#i will fly to Texas to help you move please let me come visit
buoyantsaturn · 1 year
best relationships: someone who loves organizing and sometime who hates it
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Harsh Truth 3
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Pairing: Alex Karev x Reader
Summary: Alex regrets walking away
Warnings: none
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
"Alex, what are you doing here?"
Meredith ignored your harsh glare as she tried to hide away in the kitchen. Alex moved to come closer but you held your hand up, stopping him in his tracks
"I got your letter, we obviously need to talk" scoffing you waddled over to the sofa and eased yourself down
"Just like how you talked to me before running back to Izzie-" rubbing your belly you little girl kicked at the attention she was receiving
"That's different and you know it"
"Whatever Karev, you could've at least had the audacity to tell me that you wanted a divorce to my face but what do I get, a frigging letter" Alex shuffled across the floor, joining you on the couch
"You're right, I should've told you what I was doing but Y/N I couldn't" looking up at him you noticed how disheveled he looked
His hair was tousled from him constantly running his fingers through it, his eyes were tired and a part of you wanted to rub away the bags that formed there but you snapped back to reality
"Let me stop you right there Alex, you had a choice but instead you chose to take off leaving me behind" you swallowed the lump in your throat fighting the urge to cry before you get all this off your chest
"You.left.me after everything we've been through and the part that hurt the most was that you didn't care"
"You're wrong, I do care. I came back for our daughter" his gaze dropped down to your protruding stomach
"Your daughter is fine Alex so, please go back to Texas and be with your family" scoffing he stood up
"Are you serious Y/N? I'm not missing out on her birth, I'm not leaving you to do this on your own. You said that I could be a part of her life so I here I am!"
"For how long Alex? Incase you forgot, you have two other children that need you also!"
With all the commotion going on the group of doctors left the nursery to see what all the shouting was about. Owen stood behind you, placing his hand on your shoulder
"Okay, that's it!" Meredith dragged Alex away to the kitchen and you started crying tears of frustration
Damn you hormones
Alex's POV
"What's wrong with you?"
Dumbfounded I looked at Mer as she crossed her arms, glaring at me
"She's pregnant Alex and yelling at her isn't gonna get you back into her good graces" sighing I leaned against the counter as she continued to speak
"It took her months to get back on her feet after you left, she was at the lowest point in her life, it got really bad, she almost lost that little girl from not taking care of herself. It took her a very long time to get to where she is now and you just popping up out of the blue to yell wasn't a great idea"
As Mer filled me in on what happened after I left I couldn't help but feel like a complete asshole for leaving and never looking back. Y/N didn't deserve to be treated like that
"We had to take turns looking after her to fix what you broke"
She left me alone to think about what I did and I buried my face in my palms. When I moved to Texas I thought that going back to Izzie was the best thing to do, boy was I wrong
Yeah a part of me still had feelings for Izzie but Y/N was the one for me and I fucked it all up. She was right when she told me that I rush into things before thinking them through all those years ago because divorcing her is my biggest regret
Before returning to Seattle Izzie and I talked about where we stood, we agreed that she would fly out with the kids ever so often and I could visit whenever I choose
"Go back to her, she's the one Alex"
If only it was so easy
I apologize if this sucked ass guys.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Twenty Eight.
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I was supposed to actually go to California first, but I ended up having to do a little detour, I had to drop off some of my clothing line for Lil Wayne, I met Lil Wayne. I went on my own to his home which was dope as fuck, he was a cool dude, but he is constantly high and then Pharrell which he was in New York and I flew there so Robyn said to just meet her there, she wasn’t happy, but I am meeting her at the venue. The past few days have been crazy for me, for the clothing line. So much exposure for us, we are a little sold out on a lot of shit, so I told the boys to stay in Texas and get shit sorted with refreshing stock, I mean I am doing the best part by getting to meet these people. And I did flex that on my Instagram page, of course I would. A nigga from jail is now hanging with the top dogs, this is mind blowing. Lil Wayne is cool as fuck; his entourage is funny as fuck and they were the most welcoming for me. It’s been a headache anyways; I have two suitcases because I am going to California to live at Robyn’ home so I needed all my shit, so I am stuck living out of a suitcase for a while. Staring at myself in the mirror touching my stubble on my face, my phone pressed to my ear as it rang out “hello” Robyn picked up “are you at the venue now? Shall I come?” I have been waiting for Robyn to arrive “I am, I am going to do some rehearsal so if you come, I may not be around, but Jen has your pass so come” I need a shave “cool, you got a barber with you?” you never know “you mean Yusuf? He is here” pulling a face “I need a barber; my hair is grown out. You going to sort out your man with one?” you never know she may help me “my man? Who is that again? The nigga that doesn’t listen to me anymore” she is still on that “but I did say I would come and visit you for like an hour, I had to go to come here? Clients Robyn” she wanted me to come and see her when I was in Cali for Wayne, but I had to fly out “clients or your girlfriend? Mhmm, just come here” taking in a deep breath “see you soon petal?” she hates when I call her petal “shut up, bye” she disconnected the call, I mean I have a business to run now.
I can hear Robyn rehearsing outside from the venue, but I am currently waiting with my suitcases for Jen to come, security did ask and told me I had to wait so it’s whatever. She is taking her time with it though, I am going to be cute with Robyn because I know she is a little annoyed with me, maybe it’s her missing me so I am going to accept her talking stupid with me and just continue to love her and show her that she means so much to me, I adore her so much and she knows that “welcome to the tour Christopehr!” Jen half shouted “let him in” she said behind the barrier, I grinned at her. She always has such good energy “you moving in?” she pointed at my suitcases “uh yeah, Robyn’ home. I think this may be her way to get me to move there” pulling along both cases “welcome, welcome” I stopped to hug her, I am not rude “this is your pass, do not lose it throughout the tour. I am sure you will re-join us again later in the dates. I hope you do for the overseas part” nodding my head taking the pass from her, placing it over my head “Robyn has got you a barber, Yusuf is offended but she has a guy for you” I cooed out “really?” I am shocked “yeah, she said he asked so I will take you to him. Come along, I will suggest getting these on her bus, we will be on the bus after this date to travel to Philli, she has a five day window after that so you both can spend time together” I didn’t know that “really? So she doesn’t get overworked?” that is shocking “it’s a little different, this is a major tour, she gets plenty of rest” I am glad to hear she does.
Dapping the barber as his friend took a picture of us “good looking out” I said to him “like I have been to many barbers but you, dang. You got me out here looking fresh as hell” I am impressed “thinking of you bro, you got to look fresh when you date Rihanna. Dang, when I got the message. I said Rihanna wants a haircut from me? I was shook then it said her boyfriend, so yeah” I chuckled “it’s only her side nigga you cutting for, so when I make it big you about to be my personal one” he nodded his head “appreciate it brother” like this nigga is good “how much is that?” grabbing my money from my pocket, I have money in my life finally “on your girl, she paid already” letting out an oh, she didn’t need to pay I could have paid that “perks of being with a millionaire” taking in a deep breath “yeah” I mumbled, it’s not even like that “shame she isn’t here, I would love to meet her” my phone started ringing “maybe one day” looking down at the I.D, it’s my mother “ma” answering the call “I miss you son, oh baby. Desean showed me who uncle is seeing, I am so proud of you. I just had to check on you and tell you how proud I am of you” I cooed out “doing it for you ma, you know that. I am currently doing something, but I will call you later, promise. Love you” I don’t want to speak in front of these nosey niggas “ok baby, I love you too” disconnecting the call “you want me to walk you out? Actually I think I should” I am dumb, I shouldn’t be asking that “please do, I don’t know where I am going” nodding my head.
I wonder if Robyn is done, the music has stopped playing so I am guessing but where the hell could she be. It’s funny because I am speaking about Robyn and here she is, walking with her entourage. Such a tiny woman in a gang full of men, she is running the show and they are all following her. She looks deep in thought, but me I am so glad to have seen her now. I mean I didn’t know where to go, I grinned watching her walk closer and closer, this guy is speaking to her as she made her way. Looks like it’s a lot of taking that is happening “Twin” I said, Robyn looked up and her face softened, from the angry face to the happiness “poppa is here, I will and thanks” Robyn moved away from her team, she did a little run to me “I missed you so much twin” hugging her, wrapping both arms around Robyn and pressing her close to me “I missed you so much” I admitted truthfully “how you think I feel” moving my head back and pressed kisses to her cheek, Robyn giggled as I did “you look well, I am happy to see you smiling” pressing a long kiss to her cheek “love you” moving back from her “I am smiling now” holding onto Robyn’ hand “what was that all about, seems like a deep conversation?” leaning back onto the wall “I haven’t rehearsed Stay so he was mentioning it and stuff but yeah. I like your hair, huh. Who did that for you” she winked “Yusuf” I joked “aye, I said it to him and goes I know how to do that nigga’ hair, but my poppa looking all handsome. I am glad you’re here, finally. I was becoming jealous of seeing you with other people on Instagram, it’s hard because I wanted you with me. And I get jealous” she is telling me like I don’t know that “I get that, you so beautiful twin” Robyn pulled a face “I am sweating, shut up. Come, let’s go and sit on the bus. It’s quiet on there” Robyn yanked my hand to walk.
She is right, the bus is quiet. There is many people in that venue so I am glad we have peace, placing my jacket on the table before sitting down on the seating area “so you sleep in the bunks?” I pointed “no, my room. My actual room is in the back, I have a bed. The fuck you think I am sleeping on a bunk? But we don’t really sleep, we party” Robyn sat next to me “god, I missed you” placing my arm on the back of the seating around just behind Robyn “aye!” I spat jumping forward “what you doing!?” Robyn didn’t even move her hand from my crotch at all, she is deadass “Robyn, you have your hand on my dick! Like you have my dick in your hand, why!?” I spat, she is being deadass “I heard about this fetish about you wearing sweatpants, and I see it. See how easy I grabbed your dick, you’re banned from wearing them!” my eyes widened “deadass!? Robyn, I can’t help it” she still hasn’t moved her hand “see, I haven’t see you in a while. I have seen thirsty pictures and comments about you, I have seen these videos and pictures of you in VA, you have fanpages now too, CJ? The fuck is CJ, it’s your dick! Right, so from now on you ain’t wearing these” I have to laugh “baby, please. Let’s talk like adults. I can’t help that my dick is big, please stop gripping my dick, please” she is waking my dick “tell me it’s mine” using my free hand to rub my face and laugh “ahhh!” she deadass squeezed my dick “ok, Robyn. It’s yours and you know this! I can’t help it” she let my dick go, I breathed out.
Staring at Robyn, well more like side eyeing her. I can’t believe I am allowing her to do this but I rather let her do it then listen to her drive me crazy about it, she will start saying that I am enjoying Staring at Robyn just doing the most and that I don’t love her “done?” I asked, Robyn smirked moving her hand away from my dick “yes, I think I got the perfect picture look at my hand on your bulge” she turned her phone to me “it looks nice, now jerk me off” Robyn waved me off as she went to work, she is now having to think of a caption, she had to do the most because my dick print has caused some drama, I just got a big dick. I cannot help it, it’s not my fault “what did you type out crazy?” I feel my dick is growing, I feel like I am getting hard because she continues to touch my fucking dick “special package” Robyn smirked “hashtag daddy home” shaking my head “I need to be jerked off now” I pointed at my dick “my hand hurts” Robyn placed her leg over my lap, she purposely rubbed her leg over my dick “you need to stop that” she is so cheeky “mhmm I am sick of being Rihanna’s boyfriend, everyone always pointing out like oh you are Rihanna’s boyfriend” rolling my eyes “you could always upgrade?” she mumbled “huh, to what?” raising an eyebrow “husband” I snorted laughing “wow Robyn, dang. I ain’t settling, no ma’am my knee will not be on the ground proposing” Robyn hit my chest scoffing “you are actually annoying, you say all this shit just to be sucking my toes. Fuck you” she mushed my face “this is why I want to be single, can’t let a nigga suck anything in peace. Annoying” she out here talking about husband “besides, I don’t want you as a husband” she is a lie “I need a wife that will cook and clean” I retorted “you’re annoying, keep annoying me, you know I will have you apologising” she is getting annoyed, let me leave her alone before she really gets mad.
Watching Robyn sit down but she sat across from me which honestly made me smile “for you annoying me I changed my caption to Rihanna’s boyfriend, hope you’re happy” locking my phone sighing out “see I know you’re lying baby, I just looked and commented on it. I put big dick breezy” Robyn kissed her teeth “the thing is, I will have you on your knee. I just know it” I sniggered at the fact Robyn is stuck on that “anyways, how are you feeling about your first date?” let me change the conversation “annoyed” shaking my head “oh twin, why you got to be like this. You know I am joking. You and I both know this right?” she does know but she is playing stupid “I do but yeah, I don’t know. I am just going to take it as it is, like I am so excited, but I have kept that thought to the back of my mind about performing Stay, the set list is going to set me off. Because it’s Stay and then Diamonds, I am ging to be crying. I know I will be because my mind is just on that, but I will make it” nodding my head “I will be there for you in the crowd, I am pretty nervous for you, I can only imagine how you must feel. It’s going to hit hard, first time performing it after that happened” she is going to cry, but I don’t blame her for it.
I did want to see Robyn before she went on stage, but she was gone, as soon as we got off the bus the entourage took her, and they did what they needed to do to get her on stage. Mel bought me to the mixing booth in the back, so I am just sat here waiting, I to be honest want to be front row. I really do but I think I will do it myself and go there myself, I am excited for this concert. I mean I am at a Rihanna concert dating her this time, ain’t no daydreaming and smirking to myself. Robyn just thinks and assumes a lot, she knows damn well that I would wife her up, me and her are forever now so that is it. The lights suddenly switched off and the crowd just went crazy for nothing, I mean not going to lie I am excited myself. It’s so damn dark, I wonder where she is going to be actually. She never really said or told me the setup, letting out an oh it’s Mother Mary. I should have known it would have been this song, looking at the screen to see Robyn. She looks so pretty, a little on the skinny side. I didn’t notice that actually until now, tilting my head to the side. Robyn has gone skinnier, maybe it’s the rehearsing that does it to her.
I found a while sheet and it shows what song is what, so the Stay and Diamonds is last, that is good to be honest. I hope she can keep it together, because like prior to this it’s all upbeat songs. Folding the paper up “we found love in a hopeless place” I bopped my head, I need to leave backstage. I think I am going to go to the front because being so far back sucks. I can’t see shit; I mean I can but I can’t. I am about to get myself lost, seeing that Robyn is walking around in the crowd. Let het just get her ass back on stage before I go out there, watching Robyn being touched and harassed by the fans, they really touching her too. Stuffing my hands in my pockets as I stepped out further, she is going back on the stage now so I can come out. Rich dapped me as I stood next to him, I have a feeling I am about to know all these songs off by heart because of being here. Smiling lightly, I am super proud of her, she really out there killing it too. It’s made me see how hard she does work, and then I am just a pain in the ass for her. I mean I don’t intentionally do it to her, shit comes to me. I don’t ask for it to happen, but it happens.
I am pretty nervous for her for this part, like I just think she maybe needed to rehearse but now she has to do it. I am literally stood front and centre to where she is going to stand, the crowd was in uproar assuming that she had finished but she came out and I just knew, I instantly knew with the look on her face she is already emotional. I can’t say how it feels to lose a baby inside of you, or the moment it happens. I can’t say how that is but with the pain she goes through I know it’s something awful, we both lost something that night. Robyn stood in front of the mic, the tune to Stay came on and she was gone, my heart fell for her and I couldn’t do anything to help her but watch her. The crowd screamed louder and louder, Robyn is just breaking, and the crowd chanted her name. I just want to help her, I feel like the Stay intro has been prolonged longer because of this, she is just crying. She turned away from the crowd, I feel so damn helpless what can I do and I am just thinking so hard on what to do, Robyn turned back around and stepped to the mix “all along it was a fever” oh she is pushing through, I swear I am rooting for her “He said, If you dare, come a little closer” dragging my eyes to Robyn and I feel pretty choked up, putting my head down and away from the fact Robyn has hands over her stomach. Flicking the tear that left pretty quickly, this is hard, harder then I assumed it would be.
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patroclusonly · 4 years
Slowly finding myself through you 
Eddie Diaz week day 2: Eddie Goes to Therapy 
I wasn’t going to participate because I haven’t been writing lately, but here we are. I might write for some days. 
This is really bad tho
Also, I know the title makes it seem like it was because of someone that he found himself but what I meant is that because of the support of his family, he’s getting better. Like, emotionally better. 
read on ao3
Eddie had been going to therapy since the street fighting accident. On and off, but it was still a constant in his life. Usually, once every two weeks he would meet Frank and he would talk about whatever he needed to talk. 
There wasn’t much to talk about anymore. The job had been uncharacteristically calm, his parents had been to LA for a quick visit last month and didn’t say anything about Eddie and Christopher returning to Texas. And the best thing of all, Buck and Eddie were reaching their two year anniversary. 
They got together after May’s graduation party. It wasn’t planned and it was unexpected. Well, not exactly unexpected but it was a surprise, mostly for the suddenness of how it happened. 
