hurricane-claw · 2 years
A part for this event hosted by @jaynahh ! Enjoy!
Tomo - Dragon costume ( strictly Platonic)
Reader is Tomo's sibling
Warnings; this involves fluff and slight angst.
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"(Name)!" Tomo called out as he swung an arm around your neck. You had just finished setting up the last of the decorations, and was picking a costume for you and your brother.
"What costumes are we wearing this year?" Tomo asked as he dug through the box of clothing. Your friends Thoma, Arataki Itto, Yoimiya and the Kamisato siblings agreed to meet up in an hour in costumes.
"I was thinking about wearing Dragon costumes" you told Tomo while holding up said costumes, "Or we could be an archer and ninja?"
Your brother thought for a moment before grinning and taking the dragon set in his hands, "These ones sound better! Besides the shogunate soldiers won't be after us again with these."
Your deadpanned at your brother's reasoning before chuckling "Weren't they after you and Itto because you guys were shooting fireworks in the morning?" Tomo lightly shocked you with his vision as you flicked some water in his head, "It wasn't our fault!" "Was too." "Was not!"
The two of your bickered for a good twenty minutes while getting into your costumes before finally adding the last touches. "And, there!" You grinned as you finished putting realistic features to your dragon costumes.
Tomo examined himself in the mirror with awe "Awesome! You really outdid yourself once again!" He commented as you fixed his vision out of sight before doing the same with yours.
"Come-on we're gonna be late!" You exclaimed as you pushed Tomo out of the door and locking it. Your brother managed to get some candy to give to the kids and his wallet.
You took Tomo's hand in yours before dragging him to Ritou, Yae Miko watching afar with amusement. "My~ my~ Seems like those two are at it again~" the kitsune chuckled before leaving.
Meanwhile your brother accidentally bumped into Kazuha, sending the poor boy tumbling back. "Ah! Kazu my bad!" Tomo exclaimed while helping the boy up.
"Please don't fret" Kazuha said while shaking his head "I'm okay", you examined the former for any scratches but didn't find any.
"Would you like to accompany us?" Tomo asked as Kazuha's eyes brightened "That would be great! Ahem- If you would have me then it'd be a pleasure."
You and your brother chuckled at your friend's formality before Tomo flicked Kazuha's head, "Your it!" And ran off. You left in tow as Kazuha started chasing you two, the three of you laughed as the residents smiled at the scene.
Your little troop finally arrived at where Thoma and the others agreed to meet. You fixed Tomo's horns as Kazuha came back in a samurai costume.
"Look who finally showed up!" Itto exclaimed as he looked at your costumes, "Where'd you get the cool costumes?" The crimson Oni was wearing a vampire costume as Yoimiya tackled you into a hug, "(Name)!"
The female was in a demon costume and seemed to be matching with Ayaka who was in an angel costume. "(Name) added the features to our costumes" Tomo told Itto with a proud smile.
Thoma and Ayato came back with some dango and boba tea, "Oh? Seems you've already arrived." The blue haired male mused as he drank his boba. Yoimiya and Itto dragged you and Tomo through the streets of Ritou, "Come on you two! This festival ought to impress ya!" "Snack time!"
You and Tomo walked around with your friends, enjoying the peaceful and spooky atmosphere, with all the festival had to offer.
Your eyes shot open at the sound of waves, looking around the sun had set as night was approaching. You looked down in front of you with a bittersweet smile upon your face as you placed a bouquet of Sakura flowers upon the grave.
"It's been two years Tomo" you mutter while holding the grey vision firmly
"The vision hunt decree has been demolished. A traveler from afar came and helped us with the Shogun. The ninth Harbinger has passed, you remember Signora don't you? Scaramouche is missing with the Shogun's Gnosis. Kazuha's wandering with a captain from Liyue.
Yoimiya's been trying to court Ayaka, but you know how Ayato is." You chuckled sadly as you told your brother about what happened over the years, but unknownst to you his spirit was sitting next to you happily listening to every word.
Even if he has past, he will always be watching you.
For you, like Kazuha, are the last of your clan.
