#John O'Callaghan fanfic
your-averagewriter · 1 year
"The Maine are f*cking here!"
Summary: (y/n)'s band are going to a festival, but most importantly - The Maine are going to the same festival and (y/n) can't wait to meet them but she's not exactly prepared (John O'Callaghan x fem!reader).
Word count: 1.5K
Warnings: swearing, sexual jokes
There's a one-day festival held in Britain each year, an alternative music one, obviously, called Slam Dunk and it's on in a few days and I can't wait. There are some really awesome bands there and it's so cool that it's so close to where I come from. The Offspring, Enter Shikari, Bowling For Soup, The Academy Is… who we're friends with and have toured with before and then a personal favourite: The Maine. In the lists of bands we ranked pretty high, we're on stage just after Yellowcard which is pretty cool because I've liked their music since I was a teenager.
I'm most excited though to see The Maine's performance and I'm hoping that they're going to the signing tent - fingers crossed.
I spend the next few days practising with my band (I'm the singer and I sometimes play the guitar as well), preparing for the show then the last day is spent travelling to the grounds as we were playing some concerts up North. So here I am sitting in our tour bus with my headphones on trying to ignore the bickering between Zack and Ben about the littering of clothes scattered around the bus. Rolling my eyes I swipe through Instagram looking at all the posts about the festival and the excited people, fans and bands alike. 
Finally, we get there, much to my relief. I push open the bus door and breathe in the fresh air after four hours of non-stop driving and bickering from the others. I drop down, feeling my boots hit the floor and I'm met with the view of a massive field filled with various different stages and stalls. We've parked somewhere more private like the other bands and I can see stagehands and managers rushing around along with some unfussed band members that I recognise. Rou Reynolds (Enter Shikari), the Yellowcard group and a couple of guys from Hawthorne Heights and then William Beckett whom I am good friends with so I decide to go meet him.
I jog over to him and sling my arm around his shoulders with a grin. This is what I love about this festival - the people you meet!
"Bilvy! Long time no see!" I say using my nickname for him. 
"(y/n)!" He says turning to look at me then he hugs me. "How are you?" He asks pulling back.
"I'm good, tired though after spending hours with that lot cooped up in the bus." I sigh remembering the torturous time.
"Same, I left the rest of the guys to grab some food so I could get a bit of a break."
"Smart," I say and take a mental note. "Have you had lunch yet?" He shakes his head.
"I only got here 20 minutes or so ago."
"Do you wanna grab something to eat? I'm sure there are some good food stalls here."
"Yeah, sounds good, I saw an intriguing food stall on the way here, wanna check it out?" I nod and we walk around the park until we make it to the stall. We grab some food and head to the benches with our drinks. We chat and catch up, you don't tend to have much free time when you're in a band to meet up with band friends 'cause every one is always touring. 
I watch as more bands turn up and everyone finds their own place to get lunch. Whilst we're having lunch Spencer from Underoath (who I'm also friends with) comes up to us and chats for a bit before reuniting with some others. 
But whilst I'm sitting on the bench with Bilvy I see John from The Maine grab some food from the same place we did with a couple of his bandmates. I hit Bill on the shoulder gently and lean in to whisper to him.
"The Maine are fucking here!" I say both extremely excited and terrified. "John is right over there!" I say and he looks over to see them.
"The guy you're literally in love with?"
"I'm not in love with him!"
"You should talk to him." He suggests biting a chip.
"I'm gonna watch their set tomorrow, I might try and say hi," I say excitedly. "You should come with?"
"I would but we’re on a bit after they are so I don't have time. Sorry to leave you hanging." He says and I assure him that it's okay before we finish off our meals and walk off to look around the park.
After a while, we all head in as it gets late and we have a big day tomorrow. I wake up quite early, not wanting to miss anything. I get changed and put on a basic black crop top and some denim shorts because it's really hot, especially for May! I sort out my hair and head out on my way to nowhere in particular. I wander around and meet up with various people, I even met some of the guys from Enter Shikari which is cool because they’re actually all really nice guys.
Lots of bands are out early setting up their merch stands before doors open and fans start flooding in. I see John again, setting up the merch stall for The Maine and I breathe deeply before gathering the confidence to go over to him and the stand.
"Hey." I clear my throat. "Can I buy a couple of things?" I ask slightly timidly and he turns around, a look of shock on his face.
"Y-yeah, of course." He says with a small smile. "Umm, what do you want?" He asks going behind the counter.
"Could I buy the butterfly hoodie and blue tie-dye top please?" I ask and he passed them over the counter. "Sorry, how much is that?" I ask him rattling through my wallet.
"Oh, you don't have to pay, it's fine."
"No, I want to pay, I like supporting my favourite bands." I say with a smile and pass him about £100.
"Oh okay." He says and takes the money, he tries to protest when he realises how much I gave him but I walk away, smiling all the way back to my bus.
Later on in the day, it's The Maine's set and obviously, I go. It's amazing, they play my favourites and their stage presence is great. The energy in the crowd is crazy for a band of their size.
I have to quickly scurry away though because my set isn't that long after theirs, about half an hour so I hurry to the right stage
Sneaking backstage, I pull on my new Maine tie-dye t-shirt for the show and prepare for the show. It was a good show, the crowd were entertained.
"Thank you, Slam Dunk, you've been great! For those of you who don't know us we're Midmorning Apocalypse and we can't wait to see you again next time!" I finish the show running off stage along with the rest of my band.
After a few minutes of pure cooling down I descend from the stage and start to walk around the site again on the hunt for some good food. I don't find any as I'm distracted by the signing tent I was so excited for. I check who's in the tent and John's name is on the list, I guess they had a few minutes to spare for the fans so I get in the queue. It's not too long because some big bands are on right now but it is by no means a short queue.
After like half an hour's wait I get to the front and I observe as a light pink haze falls on the tall man's cheeks.
"Hey," I say nervously as I walk forward towards the table.
"Hey again." He chuckles quietly.
"You guys put on a really good show," I say with a smile. "It was a great set."
"I was just about to say the same to you." He replies and we both laugh. "I'm honoured that you're a fan of ours."
"I should be saying that. Umm… I'm (y/n)." I say holding out my hand to him.
"I know, I'm John." He shakes my hand.
"I know," I mimic his response and then smile at him before removing my Maine t-shirt that I bought earlier the tie-dye one. "Sorry, I'm not stripping," I assure and laugh nervously. "I was, umm, wondering whether you could sign it for me?" I ask, timidly holding out the shirt. He takes it graciously.
"I wouldn't mind if you were but of course." He says with a smile before turning to the shirt and signing it in a permanent marker.
"Thank you so much!" I say grabbing the shirt back afterwards. 
"You're welcome." He says slightly dazed. "Hey, after the festival do you wanna come to get some drinks with me and the band, that's what we usually do after festivals to celebrate?" He asks, standing up.
"Yeah, is this an offer for me or for the band?"
"Both, you're all welcome." He says smiling.
"Well, then I'll see you after then." I leave with a small wave and my shirt in hand. After I’m a little while away from the stand I let out a sigh of relief and a massive smile stays sewn to my face. Fuck yeah.
AN: I literally have no idea whether any of these singers are in demand but I like writing them anyways. If you have any musician requests then even if they're not on my master list just check if I will write for them (I probably will) then you can send them in.
I fucking love The Maine.
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lostinnnostalgia · 7 years
iv. May 21st, 2011
(All previous chapters can be found here)
“Are you almost ready?” John asked Rae.
“Yeah, just let me grab my shoes,” she responded as she pulled on her high top Converse.
Since John had a little bit of time before they went to record, the two of them decided to go on a road trip, which Stella found amusing.
“Alright, lets go,” he spoke, grabbing her bag for her.
“I could carry that, you know,” she reached to grab it.
“I’m trying to be a gentleman,” he laughed. “Come on.”
He leaned over, scooping her up as well over his shoulder.
“John!” she shrieked. “Put me down!”
“Are you afraid I’m going to drop you or something?” he asked.
He set her down outside of the passenger’s side of his truck. “Front door service. You’re welcome.”
“You truly are the best,” she said sarcastically before climbing in.
“I know,” he responded, grinning at her as he started the engine.
“So where are we going?” she asked him as he backed out of the parking lot to her apartment.
“That’s for me to know,” he paused dramatically. “And you to find out.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know where we are?” she asked him.
“Well, that’s what I mean,” he responded, looking at an old map he kept in his truck for whatever reason. If he had any sense of direction, he supposed it may have been at least a little helpful at this point.
“Are you joking?” she asked.
“I wish I was,” he spoke, looking down at his phone. Still no service. “I’m sorry. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere.”
“John,” she laughed. “It’s fine. Let’s make the most of it.”
She climbed out, and he followed her lead.
“Come on,” she hoisted herself up into the bed of his truck, leaning her head against the back. “The sky is so clear out here.”
He looked up. She was right; he didn’t think he’d ever seen that many stars in his life.
“Everything happens for a reason. See?” she pointed upwards. “This is the reason we got lost, I guess.”
“This is true,” he responded. “And now I can show you how good I am at astronomy.”
She raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh, really?”
He nodded, pointing upward. “See, that right there is the Big Dipper.”
Laughing, she grabbed his arm, moving it. “It’s actually right there.”
“Well, if you’re such an expert on constellations, what’s that one?” He moved his hand, pointing vaguely.
She laughed for a second time, her gaze still on the stars. “You’re a goof.”
He stared at her, not saying anything.
Her gaze met back with his, noticing his staring. “What?”
She wasn’t sure why, but the way he was looking at her made her feel a little uncomfortable.
“Nothing,” he spoke. “I just... I really do love you, Rae. I love the way you view the world and I love how excited you get about the little things. I love spending time with you and I just love you.”
“John...” she whispered.
“I know you don’t want to ruin our friendship but have you not ever wondered what it would be like for us to be... more?” he questioned her.
Exhaling audibly, she didn’t speak for a few moments. “Yes, I have.”
He tilted her face toward his, and she felt her lips gravitating forward. They eventually met his, and she pulled away almost as soon as they did as if she had been shocked.
“I’m... I’m sorry.”
“It’s weird, I get it,” he spoke, shaking his head. “I’m going to go see if I can find service.”
“We’ll talk about it later, okay? Let’s see if we can get back on the right road first,” he cut her off. He wasn’t angry with her; he was angry with himself for the way he had acted. He knew he was letting his infatuation with her get in the way of their friendship, but there didn’t seem to be anything he could do to stop it.
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momentsofdeath · 7 years
gywnethpaltbro replied to your post: “gywnethpaltbro replied to your post: “gywnethpaltbro replied to your...”:
tbh i came across one on accident a while back and like it was about john and this girl who fell from heaven then they fell in luv i was like What The FUc k WHO EVEN HAS THE TIME WHY IS THIS IS A THING DON'T BE FUCKING STRANGE because it *is* the maine they don't need fanfics loL
.........who writes fics about fucking john o'callaghan
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johnohimagines · 10 years
Warped Love
“Warped Tour has officially started.” I said with a smile.
“Yep. It’s good to be back after five years.” Jared replied, drinking his beer.
Today was the first day of Warped Tour and it had been great. I had had so much fun so far and was so excited to be able to do this for the next two months. It was no 8123 tour but it was a close second. Having Eric with us didn’t hurt either and only added to the crazy and the fun. I missed him more than I would ever be willing to admit. I was waiting for him to get fed up with LA and come back home. I knew his mom and my mom had both been pestering him about coming back and it was only a matter of time before he moved back.
I wasn’t alone in the sunset watching as there was a woman sitting in a chair at the bus next to us. She sat there watching the sun, horizontal on the vertical chair, her long legs absorbing the sun, with a cup in her hand. I couldn’t see much of her, just her purple and black curly hair. She had an interesting thing going on with her hair. It was a half and half in which the left side was purple and the right was black except halfway down on the purple side it turned black and halfway down on the black side it turned purple. It was pretty rad looking. I could also see she had a full sleeve on tattoos and a few on her thighs, teasing out of her shorts.
