#I just sat back and listened to like three other ppl get accused after I killed four of em
bigcryptiddies · 4 years
So when you’re quiet all the time it starts to not implicate you as much when you actually are the imposter :)
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dickd0c · 4 years
CHAPTER EIGHTEEN — “day five, part one”
"Who's Lucas?"
Nic's eyes shot open. She turned her head to see Alpha standing by her side of the bed, looking down at her phone that was resting on the bedside table. She frowned and turned onto her side, grabbing her phone.
"Were you going through my phone?" she asked accusatively, sitting up as she rubbed her bleary eyes.
"No," Alpha shrugged, face stoney. "I was just checking the time and saw his notification. What was he doing texting you at 1:00 AM?"
"Why does it matter?" Nic replied, giving him an odd look. "He's a friend, that's all."
"If he's a friend, why are you getting defensive?" Alpha retorted, narrowing those cold eyes down at her. He then shook his head and straightened his back. "Know what? Never mind, you're right. It really doesn't matter. But get ready, Athena wants to talk to all of us."
Nic watched Alpha walk away before she pulled her phone out and swiped it open.
Lucas Received 1:17 AM you there?
Lucas Sent 9:06 AM hey :) how was your interview btw?
Nic waited a few moments, about to turn her phone off and get up when the three little dots at the bottom of the screen popped up.
Lucas Received 9:07 AM morning :)
Lucas Received 9:07 not bad, they didn't seem to mind that I smelled like coffee
Lucas Sent 9:08 AM good, I hope we get to work together then
Nic smiled and turned her phone off, hurrying to her room to get ready. She didn't waste time just basking in the shower like she normally would, but got right to work scrubbing her body and washing her hair. She got dressed in the usual lounge shorts and sweat pants, choosing not to put any product in her wet hair as she walked out her room and towards the living room where she assumed everyone else would be.
She walked in and saw Riot and Athena already sitting there, and she plopped herself down on the empty loveseat.
"So... what did you wanna talk about?" Nic asked Athena, cross her legs and getting comfortable.
"Let's wait for Tank," she responded, looking a little irritated, though not at anyone in particular.
Alpha walked over from the kitchen with a glass of water, nestling into a seat beside Riot as he raised the cup to his lips. "What's taking him so long?" he mused, eyes momentarily flicking to Nic.
"You know how he is about his hair," Riot said with an amused smile, leaning back into the sofa.
Nic frowned, a confused expression on her face. "But it always looks messy," she noted.
"Floppy," Tank corrected, sounding clearly offended. Nic turned her head to see him walking into the living room with a pout on his face, giving a glare to everyone else. "It's floppy, not messy, and it takes effort." He plopped down onto the loveseat beside Nic with a grunt, sighing as he leaned into it.
Nic rolled her eyes, which made him nudge her playfully.
Athena cleared her throat, catching everyone's attention. Nic saw the distressed look on her face and frowned, concerned.
"Are you okay? What's going on?" she asked, leaning forward a little.
Athena sighed, glancing away before looking back and making eye contact with Nic. "My parents are throwing a party," she said mournfully, as if she had told Nic that her grandmother had just passed away.
Next to Nic, Tank inhaled a sharp breath like a hiss. Riot reached over to pat a comforting hand on Athena's back. Even Alpha had something close to a sympathetic look on his statuesque face. Meanwhile, Nic was sitting there befuddled.
"Is that a bad thing?" she asked, sounding dumb as hell.
Tank leaned over to mumble in her ear. "They're not on good terms," he explained, using his hands while talking. "Her parents aren't the type of homophobic parents to disown her. No, they're still in denial. And they're still trying to send her to conversion therapy."
Nic scowled fiercely, as if she were scowling to Athena's parents themselves. "They sound absolutely shitty," she decided, softening her gaze when Athena looked at her.
"Yeah, um, they're making me come," Athena sighed, massaging her temples with her hands. "Well, not making me, but I have to go. It's their anniversary, you know? But I can't go alone..."
It took the rest a few moments to realize what Athena was asking for, and then the room was filled with "of course!" and "anything for you" and "we'll make sure you don't have to talk to them." Nic smiled as reassuringly as she could as she watched Riot pull Athena into a side hug.
Then something struck her.