After Buck drove him and a sleeping Chris to his house and stayed there to make sure they were okay, Eddie, to his own surprise, had rushed in and kissed him before he could say goodbye. 
That first kiss had gotten a little heated and Buck was the one to break it, pulling Eddie’s insisting hands away. He looked wrecked, his hair a curly mess, his lips swollen, his shirt half open, and Eddie would have been embarrassed by his neediness, but at that moment he couldn’t find it in himself to care.  
It all went pretty natural after that. They talked that same night, agreed that they both wanted to try whatever that was. Eddie had to restrain himself to not jump on top of Buck and kiss him senseless. But they figured it out. 
Almost two years together and they had fight only a handful of times. They understood each other and Eddie appreciated that. Buck knew him and loved him the way he was, and loved Christopher so much anyone that didn’t know him, would think he was his own son. 
But there was always doubt in Eddie’s mind. And recently it was louder and louder and apparently Frank noticed something was different. 
“Do you have anything on your mind you’d like to talk about?” He asked, placing down his notebook and looking at Eddie, not pushing further.
“I think Buck wants to move in.” He said after a moment of silence, trying to quiet the mean voices on his head. 
“Well, that’s great, isn’t it? From what you’ve told me, he’s there most of the time, it wouldn’t be much of a problem.” Frank stated. He knew how to make Eddie talk without overwhelming him with questions, waiting patiently for the perfectly thought answer he would come up with. 
“Yes, but he’s not been living with me. He can come and go whenever he wants.” Eddie answered, looking at the floor. The thoughts in his head flying loose and making a nest of worry and doubt. 
He noted the use of ‘me’ on Eddie’s words. “You think he won’t want to stay there after he moves in? That he’ll want to leave?” 
“I think he likes the idea of moving in, but he won’t like actually living with me all day, every day.” Eddie seemed to sink into the couch, every negative on his mind tearing his confident front down, piece by piece.
“Why? Has he given you a reason to think that?” Frank inquired, trying to be as direct as he could without pushing the wrong buttons. 
“No. But that’s the thing, isn’t that what always happens?” He looks up, eyes cold and piercing, memories feeding his own insecurities. “Something always goes wrong.” 
“If you go looking for trouble, you’ll find it.” Frank said, trying to make contact with Eddie’s deflecting eyes. “You’ve told me that Buck is different, that he understands you and doesn’t expect anything that you’re not willing to give. That he loves Christopher, and that he loves you. He stays with you almost every day now, why making it official would change anything?” 
Eddie winced slightly, taken aback by Frank’s question. He seemed to ponder for a moment, before looking up again. 
“I’m scared he’ll feel trapped and get tired of me.” He admitted. He knew everything his mind told him wasn’t true, but it was still hard to ignore something that is constantly there telling you you’re not enough. 
“Have you talked to him about how you feel?” Frank asked and Eddie shook his head. He bit his lip nervously, already knowing what Frank was about to say. 
“I don’t think I’ll be able to help you with this concern. I know why you feel like that and I think you know too, we can keep talking about it. But I can’t help you figure out how Buck will feel. The only way to know that, is to talk to Buck yourself. Tell him how you feel and see how things go.” Frank spoke and Eddie sighed, knowing he was right. 
When he got home, the first thing he heard was low music coming from the kitchen. He walked in quietly and found Buck, cheerfully bouncing his head to the beat while washing the dishes.
Eddie smiled to himself, leaning on the wall and admiring his boyfriend’s energy flowing around the room. 
He didn’t have to be there, cleaning, cooking, doing anything other than being there to spend some time with Chris and Eddie. And Christopher wasn’t even there yet, he was still at school. But Buck wanted to be there, and that always warmed Eddie’s heart and dissipated some of his worry.
“I hope you’re hungry.” Buck’s voice made him jump and he straightened his stance. So caught up in his head, he never noticed Buck looking back at him. He closed the water, dried his hands and turned the music off. “Were you enjoying the view?” He joked, leaning on the table and pulling Eddie in by his shirt.  Eddie went happily, placing his hands on Buck’s waist and kissing his softly. 
Buck knew him, he knew he spoke through actions. And even though he’s been trying to be more vocal about how he feels, he knew Buck understood every touch he gives. 
Once they pull apart, Buck hold his face close, staring at his eyes. “Everything okay with Frank?” He asked. Eddie threw his head against his shoulder and sighed as an answer. Buck hummed. “Wanna talk about it?” 
“Yeah.” Eddie said, and if Buck was surprised, he hid it very nicely. Because Eddie had been working on voicing his emotions, but that doesn’t mean he talked about what he talked with Frank outside of their private sessions.
Buck took his hand and led them to the living room. They both sat on the couch, facing each other and with their hands still intertwined. 
“Whenever you’re ready.” Buck said, squeezing his hand gently, as a reassuring gesture. Eddie smiled at him and sighed, gathering all the open vulnerability in him before he started to talk. 
“I told Frank I was scared.” He started, feeling the bitter and familiar feeling of talking openly about something he was insecure about. “I know you want to move in but I...I’m scared you’ll get tired of me once you don’t have the option to just, leave whenever you want.” He admitted, trying not to bite his tongue before finishing everything he wanted to say. “He told me if I wanted to know how you’ll feel, I’d have to ask you.” 
Buck nodded, still holding his hand. Eddi was thankful for that touch, it made him feel a little more sure about what he was doing. After a moment, Buck spoke. 
“Do you want me to move in?” He asked, carefully inspecting his face.
“Of course I do.” Eddie answered quickly, not a moment of doubt or a hesitant tone. Buck smiled softly, raising his other hand and cupping Eddie’s face gently. He gave Eddie a soft kiss and pulled back, stroking his cheek. 
“I want to move in, only if you and Chris want that too, because I love you both with everything in me. I will be forever grateful that you let me into your family with open arms and allowed me to be here with you and for you since the beginning.” Eddie’s lips curved at Buck’s statement and fond gaze. “I’ll never get tired of you. I have loved you even before I realized it myself. I know you won’t believe that now but luckily, I plan on proving that every day for the rest of my life, if you’ll let me.” 
Eddie had a huge grin on his face and the sight made Buck smile too. He pulled Buck in for a slow, tender kiss, filled with every bit of love he felt for him. 
When they pulled away, Buck held him close for a moment, staring at his eyes with a serious look. 
“I really love you. And if you’re not ready now for me to move in, I’ll wait. Okay? There’s no rush or ultimátum, I’ll wait for you.” He reassured him one more time. Eddie nodded, lacking the words to describe how he felt in that moment. He leaned in and kissed him one more time, lingering there a little longer. 
Buck made a pleased sound as they pulled away, a small smile on his face. “I would love to continue this, but I was making lunch and I’m pretty sure if I let the sauce cook any longer it’ll consume itself.” He joked, giving Eddie one quick peck on the lips before standing up. “Pick something to watch?” He said, looking down at Eddie. 
Eddie nodded. He picked up the remote and turned the TV on, changing channels but still unable to focus enough to know what was on them.
“Eddie?” Buck called from the kitchen, silence followed so Eddie spoke up.
“I love you!” Buck answered, followed by a happy laugh. Eddie couldn’t help the uncontainable grin that appeared on his face once again.
“Love you too.” He answered, not sure if loud enough for Buck to hear, but with all the meaning behind it. 
He might have some issues with his confidence and self-worth, and he might always will, but he would be fine. He was sure of that. He had his family helping him and supporting him through the journey and that was all he really needed. That was enough. 
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We Aren’t Getting A Bird
@justsmilestuffhappens prompted: Christopher finds an injured animal maybe a bird or something harmless but Eddie is worried it'd have diseases so buck is like I'll take it to the vet and it can stay with me till we released it
A/N: Sorry it’s taken me a while to post this.  It’s been written in a notebook beside my bed.  I meant to type it as soon as I finished writing it, but then a nasty cold happened, then life happened.  But here it is!
Can also be found on AO3.
Christopher was sitting on the floor in the living room building with Legos one morning.  In the kitchen, Buck was busy making pancakes for breakfast while Eddie was sitting on a barstool on the phone with his parents in Texas.  It was a normal, happy morning in the Buckley-Diaz house until they heard a loud thump.
“Uh, Mom, I’ll call you back,” Eddie said as he hung up and pocketed his cell phone.  
Buck turned off the stove and headed towards the living room, Eddie following close behind, where he found Christopher still sitting on the floor, Legos now scattered all over the floor from Christopher jumping at the sound.  
“What was that?” Christopher asked, looking towards the window where the sound had come from.  
“Something must have hit the window,” Buck answered, moving towards the door. 
“Can I come?” Christopher asked as his Dad scooped up the fallen Legos and headed in the direction of the door to follow Buck.  
“Wait here just a second,” Eddie answered.  “Let us make sure it’s safe.”  Then he walked outside, leaving the door cracked open. 
After a moment, Buck reentered the house.  “Hey, Christopher,” he started, walking over to where the young boy still sat on the floor.  “It looks like a young bird flew into the window.”
“Is it okay?” Christopher asked, having a soft spot for animals.
Buck nodded.  “It seems okay, mostly just stunned.  Want to come see?”
Christopher nodded, so Buck helped him off the floor.  He handed the young boy his Crutches and led him outside to where Eddie was standing on the phone.  On the grass was the young bird, looking around and seeming confused.
“Can we keep it?” Christopher asked, looking down at the bird.
Buck shook his head.  “It’s a wild animal.  It’s not like a pet bird.  Even if you had the stuff to take care of a bird, which you don’t, it’s wild.  You’re dad’s on the phone with a wildlife rescue.  They’ll take care of it until it can be released.”
“But I want to make sure it’s okay,” Christopher complained.
Eddie pocketed his cell phone.  “And you will.  They’re on their way.  They said that we can come check on it at the wildlife hospital until it’s released.  Even said we could be there on release day.”
Buck looked over at his boyfriend puzzled.  “How’d you get them to agree to that?”
Eddie laughed.  “The first thing I told them after I said there was a juvenile wild bird sitting under my window was that I had a 9 year old obsessed with animals.  They offered.”
Two weeks after hearing the thump and discovering the bird, Buck, Eddie, and Christopher found themselves standing in the middle of a field just outside of LA.  With them was the wildlife rescue they had called.  It was the release of the juvenile hawk that had flown into the window.  Christopher had insisted they visit the bird as often as possible.  Every time they were off, they’d make an afternoon trip to see the hawk in the wildlife hospital.  Luckily it had only suffered minor injuries when it flew into the window. 
“Wow,” Christopher said in awe as he watched the hawk fly off once the door to the cage was opened.  “I’ll miss you!”
Buck and Eddie both chuckled.  
“We’re going to have to get him a pet,” Buck laughed.  
“We’re not getting a bird,” Eddie declared, with a smile.
“I was thinking much smaller as his first pet.  Like a fish.  A tetra or something.”
Christopher had turned around at the mention of getting a pet.  “Please!  Can we get a fish?”
Both men laughed at the young boy’s enthusiasm.  “It’s your responsibility!” they exclaimed in unison as they all walked back to the truck.
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new2fivesauce · 4 years
Please Don't Regret Me - 4. Lavender Sheets
Please Don't Regret Me - 4. Lavender Sheets
4091 words.
No Warnings... I think.
Sorry for the looooooong wait. I hope this makes up for it. I think the ending sucks but I needed to get this out my head fast before I put it off again. Enjoy.
June 2018.
Nelle's departure from being 5 Seconds of Summer’s assistant had been abrupt, leaving her feel like she had left her job incomplete thus causing her to spiral through a series of emotions and phases she believed she hadn’t felt since she was a raging, hormonal teenager.
The day she had given her news, they all awkwardly arrived at the airport at the same time. In her haze of emotions, she had not changed nor cancelled her flight to Australia and since 5sos was also flying international, they were stuck in the same terminal. Luke and Nelle did not speak again since their elevator meet. Michael noticed their tension, but didn’t say anything. His saddened green eyes only flickered between the two as they both tried their best to ignore one another. It wasn’t how she wanted to leave Luke, but she didn’t want to get his hopes up.
Calum, however, was the first to come up to her and apologize, practically beg her to forgive him for being such a selfish, shitty friend. Ashton and Michael followed suit with their apologies letting bygones be bygones. They agreed to keep in touch; everything returning to somewhat normal although the guys still looked bummed walking towards their flight with their new assistant.
She’d spent a couple weeks in Australia, staying in the house duplex she and Calum had bought together with their first good paychecks, but had hardly used due to constant traveling. She spent time with her parents, visited the guys' families, cleaned their empty homes to not waste money on a cleaning service, and took the duties of taking care of Duke from Mrs. Hood. Nelle also hung out with a few old schoolmates but quickly regretted that choice. They all seemed to “remember” how good friends they were, trying to manipulate Nelle for favors or money only because she knew “certain” people.
Mali-Koa, Calum’s sister, came to visit one week. She’d heard the news of Nelle’s leaving, and insisted that she come back with her to London.
“Girl, you needed a break from those dweebs anyways.”
So she did.
Nelle didn’t last very long in London though. Word had been passed of Nelle’s whereabouts which caused a very weepy, distraught Michael to leave a lengthy voicemail about betraying them for Cal's bitchy sister. She wasn’t really enjoying her time in London anyway, leaving Mali about 3 weeks later. She made a quick visit back to Australia before deciding that perhaps living in her vacant loft in Manhattan wouldn’t be such a bad idea. She’d let Calum know that Duke was coming with her before departing to the Big Apple.
She’d only been in NYC for two days when she’d run into a childhood friend that was not Calum.
Sasha Hendricks had been Nelle’s best friend when their parents were in the Army. They’d lived on the same bases and traveled the world together before Nelle’s parents settled in Australia and Sasha’s in Texas. Every year, before Nelle took on her job with 5sos, the girls alternated spending summers with one another in their country. They hadn’t seen much of each other in more than five years so no doubt it was a huge surprise when they both walked into the same small, cozy café.
Sasha had derailed from her parent’s Army footsteps to become a model. Not in the big leagues with faces like Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid, but she was aiming to get there.
With Sasha there, she didn’t feel so alone in the big city. It made her move a lot easier to handle but also there was just something about the city of New York and all of its noise that made Nelle feel at her calmest. She hadn’t been in the city for more than a two weeks now but if she had to be completely honest with herself, this was the best she’d felt in a long time.
Duke pushed ahead of Nelle, clearly already knowing his way around their block. He sniffed along a passerby's shoe, received a compliment from a passing child, and then decided he has enough the outdoors. He led the way back to the loft.
Nelle had just passed her building lobby’s front desk, when the security officer called her back. She looked down at Duke, where he was already looking up at her as in saying Oh shit, what did we do?
“Padilla, right?” the officer asked her from behind his desk. Nelle nodded slowly. “A package arrived for you while you were gone. Delivery guy didn’t want to leave it outside your door.” He said this as he retrieved a rather large box from the floor next to him. He heaved it over the desk and slid it over to her. She glared at the box hesitantly, not sure if she could carry it up to the 5th floor by herself.
“It’s not as heavy as it looks.” Security said, noticing her expression.
She thanked him for holding her package, grabbed the box awkwardly… he was right. It was not as heavy as it looked, then proceeded, with Duke at her feet, to the elevators.
Nelle barely made it inside her loft with the enormous box. Sure it didn’t weigh a ton, but five floors was a long time to be carrying a box.
Duke ran in, going straight to his water bowl near the kitchen. He didn’t care when Nelle set the cardboard box next to him. She went into one of her kitchen drawers, pulling out a knife to cut through the tape sealing the flaps down.
There were five thin, but square shaped boxes inside with a thousand packing peanuts. She made sure to carefully remove the small boxes without making a mess of the peanuts. She couldn’t risk Duke swallowing one up. The thought of telling Calum if such thing happened nauseated her.
Nelle was in the midst of opening the first thin box, when there was a knock on her door. Duke peeked around the kitchen corner to look at the door suspiciously. He growled a bit as Nelle went up the door.
“Duke… it’s just Sasha.” She clarified after peeping through the door hole and swinging the door open.
Sasha sauntered in, wearing a very see-through top and what looked like plastic pants. Her feet kicked off the six-inch heels with a sigh of relief. One heel slid close to Duke; he growled at it.
“Yeah, pipsqueak. It’s just me.” Sasha stuck her tongue out at the small dog. Nelle thought she imagined Duke rolling his eyes at the model.
Duke was kind to everyone… well almost everyone. Sasha had accidentally stepped on Duke's paw on their first meet. Ever since then, he tolerated her. He let her pet him but for the most part, he just stayed clear of the tall brunette.
Without another word, Sasha found her way to Nelle’s bedroom, emerging ten minutes later in a pair of Nelle’s Halloween pajama pants that were slightly too short since she was taller than Nelle and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt that fit too big.
Nelle hadn’t noticed Sasha wearing the shirt until she came up beside her about to open the first of five packages. Seeing her friend in the shirt made her freeze, her throat closed around a sudden lump that made it almost too hard to speak.
“Hey Sash… where’d you get that shirt from?” Nelle croaked. Sasha shrugged.
