#I'd rather stay conservative in that regard
reginrokkr · 2 years
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Inbox call. Like this post to send an ask thingy with the thematic of Dain healing / soothing your muse! *See as healing: Following the premise of what Irminsul does, it’ll be beyond healing common physical wounds, but calming any analogous of a disease / illness / curse temporarily.
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eleiyaumei · 5 months
Poll response: Gender in Hakuōki
A few months ago I made a poll asking about how you feel about how Hakuōki portrays/handles gender and this is my response to it.
First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who voted. This was intended as a poll about your feelings, i.e. personal impressions, and not meant to find out the “truth”. I’d like to encourage everyone who wants to elaborate on their impressions to do so and for those knowledgeable about topics like Historical Accuracy, to publish posts about these in order to spread knowledge and potentially clear up misconceptions.
Secondly, to the person who asked/chose the option: “Why do you care about this?”
I care about this because every person has their own relationship to gender – indifferent or not – and my relationship to it clashed so hard with Hakuōki’s in KW/EB that it gave me gender dysphoria. I wanted to know how other Hakuōki players/fans reacted to it – not to judge them, just to understand them better.
Thirdly, I want to lead the way and tell you about what I feel in regards to how Hakuouki treats gender. To be exact, I’d like to discuss the appeal of the franchise’s fem MC with the leading question:
Whom is Chizuru for?
Oh, and before I start:
Please don’t judge people for (not) being okay with Hakuōki’s treatment of gender. Everyone has their own experiences and reasons for feeling these ways. Reducing it to “internalized misogyny” is generalizing and redundant.
(BTW, internalized misogyny (or sexism) can influence both sides of the coin:
PROs can be okay with the conservative gender roles in Hakuōki because they were taught this is the way men and women are and should be and they’re comfortable in these roles.
ANTIs can be not okay with them because they were taught femininity/womanhood was inferior and weak and they don’t want to be seen that way.)
Now, I hope I can illustrate the ways that make us feel what we do in regards to gender.
1) Chizuru is for “Not Like Other Girls™ but also kinda still like other girls” girls and women
Snappy (and provocative to some) way to say:
Chizuru is for girls and women that struggle with their femininity/girlhood/womanhood but still identify with it.
Perhaps they don’t like makeup or feminine clothing, perhaps they don’t like hyperfemininity (i.e. wearing pink, skirts, dresses, accentuating their fem* body characteristics, going shopping etc.). In some areas, they might think of themselves as unfeminine but in others, they’re able to fulfill what’s expected of girls and women (e.g. having sex only in romantic relationships, marrying a man, starting a family, being a housewife or stay-at-home girlfriend).
Despite not matching with 100% of their gender’s expectations, they still want to be seen as a girl or woman and not as man or stereotypical lesbian or whatnot. And they want to be desired and respected specifically as a girl or woman.
Most Hakuōki guys, especially Harada and Hijikata, acknowledge that and that’s appealing for girls and women as described above.
And then there’s...
2) Chizuru is for people that don’t care about gender roles and expectations
Androgynous-looking, cross-dressing, sword-wearing, living-in-a-men-dominated-world Chizuru is appealing for Gender-Non-Conforming, trans*, non-binary, genderfluid, genderqueer people and others.
I was raised by a gender-non-conforming woman who builds sheds and does housework, whose income feeds the family, who wears colorful but gender-neutral outfits, whose arms are muscular, chest rather flat but body still feminine, who did karate and handball, who likes women like Whitney Houston, Sigourney Weaver/Alien’s Ripley and Downton Abbey’s Dowager Countess of Grantham, who loves the military not for the “hot masculine men” but for the discipline, weaponry and combative prowess... (I don’t like the military but I see where she’s coming from.)
What I meant to say was: The way I grew up influenced my view on gender. My education lacked a focus on gender roles and expectations, with my mom constantly defying them and my dad not being fond of (hyper)femininity. I wasn’t told that fighting was only for boys and men so I never felt bad for being interested in it. I never questioned my gender identity because no one seemed to care about how feminine or not I was.
The game developers did not include the wishes of players who wanted to fight in a samurai visual novel. They added a singular training scene with Kondo, not to teach Chizuru swordfighting but for the player to develop sympathy for Kondo so that they’ll feel bad once he’s executed.