"Wait," she said suddenly, turning to Tank as her mind was filled with memories of the first time she talked to the four of them. They had told her that they couldn't tell her their "real" names, and somehow, Nic hadn't questioned it (I usually hate when ppl interrupt the story with their notes......but I can't......someone let me know how I forgot to bring up the whole real name shit....please don't rip on Nic in the comments RIP ON ME LMAO).
"What?" Tank turned to her, eyebrow quirked.
"Did your parents... really name you guys Tank, Alpha, Athena, and Riot?" she asked, an incredulous expression on her face.
Tank grinned that lopsided grin, a bellowing laughter escaping from his mouth attracting the attention of the other three people in the room. He turned to them, wiping a tear with his thumb, and said, "She thinks these are our real names!"
Nic quickly scrambled for recovery, trying to talk over the amused comments flying at her, saying, "No! I'm just wondering what they really are!"
Athena, now grinning widely, choked out a response amidst her laughter. "These are not our real names, how thick would our parents have to be? Though Athena is my middle name, so that's where we got mine from."
"So you guys chose these nicknames?" Nic asked, frowning.
"Yeah," Riot nodded, "and they kinda stuck. So we use them as aliases in protests, and even with each other. "
Kinda like the Marauders, Nic thought to herself. She was a bit of a Harry Potter nerd back in middle school, having bought the entire book series. They were soft covers, not hard covers, so she wasn't that crazy (yes, I am talking about myself).
"So... what are your names?" she asked softly, tilting her head.
Tank stuck his hand out for her to shake, doing so firmly when she slipped hers into it. "Kaden Slater! You can call me Kade, though I prefer Slater. Or just Tank. Tank's good too."
Nic grinned, shaking her head a little.
"Ivy," Athena said with a distracted smile. "Ivy Athena Fischer. Everyone usually calls me Athena, except for my parents." A distasteful look came on her face, but she quickly shook it away.
"Miles Forrester, pleased to meet you," Riot said with a friendly wink, making Nic laugh softly. "Riot's a childhood nickname."
Alpha cleared his throat. "Damon. Damon Hale," he said gruffly, making Nic strain to hear him clearly.
Damon. She liked that name, it suited him.
"I can remember this," she said with an uneasy chuckle, earning her small chuckles from the others. "Slater, Ivy, Miles, and Damon," she said, pointing at each respective person. "So when's the party?"
"This weekend," Athena replied glumly, pulling her knees to her chin. "In three days, on Saturday. It's a thirty minute drive, forty-five with traffic."
"We'll be there the whole time," Riot said, rubbing her back.
"I know, I know—but so will they."
After a few more minutes of comforting Athena, they all disbanded to do whatever they needed to do. Athena ran to the grocery store, saying she needed to distract herself, but Nic could just tell that she was really heading to the mall. Tank went out to the gym, complaining about how Riot made him miss his workout the day before he kept asking him to play video games. Riot rolled his eyes and retreated into his room to do who knows what—maybe play more video games. Damon did the same, closing his door with an excessively loud slam that made Nic jump in her spot and roll her eyes.
Nic followed suit, going into her room and shutting the door far more gently. She tossed herself onto her bed, whipping her phone out of her pocket and looking at her text messages. She ignored all of them, except for Lucas's.
Lucas Received 9:10 AM same. I  wonder who the third could be
Lucas Sent 11:28 AM probably not the girl who stormed out crying
Lucas Received 12:29 AM 😂😂 no probably not
Lucas Received 11:29 AM hey Nic?
Lucas Sent 11:29 AM what's up?
Nic frowned at her phone when she didn't get a reply back for a minute, then two minutes, and then three minutes. She sighed, about to toss it to the other end of her bed, when it suddenly started ringing. She squinted then brightened up when she saw the name displayed. Immediately, she pressed the little green button and brought the phone up to her ear.
"Hey!" she exclaimed, eyes bright, and then immediately started wondering if she sounded too enthusiastic. Perhaps a simple "hello" would have been better.
"Nic!" Lucas immediately greeted back. "How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you," Nic responded. Lucas was silent on his end for a few seconds, and Nic facepalmed as quietly as she could. What did you expect , huh? "I'm good, thank you," you're about as interesting as drywall.
"Listen, I was wondering..."
Nic straightened up when Lucas's warm voice met her ear again. She coughed out, "Yeah?"
With closed eyes, she could imagine him rubbing the back of his neck.
