of a mother of five, and before long they’re standing in a queue around the block, Bimini and A’whora sharing Tia’s huge puffer jacket because neither of them thought to pick up coats in their haste to leave.
Tayce pulls a packet of cigarettes out of her pocket, flips the little cardboard lid of them open and offers them round to the others. A’whora takes one because Tayce is offering, and really Tayce could offer them grenades with the pins pulled out and A’whora would accept if only to get her smile flashed at her again or the chance that their hands might touch during the transfer. A’whora thinks Tayce is every public health campaign’s worst nightmare as she watches her hold the cigarette between her index and middle fingers, wrap her lips around the end and inhale. Her cheekbones are razor-sharp as she drags then lets the breath go, red lipstick on the paper and the smoke curling up into the sparkly, dark night sky.
She is beautiful.
It’s because she’s beautiful that A’whora shouldn’t be surprised by the events that begin to unfold as they enter the club. Ellie immediately makes her way over to a booth, picks up the little sign that says it’s reserved and chucks it onto the dancefloor to get trampled underfoot and covered in sticky cocktail spillages. Tayce’s round is first because she lost Ring of Fire back at the flat so she goes over to the bar for shots, promising she’ll be only a couple of minutes and the others believing her; the way she looks ensures she never has a long wait time at the bar.
So they wait. And they wait. At first they don’t even notice how long they’ve waited- the tunes are good and loud and so they all yell along happily. Until Lawrence turns to the others with narrowed eyes.
“Here. Where the fuck is Tayce? She’s been ages.”
They all scan the bar, and Ellie suddenly points dramatically over to the other end of it. “Oh!”
Because Tayce is standing at the bar with no drinks and no interest in any of the bartenders taking drinks orders. She’s talking to a tall blonde with a dazzling smile and a low-cut crop top, and something inside A’whora burns and sinks at the same time. Tayce is allowed to be talking to a pretty girl. She’s not not allowed to. But it doesn’t make her any less jealous of the attention she’s giving her.
It’s a horror movie she can’t look away from. She’s aware that Ellie has gone to get the drinks instead, but that’s all she can absorb from her surroundings. She tunes out of the conversation at the table as she continues to watch the two of them interact. The girl’s got muscles, and her hair falls in neat waves on her shoulders, and she’s smiley and charming and doesn’t talk much, preferring instead to listen to Tayce. A’whora is different. A’whora is constantly on transmit; loud and opinionated and gobby and, okay, sometimes a little bit judgemental. She can’t do charming and demure. She can’t be what Tayce is very clearly interested in.
A thud next to her causes A’whora to whip her head round, tearing herself away from the scene playing out in front of her and ripping the plaster off.
“Fuck’s sake. Jaegerbombs with Red Bull? Puh-rison!” Ellie half-whines, half-shouts.
“Red Bull is the standard, not everyone can have the same taste in energy drinks as a sixteen year old virgin gamer,” A’whora narrows her eyes, gratefully accepting the drink from her nonetheless and shotting it back as if it’ll help blind her, or perhaps forget what she’s seeing.
“God. Who pissed in your coco pops?” Ellie fires back, rolling her eyes dramatically.
“Bold of you to assume anything specific has happened to make her this bitter, mean and salty,” Tia jokes from A’whora’s side, and as the others scream and laugh A’whora in turn fixes her with a glare, wishing momentarily she had laser beams for pupils.
“Ooh, that’s made me want a tequila,” Lawrence cries enthusiastically, too loud even from the other side of the booth.
“Eh, excuse me! I just got you a Jaegerbomb, finish that first,” Ellie chastises her like a world-weary parent, pushing the glass towards her friend and sliding her hand over the table, sticky with the ghosts of questionable drinks’ past. A’whora has to snort at her tone.
“Yeah Lawrence, finish your Jaegerbomb or you won’t get any dessert. Listen to your responsible Mum whose eyelash is coming off.”
A big roar of laughter flies up from the others, and it’s Ellie’s turn to glare at A’whora this time. She looks as if she’s about to say something back when Bimini sniffs their glass and frowns.
“Is Jaegerbombs vegan?”
Everyone apparently wishes to ignore the lack of grammatical sense to their sentence, and it’s Lawrence who responds first. “They’re vegan in the same sense that bleach is vegan?”
Bewilderingly satisfied, Bimini raises their glass to the middle of the table and the girls join them, cheering as they all clink them together and chuck the drinks back. The fact A’whora can’t join in leaves her eyes to fall on Tayce and that girl again. Tayce is smiling and it’s the brightest thing in the club, laughing as the girl flips her hair and touches her hand and tells some joke that’s obviously not as funny as anything A’whora could say. She wonders if she’s ever made Tayce smile like that. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but she can’t remember.
“You know they used to use Jaeger as cough medicine? And for ages it was drunk by, like…old Tories who went on deer hunts,” Tia reels off excitably, and A’whora can’t help but roll her eyes affectionately at her friend’s bizarre general knowledge. “There’s this rumour that it’s got deer’s blood in it.”
Bimini splutters, coughs, and chokes all at once. As Lawrence slaps their back entirely too roughly in a way that’s about as helpful as a water gun at a house fire, A’whora can’t help but turn to face Tia incredulously.
“What the fuck did you say that for?!”
Tia shrugs, too tipsy to register A’whora’s disbelief. “Fun fact.”
“You didn’t think to pipe up with that when Bims was asking if it was vegan?”
“It’s just a rumour!” Tia says defensively, then turns to Bimini to check they’re okay. A’whora huffs in exasperation, folding her arms and throwing her back against the supposedly cushioned walls of the booth. As she stares straight ahead and ignores the fuss her friends are making, her eyes fall on Tayce again and her heart hurts more than it should to see her with her phone out and the girl beside her doing the same. They’re so clearly swapping numbers. They’re allowed to swap numbers. It’s not like A’whora’s got dibs on Tayce, it’s not like she’s got any right to feel a burn in her stomach and a flame in her heart and a feeling of something slipping away.
“Right!” Lawrence all but yells, forcing A’whora to tear her eyes away. “I’ve finished my Jaegerbomb, Mum, can we get tequila now?”
Ellie sighs. “Fine! But you’re buying me this one, bitch.”
“I’ll come with,” A’whora says, thinking she’ll need at least ten more units of alcohol to stop feeling feelings.  
“We’re going for a boogie, catch us up,” Bimini decides, as Rhythm is a Dancer blasts on the overhead speakers and Tia lets out a whooo! that’s way too white for a mixed-race girl.
So they move, A’whora bum-shuffling her way out of the booth and following Lawrence and Ellie, her feet sore in her heels. She purposefully blocks Tayce out of her peripheral vision as she leans against the bar, but she’s only separated from her by about six people also waiting and if she tilted her head forward she could definitely catch her eye if she wanted.
“Rhythm is a dancer, two for one at Asda,” Ellie sings along, bopping her head enthusiastically. A’whora laughs weakly, her proximity to Tayce and that bitch she’s talking to entirely too distracting.
“Shut your hole and tell me what you’re wanting,” Lawrence orders her. Ellie drums the palms of her hands against the bar as she semi-shouts sambucaaaaa, and A’whora asks for a vodka. She’s aware she’s mixing entirely too many spirits and her hangover tomorrow will be potentially life-threatening, but she doesn’t care.
“Tayce is still there. Should we shout her over and see what she wants?” Ellie suggests, craning her neck. A’whora firmly shakes her head.
“She’s wanting that baby Hulk she’s been talking to all night, apparently,” she all but spits, shocking herself at her venom. It’s clear she shocks the girls as well, and Lawrence turns around and simply raises her eyebrows at her.
“Men’s dress trousers in a hotel.”
A’whora can only blink. “What?”
Lawrence pauses for dramatic effect (or perhaps that’s just the Jaegerbomb making its alcohol content known). She points a finger at A’whora, then finishes whatever point she’s making. “Pressed.”
“Purrr!” Ellie laughs in agreement, grabbing A’whora’s shoulder and shaking it in an action that’s probably meant to be gentle but almost shakes her bone out of its socket. “Oh my God, that totally explains why you’ve been such a bitch all night.”