They could have fixed this easily by including the options to fight so every player that wanted to could do so and those who didn’t could have not done it – and accompanying both options should have been no or neutral consequences so as to not tell players that they are wrong to choose one option over another. Or if they are positive/negative consequences, make them adhere to the respective love interest. (Like how saving Harada at the end of KW does not give you affection because it hurts his masculinity/does not fit with his preferences for his future wife.) Easy fix to make everyone happy, no? Instead of hating the game (experience), we can instead come to the conclusion that we like one love interest less or more.
Also, I want to address this statement I saw:
“The way Chizuru is portrayed is nice to see because women should not have manly qualities in order to be seen as strong.” (*This is no direct quote.)
Yes, you’re right. Feminism is about not forcing roles and behaviors onto people depending on their gender, physical attributes etc., and it’s also about not privileging one gender (expression) over another.
But, do you know that a lot of people in the manosphere and other patriarchal spaces use this sentiment to enforce traditional gender roles and exaggerate the masculine attributes they see in popular media (like Shadiversity sees in Princess Peach in the new Mario movie) and claim that popular media only portrays “strong women” as having masculine attributes, often without convincing arguments? I just say this here to spread awareness so that you don’t fall for manosphere conspiracy theories and such.
Especially when we look at otome games, most fem MCs adhere to traditional fem gender expectations and this is okay (while also often criticized in reviews) but this makes any strong feeling you have towards not wanting Chizuru portrayed in ways you associate with masculinity seem over-the-top. Like, don’t you think that there are otome game players out there who want their MCs to be different from the majority – for whatever reason? It’s great you can see yourself in these fem MCs or you just like seeing such fem MCs but please acknowledge that you are not the only otome game players out there and others might feel differently from you.
(I hope you’re not coming from a place of seeing otome games as ‘one of the last bastions of traditional femininity/gender roles’ because gatekeeping this whole genre of games and forcing each game to adhere to certain standards relating to gender is not fair to anyone [and arguably sexist].)
Another reason why some people are frustrated with Chizuru or with the treatment of her by characters and the franchise as a whole has to do with what X talked about in their critique of the Hakuouki anime series:
Set-up and pay-off.
KW sets up Chizuru as a cross-dressing young woman with a sword, who has basic knowledge in sword fighting, proves herself to be able to protect herself sufficiently (in the test by Saito and Okita), wants herself to be useful and not a burden on others.
So it feels forced, illogical, maybe even ill-willed whenever KW/EB puts Chizuru in compromising situations where she does nothing but scream and cry and has to be saved by others which fuels her self-loathing and feelings of being a burden but she never asks or is being offered to be trained nor does she become able to defend herself in the long run. There are singular scenes of her training but it never pays off. (If she was never set-up to be swordfight-savvy enough to protect herself, her always not being able to protect herself would be justified and not (as) frustrating.) And even in Okita’s EB route, Chizuru wants to fight, Okita allows her to, she kills a man, then has to be saved from another and what does Okita say to Chizuru, who clearly wants to fight by his side? That she has to leave everything to him – without offering her to teach her even though he is a kenjutsu prodigy and instructor. Set-up: Chizuru wants to fight. Pay-off: She fights and kills a man ONE SINGULAR TIME. Like, at least adhere to the Rule of Three... (Or do you think this adheres to this rule: 1) Chizuru proves herself to Saito and Okita, 2) she saves Okita from Kazama, 3) she kills a soldier? Well, it’s at least not enough pay-off for me.)
EB especially spends a lot of time describing in excruciating detail how much Chizuru suffers from guilt and self-loathing, thinking herself a burden on anyone, and how is this resolved? By the love interests saying some phrases about caring about and loving her, needing her (as emotional support...pet, tbh), kissing, sometimes sleeping with her and/or marrying her. She is never given a character arc for growth/change because the love interests are always prioritized over her.
(And she is so goddamn passive in 'her own story'... I would argue that Hakuōki is not about Chizuru, it's about the love interests. She is the Watson to the Sherlock Holmes.)