"Are you free this weekend? I thought maybe we could go out for coffee or something," he chuckled, sounding a bit nervous even through the phone.
Nic's mouth dropped, her eyes wide. She shook her legs in the air like a crazy person while racking her mind for the right thing to say.
"Uhh... hello?"
"Yes!" Too enthusiastic. She cleared her throat and sat up straight. "Yes, I am free, at least on Sunday. And I'd love to go out for coffee."
"Great! We'll probably know if we got the job by then. If we did, it'll be celebratory, if we didn't... let's turn coffee into drinks."
Nic laughed softly, rubbing her own neck with her hand. She was surprised to find her cheeks burning a little.
"I like your laugh," Lucas said quietly into the phone, making her cheeks tinge darker.
"Thank you," she said meekly, laying back down with her now-dried curly hair flailed around her head like the rays off the sun. "I like yours too."
"Nicy, I don't think I laughed." No, but he laughed while he was saying that, voice muffled by something that was probably his palm so he didn't embarrass her too much.
Nic paled, not even noticing the nickname, just completely horrified by her terrible brain-fart. "Oh..."
Lucas laughed again, clear and light-hearted, making Nic smile to herself shamefully. "Don't worry about it. I'll text you, we'll work the details out."
"Okay," Nic said, rubbing her hand on her forehead. "Have a great day," she said with a smile he could probably hear through the phone.
"You too, Nicy."
There was a click and the line disconnected. Nic hung up on her end, letting the phone fall out of her hand and beside her. She closed her eyes and smiled peacefully, thinking about Sunday when the door creaked open. She shot her head up and opened her eyes to see Alpha standing in her doorway with a quirked eyebrow.
"Who was that?" he asked, dragging his eyes up and down her body, eyes steely as ever. When they made eye contact again, Nic shivered. His jaw clenched before he spoke again. "Luke?"
Nic rolled her eyes. "Why do you care? And why were you eavesdropping?" she spat, sitting up with a huff and tugging the sleeves of her sweatshirt down to cover her hands.
"I wasn't," Alpha said with an annoyed huff, rolling his own eyes at her. "I was coming to ask if you wanted to watch a movie with me and heard you." His eyes looked a little offended, which was a new look on him.
"Oh," Nic said, eyes averting to the side awkwardly. She felt a little guilty, snapping at him like that, but he was clearly trying to provoke her.
"Whatever," Alpha said, his default smirk back on his face. "If you plan to keep that attitude you can keep taking to Luke. Maybe he'll cry on your shoulder. Find me if you wanna have some fun."
Nic threw a pillow at Alpha right as he ducked out of the doorway and closed the door, resulting with the pillow just hitting her door. She groaned in frustration, pummeling her fists against her mattress.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hi! Just recently followed you and im in love with your blog💙 can i get a matchup for ikesen? Im 21 y/o, gemini sun with scorpio moon, an intp. I am into classical and j-metal/vkei music. I am really shy and awkward when it come to the opposite sex. This also caused me having trouble making eye contact with ppl when talking.Have little to no self esteem. Tend to hide problem to myself. Hmm cant think of anything else 😅 thank you so much in advance 💕
Hi, there love! Awww you are too sweet <3. I’m so glad that you like my content! *blushes*. Thank you so much for the matchup request! I hope you enjoy it and have a good day!
So I match you with................... Hideyoshi 
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So, to be honest, I had a hard time deciding between Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide lol, but at the end, I decided Hideyoshi would suit you better <3
It’s evident that that Hideyoshi doesn’t trust you the first time the two of you meet. He is fiercely loyal to Nobunaga, and won’t even hesitate to cut down anyone who threatens his lord. The longer Hideyoshi observes you, the more his mistrust of you grows. He finds you so suspicious, and your actions don’t make sense to him al all. You are a crazy hard worker and can often be found chatting with the maids. But when it comes to him, you completely shut down, you can’t even make eye contact, and it’s as if a cat’s got your tongue. This strange behaviour you demonstrate towards him makes him convinced that you have to be hiding something. During this time, you and Mitsunari actually become good friends, and its Mitsunari who stands up for you whenever Hideyoshi starts throwing accusations your way. One day after the war council, the warlords began gossiping, you know as they do, and you came up as the main topic of interest. Masamune, Mitsuhide and Nobunaga were all saying how much fun you are to tease because of your cute shy demeanor and inability to hold eye contact for more than three seconds. Ieyasu said that he was surprised a weakling like you could work so hard and that you were way too sweet and naïve for your own good. This was when the wheels in Hideyoshi’s head started to turn, and dots started being connected. It wasn’t until Mitsunari said he was proud of you for making so many friends even though, you had said you were so awkward around boys, that the final puzzle piece was put into place in Hideyoshi’s head. Shit, he has treated you with so much hostility.  He was internally kicking himself for not seeing you for the sweet, kind, cute girl that you were sooner.
