sonofaraven · 2 years
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Day 1: Timeless - The Sweet Hereafter
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bireggiemantle · 2 years
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Jabitha Week 2022
Favorite Episode: Next to Normal
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jabithacentral · 2 years
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Hello fellow Jabitha shippers! We’re pleased to announce we’re back with Jabitha Week 2022! This event is set to take place from August 1 to August 7. All participating content will be reblogged to Jabitha Central.
Any questions are welcome – send us a message/ask.
Get creative and have fun!
Day 1 (1 August)—Favorite Episode | Timeless | Starting Over
Day 2 (2 August)—Favorite Scene | Between dreams and reality | Between Heaven and Earth
Day 3 (3 August)—Favorite Physical Touch | Divine | Mythical
Day 4 (4 August)—Favorite Quote | Death Sentence | Tick Tock
Day 5 (5 August)— Favorite Outfits/Clothing | Home | Food
Day 6 (6 August)—Why You Ship Them | Mind Reading | Memories
Day 7 (7 August)—Free Space
All forms of content are welcome! Fanart, fanfic, gifset, moodboard, edit, meta, anything at all!
Tag your submission with #jabithaweek2022 or us by @ so we can reblog it.
NSFW submissions are allowed, but they must be tagged.
No hate, ship bashing, racism, transphobia, or homophobia. Any form of inappropriate behavior towards others will not be tolerated.
If we do not see or simply missed viewing your work, please let us know, we’ll be happy to reblog it!
If you need to post your submission late (but during the week), just be sure to tag or note in the post somewhere which day/prompt it’s for, so we can include it in the correct masterlist post for that day.
Update: I failed to include this before, but posts with ot3 content and mentions will not be reblogged, as this week is dedicated to just jabitha.
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jabitha-endgame · 2 years
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Day 6 - Why You Ship Them
Their happiness together is unmatched, they make me giddy 😁
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azzybarjabi · 2 years
Here is proof jabitha are endgame. Jughead compared him and Betty to romeo and juliet. A couple who ever never really in love. Romeo and juliet is a tragic obsession (not love) between a 13 year old girl and a 17 year old boy for like 3 days and ended up causing like 6 deaths including their own. Romeo only 'loved' juliet cause she was beautiful (for swear it sight, for I never saw true beauty till this night) and yes I know that's not how it worked for bughead but it's the comparing that matters. If you compare your love life to romeo and juliet then it's a red flag and it's a relationship that's bound to fail cause the love was non existent.
Where as Tabitha compared her and jughead to Jack and rose. And while yes that relationship was only a few days too. (Also not to mention both romeo and Jack was played by Leo DiCaprio) that relationship was totally different. Their story actually had depth, development actual love. Jack saved rose several times even before he fell in love with her. Yes he may have had a crush but a crush and love are different. He fell for her when he got to know her. Just as jughead did for tabitha and vice versa. Tabitha fell for him when she realised how kind and compassionate he was. They became friends first and helped eachother and supported each other through everything. In a way Tabitha saved jughead from himself and jughead gave her comfort and the made her realise she doesn't need her parents approval.
In the end Jack gave up his life so she could be free and live hers. He also gave rose the courage to stand up to her family and live her life the way she wants to. Jugehad said he wouldn't be able to live or die peacefully knowing she passed up such an opportunity that has been her dream since she took over pops and he knew how much she wanted that when he first met her.
Bughead fans need to realise this and move the hell on. Why ship a ship that has no hope. Especially since one cheat on the other. Not to mention Betty is now marrying the man she cheated with. ( no hate to barchie. I ship them a lot and am glad they are getting married).
To conclude jughead and tabitha AKA Jabitha are endgame, they understand eachother, support eachother, care for eachother and love eachother with such depth that can not be described. We have seen their relationship grow, developed and shine. We have seen it Blossom in to something beautiful, and we have seen what their future will look like. They are happy with a family having two kids. They belong together forever.