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turojo · 9 months
@lvsamine answered:
Lusamine was surprised to hear from Turo, as it had been quite some time since their last meeting, but it was welcome nevertheless. She had always been rather fond of him, as she found him to be a brilliant mind that she could discuss her research with - One of the small handful of people that actually knew about the research into Ultra Wormholes back in the day. She had requested that they speak in her dining room, rather than her office - This seemed to be a business related affair, but she preferred to speak to him in a more casual setting. She idly stirred her coffee as he spoke, looking at him from across the table with a rather neutral expression, save for the slight smile on her lips. He confessed to having some issues, likely regarding his own research, and was seeking her help. She noticed right away that he looked... Exhausted. It wasn't something that she'd point out, but he didn't hide it well. Whatever was going on seemed to be taking a toll on him.
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"It really is wonderful to see you again, Turo," Lusamine chimes. "I'd be happy to hear you out and provide whatever assistance I can. Truthfully, I've been quite curious as to what you've been up to. It's been a long while since we've had the chance to talk."
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» " Ah. It's been ... eventful in a way. " Not the best either. Turo was well known for his stoicism but this time he looked solemn. Eyes finally left Lusamine elsewhere and his hand had went to stir his coffee with thoughtless clinks to the sides of the ceramic. Where to start?
» " I can start by saying Sada and I's research was largely a success. We found a way to manipulate physics to reach back into the past and future thanks to the power found in these crystals deep underground in the Paldea region. Initially the project was to explore a phenomenon known as Terastallization, a process turning Pokemon into a completely different type thanks to the odd nature of these crystals. Their power proved to go far and above what we expected. "
» " However...it seems by the second phase of our project things were starting to turn. A time machine was made and the Pokemon extracted from both ends of the timeline were unpredictable as was the environment our lab was in. It became too dangerous for our team to stay and eventually it became far too hostile for even I to remain though Sada refused to abandon their work. "
He won't go into all the personal details of what was their marriage and heated divorce there after, but the point was apparent.
» " I left Paldea and received the unfortunate news of her passing some time after. I chose to return to look after what remained of our research and the 'paradox Pokemon' stuck in the present with the time machine defunct. That's where I am today. " The stirring stops and he finally takes a thoughtful sip. " Work needs to be done to at least stabilize the crater and keep the Pokemon there comfortable. I won't deny it's a lot of work as one of the only remaining researchers left but perhaps it doesn't have to be. "
A sigh but he looks back at least a little more optimistic.
» " I say only researcher with some reservation. I know we've collaborated many times before and our work shares a lot of similarities to begin with. It also so happens you've always been brilliant conserving delicate ecosystems and the unique Pokemon thriving here. I'd like nothing more then to collaborate again with the intent of understanding the new Pokemon better and maybe even find a way to get them back home proper. "
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» " That is, if you'll have me of course...! " Turo shifted. " Not that I'll take your space and time freely. I can definetly offer my hand as well with Aether; you and your foundation have always been an incredible institution to work with! I imagine you're still looking into the wormholes across Alola? "
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realhankmccoy · 11 months
Q: Hank, is there ever a time for so much as one moment where you wanted to 'look smarter' than Boi, who is in full Trump mode today of regilding his already gilded lily and talking about how suave and shine and gorgeous he is?
A: nope, not even close. that Boi can't even get an arrow near the dartboard. however, do i have insecurities in regard to Boi -- things I think he can do that I can't do? This is what his mini-Trump is searching for. Evil conservatives always want to know your insecurities, because they're truly just out to harm and torture others if they can get away with it. They're here to wreck the world and posit their own faces upon everything.
Like most bags of middle class Wonderbread, he presumes that everyone is trying to become him, and that everyone who is not him has somehow failed. This is precisely how White America in its whitest form is. A lot of these people literally look at blacks and Latinos and hold out hope for them that someday their skin will start to whiten through the generations... so, of course Wonderbread is wrong. I'm not trying to become him. I also don't share that Wonderbread quality. I wouldn't want people to become me... heavens no. I do think of myself as having certain prowesses and see myself as a mentor, but a good mentor doesn't make you into himself... that's not the point.
I can see to Boi, however, he does see such things as 'the point' which is probably why he has such deep-seated fears of others cucking him, which are misfounded fears since Trump was able to easily cuck him by playing on the most typical of American notes. At this point he's so well into being a ball in Trump's court that actually being cucked by the little girl or old veteran of foreign wars down the street would be a vast improvement on getting the mini to scream as it starts to wither...