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bluexiao · 2 years
Ok ok so I saw your post that you wanted scaramoche requests and i got one! def not getting my soft scara side on- anygays i would love to see what scara would say if we asked him "would you still love me if i were a worm?" cuz like during the boss fight he says bow before me worm something like that and uh i see people making reels saying "when you say you wouldn't love your girlfriend if she were a worm and so shes not talking to you anymore" like i saw this a year ago or so. anygays idk if this makes sense but here you go :D ~Jean anon
#”would you still love me if i were a worm?” 
fluff, crack, quick read
happy 600 days to us, scara. 
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Would most likely glare at you as soon as the words came out of your lips. 
“You must have lost your mind, have you?” 
“Well, you called me a worm one time before we dated, babe.” 
Congratulations, you have made him even more speechless than he already was, merely reduced to staring at you in disbelief, thinking how in the world he even falls for the likes of you, you’re hopeless! 
But still… 
He would sigh with a hand over his forehead, not long after gesturing you to come closer, to which you oblige without a single word and plop yourself on his lap. He stares into your eyes for a long few seconds before quickly flicking your forehead. 
“Ow! What the hell, Scara?!” 
Despite how your hands instinctively raise to your forehead to cover it, he sneaks in a peck to your lips and smirks ever so smugly at your baffled expression, pretty much like how he reacted with your… antics… earlier. 
“Ha, sometimes I can’t understand you, but now I’m reminder that I don’t want to do so either.” 
If you pouted and kept insisting on him, he’d scoff and try to flick your forehead again. 
“What do you think? I’d like to hear your guess, pray tell.” 
“I think you won’t.” you frown.
He’d laugh at this and say “If I called you a worm before, why do you think I’m dating you now?” 
“Because… I am not a worm.” you say
And he’ll stare at you once again and sigh. “You’re hopeless.”
But he loves you whoever or whatever you are, nonetheless. 
Though he will never say that out loud, maybe you’ll figure it out on your own... which he himself doubt very much. 
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Reblogs and comments are very appreciated~
TAGLIST (fill the form to be added/removed)
@catcze @softlybeloved @icecappa @sushiyay @scaraslover @beastielevi @rviden @thesatanofpizza @izayanna @stellumi @coco-goat-milk @nonniechan @m3gitsune @chuubear @kiyoobi @catisnerd @ventislatte @weakestpoint @pinkfeiry @aweebstuff @zhongchi14 @windwheel-aster @irethepotato @squiddaloo @scaramunch @cruxdou @favonius-captain @aqualesha @kazuhas-alphabet @astreankitsune @lordbugs @itsghostgirlyo @his-simp @meumorio @tkooooop @fiona782 @my-goldfish-is-not-gold @lisalanding @ezra0000 @extrakuli @kazu-topia @rayskyee @b1loop @kanattac @basicsofdying @windwheel-aster @serenenation @hadesgift @kazewhara @lilikags @solaaresque @yuremini @chichikoi @mooonluv @cloudysky0 @lunaeire @corlapisminer @hahakoharu @myrenbworks @brazilian-anon @k-a-z-u-h-a  @kaeyaheart @irethepotato @disa-ster @hoshikistarlette @astrothighology @sinhasfluffyheadfur @nejibot @myaaki @kaedelove @nejibot @sarahyumiko2 @kaerui-kaisen @loyal-to-my-dilf  @yaexure @random-names-stuff @yumekos-gamble @nejibot @emperatris-rinaka @starforecasts @dai-tsukki-desu @xiaogens @stygianoir @the-midnightskies @apricot-shark @genshinparty @katsumikumo @deathkat657 @bl6o6dy @aikochan4859 @q1ngx1n @scaramouchesfootstool @jaynahh @afchicken @theother-victoria @ynxalynx @ksjjkthpjm @nleedingwhiteroses222 @momoewn @mave-in @akinokisetsu @animexotaku @elianalovesu @dolfay @klawsblr @yuipersonalblog @yeonatingz @observation-subject-753 @yuuki4646 @shaneruarumonte-blog @vortxx @1one1person1 @koalaray @noragami-ghost @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @duskimoo @maya1-5-0 @csukcsuk @bleedingwhiteroses222 @jiminscarmex @ngwhiteroses222 @apric-t @kiolet-exe @kitsunekanojo @sherlyss @serenity_ren_bliss @yuki1s--note @sunniewrites @fiannee @magica-ren @kissventii @yur1x-1 @psycho-nightrose@monicahar @0Annoying_gemini0 @yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou @justerica @kazuzux @yukiipc @kltira @vvworlds
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keyboard-mang0 · 2 years
Lost and Found List
The Chapters(Parts?) List for Lost and Found.