He was now determined to make it up to you. Even if he as to spend eternally atoning for his rudeness towards you, so be it. He starts by showering you with gifts and sweets. He apologized profusely. The way he is making a scene, you could swear he killed your family or something. You in your own awkward way, try and console the poor man by telling him its okay and that you understood the kind of position he was in. But he wasn’t having it, so instead the two of you found a compromise. You said that you would forgive him if he bought you some tea at the local teahouse.
The next day the two of you walked together to the teahouse but was interrupted halfway on your journey there by Hideyoshi’s fan club. You never realized how loved Hideyoshi was until he was encircled by more than 10 women. They managed to work you out of the inner circle. You couldn’t help but feel a bit awkward and insecure, so you started to walk away. Hideyoshi pushed his way through the gaggle of women trying to catch up to you. He grabbed your hand and asked if you were okay. You just smiled and nodded. Once at the teahouse, he started to probe further about your strange behaviour, and that is when he had found out that your self-esteem was super low. He had made up in his mind at that moment that he was going to slowly start helping you with your self-esteem. The two of you enjoyed your tea and the light conversation that flowed, and it wasn’t before long that your sibling relationship started.
Hideyoshi would dote on you, buying his little sister all sorts of accessories, sweets, and clothes. He would make a point of it to mention how cute you looked whenever he saw you. He, in his free time, would invite you over for some tea or walk around the palace gardens. The two of you could chat for hours about anything and everything. Hideyoshi would always give you comforting head pats and big brother hugs during these meetups.
One day he decided to take you on a hike to his favorite spot to watch the sunset. The two of you stayed there and chatted way past the sun had set, and it was now time to hike back home. Halfway home, you slipped on some loose stones and fell. Hideyoshi helped you up, but once you started walking a sharp pain shot again through your ankle, darn, you must have twisted it. You tried to walk on, hiding the pain as best you could, but nothing escaped the mama bears radar. He knelt in front of you and insisted on giving you a piggyback ride back. *cue you being a blushy mess*. You gentle wrapped your arms around his neck as he lifted you off the ground. You couldn’t help but nuzzle into his neck a little and take in his scent. He smelled like cinnamon and sunshine. Still blushing, you smiled to yourself as you realized between all the meetups and friendly gestures you had fallen for Hideyoshi. You took a deep breath and tried to push your feeling down and shut them off, realizing that he only saw you as his dearest little sister. You couldn’t help but feel a bit heartbroken at the realization.
In the days to follow, you couldn’t help but feel a bit sad at your one-sided love. One night your mind just refused to turn off, so you decided to take a little walk in the garden. You found a bench and took a seat, staring up at the stars. That is when a small tear managed to slip from the corner of your eye. Mitsuhide spotted you sitting by your lonesome self and thought this the perfect opportunity to tease his favorite little mouse. Before he could get a word out, he saw the small tear stain on the side of your cheek. He gave you his signature smile and asked you what has been troubling you. You were reluctant at first, but you had come to become good friends with this sneaky snek and knew deep down past all the teasing, he was kind and gentle. He knew you tended to keep your problems bottled up, so he patiently waited for you to open up about the situation at hand. You told him about how much you loved Hideyoshi and how much it hurt that you have been sister zoned. The kitsune just sat there quietly listening to you, and now and then gave you a few reassuring head pats. He walked you back to your room after making sure you felt a little better and promptly made his way to Hideyoshi’s manor.
He confronted Hideyoshi because he knew that the foolish monkey felt the same way as you did. He scolded Hideyoshi and ended off the conversation by saying, “if you don’t confess your true feelings to the little mouse soon, I will take the sweet little thing for myself. It certainly does seem like; I, too, have taken quite a liking to her. And trust me when I say that if that were to happen, you, my dear old friend, will be left with nothing but regret for what could have been”. After that, Mitsuhide turned heel and left.