“It’s pretty huh?” I stated and she looked over at me. I could now see she had a nose ring as well, glinting in the sun light.
“Yeah, but it’s not as pretty as Arizona. Those are some sunsets. You ever seen one?”
I chuckled with a nod. “I’m from Arizona.”
“Really? What city? I’m from Gilbert.”
She smiled. “Wait a minutes, are you in The Maine?”
“That I am. However, I’m not so sure about you.”
“We’re kinda new. Safehaven is what we’re called.” She informed me. “We’re more of a post hardcore band.”
“And you sing?” She shook her head.
I raised my eyebrow. Female drummers were rare but more power to them. Some of them really kicked ass like Jess Bowen from The Summer Set or Jody Linscott who had at one point been the drummer for The Who.
“I’ll be sure to catch your guys’ set tomorrow then.” I grinned. “What was your name again?”
We didn’t get to talk for much longer because Eric came and got me telling me that he just made an incredible drink that I had to try and her band mate came and got her telling her she had a phone call.
The next day, I looked at set times, hoping I wouldn’t be doing a signing when Safehaven was playing. I wanted to see Lexi play and hear her band. They were on the Journeys stage which was perfect since our sets would never be at the same time and if they were right before or after I could still watch. Luckily her set time was three hours after mine and just half hour after the bands signing.
I was anxious the whole day and the guys could tell. I told them there was a band I was eager to see but they could tell it was more than that and tried to get me to tell them but I wouldn’t budge.
“Holy shit, are you and Tay hooking up?” Peter asked.
“No! I’m not hooking up with anyone. Tay and I are just friends, that’s it!” I stressed, getting more than fed up with everyone pestering me about this.
When the set time rolled around, I took off when no one was paying attention and went to the amphitheater. I stayed backstage knowing I would be able to see Lexi better.
She was at her seat behind her drum set, her long hair up in a ponytail, putting her in ears in. She was in shorts like last night and a tank top that hung low, revealing even more tattoos on her sides.
She was the only girl in the band of four other men and I wondered how that must go. She didn’t seem like the girly girl type but she was still a woman and probably didn’t enjoy the smelly, dirty, grimy environment that was a tour bus full of men.
When their set started, their singer went up to the mic and they started right away. The song started off with Lexi in a short drum solo before everyone joined it. They had a very heavy sound but I liked them. They were like Of Mice & Men meets The Pretty Reckless meets My Chemical Romance.
Lexi was great. It was clear she had a talent for her instrument and gave all her energy and emotions into it. A few times I caught her smiling widely while she played. She fed off the energy of the music and the high of it.
After six songs, they were finished and walked off stage but not before Lexi tossed her drums sticks into the crowd.
She turned and her eyes landed on me. She grinned and walked over. “Hi John.”
I smiled warmly. “Hey.”
“What did you think?”
“You guys were great. I liked it a lot.” I replied.
“Thank you. You wanna go get a drink?” I nodded and we were about to leave when Lexi was pulled back by her collar.
“Where do you think you’re going missy?” It was the bassist of their band.
“Get off Frank. And it’s none of your business where I’m going.” She said, crossing her arms.
Frank looked over to me. “You a fan?”
I shook my head and opened my mouth to speak but Lexi beat me to it.
“Again, none of your business. You don’t get to boss me around just because you’re my older brother.” I chuckled. Before I felt like he was being a dick and was overbearing for a friend but now that I knew they were brother and sister I found it amusing.
“I believe mom and dad told me to look out for you before we left.”
“I’m 23!” She stressed, her arms going up. “Leave me alone dude.”
She returned to my side and we left from the backstage area.
“So you’re in a band with your brother huh?”
She nodded. “Yeah it’s kinda funny how it happened actually. I hadn’t been that good when I first started playing like no one is and his band needed a drummer so I filled in for a while until they found one but they never did, Eventually I just got good at it and infiltrated his band. From then on we’ve been a package deal.”
As the days went by and Lexi and I continued to grow closer, I started to develop strong feelings for her. She was just so different from all the other girls I had been with. She didn’t care about what other people thought and didn’t feel the need to be the mainstream kinda girl who wore flower crowns, which she actually hated, and listened to the mainstream music. She liked what she liked and didn’t care if other people didn’t like that. She was going to be who she was no matter what.
Because we were together so much, our bands kind of merged together and we all became friends. It was rare for the two bands not to be together somehow. Even during signings one of our guys was at their tent and vice versa and the same with shows.
.Lexi and I were alone in the back lounge of her bus one night, not doing much in particular. There was music on but I was reading and she was knitting, something I found adorable that she did. Here this girl was with piercings and tattoos and in a metal band and she knitted. It relaxed her I guess but it was still pretty cute to see.
“I’m gonna get a drink.” She said, setting her stuff down and getting up. She didn’t see the shoe on the floor and tripped on it, falling over on me. Her face was inches from mine and our eyes got caught together. It was like there was an invisible string linking our eyes together.
I couldn’t help it. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. They were so soft and a buzz went through me. She responded immediately, kissing me back.
After that we kissed whenever we wanted as long as were alone. We didn’t know what we were yet and we wanted to keep it between us for now. The sneaking around was a lot of fun and trying to keep quiet when there was other people on the bus was like an adrenaline rush. Knowing that we could be caught at any moment was thrilling. But sometimes I wished we weren’t a secret. I wasn’t big on PDA but I wouldn’t mind being able to hold her hand in public or steal a kiss even when our friends were around but we just didn’t know what we were yet so it had to remain something just between us.
When Lexi and I got scheduled to do an interview together with two other bands, we were kind of excited. Neither of us knew the other bands or the members attending the interview so we didn’t feel so nervous. We sat next to the each other and the interview started. The first few questions neither of us really had anything to say until the question was directed to Lexi.
“So you and John here, you guys’ bands have pretty much become great friends. How did that happen?”
“One night John and I kinda just met and started hanging out and it just happened I mean that’s how you become friends.” Lexi replied.
“Are you two dating or anything like that?”
Lexi opened her mouth to speak but didn’t know what to say. We both knew we had something but we didn’t exactly say anything towards the feelings and how we acted with each other. We didn’t ever say we were together even though we may as well have been. There was nothing different between us and a normal couple. We technically were a couple if you thought about it.
I leaned over and spoke into the mic. “Yep. We are.”
Lexi looked at me, trying to hide her shock that I had done that and officially confirmed the rumors. Why hide it anymore? There was no reason.
“Well congratulations!” The interviewer said and it moved on from there because of the time limit.
When we walked out of the room, Lexi gave me a look. “What was that?”
I pulled her against me. “That was me asking you to be my girlfriend in a subtle way.”
She couldn’t help but laugh lightly. “That was a different way to do it. Try it different next time.”
“If you say you will be there won’t be a next time.”
“Honestly, not a thing will change between us and that’s all that matters so I guess you can officially call me your girlfriend and I’ll call you my boyfriend.” She said teasingly.
I smiled and kissed her, not caring if anyone saw. It was out there now and we didn’t have to hide anymore.
The fan response was at first kinda bad. A lot of people didn’t like her very much and thought she wasn’t the type of girl I shouldn’t be with. I think they expected me to have a type and that I liked blonde models but that wasn’t who I was at all. After a while people started to realize she wasn’t going to change for them and that she liked getting a rise out of people that way because they didn’t like those who chose to be different. All her fans had liked me from the get-go luckily.
When warped ended, we were sad but we didn’t have to part. Sure she lived in Gilbert but it wasn’t that far from Chandler. And after Warped our bands went on tour together. We had such different sounds but it worked because it gave both of us a chance at opening up to a new crowd. We were so different but we worked. It’s like they say, opposites attract.
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lostinnnostalgia · 7 years
You Haunt Me— ii. September 23rd, 2010
Standing backstage, she watched her best friends perform their last concert of the tour: their hometown show. It had been months since she’d seen them all, and her excitement was overriding the anxiety she felt being in a room packed full of strangers. She was glad she was at least slightly removed from them all being at the back of the stage instead of standing in the crowd— she never was one that enjoyed that experience. Her best friend, Stella stood beside her, screaming the lyrics at the top of her lungs.
They finished off their last song, exiting the stage moments later. Her other best friend, John, threw his arm over her shoulders the second he came backstage.
“You are so sweaty,” she laughed, shrugging him off. “I missed you, though.”
She recalled the day they first met when she moved onto his street back when they were seven, and they’d been practically inseparable ever since. He was always there to stick up for her when she’d rather stay quiet. Likewise, she was there to listen to his grandiose dreams of being in a band which eventually became a reality for him.
“I missed you too, Rae,” he responded, wrapping his arms around her despite her protests earlier.
“Ahem,” she heard someone clear their throat behind her. “What about the rest of us?”
She laughed, turning her attention to the owner of the voice, Garrett. “I missed you all, okay?”
“It’s okay, we get it,” he sighed, his arm around Stella’s waist. They’d been together since the end of high school. “You just love John the most.”
She looked down, trying to stop the heat from rising in her cheeks. She wasn’t sure why, but every time something like this was brought up she couldn’t help but feel awkward.
“Hey, who wants to go get food?” Jared asked, changing the subject, which Rae was grateful for.
“Sounds good,” the others chimed in, and they all headed out.
“So like, when are you two gonna date?” Stella asked Rae once they had gotten home later that night.
“What?” Rae questioned her confusedly.
“Oh, don’t play like that,” Stella laughed. “You know what I mean. I saw how you and John were tonight.”
“We’re just friends, Stel,” Rae averted her gaze.
Stella shot her a look.
“Just friends,” Rae repeated herself. As much as she kept reiterating the point, she couldn’t help but feel she possibly wanted more.
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lostinnnostalgia · 7 years
This is a request from a long, long, loonnng time ago. I’m going to try my best to get more done, so send in some requests if you have any! x
“Babe!” John yelled from our bedroom.
Sighing, I got up from the couch. I had just started to get into the book I was reading while he was asleep. “Yeah?”
I made my way into the bedroom, and he was laying in the bed, a frown on his face.
“I can’t breathe through my nose,” he whined, his voice barely there anymore.
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Aww, do you have a man cold?”
He chuckled a bit at this as well. “I think I might be running a fever. I feel cold then I feel hot then I feel cold then-“
“You feel hot, I get it,” I laughed. “I’ll get you some Kleenex and a thermometer.”
Grabbing the items, I returned to the room a minute later. After handing the thermometer to him, he stuck it under his tongue.
He glanced at the numbers on the screen. “I don’t know what this means.”
Taking it from him, I read it. “You do have a bit of a fever.”
“Shit,” he rasped. “I’m supposed to go to practice today.” I laughed. “Maybe not a good idea. Everyone doesn’t need your germs.”
“Rude,” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Will you get me some water, please?
“Am I your servant now?” I joked.
I raised an eyebrow at him. “Oh, really?”
“Please,” he pouted. “I’m so thirsty.” “I’ll make you a tea,” I responded, turning to go out to the kitchen.
“I hate tea,” he spoke.
“It’ll help your throat, so suck it up,” I chuckled, leaving the room.
Putting the kettle on, I took out a tea bag, placing it in John’s mug. I was pretty sure there hadn’t ever been tea put in it once. He had always been a coffee person, while I preferred tea. He would scrunch up his nose, calling me a grandmother, which always made me laugh.
Once the water boiled, I poured it in the cup, letting it steep a moment before taking it to John.
“I loaded it with honey, so it shouldn’t be too bad,” I told him.
He took a sip, grimacing. “It’s still pretty gross, but I’ll drink it just for you.”
“Hey! This is for you,” I reminded him. “I’m trying to help you feel better.”
He laughed. “I know. Thanks, ____. I love you.” “You’re welcome, John,” I responded. “I love you, too.”
Original request: Could you do a oneshot where John is sick and his gf takes care of him?
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lostinnnostalgia · 7 years
February 14th, 2011 
“Why is literally everything that’s on right now stupid romance shit?” John asked, flipping through the channels.