Genshin Impact x Child!God!Reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
@twstfan-san @saltysugarysembei @universal-rose @qluvrv @jaynahh @heavenlyfloof @thetwinkims @victoria1676 @beemarkie @definitely-a-keqing-simp @inlovewithwaffels @qinxin02 @aminormistakewasmade @namine123 @nomorefstogive @my-white-canvas @kiraisastay @sarahyumiko2 @sparklyphantom @esthelily @papsboo @thissoulisnotok
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bluexiao · 2 years
omg your requests are open? i’d love to see fatui boys (tartaglia and scaramouche) reactions to reader like gushing about them to other people? i feel like they’d both have really interesting yet different reactions
#when you gush over them
–fluff; scara being the douche that he is (not to you ofc) 
Pretty short my allergies are attacking me rn,, also my laptop is fixed miraculously idk how but yeah! 
Would be so embarrassed. 
But contrary to anyone’s belief, he would not try to stop you. 
He is no fool, of course. If it doesn’t hurt his ego, then he won’t. Most likely, it even boosts it the more you gush over him in front of other people or even to just other people when he’s not around. 
He’s embarrassed that you’re doing this to him… but he also feels a sense of pride wash over him over the fact that you feel this way towards him and you did not care about what anything or anyone else would say. 
If anyone would judge you for doing this, however, let’s say a subordinate of him, of course, he would not let it slip. They judge you, you judge him. 
“Lord Harbinger… Are you sure… Y/n…” 
“What?” He raises a brow, passing him a narrowed look that could most likely be a glare that could pierce like any dagger would, “What seems to be the problem for you to call my Y/n’s name oh so casually, Agent?” 
Knowingly, the agent trembles from where he was, stuttering with “N-nothing, m-my lord. Y/-I mean, the lord Y/n very well praises the lord Harbinger, and it is good for your reputation, that’s what I meant…” 
“Did I say you could speak?” 
“Throw him to the dungeons.” 
“Lord Harbinger! Have mercy!” 
Would be so proud he’ll probably gush over himself more than you. 
“Hear that? They’re really proud of me, aren’t they? I mean, why would they not?” He’d say with a smug smirk whilst his subordinates listen to his nonsense with a forced smile. 
At first, you both will gush over him together but he gets pretttyyyyy annoying about it that you'll most likely get so sick of it halfway through the day. 
After you have gotten sick of it though, he will be pretty whiny. 
“Why had you betrayed me like this? I thought you really like me?” Somewhere along those lines. He’s such a dramatic man istg. 
Well, to be frank, he is indeed genuinely saddened over the fact you’ve gotten sick of gushing over him—maybe you’d gotten sick of him?! Already?! Ah! No! 
So do try to gush over him the next day or reassure him that everything is fine and there is no need to worry, he is easily pleased with anything you do or say. 
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Reblogs and comments are very appreciated~
TAGLIST (fill the form to be added/removed) 
