#Incredibox big duke
sunnyplmstk · 4 months
happy valentine's da- holy fuck
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And idk i thought this was funny
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xxgalatic-maryxx25 · 6 months
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"A$AP, where's the door hole?"
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floatin-croc · 9 months
A familiar face lurking in the dark corners...
But something's wrong.
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"Who are you?"
"you know who I am."
"Wh-what? I don't know who you are- WHAT ARE YOU?!"
"it's me."
"where's everyone?"
Got inspired by a fanart, you can see it here
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doodoobirds · 5 months
Kept forgetting to post these
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(they look weird cus the lines were too light n the camera wouldn't pick them up n I drew these like a month ago they're all sketches n doodles so idrc)
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temssfun · 11 months
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look at these six cool guys 😎
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"Kc groans, and immediately regrets it as his throat protests. A violent cough wracks through him. He curls in on himself, covering his mouth and holding his stomach tightly. When hes finally done he doesn't bother moving, laying against his mattress shivering and exhausted. His room is freezing all of a sudden; normally he likes it cool, but now its unbearable. He shuffles under his blanket, and pulls it tight around him in an attempt to keep some form of warmth." --- Or, a lighthearted sick fic where Kc glow wakes up with the flu, and Mj has to deal with it.
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zankydraws · 1 year
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*gross sobbing* I love them your honor..
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small-spark-of-light · 11 months
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@zankydraws your silly post about them worked
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xxgalatic-maryxx25 · 6 months
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zankydraws · 11 months
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here's some memes for all of you ASAP Bee and Big Duke enjoyers
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temssfun · 10 months
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here are some more pictures for you
as promised, I drew D. invaders and Arashi as people. by the way, big duke is different in that it has a bunch of shades of red, but they look appetizing
and I remind you that you can write whoever you want what I would draw next from wekiddy or other mods, throw in a couple of ideas :)
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zankydraws · 6 months
You got any Wekiddy headcannons? Especially for MJ?
idk if these count as hcs or not but I might have some!
MJ 182: - he's a shapeshifting alien. idk what his true form would be yet but I want to draw it someday, I'd go with some sort of anthro reptile/shark mix probably - a bit of an asshole, likes to cause problems on purpose (his main goal is pissing off El Cool P) - loves pop-punk (bruh MJ makes me wish there was an actual pop-punk version of Incredibox where he's the main character..) - he thinks Xenomorph is a hottie.. (dfkgjhdfks) - I like to think he's a good artist, specifically good at spray painting (and he uses his talent to destroy public property or El Cool P's belongings) - definitely the most rebellious guy in the group - hates to dress up - can and will bite people (mostly Cool P)
El Cool P: - huge ego. absolutely massive - probably commits crimes (loves arson) - idk there's something wrong with him - would do good stuff for people (like giving money to charity) just to make himself feel better and make people love him more - uses his good looks and charm to his advantage - if he wants something, he WILL get it - probably has tons of merch with his own stupid face on it (he owns an El Cool Shirt and an El Cool Plushie for sure) - owns like millions of suits (and matching bucket hats) - argues with MJ all the time - a terrible driver (don't get into a car with him) (how did he even get a driving license?)