“Probably because it’s Valentine’s Day,” Rae responded.
“We are the only people on this planet that are single,” he splayed his arms out dramatically across the back of the couch.
She giggled. “I highly doubt that, John.”
“When will you just admit your undying love for me and date me, Rae?” he joked, poking her ribs.
“Stop,” she laughed, pushing his hand away.
“I know, I know,” he sighed. “Unrequited love.”
While he was kind of joking, there was some aspect of truth, and Rae knew it. He had tried to date her back in high school, but she was afraid of losing him as a best friend. While he understood, he still couldn’t shake the feelings he had toward her.
She also knew that she had at least some sort of feelings for him as well, but the thought of them alone terrified her, so she usually pushed them to the side.
“Love sucks, anyways,” he chuckled.
“Love sucks,” she repeated, laughing with him.
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johnohimagines · 10 years
Just Say It
Then there were the fans that were well above 18. I always enjoyed getting to speak to someone closer to my age. Don’t get me wrong, I loved each and every fan equally; it was just nice to speak to someone who wasn’t still in high school. And the fact that I could hit on them without it being creepy was another reason I liked it. It was nice to sometimes see a woman and not a girl.
I continued to walk and a girl leaning on the wall caught my attention. She was looking down at her friends, smiling genuinely as they chatted. Long brown hair that was splayed around her shoulders, stopping at the middle of her torso, shone in the sun. Something else that set her apart from everyone else: she was dressed modestly. She adorned a long black skirt that hit the floor. A burgundy three fourths sleeve shirt fitted to her upper half. It was a u-neck and showed hardly any cleavage even though it was clear she had it. Minimal makeup enhanced her natural beauty. I couldn’t see her eyes though and that bothered me.
I continued to walk and tore my eyes away, not wanting to get caught staring. I wouldn’t forget her and could only hope and pray she stayed after the show. I had never seen her before or never noticed her at least. I usually knew most people at home shows.
During sound check, Tim walked in with a group of girls like he did every show he came to. He always brought in the leaders of the street team for that area to speak to them and let them watch sound check, things of that nature. It was something they always loved and it was such a simple thing for us.
I got a surprise when I saw her, the girl from the line, speaking to Tim. She was on the street team. This was a huge advantage. I would be seeing her much more than if she were just a regular fan.
We did sound check as normal only my attention was on the beauty gracing the room when she wasn’t looking my way. I got to examine her more than before and found she had light brown eyes. They were a burnt honey shade but when she looked into the sun, they were a topaz hue. And she was over twenty one. I know this because she got a beer at one point as she spoke to Tim. Also, the way she spoke was more professional than the others. This led me to believe she was the president of the street team.
When sound check was over, I hoped off stage and walked up to the group of girls with a smile. They looked a little intimidated but I could understand why. But the one I found beautiful didn’t. She seemed very relaxed and comfortable. It was an abnormal yet welcome reaction.
“Hi, ladies.” I said warmly, looking at each of them and stopping at her.
“Hi!” They all greeted back.
“You guys having fun?” I asked, tearing my eyes from her perfect brown ones.
“Tons.” She murmured with a smile, sipping the remains of her beer before throwing it away in the trash beside her.
I chatted with the group of them before I somehow managed to get _______, as I learned her name was, away in a hidden corner of the room. It was so hidden we could be having sex back here and no one would know a thing.
“How old are you?” I asked, making conversation. I already knew she was old enough I just wanted to know how much younger than me she was.
“Twenty-two.  I’ve been a fan since I was seventeen but only joined the street team about a year ago.”
“How’d you manage to become president so fast?” I questioned. It took a lot to become president of a street team and a lot of time and dedication.
“Adrianna, the last president, chose me to take her place. I actually didn’t want it at first but after everyone talked me into it, I decided to do it. I love it so far. It was tough with school at first but I’ve learned how to balance it and make it work.”
“What’s your major?”
“Medical. I graduate in June and then I got to med school.” She smiled.
“Don’t you have to be really smart like take calculus and shit?”
She chuckled, nodding. “It takes a lot to become a doctor but it’s what I want to do.”
Our conversation continued before Tim called my name and we had to leave our corner. The fans were going to be let in soon and we had to head backstage. _______ went with her friends to get back in line and I watched her go with a smile. She was very special, I just didn’t know why yet.
The show went well like always and I had a hard time keeping my eyes off _______ as the concert progressed. Each time I looked at her, she would blush, smile, and look down at her feet. It was adorable and half the reason I kept looking at her every five minutes. Even as I sang, I couldn’t not look at her.
Once the shower was over, I went and showered in the dressing room shower, making sure I didn’t smell bad and my hair looked good. I even put on cologne that Jared had brought with him for emergencies like if someone ran into a pretty girl such as my case. Although I never expected that pretty girl to be a fan, I didn’t care.
I finally went outside and was bombarded as usual. I didn’t immediately see _______ but knew she was around here somewhere.
We always stayed very late at home shows just because we could, having nowhere to be the next day. It made the fans happy and that was what mattered.
I didn’t get to see her again until the end of the night when there were hardly any fans left. I smiled as she approached me.
“Hi.” I smiled.
“Hi.” She said back with a smile of her own. She held out a copy of Imaginary Numbers on vinyl. “Will you sign this for me? You’re the last I need.” She bit her lip.
“You don’t even have to ask, Darlin’.” I chuckled, taking it from her and signing it with the silver sharpie.
We continued our conversation from earlier until Tim informed me we were going home.
“I’ll meet you in the car.” I said and he left. I looked back to _______, not wanting to leave. There was still so much to talk about with her.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye.”
“No, I don’t think it is. I like you _______, and if you don’t mine I’d like to see you again.” I spoke, nervous she would say no or that she had a boyfriend. She probably had a boyfriend already. She was too beautiful not to.
“I’d like that a lot.”
I let out the breath I’d been holding and we exchanged numbers.
“I’ll call you in a couple days? I’m probably going to sleep through all of tomorrow.” I chuckled.
“That sounds good. I’ll talk to you then.” She grinned and got closer to me, kissing my cheek. “Bye, John.”
I swallowed as she pulled back. “Bye, _______.”
Two days later I decided on texting her instead of calling her. It was a Monday and she might be in class.
She didn’t respond for about an hour, apologizing and saying she was in class like I had predicted.
We texted back and forth through the day and through her classes. By the end of the night we had a date for Wednesday. I wanted to call her but she was studying and I knew that was important for her to do. She had a busy life and I only hoped I could somehow manage keep pace with her.
I was anxious for Wednesday and couldn’t wait for the day. It felt like so long from Monday to Wednesday and then Wednesday morning to five thirty when I left to pick her up for out date. She lived in an apartment with her best friend who was also on the street team. I never thought I’d get involved with a fan yet here I was, completely smitten with this fan that wasn’t just a fan but the president of the street team.
I found her place and knocked on the door, hoping I had the right apartment.
When she answered the door I grinned.
“Hey.” She said, stepping out.
“Hey.”  I was so glad to finally see her.
Our date went great and by the end of the night we were holding hands as we walked around the vacant park we’d stopped at. Neither of us wanted to end the night.
“What’s your favorite song?” I asked her.
“You’re gonna laugh at me.” She mumbled, amused.
“No I won’t. I promise.”
“Kennedy Curse.”
I rolled my eyes. “That isn’t by us.”
“Oh well then The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by Brand New.”
That launches us into talking about Brand New and music and artists. I felt like I got to know her better with each passing second and the more I learned about her, the more I liked her. She was an amazing person with good taste in music. I couldn’t ask for more from someone. I liked her a whole lot and couldn’t wait to see where our relationship went. I hoped we got closer the more we got to know each other.
About a couple months later, I invited _______ to come with the band on a group trip to San Diego. All of 8123 was going and I wanted _______ to come with us. Mainly because I wanted to ask her to actually be my girlfriend while we were there. I had yet to do so just because I didn’t know how to ask without seeming like we were in high school but there was no better way to do it than just ask. I didn’t want to assume anything and just say we were official. That would make me look like a jackass if we weren’t on the same page. She told me she wanted to take it slow because she was a fan and didn’t want to rush into anything for my sake and hers as well. She was afraid that when people found out we were together that she would get a lot of hate because she was a fan. She didn’t want people to think that she was with me because of the role I played in the band.
I threw the last article of clothing in my bag and zipped it shut.
“Ready Darlin’?” I asked _______. She had stayed at my place for the night because this way we wouldn’t have to stop by her place and pick her up. Also because we’d been going at it like horny teenagers for the last three weeks or so and I couldn’t keep my hands off her but she didn’t seem to mind at all.
“Yeah, just gotta find my earrings.” She explained.
“I think they’re on the dresser.” I said, taking her duffle bag and slinging it on my shoulder. I expected it to be heavier being that she was a woman but it wasn’t much heavier than mine.
She got her earrings and tried to get me to let her take her bag but I wouldn’t budge.
“Men.” She grumbled.
We locked my door behind us and went to the van where everyone was. Riding in the van was me, ______, Pat, Jared, Tessa, Tim, Ashley, Garrett, Falyn, and Kennedy. It was going to be a tight squeeze but we’d make it work.
“Alright, let’s do this thing. Everyone into the clown car.” Tim directed.
“This is hardly a clown car.” Garrett chuckled.
“It will be when everyone’s trying to fit in it.”
It took a good ten minutes to fit everyone in comfortably. _______ and I were lucky didn’t have to deal with that because I was driving and she was in the passenger’s seat next to me.
Once we were driving it was tons of fun. Everyone was having a great time but I was mostly silent, trying to figure out how I was going to ask _______ to be my girlfriend. I didn’t want to do it in some really cliché manner but I couldn’t think of anything original that wasn’t cheesy.
“John?” she asked,
“Yeah?” I asked.
“I think we should take the five once we get into California.” She said, looking at a map.
“Whys that?”
“It seems like a shorter freeway than the ten.” She explained. “And Tim said that everyone else is taking the five.”
“Well, I’ve always taken the ten when we go to California.”
“Yeah, but I mean wouldn’t you want to get there faster?”
“I don’t think the five is faster than the ten.” I chuckled sarcastically.
“Umm I think it is.” She insisted.
“Babe, it’s not faster. We always take the ten and get there fine on time.”
“How do you know it’s not faster if you always take the ten? I’m telling you, the five will get us there sooner than the ten will.”
“Well I’m the one driving and we’re taking the ten.”
She clicked her tongue. “Why can’t we just take the five?”
“Because I don’t like the five. I like the ten.”
“Seriously? Because you don’t like the five? There’s nothing wrong with it! It’s a freeway like every other freeway in the country!”
“It’s not going to get us there faster! I’m the driver and I know what I’m doing so just let me drive.” I said, ending the argument. The car was now silent and tense, everyone having heard our argument. It was our first one and I didn’t like it.
I ended up taking the five while _______ was sleeping like she had said and we did end up getting to San Diego faster. I would be apologizing soon.
I woke _______ up when we got to the hotel and I could tell she was different. She wasn’t mad but she wasn’t exactly happy with me. She was distant. It scared me. I’d never felt about someone like I had felt about her.
We were sharing a room so once we were both in, I decided that now would be the best time to apologize.
“Yeah?” She asked, not looking at me.
“I’m sorry about what I said in the car. I was kind of an ass.” I said, rubbing the back of my neck and grimacing.
“It’s fine. I’m not mad.” She said simply, taking off her shoes and slipping on some sandals. “I’m gonna go take a walk on the beach.” Our hotel was fairly close to the beach and it was half the reason we decided to book this particular hotel.
I watched her go and groaned when she shut the door behind her. Why couldn’t I do this right?
Slipping on some sandals, I followed her after a few minutes of debating with myself and then coming up with the idea to ask her to be my girlfriend on the beach. She wouldn’t be expecting it and this way, it was kinda romantic. I just hoped she didn’t throw sand in my face.