“This wee cow’s been a bitch her whole life,” Lawrence joins in. A’whora knows she’s got a proper face on by now, Dot Cotton licking piss off a nettle, but she can’t help it. She hates being wound up and she makes this perfectly clear to her friends via her furious silence.
“Nah, but tonight she’s a jealous bitch,” Ellie sticks her tongue out at her, and A’whora huffs.
“I’m not jealous!” she lies. “I’m just pissed off that she comes on a night out with us and she spends it talking to some random bitch she barely knows instead of her friends.”
“Wait. Oh my God, do you fancy Tayce?” Lawrence asks, a bull in a china shop on cocaine. Before A’whora can defend herself Ellie barks a laugh.
“Aw Lauzza, come on to fuck! Have you ever walked in when it’s been just the two of them? They’re so fucking flirty it’s disgusting.”
“DISGUSTEN!” Lawrence shouts, and it goes about ten percent of the way to drawing A’whora out of her mood.
“I don’t flirt with Tayce! I don’t fancy her either!” A’whora cries, exasperated. She realises too-late that her volume may have been too loud, but when she looks over at the topic of conversation again she’s both disappointed and relieved to see that she hasn’t registered a thing. “Anyway, you know you can’t shag your flatmate. It’s like the first rule of having flatmates. It would just make everything awkward.”  
“That the only thing stopping you?” Lawrence looks at her pointedly.  
“The bartender’s free,” A’whora glances just over Lawrence’s shoulder, and she turns around so fast it almost makes her feel dizzy. While Lawrence orders it leaves Ellie to turn to A’whora and pat her hand sympathetically.
“Why don’t you just go up to her?” she suggests. “I mean would it be so bad if you did just shag and get the pent-up tension released and then you can both just move on? I mean it’s not like you want to be her girlfriend or anything.”
A’whora presses her lips together and doesn’t reply. Her silence seems to communicate too much as Ellie’s mouth drops open a little and she fixes her with a pointed stare. “Oh, A’whora.”
“Look, I don’t know,” A’whora rushes to defend herself, her words spilling out over themselves in the way they sometimes do when she’s tipsy. “Like obviously she’s gorgeous but also, like…I do like her as a person as well, and I like being around her and just enjoying her company-”
Ellie splutters a giggle. “Enjoying her company, are you eighty years old in a care home?”
“I’m gonna slap you in a minute, shut up!” A’whora laughs incredulously. “But, like, I just…I don’t know if she likes me back like that, you know?
Ellie frowns. “I think, then, my advice would be…don’t shag her if you don’t think you can keep it to just that. ‘Cause obviously you don’t want to end up getting hurt.”
“Right, yeah,” A’whora replies, nodding.
If she’s honest, she’s disappointed. Obviously she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want to sleep with Tayce- because fucking look at her- but just like Ellie said, she knows she would end up getting hurt if anything happened between them. Tayce would probably consider it a one-time thing and A’whora would be let down, or it would turn into some long, drawn-out friends with benefits scenario that would probably make everything worse.
The thing is she can only repress her feelings so much and tonight she’s feeling like one of Ellie’s cans of Monster that Tia shook up as a joke and ended up spurting out its contents so violently that there’s still a green-blue stain on their kitchen wall. A’whora’s way too close to telling the girls about every time she’s pictured her and Tayce falling asleep together and waking up together, every time she’s imagined them planning actual dates, every time she’s wanted to kiss her on the sofa- not necessarily even a kiss kiss but just a peck on the cheek, a soft one pressed to the crown of her head, a little one against their knuckles as they hold hands.
It all sounds ridiculous and silly and way too high school. Nothing seems to work the same at uni. Everyone just seems to shag, hook up, kiss strangers they’ll never see again in the shadows of grimy clubs. Everything seems to happen when everyone’s drunk. Everything’s done out of lust rather than love. Everything is so short-term because you can’t plan for the long term if you wake up and don’t remember the night before.
A’whora loves uni, but she doesn’t like that.
Besides, she’s already done all that in high school anyway. Sixth form had been like a crash course in freshers’ week; if she wasn’t drinking in parks or going to house parties she was sneaking into nightclubs using a fake ID that even Stevie Wonder could’ve seen right through. She’d half-heartedly slept with boys and figured out she liked girls when a sleepover after a party took a turn. She’d tried smoking and she came to the conclusion that she didn’t like it enough to buy her own cigarettes, she’d tried mandy once and that was once too much for her. All of that has prepared her well for uni- she’s street smart and has her head screwed on (for the most part- she’s still testing her limits as far as alcohol’s concerned). But feeling like she’s feeling for Tayce is uncharted territory, and out of everything she’s already done and experienced A’whora finds it hard to believe there’s not an age limit on this sort of thing because it all feels more risky and dangerous than smoking roll-ups in a children’s playpark at one in the morning ever did.
A wayheyyy! from Lawrence cuts through her thoughts and she accepts the shot she’s holding out to her, wordlessly clinking it together with Lawrence’s and Ellie’s and slamming it back as if it’s some form of medicine she desperately needs.
“It’s so weird that you don’t do the whole lime and salt thing,” Ellie wrinkles her nose at her friend, who in turn punches one of her own tits with what seems to be pride.
“‘Cause I’m made of strong stuff, babes. Right, what’s the conclusion on this one? Does she fancy Tayce or no?”
“Surely this is a bathroom stall conversation?” A’whora pouts, annoyed that her feelings for Tayce have been brought back up.
As Ellie relays to Lawrence what she’d said to A’whora, A’whora momentarily wonders if she’s in control of anything in her life any more.
Lawrence nods when Ellie’s done. “Smart advice. ‘Cause it would make things awkward for the flat. ‘Magine trying to make a Pot Noodle in the middle of a live-action episode of Eastenders.”
A’whora screws her face up in confusion. “All episodes of Eastenders are live action?”
“Y’know what the fuck I mean,” Lawrence rolls her eyes in exasperation. “Well we’ve given you our blessing and basically we represent the whole country, so. Go for it.”
“Thanks, Nicola Sturgeon, good to know I have your approval,” A’whora smirks at her, amused. When some Becky Hill song comes on over the speakers she takes it as her cue to smooth down her skirt, flip her hair over her shoulder and rest her little shot glass back on the bar. “Right, we going to have a dance or what?”
As she takes her friends’ hands they all but strut over to the dancefloor, and A’whora can see Bimini and Tia pulling shapes that they probably think make them look mysterious and sexy but actually just make them look as drunk as they no doubt are. Before A’whora can push through the crowd, Lawrence tugs her and Ellie back a bit.
“Here, I think I’ve remembered something Tayce told me once, if this is of any use to you?” she begins.
All of A’whora’s nerve endings light up like one of those colourful optical fiber lamps she had when she was small. Her eyes have clearly flown open and her mouth’s dropped slack without her even having to try, so desperate is she for what Lawrence is about to tell her. Ellie’s beside her equally expectant and anticipative, and Lawrence laughs at the pair of them before she continues.
“It was the pair of us and Tia…Christ, when was it…cannae mind. Think you’d gone home for the weekend and Ellie was doing something wi’ Bims…anyway, coupla’ bottles of wine in and we start playing wee stupid games. We’re doing snog, marry, avoid and Tia gives her…fuck, cannae even remember. Let’s say it was Ellie, Bimini and you. Now I can’t remember what she said for the other two but…” Lawrence pauses dramatically, and A’whora is a hair’s breadth away from practically begging her for the information she’s taking so long to impart. “…she said she would marry you because then she’d get to shag you more than just once.”
A’whora doesn’t think her eyes can go any wider but she somehow manages it. She doesn’t really know how to react but Ellie’s doing enough screaming to suffice for the two of them.
“When the fuck were you gonna tell us that?! Fuck, I can’t believe you never told me that! When did this happen?!” Ellie practically screeches in her face.
“Telt you I cannae mind! Maybe like…a month ago? I don’t know,” Lawrence supplies unhelpfully. Usually A’whora would try to rip the piss out of the way her accent’s gone ten times more Braveheart than usual after her series of drinks, but all she can think about is what she’s been told and, well…she can’t help the butterflies in her heart and the way a satisfied, triumphant grin spreads slowly onto her face.