So.... what are my insecurities in regard to Boi? Well, mostly things that have little to do with him -- word count, for example. Amount of 'content' as the kids call it produced on Tumblr. This is purely a petty, lazy way of driving the self that I've always engaged in.... OH NO, OTHERS ARE WORKING, I SEE... I MUST WORK MORE THAN THEM... it's the dumb German trying to do right for his family and community in me. This also, importantly, is paired with the thought that I'd rather not be writing on tumblr at all, knowing that I see this site as a disaster and just a sort of toss-off journal, and so what I'm doing is consciously letting an insecurity about not producing enough 'content' materialise pointlessly as 'content' on a throwaway blog in order to debase myself to an extent while still running.
I don't know quite how to describe it, kids, but pretend I'm a robot and that device that whirls out from the side pointlessly wants to keep spinning just to show that it's a good robot even though it knows that device spinning is a pointless exercise other than, you know, staying a bit well-oiled and not rusting entirely, but realising there are many real tasks that should preferably be attended to and the inherent trashiness of buzzing that little spinner.
So what else with Boi, since the matter that concerns Boi is always some narcissistic thing about 'WHAT HAVE I GOT THAT MAKES ME SPECIAL, FUCK YOUR FEELINGS, IM SPECIAL, ME, ME, I MUST BE SPECIAL AND SUPERIOR" which is typical of white Americans, especially those from sheltering and competitive homes in the nuclear middle class mode of privilege... sigh... it's so easy to see why Trump was able to get into him, being that many aspects of his childhood must have been like growing up Trump... anyhow, he wants to know about what makes him special... still... and how he can get others such as me to respect that more and aspire to BECOME BOI more ... sigh, kids these days... they have found this stupid way to let Trump's America wire their circuitry into thinking narcissism is 'good and natural and most logical and superior...' anyhow, since he's way down the self-esteem BE ME YOU SHOULD BE ME wormhole today, let's see what I can come up with (I'm feeling like a babysitter right now, kids, and picturing the Baby Trump balloon existing inside Boi's cranium as a mini...) so, ok, what can I coo over Baby Trump as concerns the subject matter of him wanting to ensure his flavour of Wonderbread is a recipe to be aspired to and that needs to take over more shelf space and be emulated by other brands or whatever...
If he'd just examine that he's a typical product of America he wouldn't be feeling these desires so strongly...
But here we go, humouring those insecurities and desires of his: Boi does interesting little bits of filigree sometimes, brief juxtapositions of his big words that he glues together in an effort to 'look smarter' or whatever it is that his projection on me is -- I always thought 'look smarter' was one of the things he tries to do, bringing him towards some sort of heavy mineral content in his sedimentary deposits of writing, and he just confirmed that. I just told him yesterday he needs to do more of this. Why wouldn't a person want more nice wrought iron ornamentation and curious filigree upon the edifices? That's what he does well and should do more of it. If there's anything I'm 'insecure' about it's that I don't make such things myself and would have to remove myself from what I do and sort of learn to do that -- now, make no mistake, I suppose I already did learn to do that, mostly, as I've written some experimental stuff in my time. But I haven't learned to do it all in his way, or with his detail, and being that I'm always like 'well, Hank, you're obviously totally worthless unless you do every single thing of a person's life better than them' I guess that would be the insecurity.
There's also some dense brambly stuff he can get up to that has a nice texture. He's not nearly as dense as Pynchon, of course, who is exponentially more dense, but I remember working on lyrics in my early 20s and always trying to make them more dense. I guess it's a 'guy' thing. So, there's times where I might think, well Hank, you sure have a light and breezy style, shouldn't you economise and compact it a bit? But again, I don't write on tumblr stylistically, so I'm about as 'worried' a wrestler who's not competing in the discus throw is. Still, sure, there's a time anyone in the bleachers could watch a discus throw and wonder with a splotch of worry about how 'gee, i doubt I could throw a discus like that...'