I found her walking on the beach and jogged towards her, catching up with her.
“Darlin’, I’m really sorry about what happened in the car earlier. I should have listened to you because the five was actually faster than the ten.” I chuckled but stopped when she didn’t look up. “_______?” Angling my knees to make myself shorter, I could now see she was crying. Panic struck me.
“Just say it.” She mumbled, looking up with tear stained cheeks.
“Just say what?” I asked, extending my hands out but not knowing what to do with them.
“I don’t even know why you invited me. You clearly don’t see us going anywhere or you would have made some type of commitment but you haven’t even referred to me as your girlfriend yet.” She sniffled.
My eyes widened. “No! Fuck. Why am I so bad at this?” I mumbled. “I was planning on asking you to officially be my girlfriend here. That’s why I asked you to come with us.”
“Of course. I really really like you ______ and I want to continue to see where we go.”
“Oh god and here I thought you were going to tell me you didn’t want to see me anymore.” She chuckled, wiping at her tears.
 “So will you?”
“Only if you listen to me when I say take the five instead of the ten.”
I rolled my eyes with a smile. “Deal.” 
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johnohimagines · 10 years
Bumping Knees
I stepped out of the cab and saw the guys white van. It was a rental as the van had been having trouble running and it hadn’t been fixed in time for the tour sadly. John was extremely disappointed in that fact but was glad the van was fixed now.
I knocked on the van door and Kennedy saw me and grinned, getting out of the van.
“Hey.” He pulled me into a hug. “Glad you made it. I was about to call and ask where you were.”
I pulled away only to be hugged by Pat. I was good friends with the guys and had been way before John and I had even met. I’d been friends with Pat and Garrett longer than I’d been with John so I was in great with his friends. It sometimes turned to my favor when John and I got in a fight and he went to one of the guys only to be sent to come back and apologize to me.
“Hi Pat.” I chuckled into the hug.
“T-T-Thank god, you’re here. John has been whining about you for days.” He complained.
“Yeah, it’s ________ this and _______ that.”
“Well I’m here now and for the next two days.” I said and Pat let me go.
“How was your flight?” He asked as I threw my bag in the back seat of the van where I saw John’s bag was. I couldn’t wait to be sleeping in this cramped space with him tonight. I always found it hard to sleep without him.
“It was good. As good as first class gets anyway.” I added with a chuckle, shutting the van door.
We started walking into the venue, chatting about how tour was going and what was going on back home. We took the back entrance to avoid fans that were already in line. They all knew who I was but I just wanted to get inside, it being cold out despite the fact that I was dressed warm.
“You gonna help us set up?” Peter asked after we hugged.
“Yeah, sounds good. Let’s not drop any guitars off the stage this time though.” I chuckled in reference to the last time Peter and I helped set up together. He dropped Johns black and white electric down the stage and it was now retired in John’s room.
Peter flipped me off with a grin and the guys and I started setting the stage up. We were messing around with the instruments and such. At one point I was singing while Kennedy was on drums and Pat and Peter were playing guitar. Chris and everyone else tried to set up but we kept getting in their way so they were now letting us have our fun and setting up the merch table.
As we made up songs and did little covers, we bonded more and laughed a lot. It was nice to get to bond with the guys as friends. However, it was a little hot and the lights weren’t even on and there weren’t hundreds of bodied inside. I had no idea how they did it. I had to take off my beanie I was so hot.
Not too soon later I heard the back door close and stopped singing.
“We’re back!” Jared called loudly. I looked at Peter with wide eyes. We had about five seconds before John saw me on stage and ruined the surprise.
Kennedy pushed me to the side stage and took my place at the mid. I hid behind the curtain and watched John look around, looking confused. He’d heard me singing.
After not seeing him for two weeks, he was a sight for sore eyes. His hair had grown out as he wouldn’t let me cut it before he left. He also looked tired and that was odd for it being so early in the tour. They’d been on tour longer and he didn’t get so tired this quickly in. It worried me.
“Was there a woman singing?” John asked, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
“Uh no.”  Kennedy said with a laugh. “Thanks for the compliment man.”
John shook his head. “I could swear I heard ______.” All the guys groaned at his words.
“You’re losing it man.” Garrett said, clapping him on the shoulder.
I felt a little bad deceiving him like this but it would be worth it in the end.
I hid behind the curtain until John went back stage and I came out, looking to Jared with my hands out in front of me and eyes wide in question. “A little warning would have been nice.”
“I called! No one answered.” Jared responded.
“It must have been when we were jamming out.” Pat mumbled, looking at his phone.
“Where am I gonna hide now? You guys weren’t supposed to be back for another three hours.” I hoped off the stage and crossed my arms.
“Sorry, John wouldn’t let us keep him out anymore. I think he knows something’s up but I don’t think he knows what.” Garrett pointed out.
“Shit.” I mumbled.
“You can hide in the van.”
After debating for ten minutes, I was taking the keys from Pat with a glare at the ground, walking off. I did not want to sit in the stinky van for three hours but we had no other options. Trying to dodge John around the venue would be way too hard and that didn’t ensure he wouldn’t catch me.
I got in the van and grimaced as I got in. It smelt awful. Like stinky man sweat and old socks. It smelt like my older brothers gym bag when he was on the high school football team. It was a smell that made your eyes water just a little.
After a few minutes, I adjusted but was bored. So I called John.
As we talked, I had to keep myself from laughing about the fact that he had no idea I was just outside the venue and in the van, especially when he mentioned how we thought he was going crazy. He had found a beanie that looked just like mine on the stage and heard my voice. I winced when he mentioned my beanie. I had forgotten about it when I took it off on stage.
Once we hung up, I decided to clean this awful van and make it in better conditions to basically live in. The tour was almost over but I didn’t care, I was bored and going to be in here for the next two days. It needed to be cleaned. Badly.
I needed supplies so I left the van and started walking down the street, looking for some kind of convenience store or something where I could purchase trash bags, air freshener, and sanitation wipes to clean the dash and wheel and such.
Once I found a place, I purchased my things before going back.
I was cleaning up when my phone beeped with a text. It was from Garrett saying John was on his way to the van.
I quickly gathered my cleaning supplies and threw it all in the very back seat before getting back there as well, which wasn’t easy might I add. I made it with just enough time to peer up through the window and see him leave the venue.
With wide eyes I remembered my duffle was on top of his. I quickly reached over and pulled it back with me, hoping he didn’t see me. The windows were fairly tinted but he might have been able to see movement.
I laid across the seat, flattening myself and waited for him to open the door.
When he did, I had to hold my breath as it was slightly heavy from all the quick moving I did.
“What the hell?” he mumbled.
I picked up my phone and silently shot Garrett a text that I had cleaned the van and for him to tell everyone that Pat did it earlier.
I heard him rummage around before shutting the door. Thinking he was gone, I sat up only to see him in the driver’s seat. I laid back down swiftly.
I had to wait twenty minutes before he finally left and I let out a heavy breath of relief. He was making this difficult.
I waited for a while longer before getting to leave the van after the fans were now in the venue. I did change out of my warm clothes in the van into a lighter outfit. It was one of John’s favorite outfits on me. It was a peach chiffon button up with a white tank top underneath and black skinny jeans with my black boots. Usually I wore a black skirt and heels but it was way too cold for that tonight.
I texted Garrett and told him to get someone to let me in.
I didn’t have to wait long and was let in by security where I was led to the dressing room that was vacant, the guys at side stage ready to go on.
Anticipation bubbled within me. I was very excited to surprise John. I was going on during Take Me Dancing when John was by himself on stage. It was the perfect plan.
I watched their performance from a distance so there was no chance John would see me at all.
When it was time, the guys all passed me by and gave me smiles of encouragement.
I didn’t want to go in the middle of the song, so I figured now was the time do it.
“This song is about my dad and a friend from back home.” I stepped out of the shadows and started walking on the small, crowded stage as John spoke. John hadn’t noticed me so I took a seat on the stool. The crowd was all mumbling and staring at me, some with smiles in knowledge of who I was and some in confusion, not knowing I was his girlfriend.
He looked at the crowd in confusion and looked in everyone’s direction, his eyes landing on me.
“Holy shit.” He mumbled his mouth still by the mic so everyone heard it. I bit my lip, just smiling at him.
He jumped up, quickly pushing his guitar to his back and rushed over to me. He took my face in his hands, hunching over since I was still in the chair, and kissing me deeply.
It felt like the longest kiss ever but then again, the first kiss after finally seeing him after so long always was.
When he finally broke away, he looked down at me with a very small smile of pure joy to see me.
“I missed you.” He said.
“I missed you to.” I grinned.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’ll explain later. Right now you have a show to play.” I reminded him.
He gave me one more quick kiss before dropping his hands from my face. He straightened up and looked sheepishly at the crowd. I stood and was about to go to the side stage but he grabbed my wrist.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked.
I giggled and John took the chair with him, setting it by his. He sat in his chair and I went to sit next to him.
“I apologize for that.” John said into the mic. He took my hand in his. “I’m not big on PDA but this gorgeous woman is my world and the hardest part about touring is leaving her behind. Especially on her birthday for the third year in a row so to see her sitting there…I just forgot where I was for a minute.” He chuckled, pulling his guitar forward. He dropped my hand and bumped my knee with his. That was our thing. We bumped knees as a silent way of saying ‘I love you’. As he started strumming, I bumped his knee back.
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johnohimagines · 10 years
Just This Once
I flipped through the magazine, my feet soaking in the warm water. I didn’t usually read the tabloids because they always seemed to spread lies about my boyfriend and his now popular band. However, I was particularly bored. My phone was almost dead and I didn’t want to waste battery to entertain myself while my pedicure took place.
I flipped pages and stopped, my boyfriends name catching my eye.
I normally wouldn’t have believed any of this had there not been pictures. Her face wasn’t in them but there was a photo of the back of her looking down into a glass case, pointing at something inside while John looked down into the case at what she was pouting out. There was also a photo of them having lunch outside, him with a big smile on his face.
I set down the magazine and thought about when this could have been. I immediately thought back to the day he came home in a great mood. When I asked about it he said that thing were starting to make sense. Could that have been because of her? Was John really cheating on me?
The very real possibility made me look back to the photos, trying to figure out who this was. Could it be someone I knew? A mutual friend perhaps. Or was it a stranger? A woman he’d met on tour possibly.
I remained calm on the outside while my pedicure was finished but on the inside I was pissed. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. John had been acting weird lately. He would say he was going out with the guys but if for some reason I brought it up with one of the guys in passing they told me they hadn’t hung out that day and that hadn’t happened. His stories didn’t add up. Now they made sense though. He wasn’t with the guys because he was with her.
I left the nail salon not too soon later and called John only to get voicemail. He was probably with her right now.
I went home, tears pouring down my face, a mix of emotions flooding me. On the one hand, I was so angry at him. I was angry that he was cheating on me and ruining our two year relationship. But I was also very hurt. I didn’t know how he could hurt me like this. He said he loved me all the time but yet he was sleeping with another woman. Betrayal was among the emotions along with disappointment. I never expected this from him, yet here I was.
He wasn’t home when I got there as I had expected.
I saw his boots by the entry way and I became livid. It was like a switch. I’d been telling him for months to stop leaving his shoes by the door and he never listened
I ran up the stairs and went to our closet. If he wanted to leave his shit by the front door then he was going to get just that.
I scooped up as much of his clothes out of his dresser drawer as I could, throwing them down from the top of the stairs.
I repeated this until all of his clothing and shoes were in a heap by the front door. He had a warning of what he was walking in on when he came home.
I didn’t know when he would be back but I needed to talk to someone. I couldn’t just sit here and wait like nothing was wrong. I called my best friend, Tessa.
Tessa was how John and I had met. She had been dating one of Johns best friends, Jared, and that was how we got introduced. We didn’t start dating right away though. We stayed friends for a few years before finally admitting to our feelings.
“Tess?” I cried when I answered.
“______,? What’s wrong?” Tessa asked concerned.