And end of rant. Here is jabitha spin hug
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godheadjones · 2 years
Jughead looks up at her, his suspicions confirmed. Tabitha Tate is standing over him, ready to jot down his order.
It takes so much for him not to hug her on the spot, shower her with love and kiss her and pick her up and tell her that he loves her so much, but he's like a stranger to her. The way she greeted him tells him everything. She doesn't know who he is.
Free space
read on ao3
fandom: riverdale
ship: jughead x tabitha (jabitha)
taglist: @sapphicserpentqueen @jabithajates @jabitha-endgame @imreallytryinghelp (ask to be added or removed)
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
Physical Touch Headcannons
Jabitha Week Day 3- Favourite Physical Touch
“How are you feeling now?” Tabitha whispers into her boyfriend’s ear, tenderly grazing her fingertips over his chest. Jughead exhales at the touch and turns his head to look at her. She’s resting her cheek against his shoulder, and he has an arm wrapped around her body. He fiddles coyly with the sleeve of her pink pyjama top; the fabric is silky, and it feels nice against his bare skin.
“A lot better,” he replies, “Being with you always helps.”
Tabitha looks up at him and grins.
“Well, why don’t we stay like this then? We have all night.”
Spin hugs are 100% Jabitha’s thing. Whenever one of them gets excited by something, that’s the default: Jughead finishes a draft? He picks Tabitha up and spins her around. Tabitha takes a step in her franchising? She dives into Jughead’s arms. It’s completely normal for them at this point and they both love it.
In stressful situations they always make sure to establish contact in order to ground each other. They often hold hands under the table or will place their palms on each other’s thighs.
When they’ve both got their hands full, I have this headcannon that they just brush their legs or ankles together, just to be close to each other while carrying out their tasks.
It is VERY important to me that they switch who’s the big spoon and little spoon. I personally think that Tabitha is usually the little spoon, but sometimes when Jughead’s having a rough day, he finds it comforting to be held.
Their favourite thing to do is watch movies together. I completely believe that they have TV dates once a week where they take turns picking the film and snacks, then just cuddle up on the couch together. They each have their own blanket, but both end up sharing one. And the couple always start sitting side by side, however by the end of the night Tabitha’s usually got her head on Jughead’s lap or is completely wrapped around him- he can’t deny that it’s cute.
Whenever a jump scare happens on in whatever they’re watching, they always instinctively tighten their grip on each other. Then they’ll make teasing jokes about their partner being scared because of course.
Tabitha frequently rests her head on Jughead’s shoulder: she’s the perfect height for it, and when she’s in a particularly touchy mood or starting to get tired, she’ll just grab his arm and lean into him.
On the topic of height, she has to stand on her tip toes to kiss him a lot of the time! That’s not always the case (because sometimes he bends down) but it is whenever she catches him off guard.
Ok, this isn’t a headcannon but their HANDS when they KISS! The hand holds, cupping each other’s face, hands on each other’s shoulders, arms around each other and so much more?! It’s so precious.
Jughead puts his hand on Tabitha’s shoulder/neck whenever he’s saying something sincere that he wants her to take note of- a canon detail I’ve noticed that we should definitely be talking about more.
Tabitha is the type of person to get super cuddly and clingy when she’s tired, sick, or stressed and I feel like that’s how Jughead tells that something’s up with her. 
Sex isn’t at the forefront of their relationship, however when they are intimate, it’s always super loving and very well communicated.
I can just imagine them casually brushing arms as they cook together! Asdfghjk it’s such a cute thing to picture, them working side by side, making random contact and then just smiling at each other.
Neither of them is at all subtle regarding PDA, and I’m sure their friends would give them frequent side eyes, seeing them with their arms around each other and holding hands so often.
Tabitha gives Jughead affectionate cheek kisses all the time, and although it shocks him if she does it while he’s zoned in on something, he absolutely adores it.