Hideyoshi wasted no time confessing his true feeling to you after that night. The two of you loved each other dearly, would often leave little notes around for the other to find reminding each other of your love. In Hideyoshi’s free time, you guys would often drink tea and play with Yoshi’s little pet monkey. Hideyoshi was your rock in the stormy sea of life. He was your own personal cheerleader and would support you in everything and anything you did. He loved how you would blush and look away, trying to hide your face every time he would kiss your cheek or forehead. The two of you could often be found snuggled up together just enjoying the others company and presence.
Other potential matches…………Mitsuhide
I hope you enjoyed it love! 
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killapunk · 5 years
the weirdest, NO, evilest, person i have every worked for
no real names are used in this piece. i refer to other weirdos and freaks throughout, sorry its a long read (i didnt intend for this) but its one of those things ya gotta settle into and believe me its a wild ride. this saga covers over three years of drama btw.
tw: mental health mentioned (inc panic attacks), chronic illness mentioned and mild sex references 
i am going to single out jess. shes more evil than a weirdo but weirdo nonetheless. pete is a secondary weirdo in this saga.
i work in retail for a long time. a fashion store to be precise. i started out in one store but transferred when i started studying at uni and remained there for the majority of the retail career. during my time there i had three managers, the longest one, who is also a fucking weirdo was pete. now before i worked with pete, before he transferred to our store. i didnt like pete when i started working with him, he annoyed the fuck outta me. but my life circumstances changed and my mental health issues got very bad AND i was diagnosed with cfs so i had to disclose it w him. turns out… he was fucking mental too, very understanding, super chill. we liked the same shit. great boss. 11/10 every time.
he would be my reference for every job ever…
…but. he started gettin involved w jess. now to jess. the main character in this piece.
jess had started at the company around the same time as me and we were always on the same level until the last year or so. jess was a bit older than the average age of staff at the store (17-20) and was 23 when this drama started. she had a college diploma, went onto do something semi-successful but related to her HND. but blew all her money, moved back into her parents and started working at the store part time and then onto full time. she was like…the perfect retail girl? small, cute, slim, bubbly… always looked cool in her uniform. customers loved the fuck out of her. 
jess had a bf when i first started and pete had a longstanding gf. jess and her bf ended things abt 4 or 5 months before pete and his gf. but i remember they started gettin cushy around about this time. im not sure if its cos im v sympathetic towards pete (a true kind soul who i hold v dearly in my heart) but even tho youd be thinking ‘boss abuses his power’ …jess was and still is fuckin manipulative and he has longstanding mental health issues and i just think she sorta got the ball rollin’. pete and his gf didn’t seem on good terms, i dunno the full story but it seemed like they should have broken a long time before the did.
i think the fortnight before pete and his gf broke up they were spotted hanging out together near where she lived. it was this hush hush thing that everyone giggled abt cos there was at the time talk they were fuckin. when it got out, after his breakup jess said she was ‘just being a friend’ cos he was ‘going through a tough time’. 
jess got promoted to keyholder even though she didnt really (at the time) have the skills or confidence to be a keyholder. and then she started to try and fuckin control the work. back during this time, everyone who worked at the store, minus literally 3 people, had worked for the company for at least a year. the store ran very well, we were always in profit. nothing went wrong. but. she started changing processes because it 'made things easier when she was opening’. like. she made everyone tally the amount of people they served in the fitting room in one box and tally the amount of things people left behind so she could make a sales chart. idk if that’s normal in other stores but like? it was just nuts and impossible to do.we always put deliveries away out the package but not folded in a particular way. she made everyone tag and (where relevant) hang items bc she had to pick everything in the morning. 
she became friends w most of the girls, including one of the supervisors. they ruled the workplace. it was a total gossip mill. she gaslit the fuck outta people. one already less-popular girl at work ended up quitting cos she kept blaming her for fuck ups, she kept getting write ups and it was impating her mental health. she spun people against her. less popular girl spoke up and called her a bully and jess acted all defensive and said she wasn’t a bully bc shed been bullied before? jess continued to fuck up the workplace. next she turned on two people in her own clique. one tbh, i think she was jealous of bc jess had always wanted to be a teacher and this gal was training to be one. the other girl was v like jess, just not a bitch… strongwilled, liked control. anyway, drama got to the point where they had to quit. waay too much drama for this textpost. at this point others started to notice n work became hostile. jess moved her girlgang clique to one of the original clique girls, a different supervisor and the other two full time staff members.
