#If they notice you noticing they fly out
chill · 1 year
A weird thing about Philadelphia is that even the sparrows are kinda aggro
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floorpancakes · 2 months
ok but im rly into the idea of till having a new era that brings the light back to his eyes and drives him forward if he gets to escape the arena. idk where he'd go from there but i want to see ivans sacrifice both haunt him and drive him to actually live his damn life after being the captured bird refusing freedom cause of mizi. once he knows she's alive with the resistance he might be able to actually experience other things and widen his world and if that happens and he puts his personal sense of rebellion towards the human cause OR settles into finding some other way to feel fulfilment that isn't a single person that could be deeply fascinating to me i think
#alien stage#ramble#idk#till alien stage#as an xxxholic fan i want to see caged birds fly and all the fear and loss and grit and progress that comes with it#till era would be so fucking fun#especially when characters r built arnd one person or one goal or something you want to see them find new things to suffer or thrive abt (?)#random inconsequential thought imagine till hooking up with hyunas besties and they become a resistance throuple#idk i just want till to experience the wider world as the one that was the most restrained by his heart AND literally#cause even compared to the other anakt kids he suffered so much in those damn buildings and labs#i wanna see him freed and what that means for ivans legacy as the person who was unseen but someone who both contributed to and desperately#tried to stop his pain and confinement no matter what#honestly the thing i wanna see most rn off the top of my head is#till coming to terms with what he knows and sees about ivan now#no matter how he feels about it i think ivan wont be forgotten that easily#i want to know whats going thru tills head rn immediately in this moment#cause this snapped him in some way and he is acutely aware of things he didnt even notice before#while handling the mizi desth thing#that he assumed was happening#if he is assumedly saved i want to see the explosion that is knowung mizi is alive#knowing ivan is dead and how ivan felt#and knowing he has a way out of the cage#because its a triple whammy#i want to see his brain exploding in real time thinking abt all these things#and what sort of person the revelations will make him become#also i want to see mizi and till have like an actual conversation cause itd be a wildcard especially right now
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chrollohearttags · 9 months
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It’s so obvious when the girls want a hit post or to be seen. 😭 Nothing else on the page, just this dumb ass fucking post. It’s really the equivalent to those stupid fucking bait tweets on Twitter that try to start discourse just for engagement. Please for the love of God and all things good, stop feeding into these stupid bitches, they want attention.
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softwaring · 9 months
what’s the most heartbreaking part of my friend dying is i can remember half our friendship. part of it was when i was suffering the most intense constant trauma and abuse from my dad, and she/her family rly rescued me when i needed it.. and i can’t remember a majority of it bc my brain is so fucking fucked i have so many holes in my memory… our last conversation we talked about how much she loved me for something i can’t even remember fucking doing and it hurts… a lot. i just wish i could remember..
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untimelyambition · 1 year
the whole diamond heist scene with the lasers in gl2 is genuinely the funniest thing i have ever seen in my entire life. vinny so reassuringly saying “throw me” and ranboo and sneeg not even arguing with him just flat out agreeing to lob him across the room. the different shots of them swinging him back and forth to get momentum. the fucking puppet flying through the air. sneeg and ranboo staring off into the distance to watch him soar, the instant cut to them holding each other screaming. vinny hitting the fucking roof???? the elation. the anvil falling sound effect. the looney tunes stare as it falls from the sky. vinny’s final words. the fucking anvil crushing his head in (and the shock that came watching it live and not being able to pause or rewind and see the cut). ranboo making the world’s worst pun. sneeg’s indignant “i’m not throwing you!’. everyone moving on as if it didn’t happen. truly the funniest scene in all written history. i will never recover.
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magentagalaxies · 5 months
get someone who looks at you the way scott thompson looks over at me while i'm filming behind the scenes for the buddy cole documentary
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segue from a rant on main but
Grimlock being a dinobot in rid15 and basically having to stay completely out of sight of humans was insane. His altmode is inherently slower and more obvious, meaning he legitimately had to stay on base or be directly groundbridged to places in the earlier episodes. Eventually they built him this super unwieldy looking vehicle disguise, but I'm fairly sure one of the others had to tow him behind him (not to mention that if it was a more realistic show this'd be noticed by people immediately. This wayyy puts him in less control of where he can go and how it means he has to heavily rely on the others to get him places. The show likes to play him off as the "slow and dumb one", but seriously it's another part of rid15 that rubs me the wrong way.