They both love to play with each other’s hair. Sometimes one of them will just lay down on their partner's lap and fall asleep like that while the other person strokes their head.
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sonofaraven · 2 years
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Day 2: Fav Scene - 6x16
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jabitha-endgame · 2 years
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Day 3 - Favorite Physical Touch
Touch is their love language #confirmed
The way Tabitha leans into Jughead and he rests his cheek on her head and holds her close to him 🥺
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jabitha-endgame · 2 years
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Day 2 - Between Heaven and Earth
Tabitha’s relief when she thinks Jughead is back, the way she holds him like she did in the hospital - only it’s not Jughead, he wasn’t ready to come back 😭
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jabitha-endgame · 2 years
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Day 1 - Timeless (again)
@sapphicserpentqueen “Their love is Timeless”
and that’s endgame 😍
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jabithacentral · 2 years
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Thank you to everyone who participated in Jabitha Week 2022! There was so much delightful content this week, and here is our round up of it!
Day One: Favorite Episode | Timeless | Starting Over
Timeless | art | @jabitha-endgame
Timeless | fic | @sapphicserpentqueen
we'll be the one thing in this town that won't hurt | fic | @godheadjones
Timeless (again) | edit | @jabitha-endgame​
Favorite Episode: Next to Normal | gif | @jabarchie
Timeless - The Sweet Hereafter | art | @sonofaraven
Day Two: Favorite Scene | Between dreams and reality | Between Heaven and Earth
Favorite Scene | gif | @jabithacentral
you’re here | fic | @godheadjones​
Between Heaven and Earth | art | @jabitha-endgame​
Happy jabitha day two | vid | @azzysaid
Fav Scene - 6x16 | art | @sonofaraven​
Day Three: Favorite Physical Touch | Divine | Mythical
Favorite Physical Touch | art | @jabitha-endgame​
Physical Touch Headcanons | meta | @sapphicserpentqueen​
you’re just like an angel | fic | @godheadjones​
Day Four: Favorite Quote | Death Sentence | Tick Tock
Favorite Quote & Tick Tock | art | @jabitha-endgame
i’m not going to leave you | fic | @godheadjones
Death Sentence? | fic | @sapphicserpentqueen
Day Five: Favorite Outfits/Clothing | Home | Food
Favorite Outfits | art | @jabitha-endgame
we finally got our italian | fic | @godheadjones
Burger’s and Boyfriend’s | fic | @sapphicserpentqueen
Day Six: Why You Ship Them | Mind Reading | Memories
did you just read my mind? | fic | @godheadjones 
some very rushed mind reading headcanons (nsfw) | meta | @sapphicserpentqueen 
why you ship them | art | @jabitha-endgame 
why I ship them | memories | vid | @azzysaid
Day Seven: Free Space
Super Teens | art | @jabitha-endgame 
my endgame | vid | @azzysaid
i need her | fic | @godheadjones 
Jabitha + Titanic | gif | @arsenicpanda
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jabitha-endgame · 2 years
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Day 5 - Favorite Outfits
Definitely their Pop’s uniforms 🍔❤️
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godheadjones · 2 years
"Alright, who do I make it out to..." His voice trails off upon the sight of Tabitha's face, her alive (last he knew) face, right in front of him in heaven.
"Tabitha?" Jughead asks, unable to say anything else or keep a huge smile off his face. "T-tabby, is it really you? Are you really here?"
Favourite Scene | Between dreams and reality | Between Heaven and Earth
read on ao3
fandom: riverdale
ship: jughead x tabitha (jabitha)
taglist: @sapphicserpentqueen @jabithajates @jabitha-endgame @imreallytryinghelp (ask to be added or removed)
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
Links to all of my Jabitha Week fics :)
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jabitha-endgame · 2 years
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Day 4 - Favorite Quote & Tick Tock
“One minute?”
“That’s all we’ll need.”
A kiss to last a lifetime ❤️
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