“Johns cheating on me.” I whimpered.
“What?!” She hissed. “What do you mean he’s cheating on you?!”
“He’s been looking at engagement rings with some blonde.” I explained.
“______, you’re breaking up sweetie.”
I heard a small beep and pulled my phone away from my face to see the call had dropped.
I rolled my eyes, sniffling. She needed to get a better phone company. This happened all the time. She was always dropping calls or breaking up on her end or the other persons.
I sat on the couch, waiting for John to come home. I only wanted to talk about it with Tessa because she was my best friend.
When I heard the door open and John walked in, I let out a sharp breath. Time to face the music.
“What the hell?” He mumbled.
He turned the corner that would put him in my view. He was looking at me with confusion written on his face.
“Why are all my clothes by the front door?”
“How do you feel about blondes?” I asked, looking forward and away from him.
“Uh, what’s going on?”
I jumped up and stormed up to him. “You know what this is about.” I hissed. “I know okay? I know what you’ve been doing behind my back.” His face fell. “Yeah, I know about the lunch dates and the jeweler and picking out cute little rings.” I said snidely.
“Darlin’, I thought you’d be happy about this! I’m finally doing this for us! How can you be so upset?” He asked incredulously.
I scoffed, backing away from him. “Happy? You expect me to fucking be happy with this?” I threw my arms up. “Oh yeah! I’m so happy! Just what every woman wants! For her boyfriend of two years to cheat on her!”
The confusion dropped off his face and cleared of emotion.
“You think I’m cheating on you?”
I shook my head, clicking my tongue. “Don’t play dumb, John. I saw the photos in the magazine. I saw you and that blonde at the jeweler and at lunch together on at least three separate occasions.”
He looked down, his eyebrow furrowed before a smile spread across his face. This was only serving to make me angrier. Why couldn’t he just admit it? I just wanted the truth from him. I wanted him to say those words to my face and stop lying to me.
“Just stop lying to me!”
He looked up and started laughing. “I’m glad you think this is funny.”
With a smile he walked up to me and tried to put his hands on me but I backed away.
“Don’t you dare touch me.” I glared. He kept walking towards me so I kept backing up until I hit the wall.
“You think I’m cheating on you?” He was so amused and I wanted nothing more than to slap that smirk right off his face.
“I know you are.”
“I was with Tessa.” He chuckled.
For a brief moment, I thought he meant that Tessa was who he had been seeing.
He saw my horror stricken face and the smile dropped. “No! Not like that! God no! I meant that the woman in those photos is Tessa. I’m not cheating on you Darlin’.”
“You’re not?” I asked, not being able to believe what I was hearing.
He chuckled. “No. I love you. Only you. I would never be able to hurt you like that. I swear. You’re the only woman in my life. Well you and my mother.” he chuckled.
“Oh my god.” I grinned, throwing myself onto him and attacking his lips with mine. He was taken back but quickly started kissing me back with equal fervor.
I broke the kiss, realizing something.
“Why were you looking at rings if…” I trailed off, it dawning on me.
He grinned, pulling the black box from his back pocket. My heart jumped into my throat.
“This isn’t how I planned on doing this but now is as good a time as any.” 
“Oh my god.” I said, watching him get down on one knee in front of me. I was not expecting this. Just twenty minutes ago I thought he was cheating on me. That’s why he was with Tessa. To help him pick out a ring. And of course he’d take Tessa, she knew me better than anyone but him.
He flipped open the box and inside was a gorgeous ring that looked like it was made for me. “_______, will you marry me?”
I covered my mouth with my hand, tears filling my eyed but this time they were happy tears.
“Yes.” I nodded, holding out my hand for John to put the ring on. He slipped it onto my left ring finger before standing and crashing lips atop mine before breaking the kiss just moments later.
“I’m sorry I made you so upset. I just wanted you to really love this ring.”
“You did great. I love it so much. It’s amazing.” I smiled, looking at the ring that was now residing on my finger. I squealed just a little making John laugh.
“I take it I’m off the hook?”
I rolled my eyes with my smile still in tact. “Just this once.”
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johnohimagines · 10 years
What the Hell is This?!
I was bored. I was very bored. I had no inspiration at the moment to write anything. I knew that even if I attempted in this mood, I would only end up frustrated and in a bad mood for the rest of my day.
I had no one to go out with because everyone was busy. Everyone had something to do today but me.
I typed my name into the search bar in Google adding Tumblr to the end. I clicked on the first result and was taken to my tag. The first thing I saw was a photo of me singing from the acoustic tour. I scrolled through, seeing a bunch of things that didn’t stick out at me until I stopped scrolling, something catching my eye. It was called Psycho Killer. It was a little story it looked like. This was the fanfiction I had been told about. I was a tad interested and wondered just a little what people were writing about me. I looked at the NC-17 part and it set in with me what that meant. This shit had a rating?! What the hell is this!? Porn?!
“Jeeze Louis.” I grumbled, reading it. I read the part in parenthesis, finding this was about my Talking Heads cover. Then it was signed off by a DM. I assumed the letters were to remain anonymous. Smart choice.
It started off pretty normal but then it cut off, giving me a link to read more. I clicked it and was taken to a different page. The background was a tea rose shade that I kinda liked. It wasn’t overly girly but at the same time feminine. Clearly a girl ran this page. I saw there was a gif of me at the top, a description following. I found that there were three writers, KP, SJ, and DM.
I started reading the story and my eyes widened when “I” started making out with this character. In all honestly, the writing wasn’t too bad and it sounded a lot like me.
Then the sex started. I will admit it was hot but it was an odd thing. Someone had to have imagined me doing those things to write them. Granted, everyone had seen my backside but no one had seen my front and I planned on keeping it that way.
I decided to check out the rest of their little page and the first thing I read was a text post apologizing for the lack of posts. It said DM was really sick and this person, KP, was going through something and she wasn’t sure she would be able to post in WOB, whatever that was. I’d seen two of the three writers now.
As I scrolled through their page, I came to the next story. It was called Quite a Show and it too was rated NC-17. What was with these girls?! Was all they wrote about me porn?!
This was just as intense as the last and I could only laugh at their image of me but also the accuracy. They definitely knew me for what I showed.
I wanted to read something that wasn’t porn so I looked around and found the past oneshots link. I noticed the chaptered fics link as well but figured I’d wait on that one.
It was a list of story names that were links and I scrolled through DM’s section, finding she had written a lot. Then it went to KP and she too had written a lot. After that was SJ and I found she had only written a few things.
I spent the next few minutes reading short stories about myself written by these girls. Some of them I liked and others I didn’t care too much for. Those ones were stories with storylines of things that would never happen but made for a good story. And then there were the heartbreaking ones. Like the one DM wrote about my girlfriend having cancer and her dying in my arms really tugged at my heart. Or the one KP wrote about my girlfriend having an eating disorder and finding out she was pregnant. Those were things that happened to people and it was odd to read about me put in those situations.
Once I’d had enough of the short stories I checked out the chaptered fics. The first thing I saw was Chasing Rainbows by DM. DM only had two stories total while KP had quite a few. I wondered why that was.
As I read Chasing Rainbows, I wondered what Hanna Beth would look like. Then I read something that made me think she was actually a person. I searched her name in Google to find she was indeed real. She was a very pretty model who was actually on one of our shirts on 8123. I was pleased to find she was my girlfriend in this story.
After I was done reading the story, a part of me wanted to speak to DM. She had done something that I appreciated and liked. She hadn’t made me the bad guy. In this story, the woman was the one with relationship fears instead of the man, something I didn’t know too many stories about.
I decided if I had time I would read Birdie later, moving onto KP. I picked the one with the titled I like most. Love and Drugs.
This story was very different than Chasing Rainbows. It was about me struggling with drug addiction. It was hard to read that being I’d been offered hard drugs like that in the past. It was scary to read about that and what would happen if I was romantically involved with someone at the time. The story did have a happy ending and for that I was thankful.
On a last minute decision, I started reading Birdie and was a little touched. It was about me being a single parent. I had a little girl named Charlotte. Basically the story followed her growing up from my view of things. I wondered if this was what it would be like if I actually did end up having kids, a daughter specifically. I hoped without the single parent part. And although this was just a story, in a strange way I was worried for Birdie when she attempted to take her life. But like in the last stories, it all ended happily.
Sighing, I wondered if I should close out and forget about it or show the guys.
Nah. I thought. I was about to close out of it when I started thinking maybe I could talk to these girls. I wanted to tell them they were great writers and that DM shouldn’t think so negatively about herself and KP had such great stories.
I found the place to go so I could ask them things and started writing a message to the three. This would be interesting.
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johnohimagines · 10 years
_____ stepped out but the side door flew open and Lucy ran out in an extravagant pink dress that _____ told me was her princess dress and that she hardly took it off. “Daddy!”
I bent down and caught her in my hands, lifting her up and against my chest. “Hi, princess!” I grinned, kissing her soft cheek. She gripped my shirt and hid her face in my neck.
“I missed you.” She mumbled, pulling her head back to look at me. The statement broke my heart. I didn’t want her to miss me. She shouldn’t have to miss me. Sometimes my career was hard when it came to the kids. 
“I missed you to munchkin. But I’m home now and I’m gonna be home for a while.” It wasn’t a lie either. Tessa was seven months pregnant so the band would be on break until the baby was at least three months old. Even then we wouldn’t be doing long tours for a while. We did have plans for a new record in the near future but that wasn’t for a while.
I set Lucy down and Drew came toddling up to me. “Daddy! Pick me up!” He demanded, lifting his arms up and looking at me. I picked him up and crushed him to me.
“I missed you bud.” 
He was too young to comprehend what was happening like Lucy could. He just knew I wasn’t home a lot. Many times _____ had called me in the middle of the night saying Drew wouldn’t go to sleep unless I sang to him. I sang over the phone every night for him. I was glad to be able to do it in person now.
_____ walked up, Will against her chest. 
“Is he sleeping?” I asked, setting Drew down, my eyes on the baby. 
“Nope. He just woke to see his daddy.” She grinned. She passed Will to me and I looked at my nine month old. He had grown so much in the last two months. He had more hair and it had darkened but not much. It looked to be about the shade of my hair. A sandy blonde almost. He looked at me with wonder, blue eyes wide and mouth open.
I smiled at him, my heart swelling after finally being able to see him. I’d left when he was just seven months and this was the time they grew most. 
He smiled back, giggling. I laid him against my shoulder. 
______ was looking at me with a smile. “Hi, Darlin’.” 
She stepped forward and kissed me softly. No doubt, if the kids weren’t here it wouldn’t be soft and censored like this. We’d most likely be already inside the venue in a closet somewhere, clothing being shed. That was another thing I missed. Our amazing sex. 
“Glad to have you back.” She said once the kiss broke. 
“I’m glad to be back.”
We went into the venue and Drew and Lucy were bombarded by the guys. Those two had been given so much love in their short years. They’d never go feeling unloved because they had so much more family that just blood. They had everyone at 8123 smitten with them. 
Will started to cry and I checked to see that his diaper was in need of a change. _____ took him for me and went into the dressing room to do so. I would have done it myself but Tim needed to talk to me about something.
I got to be with the kids for a couple more hours, listening to Lucy and Drew talk about everything I’d missed. It was cute because Lucy had taken to helping Drew talk so they kinda talked at the same time.
When it was time to get ready to go on stage, I changed quickly into my stage clothes for the night.
Lucy’s nose wrinkled when I leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “Daddy, you stink.”
I laughed, everyone who heard laughing with me. “How bad?”
“Worse than Wills diaper!” She said, running off. I watched her go with a smile as she ran 90 miles an hour around the room. That kid was so energetic.
Once we went on stage and started performing, I nearly forgot about my family at the side of the stage. Really it was just Lucy and Drew watching with Tim and Ashley supervising them as _____ was in the dressing room with Will. We agreed that he needed to be in another room where the sound wouldn’t hurt his ears. 