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asjjohnson · 1 year
Ta-da—I've finished the first part of this holiday Danny Phantom ghost story. Which I'd thought of the idea for last year just after Christmas.
Phantom stepped into his lair and the glowing green portal vanished behind him.
It had been a good day—tiring, but good. For him, that was.
With a practiced ease, he turned and flopped onto a large melted stump of a stalagmite, as though flopping onto a couch, and put his arms comfortably behind his head.
Valerie may have erected that shield of hers, but he had other methods of getting his fun.
Today he'd blasted an impassable trench all along the circumference of Amity Park. A canyon surrounded by jagged metal.
No one would be able to enter or leave.
It might've been too late to stop Amity Park from having their food and gifts, but their celebrations would be tainted by foreboding. The knowledge of his blockade, of their days of plenty soon transitioning into dwindling supplies and starvation.
A different type of ruin and destruction.
A grin stretched across his face as he imagined it.
But the thought was cut short. An uncomfortable tickle of vapor brushed through his nose and triggered a gasp.
He tensed, and pushed himself up on one elbow, eyes narrowing as he scanned his shadowed surroundings.
His lair was a large cavern, dimly lit by a sourceless glow. The floors were littered with chunks of broken cave formations that he’d left lying after having blasted them apart.
Nothing looked out of place. He saw no movement, and heard only a slow drip of water from the cave ceiling.
No one could enter his lair. He knew this. There were no entrances or exits other than through his own portals.
It must not have been his Ghost Sense after all, but instead a thread of cold air passing by to tickle his nose, or else indigestion.
He shouldn’t have eaten that blob ghost earlier.
He rubbed his nose in annoyance and laid back down.
But he still felt uneasy. A feeling of paranoia, of an imagined something watching.
Simply the idea of someone else being in his personal lair bothered him. It was a place formed from his inner essence. Even he didn’t understand what a cave could mean to him. But, whatever it did mean, it was something deeply personal that he didn’t want to share. A look into his core.
It was a long several minutes before the subject faded from his mind. He began to doze, insubstantial wisps of pleasant dreams pulling him toward sleep and energy recovery. His own laughter. Valerie's face. Jagged metal.
His ear twitched and he started awake before the dreams fully took hold.
There was a noise—very faint, but unnatural to his lair.
It echoed along his walls and ceilings, making it hard to pinpoint the direction.
He stood. And waited. Ectoplasm pumped through his limbs, preparing for a possible confrontation.
The noise grew steadily louder. It was now possible to make out two distinct sounds: the high clinging of chains, and a grating noise of something scrapping against rock.
Then—it was to his left. He spun around.
There, nearly invisible, with glimmering chains draped over his shoulders, was the ghostly form of Vlad Plasmius.
His chest constricted with the shock. "You're gone!" He pushed off of the floor and away from the figure, firing a Ghost Ray straight through its middle. The ray slammed into the far wall. Not even a chain link shifted. An intangiblility that somehow felt unnatural, even for a ghost. He fired again. "You no longer exist!" Another Ghost Ray. "You're a hallucination! You aren't real!"
The figure remained unmoving, hovering with his hands clasped behind his back—visible through his translucent torso. He raised one eyebrow. "Are you quite done, Daniel?"
"What are you?!" Phantom shouted.
"You already know."
It didn't make sense. Plasmius couldn't exist, Phantom had destroyed him a long time ago, the ghost had been completely absorbed.
This figure couldn't be real. It had to be his mind playing tricks on him, or a dream, or a ghost who had followed him through his portal—maybe Amorpho.
But the fear coursing through him said otherwise—said this was the spirit of Plasmius back from oblivion, somehow pulled from his own core. A face he had been certain he would never see again. It couldn't be true. Instinctively, the repercussions of such a thing terrified him. Absolutely and completely.
