#I can't think of anything else lol - i just think it's a silly lil crack idea to come up with scenarios for
fluffle-writes · 6 months
Imagine getting isekaied to twst with some kinda twst merch on your person - be it an ita bag, some kinda plushie, a badge etc.
Like, I have this Riddle Nesoberi and I can just picture him going bright red and either blowing a gasket or just being shocked into silence because some random guy showed up late, and lightly charred, while holding a plushie that looks an awful lot like him lmao
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bigdsgirl · 3 months
Live thoughts of Doctor Slump Finale
Because I don't I have the capacity to do anything else
If you open the cut and go "damn heidi chill", here is a summary of my reaction:
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Warning: this will not be coherent. :)
THEY MAKING ALCOHOL TOGETHER! He wants to celebrate every moment with her!!! I am in LOVE!!!
HE MADE HIS OWN NOODLES!!!! Ba-da!! I am so proud of you!!!!
Lol Jeong woo, you know how to be too honest
omg y'all reliving the magical evening - same girlies, same
Ba-da's first PAYYYYYYYYYYYCHECK!!!! Proud of our lil worm <3
he wants to buy her meat!!!!!! stop!!!! as an elder sister, this is a MOMENT! and the photoshoot is everything. a plus.
boy time boy time! these two crack me up. truly besties forever
let's fight! fight to the death! ah yes, never change
I've been watching too much dune, that's all I could think about when I saw the patient
look at our girl! being a supportive professor <3
thoughtful boyfriend (husband of my heart)
oh no this man thinks she is gonna say yes
oh wait wait wait so what was she gonna say if she found out about the US stuff AFTER talking about their date!!!
he is so babygirl <3 my PRINCESS i luv him
the honesty about his nerves! let's communicate!
oh fuck that's an amazing opportunity - she's gotta do it! she's gotta!
I want you to always follow your heart - I am deceased they are so amazing together
most mature drama (in the best fucking way ugh this makes me so happy)
and I know he is still stressed and freaking, but that his first move is to make sure she goes! gah!
LOL the VASE! THE STEAK! this man is dying a bit inside
he was made for this role, his monologues kill me! every time!
the worming on the bed LOOOOL
bestie cheer jeong-woo up! right! now! <3
the leave and let me be in the elevator and Dr. Bin's response -- i am in stitches!!
LETS FREAKING GO HONG RAN!! Baddie of the century!!! fuck yeah! the wink agjdlkfgjalkdfg
wait! girly! please! don't resign! where you going I love you putting Dr. Bin in his place! wait never mind she wants to travel, I support this <3
I am leaving to pursue my happiness! that's RIGHT!
sad puppy jeong-woo is everything to me. i just wanna squish his cheeeeeks!
oh the perfect words, just what he needed to hear.
these two are just giving me cavities LEFT AND RIGHT!!!!
they are so supportive of each other! they talk it out! they love each other! i LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
my dramatic prince - omfg they are sobbing together already lkajfgaldk;fgjadfklgj
oh wait they TOOK BACK THE OFFER???? oh wait that did not go where I thought it would.
oh girl you gotta blurt it out. TELL HIM NOW.
Jeong-woo is a water sign right ? as a big three triple water sign, he's GOTTA BE!
THE PARTY JAKLDFJGLKAF - this is gonna be hilarious. i love the flower on uncle's head hehehehe
the sad singing oh my god this is so funny
wait he SAW! omg! what! and the dramatics, silly gooses
I am so glad she advocated for herself - even if she didn't go her way and she was just expressing her frustration.
god they have grown so much, it's so beautiful to see
he took classes! my beloveds!
oh she's taking the test! and it's improved! oh I am so happy for her. what a beautiful journey we have been on together.
i love the message that getting better is not being happy again, it's about building strength and confidence that you can step through the difficult moments
oh Dr. Bin, don't dig yourself into a hole ya dumb dumb (love you though)
mother son bonding! love this
I am going to miss Ha-neul's mom so much. she is such a beautiful soul. 😭😭😭😭
I was wondering when my Kopiko ad placement would arrive, and A+ work
Hong-ran please, I can't take this romantic speech now. I am weak.
omg! Jeong-woo is opening his own clinic! omg HE TOLD HIM TO GO! I adore you sir.
these two have my heart.
FANCY CAR FOR MY FANCY MAN! Love it and him. ooooooooo sir you look fab in the fancy suit. bahaha, i love the switch to reality and how much happier he is! <;3
oh my, what a gorgeous clinic (working at a FQHC, our clinics so different lol)
WAIT WHO IS THIS GIRL???????????????????? omg. omg uncle get the girl let's freaking GO. wait. wait. oh my fucking god he opened this for HER? someone hold me, I am going to faint.
the little wave at her husband's grave, I am unwell.
Dr. Bin -- i'm sorry but oh my god what are you doing. his daughter just staring at him, i love it.
oh my god the photo of the four of them on her desk!!!! *screaming*
is the anesthesiologist gonna be a private detective?
aw man, he's gonna go work for our king jeong-woo, still dope tho.