“Your suitcase. Why?” the girl looked down at the shirt and suddenly a zesty whiff of it caught her nose. Sasha hardly hung out the boys, only when she been to Australia during the summers, but she knew a guy smell when she smelt it and by the way Nelle’s face had gone temporarily pale, she slowly retreated back to the bedroom because she now realized this was not just some random shirt. Sasha knew all about Luke. She knew it was a bit of a touchy subject. She quickly changed into another shirt that was lying around.
Finally, when Sasha came back into the room, Nelle opened the awaiting first package. The flaps of the skinny box opened fully until they were flat against the kitchen counter surface. Staring up at her were four familiar faces in various shades of yellow, violet, and blue. The word YOUNGBLOOD was written across the middle in a graffiti red font. Nelle carefully lifted the plastic entrapped vinyl record from the cardboard.
Sasha, hovering over her friend’s shoulder, whistled lowly. “Damn, you didn't tell me Cal looked that good now!”
Nelle snickered and threw back a playful hit to Sasha's side. “I've tried to hook y’all up multiple times. You two just hate love so much.” Sasha scoffed as she pulled the new record from Nelle’s grip. She flipped it over to see the back and the track listing.
“Oh, I’ve heard Want You Back just the other day. Was Luke singing about you?” Sasha mused as she put the vinyl down and helped open the other boxes. There were two more of the same record, two CDs, and finally at the very bottom of the original box under the packing peanuts was the band’s clothing merch to go along with the new era.
Nelle ran her hand over the material of one of the shirts that showcased the boys' faces. Her fingers lingering over Luke’s face. “Nah. That song was written before I left.”
Sasha’s eyebrow quirked up, but she shrugged her shoulders. She held up one of the CD albums. “Should we listen?” Nelle nodded. “Good, because we were going to regardless.”
Nicole: Welcome back everyone. If you’re just tuning in, we have 5 Seconds of Summer in the studio right now! They’ve just released their new album and they were thoughtful enough to stop by today to talk about it. Guys, why don’t y’all say hello again.
Michael: Hey, I’m Michael.
Ashton: I’m Ash.
Calum: Calum, here.
Luke: And I’m Luke. We’re 5 Seconds of Summer.
Ryan: We have a few more questions from our callers. This one is from Mary: Youngblood is obviously the principal track seeing as it’s also the name of the album. Did you know that that was going to be the name of it or was it like a damn, we forgot to name the album, quick, just pick a song to name it after kind of thing?
Michael: HA! Yeah, that last option. Without a doubt.
Ashton: No, really! It was. We had other titles that we were referring the album to during the recording session, but we had to scrap a bunch of songs and basically start over. The album wasn’t fully completed and to our satisfaction until just last month. We had the promo pictures, the whole works, and then they were like ‘Is this going to be named Untitled?’ and Mike was like ‘What’s our next single? Just call it that.’
Nicole: Woow! I guess your fans really know you, huh? So I’ve been listening to it pretty much on repeat and some of these songs are really deep, heart wrenching, very mature. Very different from your previous albums. Can you explain the writing process and how this album was not like the others?
Luke: With Youngblood, they gave us a lot more creative permission, I guess is the right way to put it. Our other albums were done when we were teens so lyrically and musically, they didn’t give us as much freedom as they did with YB. We had to take a break after the release and touring of the second album because we were just so worn down; our physical and mental health were at an all-time low.
Ashton: It just sucked, really. We couldn’t focus or concentrate on what was going to be our new album when we just weren’t feeling like ourselves. Halfway into our break, Want You Back just came to me. When I played it through for the first time to the guys, everything else just came naturally from there. I guess that would be the rawness and deep, wrenching sound you hear so different from our previous work.
Ryan: One of our listeners is asking if any of the songs are about anyone in particular. Girlfriend maybe?
Calum: Umm… no? Ha, I don’t think so. At least none of the songs that I input in aren’t about anyone. I mean… sure, we take from our past experiences and put them into song, but for me, that’s a no.
Michael: Cal is anti-love, everyone. I think, like Cal said, we take from our past experiences; we’ve been up, down, and around the world for a long time. That does it make difficult to be in a relationship with someone and actually make it work. I’ve tried, Ash has tried, we all have. It’s just not in our cards right now.
Ashton: Unless you count our personal assistant…
Nicole: Whoa! Personal assistant? Who’s dating the personal assistant? … … Listeners, everyone is looking at Luke.
Ryan: Aww, he’s blushing.
Calum: He’s not dating our personal assistant. What Ashton means is… our EX-assistant, who had been with us since before the beginning, ya know, quit on us just before we released Youngblood the single. We’ve never been with any other assistant than her. So, it’s been challenging to say the least and Luke, who’s probably the most dependent person EVER, has been having a grueling time adjusting without her here.
Ashton: Yeah, yeah! Nelle was the best! She was like f*cking top-notch. I think like Rihanna, One Direction before their hiatus, uhh, I want to also say Fifth Harmony have tried to hire her when she was still with us. She’s like the fifth member of the band. She’s the fifth Second.
Michael: Dude, that was lame. But so damn true. Funny story, she used to come out in a lot of our paparazzi pictures and the fans would just ugh, be so nasty to her because they thought she was one of our girlfriends or whatever. We had to come out with a statement saying like yo, chill, she’s just our assistant, she means no harm, she’s just walking me to McDonalds… Then the fans were like OMG Nelle has the best style and she’s so beautiful blah blah blah. So, she’s a Yale student now with one of those influencer instas… so make sure to follow @seeyouneller…
The hotel room was tense. No one dared to make a sound as Luke paced back and forth. His fury running off him, his hands were clenched at his sides, his mouth in a scowl, his light blue eyes were dark as the ocean floor.
Calum nervously looked at his blonde friend, worried that even just glancing at him might cause Luke to erupt. The longest five minutes passed before Luke stopped walking. He turned his body to the cowering three. He inhaled and then signed the heaviest sigh.
“I swear, you have the biggest fucking mouth!” Luke exclaimed towards Ashton.
Ashton shook his head, his red locks bouncing around his head. The newly dyed red hair matched Ashton’s hot head nature and with Luke going off on his, Ashton didn’t know how much longer he could hold it in.
“It was just a statement! I didn’t exactly say Oh Luke is dating our ex-assistant because it’s not fucking true. It was just a quip. You two left off on… whatever the fuck ya’ll left off on, so… It was nothing, Luke.”
Luke glared at the drummer. His breathing was hard, making it look like his whole body was shaking. His fists were clenched at his side, knuckles white to the bone.
“Yeah, dude. I mean, it could have been me who was dating her.” Michael chimed in. “Sorry we looked at you. I don’t know what to really say… It’s just one interview of like a hundred that we’re going to do. No one is going to get anything out of it.”
Calum, who had remained quiet this whole time, suddenly cleared his throat. His friends all turned to him, Luke’s eyebrow raising in a bold way.
“You know we are in New York though.” Calum started. “And we were on satellite radio… You guys remember Sasha… Nelle’s other best friend. Would spend the summer with her every other year? Had braces for like ever then the last summer she visited, she was super hot?”
“Yes, we know you have the hots for her.” Ashton said exasperatedly. “What about her?”
“Anyway, she texted me. She heard the interview. Nelle listen to it. No biggie.” Calum tried to smile, but failed tremendously. Michael darted his eyes to Luke.
“We didn’t say anything bad about her. She’s fine, right? Fuck… I should text her. We should ask her to get dinner with us. She’s back at the loft, right?” Ashton pulled his phone out his pocket as he spoke. He was already tapping rapidly on his phone before anyone could answer.
Luke furrowed his eyebrows, cocking his head to the side. “You’ve been talking to her?”
At this question, Ashton slowly lowered his phone to his lap. He gulped audibly. His words were stuck in his throat. He hadn’t meant to slip up. It had been decided that he with Michael and Calum were not going to tell Luke where Nelle was living at. He had already tried to follow her to Australia once and London.
It had been unpredicted what each member would go through at Nelle’s departure. Calum was sad for a few days; he wasn’t sure what to do with himself without his travel buddy, but quickly adjusted to the new assistant. Michael, too, was upset, but he was adapting well. Ashton wallowed for a bit, maybe more so than Calum and Michael, because like Luke, he still crushed way too hard on Nelle. He knew that there was nothing ever going to happen between the two; he’d realized that Nelle did have feelings for Luke, so he had to get over it, and she was always a text or phone call away, so the adjusting wasn’t too difficult. It was just she was not there anymore, physically.
However, Luke went through a tantrum phase. Anything the new assistant did was absolutely wrong. He blew up at the smallest things. If he asked for room temperature water, but got slightly cool water, he would throw a bitch fit. He distanced himself from the band for a bit. He only spoke with them when they had shows or interviews. He’d stayed locked up in his bus bunk, hotel room, wherever they were staying at. He’d text Nelle and she’d never reply. He had tried to go Home whenever he’d spoken with his mother and she told him that Nelle had just left her house. He tried to go to London when he’d overheard Michael leaving a rather upsetting voicemail about her disowning them for Mali-Koa. The sudden vastness of her being not there threw him for a loop. This crush, intense liking, feeling for her was messing with him severely. If she’d departed the band at any other time, he knew he wouldn’t be reacting this way. She just had to leave when his emotions for her had just blossomed.
Calum suddenly raised up from his spot on the couch. He was nervously spinning his phone in hand, checking the time after every third spin.
Suddenly he stopped, facing Luke. Calum’s head tilted slightly, confused at once.
“I just don’t fucking get it.” He mused. This time it was Luke to look bewildered. “Why? Why are suddenly so strung up on Nelle? You’re acting so clingy and it’s weird. You’ve never shown any interest in her. We go on hiatus, start touring again and all of sudden you’re acting like her boyfriend. Giggling, sleeping in her room, fighting to sit next to her, inside jokes…”
“Ya know… now that you’re saying it like that, it definitely seems like Luke is keeping something from us.” Michael chimed in. Ashton’s head perked up towards the front man. Could Luke been harboring a secret this long, months on end? Luke was never good with keeping quiet.
Luke’s eyes darted around his bandmates. His scowl dropping, being replaced with nervous lip chewing and nervous hand twisting.
He inhaled and exhaled heavily.
“We kissed.” He blurted out after what felt like minutes of awkward silence and three pairs of eyes awaiting eagerly.
Michael clutched his imaginary pearls, his very exaggerated gasps filling the room.
“What? When? Where? HoooOOOOoOW?” he howled. Calum shot him an annoyed glance.
Calum was neither shocked nor upset about the statement. He just wanted to know what happened between his two best friends. He just wanted his band to go back to normal.
“It was when we were on break.” Luke exclaimed. Ashton’s eyebrow raised. He recalled him spending time with Nelle, not anymore than usual, yet she never brought up the fact that she had kissed one of his best friends.
“Well that explains fucking everything.” Michael stated sarcastically. “C’mon, there’s gotta be more.”
Luke sighed, shaking his head.
“I was supposed to be doing my therapy sessions, but every time I'd get in the car, I’d have these intense anxiety attacks that kept me from driving. I told Cal and he suggested he drive me… I said okay and on the next time I went to his house so we could ride together. He wasn’t there but Nelle was.
“She was supposed to be on vacation just like us but I explained to her what had happened and she insisted. She took me to my session and we got lunch afterwards. It was weird. We didn’t say much, just made polite conversation.
“On my next session, same thing happened. Cal forgot, wasn’t home, Nelle took me. It became a routine. She took me to all my sessions even after I objected to wasting her time and I could easily get my mom or one of you to take me.
“The day that Ash came up with Want You Back…” Luke paused, his cerulean blues looking towards Calum wearily. “After the session, I was reading the texts from you, telling me to all meet at Cal's because Ashton called a band meeting so we got there but obviously no one was there yet. Nelle invited me into her house. I’d never been inside but that time we helped her and Cal move in…
“By this time we had kind of become friends but there was this tension and I know she felt it too. Next thing I know we're making out… like full-on making out, with her pulling me towards her room. We get in there and we collapse on her bed. I remember black everything and lavender sheets. It smelled like her pop rocks smelling lotion with a twinge of weed. We're kissing. Intensely.”
Luke stopped talking again. All the boys were staring at him, in awe of the story he had been struggling to keep internal. Calum noticed the way Luke reached up to place a hand on his chest; he clutched the material of his gray shirt, a far off in the distance glassy gaze on his handsome face.
“She heard Calum’s car on the driveway before I did. I’d been so absorbed in her, thinking how the fuck is this happening? Is this really fucking happening right now! She separated from me so fast that I felt literally cold and empty. Then she acted like nothing happened. She didn’t say anything about it. Just went on like… as if it just didn’t occur.
“But I couldn’t forget. I tried to talk to her about it and she just acted like she didn’t know what I was talking about so I did the same. Then we started touring again and working on the new album and it was a distraction. A good one… until I realized that I liked her. That’s why I was getting to know her, bothering her, hanging around her. She couldn’t tell me no knowing that it would look suspicious to you. I think she gave in to me eventually because I know she feels the same. She feels the same way I feel for her.
“And I'm sorry. I’m sorry to all three of you for keeping this secret. For being a fucking asshole. I just… I think it’s beyond the like stage. I think I’m like… at the L-word stage.”
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Not done?
Summary: Months have passed since you walked out of Jensen’s life.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader, OFC's, OMC's
Warnings: angst, language, sad reader, heartbreak, injured reader, fluff
Words: 2k
This is the requested Sequel to: Done
Months have passed since you walked out of Jensen’s life. You had hoped he would come to your apartment to tell you he regrets not to tell his family or friends about you, but he never came.
Ignoring the heartache, you tried to move on. You left the apartment you lived for so long in and decided to rent a nice little house. You don’t want to buy one so far as you got no clue if you want to live in Texas any longer.
Austin was your home since you decided to go to college and later to University in Texas. All your friends are here but you can’t bear the thought you could run into Jensen and his new girlfriend any time, so you are sitting on your couch to check out different cities to live in.
Your phone won’t stop ringing today but you don’t give it a second glance. You know your mom is worried as you barely ate lately so she doesn’t stop calling you. She knows how hard it hit you that Jensen thought so low about you and your job.
She was always a working mom, had three jobs to feed you and your sister but she made it somehow. When your phone starts ringing again you answer your mom’s call and she sighs on the other line.
“Hi, mom. What’s wrong?” You say and she gulps audibly. “Mom?”
“Did you watch TV yesterday or today?” She asks.
“No, didn’t have the time. I was writing the last chapter for my next book. I was busy looking for a house too, mom. What’s wrong?”
“He has someone new.” She whispers. “I’m so sorry, honey. I know how much he meant to you. Jensen seemed to be such a nice guy. Now he’s talking about the woman he wants to marry and how much he loves her. I couldn’t watch the whole show. Do you need me? Shall I fly to Austin?”
Holding back the tears you swallow hard before you speak again. “I always knew he would find someone new but that fast..wow. Three months. She must be someone special then. No, mommy. How about I’ll come around next weekend? The book is finished, and I’ve got spare time.”
“Y/N, don’t waste another tear for this piece of shit of a man. Sorry for the swear words, Baby. You are okay to be alone over the weekend?”
“I’m fine, well not fine but I was prepared so let’s not talk about him…ever again.” You say bitterly while the tears start falling. “I never thought he would replace me that fast, mommy. I’m such a fool. I was still hoping he would show up and make things right, instead he was looking for a new woman.”
“I’m so sorry, Baby. I can still come around.”
“No, mom. I’m going to eat some ice cream, watch crap on TV and sleep a bit. I’m a grown woman, I’ll survive.”
“Call me if you need me.”
“Will do so.” You whisper.
The moment you hang up the phone you drop it to the couch to start crying uncontrollably. He already replaced you with someone else. Someone he wants to marry after three months. Must be an actress or model at least someone better and prettier than you.
Your heart clenches in your chest and you know you will leave Austin for good. You didn’t want to admit it but you still were holding on to Jensen. No reason to stay here any longer.
The rumbling of your stomach reminds you that you didn’t eat anything today, your refrigerator is empty as you were not in the mood to shop groceries so you decide to take a walk and buy a pizza.
Your favorite place is always crowded but Luciano sees you right away. Waving at you he smiles, and you smile back.
“Bella! I haven’t seen you in a while. Why do you never visit me lately?” Luciano asks and your shrug.
“I moved out of my apartment and was not in the mood to see other people lately.”
“Is it because of the stupid guy sitting over there with this thin chick and some other guys? I thought he’s your man.” Luciano says and you freeze.
Seeing Jensen sitting on your table with the other woman your heart drops.
“He never was my man, Luciano. I imagined things. I’m sorry but I lost my appetite.”
“Wait, Bella. I can make you one and you can wait in my Cucina.”
“Okay. Thank you.” You sniff. The tears want to break free and Luciano’s wife comes running toward you to embrace you with strong arms.
“I’m sorry, Bella. He’s an idiota…” She says.
“No, I’m the idiot.”
Handling you your favorite pizza for free Luciano shakes his head into Jensen’s direction.
“He doesn’t know what he let go, Bella.”