"You couldn't have at least decorated the place?" the figure asked. "Perhaps some Packers memorabilia? A few pennant banners along the ceiling goes a long way."
Phantom sneered, pushing the fear to the side. "You have no say concerning my lair."
The figure somehow seemed amused by the words.
Phantom glanced at the long chains trailing down to and across the floor. "As though your taste in decoration is any better. What did you do, decide to carry the ruins of your mansion with you?" Broken pieces of gray brick and assorted other objects hung from the chain links like a giant charm bracelet.
The figure looked down at himself. He unclasped his hands and lifted his arms to either side, chains and objects clanking noisily and grinding across the cave floor with the movement.
The figure remained with his arms stretched wide, gazing at Phantom, as though inviting Phantom to examine the chains he wore.
The objects on the chains continued to sway. Broken pieces of gray brick. Books—one with a stylized ghost on the cover, and one with the year 1981 printed across it, but also other books. Cracked picture frames and photos. Quarters—a lot of dangling quarters. Test tubes stained with dried ectoplasm. Small bones, as though from animals. Broken machinery—computer monitors, an incomplete ring of metal that resembled a small Fenton Portal. A red fabric mask. A shredded white t-shirt. A pair of metal gauntlets. And so much more.
"These are the failings I'd gathered in life," Plasmius said. "I carry these burdens with me. My guilt."
Phantom snorted in disbelief. "How is the money a failing?" The coins still looked perfectly usable. He continued to idly run his eyes across the chains. There were also papers and folders—business contracts and deeds. And his eye caught the gleam of a small, familiar ring.
Plasmius's face twisted in hate, his eyes glowing a brighter red.
Phantom unconsciously drifted backward, the fear again coming to the forefront.
Plasmius loudly rattled the chains and screamed, "I wish I had never deceitfully gained one cent! I was a fool! I had traded away everything that mattered!"
The horrible sound of the rattling chains gradually died down and Phantom uncovered his ears, not remembering having covered them.
Plasmius still wore a glare, but he now talked at a normal volume. "You have done much more than I have. Your chains are ten times this long, not counting the ones you have inherited."
For a moment, Phantom imagined he could feel the invisible weight. Imaginary heaviness across his shoulders, and pushing him down toward the floor. Chains from Vlad Masters, Danny Fenton, and from the years of his current existence.
All of the steel beams and other debris surrounding Amity Park, trailing behind him like a king's long coronation robe.
Phantom crossed his arms. "That's ridiculous."
"You say that, but you worry for your fate. Your soul is uneasy. A child realizing there are consequences to his actions, fearing his Father's punishment—"
"I am not a child!" Phantom shouted.
"You will be visited by three spirits—"
"No! You aren't real! None of this is real!"
The name was said so firmly, so whiplike, the equivalent of a grounding slap, that Phantom snapped his mouth shut.
"You will be visited by three spirits tonight," Plasmius said. "Your participation is not optional. You will listen to them, go anywhere they want you to go, and observe whatever they want you to observe."
"Do you count as one of the three?" Phantom grumbled.
"You know how the story goes. Three visitors in addition to myself."
"So I'm basically in one of those Scrooge movies."
Plasmius slowly grew more transparent. "You know that isn't the title of the story." His voice grew quieter, fading.
"How would you know whether I do or not," Phantom said to himself. He could never remember the official title.
Plasmius was gone.
Phantom hovered alone in the empty cave chamber.
He whispered, "Bah. Humbug."
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team-frightfur · 9 months
Revelations from Zexal blind watch. The way action cards scatter and sound in arc V is a zexal reference.
Edit: kotori’s skirt is too short for the ass shot in that ending, Zexal...
Edit 2: i disagree with Astral’s feet.
Edit 3: I very agree with Yuma. He’s like, a complete dumbass, awful duellist, but like in an endearing way. Stupid golden retriever. If Yugo was a protag. I’ve never been more happy than when he topdecked so hard he landed on his back and broke his spine, only to leap 10 ft in the air. My child he’s mine now.