We were in the middle of My Heroine and I was having a great time when I got a different reaction from the crowd. They weren’t cheering but laughing and pointing. I stopped singing and the guys were no longer playing. I could hear their laughter as well. I looked for what was causing this and found Drew running around on stage, Lucy chasing him. I was being upstaged by my six year old and my four year old!
I ran after them but like I’d said before, Lucy had a lot of energy. Drew was easy to catch and I scooped him up, chuckling as I handed him to Kennedy. 
I then chased after Lucy, catching her after a minute as well. She was in a fit of giggles. 
“Oh it’s so funny huh?” I asked, blowing a raspberry on her neck. She laughed harder and I forgot for a minute I was in front of a venue full of fans, not just playing with my kids.
I held Lucy against my hip and Kennedy handed me Drew. I was about to take them back but Lucy stopped me. “Daddy, I wanna talk into the talky thing.” 
I hesitated. I knew it couldn’t cause any harm but I was so private about my whole family. I didn’t want Lucy too exposed to this whole thing but I’d been gone for so long. I couldn’t deny her.
“Alright. What are you gonna say?” I asked going back to the mic. 
“I-I don’t know.” Her eyes were wide, seeing the magnitude of the crowd for the first time. 
“Say hi and tell them your name.” I suggested.
“Hi, I’m Lucy.” She smiled, relaxing. 
“And how old are you gonna be in two weeks?” I asked.
“Seven.” Her eyes went down and she saw giggled. “You have pink hair.” 
The crowd laughed. “Pink is my favorite color. Daddy says its because all princesses love pink.” The crowd let out a simultaneous “aww”, practically cooing.
Lucy look at Drew. “Drew, tell them your name.” 
I smiled at how Lucy regarded Drew. She was definitely the older sister.
“No.” He shook his head. Once again, the crowd laughed as did I.
“He’s a bit shy.” I explained. I looked back to Lucy. “Say bye, Princess.” 
“Bye everybody. I hope you all love my daddy like mommy says you do.” 
I ignored everyone’s “aww” and took the kids back to Tim and Ashley and running back in stage to continue with the show. The whole time, I couldn’t stop thinking of what Lucy had said about the fans loving me as much as she did like _____ said. It kinda bothered me but I didn’t know why. Maybe because the fans were the reason I had to leave my family.
We finished up the show and I went back to the kids and my wife. I was so tired from this tour. I hadn’t toured like this in so long that it really took it out of me and wore me down. By the first month I was more than ready to come home and I had still had a whole other month to go. Thankfully, I was home now and planned to sleep for a solid eighteen hours. That is, if Will would let me. Being still of baby status, he did baby things like cry at the top of his lungs at night. I felt bad for _____ and guilty for leaving her home alone with our seven month old and six and four year old as well.
“You should take the kids home and I’ll be home in a few hours.” I informed my wife, who was setting Will in his travel carriage. I looked at Drew and Lucy and they looked beat. “They’re tired.” 
“Yeah, this is way past their bedtime. And that little stunt on stage didn’t help either.” 
“Lucy loved that attention even though she was nervous at first.” _____ grinned.
“She’s just like her dad.” 
I leaned down and kissed her, not being able to hold back anymore. It was deep and heavy and very passionate. These types of kisses would never get old. The ones where I came home from tour and it was our first kiss in six plus weeks. They were always just as amazing and just as breath taking as the last one. 
_____ chuckled when the kiss ended.
“What?” I asked.
“Lucy was right. You do stink.”
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johnohimagines · 10 years
How Do You Keep Love Alive
(This is literally the longest thing I have ever written and it took me all day and its almost 9 pages so don't ever say that I write short things anymore because seriously 9 pages is a lot so yeah)
I pulled out the small black box from my pocket and opened it, staring down at the ring. I’d finally gathered the nerve to propose to her. After two years, I was finally asking her. I knew she was it about a year ago but was always too scared she’d say no because we hadn’t been together that long. So I waited until I thought she was ready as well.
She never said anything about marriage before until we went to her best friends wedding a couple months ago. She had seemed a bit down and when I asked her what was wrong she just brushed it off. I later overheard her talking to a friend of hers about how she wished I was just propose already.
So I went out and found a ring that I felt was perfect for her. That day I got lucky.
We walked into the jeweler, the little bell going off signaling our arrival.  I took a deep breath and started looking around at the cases, the guys following me. I’d taken Jared, Halvo, and Tim with me to help me find a ring for _____. I figured it could help with a cover up if she asked where I was and they could back me up. I also needed the support of my three best friends. They couldn’t believe I was finally proposing to _____. 
“How can I help you gentlemen?” A woman asked us when we walked up to her section of the store. 
“I’m looking for an engagement ring for my girlfriend.” 
A smile spread across her lips. “Congratulations.” She seemed genuinely happy for me. Maybe that was why she worked here. To be happy about other peoples possible engagements and play a role in it. “I’m Amy by the way. What type of ring are you looking for?”
“I’m John, and she’s a very simple person. She doesn’t like big and showy, and prefers subtle and simple.” I explained and she nodded, moving over to a different case area. I followed and look for the guys but they were no longer behind me. Tim and Jared were looking at rings themselves and Eric looked to be flirting with another saleswoman. They were such a great help. 
“All these rings might be what you’re looking for.” I looked down into the glass case, looking at all of them. They were all beautiful but I didn’t see the one that screamed _____. I kept looking, however. 
“Hi, I’m Eric. Future best man.” Halvo said, now beside me. I rolled my eyes but kept looking as he attempted to flirt with Amy. 
“Nice to meet you Eric.” She said politely.
“How long have you been working here?”
His attempt was pitiful but somehow, Amy didn’t seem to mind. She just laughed at his god awful pickup lines and went along with whatever he was trying to do. 
I was just about to give up when I saw it. It practically had _____’s name written on it. It was a silver band with one single round diamond in the middle, the prongs holding it up just hardly visible on the top of the stone.
“That one.” I said, a huge smile spreading on my lips. 
“You found it?” Eric asked, his attention leaving Amy and going to where I was looking.
“That one in the corner behind the sapphire ring.” I said for both of them. 
Amy unlocked the case and got out the ring I was talking about from the bottom of the case where they store the ones that were for sale.
“It’s a Tiffany platinum .39 karat.” She informed me. Tiffany. That was always expensive. I didn’t have much with me but I’d been saving for a while but, god was Tiffany expensive.
“How much is it?” I asked, afraid to get told I couldn’t afford this. This was _____’s ring. I couldn’t get her anything else. I had to get her this one.
“It’s not bad, about twenty three hundred, tax included.” 
The weight lifted off my shoulders. “Perfect. I’ll take it.” I grinned.
Jared and Tim came over, saying how the ring would be perfect for _____. I was disgustingly happy.
I was broken from the memory when my phone rang. It wasn’t _____’s ringtone so it wasn’t her. I picked it up and saw it was a number I didn’t recognize. I didn’t usually answer a number I didn’t recognize, the possibility of it being a fan having detoured me, but for whatever reason I felt the need to answer it.
I hit answer and brought the phone up to my ear. “Hello?” I asked, waiting for the squeal of a teenage girl.
“Is this John O’Callaghan?” It didn’t sound like a young girl and her tone was quite professional.
“This is he.” I confirmed.
“Hi, I’m Linda from Chandler Regional. A ______ was recently admitted and you’re listed as her first emergency contact.” 
My stomach dropped and I could feel the blood drain from my face. She was in the hospital. That’s why she was late. Something bad had happened to her.
“What happened?” I asked, standing up and finding my shoes.
“She was in a car accident about an hour ago. She’s in critical condition but is stable at the moment.” 
She was alive and breathing. That’s all I needed to know. “Thank you. I’m on my way.” I sad quickly, hanging up and putting my phone in my pocket.
I shoved my boots on and grabbed my coat and keys before running out the door, not taking the time to completely lock up the house. 
I was so scared. What if she was seriously injured? What if she didn’t make it? The last thought made my stomach churn and my heart ache. I could not lose her. I was finally ready to spend the rest of my life with her starting tonight. She was my world. I loved her more than I loved music. If I lost her I would have no reason to make music. She was my muse and my inspiration. _____ gave me…everything. I don’t know what I did before her. There was no going back. She changed my life and I didn’t know if I could go back to what it was before her.
I got to the hospital and went as far as to pay for valet just so I could get to _____ faster. I was a cheap bastard but when it came to _____ I didn’t give a shit about money.
I rushed into the hospital and to the front desk. I had to give them my ID to confirm who I was before given a pass and her room number. 
I took the elevator and was impatient as I wait for the metal doors to open. I needed to see her and touch her and make sure she was okay. 
I finally found her room and went in, hoping she would be awake but knowing it was more than unlikely. 
I sighed, running a hand through my hair at the sight of her, hot tears filling my eyes. She had a blue tube going down her throat, helping her breathe. She couldn’t even breathe on her own. Her face was littered with scratches and forming bruises. She didn’t appear to have anything broken and looked okay for the most part. I wanted to know everything that was wrong with her but I didn’t want to leave her room now that I was finally here.
I took a seat in the chair that was next to her. I took her hand in mine and laughed through my nose at how small her hand was in mine. She had particularly small hands and I had particularly large hands so you could never really see her hand in mine.
I didn’t know what to say. I felt like I was supposed to say something but what? I didn’t even know if she could hear me. If I did speak and she couldn’t hear me then speaking to her would be for nothing. It was be wasted words. But what if she could hear me? What would I even say? I couldn’t say I’d planned on proposing. Then she would know if she could indeed hear.
I swallowed, now knowing what I had to say. “I love you.” I stood up and kissed her forehead. 
I walked out of the room and caught a nurse, asking if she knew who _____’s doctor was. 
“Oh, Dr. Prat will be right with you. I’ll just go and get him.” She smiled. 
“Thank you.” I said and went back into _____’s room. 
I waited for the doctor and just watched _____, wishing she would wake up or at least that she could breathe on her own. 
After a while the doctor came in. He was an older male with white hair and a white beard to match in green scrubs and a white jacket. This place was all white. It was sterile and very unwelcoming.
I stood up and he came over to me. “I’m Dr. Prat and you must be John.” I nodded.
“What’s wrong with her?” I asked right away.
“As of right now, she’s okay. She got very lucky. No broken bones and no internal bleeding. Although, she did hit her head pretty hard and it was bleeding when she arrived. We’ve taken scans and it looks like a contusion but we won’t know the effects of it until she wakes up however, contusions don’t usually have many lasting effects.” I let out a sigh of relief. She was perfectly fine. “We’re actually going to take the tube out and move her out of critical care. It was put there as a precaution but we’re confident she’s going to make a full recovery.” 
I was so glad she was okay I wanted to hug the man in front of me. _____ was going to be okay. She was okay. I wasn’t going to lose her. I would never be able to describe to a full extent of how I felt when he said she’d make a full recovery. There was so much relief and happiness and joy all mixed together. It was so much at once.
“Thank you.” I told him with a much gratitude I could. 
“Just doing my job.” He smiled at me before leaving. I sat back down next to ______, brushing some hair away from her face. I took her one hand between both of mine, bringing it up to my lips, my eyes never leaving her face. 
“Please wake up soon Darlin’.” I mumbled.
I called my mother later that morning as well as ______’s brother. He waited with me and my mother was there for me as I waited. 
“John? When did you last eat?” My mom asked me. “Or really slept?”
I shrugged. “I don’t wanna leave her. I wanna be here when she wakes up. I don’t want her to have to wake up without me right next to her.” 
“John, take a few hours to go home and shower and eat.” _____’s brother, Andrew told me. “She probably won’t wake up in the time you’re gone.” 
After I was ganged up on by my mother and Andrew, I went home. I took a shower and got in clean clothes. I admit it felt great to be clean again and have a full stomach.
I went back to the hospital feeling refreshed. I was however, disappointed when I walked into the hospital room and _____ was still sleeping. I didn’t want her to wake up without me here but I’d rather her wakeup. 