@softlybeloved @icecappa @sushiyay @scaraslover @beastielevi @rviden @thesatanofpizza @izayanna @stellumi @coco-goat-milk @nonniechan @m3gitsune @chuubear @kiyoobi @catisnerd @ventislatte @weakestpoint @pinkfeiry @aweebstuff @zhongchi14 @windwheel-aster @irethepotato @squiddaloo @scaramunch @cruxdou @favonius-captain @aqualesha @kazuhas-alphabet @astreankitsune @lordbugs @itsghostgirlyo @his-simp @meumorio @tkooooop @fiona782 @my-goldfish-is-not-gold @lisalanding @ezra0000 @extrakuli @kazu-topia @rayskyee @b1loop @kanattac @basicsofdying @windwheel-aster @serenenation @hadesgift @kazewhara @lilikags @solaaresque @yuremini @chichikoi @mooonluv @cloudysky0 @lunaeire @corlapisminer @hahakoharu @myrenbworks @brazilian-anon @k-a-z-u-h-a  @kaeyaheart @irethepotato @disa-ster @hoshikistarlette @astrothighology @sinhasfluffyheadfur @nejibot @myaaki @kaedelove @nejibot @sarahyumiko2 @kaerui-kaisen @loyal-to-my-dilf  @yaexure @random-names-stuff @yumekos-gamble @nejibot @emperatris-rinaka @starforecasts @dai-tsukki-desu @xiaogens @stygianoir @the-midnightskies @apricot-shark @genshinparty @katsumikumo @deathkat657 @bl6o6dy @aikochan4859 @q1ngx1n @scaramouchesfootstool @jaynahh @afchicken @theother-victoria @ynxalynx @ksjjkthpjm @nleedingwhiteroses222 @momoewn @mave-in @akinokisetsu @animexotaku @elianalovesu @dolfay @klawsblr @yuipersonalblog @yeonatingz @observation-subject-753 @yuuki4646 @shaneruarumonte-blog @vortxx @1one1person1 @koalaray @noragami-ghost @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @duskimoo @maya1-5-0 @csukcsuk @bleedingwhiteroses222 @jiminscarmex @ngwhiteroses222 @apric-t @kiolet-exe @kitsunekanojo @sherlyss @serenity_ren_bliss @yuki1s--note @sunniewrites @fiannee @magica-ren @kissventii @yur1x-1 @psycho-nightrose
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bluexiao · 2 years
–fluff, reverse comfort, birthday boyyy, cuddles, brief mention of how the heart pounds lmao
ALBEDO’s mornings were always cold. 
In the empty lab, or in his empty room; filled with chemicals, filled with equipment, and just… him. Just him and alchemy, just like it had always been. 
“Hm? ‘Bedo, are you awake?” 
Blood rushes through his veins and back to his heart, making it pound and pound, all at the sound of your groggy voice, still laced with sleep, and at the scent of your neck as he leans into you more behind you, tightening his grip on your waist and pulling you closer. 
Even so, it was enough for you to wiggle and turn your way to face him, your own arm circling his form and your eyes meeting his. 
“There you are.” 
His breath stills when you flash him that bright grin of yours, all with your adorable untidy appearance; eyes still droopy and as if wanting to close and return to sleep once again. Time and the world around him stop–ah, is this what they call it is? 
“Love?” his eyes catches the way you furrow in your brows and the slight curl of a frown that forms on the corners of your lips, “What’s wrong? Why are you so silent?” 
Cute. Is that a pout now? He couldn’t help but smile, slipping one of his arms and reaching for your cheek, cupping them and caressing them ever so gently with his thumb, then smoothening the pad of his finger over to whatever bag under your eye, admiring them all the same. 
Then, he leans and presses a kiss on your forehead, staying there for a good few seconds before he pulls away and meeting your eyes once again–catching them flutter open, did you close them when he kissed you? 
You let out a breath of a laugh before heading straight to his chest, tightening your own grip on him and pressing him closer to you. 
“Stop that! I’m supposed to be the one to praise you today!” 
He chuckles and unconsciously rests and caresses one of his hands on your back, the smile on his face remains. 
“There’s no need, love,” he makes an effort to lean on your ear and smirks, “you being here with me is enough of a birthday gift for me.”
Albedo’s mornings were always cold. 
But with you, however, it feels quite warm. 