pete obv didn’t listen to people coming to him, as store manager being like… hey… there’s this major clique problem and he’d be like ‘nah everyone is just friends, jess is a bit insecure but yno things are good, people quit, its just retail. fuck it.’ jess accused everyone who didn’t get on w her as being a terrible person. those legit words. like. if someone said it was a shame x, y or z left shed rebut, nah they were shit at their job, they were a shit person. honestly. EVERYONE. was a bad person. even the nicest people in the world were the worst person, the worst at the job. she was a good person, she liked the good people. she HAD BEEN BULLIED AND WOULD NEVER BULLY. she threw the anxiety word around a lot.
once we had a staff night out and i got left alone with jess and pete at the end of the night in this terrible lil bar as i waited for someone to pick me up. this is a good point to mention jess was always weirdly jealous cos i was close to pete. fucking ridic considering he was 14 years older than me and you know my fucking boss??? this night, i was sitting right next to pete, we were both drinking, jess wasn’t (cos she likes to be in control, she even said it), he had his arm around me and was whispering something into my ear that was such a non-thing i don’t even remember. she got her phone out, started texting. he excused himself and when he returned he sat beside her. it was fucking nuts. i couldn’t believe my eyes. we had to basically carry pete out of the bar. jess said to me she was gonna drive him home cos it was on the way to hers (spoiler! it was not!). myself and pete did the open the next day. he came in wearing the same clothes. i mean, he could have just passed out and had to rush to work when he woke up. but. this guy went out a lot. he never repeated an outfit. i think jess took advantage of a very drunk him. similarly, on another night out, jess promised to drive someone home. said person got too drunk and thew up. jess refused to take them home and called them embarrassing, she gave the space in her car to pete.
i had a major bad evening shift at work concerning another staff member, kaylee. a gal who just rubbed me up the wrong way, and who didn’t like me. ill never know why but it was just one of those things where anytime i was on shift w her she would nitpick and bitch about me and just… make me feel not v good. she was possibly the laziest and rudest person i had ever worked with but someone got away with it?
i used her as a way to talk to pete about the general problems in the store (jess). and…it was fuckin surreal. i told him abt kaylee. i told him i thought jess was controlling but kinda laid off a bit like ‘i get she thinks shes doing it for good’ etc. i padded it out w a few other rly petty issues abt the store. i was actually really upset, kinda numb from life to properly let out my emotions. and then. he started cry on me. like this full-on grown man having a panic attack in front of me when i was 19, fucked on diazepam i should have never been prescribed. to this day i visualise it. me and pete were v close at this point, and like, he didn’t mention jess too much – asked me about the other girl and other issues when i came to him. we spoke about personal shit, all but jess. i kinda wonder if he didn’t have the panic attack if i would have told him his under the radar relationship w her was not on?
and then. pete sold me out in the name of jess. idk the full ins and outta everything but he had to confront the drama once and for all cos our figures were so low so he decided to blame it all on kaylee. from my understanding of the situ from a lot of ‘he said she said’ bs, pete had this big meeting w kaylee. was like. 1. do ur job right and 2. stop being rude and unapproachable. the thing is, although kaylee is rude shes one of these ppl who most ppl really liked, not in a jess/regina george theyre scared of you way but…like they thought she was a tv character and she was funny and honest. so i think she confronted some obvious allies, and jess told her, according to another staff member, that i complained about her. after hearing this i obvious went to pete and tbh, acted pretty dramatic (cos if you haven’t fucking learned already THIS STORE WAS FULL OF DRAMA QUEENS). as soon as i heard, i started texting him angrily on his day off. i remember folding something in the fitting rooms and he came up to give me a hug and i was like ‘HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TELL OTHER PEOPLE MY BUSINESS’. i confronted jess, in a lighter tone, cos i obv told pete (half) what i felt about her. jess played the fucking innocent role. like, she said something along the lines of ‘we’re both close to pete n he was so worried that when me, you and kaylee did those shifts together that something would go wrong. so he told me to keep an eye on things and that’s all i told kaylee cos she wasn’t sure why she was being targeted when so many people in this store are treating people badly. i didn’t say you reported her or anything, honestly!!!!’ queue more bs.