KC Glow: - precious baby boy, an absolute angel - looooong sleeves - does the excited flappy hand thing a lot - can actually glow in the dark, somehow - has freckles! - you could probably pick him up and carry him around and he would be chill about it
ASAP Bee: - looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you - loves bees, they are his best buddies - probably stores bees in his fanny pack - if you hurt/kill a bee, he will beat the shit out of you - seriously don't mess with him and his bee friends - loves bee memes, puns and everything bee related - owns a machine gun (this one is ridiclous but some people call him a machine gun guy and it made me think that it would be funny if he actually owned a gun. so don't mess with his bees unless you want a bullet in your butt) - absolutely loves honey, he's obsessed with it, always carries a bottle/jar of honey around
Big Duke: - looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll - a very chill and nice guy - always ready to help! - I like to think he's a little chubby - short king
Swingy: - works out a lot, he's very fit and pretty strong - I talked about this some time ago but he gives me the 80's fitness instructor vibes so he can probably teach people how to work out properly and dance - kinda stupid but he's very nice! :D - loves food and eats all the time - likes his hair a lot and doesn't want anyone touching it - generally likes to look pretty
Blue GT: - kind of a bitch - has heterochromia (I drew him with different eye colors once and loved the idea a lot lol) - he's sooo tired of hearing MJ and Cool P argue ("just kill each other already") - he just wants to be left alone - wears turtlenecks and rings - has to look fabulous at all times - loves coffee
Memphis: - doesn't want to get in trouble but somehow always ends up getting in trouble because of MJ or Cool P (because they are assholes) (Mephis still likes to spend time with his buddies tho, even if it doesn't always end up being good for him) - his hair is extremely floofy and soft, it's unbelievable - he seems a little shy to me..
and that's all I guess.. I don't really have any headcanons for the other dudes, but I might come up with something someday
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xxgalatic-maryxx25 · 8 months
(*Incredibox Wekiddy Headcanon No.1)
My headcanon is that MJ & Swingy were childhood friends...but something horrible happened. :(
This is during their teenage years:
(Bad but sad childhood story: MJ & Swingy had been friends for a long time until he realized that swingy was more popular than him, MJ felt very jealous, Few weeks later MJ found out that Swingy was bullied, he tries to stand up for him but remembering that he was ignored many times....he decides to leave. Swingy thought that MJ abandoned him(MJ was trying to get help), leaving him all alone. A few years later, After MJ being famous (& also well known) for working with El Cool P, he decides just to live with him at the Wekiddy Mansion with his friends.(Big Duke, ASAP Bee, KC Glow, Kevin, Memphis, Boo 9, Scooter, & Boom Fuzz.) Swingy decides just to live in his house.(Seperated :/ until he started to realize that MJ is living with El Cool P)
Will they apologize?
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so...what do you think...
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zankydraws · 11 months
Incredibox is my SHIT bro. Do you have a favorite version, mod, polo, etc?
OH BOY where do i even start kfdgjh words can't describe how good that game is and i just wanna talk about everything i love about it lmao (this ask activated the silly part of my brain)
short answer: my favorite versions are Sunrise, Jeevan and Wekiddy, fave mod is The Last Day and my absolute fave Polos are ASAP Bee and Big Duke
long answer (i'm sorry i need to gush about my bois):
it's hard for me to choose THE Favorite song. Sunrise used to be my number one but then Wekiddy came and tried to take its place xD (i think i might lean towards it, i love the aesthetic, i love the sounds and nothing in V9 is a miss for me, every sound combination is top tier). Jeevan is also absolutely amazing. just *chef's kiss*. but i love every version, they all have something great about them
i love how diverse Sunrise and Wekiddy are in their sounds and designs. Wekiddy also feels a little nostalgic since i love stuff from the 80's/90's (tfw you're nostalgic for the times when you were a toddler or weren't even born yet)
when it comes to mods, i'm generally not super crazy about them, there's a few that i think are very good and i like them a lot but i'm very biased towards the official stuff. which is also why The Last Day and Veda are the ones i like the most (Mr Polo's music is just too good), especially The Last Day. it's awesome. to me it feels like V10 lmao it's so damn professional. everything in that mod sounds good
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this babe is my favorite from that mod, all of tumblr and twitter knows i'm silly for the guy dkfgjh
and here's my favorite guys from the official versions :D (i put the guys i love the most in the middle lol)
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the moment i saw the silly indian man i burst out laughing and he's been my fave in v3 ever since
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not enough slots to show you all of my favorite guys in this song i swear
if you got to the end of this, congratulations, i hope you enjoyed reading it :')
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