“Thanks for the pizza. I’m sad it will be the last of yours I can eat.”
“I’m going to move out of town soon. No reason to stay here any longer.” You shrug giving Jensen one last glance.
You can’t walk out of the restaurant fast enough to get away from him and his new girl.
Walking away as fast as possible you stumble. Hitting your knee at a lamppost you curse yourself for your clumsiness. You can already feel the bruises forming and fresh tears escape your eyes.
“Y/N?” A deep voice asks but you do not react. Maybe he believes you are someone else if you do not answer. “I knew it’s you talking to Luciano. Can we talk?” Jensen asks.
“You better go back to your fiancée and fuck off. Leave me alone, asshole!” You grunt before you slowly start walking again. Your knee hurts like hell. Looking down you know why – blood is soaking your pants.
“You are bleeding. Let me help you.” He offers but you shake your head.
“I don’t need your help. You’ve done enough. Go back and be happy with your new girl. Three months…wow. Didn’t take you long to find your true love…huh?” You spat.
“I don’t understand. I’m here with some friends.” Jensen stammers as you hopple toward your apartment. “This is ridiculous. Let me help you.”
“Fuck off, Ackles!”
“Screw you woman.” He mutters before picking you up. With long steps, he carries you toward his car while you try to wiggle out of his tight grip.
“Let me go!”
“Not a chance. This is bleeding heavily so I’m going to drive you to the nearby hospital right now.”
“I can call a cab.”
“Will you shut up and let me help you?”
“I don’t want your help.”
Ignoring Jensen’s whole existence you sit in the examination room. A nurse is cutting your pants open to reveal a deep and large cut at your leg.
“This needs stitches, Ms. Y/L/N. The doctor will be here soon. I’ll clean the wound and then he will stitch you up.” She explains. “Your boyfriend can wait here if you want to.”
“He’s not my boyfriend or a friend. Only someone I used to know.” You say coldly and she gives you a knowing look.
“I’m not even a friend to you?” Jensen gasps.
“Friends don’t hide each other or lie to each other. Friends don’t replace each other after not even three months. We are done, told you so. You can go back to your girl. Leave me alone. I knew I should’ve left Austin much earlier.” You curse.
“You want to leave? I thought you saw the show and that’s the reason you came to the restaurant.” Jensen sighs.
“Show? I didn’t see it but my mom. She couldn’t bear hearing you talk about another chick and that you want to marry her after only three months. My mom called me to ask me if I’m alright. I lied to her for the first time in my life.”
“She didn’t watch the whole show? Dammit! I told the reporter about you, that I’m trying to find you. Baby, I was talking about you in that show.”
“Please, we can watch it later. Let me stay and you will see I was talking about you. I tried to find you, but your colleagues didn’t know your new addresses, just as your landlord. I called your best friend, but she was yelling at me the whole time. Please…”
“Leave me alone. Even if this is true you want to hide me again.”
“We could give a press conference or anything. I told everyone about you. I begged everyone to help me find you.” Jensen pleas taking your hand in his.
Looking down onto your bleeding knee you try to blink the tears away.
“I’m not what you want, never was Jensen. You are better off without me.”
“No, I’m not better off without you. After you left I drove to your apartment, but you were not at home…”
“I took the next flight to New York to visit my mom.”
“Oh…shit. If I would’ve known that…You didn’t answer my calls, or rather your number was dead after our fight.”
“I changed my number... Can you stop pretending, Jensen? I know you are an actor, but you don’t need to try to fool me.”
“You are so stubborn, but that’s what I like about you. We will watch the show later and you will see I was talking about you.”
“I can walk, Ackles.” You mutter as Jensen is carrying you into his house. “Why didn’t you bring me home?”
“That’s your home, now stop protesting and we watch the show. I’ll warm up the pizza so you can eat and bring some juice.”
“I want a beer.”
“No alcohol, young lady you are on painkillers.”
“You’re not my dad.” You mutter ignoring his offered smile.
“Listen…I’m sorry. I was not ready to tell anyone about our relationship. Not as you were working as a waitress. You are younger than me, much younger, fourteen years. After my divorce and all my failed relationships, I was afraid…afraid everyone would pity me if you leave me too. I wanted to keep you to myself…I should’ve told my family and friends about you. I know it’s much to ask for, but could we have a date? Only one…please.”
“I want to see the show…”
After watching the show you know Jensen was talking about you. He tried to find you using the show, making a public call.
“How’s the pizza?” Jensen stammers.
“It’s Luciano’s. His wife called you an idiota, by the way.”
“I know. He refused to greet me too…”
“I should go home now.” You whisper.
“You are home, please stay. Give me a second chance, Y/N. We can shout it out loud that I’m in love with you if you want me to. We could have a private party too…Anything you want but please don’t leave me again. I was a wreck over the last three months. I barely ate anything…look I lost weight.”
“You ate three-quarter of my pizza, Ackles. Don’t lie.”
“My appetite returned when I saw you…” Jensen tries.
“Jensen, I don’t think we can go back to what we had…”
“I don’t want to go back - I want to start anew, better. I will never hide you again and I want you to marry me. I bought the ring a few weeks before you left me. I was just too afraid to ask you and to tell my family I was hiding their future daughter-in-law for almost a year.”
“You want to marry me?”
“Do you want to see the ring?”
“No?” Jensen sighs.
“We should try to figure things out first. I don’t think we should make any plans without knowing if we can work things out.”
“I’m willing to do anything you want me to do, Y/N.”
“Okay? Will you stay tonight? I mean I have to take care of you with your knee and all.”
“I’ll stay, but no…sex.”
“No…no. I will wait. We can work things out. I know we can.”
“Then we should try to work things out. The moment you start lying or hiding me again…I’m gone for good. Then I’m really done…”
“I’ll never hide you again, I swear. We are not done…not at all…”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx​, @screechingartisancashbailiff​, @fallen-wolf22​, @sister-winchesters99​, @mogaruke​, @the-is13​, @helloitsmeamie203​, @strayrosesbloom​, @thewinchesterco​, @hobby27​, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl​, @marvelfansworld​ , @sandlee44​, @hawaiianohana31​, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​, @katpatrova17​, @notyourtypicalrose​ , @heyitscam99​, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon​, @flamencodiva​, @echoesofpassion​, @cocklesbelli​, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove​, @kmvld, @fandom-princess-forevermore​, @thenamelesschibi​, @lauravic​, @fandomsrourlives​, @wittysunflower​, @drakelover78​, @lemondropirwin​, @lonewolf471​, @wronglanemendes​, @electraphygelectraphyng , @spnhollis​, @void-imaginations​, @jay-and-dean​, @shatteredabby​ , @juniorhuntersam​, @helpmeluci​​​, @neii3n​​, @goodgodimaweirdperson​​, @alltimesamantha​, @chonisberonica​, @supernaturalonice​ @stuckys-whore​​, @shadowkat-83​, @officialmarvelwhore​, ​@certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel, @wecantgiggleitsafandom​​, @meganywinchester​​, @shikshinkwon​​, @idioticsky, @miraclesoflove​, @yolobloggers​, @guardian-tn, @lu-sullivan​
If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason. Sorry.
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags     
@spnfamily-j2​​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​​, @butifulsoul125​​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​​, @deans-baby-momma​​, @hawaiianohana31​​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​​​, @20gayneen​​​, @janicho88​​​, @thefaithfulwriter​​​, @dreaminemz​​​, @negans-lucille-tblr​​​ @sadwaywardkid​​​, @akshi8278​​, @hhiggs​​​, @midnightsilver16830​​​, @mrspeacem1nusone​​​, @ria132love​​​, @caligraphee​​​, @the-witch-in-silence​​​, @multisuperfandom​​, @deansgirl-1968​​
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spacespazz101 · 4 years
Train Wreck Meets Dumpster Fire Part 2
Thank you to everyone that liked this! I was surprised on how many people actually liked this. This is actually a sequel to a series written by my friend JadePegasus (@the-paraphoenix on tumblr) on AO3 called Blood Gulch Freelancers please check it out if you like this, it gives a little bit of background and is what inspired this.
                                   Chapter 2: The Match Ignites
 They had landed without a hitch. That probably should have been their first clue that everything would go to Hell in a hand basket.
 “Ok, we’re a few clicks from Blood Gulch Outpost. You may now disengage your seat belts and prep for your mission. And Washington if you puked in my cabin again you will be cleaning the entire thing with your toothbrush.” 479er called over the planes’ PA. Wash let out a groan. He would have sworn that the others had convinced her to fly more erratically than necessary to keep him from talking to Texas.
 Wash had missed his chance to talk to her yesterday when he had picked up her commlink and the others had prevented him from trying to talk to her beforehand, and during the flight his own motion sickness had kept him from opening his mouth for fear of meeting his breakfast again.
 Everyone got up and started to check that everything was working and make sure that everything was ready to move. Wash let out a sigh. Texas began to fumble looking through her own bag. “Texas if you’re looking for your commlink I have it.” Carolina called. Throwing it at her. “Thanks” Texas spoke. Something like relief in her voice. Wash was dragged away from the pelican before he could even consider opening his mouth. So much for talking to Tex before the mission started, he would have to settle for talking to her after the mission was over.
 The canyon was a short trek from the parked pelican, close enough that vehicles were not necessary but just far enough to not be picked up on any sensors.
 As they looked over the canyons ridge, they saw what they would expect to see from any SIM base. Two bases on opposing sides, one red the other blue. What wasn’t normal was the small metallic box in the middle of the canyon where the Deadman’s Land usually stood. It looked almost like an outhouse. The outhouse-like object suddenly opened as they watched. Two soldiers stepped out of it. It must have been an elevator of some sort. There wasn’t enough room for storage of any kind.
 “They did a pretty good job whoever they are. They got the regulation colors perfect, but they missed the fact that Reds and Blues are supposed to hate each other” York whispered to Wash.
 As they watched the two soldiers part ways to patrol the canyons’ rim, Carolina took command quickly “Ok here is the plan. North you and York take up positions on each end, I want eyes on both the bases and those soldiers. Wyoming, Florida go to the command center in the caves. See if you can find what happened here since we lost contact. The rest of us will break up into teams and investigate the bases. Prioritize locating hostages and recovering data. Do your best to keep for triggering any alarms.” A glance was sent to CT and South at that comment. “Is everyone clear?” Carolina questioned.
 “Absolutely. “Wyoming
“Affirmative” Florida
“Whatever” CT
“Hnn” Maine
“Will do.” York
“Sure thing Mom.” South
“Roger.” North
“Sure thing, boss.” Wash finished
“Sounds good. Break on three?” The blue soldier
 Everyone jumped at the sudden addition to their huddle. It was the regulation blue trooper from earlier. He was still crouched over as if he was in a huddle with a ghost football team . He glanced at them after two beats of silence.
“You guys, we are supposed to count to three and then break or maybe it’s count to two and break when you say three? That has never been very clear to me. But we are still supposed to count before we stop huddling.”
 There were guns pointed at him now. “Well howdy their big fella, who are you?” Florida stepped in front of the trooper, signaling them to lower their weapons. “Oh, I am sorry I did not introduce myself. I am not supposed to share my actual name, or the fairies will try and take control of me, but everyone calls me Mass” The blue trooper, now identified as Mass, took Florida’s offered hand and shook it vigorously. “Well, we wouldn’t want that would we now?” Florida answered as if that statement was the most normal thing in the world. He others, that call you Mass, were they at this base before you showed up?” Florida continued.
 The blue soldier hadn’t moved to alert anyone of their visitors and he seemed to be telling the truth as far as anyone could tell. “I do not think so. I never met any other people that were here before me, besides the leader and Ricco I was the first person here. Everyone that was here before me had gone away a long time ago.” That didn’t sound good. That meant that Bravo team had to have been wiped out or taken before this soldier came in.
 “Isn’t that interesting. And what are you doing right now?” Florida’s voice gave no indication of his inner thoughts, but the slight tensing of his shoulders indicated that he was thinking what they all were. “Oh, I was scouting the canyon for any new friends! We heard that there might be some new friends visiting us soon… Hey are you-” Florida cut off the trooper before he could continue his train of thought. “Wow, new friends, that sounds great! How about you look that way and we look this way? We will call you if we find anything.” For a beat it didn’t seem like this Mass character would fall for it but then he responded with a cheerful glee only expressed by children, and extremely immature adults, on a sugar rush.
 “OK!!!!!!!!” and then he was gone.
They waited a few seconds to see if they could find Mass again, but he had vanished.
 “What’d I miss?” Texas’ voice had startled everyone out of their stunned silence. No one answered her, instead they all turned to look at Carolina again.
 “Ok new plan.”
 “I hate this plan” Washington whispered to Maine as they crept through what had been the red SIM base. They were the demolition team for this base. They would place the charges as South and Florida scavenged what they could from the bases’ computers. North, York, Wyoming, and CT were at blue base doing the same as Texas and Carolina were inspecting the metal plated elevator. They had an hour to work before they destroyed the base.
 Maine only grunted in response. They had yet to meet anyone as they traversed the hallways. Wash was getting worried as only the muted sounds of their footsteps echoed through the vacant building. “We have been from one side of this base to the other and we haven’t seen anyone. Maybe that Mass guy was just a SIM trooper left behind when the groups were relocated? It wouldn’t be the first time we lost SIM troopers.”
 “I don’t know Wash, if this place is down to just two SIM troopers then wouldn’t there be more dust or something? These bases are too clean for two troopers to take care of.” York’s voice over comms was distorted and filled with static. It seemed like the Counselor had been right about even short-range communications being disrupted.
 “But-Oof” Wash collided with Maine with a soft clang. “What?” Wash was cut off again with Maine raising his finger to his helmet signaling for silence. Then Wash herd it too, soft voices coming from down the hall. Wash and Maine both held their guns at the ready.
 “Wash, report.” Carolina’s voice cut through their speakers short and crisp despite the static that disrupted the transmission. “I think we found more Maine and I are investigating.” They began to creep towards the door where there were voices coming through. As they got closer the voices became clearer.
 “-like it tight down there.” Wash nearly tripped at the statement coming from behind the wall. Was that? Had he? No, Wash shook his head, it couldn’t be; he must have not gotten enough sleep, he had just missed too much of the conversation.
“Us too. We found the red guy from before and another in maroon are working near the computer terminal.” South announced causing Wash to almost miss what the unidentified person said next.
 “Make sure you use the good lube this time. The other stuff doesn’t work half as well.” Wash could feel his face begin to heat up. Why him? Why did he always end up in positions like this?
 “Contact.” North spoke this time. “One guy in brown armor working on some kind of terminal. Should we engage?” Wash took a breath. It was ok. Five guys in a box canyon. They could handle that. They had them out numbered two to one.
  “Penny, I am begging you, please just stop talking” A different voice this time, masculine and frustrated -err angry- yea angry was better. Ok, that was good. It sounds like things were winding down. Sure, there was another person in there but there was also a good chance that they would be taking these two by surprise. And who knows maybe this was all just a big misunderstanding.
“Well you haven’t given me anything else to do with my mouth while I’m waiting for you. I’ve been holding it for hours waiting for you to finish.” Scratch that. They are just getting started. Wash could feel his entire body go ramrod straight. Maine froze behind him. Wash took some comfort in the fact that he wasn’t the only one bothered by that conversation.
 “Confirm. On my mark everyone, engage with the suspects. Try not to kill, we can find out more once we take back the canyon.” Carolina ordered. The static was back again. There was a good chance that they would lose contact completely.
 “Umm, Boss, that might not be such a good idea for us. I think these two are umm, engaged in something.” Wash cursed his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence, but he couldn’t help it. He did not want to go in there right now. Damn their teasing he did not want to see what the enemy was up to beyond that wall.
 “Oh, just ram it Ham!” The voice, Penny called. “Oh, Fuck me. Slow down Penny or you’re going to set it off.” Penny’s companion groaned. Wash was sure he was red in the face by now and judging from Maine’s uncomfortable shift it was clear that he didn’t want to go in there either.
 “What are you so worried about Rookie? You’re near the garage not the barracks it’s not as if they are fucking behind closed doors.” York spoke this time. His voice light and teasing but he could hear some of the others snickering through the static.
 “Umm.” The static was worse now. Wash could barely make out his own voice coming through. That combined with the rapid beating of his heart was starting to sound like the revving of engines in his ears. Wash was about to articulate why it was such a bad idea when he heard the voice of one of the two in the garage let out a sharp alarmed cry. “Fuuuck!!!” and suddenly Wash wasn’t standing against the wall to the motor pool he was pressed against the side of an armored warthog.
I would like to thank everyone that liked this. I actually have most of this posted on AO3 but I figured that I could post most of what I have here and see if I can get any advice on edits and then repost the final product.
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firephoenix39 · 4 years
Chapter 8: The Way To Texas
July 1st 8:00 am jimmy was setting a course to Texas the HQ was flying pass New Mexico into the south of Texas. So far Adrian was hugging Jingfei who is weeping about her grandmother.
Adrian: shhhh I know I know when I lost my parents I felt the same way just let it out, it's ok I'm here.