But no, it's not really some competitive 'fear' if I just encouraged him yesterday, is it? It's more like 'make sure to be a good mule for the system at least if you're going to remain hopelessly wedded to the system, as he is -- and do more of that filigree and find a way to put that to use.' Also, I guess maybe there's a fear that his parents support him in a way mine never did and I'll just be a workhorse for the rest of my life ages 43 to 65, my labour gone to the capitalists, while he kicks back and has a relatively pleasurable and sheltered life of video games, smoking when you feel like it, scribbling when you feel like it, toying with other boys (I am too nice and humanising, generally, to toy with people in the Trumpian, dehumanising way he does) and I'm well aware there is a sort of pleasure to be had in being more like Marquis de Sade than I am.
I suppose, also, I like dirty things, and though I don't find his blog erotic, I do find it sort of PigPen, which brings to mind an indelible, delightful song from my childhood and you know, sort of forces Lucy to head for the door... whereas I would, as a more Charlie Brown character, kick that football again and again while she rips it away. America is so squeaky clean that dirtying it up is usually a good thing, although I'm not sure about that... because you see, it's also sea to shining sea of rednecks, but rednecks with vacuum clearners. Anyhow, I digress... I'm just saying, kids, that rather than choke on the formaldehyde in the new carpeting, a little dirt might help. I guess I'm in fuckin' France though, where things are old and modern and clean without being extra bourgeois in the way America is... so hey, dirt as an antipode to the extra bourgeois tendencies of America is all I'm saying.
Make no mistake, on a superficial level, Boi is very showered and into personal grooming and all that, like all products of the nuclear middle -- he's suspicious of the unwashed peasantry, the unclean, etc. I'm the one who lives like a pig and smells like crotch and dirt, unshowered for weeks or a month at a time... I haven't ever felt like I have time in the day for such conventions, being that I've always seen myself as behind and in need of catching up.
True story, kids: I've never owned an electric vacuum cleaner. I use what is called a 'manual broom' like my maternal grandma used, the cheap ones that just have some wire rollers or whatever in the bottom. So I guess I've been drowning in dirt my whole adult life, since obviously the device I use isn't going to catch any of the small particulate matter. Bissell Natural Sweep is a good example of the sort of device I buy.
Why's that Lucy always gotta find a way to make sure the middle class survives in its royalism, tho? Gosh darn it, Lucy... everybody would have just kept coughing and things might have continued on towards objet petit a if not for the Queen of Sheba demonstrating leadership and bolting for the door.
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aiiizawa · 2 years
Where/what age do you think Aizawa went on his first date? Everyone always says 'cat cafe' but I'd like to see other ideas :)
(Loved the present response btw!)
dead serious i hope you know i'm answering this in a distinct selfshipping sort of way with regards to the me/aizawa canon timeline. alksjdflkjsdf
BUT I don't think Aizawa started going on dates until later in his life, definitely not in his teens and MAYBE one or two in his twenties out of courtesy. I headcanon that Aizawa has a rather conservative family and they have tried in the past to get him to meet people whose families they know, and Aizawa is very very adamant about A. not doing anything he fuckin doesn't want to and B. has no interest in a lover he could die and leave behind, or otherwise put in danger (especially a civilian). And also C. his parents want him to quit hero work so fucking badly, shave his beard, cut his hair and thinks meeting the Right Person will make him do all that, which brings me back to point A of not doing anything he does not want to. readmore for length
He's very reserved, and prickly on purpose, so most people who DO show initial interest in him he shoots down hard-- not saying he's (at least intentionally) mean about it, but he's very pro-clean break. It does not happen very often tho as, again, he rarely meets people since he pretty much solely works. If he does go on a first date with someone he hasn't been engaging in 4D emotional chess in his mind with for a minimum of three months, it's as strictly as a favor.
HOWEVER when his does do an actual date, I extremely doubt he'd take someone to a cat cafe on the first date, even if it is something he's thinking of seriously pursuing. He plays his cards EXTREMELY close to his chest, and even people who KNOW he likes cats learn this from observation, not from him ever admitting it. (see: mha illegals and also how he chooses to stay outside to pet one of the todoroki neighborhood's strays rather than come inside. you can argue that it's him giving them their space, but let's be honest. at least half of that was that he wanted to pet their cat.) Something that is very personal to him (his time with cats) is very much akin to his own healing time and *feels* intimate to him, even if it isn't actually.