after this, jess didn’t bother with me but was never explicit about hating me. if there was a convo going on and i tried to join in she scolded at me for being nosey. if i was unwell (i have cfs) shed moan ‘jokingly’ that i always had to be ill. i think she ripped on me once cos i said i was late for a hand-in at uni.
her next real victim, however, was jack, my best friend in store and our supervisor. jack was getting fucked over in his supervisor role bc pete would schedule jess for anything managerial. jess started a rumour that pete didn’t trust jack bc jack fucked it at a meeting w the other stores (semi true but fucking up a meeting isn’t the end of the world). like. anything jack would be, jess would be on him. by this point 50% of the staff that were around at the start of the story HAD LEFT. jess had driven people out and had the new ones all up her arse.
pete quit. it was sudden.
not long later, facebook popped up with a fuckin ‘pete is in a relationship with jess’ status and pete has never spoken to me again. i left shortly after that, although our new manager was lovely i felt like i was working for jess.
jack ended up GETTING DEMOTED, by petes replacement who had no idea what a shitstorm she was getting herself into. the new manager PROMOTED jess and demoted jack bc she was doing all the supervisor jobs whilst jack was only doing midshifts. he didnt get shafted to the lowest pay and was instead given the title ‘trainer and authorised opener/closer’ whilst still doing the same fucking job. he transferred out, cos that shit is fucking degrading and within, like two months he was put back up his rightful position. yay for my forever work bestie. I
feel like this has been going on for too long now. i think this doesn’t do her justice. like…i cant believe someone who is NOW 26 and who got what she wanted after manipulating a mentally ill man caused so much drama and pain and tension in a fucking clothes store.
fucking horrid. im reading this completely exhausted and so i cant say much but i just feel like these people are always the ones who come out on top, and its so fucked up. im really sorry you had to deal with so many unpleasant people, and your friend as well. 
i swear mediocrity and asskissing is what gets you anywhere in this world, and manipulative cunts like this jess woman take full advantage of that. it’s pretty scary, honestly. amazing how far drama can go, huh. this is why i have trust issues.
i still hope she gets her ass kicked by life, though. there has to be some sort of karmic justice somewhere
i also feel like i should say that there’s always going to be people who won’t like you for some reason. even if you don’t do anything wrong and even though everyone else thinks they’re great. no idea why this happens, but all i can say is there’s really nothing you can do. so FUCK EM (in the most metaphorical sense as they don’t deserve you giving them the time of day)
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i know im not the only one who was fucked up by her bc another one of my friends was hurt by her too but not as bad bc they werent as close. i just think she’s someone who isnt gonna change. like i saw she graduated from college, she’s trying to be a vet which makes sense, and her cover photo on facebook is her w her parents. her parents were messed up and part of the problem i think. 
the thing that messed w my head was she would do really hurtful things and then act like i was crazy for being hurt by them. and i felt dumb looking back for how invested i’d been in the relationship. we had good times. a lot of good times. like that’s another thing, we really were close. i loved her. we were friends for a long time. 
then things started to change. we got really close and she told me we were best friends and then she stopped talking to me. like. i remember we shared a table, me her and another friend in math class, and she would talk to him but act like i wasnt there. i never got an explaination for this either. it started to upset me and make me feel crazy but then my birthday came around. she was like are we still going to the aquarium? i remember having this surge of hopefulness and joy like, she hasnt abandoned me! and i just let it go. of course we were going to the aquarium. and she acted so nice the entire night.
then i went off to work at a camp for the summer and had no signal so we werent texting. i sent her messages on facebook but she didnt answer. i shrugged it off. maybe she wasnt checking her messages.
then fall came. and it was like on again off again with her. one day we were friends, the next she was distant and dismissive. and ppl were like, maybe she’s just going through a hard time, but the thing that fucked with me was she didnt treat anyone else like that. 
she’d always bailed on me last second and it started to annoy me more. and she’d do these weird things were it was like she was trying to tell me she cared about other people more. one day she publically denied being my best friend despite having told me we were best friends.
at the retreat senior year, idk, i ended up confronting her in the bathroom and she said she was suicidal and that was why she was acting that way. i felt bad. i asked her why she didnt talk to me about it and she said she had a therapist. i guess i felt like this was affecting our relationship so if she was gonna treat me that way i should know and be able to help her, but i also felt guilty about it. 