Jingfei: (sniffling) I just miss her so much she was the only family I have.
Adrian: I understand I was like that but look your grandma and your parents are in here (points on heart) and here (points on forehead).
Chris and Martin were looking at Adrian and Jingfei and felt bad that both lost their loved ones and wanted to cheer them up.
A minute later Adrian got a text from Adam.
Adam: hey little bro how are you doing.
Adrian: hey Adam um not too good at the moment.
Adam: what happened are you ok?
Adrian: there is this girl that I met when I was with Martin and Chris in China. Her name is Jingfei I love her and she loves me back but in the middle of the night her grandma the only family she had passed away and I've been getting flashbacks from when mom and dad passed. She is really taking it hard on it. We brought her with us cause if we didn't she would be on the streets fending for herself, and I want to help her but I can't do anything.
Adam: wow I'm really sorry to hear that well I wanted to tell you that I'm done with my college courses and I'm out and that I'm free. Is there any place you want to meet up?
Adrian: yeah can we meet at the family ranch in Amarillo I want to visit the place since we own it now. And to see if anything's Change.
Adam: sure I'll take a flight there I'll see you later alright.
Adrian: I'll see you there love you bro.
Adam: I love you too little bro take care.
(End of text)
2:00 pm the radar picked up a big rain clouds and jimmy had to make a quick landing to avoid lightning.
Adrian: what's going on guys
Jimmy: there are some heavy rain clouds in our path and we have to stop.
Adrian and the brothers looked outside and noticed that they are in a desert area
Adrian: are we in texas jimmy?
Koki and Aviva were checking their computer and the map as well.
Koki: it says we are in Texas but the computer can't make the exact city we are in.
Aviva: it's like we've been to every country but at this moment we don't know where we are.
Adrian grabbed his phone and used his maps app and was shocked to discover where they were at.
Adrian: guys we are at the city I was born in, Laredo I've always wanted to visit this place .
Jimmy: wait you were born here? I thought you were born in the last city corpus.
Adrian: I was born here but my parents moved to corpus when I was a year old due to a job opportunity they couldn't pass. It's says here that we are in the west side of the city near downtown . But it looks like that we are in the desert area or "Monte" in Spanish.
Adrian was looking in the city history and found some interesting facts.
Adrian: well here is something you don't know.
It says here that this area was all empty and when my parents were in their teens there was no schools from where they lived and that they had to go into the inner city near downtown and the border. Now there are houses and even schools in the south. Heck the city it's self is booming till this day.
Chris: well it can't hurt to step outside want to look around the area.
Adrian: sure I don't mind going out what about you Jingfei?
Jingfei: sure I don't mind as well.
3:00 pm the sun was blaring hot; Adrian, Chris, Martin and Jingfei were walking around the monte till they heard a strange noise.
Adrian: careful guys it is texas there are rattlesnakes.
Later the snake's rattle sounded closer and Adrian felt something tickling his leg later the trio in front of him saw the snake crawling up to his back and onto his arm
Adrian: what? What is there something on me? I don't feel nothing so just tell me.
Adrian looked at his left arm and jumped but he wasn't that scared he knew that if he was calm so is the snake. He raised his arm to his chest and the snake was making eye contact with him and he allowed him to pick it up and let it go away.
Chris, Martin and Jingfei were surprised that Adrian was able to remove the snake from his arm
Martin: Adrian how were you able to do that?
Adrian: I don't know maybe I just have a spiritual connection with wild animals.
Adrian sat on a log and was just looking at a his phone for any news till he heard foot steps.
Adrian: Chris, Martin ,Jingfei is that you?
No one replied when he looked up there was a Bambi and his mother walking up next to him the baby deer was just sniffing him and allowed Adrian to scratch him so he did and Adrian remembered that he has a bit of grain in his pocket he grabbed it and fed it to the Bambi. Then the mother walks up to him and also fed the mother as well. Little did he knew The brothers as well as Jingfei saw what was going on and thought it was cute.
As Adrian was done feeding the deer they both ran off into the wilderness.
Chris: you know you do have a way with nature.
Adrian: well I always appreciated animals and like to be with them. Chris,Martin can I tell you both something.
Brothers: go ahead.
Adrian: I've never been camping before even when I was young.
Chris: What? You have been missing out on a lot.
Adrian: well I've been thinking can we camp out tonight? I even found a store near where we are at and I can buy supplies
Martin: well sure it's your first time so you'll get to learn new experiences, ok you and Jingfei can get the supplies Chris and I will let the others know
As Chris and Martin head back to the HQ to let the rest know about the camp out plan,Jingfei and Adrian went to the store to get marshmallows, hot dog meat, buns, ketchup/mustard, and even bought a canteen for water. The cost was $15.00 so Adrian gave the cashier a $20.00 bill and  got five bucks back.
It was sundown around 8:00 pm  Adrian founded the crew and helped out the guys make a fire while Jingfei helped the girls with setting up tents. 9:00 pmThey were making hot dogs and as Adrian was cooking his he almost dropped it to the center but caught it in time.
Later Chris ask for a campfire stories and Adrian was the first to tell his story.
Adrian: it was around the time where native Americans were living here,there was a warrior who was born with the spirit of the wolf and he also acted like the animal .(Adrian grabs a powder and throws it to the fire making the picture come to life and show vibrant colors.) so to his people they called him the "Adalwolf" he cared for his people as if they was his pack,he lead them to fight with the different tribes to victory. But then in one battle the spirit took him over and he started to kill the other tribe natives Like the wolf as he was doing it he took to many arrows and started to run in the forest before he died he passed on the spirit to a Hispanic settler. To this day the spirit remains on earth looking for the next person to poses. It could even be me.
Than a in the distance there was a wolf howl and the team got a bit scared and started to go to their tents Adrian and Jingfei decided to share together and they drifted to sleep. 12:00 am Adrian was moving around in his sleeping bag as he was having a hard time to sleep, he was having visions that he was alone on horse back but the horse got startled that he was bucked off on to a cactus as he tried to get off the cactus he was stuck on fell and made him fall on another cactus on the ground and that later he awakes in a teepee and the Native American healer tells his people that he awoken and that the wolf spirit took him over. 2:00 am Jingfei was shaking Adrian to wake him up.
Jingfei: Adrian Adrian wake up
Adrian: what's wrong ?
Jingfei: I hear growling and footsteps can you check it out?
Adrian: ok I'll see what it is.
Then an animal let out a howl and it was to high pitched for a wolf
The noise scared Jingfei and Adrian to death, then the pack howled again and this time they were to close to the tents. Adrian grabbed his shock gantlet and peeked out of the tent. The fire was still lit but was going down and then he saw them there were four coyotes and they were staring at him.
Adrian: Hey Go On Get!!
The coyotes were growling at him and were approaching him slowly, Chris and Martin heard the commotion and open up their tents and saw the four coyotes about to jump on Adrian. As Adrian saw the wild dogs he saw the brothers looking at him and he starts to activate the shocking mechanism to defend himself, the first one jumped on Adrian but he managed to stunned the beast, then Adrian growled so loud that it scared the three coyotes away and even woke up Aviva Koki and Jimmy
Aviva: what happened what was all that noise
She saw the coyote laying on the ground and was devastated about what happened to the poor animal .
Aviva: what happened here!
Adrian: it was self defense four more were going to attack me I'm sorry.
Chris: Aviva don't be angry on him the bright side is that the coyote is still breathing and he'll be alright .
Aviva started to calm down but still was not pleased about the incident. Then Martin noticed something red on Adrian forearm
Martin: um Adrian there is something red going down your arm
Adrian took a look and notice that the coyote scratched him. And that he is bleeding
Adrian: I'll treat it later but Aviva I'm sorry that I did this to him.
Aviva: lets just forget about this alright I'm going back to the tent.
The team went to their tents and as Adrian was tending his claw slashes he and Jingfei overhear Aviva and Koki's conversation.
Koki: look Aviva I know that what the kid did was wrong but think about it if he didn't did what he did he would have been coyote food all life is important.
Aviva: I know Koki but I don't like that animals get hurt I even heard the poor thing whimper look I'll give him tomorrow than I'll forgive him.
Adrian: Jingfei I don't know if what I did was a good idea I mean like I didn't want to do it but he attack me first I mean it's not like I shot it with a gun it was just an electric stun.
Adrian peaked out his tent and saw that the coyote left to find his pack and didn't see no blood from the animal.
Adrian: well I just checked the thing left but still I feel guilty about it well I hope all is well tomorrow.
Jingfei and Adrian snuggle close together and fell asleep.
July,2nd 6:00 am The sun was rising everyone was awake and putting away the camping gear When they were done jimmy set a course to Amarillo.
9:00 am Adrian was getting text from Adam
Adam: hey little bro I'm at the ranch where you at?
Adrian: hey Adam we had to stop for a night due to storm clouds were blocking the way.
Adam: oh I see well I've made it to the ranch I hope you come soon.
Adrian: alright see you soon.
12:00 pm the team had made it to Amarillo and as soon as jimmy landed Adrian took off to find his brother he than saw the house and the three barns.
Adrian's phone goes off and it was a text from his brother.
Adam: hey little bro are you here?
Adrian: hey yeah I'm at the ranch where you at?
Adam: I'm in the old house I'll unlock the door for you.
Adrian: alright I'm on my way
Adrian than walked to the house and went inside as soon as he stepped in he saw Adam sitting on the couch talking with an man in his late 50s as Adam stood up he ran to Adrian and hugged him as he really missed him.
Adrian: it's so good to see you again you would not believe how much I missed you.
Adam: same every day back in college I kept on thinking about you and that we would reunite one day.
Adrian: Adam who is that man ?
Adam: oh this is mom and dad's attorney as soon as I was coming up here I got a call from him that he would meet us here to discuss about the property and to give us the keys for this house and the three barns out side. His name is Mr. Wilkinson.
Mr.Wilkinson: pleasure to meet you two I've been with your parents from when we were in college now I just wanted to say that they left you this property and a good amount of money for the both of you in one of the barns. Here are the keys for the house, the three barns and I don't know what these keys open but you can figure it out .also this letter is for both for you. and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to call my office.
He hands Adam a card with his office phone number and left to his car in a hurry as he was late for a meeting. Meanwhile Adrian's creature pod was buzzing and then a hologram of Chris appeared.
Chris: Adrian where are you?
Adrian: Chris I'm so sorry I'm at my family's ranch I'm with my brother in a brown two story house. And next to it are three barns one is small one is medium and large
Chris: alright we're on our way. (End of call)
Adrian: Adam I would like for you to meet some friends of mine.
As Adrian leads Adam to the Tortuga on the way they met up with Chris,Martin and Jingfei .
Martin: there you are Adrian where were you?
Adrian: I went to meet up with my brother and we now own this ranch now. Adam you remember Martin the one in green is Chris his younger brother,and I also want you to meet Jingfei she lived in the fujian province in China.
Adam: it's nice to meet you all I'm Adam Adrian's older brother if you don't know.
Chris: I've had some idea that you were the oldest.
Jingfei: it's nice to meet you Adam I didn't know that you were the oldest I thought Adrian was the oldest.
Martin: Adrian just to let you know Aviva wants to talk to you, you have to go.
Adrian: alright I'll head there now
As Adrian heads back to the Tortuga Adam leads the trio to the house to show them around.
As Adrian was close to the Tortuga He then sees Aviva looking at the house and farm.
Adrian: hey you feeling alright?
Aviva: hey look I'm sorry for bursting out like that last night it's just I don't like it when animals are hurt or killed. Also how's your arm.
Adrian: so far it's still healing but it's doing alright. But I understand I felt scared and sad that this one time some guy and his friends killed a baby seal and recorded the thing that when they showed it on the news I was shocked. they were minding their own business but here comes these men bashing babies in their heads with a club just to make a quick buck, it saddens me. So you have every right to be upset I felt guilty for shocking the poor creature, so can we still be friends?
Aviva: yes we're still friends you know your alright kid.
Adrian: want to look around the house and the barns? my brother and I haven't Opened up the barns there are many surprises waiting ahead.
Aviva: sure I'll let Koki and jimmy tag along.
As Aviva was getting Koki and jimmy, Adrian went back to his brother and saw him outside the small barn. Adam opens the door and inside there was a small chicken coop at first they thought it was empty till Adrian heard a little peep. He rushed to the coop to see that a chick was hatched he showed it to his friends and brother they were filled with joy that the chick hatched. Then Adrian asks Adam if he can open up the medium barn, Adam gave Adrian the key and before he opens up the door he listened for any animals till he heard a familiar noise.
He opens the door and he saw ten cows in the first row and in the back he saw eight horses
He went to the back row and the horses had different pelts the first one was a red with white spots,the second one had an all golden yellow pelt, the third had a all black pelt, the fourth had a all brown pelt, the Fifth had a brown with white pelt, the sixth had a all white pelt,the seventh had a all grey pelt, and the last one was all red pelt. As Adam and the others went to the medium barn they saw Adrian admiring the horses and wanted to choose the horse they want to ride. Adrian: Adam can I have the golden horse?
Adam: sure little bro but you've got to take care of him you hear?
Adrian: I hear you and I promise to take care of him.
Adrian opens the stable to the golden horse, he admired the animal and its beauty.the horse looked at him in the eye and snorted and put his head down to allow Adrian to feel his hair and to stroke him.
Adrian grabbed a pile of hay and puts it next to the animal, the horse started to eat it, than Adrian grabs a bucket and filled the tub with water for the horse to drink.
Adrian: now all I have to do is name you, what about dexter?
The horse snorted meaning he does not approve.
Adrian: ok off the list what about gold?
The horse whines as he likes the name.
Adrian: ok I can tell you like the name well I've got to go I'll see you tomorrow gold.
Adrian closes the stable and heads to the barn entrance. Adam gives Adrian the big barn key and starts to head there before he unlocks the door he puts his ear close to listen for any animals but he heard nothing. He unlocks the door and it was pitch black nor Adrian and Adam can't see. They went inside to feel for a switch. Later Adam found a big lever and flipped it up one by one a light would turn on and they were surprised to their discovery.
There was a red and turquoise 1950 Chevrolet truck than Adam and Adrian saw the two keys and thought that maybe it would turn on. So Adam gave Adrian a key and went to the turquoise while Adrian went inside the red, Adrian puts the key in the ignition and turns it till
Adam: I'll be damned these old trucks works.
Then Adrian and Adam turn off the trucks and as Adam stepped out of the barn Adrian went to the very back and noticed that there was a secret door and Adrian pushed it open it was dark till he found the light switch, he saw a bunch of weapons. He saw a double barrel shotgun, some revolver pistols, a Winchester and Henry repeating rifle, and a bow with arrows.
Adrian: I hope that we won't go to a point where we have to use them.
He picked up the pistol and opened up the chambers and saw that they are all empty than he put it back on the table. Adrian promise himself not to tell anyone about the room except for Adam since they owned the ranch.
Adrian was about to leave the barn before he left he turned off the light to the secret room.
It was sunset around 7:00 pm and everyone was going to the house Adrian sat on the couch and Jingfei sat next to him and wanted to hug him.
Jingfei: hey Adrian I just want to say thank you for not leaving me.
Adrian: I care about you I don't want you to be living in the streets fujian plus I made a promise to your grandma that I would never leave you for another girl or for nothing you are the only one In my world as well as Adam and the brothers.
Adam: hey little bro Um I wanted to ask you if you want to have a room in the first floor or the second floor?
Adrian: hmm I think the second floor sounds nice.
Adam: alright Thanks for letting me know.
Adrian went to the HQ to grab all his clothes and belongings as soon as he grabs them he then went to the second floor of the house and he saw an empty bed room that's has its own bathroom in it he then puts the clothes that are in hangers In his closet and his shorts and boxers in the drawers he then had a mirror attached to the drawers next to his window and in front of the bed was an armoire with two big doors as he opens them there was a tv with a cable box Blu-ray player and a Xbox one inside and in the bottom was two drawers and as he opens the first one he saw that there was big case he pulls it out and saw that there was gold that was worth millions and that there was 50,000 dollars and that there was a golden revolver pistol as well as a golden m1911 colt semi automatic pistol. He puts the case back and closes the first drawer, he then opens the second one and inside there was a belt with a two holsters attached on the left and right side. And there was three boxes the first one said revolver ammo the second one said 1911 ammo and the third one said 12 gauge shells. Adrian reaches deep into the drawer and pulls out a pump action shotgun that was sawed off and was able to carry in the pouch of his horse saddle.
Adrian closes the drawers and decided to shower, after he was done he put on some black shorts and a white tank top and headed down stairs to make himself something to eat.
When he was heading down he then bumps into Chris and wanted to talk to him in private.
Adrian leads Chris into his room and closes the door.
Adrian: what's the matter Chris?
Chris: well I've been wondering is it ok for you and your brother that If we can stay here for a year or two?
Adrian: yeah sure you are all allowed to stay here as long as you want but I mean you all have to help around the ranch of course and not to mention you all have your own horses to take care of as well remember that I helped you out when I first met you all well I'm doing you a very big favor by Letting you all to stay.
