#I'd like to know what “overloaded” means in this context
quirkwizard · 8 months
Do you think we’ll get an All For One: Origin chapter before the series ends? Or no? I can sorta see it both ways. On one hand it doesn’t really matter and we know enough about his backstory, but it also seems odd if we don’t get anything on AFO and Yoichi’s childhood in the era when Quirks first emerged.
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I'm of two minds about it. On the one hand, I don't think that he really needs any more of his backstory revealed. He's someone who wants to be an evil overload and has the means to do it. What more do you really need? For all of his theatrics, he's a very simple character, and we already got a pretty well laid-out idea of who he was and why he did what he did from the flashbacks. So if you were to do it, what could you add? If anything, it risks going the same route as the recent All Might: Origin chapter. It expanded on what came before, but it didn't really add anything new. Maybe it could show us why he went from having a childhood dream of being a demon king to being the shadow emperor of Japan, because I'd really like to know how he mentally got from A to B on that one. Like was there some event that prompted this or what? Otherwise, I struggle to think of what could be added to him without reinforcing what we already know, ruining what little mystique he had left, or, in the worst-case scenario, trying to make him sympathetic.
Now, I think you could make something out of it if you merely refocused on what it was about. Instead of being about the origin of All For One himself, you use it to fill in the blanks about his story between then and now. Less of an origin story and more of a recap. There is a lot of history that we simply don't know or that has never been expanded upon. All For One is old enough and has a wide enough scope that you could cover a lot of history with him, and I think he could have an interesting perspective on what is happening around him. For example, we could get him to meet some of his associates, like Doctor Garaki and Gigantomachia. Maybe we could have him watching and meeting Tomura like what was implied with Tomura's flashback. Out of all of them, I think the one I would want the most is the full context of the deaths of Youichi and the Second User. There is so much that we don't know about what went down with that whole event, and I'd like to be given something on that before the series ends. In fact, these events could be framed around the deaths of the various "One For All" users, with certain events happening around the time of their deaths.
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margarethx · 2 years
opowiedz mi o "Na litość boską"
Ależ proszę, z przyjemnością :D
(For context: it's about [THIS] tag.)
To begin with, "na litość boską" translates into something like "for God's sake!"/"God give me strenght". It's like an exlamation of frustration, or something you'd say when you're just fed up. (Literally it means "for God's mercy".)
In this story Sam and Bucky don't know each other. They are just some normal guys, who get kidnapped and then stranded in the middle of nowhere without explanation. The problem is that they don't speak the same language and have a lot of issues communicating. But they need to figure out, how to do it, because they have to understand each other if they want to survive and learn why they've ended up here in the first place.
The title is both a reference to the fact that one character speaks only Polish and also to the general frustration they both feel right now xD
This story was probably the most ambitious project I've ever started, but I'm not even sure if it would be pleasant to read. I, personally, don't really like scrolling to the bottom of the page to find a translation of some dialogue in another language. And in this fic you'd have to do that after almost every paragraph. I have some solutions for that in mind, but it'll take a lot time to perfect.
I've tried for example to combine dialogue and narration in such a way, that a reader would be able to understand what a person is saying even without knowing the exact words. For example:
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"Cholera jasna!"
He didn't know what the other guy said, but the irritated tone was obvious enough to understand what he meant.
Or I'd just explain it like this:
He felt growing pain in his empty stomach. They needed to find food and water as soon as possible.
"Umieram z głodu", he mumbled despite being aware that the man next to him had no idea what he said. It just made him feel better to complain about the hunger out loud, even if no one around him could understand the words.
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It's a bit strange, but I'm still very fond of this project, because I like linguistics and translation, so why not write an entire fic where the characters striggle with it for like 30k words :D
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Here's a part from the beginning:
As he tried to change the position he realised that his ribs were not as damaged as he thought. They still hurt like hell and some of them were probably fractured, but the injuries were likely less dangerous than Sam initially thought. When he was rolling down the hill he was slowed down by a large bush growing on his way and that might have saved him a lot of potentially fatal wounds. His entire forearms were littered with bloody scratches, but it was better than hitting his head with a sharp rock at full speed.
The man next to him seemed to be in a similar shape – badly bruised and dishevelled – except from his left arm which… Well. It definitely shouldn’t bend like that. Sam had to get up and do… something. Anything.
“Hej!” he called, louder this time. He coughed, tasting blood in his mouth. He knew he won’t be getting an answer, but it felt even worse to just suffer in mutual silence.
So he gathered all of his strength and will… and pushed off the ground. His right wrist screamed in protest, sending a desperate distress signal to the overloaded brain, but Sam ignored it as best as he could. Laying on the dry, dusty grass wouldn’t help either of them. He needed to assess the damage, find his backpack, contact someone, patch himself and the mystery man up. The whole plan of action started to form and…
An angry whisper reached Sam’s ears distracting him from his internal monologues. He looked up from his hands at his companion. The man’s eyes were still closed, but it seemed he was slowly regaining consciousness. And judging by his reaction the process was not fun.