*sobs at all these beautiful moments*
Jeong-woo, you are a better man than I, I would be spitting on that grave : )
what a gorgeous sunrise, what gorgeous beans!
he's so excited to get his answer i love them
running on the beach??? bye. I will be dying now from all this love.
oh my god the photoshoot at all the spots important to them AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
in conclusion: i love them and i adore this drama.
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tennessoui · 7 months
15 pleaseeeee I’m so curious which ones at the top of your list
[from this writer's ask game]
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
oooh asking the heavy hitter questions lol
i have different favorite aus for different things!!
i love my stacy's mom au/foolproof foolhardy because it was such a journey to write. having the fic evolve into what it became honestly took me by surprise but i enjoyed it a lot and i think the stacy's mom obi-wan is one of my favorite obi-wans! it was also really fun to build the relationships between the support characters (ahsoka, quinlan, even qui-gon there at the end)
but in terms of my crack adjacent silly one shots/silly lil aus, i think fixer-upper really has to be my favorites (narrowly beating out put your money where your mouth is)
in terms of still going longer term fics, i love the couples counseling au so much that it feels wrong to go with anything else even though time & tide comes close
and if we're talking about aus that don't have fics on ao3 yet, i'm truly torn between playmaker au and the hunger games au! the playmaker au is just so fun to write and revisit because i love how brutal anakin is and how manipulated obi-wan is into his own darkness......but the hunger games au is just so bountiful with possibilities. i love her. i can't wait to write the fic for her. she got delayed a bit but she's coming <3
sooooo that's my answer and it's not straightforward at all lol
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padmerrie · 3 years
I want you to know that I think about your drawing of Kakashi and Sasuke with the cat every day. I just can't deal with it its too much his lil shoes gaaaahhh I'm weeping. And now I can't stop thinking about kakashi tying the laces of Sasuke's lil baby star shoes while he pitches a fit about the cat. (Btw what is the cat's name this is very important information I must have)
I’m sorry it took me so long to respond to this, but I am not exaggerating when I say that your message made my year lol.  I basically live in this AU now so for someone to actually like my silly, self-indulgent art enough to take the time to message me about it was just
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My sister @panharmonium and I are watching Naruto for the first time (we haven’t finished yet, so no spoilers please! <3) and while there’s a lot that we love about it, we are particularly obsessed with Kakashi and Sasuke, so an Adopted!Sasuke AU was inevitable.  I call it Bookends.  There’s a summary on my AO3, but the “story” has evolved since then.  It’s loosely based on Gilmore Girls.  Yes, you heard that right - Gilmore Girls, the tv show about the mother/daughter duo who love coffee and talk fast.  The universe is built on three basic pillars:
1. After Itachi supposedly murders his family and disappears, Sasuke is left in the hands of his estranged relative, Madara.  Gramps has grand plans for Obito to raise Sasuke and mold him into the next great Uchiha, but Kakashi knows that Obito isn’t ready for that level of responsibility and sensing his friend cracking under the pressure, steps in at the final hour - much to Madara’s disapproval.  Obito splits.  Drama ensues.
2. Kakashi raises Sasuke with the help of 8 dogs, 1 cat, and lots and lots of caffeine.
3. When Sasuke is accepted into his dream school, Kakashi goes to Madara and Hashirama (who are married, duh) and asks for their help in paying the tuition.  In exchange for their help, Madara demands that they have a more active role in Sasuke’s life, and thus begins a new era for Kakashi's relationship with the Uchiha.
Aside from those three “plot points”, it’s all just domestic funtimes with my faves bc who needs plot?
It’s funny that the shoes became a Thing bc I HATE drawing them and am very bad at it (hence why Kakashi is still in his socks lol).  But kids shoes are so much cooler than adults, you now?  And then I got to thinking about how *not* superficial Sasuke is, but I can totally picture him walking past a store with Kakashi while they’re out walking the dogs and he sees these crazy cool shoes on display in the window.  And every time after that, the street that this store is on is suddenly a permanent fixture on their walk.  No matter where they’re headed somehow they always manage to find themselves on this street.  But Sasuke is too stubborn to actually say what he wants, so for weeks Kakashi just watches him gaze longingly at this pair of shoes every time they walk by.  Until one day, they get to the store and the shoes are gone.  Sasuke doesn’t say anything, but he’s crushed.  He’s surly the rest of the walk and when they get home, he stomps off to his room - where he finds the shoes sitting sparkly and new on the edge of his bed. :’)
(also - this is in no way discouraging you to cease daydreaming about Kakashi tying Sasuke’s shoes bc this is a very worthwhile way to spend your time and I fully support you in that endeavor - but I actually made Sasuke’s shoes velcro bc heaven forbid he let someone help him tie his shoes XD)
Yes, the cat does have a name!  It’s Tabi, like the traditional Japanese socks (courtesy of pan’s research).  Sasuke wanted to name him something cool, but Naruto, who famously calls everyone by an obvious nickname (i.e. Lee = Bushy Brow), took one look at kitty’s white double-pawed paws and immediately christened him with Tabi. Try as he might, he couldn’t get Tabi to answer to anything else after that. The next time Naruto comes knocking on their door to see if Sasuke's home, Sasuke tries to convince Kakashi to pretend they moved.
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