Ellie’s equally as excited beside her. She whacks A’whora on the arm as she squeals with enthusiasm. “See! Now we know she likes you too!”
A’whora feels as if she’s made of glitter and confetti as she spins around in the direction of the bar. Her heart gives a dip on its rollercoaster of emotions as she sees that Tayce has somehow caught the attention of a different girl- long, dark hair and a blue and orange outfit and a mouth that’s moving at about a mile a minute.
There’s a second before A’whora makes to turn away in disappointment when Tayce’s pupils suddenly flick over to rest on her. Tayce’s self-assured expression and body language seem to falter when she catches A’whora’s eye, and she shoots her a little smile that- if A’whora didn’t know the girl better- she’d say was shy.
“Now the challenge is actually getting a chance to talk to her,” A’whora pouts. Chatting up Tayce and maybe getting to fall into bed with her really isn’t a time-sensitive issue; it doesn’t need to happen tonight, but A’whora’s had a chaotic combination of alcohol that makes her think there’s really no time like the present and hey, maybe this is her one and only chance.
“Well, we can keep an eye on her and when she’s free, then that’s your chance,” Ellie smiles, supportive and excited.
“What chat-up line are you gonnae use? I’ve got a cracker you can have if you want,” Lawrence insists, and A’whora and Ellie share a doubtful look.
“Go on.”
“What did one haggis say to the other haggis?” Lawrence begins. Without giving the other girls a chance to interject, she finishes. “…’Gonnae shaggis?’ ”
“And on that note,” Ellie shakes her head and rolls her eyes, taking both of them by the hand and pulling them into the crowd to join their other friends.
It’s amazing how easy it is to forget about the object of her affection chatting to random girls on the other side of the room when Bimini’s grabbing her and almost launching her across the dancefloor with their euphoric pogo-ing along to each and every song that gets played. The five of them drunkenly bum-ba-ba, bum-ba-ba along to Head & Heart and cheer for Tia when she does Nicki’s rap in Swalla without even stopping for breath. A’whora laughs in confusion with the other girls as Lawrence and Ellie get way too excited, squealing and clutching each others’ hands when some clubland tune that’s apparently much bigger in Scotland than it is in the other three corners of the UK gets put on, the lyrics of which seem to consist solely of the words up-up-up and awayyy. Bimini and Lawrence collect more drinks from the bar and A’whora very nearly knocks Ellie’s out of her hand when Friday comes on and she punches the air.
And then Tayce is on her own.
A’whora’s heart almost siezes up with how fast it jolts into full-blown palpitations because this is the moment she can finally go over and talk to her, the chance to turn their friendship into maybe something more even if that something more is only a random hookup after a night out, but it only takes the time for her to shake Ellie’s arm and point in Tayce’s direction for her to see that, yet again, she’s been approached by someone tall and confident and stunning and everything that A’whora wishes Tayce thought about her.
Her face falls and Ellie snaps her fingers in her line of vision, forcing her to look at her and the motherly expression of tough love she’s wearing.
“Hey. When has anyone ever stopped you getting your own way?” she yells at her over the music, and A’whora laughs half in amusement and half in agreement. As she falls silent, Ellie jerks her head towards the bar. “Go get her, bitch.”
It might be the alcohol, but it hits A’whora with a ironically sobering clarity that Ellie’s right.
So she takes a breath in and struts confidently over to the bar, practically able to feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins (although that could well be the caffeine from the second Jaegerbomb she’s downed this evening with Bimini’s encouragement). She smooths down her skirt so the split runs up the front of her thigh and not the side, adjusts the neck of her top so it’s framing her chest the way she wants it to. She could be nervous but the combined alcohol she’s drunk so far this evening pushes that feeling to the back of her head, replacing it with all-consuming confidence that she can feel from the inside out. She looks good, better than good, and she knows she can flirt even though she’s never really tried to flirt with Tayce. Well, never intentionally.
Okay, that’s maybe a lie.
The realisation that she’s actually going through with this is enough to make her want to freeze to the spot but by some miracle she’s still walking forward until she’s three, two, one steps away from her flatmate and the girl at the bar with too much plastic surgery and hair the shade of a vomit-coloured highlighter pen. A’whora wedges her shoulder in between the pair of them, hears the girl give a little tut/sigh hybrid from behind her but A’whora’s not really interested in bickering with her, not when Tayce’s eyes have fallen on her and she’s looking at her, really looking at her with a little playful smile on her painted lips.
“Hey baby boo,” Tayce says by way of a greeting, and A’whora feels her heart melt just a little. She’s being adorable, but she’s not going to let that damage her confident, composed exterior. Until Tayce follows up by running a hand down her arm and lacing their fingers together. “I haven’t seen you all night, I missed you.”
With that, A’whora feels the little cocky smirk she’s wearing break out into a shy grin, one that she hopes doesn’t look as ridiculously goofy as it feels. “Well. Maybe you would’ve seen more of me if you hadn’t been playing Take Me Out with half the bloody girls in here.”
“Who, me?” Tayce gasps, clutching the gold chain around her neck and pretending to be affronted. A’whora doesn’t mean to roll her eyes but she clearly does, and the small giggle she draws out of Tayce as a result makes it almost worth it. The squeeze Tayce gives her hand turns that almost into a definitely, as does what Tayce follows up with. “You’re cute when you’re jealous, you know.”
“You’re cute…all the time,” A’whora claps back, wishing she had some sort of drink in her hand to press against her face as she feels her blush start to bloom across her cheeks.
“I know, babe, that’s why I’ve been getting my drinks bought for me all night,” Tayce winks.
If Awhora uses that as a signal to pull her bank card from her bra, that’s nobody’s business but her own. The way Tayce’s gaze flicks to her chest lights a match in her heart. “Well…let me buy you one and then you won’t have to miss me so much.”
Tayce’s awed smile spreads slowly onto her face and they agree on tequila shots, the phase of the evening where they were nursing their drinks left firmly in the dust as the bartender hands them a salt shaker, two little shot glasses and two wedges of lime. The way Tayce’s tongue slides over the side of her hand before she sprinkles the salt and the way their eyes meet as she licks it up makes A’whora’s mouth dry, so the tequila’s welcome for a split second before she remembers why she hates it, the flavour and sheer strength of the alcohol akin to being hit by a truck.  
As she grabs desperately for the lime like it’s an oxygen mask on a crash-landing plane, Tayce laughs and shakes her head pityingly. “You always end up ordering tequila and you always, always hate it.”
A’whora blinks as she composes herself, gives a little shiver of recovery. She cocks her head at Tayce inquisitively. “I didn’t know you remembered that.”
Tayce looks to the ground as she smiles, tucks a piece of her long hair behind her ear. It’s endearing and soft and it makes A’whora panic, so she presses her lips together and raises an eyebrow at Tayce questioningly. “So, how’d your little episode of Blind Date go anyway?“
"Gosh, you’re really pressed about this, aren’t you?” Tayce’s eyes are narrow as she smirks at her, and now it’s A'whora’s turn to look embarrassed. The soft laugh Tayce gives is reassuring so A'whora’s gaze drifts back up again and their eyes meet as she speaks again. “Well, there was, uh…blonde lady. Blonde lady with the muscles and the eyeliner. God, what was her name?”
“This is off to a flying start.”
“Kameron!” Tayce yells in her face as she remembers. It makes A’whora snort with laughter, something that’s probably wildly unattractive but she knows Tayce has seen her do it before. “And then there was, uh, Priyanka. I remember her name because she kept telling me every two minutes. That was a wild conversation.”
“Uh-huh. Who was the bitch I elbowed out the way?”
Tayce smirks at her, wobbles a little in her heels and steadies herself against the bar. “That was…Detox.”
Tayce splutters. “Detox!”
“Should’ve called herself Botox, would’ve been nearer to the mark,” A’whora turns up her top lip. Tayce explodes in an outraged laugh beside her, clutches her wrist in a way that makes A’whora hope she won’t be able to feel her rapid pulse.
“Says Aurora Georgia Boyle, who asked for lip fillers for her eighteenth and was actually allowed to get them!”