Chris: thanks you are a life saver there are times where I would like to stay in one area and not travel at times.
Adrian: I know how that feels you ain't alone ok.
9:00 pm Adrian was in the kitchen going through pantries and fridge to find something to cook till he found some burger patties in the freezer and some buns in the pantry, he then put some oil on a pan and turned on the stove. Than as soon as the pan is hot enough he cooks the burgers. 9:25 pm Adrian was done making the burgers and passed them out for his family to eat. 10:30 pm Adrian was in his room watching some old episodes of Wild Kratts before he goes to sleep to prevent anyone from hearing he connects his Bluetooth earphones to listen and as soon as the episode finishes he heads to sleep.
12:00am Adrian kept on tossing and turning in his bed as he is having the same dream as he and gold were riding till something startles gold and bucks him off onto a cactus and was saved by Native American tribe and discovers that the wolf spirit was in him.
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Tortured Souls. (14)
With: Bucky Barnes x Reader.
Warnings: Pain.
Word Count: 2,273
One Week Later.
The process of healing was painful. Somehow every breath you gave without the use of painkillers was a reminder of how bad Bucky’s hands had hurt you.
The mansion in Italia was the best spot since no one dared to come to the door making questions.
The nurses Tony hired were happy with the job opportunity and were strictly professional not making any questions or looking at you or Tony with a different look.
Steve got back to the Compound two days after you woke up, you knew he wanted to look out for Bucky.
None of your friends appeared but you couldn’t blame them, they couldn’t suddenly drop their lives and fly to another country.
But Sam called and Clint made a video chat since Laura was also worried about you.
The children jumped seeing you again but the younger was worried about why you had been hurt so much, Clint explained that you fought the bad guys and to win you had to get hurt a little. The kid asked what bad guys and Clint said it was the guys that said bad things about Santa and the Tooth Fairy.
Half of your heart was okay knowing your friends were well and Sharon wouldn’t hurt people and blame you for so.
But the other half hated to be ’locked’ on a bed and about Bucky’s missing.
Keeping your mouth shut was hard because it was eating you alive, you wanted to grab one of the MK’s and fly to search for Bucky.
Thinking of such you knew you wouldn’t be able, it was completely traumatizing how he, under orders, made you feel.
How in a matter of seconds the touch you loved so much, the touch that brought you comfortableness and safety turned into something dark.
You don’t even know if you could look into his eyes ever again.
The nurses helped you shower and gave you the medicine necessary, Tony asked if it was all okay for the night and one of them answered that the other dose of the remedy would be only in 12 hours. He nodded and said they could go around the city and send his men to secure them and also to pay attention if any would leak some sort of information.
Tony placed the large armchair near your bed, since he didn’t want to hurt you, and stood there texting a few things to Fury. “So how did you know I was still alive?” You asked.
“Fury called.” He answered evenly and you knew he wouldn’t just be at home drinking whiskey and then Fury called calmly saying: ‘Y/N body didn't burn in the fire’.
“You know I know you right?” You said firmly and he blocked the blue phone and gave you his full attention.
He chuckled. “I placed a hacker on your jumpsuit before you entered in the quinjet.”
You remembered the moment and understood why he was extra touchy that day. “Well, I can’t blame you for that. Smart.” If it wasn’t the tracker maybe you would be far away with Artem. “Anyone got injured?”
“You mean besides you?!” He mocked making you roll your eyes.
“No. Your friend was really hurt, but Steve and Sam took him out of there. I-” He trailed off. “I guess I need to thank him… when everyone got out of there he stood trying to save you.” You nodded, only if he knew… “But only that. Y/N listen, I’m sorry I didn’t stay there trying to save you, my suit was almost off and Clint literally slapped me and-”
Of course he felt guilty, he always does. “It’s okay Tony. It was a bomb, after all, I’m glad Clint took you out of there.” Honest ornamented your words. “Tell me where is the bitch.”
“Locked away. Under Fury’s supervision.”
“I wanted to kill her. Fuck.” Sharon’s stupid smile couldn’t leave your head, how she mentioned Bucky and even suggested using the trigger words to make him touch another woman.
“She said why she did all of that?”
You laughed in rage but regretted since your neck stung. “Besides being some actress on the rise?!” He nodded. “Because of her aunt, apparently. She said it was because didn’t matter what she did the world would only expect more and more. And also because of Steve apparently. She said that it didn’t matter how much she tried to hang out with him, he would always be “chilling” with me.“
“Yeah, uau! She complained about Maria Hill being Fury’s left arm.”
“Which makes sense since she ordered to the henchman to say it was Maria behind the mask.”
“Exactly. She also said that I’m just an agent because of your name. Oh oh, and she also called you stupid saying you’re no hero.”
“Okay, once again: uau.” He smiled relieved and you stood there on the bed, wanting… no, needing* to talk with him about Bucky and your feelings, your heart was full and Tony was your best friend.
But you couldn’t, you already were in bed, has no need to make him have a heart attack.
The bags under his eyes were explicit and you had an idea. “Can you do me a favor?” He nodded. “Bring an extra bed, since you won’t lay in that one.” He grinned. “Turn a TV and let’s watch something, how about Simpsons?”
"Sure. I will call one of the bodyguards to make sure they’re all okay.”
You smiled and saw him leaving, you just needed him to rest. And needed to heal. You couldn’t wait to grab Artem again, you did before. You could do it again, right?
But at the moment, you just needed that Tony rested a bit.
“Any track of him?” Steve asked Sam.
Both have been searching for Bucky, Clint was sort of too calm, but before Steve could ask if he knew Bucky’s whereabouts he had gone back to his family and Steve knew he couldn’t intervene in that.
“Nah. I searched for everything, nothing yet.”
Steve went to Bucky’s apartment but found nothing, Sam flew through the areas Bucky could be hidden but once again, nothing.
Life couldn’t stop and Fury found a mission to Steve rather fast. Being Captain America he needed to save the world, and with Iron Man and you out of the picture, Steve couldn’t be absent too.
But Steve Rogers couldn’t spend a minute without worrying about his friend.
He knew how much Bucky loved you, and passing through a terrible experience where he has literally to hurt you, it was too much.
Steve needed to find him before Bucky tried something against himself.
The man had reached Texas and sneaked into the further abandoned house he could find.
He was in pain.
Pure pain in his body, heart, soul. The regret he felt with all the people he was forced to hurt and kill over the years didn’t reach the amount of regret he felt for hurting you. He knew it would happen eventually, he had told you so. 
But he was selfish, he couldn’t control himself and here he was. He hid, running away from everything and with heavy suicidal thoughts.
And you hurt probably still in coma.
He hated himself and he didn’t even feel the tears falling anymore. They just did.
When the doctor, who Tony sent a jet to grab and take him to Italia, said you were better Tony felt relieved.
But also the doctor said you couldn’t make efforts because the pain would still be there a little longer.
He recommended physiotherapy, a few soft movements to make your facial and neck's bones better.
He also recommended avoiding stress, which you chuckled because how exactly could you avoid it? Being a superhero was all about stress.
But you knew he was doing his job and a great one so you thanked him and Tony sent him back home.
Bruce and Natasha came to visit the day after, Bruce was happy to see you alive but said how sorry he was the moment he saw how broken you looked.
You thanked and smiled at seeing him, you loved Bruce because he was a great friend and always made the best inventions with Tony. When Natasha entered the room she stood on her feet, differently since after every mission you got injured she would be the one that sits beside you.
The place was tense but gladly Bruce spoke up and it made the situation less tense.
You didn’t know what say to Natasha, she was probably regretting not believing you when you needed her the most, but where you stand on all of this?
Bruce revealed that they found Artem’s relatives and discovered where he would be hidden.
You jolted in the bed and said they needed to grab him, Bruce said it wasn’t that simple because he would be using another name but you were restless. “Bruce, I want that guy dead or in jail. Honestly, we need to-”
“To nothing, you will rest!” Tony said in a firm voice.
You rolled your eyes. “Tony, please let’s end this."
“Y/N, you can’t move and hurt yourself more, come on, you have been healing in a small amount of time. I will grab this new information and send a special team to grab the fucker. You need to rest."
“Tony is right.” Natasha said and you looked at her, her face was confusingly nervous. “You are in pain, you can’t go on missions.”
You let her words sink but looked at Tony. “Then you go.” He shook his head confused, almost every time you told him to sat at home and avoid stress. “You go, Steve, Bruce, Sam, even Peter!”
“Me too.” Natasha replied.
“I just need to someone grab that guy and kill him or throw him in jail. Finish this."
“I know that! Isn’t that the why we fight? So we can end and go home? We went there, we managed to grab Sharon and cleaned your name. You go..." He moved his hands pointed to your broken form. “Almost killed and those injuries won’t magically disappear. So you will calm down and let SHIELD work a little.”
Bruce nodded. “He is right Y/N/N, you need to take care of yourself, is acceptable all that rage but isn’t worth it enough to kill you.”
Bruce was right, but you weren’t, only, mad because of all the shit that guy made on your name and life, no, you were seeing red because of what he did with Bucky.
Of how he took the man you love and broke him. You knew Bucky was probably damaged beyond repair.
And you will kill Artem because of it. “You are right.” You said in a small voice, make a fuss wasn’t going to help.
Steve was gone on a mission and Sam was alone in the Compound, he was watching TV and writing a few places Bucky would be around the globe. Bucky Barnes surely knew how to disappear.
The things occurring on the TV didn’t get Sam’s attention, it was on the journal so he just listened the bad things going around and tried the hardest to remember the names on the passports he had seen on Bucky’s apartment a few months back. “A fire killed at least 15 people last night in Texas close to Oklahoma division. The fire started in a gas leak and the victims are being buried tonight. The fire had almost 40 people and gladly the 25 other victims were saved. No one has a strong clue yet, but a woman said that a strong man saved the number of people. One of the kids said the man’s arm was strong almost like metal or iron. Iron Man wasn’t the one and maybe it could be the Winter Soldier. What a change of life right, Trevor?” The reporter that seemed way too funny to mention Bucky and you around the news.
Sam jolted off the couch and got prepared to go find Bucky in Texas.
Steve was on a mission but the moment he would step into the apartment he would go search his friend.
A Couple Of  Days Later.
Sam was about to give up his wait and go looking for Bucky himself, but Steve entered the place totally drained out of energy. “Cap, I think I found him.”
Steve shook his head confused but got what Sam indicated. “Where?”
“Texas, it occurred a fire and someone saved them. A child said that the savior had a strong arm and another person said he looked like the Winter Soldier.”
“Let’s go!” Steve answered not losing time to take his uniform off.
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yjxparker · 5 years
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the YUJAEN SHAREHOUSE welcomes PARKER HWANG to 1f. they have resided in the HAEAN BUILDING for one year and seven months now, and are currently a STUDENT & PART-TIME BOUNCER
beks is BACK with a new baby !! parker, my sweet, sad boy. under the cut you’ll find a short biography, headcanons, and wanted connections !! give this a like and i’ll come to you for plots <3
name: parker hwang
age: 26
dob: may 2nd, 1993
height: 182cm / ~5′10
weight: 62kg / ~136lbs
zodiac sign: taurus
sexuality: heterosexual
gender: cismale
occupation: 2nd year musical composition student at yongsa college, part-time bouncer at club arena
positive personality traits: mature, leve-headed, gentle, perceptive
negative personality traits: stubborn, evasive, uncommunicative, cynical
parker was born and raised in bellaire, texas. an accidental child, he was born when his parents were only 16, and so most of his childhood was spent in the company of his grandmother. his parents weren’t entirely uninvolved, but even now he describes his relationship with his biological mother as more of a brother-sister situation than that of a mother and son. 
they struggled slightly. his grandmother, though not old, struggled with health issues for most of her life and had never planned on taking care of more than one child from infancy to adulthood. while parker loved her to bits, because of her struggles and her feeling of obligation towards raising her daughter’s accidental son she was always quite strict with him. this caused him to spend much of his childhood and early teen years acting out as a way of feeling like he was in control of himself.
he never did overly well in school, scraping by with c’s for a majority of his academic career. he had few aspirations for himself, always just assuming he would stay in bellaire forever with his grandmother and take over her small bakery when she passed. he had no issues with the idea---these were his stomping grounds, and he had no desire to go anywhere else. why move somewhere new and different when you could keep getting stoned on your high school track field every night for the rest of your life instead?
that was his train of thought until he met heejin.
the niece of one of his grandmother’s customers, heejin was visiting her aunt and uncle from korea. parker was smitten with her instantly, and she with him. their whirlwind romance didn’t go unnoticed by either of their families. parker’s grandmother was ecstatic, hoping that heejin’s gentle demeanor and maturity would help parker relax. heejin’s family on the other hand, weren’t overly pleased. parker’s reputation for trouble (among other things) displeased heejin’s conservative family. and as most 19 year old boys do when they fall in love for the first time, parker changed who he was entirely to fit the mold of what they wanted for heejin. 
their relationship progressed quickly, him moving to korea to be with her after her two months in texas drew to a close. his grandmother warned him against moving across the world for someone he barely knew but he didn’t listen, choosing to follow his heart rather than stay at home like he originally planned. 
their relationship was as much of a whirlwind months and then years in as i was in the beginning. parker took on a lot of responsibility, finding himself a job that was independent from his grandmother for the first time, living on his own, and caring for himself. it was a hard adjustment, but having heejin to keep him going made things easier. 
they were together for five years, engaged for two, before one day he came home and she was gone. all he got was a text about how she needed to go find herself, and no other explanation. it hurt. more than anything else he’d ever felt in his entire life. and while it hurt, he understood. it didn’t make him any less angry, but all he wanted was for heejin to be happy, even if it was without him. 
he moved to yongsa shortly after, not wanting to go back to texas alone and heartbroken. a fresh start felt like what he needed, and anything would be better than coming home to an empty apartment every night. moving into the sharehouse was an interesting adjustment, and for someone who isn’t overly social it was overwhelming at first, but he’s grown to love it.
now, he’s studying his second year of music composition at yongsa college, and working as a club bouncer. he has healed considerably from everything with heejin but definitely keeps his heart more guarded now than he did before. however, he is happy he had a chance to grow on his own.
jilted, but still gentle, parker did most of his growing up in his early twenties. he followed his heart from his tiny texas hometown to gwanju when he was nineteen years old, hand in hand with his first love. wide puppy dog eyes were eager to take in a new world, and for the first few years things were fantastic. he grew up considerably, going from a rambunctious, trouble-making teenager into a well-behaved young man in a matter of months. love changes people, after all. it was these changes, though, that ended up coming back to bite him.
while he grew up, she never did. he wanted to settle, build a nest, and she wanted to go and fly. when she left parker realized that, just like her, he had never really learned how to be alone. he had become the person he thought he needed to be instead of who he really was. this was when his growth really began.
rather than fall back into old destructive habits, parker did what he could to better himself. he started going to university and realized he had a love for composing and creating beautiful things. that while he was gentle, he had the ability to be sure and steady if he let himself. he is patient, has his grandma’s cooking skills. enjoys listening for the sake of listening rather than just responding. he manages to keep himself calm in situations that would generally drive others crazy.
he learned about the darker parts of himself, too. his stubborn streak that had gotten him into so many sticky situations when he was young, and his tendency to run away from problems rather than face them. when bad things happen, rather than ask for help or even deal with them within himself, he’d rather just ignore them all together and pretend they never happened. that, and his issue with verbalizing his feelings, lead to a fairly cynical outlook on life. however, he has an optimistic look on pessimism—if he believes the worst is going to happen he’ll either be right or pleasantly surprised.
he absolutely adores taylor swift !!! he's seen her on every single one of her tours since she started her career. his favourite songs are you belong with me and the lucky one.
he has a pet cat. baby was originally his ex-fiancee's but when she left she left baby behind and parker didn't have the heart to surrender him despite really disliking cats.
his accent when he speaks korean is Not The Best despite having spoken it his entire life. no matter what language he speaks he can't get rid of his southern drawl. it makes for some funny sounding words.
plays guitar...badly....he's been playing for 10 years but still can't seem to get the hang of it, but he will persevere !!
studying music composition casually. his college career originally began as a way to keep his mind off of his shitty life situation but he actually genuinely enjoyed it and decided to attend again this year.
he enjoys cooking very much, especially southern classics like brisket, corn bread, and fried chicken.
big sweet tooth !! anything cinnamon flavoured is his favourite. he's always waiting for pumpkin spice latte season to come around.
he still keeps in contact with his grandmother but he hasn’t told her about him and heejin breaking up yet, even though it’s been 2 years. he’s worried she’ll be disappointed
truly a big softie under his quiet and calculating exterior
a big studio ghibli fan. his favourite movie is when marnie was there
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lu-undy · 5 years
Solitude - Chapter 1 (Sniper x Spy, in progres, currently up to Chapter 16 on AO3 and fanfic.net)
"Right, Paris, there we go."
Mundy's train was braking and the sound of the friction from the metallic wheels was deafening. After his contracts as a sniper and hunter ended, he felt quite bored of his nonetheless beloved australian Outback. His family had advised him to go tour the world. He had started going through Asia and had been in Europe for quite some time now. He had seen a good part of Eastern and Central Europe and now was the time to visit France.