The following morning I was watching the news, holding _____’s hand when I felt a squeeze. I whipped my head over and saw ______ start to flutter her eyes open.
“Andrew, she’s waking up.” I told Andrew. He rushed over from his seat by the window and stood on the other side of the bed and watched as she woke up.
She seemed really confused and disorientated. But I expected for her to not know where she was or what had happened.
“Andrew? Where am I?” She asked him. She looked at me and her eyebrows knitted. “Who’s this?”
My smile dropped. She didn’t know who I was. How could she not know who I was? 
“Babe, it’s me.” I didn’t know what else to say. I was in shock that she didn’t know who I was. What do you say to the love of your life when they ask that type of question? 
“I’m sorry but I have no idea who you are.” She said, looking back to Andrew who looked like he didn’t know what I do. 
“Do you know him?” 
“______, that’s John. You’re boyfriend of two years.” Andrew said, as if to remind her.
I dropped _____’s hand. “I’m going to speak to the doctor.” I said, leaving the room. 
I looked for Dr. Prat and found him. 
“You told me she would make a full recovery.” I seethed. “You said you didn’t think there would be any lasting effects.” 
He backed away from me, put his hands up in front of him. “What’s wrong? Did _____ wake up?” 
“Yeah, she’s awake but she doesn’t know who I am.” My voice cracked half way through and I looked away. 
He went to check on _____ while I waited outside, trying to take this in. While I was waiting my mom showed up to me waiting outside of _____’s room.
“John, what’s wrong? Is _____ okay?” 
“She woke up but she doesn’t remember who I am.” 
She covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, sweets.” She came up and hugged me and I needed that hug from my mom. The guys used to always tease me about being a momma’s boy but I didn’t care. My mom was one of the greatest people in the world and I would always go to her when I needed advice or just sometimes to talk.
Dr. Prat came out and our hug broke.
“Well, when she hit her head, it must have done more damage than we thought. _____ doesn’t remember the last three years.” 
My has clenched. “Will she ever remember?”
“She may but she may not. It’s impossible to tell. She could remember within the next few minutes or within the next few weeks. There is no way to know.” He said, looking at me sadly.
“What if she doesn’t ever remember?”
“Then I am terribly sorry John. I did everything I could.” He clapped me on the shoulder before waking away.
Two days later and _____ still didn’t remember who I was. She didn’t hardly want to see me. I saw her once after she told me she didn’t know who I was and she made me leave within five minutes. She was confused and scared and I didn’t blame her but it was still hard to endure. 
She was being released from the hospital today and was coming home with me. Andrew couldn’t take her with him because he was going on business out of the country in two days. _____ wasn’t very happy about it but I saw this as my opportunity to put her in an environment that she knew. Our home was where our love was at. Being there, seeing our things might make her remember. I was hoping it would. I didn’t know what else to do. 
The car ride was quiet. I wanted to talk to her but I knew she didn’t want to speak to me.
I finally spoke up, done with the silence. “Look, I know you don’t wanna talk to me, I can’t tell by the way your arms are crossed, but I think we should try and make the best of this.” 
She looked to me before speaking after a moment. “How did you know I cross my arms when I don’t want to talk to someone?” 
I chuckled. “Because I know everything about you Darlin’. I know that you claim to hate pink but secretly like hot pink and darker shades of it. I know that you bite the inside of your lip when you're concentrating. I know that you hate warm coffee and love iced coffee but you drink warm coffee in the morning because iced is too cold in the morning except for in the summer. I also know that you loved me a whole lot and that you’re still in there, you just have to remember.”
Her jaw was slack and she closed it, swallowing. “Okay, if you know me so well then tell me something that no one else would know about me.” ______ challenged.
I thought for a minute before remembering something she told me recently. “When you were twelve, you and Andrew were playing in the yard and you’re parents were out. Andrew went inside but you didn’t. Instead you played around with his baseball bat and accidentally swing it too hard, throwing it just far enough to smash into the neighbors kitchen window.” I explained. “We’ve been together for two years sweetheart, I know everything about you.” I said with a soft smile.
She was quiet the rest of the drive.
The next couple days were uncomfortable and of little progress. _____ just mostly hid away in our room. I didn’t know what she did in there all day but she hardly left. I still didn’t know what to do. The woman I loved was slipping through my fingers. I had no grasp on her. I felt lost and sad and I missed her. We should be celebrating our engagement right now but because of some asshole who ran a red light, she couldn’t even look at me, And it hurt. It hurt so much to know she didn’t want anything to do with me. 
My chin quivered but I didn’t want to cry. I was a man and I hated crying but I just didn’t know what to do. She didn’t love me anymore. I was stuck in this limbo of not knowing if I was going to lose her or if she would one day remember. 
I hunched over, resting my hands at the side of my head as I just let the emotions from the last four days leave my body.
I felt selfish in crying. _____ was the one who had been in the car crash. She was the one who didn’t remember the last three years and was lost. I didn’t deserve to be crying but I needed to feel sorry for myself for a moment. I was in a shitty position and suffering too. I also felt awfully insignificant. _____ was the person I thought most and cared most about but she forgot me. I know it wasn’t her fault and she couldn’t control it but to be forgotten by the person you love was heartbreaking.
I felt something tap my back lightly and I looked up, surprised to see ______ looking at me uncomfortably. I harshly wiped away my tears, embarrassed she caught me crying.
“Umm are you okay?” She asked.
I smiled a sad smile. “Yeah, fine. What can I do for you?” I asked standing up.
She eyed me before speaking. “I’ve been looking at photos of…us and I have some questions.” She said.
I couldn’t believe this. This was progress.”Of course.” I nodded.
“Okay umm how did we meet?” 
That launched us into a conversation about our relationship history. I explained how we met and our first date. When we officially became a couple. When we moved into our apartment together. All of it. I explained about the band and she seemed put off by it. She went to bed after that and I was left feeling like we were back at square one. 
Two weeks had gone by and things weren’t much different. _____ didn’t hide in our room, she came out, but we didn’t speak. I tried to talk to her but she didn’t want to. I was trying to get her to remember who I was. I did things like make her favorite breakfast or play Neil Young but everything I tried failed. 
We currently were both in the kitchen making separate meals. Her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and me some soup. I chuckled when she pulled out the strawberry jelly.
“What?” She asked, with raised eyebrows.
“You hate strawberry jelly.” 
She snorted. “No I don’t.” 
I shrugged and watched as she turned to the counter, getting out a butter knife. I looked away but could see out of the corner of my eye as she checked to see if I was looking. She looked away and dipped the butter knife into the jam and brought it to her lips. 
I turned around, stirring the soup in the small pot.
It was silent for a few seconds before she spoke up. “Is there any other kind of jelly?” 
“Raspberry is on the middle shelf.” I grinned.
I turned around, not expecting her to be so close to me. Her breathing hitched. We were so close I could feel the heat from her breath. I didn’t dare move away and for some reason she didn’t either. So I took a chance and leaned my head down slowly, gauging her reaction. Her eyes fluttered closed as did mine, our lips connecting.
It felt amazing to finally kiss her after so long. To finally feel her lips against mine and between mine. I’d forgotten how soft they were and how sweet they tasted. I wanted to stay like this forever and avoid reality. This was a million times better than reality. It felt like she was my _____ again and for the moments we kissed I pretended she was.
But then I felt her pull away harshly. My eyes flashed open and my fantasy was broken. She backed away from me.
“I don’t know who you are John. I know this must be hard for you but it’s just as hard for me. I’m probably not going to remember and I’m sorry but I don’t think I will. I wish I did but I won’t.” She insisted harshly before leaving the kitchen.
My shoulders slumped and I turned around, shutting the burner off. 
I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I pulled her ring out of my pocket, just staring at it. This ring was supposed to be the start of our lives together but instead our relationship was lost. It died the second _____ was in that car accident. I wonder if she had been thinking of me when it happened.
I’d lost her. It was official. She didn’t want to remember. She said she did but I knew her. She didn’t want to remember me and I couldn’t make her. As painful as it was, I had to let her go. There was no way to keep love alive when it was just one sided. She wasn’t going to remember and this was hurting her to stay here. She probably felt like I was trapping her here. Like she had no choice but to stay. I was wrong. We didn’t have it equally as bad. She had it worse because I was waiting on her to do something she had no control over. 
A thought entered my brain. What if I let her go like she wanted and one day she remembered but she’d built this whole other life? Would she come back to me if she had another man in her life? I had no idea but there was no way to know. It was time to let her go. It was time to walk away.
I sat up and set the ring on the coffee table that was adjacent from me. I picked up my phone and called Andrew, my eyes trained on the ring.
“Hey Andrew?” 
“Hey man, has she remembered?”
“No. I uh think it’s time for you to come and get her. She needs a different environment. This isn’t working.” I said defeatedly. 
Andrew stopped by the following morning and after an hour he and _____ left. Watching her walk out that front door was the hardest thing I had ever had to do. But if you love something, you let it go. And if it was meant to be they would come back to you.
After she left, I threw myself into my music. It was how I was coping with this but I wasn’t writing. I couldn’t write anymore. It was like all the ability to write beautiful songs left with _____. Now I just mostly wrote melodies but never gave them lyrics. And I was always trying to help Pat out. I wanted to do anything to keep my mind off what had happened. I was also drinking a lot to. I was trying really hard to live with this and accept it but it wasn’t going very well.
I glanced at the ring on the coffee table, still there from the day she left. I picked it up and went into the kitchen. I opened a drawer that we put random junk in and dropped it inside, slamming it shut. I turned and grabbed the bottle of whiskey, walking away. 
Time went by and I was no longer in touch with Andrew anymore. I stopped calling to ask if she remembered and he stopped calling to tell me she hadn’t. I thought about her everyday and missed her everyday. I’d adjusted to life without her but I wasn’t who I used to be. I was a sadder form of myself. Less of a man in a way. I wasn’t unhappy but I wasn’t happy. I was just living and breathing and making music. That was my life now and probably always would be. But I could live with it perfectly fine because _____ was happy. Thats what Andrew had told me. She was happy.
I’d checked up on her life recently through her social media sites and found she was happy. She was perfectly happy and if she was happy then me being unhappy was worth it.
I got out of the cab and handed the driver the cash before going up the stairs to my apartment. I’d finally finished a two month tour and was dog tired. I was ready to get in my bed and sleep for twelve hours. 
I went to unlock the front door and found it was already unlocked. Panic shot through me and I rushed inside, looking for any damage or anything stolen. But everything was fine. It was just as I left it. I know I hadn’t forgotten to lock the door. It was something I wouldn’t have forgotten.
I walked through the dark house, too tired to figure it out at the moment and went to my room. I flipped on the lights and kicked off my boots and dropped my bags. I went directly to the bathroom and went pee, yawning. The tour had really tired me out. 
I flushed the toilet and stepped out of my jeans and pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me in just my boxers. I normally wore boxer briefs but I had ran out of clean underwear on this tour and had to stop somewhere to get a pack of underwear. Unfortunately, the only thing the place had was plaid boxers.
I walked out of the bathroom and looked up. My heart stopped.
_____ was in the bed, sitting up and smiling at me. I didn’t know what to think of it at first. I couldn’t assume she had remembered. I couldn’t give myself that false hope. There had to be some reasonable explanation as to why she was here. 
“W-what are you doing here?” I asked. 
She chuckled. “Why do you think I’m here.”
“I don’t know. You tell me.” I licked my lips and swallowed.
I watched her get up out of the bed and walk up to me, her smile gone. She approached me and placed her hand on my cheek.
“Don’t look so scared John.” She chuckled again. 
“I don’t know if you’re real or not yet.” I admitted, my voice shaky. I’d dreamt of this moment happening every night in the last seven months. For it to actually be happening was too good to be true. I felt like I was having dreamers disease where my dreams would come to life only for me to wake up and find it wasn't real.
Her smile dropped, turning remorseful. “I’m so sorry for putting you through that. I can’t imagine what it was like for you.” 