“Don’t full name me, piece of shit!” A’whora gasps in mock-offence, shakes herself away from Tayce’s grip but finds her inexplicably nearer to her than she was before. She’s not necessarily complaining, though, because her whole left side is against Tayce’s right and there’s some form of other-worldly magnetism that seems to keep them pressed together. It makes her heart flutter so she tucks a section of hair behind her ear before she frowns. “I never told you that. How come you know that?”
“You did tell me! Back in freshers week! You just don’t remember,” Tayce giggles, poking her cheek with one acrylic nail. It should hurt more than it does. Maybe it does hurt and A’whora can’t feel it. She’s had a lot to drink.
It’s the alcohol she blames when she hooks an arm around Tayce’s waist, tilts her head and drops her volume to a murmur. “You seem to remember a lot of things about me.”
Tayce’s eyes widen just that little bit. “Well you’re a bit of an unforgettable person, really.”
Her words make A’whora’s heart light up so much that she can feel herself glowing from the inside out. She brings her other arm around Tayce in a tight hug, her hands joining at the small of her back, and Tayce mirrors her so they’re both anchoring each other. It’s hard for her to remember whether they’ve ever shared a hug like this before. It seems too intimate for friends, but A’whora doesn’t mind.
“Rory,” Tayce replies, mimicking her whine and the way she draws her name out. A’whora likes the nickname she gives her probably more than she should; she supposes it’s because only Tayce uses it and because it’s rooted in her actual given name.
A’whora pouts, squeezes Tayce’s waist. “I missed you tonight, you know.”
“Missed you too. Missed you so much,” Tayce murmurs back.
She’s already said it, A’whora knows she’s already said it, but with the way they’re both gazing at each other it seems to mean something more, something different. It’s ridiculous- they’re both drunk, and famously no good decisions have ever happened when two people have had this many assorted shots, but somehow it feels like all of this is just right.  
A’whora drops her head to rest it on Tayce’s shoulder and she feels her arms tighten around her in response. Her lips graze her neck as she murmurs against it. “Not leaving me again.”
There’s a pause where she can’t really see Tayce’s expression or how she’s reacted. Her heart freezes, and the terror and reality of having crossed the line between friendship and whatever the hell this is suddenly consumes her whole body. She’s relieved, then, when Tayce eventually mutters against the crown of her head.
“All yours, baby.”
And she presses a kiss to her hair. Just like A’whora’s been dreaming about for so long.
She feels giddy and dizzy with absolute euphoria, so it’s that she blames when she puts her lips against Tayce’s neck again and plants one, two, three little kisses there in quick succession.
“Tayce,” she whispers again. She doesn’t really know what she wants to say or how to say it, but she knows she doesn’t want to go back to the dancefloor, and she doesn’t want to be with their other friends. She just wants her and Tayce together for however long she’ll let it be that way, and she doesn’t even care about the busy bar or the drunk students that bump into them every so often or the stares from the rowdy group of rugby lads that would usually make her feel intimidated, but not when she’s with Tayce.
When she’s with Tayce everything seems a little bit better somehow, just by her being there.
So maybe it’s that, or maybe it’s the tequila, or maybe it’s the feeling of having Tayce’s arms around her that makes A’whora tilt her head back up again and meet Tayce’s waiting lips with her own. There’s none of the usual hesitation or awkward pause that comes with kissing someone new because really the amount of times A’whora’s imagined this, dreamt about it, thought about it in daydreams that completely unhook her from reality, it’s as if it’s happened before.
Nothing has prepared her for the real thing though. How Tayce brings a hand up to rest at her jaw and how the other stays placed against the bare skin of her back, warm and supportive. How the both of them sway a little, unsteady in their heels as if they’ve been knocked for six. How Tayce’s body is close against hers and A’whora pushes a hand in her hair in an attempt to somehow bring her even closer. How kissing Tayce leaves her breathtaken and satisfied yet somehow amplifies her feeling of longing, because the more she gives to her the more A’whora wants and with every second that Tayce’s lips are on hers she can only feel the heat that’s pooling in her stomach growing more and more intense.
When Tayce pulls away and A’whora can only catch her breath, she fixes her with a lazy, half-lidded smile that makes her insides turn to melted honey.
“That was nice,” she blinks, and she’s a second away from kicking herself- because, really?- when Tayce giggles softly under her breath. She brushes a little piece of A’whora’s hair off her face, and the gentleness of the action throws her a little. A’whora brings her arms up to loop around her neck, and she leans in close again. “I wanna do it again.”
“I want to do…a lot of things. With you,” Tayce says, casual and chill as if her words haven’t just sent A’whora up in flames.
“Like…maybe come back to mine and I’ll show you, baby.”
The whole moment’s perfect enough for A’whora to almost overlook the blunder Tayce has just made, but her nature dictates that she can’t let her get away with it. “We…we live together.”
Tayce lets out a snort, bumps her forehead against A’whora’s as she despairs of herself. “Right. Well…we gonna go home, then?”
A’whora doesn’t need to be asked twice. She laces her fingers in Tayce’s, resolves to text the others to tell them they’ve left, and stumbles towards the exit with her heart thumping wildly in her chest.
When she blinks, she’s tired, she’s in bed, it’s bright, and she’s confused as all hell.
The headache hits her like a sledgehammer to the face and she blinks slowly and heavily, adjusting herself to her surroundings. She’s in her own room, she can tell that much from the photos of her and her friends from back home on the cupboard and the fairy lights on her desk that aren’t switched on. Her mouth feels like a badger’s shat in it and her eyes are all achey, and as she throws an arm up to rub at them she’s surprised when she doesn’t see any leftover eye makeup on the back of her hand.
“The kraken awakes.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” A’whora flinches, her head whipping over to the foot of her bed to find Tayce sitting cross-legged leaning against the wall, her phone in her hand. She’s wearing her old leggings with the bleach stains and the hole at the calf, and a purple tie-dye sweatshirt that’s a size too big for her. Her hair’s loose and framing her face and the only makeup she has on is the little scattering of eyeliner that’s hanging tight to her lash line and has managed to escape the makeup wipe.
She looks disarmed and shy. There’s something comforting about it, because A’whora feels confused and completely on the back foot and she has no idea what’s going on. But there’s a warm smile on her face and it meets her eyes, so despite her disorientation A’whora feels safe.
“How long’ve you been there? Were you just watching me sleep like some…creepy Twilight vampire?” A’whora groans, sitting up and leaning forward and taking a deep breath as if it’ll make her headache go away.
Tayce laughs in a way that makes A’whora think the question’s flustered her, but she’s not sure. “The others went to get breakfast. I said I’d stay with you. Didn’t want you to be on your own feeling like shit and maybe having the fear.”
“I am having the fear. I don’t even know how we got home.”
The way Tayce’s face drops in what looks like abject panic makes her wonder what did happen last night. “Wait. What do you actually remember?”
A’whora’s heart is racing as she scans her mind for memories. Pres, club, drinks, booth. Tayce talking to some girl. Dancefloor. Tayce. Talking to Tayce. Kissing Tayce-
Kissing Tayce.
“Oh, no,” A’whora blurts out involuntarily. Her eyes are wide as she looks at Tayce. “We…did we? We did?”
Tayce’s face seems to relax as she bursts out laughing, and it all comes flooding back to A’whora and hits her like a train. Everything that had seemed like such a good idea last night now seems like the most awkward situation in the world now that Tayce is here, on her bed, and they’re both sober.
“Tayce, no,” A’whora whines, putting her head in her hands as her friend keeps laughing. “No! That’s so awkward. I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, it was a good kiss,” Tayce smiles back, somehow both coy and self-assured at once. It’s her reaction that causes a new wave of cold horror to crash against A’whora, a wave on a rock.
“Oh, Jesus. Did anything else happen?”
Tayce grows animated. “God, yeah, we had the best sex ever. Sixty-nines, scissoring, we got the vibrators involved. It was bloody lush.”
A’whora’s too hungover to realise that Tayce is winding her up until she screeches with laughter right in her horrified face. “Oh my God, Rory, your face! No I’m joking, ‘course I’m joking.”