In a blind date/set up kind of meeting, and he's choosing, it will 100% always be at some kind of regular ass cafe or restaurant with a decent amount of people around, chosen specifically for it to be a safe environment with a lot of windows so either party can safely leave with a lot of witnesses (and so he can keep an eye out in case anyone needs him), and also a place where he can have a meal. Quite honestly, he goes to be polite if it's a blind date. He does not shave or put his hair up for it, thus giving the other party the impression he just got up out of bed and went. They are probably right. He answers questions when asked, will offer up a couple of very generic questions in return, spends a lot of time looking at the menu just to order a black coffee and a meal set. Parts amicably with a nod and will maybe call a taxi or walk someone to the train station but after that he's like bye. I will not be calling you.
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Tbh, I'm very curious regarding how k*lios acts in real life... Like I don't want to actually meet her, cuz yikes. But is she like an insufferable Karen with delusions to everyone she meets in the real world? Or is she mostly only like that on Twitter where she has followers? Idk. The psychology of her is fascinating to me.
honestly i try to stay far, far away from that side of the fandom, but from my unwilling exposure, it seems more and more clear that there is a large overlap between w*ncest/j2 stans and right wingers. not all of them, but like... a lot.
they exhibit a lot of the same behavior, and a lot of the same cognitive dissonance. the commitment to the delusion, because what you want to believe and what makes you feel good is more important than what's actually true. shaping reality to fit your desires, rather than altering your beliefs to fit reality. the entitlement to other people doing what they want.
how they justify shipping two dudes while being conservatives, i don't know, but based off all that, i'd have to guess those bibro types are your typical magaheads.
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afuriouspipedream · 3 years
These oppressive abortion laws recently passing (or trying to get passed) in the United States are 100% about manipulation, control, and greed. Now, if you're reading this and thinking, "Well, abortion is wrong," I think the chances are pretty good that you're a person of faith whose religious community also believes - and enforces this belief - that killing is wrong and so abortion must then be considered murder. You're entitled to your beliefs and opinions, and I respect them. But for a majority of secular Americans (or even for many people of faith), the issue of legal abortions just isn't so black and white.
I don't think that my personal opinions regarding abortion are extremely relevant to the thought I'm trying to share with you here, so I'd rather not get too deep into that right now. What I'd like to point out, though, is that there are people in positions power who stand to benefit financially in the future if abortion rights are taken away in the United States, and they are definitely manipulating the emotions of the communities of people of faith in order to gain their support for what amounts to some truly sinister shit.
These abortion laws are, firstly, a way to enforce control and roll things backward to a time when men (particularly white men) felt less threatened in their positions of power. The majority of those in currently in power - in government and the private sector - are men. Now more than ever, these men are feeling threatened: the status quo has been rapidly shifting and evolving in the US, especially over the last 10 years as women and their allies have begun to come into their own power and loudly demand their rights and humanity be recognized. I imagine this whole power shift makes those who are used to being comfortable and secure in their own power feel like things are now spinning out of control. To them, down is now up and up is down. The reality they've been raised up in and have thus far thrived in is now rapidly shifting, and for many people in power it probably feels overwhelming and frightening.
But make no mistake, this isn't just an attempt to subjugate those who can become pregnant. They WANT these potential parents to struggle in poverty with unwanted children.
Children who are raised in poverty have less opportunities, less access to a quality education, and more exposure to desperation, crime, and violence. The majority of these oppressive abortion legislative measures are in southern states which, aside from stereotypically being religiously conservative, also happen to lean heavily on inexpensive prison labor (read: legalized slavery). We're talking about states which save money by having prisoners working in government buildings, fighting fires, et cetera. This is real stuff. It's all manipulation: using religious conservativism to drum up support for legislation that is 100% geared toward the oppression and slavery of the people. Get the people to agree that their own oppression is good for them, stay in power and make lots of money.
Whatever your feelings are about abortion, knowing that some faithless grifters in the US government are feeding their constituents platitudes in order to manipulate their emotions - and therefore, support - should concern you.
I do also want to point out that the US is technically supposed to be a secular government representing people of all faiths (or even, no faith at all), and that Church and State are meant to be separate. Is it right or fair to pass legislation meant to rule people of many different faiths and beliefs based on the moral code of any single faith? There is a reason that Roe v. Wade was decided in Jane Roe's favor in 1973.
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