so the next few months was me battling feeling bad about the way she treated me and instead trying to build her up. i wanted her to know i thought she was beautiful and valuable. i made sure she had lots of friends and encouragement. my school was p fucked and she’d been bullied by people in our grade. the year before she made cupcakes for everyone and people refused to get up and go try them. i got extremely mad at them and went around the school to round up other people so she wouldnt be alone. i did a lot of that kind of thing. it was like i was trying to give her self-esteem and a friend group.
all that seemed to happen was that she became unstable, going between high and low self-esteem. when she felt good about herself she treated me like a playtoy she could throw away or fiddle with depending on her mood. when she felt bad about herself she couldnt really be a friend and just was miserable and needed support. 
i just thought if i could love her enough it would be okay. i realized looking back how stupid i had been. i was a dramatic teenager so after we stopped being friends i deleted all the emails i ever sent her and realized how much more i had talked to her and reached out than the other way around. and presents were another thing. in junior year i made her a book. special made with all her favorite things. and she like bought me a kids book or something like that, one that had nothing to do with my interests. 
her birthday senior year rolled around. i was in charge of planning her party. i bought a bucket and filled it with her favorite things, it cost me over 100 dollars which was a lot of money for high school me. then she cancelled the morning of and made me tell everyone. 
i was absolutely devastated. i cried the entire day. i went out with one of the friends who was gonna go to the party but i didnt feel good at all. we went to kareoke and i cried singing the songs, no matter their mood. 
the next day i went to see her with the present. i may as well give it to her since i spent the money. on the way there i started to feel guilty. what if something bad had happened? what if she wasnt okay? how selfish was i?
then i got there and she welcomed me in. smiling, nice. no feelings beyond surface level. 
she’d lied to me. she told me her parents made her cancel but it wasnt true. she’d had a sleepover with someone else. she just said she was suicidal again but she wouldnt actually let me in at all. so i had to put up with any way she treated me because she was struggling. it didnt matter what i felt or what i was going through. 
i started to split while we were there and she could tell.
i texted her later and said i wasnt going to talk to her at school and play nice until we actually sat down and dealt with things. she didnt answer me for three days and so i didnt talk to her at school. she started to freak out that i was doing that. i also told some people i was mad at her and what she had done. that resulted in her telling the staff of the school i was bullying her and i had to go to the office. i didnt get in trouble but it just made me madder. it was especially fucked up because she was suddenly friends with the people who HAD bullied her. she wanted approval not from me, a socially isolated loser, but from the cool kids who’d been mean to her. 
i kept trying to talk things out with her. and then she accused me of being in love with her. even though i’d never told her she knew i was a lesbian. it was crushing. and she kept denying she’d done anything to hurt me.
i just wouldnt talk to her and pretend we were still friends if we werent going to deal with things. i avoided her. then we graduated and went on the senior trip. right at the end of it she came up to me and apologized. i fell to pieces. i sobbed and kept saying i was sorry over and over. she said she knew she’d hurt me. i thought we would be friends again. 
then when we were going home she just shut me down again. instead of talking to me she had other friends to talk to. i wanted to reestablish our relationship but nope. 
she didnt talk to me the entire summer. i was pretty much ready to move on. but once she started college all of a sudden she wanted to be friends again. the way i saw it was once she was separated from all her other support she went back to the idiot loser who would do anything for her. she only really talked to me when she was in emotional crisis and she didnt listen to anything i said, she just spiraled. 
when i stopped answering her she got obsessive and kept texting and calling me over and over and over. i decided to block her number but first i reached out to her parents to check if she was okay. they said she was fine and expressed surprise she was talking to me because she’d told them how terrible i was. and that was the end of it. 
if i could talk to her now, i guess i’d say like. on the one hand i dont hold it against her because she was a teenager and ive treated people shitty myself. but i think it would do me good to be able to confront her and just say how much she hurt me and ask me why she did it, if i ever really meant anything to her. we were friends for all of high school, right until that last semester. thats a long time, at least for a young person. i was really dedicated to her. i loved her. i wanted to help her. i wanted to stay her friend. i dont understand why i wasnt good enough for her and what i did wrong. did she even think of me as a person? why did she do that to me? why did she act like my friend in the first place?
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