“Thank fuck,” A’whora sighs a world-weary sigh of relief, throwing herself back down against her pillows and immediately regretting it for the way her brain ricochets against her skull and makes her headache ten times worse. “So what did happen?”
“Well, you wanted to walk back because you wanted to look at the stars, so when we got to the square we lay down and looked at the stars for a bit. And then I wanted to go get chips and cheese but you were dragging me back home because you were so horny,” Tayce looks at her pointedly, and A’whora groans with embarrassment, grabbing her pillow and shoving it over her face. “But then after we got up the stairs and in through the door you said you felt sick, so I then had to hold your hair back while you threw up last night’s pasta bake and what looked to be about fifty different kinds of alcohol into the toilet bowl. Then I had to put you to bed and stay up half the night making sure you didn’t choke on your own tongue while you were asleep. Best one night stand I’ve ever had.”
When A’whora takes the pillow away, Tayce winks at her. She feels like putting the pillow back.
“I’m honestly so sorry,” she pouts. She is sorry. Part of her wishes she could at least properly remember what it had felt like to kiss Tayce. All the memories of the moment are much too paper-thin and flimsy, butterfly wings that’re all too rapidly flying away. Tayce isn’t giving her any cause to be embarrassed, but A’whora is anyway.
So she’s not sure what Tayce is going to say when she leans forward, takes her hand and gives it a squeeze. “Go brush your teeth.”
A’whora thinks she might be the first person in history to have cause of death: cringe written on her birth certificate. “You’re really adding insult to injury, aren’t you? Telling me all the embarrassing shit I did while I was off my face and then basically telling me my breath smells like dog shite.”
Tayce laughs as she shakes her head. “Just go do it, idiot.”
She’s never been one to say no to Tayce so A’whora drags herself out from under her duvet towards the little sink tucked away in the corner of her room, the cold chill of the freezing air hitting her bare arms and her feet and rendering her even more miserable. It’s only when she’s halfway through scrubbing at her teeth when it registers that she’s even got pyjamas on.
“Did you have to put my pyjamas on for me?” A’whora asks around her toothbrush, realising all too late that trying to talk through a mouthful of toothpaste is probably as unattractive as vomiting into the toilet bowl.
(The toilet bowl is definitely worse, but she’s just thinking this to help herself feel better.)
Tayce looks up from her phone and raises an eyebrow. “Nah, you managed to do it yourself. You did make me watch you put your stick-on bra on your forehead, though. Apparently it was the funniest thing in the world.”
A’whora just groans as she turns back to the sink, spitting out the toothpaste and following it with mouthwash just to completely clean her mouth of the various alcoholic sins of the night before. She crawls back into bed with a wearied sigh, and she’s surprised when Tayce falls on her side and scoots up beside her, laying on her side and facing her so their noses are almost touching. A’whora feels her heart lift and her pulse speed up, and it’s not helped by the way Tayce reaches out and tucks a little piece of hair behind her ear.  
Tayce trails her fingers across to cup A’whora’s cheek, and she’s almost whispering when she speaks. “Thank God. Just wanted to do this again.”
When she leans in A’whora shuts her eyes, meets her halfway, and feels every cell in her body electrify when their lips touch. If kissing Tayce in a club when they were both drunk was good, then kissing her hungover in bed is somehow even better, and A’whora’s mystified at the way her headache seems to completely disappear with every second she spends with her lips on Tayce’s, kissing her gently and softly as if they’ve got all the time in the world. Tayce smells of everything comforting- Tresemme shampoo, snow fairy shower gel, the fabric softener she uses that’s way too expensive for a student budget. Fresh and clean and somehow new. It’s the simplest heaven A’whora has ever experienced.
Tayce pulls away and they both giggle, embarrassment and awkwardness gone now that the elephant in the room’s been addressed. A’whora only realises Tayce has taken her hand when she lets it go, pushes herself off the mattress and crosses the room towards the door.
“We should do that again some time,” she smiles wickedly by way of a goodbye, and A’whora can only nod bashfully in reply and agreement. Tayce has given her hope to hold on to, and she knows she’s going to cling to it ridiculously until whatever this is happens again.
She can’t wait.
Just as Tayce opens her door and A’whora resigns herself to her leaving, she lifts her head off the pillow when she hears her flatmate’s voice again as she disappears into the hallway.
“And go have a shower. You smell like tequila.”
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Hey there :D could I request Kise where he's a famous celebrity but he feels all lonely and empty inside, so he takes a vacation in search for a 'purpose' in life, and there he meets a young boy who looks very much like him, and he finds later that he's really his son with a girl who loved him in the past in their teenage years with whom he had a one-night stand before but whom he also left immediately afterwards. I hope that's not too complicated. ^^
Sorry for all this time. No it’s no too complicated and I hope that it was well done and thank you for asking
The beginning of the end
Everybody on this earth is dreaming of success, moneyand fame. It’s everybody’s goals. Once you reach them, you can say that you’retaking a step into heaven, so why don’t I feel happy or blessed? I have themall but yet I still feel like something is missing in my life? I feel like I’mnot myself anymore, I’m losing myself
Every morning, I wake up and look into the mirrorasking myself: who is this person I’m seeing? I don’t know who it is but it’snot me? If it’s not me then who is it and where I am? I can’t find myselfanymore, I don’t feel anything anymore and there’s a question I’m asking myselflately “Why do I keep living anyway?”
Morning 7am:
The blonde model took his phone and called hismanager:
“Good morning” his voice was very calm and unsure
“Good morning Kise what made you call me at such anhour?”
The manager was very worried
“Don’t worry it’s just that I need some time off”
The man was surprised since Kise had just taken 2weeks off last month:
“I don’t know Kise, we still have so much work and youknow it, I can’t just let you go like that”
“I’m not asking you, I’m just letting you know”
Kise just hanged up before turning his phone off, heknew that there will be consequences, he will probably have to pay for this foolishact and his image and reputation will be awfully touched but it was the leastof his worries.
Handing his plane ticket and passport, he left hisapartment wearing heavy disguise because he’s so sick of paparazzi and all thepeople taking pictures of him without paying attention to his situation. Hetook a taxi to drive him to the airport, this city that he liked so much seemedno longer beautiful but instead, it’s tainted in black drawing him intodarkness and no matter how hard he tried to color it up, to give it a nicecolorful look, it doesn’t work and he’s the one to get colorless now
After stepping out of the taxi, he headed to take hisplane without turning back because he was never this sure of something…Destination Bali…
He arrived to his hotel, he was too tired of theflight but this didn’t stop him from enjoying the magical sight of this beautifulplace, it gave him a feel of ease, relief and he didn’t know why.
It was night, he wanted to go out but he felt his bodyheavy so he just stayed in front of the window. He could see the differentforms of life, people passing by looking so happy, enjoying their times,happily together it was so colorful
He watchedthem, envying them, they were experiencing something he no longer can have, thelife coming out from them sent off a bright light that blinded him, he justbacked off to his dark corner because he can’t see anything in this light, HEHAS NO LIFE RIGHT NOW
He returnedto his bed, watching how many glasses he took until now but he can’t feel anygood,
There’s nothing he can do. He asked himself “Who Iam?”
After thinking,
“I’m Kise Ryouta, No Kise Ryouta is a person I used tobe, I’m not this person anymore. ‘Say this, act like this, do never do thisbecause now you’re a celebrity’, if I’ve been told that being a celebrity meansleaving yourself behind I’d never accept it. If I’ve known that I’ll only be adoll, a puppet controlled by others ‘hands I would refuse but now it’salready over”
Feeling some tears rolling down his face, he closedhis eyes, sleeping and letting go all his troubles away, hoping for a bettertomorrow, hoping for a miracle, for a hero to save him and draw his life withbright colors.
Hours passed and morning announced his sun, whichcaused the desperate model to wake up. Feeling his body getting weak, he lazilytook the remote controller and switch the tv on, watched some tv shows whiletaking his breakfast. It’s true that it was nothing special but just gettingsome time alone, being able to breathe, having his space, this made him feel alittle better because it’s been so long that he didn’t give himself time. Hewas overworking and doing all he can to have a successful carrier, to make aname for himself but he lost his self on his way and kept only the name.