“Czyli żyjesz. No chociaż tyle…”
There was no answer – not that Sam was expecting one.
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“Cholera jasna!" -> It's like a low-level curseword. Something close to "shit" in terms of how vulgar it is. It means "light cholera" ("light" as in "pale"). I don't know why we use the name of a disease to curse, but it's a thing.
"Umieram z głodu" -> "I'm very hungry." (Literally: I'm dying from hunger.)
"Czyli żyjesz. No chociaż tyle…” -> "So you're alive. At least there's that..."
(I don't think I need to explain "hej!" xD I'll just say, that in Polish we read the letter /j/ like /y/ in English. So it's pronounced almost the same way.)
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dorianbrightmusic · 2 years
When writing autistic characters, eye contact abnormalities might look anything like this. (This isn't an exhaustive list):
-Making eye contact, but just feeling really fatigued afterwards
-Appearing to make eye contact, but actually staring at the other person's nose or nasal bridge
-Making eye contact, but breaking it frequently (often looking around, not really sitting still, seeming to notice things in the distance)
-Looking at the other person's nose/jaw/not directly into the eyes, and actually getting caught ('why are you staring at my mouth'/'sorry, i didn't mean anything by it' - attempts to make up for it with 'normal' eye contact afterwards may cause further awkwardness, or just feel uncomfortable, possibly consume more energy than usual, or exacerbate sensory issues)
-Looking through people, not at them (especially when zoned out or distracted - may get so consumed in thought that the other person may as well not be there. Even intrusive thoughts may break social concentration enough that effort may be visible)
-if the character dissociates at all (whether pleasantly, as in imagination-consumed, or unpleasantly, as in intrusive thoughts), they may seem a bit haggard about the eyes, or not really concentrating
-Making eye contact, but not staring into both eyes so much as looking at one and then the other. Often, there's a feeling of 'which eye am i meant to be making contact with?', and as such, awkwardness. (i think this one's relatively common even amongst allistic folks? i did this for a long time prior to diagnosis simply assuming it was a normal allistic thing, so i can't tell whether it is, or if i assumed incorrectly)
-Overcompensation for unusual eye contact mannerisms may mean making eye contact, but so much so that others might be put off; think of ye olde adages about 'extremely intense gaze', and recall the last time someone just seemed to stare. and. stare. forever. holding eye contact too long, in other words
-Generally okay with eye contact, but if any thought's given to it, starts to not know how to go about it
-If low cognitive empathy, may not realise that other people aren't staring at noses, rather than into eyes.
-Either really good at conversation without looking at the other person, or can't string a sentence together without closely watching the other person speak (or both, depending on the time of day and the context otherwise)
-Fine with eye contact unless the other person seems to be making too much of it, in which case the character may be suddenly flustered
-Phone/book/drawing/other handheld activity serves as an excuse to not look up; i.e. going about conversation over a table at lunch, and keeps going on with an activity while still participating in the conversation, rather than stopping
Some allistic people experience these, but they're definitely far more common with autism; likewise, some autistic people might not ever experience these. Also note that when writing autistic characters, the many, many facets of the condition can and will interact—the character's discomfort with eye contact might feel like a sensory issue or exacerbate sensory issues, or just feel like an information overload; alternatively, it could be linked to high affective empathy (so much emotion, can't process) or low affective empathy ('what am i meant to be picking up from this; i genuinely can't find anything i can understand in those eyes, so it's just uncomfortable'). And masking will probably be a huge part of the response; i'd be sceptical of a story that wrote an autistic adult having a meltdown immediately, with no other life stress or background factors, due to an isolated incidence of someone else trying to make too much eye contact. It'd be uncomfortable, yes, but by adulthood, you'd probably have coping mechanisms in place. (That said, if the autistic adult in question were under huge life stress and had already had a hell of a lot of things going awfully that day, uncomfortable eye contact could potentially be the straw that breaks the camel's back.) TL;DR go read autistic experiences other than this post for maximum understanding
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
Hello again! I posted an ask to you before and earned myself a DA tag <3 which made me stupidly happy btw hehe.