   "Veuillez attendre l'arrêt complet du train. Quand vous descendez, faites attention à la bordure du quai."  
   [Please wait until the train is completely stopped before coming off. When you step off, watch your step for the platform.]  
The whistling of the brakes finally ended. Mundy took his suitcase and got off. He looked around him.
"Oh bugger..."
The train station was a chaotic anthill. People were pouring out of trains and pouring in others, rushing in and out of the station. Mundy held his hat on his head and followed the wave of people out of the station. Before he exited the station, he found a desk where he asked some directions to the room he had booked. His French was very limited but in spite of it, he nonetheless managed to be understood. He scribbled some notes to remember them and started walking. The room he had rented was within walking distance from the station. It was not a hotel room but a rental that would be a bit less costly. He had intended to stay in Paris quite a bit of time, to see if living in such a big city could bring the change of scenery he was looking for.
The sky was blue with only a couple clouds. It was the beginning of May and the grey tones of winter were now only a vague souvenir for the Parisians. Mundy looked around him. People were dressed very differently from each other. But as he walked through a rather wealthy neighbourhood, the diversity in clothing dramatically plummeted to leave only men in suits and ladies in fashionable dresses and matching hats. The architecture of the buildings around him was very different from what he had seen so far. The buildings were not very tall yet had a very distinctive presence. The light beige color of the bricks shined particularly brighly with the nice weather. They looked very geometrical, almost as if the only tools used to design them were a ruler and a set square. The windows were rectagular and longer than wide. They reflected the sun in Mundy's eyes as he walked past them. Naturally, he was wearing his aviator glasses so he was not bothered at all.
He cut through and arrived to a less wealthy neighbourhood. His room was nonetheless in a modern, good looking building which in fact sat at the frontier with the wealthy part of town. The building must have been quite new as the white paint on the walls and front fence were still shining as if brand new.
His room was on the third floor. He was sharing the kitchen with a couple of French people around his age. They were the ones advertising for the room. When Mundy opened the door, none of them were in which was expected as they were both working. They also said that Mundy would find a letter on the living-room's table. He first proceeded to visit the flat quickly to find his room and put his suitcase down. He went back to the kitchen to read the letter. It was written in near perfect English and contained warm welcoming words as well as some information about the flat and the neighbourhood. Mundy read it carefully and put it in his bedroom.
He started unpacking his suitcase and filling his wardrobe. Well, filling is far from an exact term, he rather put a couple of shirts and trousers, some underwear and socks as well. He liked to travel lightly. He looked around him. The desk had only a couple of pens and a notepad on it. The nightstand next to the bed only had a lamp on it. Mundy took the framed picture that was in the suitcase and put it there. It showed his parents back in Australia. He smiled and took a deep breath.
   I'm getting hungry... Let's go out and see what food I can get in this neighbourhood. And after that, let's hunt for a job.  
Mundy left and started walking in the streets again, looking for something to eat. He could not help thinking about what his family had said while discussing his trip. "You should try to see your colleagues from your days in Mann Co., no doubt they'll be happy to see you." And he did! In Moscow he stopped to see Mikhail, the Heavy weapons guy specialist, now boxing trainer for kids. In Berlin he saw Ludwig, still a doctor but in a research centre. He intended to go and see Tavish, the Demo in Scotland and moving to the US, he was sure to find Dell in Texas, Jeremy in Boston and Jane in a military training camp near Washington.
For now, he was in Paris. He could meet Lucien, the Spy. The only issue is that he was the only one not leaving an address before leaving Mann Co. So God only knew where he was living and if he was in France or not somewhere else, spying and backstabbing...
   Well, it's fine. I guess in this buzzin' city, I will never manage to meet him again. If I started lookin' for him, it'd be like lookin' for a needle in a haystack... A masked needle in a haystack    , disguised as a straw of hay, and backstabbin' other straws of hay... Bah...  
He stopped walking and took a deep breath.
   It smells incredibly good!  
He looked around and saw a bakery at the end of the street.
   Let's get some'in there.  
He ordered a sandwich and a coffee with a croissant. He sat at the terrace and had his meal. He was surprised by the quality of the bread. He was used to the British kind of loaf but this baguette sandwich was truly something else, much tastier and more filling. The croissant was amazing as well. Under the golden crust, a sweet cloud of butter melted on Mundy's tongue.
   Well, that's not a stereotype, the French really know how to make delicious food. Even a sandwich is something else with them!  
He stayed there for a while, watching people come and go while sipping his coffee. A man in a dark blue suit passed by and reminded Mundy of Lucien again. He smiled without realising it.
   I guess it'd be very awkward if we met at a café... The secret spook and the silent sniper... Not saying anything to each other... One smoking his cigarette and the other drinking coffee...  
He sighed, still smiling and put his hat back on.
   Now, to find a job...  
He had been very decently paid while he was in Mann Co. but he nonetheless wanted to keep his days busy. As he had been a hunter of wild animals, zoology was his only expertise, along with killing people from far away some would say. He had hoped that he could work for the Zoo de Vincennes but he first needed to see the place.
   Alright, let's have a look at this zoo...  
After asking for directions and taking a bus and a metro, he was finally standing at the zoo gates.
   Right, let's have a look.  
The zoo was organised in zones. Each zone was a different kind of climate, or a differerent family of animals. Mundy was most familiar with marsupials, crocodiles and birds of prey. He headed in direction of the birds' zone. The zoo had a large collection of birds among wich parrots, budgies, colorful species of them but also eagles and vultures. A zookeeper, surrounded by a herd of people, happened to be giving a tour and stopped in front of the birds of prey. Mundy blended in the group to listen to the explaination. He was lucky the group of people seemed to be tourists so the zookeeper was speaking English.
"And here are our birds of prey. As you can see, we keep each species separated from the others. On you right, the very classical bald eagles, symbol of the United States of America! This is your emblematic bird of prey, you're American right?"
The small crows nodded heads and followed the guide while taking more pictures of the bald eagles than they could ask for.
"Now we move on to falcons, can anyone recognise this one?"
The herd of American tourists went silent.
"Those are peregrine falcons."
The crowd turned to Mundy.
"Indeed! Now, do you know where they live?"
Mundy took his hat off his head.
"On all continents but especially Australia."
"Yes, indeed! Now, the gentleman here seems to know a lot. Do you know their number one cause of death? Let me help you with a clue: you will never guess it."
Mundy adjusted his glasses and smirked.
"These beaut's can dive and fly at the incredible speed of up to 390 kilometres an hour which make them the fastest diving birds on Earth. They hunt and live in solitude. Their preys are mostly smaller birds or sometimes small mammals. They can easily be trained for hunting purposes. Oh and I forgot to mention, they don't have nests like other species, they like to live in small caves on cliffs, more rarely on high enough trees."
The zookeeper's jaw dropped, as it did for the American tourists.
Mundy smiled and put his hat back on. He turned on his heels and started walking to the next enclosure.
"Wait, sir! Can wa have a chat?"
Mundy froze.
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deans-baby-momma · 6 years
The Padackles Link-Chapter 36
The next morning, nurses come and take Drea for more testing and I wander down to the cafeteria to get a cup of coffee. In a daze, I take the hot beverage and sit at one of the empty tables in the corner.
The cafeteria is mostly empty, a few people sitting  variously throughout the room. The outer wall of the room is made up of floor to ceiling windows, giving a view of the outside terrace and the parking lot past that. Ample viewing to see those who are coming to visit loved ones or those who are to be seen by the staff there. I drink my coffee and watch birds fly around outside, landing on the deserted terrace looking for remnants of food left from previous meals ate there. I think back to what I have learned in the last 12 hours.
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One of my sons died. No other way to word it, he died. The doctor had explained to Drea and me that most likely he had had some type of undiagnosed abnormality or possibly something as simple as the cord being displaced. Whatever the reason, we had lost one of our sons and Drea was taking the news hard. Not to say I wasn't. I also was grieving and mourning the life of the son we would never know. But I knew I had to be strong. I had to be calm and steady to keep her stable and secure. I would be there for her through all of this. Nothing was going to take me away from being her rock in this trying time.
As I’m finishing my drink and contemplating getting another, I see a familiar face walking through the lot. Jared and Gen are walking hand in hand toward the entrance so I stand up, throw my cup in the trash bin and head toward the front of the hospital to meet them.
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As soon as they enter, Jared lets go of his wife and pulls me into a bear hug. “What are you doing here?” I ask him, hoping but miserably failing to keep the crack out of my voice.
“Came to check on you and Drea.”
“Thanks man,” I say, wiping my hand down my face. “But I mean what are you doing in Texas? Why aren’t you on set?”
“Gen called me and told me what happened. I talked to everyone and they decided to put a halt to filming for the time being. I got on the first flight home. You didn’t think I was going to let you go through this alone, did you?”
I chuckle. It’s true. Jared and I have had each other’s backs since we met 9 years ago. “I appreciate it.”
“How’s Drea holding up?” Gen asks.
“She’s--she’s not good Gen.” I tell her honestly. “They took her down a little while ago to do some testing and stuff. I don’t know. I can’t remember, it’s just all garbled words in my brain.” I continue, hanging my head in defeat.
“Hey hey,” Gen says, pulling me to her petite frame and hugging me tight. “Don’t do that to yourself. You’ve had a lot to be concerned about. And I know you are trying to be the strong one, not show your emotions. Let it out Jay.”
I placed my forehead on Gen’s shoulder and did just as she said, I let go. Tears fell from my eyes and I let them. I felt Jared put his arms around both myself and his wife and we just stood there while I cried. Cried for the son we had lost, cried for Drea, cried for myself. When the tears were gone, I pulled away from their embrace and wiped my face.
“Let’s go back to the room and wait,” Gen suggested. I nodded and they followed me to the elevator to take the three of us up.
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Drea is surprised to see Gen and Jared when she comes back to the room. Although she doesn’t say much I can tell she is comforted by their presence. Her words from last night swirl in my head. “I can’t do this, Jay. I can’t do it. I’ll understand if you leave me. I couldn’t keep your son safe. I know there is no way you can love me anymore. I let your son die!”
Her cries broke my heart. I kept reaffirming to her I wasn’t going anywhere, that we were going to get through this tragedy together. But today she hasn’t looked at me much. I’ll catch her watching me but as soon as our eyes meet she looks away. It’s like she is watching and waiting for something I know will never come. I will never, ever leave her to deal with this alone. I will never leave her period. I love her but right now I just don’t know what to do to prove it to her.
I was glad Gen was here to help keep Drea from spiralling down into the depression hole that I wasn’t sure she’d ever get out of if she got there. Gen kept Drea preoccupied by talking about different things as I sat across the room and watched, keeping a conversation with Jared. Drea’s eyes would periodically look toward me but she refused to make eye contact. It’s like she was checking to make sure I was still there.  
There was a knock on the door and we all got quiet. The doctor peeks her head and looks around the room before fully entering. She timidly smiles at Jared and I before turning her attention to Drea.
"Mrs. Murphy, I have your results. Would you like some privacy for me to go over these with you?”
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Gen immediately gets out of the chair that is beside the bed and she and Jared leave, telling us they’ll be around. I take Gen’s place beside Drea and grab her hand, lacing our fingers together; preparing ourselves for whatever results we were getting.
“We did some testing, to see if the surviving fetus was viable. If they had shared the placenta, we would’ve had to keep an extra careful eye on him to make sure that he didn’t develop the same abnormalities and even possibly pass away also. Thankfully they weren’t.  We did an amniocentesis to check his genetic makeup for any possible impairments and/or defects. That also came back clear,” the doctor explained, a small smile on her face at the good news.
“We couldn’t for sure maintain that your surviving son won’t be affected by the deceased one but I am going to give you a copy of all your test results to give to your primary ob/gyn, who can sufficiently explain the next steps and the steps you need to take to ensure a healthy and to term pregnancy.”
I felt the tension leave my shoulders and I sighed in relief. “How long do we need to stay in the hospital before I can take her home?”
“I want to keep her here for a couple more hours just to make sure that none of the procedures we performed are going to cause any problems with the fetus and then if her fluids stay up, I can discharge her in the late afternoon. Are you going to be able to stay with her and keep her calm and relaxed? She needs no stress or any type of anxiety. It could be detrimental to her and the baby.”
“Yes. I’m planning to stay with her until we can get further accomodations,” I tell the doctor. Drea finally turns her head and looks at me, wide-eyed and confused. I squeeze the hand that I’m holding and smile at her, letting her know I am here for the long haul.
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I help Drea into the apartment and to our bed, Jared and Gen behind me making sure neither of us need any help. I assist her in changing into something other than her uniform; it had been what she arrived at the hospital in and the only thing she had to wear once she was released.
“Are you comfortable enough? Do you need another pillow? Blanket?”
“I’m fine Jay. I just need to be alone,” she tells me while staring out the window across the room.
“I’ll just be in the next room with Jared and Gen. Yell if you need anything,” I say, bending down and kissing her forehead. She never moves. I stand up and walk toward the door, turning and looking at her one more time; Drea is more focused on the world outside the apartment than what is going on inside. I slump my shoulders in heartache and walk out. I know she is grieving the loss but I just wish she would open up to me, not keep it all bottled inside.
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Jared and Gen spend a couple more hours with me; I know they are as concerned about me as they are about Drea and I appreciate the effort but I just want to be alone and take in all that has happened.
Once they leave, I find Drea asleep once again. She never called for me or asked for help. I wonder if she will recover. She is 26 years old and not only has she lost her husband but now her son. Was this going to be too much. Would this break her? Is she going to be able to endure the rest of the pregnancy, knowing that she would be giving birth to only one now?
What did you think? TELL ME HERE PLEASE!!!!
Chapter 37
@xxdragonagequeenxx @carryonmywaywardcaptain @sunskittlex @darlingpeanut @wayward-gypsy @sis-tafics @sea040561 @pretty-fortune
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rickstexaschick · 6 years
Rick’s Texas Chick Chapter 3
This was originally posted on AO3:
Later that night when she joined them for dinner, Beth casually mentioned that her father had left town on business – at this the two teens had snickered but nothing else was said.  If she was disappointed at Rick’s unexpected absence, she hid it well.  She good naturedly answered all their questions about her previous life in Texas.  Her career, why she’d moved.  At least, she’d given them the answers she was willing to give, up to that point, considering that she’d barely known these people for barely 24 fucking hours.  It was the truth, just…a version of the truth---as her ex would like to say, when it was to his advantage to give the truth ‘versions.’
Truth was, she’d repeatedly opened herself up to mistreatment and abuse by total assholes.  Too trusting, too willing to believe their lies, desperately hoping that the umpteenth time would be the charm.  Instead it was always another charmer, a man willing to lie and scam his way into her heart before swiftly dumping her for greener pastures.  Leaving her to lick her wounds and try again.
This last time had been the final straw.  It almost wrecked her career.  At least, it had made it so she felt like she had to leave, which basically accomplished the same thing.  So, here she was, starting over not only personally but professionally, and almost 2400 miles away from home, to boot.
Fuck, any further west and she’d have ended up out in the middle of the goddam Pacific Ocean.
She’d picked this area because an old friend had semi-retired and moved out here several years earlier.  A psychotherapist, Ana knew he4 personal struggles with relationships.  Ana had always been like a sister to her.  She felt closer to Ana than to her own sisters—each of whom were much older than she, and fully engrossed in their lives and marriages, with grown children and grandchildren.
So, when her elderly parents died, months apart, it precipitated a spectacular emotional meltdown, resulting in the subsequent break-up of her own long-failed marriage, almost ruining her career in the process.  Well, after that, staying around for any more of a shit show had just seemed pointless.  She’d taken some time off and came up to visit Ana.
The beauty of the area had always enchanted her; and the possibility of starting all over here, where she would at least know one person, held huge appeal for her.  She’d researched jobs in the area and found a few worth applying to, one faculty position and a couple at private practices.  She emailed them an updated CV, including a list of professional references----close friends from work and professional organizations back home who knew and understood her situation, and in whom she knew they could be trusted to give a stellar referral to any prospective employer.
No embarrassing tales starring her as the jilted spouse, her angry confrontation with her husband in his office at the hospital, and how their combined screaming and yelling had brought the hospital security on the run.  In the end, she’d taken an extended leave, then ultimately did leave.  So, when it was time to apply for other positions, her work friends were willing to do anything to help her in her efforts to get away and move on with her life.
For this last relationship, her failed marriage, had surely been the worst.  Riddled with more punishing emotional abuse than any of her previous relationships, not to mention the infidelity.  But the physical abuse he’d begun to heap on towards the end, trying to break her…she’d barely had the courage to weather through it.
Then, when her parents had passed away, well, that had just about done her in.  The fact that so much had taken place at her work, in front of everyone: her boss, her colleagues, the staff.  And him cheating on her with staff nurses who worked in the ER at the same damn hospital----it was the classic betrayal.
She shared none of this with her new neighbors that first night at dinner, of course.  Only relating that she’d had a career opportunity at the Medical Center, another faculty position, and it was too much of a good chance to relocate to an area where she’d always wanted to live.  No mention of Ana, though why, she wasn’t sure.