After getting bored from the tv, he decided to go outand have some fresh air. He sit on the beach, closing his eyes and trying toenjoy the heat of the sun, it was like a warm and soft touch in his frozenworld. While he was enjoying this rare moment of peace and ease, a ball hit himright in the face… He was still there, not moving but the reason wasn’t becausehe was hit by a ball, no it’s because it was a BASKETBALL
“Ahh I remember this game, I used to be good atplaying it, I used to enjoy it very much… I even used to have friends, manyfriends with which I used to play and fool around with… Maybe I should…” He wascut off:
“Hééé you! Give me the ball”
The model turned to see a tiny little boy, blonde hairwith fierce golden eyes. He smiled thinking that he looked a little bit likehim, if he had a little brother, he’d probably look like him.
He smiled to the little boy but this one wasn’t reallyfriendly:
“Hé looser give it back!”
“What’s this attitude little brat” Kise said withsarcasm
“Just give it back now”
Kise sighed, this child was not one to talk to butwait maybe he’s one to play with
“If you want the ball just come and get it” The modelsaid with a smirk while drabbling which provoked the little boy
“Fine, but don’t cry if you ended up being allridiculous”
“Haha come come I’m waiting for….” Before he couldeven finish, the boy was already facing him and trying to steal the ball fromhim. The model smiled and tried to avoid this small little thing, as he wasmaking his moves to win over the kid, he noticed something amazing andunexpected…the boy was trying to copy him, to copy the way he adjusts his legs,the way he’s moving. He wasn’t really good at copying, his copy was far frombeing perfect or well down but truth to be told, he was gifted, he has the“Copy” gift and Kise could see it.
This boy in front of him doesn’t just look like himbut he has also the same ability as him, he told himself that was a lot to bejust a coincidence maybe it’s some kind of miracle of heaven. Kise wasoverthinking and forgot about the kid trying to steal the ball from him, he wasoff guard when the child almost took it but with a quick move he could stop himand without noticing he slightly pushed him away which made the boy fall hardon the ground.
Kise hurried to see if the kid was hurt or not, justat the moment when he put his hand on his shoulder, he started crying out loud.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Mommy where’s mommy” Kise hadtrouble to shut him down
“Please shuut, if you’re hurt tell me” but the kidwasn’t listening
“Mommyyyy I want mommy”
“Ok ok I’ll find mommy for you, just keep quiet I’llfind her”
Kise was about to look for the boy’s mother when heheard her voice:
“Mommy is here” As she spoke those words, the kidjumped to her hiding in her warm arms
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hold myself enough while playingwith him”
He bowed apologizing to this woman but she keptlooking at him, smiling:
“I’m really sorry again”
She laughed this time,
“Why are you laughing, is it because I’m an adult whois playing with a kid, right?” He was a little bit uncomfortable at thissituation
She kept just looking at him with a smile: “You’reright to laugh at me, I’m just a looser who has nobody to play with or to staywith, I was lucky enough to play with your son and you can laugh, you have allthe right to laugh at me”
“You’re this lonely?” She asked
The model just nodded, his head down, he was feelingso embarrassed at this situation.
“If you like him Jason, maybe we can invite him for adrink with us?” the woman turned to her son
“He’s not that bad, he played with me after all”
“Mmm I guess so, so you come with us or you justprefer to stay alone?”
Kise was even more uncomfortable now, but the look onthe child’s eyes was too much to be ignored so he just smiled and nodded whilelooking at this beautiful angel.
“Let’s go then” the kid shouted
They were walking together, for some unknown reasonsKise felt less lonely, it’s not because he’s walking with them, not because hehas company but there was a different feeling inside him, there was like asmall light in his darkness, some gold shades in his colorless world…
“What do you want to drink?” the woman asked him
“Anything is fine”
“Then we’ll take two beers and one orange juice”
“NOOOOO”, the kid shouted, “Three orange juices orthree beers”
“But you’re underage idiot”
“I don’t care Mommy, I’ll take what you two take”
“Then we’ll take three orange juices” Kise said
“Pfff you’re really a pain in the ass” She said
Kise was shocked at how these two were close to eachother, but he was also having a strange feeling, like he saw this woman before,no like he knew her before but he couldn’t recall
“Who is she, who is she?” He kept asking himself butafter a few minutes he cracked
“Did we met before?” He asked seriously but as fast ashe finished his question, both the mother and her son burst out laughing. Kisedidn’t understand why
“He’s not just a jerk, he’s a jerk with no memory” Thekid added looking all amused
Kise was really shocked, what are they talking about? Andthis boy has no manners. He waited for the mother to react, to scold her childbut she was just laughing which made the model very upset. He just stood up andturned to leave, he started to walk slowly hoping for them to stop him and givehim a proper explanation but all he got was:
“He’s running away again, he sure has balls” and ofcourse it was the boy’s comment
Here Kise, couldn’t take it anymore, how could such asmall little boy say those things beside his mother who is just watching, noforget about this, she let him talk like this to a stranger, that’s sodisrespectful
“You know, maybe you should educate him better” Hesaid coldly while looking into the women’s eyes
“I’m sorry but it’s all I could do, don’t blame me I’ma single mother” She said with so much confidence but a few tears were about tofill up her beautiful eyes.
At this moment, Kise could feel that something waswrong, what kind of arguments was that after all, but he just ignored it
“And so… it’s not a reason for your son to say suchhorrible things to a stranger…”
“ ‘Stranger’… hein?” She laughed
The model already felt like he knew her before but nowhe’s sure, no doubt, he knew this woman before…
“We knew each other right?” he asked in a soft voice
“Jason can you please leave us alone?” she asked whilelooking at her son
“No! I’m not Mommy” Her responded with such aninsisting look
“please, do it honey, please just for a small moment”She was really insisting, she really needed to be alone with him
He sighed: “Pfff, fine. But I’ll be back in 10minutes” and he just left while giving threatening look to the blonde model
“So you’ll tell me the whole story or I’m going toguess” it’s like Kise had a small idea when she asked her son to leave but hewasn’t sure yet
“Yakazawa inori, does this name mean anything to you?”she asked
He started thinking but after a few seconds, he shookhis head
“Then I’ve got no choice, I’ll tell you the wholestory so please take back your seat and listen carefully. So, Yakazawa inori, abeautiful high school student full of love and energy that fell in love fromfirst sight with some basketball player that she met once in a basketball game.They talked a little bit, it was nothing for him, he was surrounded by girlsafter all but for her it was something different, meeting someone so speciallike him, it wasn’t just his looks but also his personality that made her loseher mind. After he left, she asked people about him and got all the detailsregarding him, let’s say she became a fan, his number one fan”
As the woman was telling her story, kise couldn’t helpbut to keep his head down, he was so ashamed and wanted so bad to ask forforgiveness because he already knows now that he hurt her but he’s waitinguntil she finished so he can give a proper apology.