Anywho, soft hour is open. I want to know your top 3 “uWu snatching/just hits you in the feels” jikook moments. The ones off the top of my head that never fails to make me ☺️🥺😭 (and not in that order but a disgusting mix of all those emotions at the same time) are (also, in no particular order):
1) gimbap Vlive, that moment where jimin nudges his head against jungkook’s, asking again “how do you want your eggs?” and jungkook’s SOFT giggle (gosh, I love when they are being such dorks messing with eachother 🥺)
2) that one concert where jungkook turns around only to cry harder and jimin wiping his tears for him (ughh. What more do I have to say? 🤧)
3) that one bday message to jimin. the one with ‘sorry’ after every line (yeah idk that one just gets me. Just undeniable sweetness overload)
So…looking forward to your list of ONLY 3! Okay? Just. Three. :P
And p.s. I am loving all the positive engagements and discussions happening here. I’m impressed by all the different kinds of asks you are getting, with some being much more thought provoking (well, thought provoking for a nincompoop like me). I wouldn’t even know where to begin answering those asks! But you are so good at articulating how you feel in your replies, and it’s been really interesting lurking around your blog and seeing what kind of ask you get hit with. Anyway, keep it up! Hope you have a good week <3
Hello, anon! Darling anon is just a catch-all tag for all my sweetheart anons that I don't know if I should tag as a supporter or in the anti-jkkr jikook club (all of which are based on my own arbitrary assessments lol). If you want a specific tag so I know which anon you are, just let me know and I'm happy to give you one! You can pick one or I can make one up based on previous posts you've submitted. 💜
I love soft hours 😭 thank you for letting me participate because it's not always soft up in here lmao. But three? ONLY THREE?!
1. Same as you, when Jimin gets all up in Jungkook's face for not being more specific. 💔 Literally a what the hell, not while I'm eating! moment. This moment and D3 Jikook are on the same level of suspicious for me.
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2. In the Japanese interview where Jungkook speaks for Jimin in a question addressed to Jimin, and he says that Jungkook is the one that makes him happy? I AM SO SOFT. He doesn't often do stuff like this (and this is pretty relevant to an upcoming ask that I'd received), which explains why I LOST MY MIND when it happened.
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3. My last moment is kind of the odd one out because I think it was a fan cam that caught it, but it's when they're done with the choreography, and before moving off-stage, Jungkook clearly waits for Jimin to take his hand before taking off. I don't know if there was any context behind it (e.g., was it too dark for Jimin? Though this seems unlikely), but it looked like an extremely tender gesture for an environment that they would be comfortable in and know how to navigate well enough. Admittedly, I project a lot when I watch this because it reminds me of my partner who will do this when we're in a crowd, for example, and when I tell you THE WAY my heart flips when he does this. It's so alpha energy (and I don't mean in an ABO way, please keep that away from me lmfao), and I die every time it happens.
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Again, thank you so much for your lovely ask and also for your kind words. I WILL CRY. Also, I know I said you can pick your own tag, but I've decided that you're soft anon anyway. 😭😋
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lizzybeth1986 · 7 years
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Note: I'm trying really REALLY hard to finish this series before Book 2 comes out on Friday/Saturday, so forgive me for the overload of essays 😖
I mentioned in my previous post that the Forgotten Falls was important because we as readers find out that Liam is falling for the MC, but I think the seeds of this realisation are truly sown in the hot tub scene.
This diamond scene is pretty much the only private time the MC gets with Liam at Nevrakis Chateau, mostly because it's Olivia's home and she obviously has the upper hand here. When I first played this scene out, it seemed to me more like a proposition than anything (granted, I wasn't reading TRR with as much scrutiny as I do now 😂😂), but in the context of the ball, I think his offer makes sense.
Between learning the truth about Drake's sister, practising the Cordonian Waltz, and putting up with Olivia's mistreatment of her and Hana at the ball, the MC already has quite a bit on her plate, and Liam seems oblivious to all this.
The first two happened while Liam was pretty much out of the picture, so I wouldn't really fault him for not knowing what no one tells him. However, I'd bet all my diamond outfits that he DID notice how the MC was being treated (seated at the back, given cold food, called to the dance floor before she was even done with dinner) and wasn't happy about it. Since this is Olivia's home court, and raising this issue in public would mean humiliating the hostess, I doubt he'd have said anything to Olivia in the MC's presence. My theory is that while Liam probably did want some time alone with her, the hot tub experience was also meant to make up for the bad treatment the MC got at the ball.
The hot tub scene is the first time we ever see the strain of the social season on Liam, and how frustrating following protocol is becoming for him.
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It's also the first time Liam explicitly mentions love at all. Prior to this - even though it's fairly obvious that he has feelings for her - he always tiptoes gently around this particular subject. But here, immediately after the MC kisses him, he doesn't pull away (like he did at the maze) but instead asks the MC what she thinks love is. When it's his turn to answer, he sidetracks - his answer seems more focused on his brother's experience than his own, as if he isn't sure what he's feeling is love yet. Given his apparent confusion here, this scene seems to provide some excellent buildup to the waterfall scene.
My biggest takeaway from this scene, though, is one that none of us have actually taken notice of before. It's that he explicitly states to the MC that he trusts her.
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The MC has never really backed down on being honest with her opinions, around Liam. To him, that's refreshing, considering that he's surrounded by people who mostly butter him up for their own ends (except for people like Drake and Maxwell, and his brother Leo). But beyond that...from his perspective...this is probably the first time someone has shown interest in Liam, the man, not the Prince. This will (possibly) play out in the future: when he is confronted with (what looks like) incriminating evidence that the MC was "cheating" on him, it's his trust in her that will win out in the end.
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