Edit 4:
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They want to climb onto plants and eat leaves. Im love them.
Edit 5: the cars shutting down after the cyberterrorism attack implies that they’re all teslas. This is a dystopia worse than both Satellite and the Commons.
Edit 6: Show at strongest when Yuma and Astral are being funny. Show at weakest when its focusing on shitty monster of the week storylines and people who don’t matter.
Edit 7: Astral every single day of his life: Oh god I’m gonna die. Please Yuma. Please Yuma I don’t want to die. Yuma Please.
Edit 8: Sora’s intro is a zexal reference lmao.
Peak Comedy.
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yuukimiyas · 10 months
good mornin ໒꒰ྀི ◜ ‧̮ ◝ ꒱ྀིა poppin by w a bouquet of fresh tulips for you all!! puttin them in the prettiest vase for you!, too!! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა i hope you all have the v best thurs in the whole wide world!! <33
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fecto-forgo · 21 days
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prettyblondguys · 1 month
HUZZAH!!!!! Just saved a skeeter eater
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merge-conflict · 7 months
The problem with grounding my netrunning stuff in reality for my fic is that now I have to imagine how a realtime slapfight between a one-person SOC in a controlled work environment and a give ‘em hell script jockey with a shitty laptop and a premium malware control suite is going to go.
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
。*★.°*:.☆Don't Put Ship Hate In The Ship Tag☆.:*°.★* 。
#mj talks#*whiteknuckling my hands* i am usually better than this but. please.#why is jasico so controversial??? like for real????#starting to get to the point where i see Adult Women Shouldn't Be In Fandom takes and realize they mean Me#?????????? no interests???????#i track the tag for silly headcanons and art#i once wrote a fic about jason getting so flustered he couldn't control his whole Flying thing because. get this.#nico just held his hand. depraved.#anyway the post i saw that made me mad asked why all jasico shippers were adults and side eyed us for that#but then seemed annoyed at the answers and their tags blatantly said dont follow me i dont like you#i wanted to answer because i had an answer! i have an answer and that answer is#most jasico shippers are adults because we were a lot closer to the target age range when house of hades came out#and house of hades was The Jasico Book#the year gap between when HoH and BoO was when jasico was at its peak and there was SO MUCH creativity going on#we looked at those characters and read the signs and saw they would be good together! they would complement each other!#recognition of self through the other is what it's all about!#and then nico got a canon boyfriend and most people jumped ship overnight lol#the people left who still ship jasico are here bc we genuinely like Them together and we think about their characters#this is not the roving white boys fandom. there is a different ship for those people.#also we may be older bc ive noticed that a lot of younger fans dont interact w their fandoms in the same way#like. fighting for ships to be canon and getting into vicious online debate about it#and thinking that a ship is a joke/worth nothing if it wasnt canon#*old man on a porch voice* back in my day you shipped characters on your own time and you didn't give a shit about canon#like. does kirk/spock mean nothing to you. how many of the top ao3 pairings are actually canon#talking more specific here but i met a person who liked a lot of the same things i did but when i got into like critique of the piece#or thinking about how i would have told it different or just like brainstorming fun 'what if' scenarioes#she was like. 'oh i like this because its canon. ive never thought about that before'#she was not that much younger than me!!! and she engaged in Zero critical thought or fun nonsense!#THAT'S WHAT FANDOM IS! CRITICAL THOUGHT AND FUN NONSENSE!#huh maybe i was actually annoyed at her the whole time and needed to get it off my chest
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basslinegrave · 1 year
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found more old promarkers art (2017?) of my long forgotten zhen guy (i dont even remember his name and i drew him like twice 💔 had a full lore about him at some point)
i hate how clashing the colors are but i like the bg
i did some quick color edits on my phone cuz the og drawing has terrible contrast imo its just all merging together vvv
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i think its unsalvageable like this i would still add more shadow and better balance like either make the top bg even darker or the ground much darker and separate the whites
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buoyantsaturn · 1 year
best relationships: someone who loves organizing and sometime who hates it
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