The woman in the other hand, was telling her storylike it was another person’s story: “ She was buying all the magazines he’s in,she was attending all his games and cheering for him. One day, his team lost agame, she was so upset to see him so sad and broken so she didn’t head home andstayed walking from street to street to feel better even though it was alreadylate. While she was walking, something caught her sight, she spotted herbeloved one “Kise Ryouta”, the one and only she loves, he was setting in arestaurant and all alone. She wondered what to do next, he was looking so upsetand she couldn’t bear seeing him this way so she decided to join him and shedid. She was unsure but she joined him anyway, he didn’t seem to remember herbut he allowed her to sit with him, they were having this meal together so shetried her best to help him forget his defeat but he didn’t seem to. He was allsilent, after a few time he got up and said that she can follow him and shedid, not knowing where he’s heading until she saw a hotel, then she knew whathe meant when he said that she can follow him. He entered but she was stillunsure of what to do but her love for him, no her selfishness controlled her,she thought that maybe if she had a night with him, she will be his girlfriend,his love who supported him and cheered him up when he needed the most. She followedhim to the hotel, she was scared but she did it anyway, being with him was allthat matters to her. Even when she slept, she dreamt of him, she dreamt of alife where they are all together happy but all those dreams were destroyed whenshe woke up the next morning and he wasn’t there anymore. She was afraid butshe forced herself to believe that he had an urgent matter to leave and decidedto go and meet him so she went to Kaijo. She waited for hours to see him,practice ended very late but she was there, waiting for him in the cold but allthis torture disappeared when she saw him coming with his teammates. She sawhim and shouted Kise, she was all happy but how did he react? No how did youreact?” She asked the model
His head still down, he said with a low voice: “Idon’t know but I’m sorry”
“Of course you’re sorry but it’s right, that day tooyou were sorry. You were sorry because you weren’t in the mood to give me anautograph and you didn’t even recognize me!!! I was so hurt. I came backhome, cut all the magazines you’re in and decided to forget you. After a monthof crying and hating myself for being an easy idiot, there was another problembigger than my stupid love life, there was something growing up in me. I was soafraid of it, I wished and prayed that it wasn’t the case but when I went withmy auntie to the doctor, my whole world fell down I was pregnant”
“Wait!!!” He finally raised his head, “So Jason!!!That’s why he looks…. But why didn’t you ? You..” He words didn’t make senseanymore, he was really shocked
“I did, I didn’t know what to do so my auntiesuggested that I tell you. I swear, it was the last thing I wanted to do, Ididn’t want to talk to this selfish, heartless guy anymore but I had nothing todo. I came to see you but Mr was too busy with his fan girls, the sight tore meapart so I left, I decided to write you a letter and asked one of your friendto deliver it to you, everything was in there, I waited for you to come, toshow up. A month passed and I couldn’t hide it anymore, after thinking over andover with my auntie, we came up with a story, we told my parents that I wasraped, we created an imaginary story and we even told the police but all thiswas false. My parents were so afraid for my security so we left the country andbelieve me I couldn’t ask for more. I was never that happy with my parents‘decision, I was homeschooled until I gave birth to the child, we had ababysitter at home just for him but still I had to do so many things for him.My life was never the same, every time I looked at him, I saw you, he’s justlike you so I was a little bit happy because I had a mini you funny no? As hegrew up, he was more and more curious. One day he asked who was his father, itwas hard for me to tell him, first because I was left by his father and secondbecause I lied to my parents so I had to tell them first, I was never thatashamed but surprisingly they already knew about it and I don’t know how. So Istill had to tell him who was his father, I typed your name on the internet andhad your pictures, I showed him how you look like and he was so proud of you”
“I don’t know what to say I’m so…” she cut him off
“I’d lie to you if I said that I hate you or anything.I just hate myself, you were young and had so many opportunities so why wouldyou trap yourself with me” she smiled but it was obvious that she was stillhurt
“Who’s that friend?” He was so serious
“ What friend?” she asked confused
“You said you gave a friend of mine a letter right?Who was it?”
“Ahhh that, I don’t know his name but while I wastrying to reach you, he just took it and said that he’ll give it to you later”
“F*** , how does he look like? I received no letterfrom you?” he was cursing, if he really knew who that friend was, he’d kill himfor sure
“It’s okay Kise, never mind” She was trying to calmhim
“No I mind! What do you think? You think I’d let youdown and run like a coward if I knew. No seriously, he’s my son, it doesn’tmatter if I was 16 or 17, I wouldn’t care, I’d take care of him”
“Calm down Kise, you don’t have to feel guilty oranything. I already took good care of him and I don’t have any grudge on you,believe me”
“It’s not about you!!! It’s about my son, how could hegrow up without his father being by his side! And you must have so much troubleand I wasn’t there” Kise was really going crazy
“You should have come to me and tell, you should havepushed all the stupid girls and tell it straight, I’d react believe me”
“Ahh so it’s my fault now. Mr popular sleeps withgirls and forgets about them and it’s the girls’ fault”
“No I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it this way. It’s justtoo much for one day, don’t you think so Inori ?”
“Already being casual with me?”  She teased him
“You’re my kid’s mother, can’t I?” he smiled
“Mmm I’m not sure, maybe we should ask him first”
“Aaah no, with his savage attitude I’m sure he’llrefuse. By the way, why does he have such rude attitude toward people?” Kisewas really curious
She started laughing and then said:
“He’s not rude with others, just with you”
“Heiiiiin! Really ? but why ? I’m his father and yousaid he was proud of me”
“Yes he was proud of you until the day I started todate someone. And this boyfriend used to call Jason, his son which pissed himoff. Every time he’ll call him my son, Jason yelled ‘ my father is Kise ryouta’”.My boyfriend was fed up and told him, Kise ryouta is just a jerk who left yourmom when she was pregnant. He asked me later whether it was true or not, Icouldn’t lie so that’s how he started calling you a jerk”
“Whaaat? How could you agree? And how can yourboyfriend allow himself to do that?” Then Kise looked away and added: “Euuuhare you still dating him?”
“Hahaha that’s funny, why are you asking?”
“It’s just that I want, no I wish to spend some timewith my son but I guess it will be a little bit hard if you’re with someonehere” he said with hesitance
“I’m not dating anybody at the moment and if you’refeeling lonely you can stay with us”
Kise felt uncomfortable again because she touched asensible spot. He was feeling so lonely, miserable and worse he’s so ashamed ofthis situation. Not even knowing that he has a son and meeting him just likethat, he tried to say something, he wanted to act, to adapt himself to this newsituation
“But what a coincidence to meet you guys here! Andeven more, my own son hitting me with a ball, it’s like a miracle”
She was laughing again and Kise started to get used tothis situation, no actually, he’s enjoying this situation. A few moments ago,he was sitting alone no no, all these previous years he was feeling lonely, hehad nobody to laugh with but now it’s a little bit different.
“To be honest with you, it’s all a coincidence that wemet here. But your son hitting you with a ball wasn’t one, he was upset becauseyou left us but when he saw you there all lonely, like you’re in your own worldhe wanted to ease a little your pain and that’s why he came to you”
The blonde model was surprised at her confession, eventhis little boy could see through him. He was this vulnerable and this downnow… so pitiful
He lowered his head, like all the world’s problemswere on his shoulders so she just put her hand on his shoulder. He raised hishead in surprise, he felt his shoulders a little bit lighter and she justsmiled. Her smile was so bright, it drew some colors in his dark world.
“You know Kise, we all have our moments when we feeldown and low and there’s no shame about accepting other’s help in this kind ofsituation”
No there’s, that’s what Kise is thinking. He just knewthat he has a child, that he left this girl alone struggling  with it and now after all these years she’soffering her help like she did back then. He’s so pathetic, he’s such a failureand a looser. Kise’s head was full of these dark ideas…
She sighed and gave him her hand again: “In two daysit’s Jason’s birthday, why don’t you put everything beside and help me give himthe best birthday memory ever. A birthday with his whole family, not somethingof luxury, just little things that a kid dream of doing with his family, somesimple things that any normal kid would have done. Hand in hand, let’s makethis real” Kise hurried, took her hand and nodded.
He could never ask for more, maybe he’s pretending todo this for his kid’s sake and it’s true but he’s also doing this for himselftoo. Was his wish granted?
Is this the miracle he was asking for?