She was happy to talk about her cats, of course----rather pointless, not to.  And was sincerely pleased when Beth had shared that she was a vet, albeit a large animal one and specialized in horses.
Morty asked her if she’d had horses, and she’d smiled kindly at him and told him no.  That, in fact, very few people in Texas owned a horse, unless they lived on a ranch or participated in amateur horse shows and rodeos.  It probably wasn’t all that much different from around here.
She’d had to stop herself from committing her classic blunder of overstepping the initial overtures of friendship and completely baring her soul and opening up her life and home to them like it was a Holiday Inn to come visit whenever they wanted.  Just because this family, and their missing elderly patriarch, were nice on the surface didn’t necessarily mean all was totally as it seemed.  She needed to remain cautiously at a distance until she’d become more settled in and had gotten to know them better.
She had no idea that Beth had sized her up while listening to her, and had understood that there was far more to her story than what she was letting on.  Thoughtfully taking in the dark circles of fatigue underneath her eyes and the lines etched in her face, Beth realized that there was more going on with her than someone who had just executed a 2400 mile car journey alone with 4 cats.  Despite her easy manner with Summer and Morty, ready smile, and friendly Texas drawl, there was a deep-seated pain in those eyes.
Beth wondered what her father would make of this woman, whenever he decided to return.
The weeks quickly passed.  Her furniture arrived a few days after she did, and she had taken a few weeks to get moved in and settled before she began working at her new job.  It usually took several months for new credentialing at a hospital to go through, so she used that to her advantage to stay home and tackle some projects around the house.
After that the days seemed to fly by.  Ana came around a few times, but for some reason, after her first few weeks there, Ana had gradually slipped back out of her life, just as if they were living 2400 miles apart again.  So, that small hope of friendship and support had not bloomed as she’d hoped it would, when she’d first made plans to move out there.
She had always found change difficult, and was slightly abashed with herself for making such a spectacular one during such a vulnerable time in her life.  But this part of the world was so beautiful, and the climate so much more pleasant than the heat and humidity of Houston.  She found herself wondering why she hadn’t moved to the region years earlier.
Oh well, she reminded herself not for the first time:  Things happen for a reason.
Like, your abusive husband cheating on you and forcing you to leave the job you loved.
Or, your beloved parents dying so close together.
She quickly shook this sad train of thoughts from her mind and thought instead about the Smith family.  Rick had recently returned after another week’s absence, looking much the worse for wear.  He’d completely ignored her, kept to himself in his garage, and she was too preoccupied with getting on with her new life to think much about it.
Ana hadn’t liked him the few times she’d come over to visit, and wasn’t shy about it.
“I don’t know...  I don’t like that guy, something about how he sits in that garage all day and is always looking over here.  He’s watching you.  It’s creepy.  Be careful.”
But she scoffed at Ana’s concern – hell, half the time he wasn’t even home.
And besides, after his abrupt departure from her house that first night, and the manner of their next encounter, she’d thought it best not to attempt any further efforts at friendship, anyway…
…It had been about a week since she first arrived.  Rick, Beth, and Summer had been in the kitchen one morning before school, he’d just returned the day before from his unannounced trip.
“So, how’s life li-urp-living across the street from the crazy cat lady these days?”
“Grandpa Rick!  Don’t talk about her like that.  We like her.  She’s a nice person.”
Beth sighed.  “Summer, go get ready for school.”  She waited for her daughter to leave the room before continuing.  “All I’m going to say, Dad, is that I think she’s had a pretty rough go of it.  That’s why she left Texas.  So, be nice to her, ok?  You know: try not to be yourself for a change.”  Beth turned to stack dirty breakfast dishes in the dishwasher.
Rick grumbled in reply.  “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“And, she’s not as young as she looks,” Beth continued, ignoring him and gesturing with a dirty spatula.  “I think she’s even older than I am.  She was a nurse for a long time, then went back to school to become an NP….”
He rolled his eyes; like he cared.  And went out through the open side door leading off the kitchen and into the garage, only to come face to face with her, the stricken look on her face telling him she’d overheard everything.
He’d had the grace to look guilty.
The expression on her face changed from one of pain and embarrassment to anger.  She was holding a pan containing what looked like a large coffee cake of some kind, a pair of pot holders protecting her hands.  She tossed the pan onto his work bench.  It landed with a clatter, sliding along the surface and knocking tools onto the floor.
“Baked this for y’all.  An old family recipe.”  She turned to leave, then stopped and turned back around.
“And I’m 49.  Next time y'all want to know something about me, just ask me.  I hate gossip.”  She marched across the street without a backward look.
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celtfather · 2 years
Wherever I May Roam
Are you like Bilbo Baggins? Do you love a good adventure? Will shaking up your life help you to find happiness?
Subscribe to Pub Songs & Stories #254 to find out.
Welcome to Pub Songs & Stories. This is the Virtual Public House to share stories and inspiration behind my music.
0:24 -  WHAT’S NEW?
Let me start by reminding you that Pub Songs & Stories is a podcast brought to you by my Gunn Runners on Patreon. The public version of his show will be released on the first Monday of each month starting in August. However, there will be a private version. It will come out every other week, exclusively on Patreon.
If you’re looking for Stories from other Celtic bands, then be sure to subscribe to the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast.
If you enjoy my music or this podcast, please sign up on Patreon. You’ll get this podcast, and be able to downloads songs featured in this show. You also get Stories from the Road, sheet music, and get access to the Coffee with The Celtfather concerts which happen on Wednesdays at 11 AM eastern. You get all of that for as little as $5 per month. And you can get a discount with an annual membership.
Thanks to my newest Gunn Runners on Patreon: Ivan MacKillop
I’m still putting together my next Kickstarter. The album is called Come Adventure With Me. It features that title track, and some of my newest music. Several songs are already recorded. And if I haven’t given them away on Patreon yet, they will be available there.
That’s because Streaming music gives you a quick and easy way to sample all of my music. Digital sales keep my business running. Tips and CD sales allow me to tour. Patreon funds my songwriting!
Kickstarter funds physical products like CDs, shirts, album pins and other merch. The plan is to officially release the album next year. But in what format?
I have quite a few people who ask that I keep releasing CDs. I also started releasing Album Pins, which are lapel pins associated with each album.
That is what this new Kickstarter will fund. Yes. Some of the music will go to pay musicians for their time in helping me create the music. But most of it will go into producing physical merch for this album. Although I’m also raising money for album lapel pins of a couple past albums.
If you’re interested in supporting this album, please follow the link to my Kickstarter page and make a pledge.
MAY 6: Tucker Brewing Company, Tucker, GA @ 6:30 - 9:30 PM.
MAY 20: Ironshield Brewing in Lawrenceville, GA @ 7:00 – 10:00 PM.
MAY 21: Pepper Place Farmer's Market, Birmingham, AL @ 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM CT
May 28: The Lost Druid, Avondale Estates, GA
I’m like Bilbo Baggins. I love a good adventure. I think it all started when my parents divorced. My dad would drive us to Texas each summer to stay with our grandparents. My brother and I would fly home a few weeks later. I loved air travel.
Then my mom moved to Italy in 1985. My brother and I flew, just the two of us, across the big blue ocean, to Italy. This was the height of my Dungeons & Dragons days. So going to Italy was like stepping inside one of my D&D campaigns. It was magical. I relished it.
My mom had a small home in Isola Montagne. It was a few miles from the Vicenza military base. I moved to Italy in 1989 to live with my mom. I visited Rome, Venice, the alps, Florence, Verona, just… everywhere. It was incredible. Life was an adventure.
But I also knew that I didn’t want to adventure alone. Sure I had fun in 2003. I sprained my ankle. But I had already booked a flight to Germany where I would take a train to Italy. It was fun. But also lonely.
I wanted a family. In 2009, I met my wife, Gwen, at a house concert in Virginia. It was one of the few actual tours I ever made as a professional musician. We clicked instantly. We solidified our kindred spirits a couple months later when we met up in London. Our first big date was in Cambridge.
I was living in New Orleans at the time. It turned out that New Orleans was where she called home before she swam out of it during Hurricane Katrina. We are connected in part by our love of travel.
That’s something we’ve made a big part of our lives, and that of our children too. We took Kenzie to Galway, Ireland when she was 1 ½ years old. It was cold, wet and rainy that April of 2012. But an adventure!
Since then, we’ve gone back to Cambridge. We’ve traveled around the US. This summer, we’re heading to Scotland and Europe as a family.
This is what “Wherever I May Roam” is all about. It’s finding happiness and love wherever we are. One of my first epiphanies back in the 80s was that if things aren’t working out how you want them to, shake things up. Do something radical.
That’s why I moved to New Orleans. It’s why I split up the success of the Brobdingnagian Bards to move to New Orleans. Travel is a great way to open your mind and spirit to great possibilities.
7:50 - Marc Gunn “Wherever I May Roam” from Selcouth
You can download “Wherever I May Roam” as an MP3 when you join my Gunn Runners on Patreon.
Hey if you want to join me on an adventure, every year I host Celtic Invasion Vacations. These are small group trips to Ireland or Scotland. This year we’re going to Invade the Banks of Loch Lomond. The trip is already filled up. I don’t know where we are going next year. But you can subscribe at celticinvasion.com to be the first to find out.
Thanks for listening to Pub Stories. The show was produced by Marc Gunn, edited by Mitchell Petersen with graphics by Miranda Nelson Designs. You can subscribe and listen wherever you find podcasts. You can also subscribe to my mailing list. You will get regular updates of new music, podcasts, special offers, and you’ll get an album for free. Welcome to the pub at www.pubsong.com!
#pubstories #whereverimayroam #kickstarter
Check out this episode!
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spnbaby-67 · 6 years
Secret Lives Chapter 2
A/n:  Hi ya’ll im hoping to get this out before tropical storm Alberto comes in and we are without power.  but keep in mind this is a filler chapter. the real  stuff starts next but its a bit of background on why Jensen’s on the road, thank you all so much for the love and comments on chapter one, honestly i was a bit scared, but glad this story is going places.  i got a direction on how its going and i apologize its a little late coming out. had a few rough days. remeber this is an alternate supernatural universe, jensen is single so no hate on Danneel, i love her just the same. please dont copy and paste on others sites literally took me six months to get back into writing,   likes, comments, reblogs are ok.. Also I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU!!!! 300 FOLLOWERS!!! I never thought i’d get this much response so thank you, and I’ll try and do something in return soon. Ok enough blabbering let’s get reading. 
Pairing: Jensen and reader, Jared Padalecki, Adam OMC (i pictured Jake Abel) Jeffrey Dean Morgan mentioned, 
Warnings; none other than maybe cussing. 
Filler Chapter
Secret Lives chapter two
Readers pov
You woke up but slightly, trying to adjust your blurry vision. You didn't know how long you have been out, but from what it felt like, possibly a bit more than the normal. You soon found out that you were in the living room lying on your back on the sofa. Your head pounded like a thousand drum solos gone completely wild and out of control. You felt nauseated and like you were flying, but you knew that was impossible it was just a sensation you were experiencing from the hit. The last thing you remember was the front leg of Scarlets hoof hitting you in the back of your head, and her running off to who knows where. Tears escaped your eyes remembering that, she was your best horse and you hoped to god Adam had found her. Maybe that's why he was pacing a few feet away from you, and on the phone.
You tried to move a bit, but ended up letting out a moan from the pain.Adam heard and came over to kneel before you.
“Y/N,  oh thank God your ok. How many fingers am I holding up?”  You tried to giggle but that even hurt, it was funny to you because he was holding both hands up one behind the other.
“If you would use one hand instead of both behind the other, maybe I could tell.”  You tried to get up, but the pain in your head forced you back down.
“I don't think you should move just yet.”He had bent down to your eye level.
You look at him “But I have to get Scarlett back, she's our prize horse Adam.”
“i know this Y/N, but your in no position to move, let alone stand up. I had to move you against everything I was taught about head injuries, but I couldn't just leave you out in the storm either. So there's no telling if you have internal injuries or a concussion, until we know you stay put. “ he gave you strict orders as he stood up, which you gave him a bitch face look but obeyed,  “The rains have stopped, I’m going to go check on the horses. Dr. Montgomery will be here shortly to look at you.”
You squint your eyes at him, ‘What? Why? It was just a hit on the head Adam, no need to have called her out here.”
“Tough, like I said I had to move you.” he paused a moment, “Also you had blood running down the back of your head, so better be safe than sorry. Sue me.” He looked at you, and you knew he cared, even though at times he didn't show it. “I’ll be right back. Stay put!”  He pointed a finger at you.
You rolled your eyes at him, even that hurt to do. Judging by that intense pain, you laid your head back down and closed your eyes. You knew Adam would take care of the horses, just like he always did before. But it didn’t stop you from worrying about Scarlet, and where she went.
Jensen pov
Driving from Vancouver to Atlanta had to be one of the most stupid things he had ever done in his life. Yeah he travelled long distance before, but those were planned and he wasn't by himself. He was with family or friends, being by himself gave him too much time to think. Too much time to hear his head tell him negative things he didn't need to hear. But yet here he was, on the road and somehow he agreed to it. He had to figure out a way as to why Jared had a knack for getting him to do what he was against. But as he would have heard Jared put it, it's either that or he would be on him like a flea stuck to a dog, and just the thought of that sent a quiver down his spine. They had a couple of more days to wrap up after the season finale for summer break, he didn’t want to leave or do anything until he knew they were completely done. They had to tear things down, put things up, and he always enjoyed doing that every year, because  it gave him time to be with behind the scenes crew to tell them thank you personally.  He knew that meant more to them than anything, and he made attempts to do that every year since season five. Plus it showed them he wasn’t completely in it for the money, he was really a down to earth person. Funny thing is, they knew, and that’s why they all loved him to. It's what kept them coming back every year. Besides, it's not like he had a wife to go home to like Jared did. They understood when Jensen went to tell them he wouldn’t be there to help them this year, and thankfully some of the looks on their faces they were glad he was going to have some R and R time. Even they knew he needed it.
Sitting in his trailer debating if he wanted to go home or just stay there for the night. Jensen sat at the table  nursing a much needed beer. Thinking of how much he needed a break and what he could do to get out of this depressed state he was currently in. Hearing a knock, then seeing the door open, he knew who it was.  He knew that the way he left stage, that he’d get a visit and he knew Jared would not give up until he got answers. At times, he’s thankful for Jared’s thoughtfulness, but times like this he just wants to be alone. Nothing against Jared or anyone really, it’s just something he has to deal with.
“Jare, go away dude.“ he closed his eyes a second to show him he really wasn't  interested in what he had to say.
Jared walked in further, stopping directly in front of him. “Hey, I understand… But Jay, I'm not letting you slip through and do something to hurt yourself.”  He said in his best Sam caring voice.
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Damn it Jared, can you please don't. I'm just going thru some really tough times right now and I don't want to talk about it. “ he stood up in a haste, knocking into Jareds chest slightly as he went to get another beer. Automatically getting one for Jared.
“look, I know you don't want to talk about it, but hear me out...okay?” He said in his southern Texas drawl.
Jensen took a deep breath in, he knew that if he was to get any ounce of sleep tonight, he had to listen at least to what he had to say.  
Jensen gestured his right arm to him as if to say, “the floor is all yours.” then sat down on the sofa waiting for Jared to talk.
Jared paced a bit, trying to find the right words to say. “I don't know what is going on with you since you won't talk, so I called Jeff.”  He paused to keep Jensen sitting down. “before you get all pissed at me for calling him, I did it because I care dude. I hate seeing you like this, man.  It's killing me that your not talking to me about it and it scares me. Jeff wants you to come down, to his place in Georgia while he's filming. Spend a few days, with him and his daughter Kamryn. It'll be good for you and I already got clearance from Bob for you to go.”
Jensen stood up and looked at him, “Seriously? Your butting into something that is not really necessary, I don’t have time to travel to Georgia. In case you have forgotten, we have a show to film.”
“It’s Memorial Day weekend, you knew we were taking off tomorrow for Texas. So, it’s either me and your family on your back all weekend, or Jeff. Take your pick.” Jared stood there waiting for an answer.
He furrowed his eyebrows at him, “Sometimes Jare, you can be a real pain in the ass.”
He chuckled, “You’ll thank me later, now get packed I have a rental on the way here so you can drive comfortably.”
He looked at him, “What? Oh hell no, i'm not driving three days to get to Georgia not when I can fly.”
“Nope, part of the deal is you drive. Clear your head, you can fly home.”
Jensen closed his eyes a moment, “i hate you.” he really didn’t and Jared knew that.
“You’ll love me after this, now get packed.” He smiled at him as he helped push him towards the back of the trailer where he knew he had at least week’s worth of clothes in there.
That’s how he now ended up on this long highway, driving to a place he’s never been to. He ran his right hand over his face to wash the aggravation away, and wondered just what Jeff had in store for him. Jared was right about one thing, he knew that Jeff would get him out of whatever funk he was in, because Jeff knew what buttons to push.
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