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NOTES. have you guys seen his bday official art?? god his smile made me melt:((( first best boy you deserve all the best in the world happy happy birthday mwaa
Reblogs and comments are very appreciated~
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@catcze @softlybeloved @icecappa @sushiyay @scaraslover @beastielevi @rviden @thesatanofpizza @izayanna @stellumi @coco-goat-milk @nonniechan @m3gitsune @chuubear @kiyoobi @catisnerd @ventislatte @weakestpoint @pinkfeiry @aweebstuff @zhongchi14 @windwheel-aster @irethepotato @squiddaloo @scaramunch @cruxdou @favonius-captain @aqualesha @kazuhas-alphabet @astreankitsune @lordbugs @itsghostgirlyo @his-simp @meumorio @tkooooop @fiona782 @my-goldfish-is-not-gold @lisalanding @ezra0000 @extrakuli @kazu-topia @rayskyee @b1loop @kanattac @basicsofdying @windwheel-aster @serenenation @hadesgift @kazewhara @lilikags @solaaresque @yuremini @chichikoi @mooonluv @cloudysky0 @lunaeire @corlapisminer @hahakoharu @myrenbworks @brazilian-anon @k-a-z-u-h-a  @kaeyaheart @irethepotato @disa-ster @hoshikistarlette @astrothighology @sinhasfluffyheadfur @nejibot @myaaki @kaedelove @nejibot @sarahyumiko2 @kaerui-kaisen @loyal-to-my-dilf  @yaexure @random-names-stuff @yumekos-gamble @nejibot @emperatris-rinaka @starforecasts @dai-tsukki-desu @xiaogens @stygianoir @the-midnightskies @apricot-shark @genshinparty @katsumikumo @deathkat657 @bl6o6dy @aikochan4859 @q1ngx1n @scaramouchesfootstool @jaynahh @afchicken @theother-victoria @ynxalynx @ksjjkthpjm @nleedingwhiteroses222 @momoewn @mave-in @akinokisetsu @animexotaku @elianalovesu @dolfay @klawsblr @yuipersonalblog @yeonatingz @observation-subject-753 @yuuki4646 @shaneruarumonte-blog @vortxx @1one1person1 @koalaray @noragami-ghost @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @duskimoo @maya1-5-0 @csukcsuk @bleedingwhiteroses222 @jiminscarmex @ngwhiteroses222 @apric-t @kiolet-exe @kitsunekanojo @sherlyss @serenity_ren_bliss @yuki1s--note @sunniewrites @fiannee @magica-ren @kissventii @yur1x-1 @psycho-nightrose@monicahar @0Annoying_gemini0 @yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou @justerica @kazuzux @yukiipc @kltira @vvworlds
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bluexiao · 1 year
#taglist 2023
hello! i will be refreshing my taglist for 2023 so to all those who wants to join the taglist, please sign up with this link! 
i will be mentioning my taglist below, so if you guys want to still be in the taglist, please fill up the form again! thank you so much mwaa
@catcze @softlybeloved @icecappa @sushiyay @scaraslover @beastielevi @rviden @thesatanofpizza @izayanna @stellumi @coco-goat-milk @nonniechan @m3gitsune @chuubear @kiyoobi @catisnerd @ventislatte @weakestpoint @pinkfeiry @aweebstuff @zhongchi14 @windwheel-aster @irethepotato @squiddaloo @scaramunch @cruxdou @favonius-captain @aqualesha @kazuhas-alphabet @astreankitsune @lordbugs @itsghostgirlyo @his-simp @meumorio @tkooooop @fiona782 @my-goldfish-is-not-gold @lisalanding @ezra0000 @extrakuli @kazu-topia @rayskyee @b1loop @kanattac @basicsofdying @windwheel-aster @serenenation @hadesgift @kazewhara @lilikags @solaaresque @yuremini @chichikoi @mooonluv @cloudysky0 @lunaeire @corlapisminer @hahakoharu @myrenbworks @brazilian-anon @k-a-z-u-h-a  @kaeyaheart @irethepotato @disa-ster @hoshikistarlette @astrothighology @sinhasfluffyheadfur @nejibot @myaaki @kaedelove @nejibot @sarahyumiko2 @kaerui-kaisen @loyal-to-my-dilf  @yaexure @random-names-stuff @yumekos-gamble @nejibot @emperatris-rinaka @starforecasts @dai-tsukki-desu @xiaogens @stygianoir @the-midnightskies @apricot-shark @genshinparty @katsumikumo @deathkat657 @bl6o6dy @aikochan4859 @q1ngx1n @scaramouchesfootstool @jaynahh @afchicken @theother-victoria @ynxalynx @ksjjkthpjm @nleedingwhiteroses222 @momoewn @mave-in @akinokisetsu @animexotaku @elianalovesu @dolfay @klawsblr @yuipersonalblog @yeonatingz @observation-subject-753 @yuuki4646 @shaneruarumonte-blog @vortxx @1one1person1 @koalaray @noragami-ghost @d-a-r-k-s-w-a-n @duskimoo @maya1-5-0 @csukcsuk @bleedingwhiteroses222 @jiminscarmex @ngwhiteroses222 @apric-t @kiolet-exe @kitsunekanojo @sherlyss @serenity_ren_bliss @yuki1s--note @sunniewrites @fiannee @magica-ren @kissventii @yur1x-1 @psycho-nightrose@monicahar @0Annoying_gemini0 @yeonwoomyheartbelongstoyou @justerica @kazuzux @yukiipc @kltira @vvworlds 
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