Maybe this is the beginning of the end of his painfuldays. Maybe it’s the colorful pencil that’s going to give out colors to hiscolorless life. His head is full of all sort of ideas, some are positive butsome are negative but for now he’s letting go all of them. He stood up,following her to join their son, letting go all his troubles and headaches fornow, it’s his last light of hope and he’s more than willing to keep it. Hedoesn’t know how to make himself acceptable, how to fix back his life, how tobe “Kise Ryouta” again, how to get back his lost self and how to take thispencil and draw colors in his life but he’ll certainly find a way. He has tomake these events the “beginning of the end”, yes the end of this tragedycalled his life…
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artificialqueens · 7 years
The Country Singer Ch 3 - Krista
AU: I’m sorry about the delay, I’m having some doubts about where I want this story to go. (I should have really written it all before submitting the first part really) Also I’ve been super busy in my mega boring day job. I want to say thank you to everyone who's​ been reading, and for all the nice feedback I’ve received. It really means a lot to me. :)  
Pearl was staring at Violets pretty satin sheets as she sat cross legged on the edge of her bed. She’d told Violet everything of what happened last night and the dark haired girl had been silent throughout. She went on to explain her feelings, pouring her heart out to her friend. Violet was still silent and Pearl had been finished speaking for a good two minutes. She really wanted to look up. To try and figure out what Violet was thinking, but she couldn’t bring herself to. She just stared at the sheets. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t know whether to slap you or kiss you.” Violet lifted Pearls head to meet her gaze. “Leaving like that, and not to mention what you did after, was stupid and reckless. But I can’t be mad at you for being scared.” She hesitated for a second. “I was confused and scared about how I felt. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you. I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same so I guess that makes us both idiots.” She stopped as her voice waivered and took a deep breath. “I forgive you… and I’d really like to start again, if that’s okay with you?” Pearl bit her lip “what do you mean?"  Violet took hold of her hands "I mean, I’m crazy about you Pearl. You’re my best friend in the entire world and I don’t ever want to be without you. Can we please give us a try?” She looked into Pearls eyes with hopeful anticipation. Pearl studied her features for a few seconds before leaning in and placing a delicate kiss onto Violets soft lips. Her hand trailed through Violets raven locks as she deepened the kiss ever so slightly, feeling the smaller girl relax and reciprocate as she let out the smallest of moans. As she pulled back she could see the look of disappointment across Violets face and she smiled. “Does that answer your question?” Violet broke into an uncharacteristic grin and threw her arms around Pearl. “Well at least Katya will be happy, I think she’s had a bet on the two of us for month’s. We should prepare for at least a week of gloating and smug looks if we can’t find something else to distract her!”. Pearl grinned knowingly “I think we may have already found something, or should I say someone!” Pearl was interrupted mid thought by a loud shriek coming from Katya’s room. She exchanged a look with Violet and they both leapt up and sprinted down the corridor. They burst into Katya’s room to find her curled up in a ball immobilised with laughter and Trixie stood up on the bed looking terrified. “ A rat! There’s a rat in her closet!!!” The Barbie doll blonde was hopping from one foot to the other, trying and failing to put more distance between herself and the floor. Violet by this point had grabbed onto Pearl in terror and had her face buried in her shoulder. “Oh god Katya please tell me you didn’t bring home a live animal!” Pearl started “You remember what happened to your cactus!” She glared at the Russian who was shaking her head and breathing deeply to try and calm herself down. “No…God no!” she wheezed. “Trixie just found Cheryl”. Violets grip on Pearl loosened and there was a collective sigh of relief in the room. From all except Trixie who still wasn’t in on the joke. Katya picked up Cheryl and smoothed her fur slightly before plonking her on her head. “Trixie this is Cheryl, she was one of the very first things I ever made."  Trixie slowly​ edged her way down off of the bed and walked towards Katya, not taking her eyes of Cheryl for a moment. She came in closer and Katya couldn’t resist the urge to jump forward and watch the girl shriek and recoil. "Bitch! I thought that thing was real!” Trixie exclaimed,clutching her chest as she got her breath back. It drew Katya's​ gaze up to the girl’s ample clevage and she was hypnotised. Take a memo Barbara. Find more ways to scare Trixie. So worth it! After managing to tear her eyes off the blonde Barbie’s bosom, she noticed​ Violet stood in front of Pearl. Her head was still nuzzled against the sleepy girls shoulder from when she thought Katya had brought a wild animal home. Now though, she looked relaxed, and Pearl’s arms had wrapped around her tiny waist. “Am I to take it that you two are okay now?” She noticed the blush creeping up both girls faces. Pearl smiled, “Yeah, we’re good” she leant down and placed a gentle kiss on Violet’s forehead. “Mother my psychic predictions are coming true again!” Katya adopted a British accent and she broke into a huge grin. “I knew it, I called it, nothing gets past me!” She flung her arms around the pair, attempting and failing to pick them both up. “Trixie get over here! This is a group hug situation!” She shouted reaching out an arm.  Trixie took Katya’s hand and allowed herself to be pulled into the group. “I’m really happy for you both, I was hoping you two would  work out” she smiled. Trixie was a big romantic at heart and had been rooting for the couple for month’s. Violet made Pearl so happy without even being present, Trixie had seen it first hand in the way Pearl’s face lit up when she talked about her.  She hoped one day to have someone who made her feel that way.  “This calls for a celebration!” Trixie’s train of thought was interrupted by the Russian at her ear. Pearl spoke up “ No Kat we just went out last night! I need rest!"  "I’m not talking night out, I’m thinking pizza, movies and popcorn! Yes? Come on it’ll be fun!” Katya broke the hug and looked pleadingly at her flatmates and new friend. “Please! Its my birthday!” She made her best puppy dog eyes and bat her eyelashes. 
“That was yesterday!”
Trixie broke apart from the group hug and smiled at Katya. “I actually do need to get going, I’ve got some errands to run today.” Looking at Katya she now felt like she’d kicked a puppy. “How about we rain check and reschedule for Friday?” She watched as Katya pouted before eventually relenting. “Okay Barbie, it’s a deal!”. 
The girls all made  their way through to the living room and Trixie hugged each of them goodbye. Telling Violet and Pearl again how happy she was for them. Turning to Katya she said “Well this wasn’t what I was expecting from our second meeting but it’s been fun” she blushed as Katya pulled her into her arms and hoped that her make up would cover it up. “You should always expect the unexpected with me Barbie girl” winking at Trixie as she pulled away and opened the door for her. 
Katya turned back to the room and face to face with Violet and Pearl’s amused  expressions. “Someone’s got a crush on a Barbie doll!” Violet teased in sing song voice. “You want to brush her hair, undress her everywhere!” She continued, giggling. Katya aimed a cushion at her head and the black haired girl pouted when it caught her full in the face. “Hush you brat!” She smiled at her friend “Trixie’s cute I’ll admit it. But she seems terrified of me! She’s very jumpy" 
"An understandable reaction to you.” Pearl quipped, expertly dodging the second cushion that flew across the room. “I’m kidding! Jesus Kat   where do you get your arm strength!” She picked up the cushion and handed it to Violet who was now fussing and plumping them back up on the sofa. “I actually think she may have a bit of a crush on you. Which may explain it” Pearl sat down on the sofa next to Vi and stroked her hair. Katya rolled her eyes “You two are living proof that neither of you can read body language for shit. I’m going to do my yoga”. Leaving the new couple, she strolled back to her room. 
A few stretches in and Katya was feeling peaceful and relaxed, soft music playing as she held her  pose. She loved to practice yoga, it made her body and her mind feel calm and content. The outside world didn’t matter, real world problems didn’t exist… Until visions of a certain pink doll started to creep into her mind. 
Trixie in yoga pants. 
Trixie trying to copy Katya’s poses. 
Katya moving her into the correct postures. Running her hands down Trixie’s ample thighs as her the Barbie’s beautiful bottom pressed up against her…
This is no good Barbara, I can’t even meditate right! 
Frustrated she gave up and flung herself on the bed. She thought about texting Trixie but what would she say? 
Come on Barbie let’s go party? 
Katya giggled to herself and grabbed her phone.
: You’re stuck in my head Barbie Girl. :P xx
: I have that effect on people,  being a blonde bimbo girl has it’s upsides. ;) Xx
: Blonde yes, you’re not a bimbo xx
: It’s the lyrics to the song! Maybe you’re the bimbo? :P Xx
: Harsh! Besides I only paid attention to the part about undressing her everywhere… xx
: I’m don’t know about everywhere, but… Xx
: …what?  o.O  xx
: Xx
Trixie smiled as she walked down the aisles of the drugstore.  That was bold. It was more than that, it was brazen open flirting. She’d never have the guts to say these things out loud but texting made it so easy. She stopped and pondered this while  staring at the vast shelves of shampoo bottles. So was this it? Was she going to make a move? That was another first. By nature she wasn’t an instigator, never made the first move. She liked having boys chase after her and she’d make them work. Then she’d grow tired and move on. But this was different, she wanted to impress Katya, to make her want her. Trixie paid for her items and walked out. Throwing everything in the boot of her car, she took her phone back out and called work.  "Hey, Kim? Hi it’s me. When’s your break? Good, meet me out front I need your help.“ 
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