My eyes pricked with hot tears and snaked my arms around _____’s waist and pulled her against my body, lifting her off the ground. I held her tightly. My heart felt like it was going to burst from all the emotions in my body. I felt the overwhelming need to hug her and kiss her and just never let her go.
I couldn’t believe this at all. It seemed like such a dream. I couldn’t grasp that this was happening. That she had remembered me. I thought she would never remember me and I was going to go my entire life wishing she was with me everyday. That I’d always think about the woman I loved that didn’t love me back. 
“I’m so sorry John.” She repeated.
I set her down and shook my head, bending my knees to get eye level with her. She had tears in her eyes and that was the last thing I wanted to see. 
“It’s not your fault. I’m just so happy you remember. I can’t even begin to explain to you how happy I am right now. What made you remember?”
A smile spread across her pink lips. “The ring. I found it in your drawer a couple days before the accident. I came back here this morning because I needed to find my passport because Andrew wanted to go to Mexico for his birthday. So I came here looking for it and when I opened that drawer in the kitchen I found the ring and it all came flooding back to me.” 
I was heavily disappointed about her seeing the ring before I proposed but at the same time I couldn’t care less. It was what made her remember me. Had she never seen it she never would have remembered.
“I can’t believe this.” I said again, pulling her against me again, my head dipped about to kiss her but she backed away.
“Maybe you wanna do something first? Something I know about that I shouldn’t?” _____ hinted. A large grin made itself present on my face and I pulled away but stopped. “Don’t go anywhere.” I said seriously before leaving.
I went to the drawer ad rummaged around for the ring. I pulled it out and ran back to our room. 
_____ was all smiles as was I.
I got down on one knee in front of her, holding the ring up between my fingers. I hadn’t planned on proposing in just my boxers at two in the morning but it was the perfect moment for us.
“_____, will you marry me?” I asked.
“Yes. Forever yes.” She beamed blissfully.
I knew what her answer would be, but it was still amazing to hear her actually say the word. 
I slipped the ring onto her finger before standing up and cupping her face in my hands, kissing her. 
She had come back to me.
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johnohimagines · 10 years
Get Over It (NC-17)
I stepped out of the shower and started drying off before wrapping my now damp towel around my body. I went out into our room and stopped in my tracks at what sight met my eyes. 
John was completely naked on our bed, phone in hand, texting someone. I found it extremely erotic just to see his naked body sprawled on our bed. My eyes went his cock, flaccid but still large. John was very well endowed and the first time I'd seen him, I had been taken aback. I didn't know he was so large, not just long in length but girth as well. Many times I'd been with a really good looking guy but always found he wasn't that big, more average but John exceeded my expectations. He hadn't even been fully erect the first time I saw him.
Also, the sex was amazing. I was never disappointed. I always came first and I always came hard. I think he'd given me more orgagsms than I him just became I usually came at least twice during sex. That and he loved to eat me out. He was just one of those guys that thoroughly enjoyed going down on girls so he went down on me as often as he could. I never denied him either. His mouth had other talents than just singing. 
I walked over and he must have heard me. He watched me as I let my towel fall, pooling around my feet on the floor. John looked my body up and down.  I could see his cock raise up just a little bit as he got hard. It felt good to know that just my naked body alone got him hard. He was totally turned on by me like I was him. 
I walked forward and got on the bed, straddling him. I dipped my head down and kissed his chest. His hands went to my hips, traveling down  to my ass, squeezing. I moaned, mostly for his benefit, as I kissed up to his neck. 
He hardened beneath me, pressing against my clit. I started moving my hips forward and back, creating some much needed friction. John groaned, bucking his hips. 
"I need to get in the shower." He breathed. 
"Mhmm." I didn't stop my assault on his neck though, only went higher until I was kissing the corner of his jaw, sucking at the stubbled skin. He was in need of a shave. 
"Babe." He groaned as I went back to his neck.
I pulled back, sitting up with my hands on his chest. I could feel his hard on digging into my ass. "I'm horny. Like really horny." 
His eyes darkened at my words and he flipped us over so quickly that I was left just a bit dizzy. 
John's hands went to my hips, griping tightly. I moaned in a mixture of shock and surprise when he took my nipple between his teeth, bitting lightly before sucking on it. 
I was a boob girl and even just the thought of a guy touching my breasts was a turn on. I was always left soaking wet when John fondled my breasts. Much like now. 
He leaned up and got on his knees. He then lifted me up by my hips to rest on him so that his erect cock was perfectly positioned with my dripping entrance. Foreplay was officially over. 
John ran his hand up and down his rock hard cock before pulling me by my hips to meet him. He slowly filled me and I instantly moaned at the feeling. 
The delicious feeling of him sliding in and out of me started. My arms went up as if I were stretching. This unintentionally made my breasts perkier. John, seeing this, growled and his hands gripped my hips tighter as he thrust into me with absolutely no inhibitions and no mercy, his most primal instinct taking over.
I cried out when one of his hands went to my clit an rubbed furiously. It was clear he wanted to drive me up the wall with pleasure.
I gasped. "Fuck!"
"Fucking scream my name." John commanded and I did as he said.
I let out a scream that had been building in my chest. "John!" 
"Such a good girl." He mused. 
I then felt my stomach muscles start to tighten and my toes curl, tell tale signs of my on coming orgasm. John could tell as well from the clenching of my walls.
He somehow managed to quicken his pace. "Make the neighbors know who owns you. Come and let them hear who's fucking that pretty little pussy. Come all over my cock." His dirty words were my undoing. 
I screamed his name so loud I was sure the neighbors had heard. I couldn't help it though. The orgasm left me writhing on the bed as John continued to fuck me.
"So fucking tight." John grunted.
My eyes rolled into the back of my head. I was going to cum again, I could just feel it. The pleasure was too much to take. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I cried out with every thrust he made.
"Shit, _____." He groaned.
I felt myself get sucked into another orgasm and the world went white beneath my eyelids as I came silently. 
I felt John cum just seconds later with a moan of my name, his thrust at first erratic before slowing to a halt.
He leaned down and kissed me, never having kiss me once during the mind blowing sex.
"I have to get in the shower." He said before giving my lips another quick peck.
I watched go, my eyes focused solely on his ass. 
"Quit looking at my butt!" He squealed.
"It's so cute though!" I giggled.
The following morning I woke up in bed alone. I got out of bed to go pee, not bothering to put on any clothing. Sometimes we slept naked and John did the majority of the time while I often wore one of his shirts to bed with a pair of underwear.
I went to the bathroom and caught my reflection in the mirror as I was about to leave. My hair wasn't too messy and my eyes weren't so dark looking. What really caught my attention were the dark purple bruises on my hips. They were long fingerprints and I knew they were from John. I chuckled. He was such a man sometimes. 
I left our room, not bothering to put on any clothing, and went to the music room where I knew John would be. It was really an office that we'd converted to his music room. 
The door was open. John looked up and smiled at me but his smile dropped when he looked farther down.
He stood up quickly, looking at my stomach area. I was confused why he seemed so disturbed and troubled.
"Why didn't you tell me I had been hurting you?" His hands ghosted over my hips. I knew he was talking about the bruises. 
"John, it's okay. It's not that big of a deal." I reassured him. His eyes didn't leave that area of my body. "I honestly hadn't noticed." I noticed him swallow.
"It really bothers me that I did this." 
"Why? I'm not in any pain." 
"It just does. I'm supposed to treat you with the most care but I didn't. I was holding you so tight I left bruises." 
I put my hand on his face, my manicured blue nails standing out against his skin.
"John, it's okay. I promise."
"Next time my grip is too tight you tell me." He said firmly.
"I will but I can't promise I'll know to tell you." 
"Let's go back to bed. I'm still kinda tired." He suggested and I nodded.
Once John undressed saying he wanted to be naked to, we went back to bed and got under the still warm on my end covers.
John shimmied down to my lower body and for a second I thought he was going to maybe go down on me. I wouldn't have been entirely opposed but I was still kinda tired from yesterday. 
But he took me by surprise when he kissed the bruises. If someone had been telling me that their boyfriend did this, I would have thought it super unrealistic but to watch John do it was extremely touching and sentimental. He was kissing away the pain even though there was none.
  "Okay Edward Cullen, get back up here and cuddle with me." I chuckled.
He rolled his eyes with a smile but got back up to where I was, wrapping his arms around my torso and kissing my neck. It tickled from his stubble. I'd forgotten to tell him to shave again. 
"Will you go shave?"
"Why?" He groaned like a child. 
"Because it tickles. Please?"
"Fine." He muttered, getting out of bed. I couldn't help but stare at his ass as e went.
"Babe! Quit staring at my ass!"
"Get over it O'Callaghan! I'll stare all I want!" I laughed.
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johnohimagines · 10 years
Stay with Me
(I wrote this as a writing assignment at the begging of my sophomore year when I was 15 and it was right after Pioneer and The Good Love came out so I was inspired by the song and used it for my essay which ended up getting a 74 and resulted in a writing hiatus BUT I recently rediscovered it and thought i'd post it for you guys! I hope you like it!)
“I thought you were sleeping.” She said, avoiding the question as I stared at the bag that was filled with her clothes. Behind her I could see her dresser drawer was wide open and I tried to fight back the conclusion that was in my mind from all the factors facing me. She couldn’t be leaving me. I didn’t know how to be without her. Just the simple act of breathing without her in my life would be painful. She’d become such a major fixed point in my life that I wouldn’t know how to go back to living without her.
“Why are you packing your things?” I asked and she let out a shaky breath. She looked to the bag with cloths and then back to me. I could see pain, sadness, and frustration in her brown eyes.
“I don’t belong here John. I don’t belong with you.” She said and I sighed, running a hand through my sandy blonde hair.
“Is this about what happened today? Cause if it is don’t listen to them.” The fans had found out about her and the response wasn’t the one I’d hoped for. It angered me that they couldn’t just see how happy she made me and just how perfect she was.
She shook her head in denial. “It’s not just today. It’s everything. Everything says I’m all wrong for you. I don’t deserve you and you have to go find someone who’s better than me. Who doesn’t have these problems and baggage like I do.” she said and I sighed and got up to stand in front of her and my large hands cup her small face.  ______ and I were the exact opposite in so many ways, size being one of them. She was five foot one and I wassix foot three but I loved it. I loved holding her small frame in mine while we sat on the couch watching TV or our hands laced together and you could barely see hers hiding in mine.
“I want you just the way you are. Nothing in the world is going to make me want anyone else but you. You are perfect just the way you are. There are things that happened to you that you couldn’t control and I hate that they happened but they made you who you are and I don’t want to change a thing about you. Stay with me.” I said and took her hand between both mine and put it to my chest where my heart was. She looked down to her feet and back up.
“We’re uneven. You’re so much more than me.” she said and her eyes shone with unworthiness and sadness and I shook my head. I hated that she thought that way. That she felt inferior to me in any way because the truth was…she was an angel. Sometimes in the morning I would wake before her and if the sun was at the right angle it would hide behind her back that faced the window and light rays would shine around her. She literally looked like and angel and those were the mornings when I wondered what I did to deserve her.How I had gotten so lucky as to be with her? To live with her and be able to tell her how much I loved her every day. The way _______ made me feel was indescribable. She always knew how to make me smile and what to do on a bad day. She was kind, caring, had a heart of gold, and she loved unconditionally.
“Darlin’, you have it backwards.” I said and looked into her amazing brown eyes that I always got stuck in. The way they held flecks of amber in them or how in the sunlight they were a honey color that always immersed me completely. Everything ______ did captured me but her eyes held something that I just couldn’t look away from.
“I think I need just a couple days to figure things out. I don’t even have a job. I can’t live off you forever.” She said while shaking her head ever so slightly.
“I want to take care of you. I want to buy you diamonds and rings. I don’t need anything from you because your love is all I need.” I confessed trying to do everything, say everything, to make her see reason. To make her see just what she meant to me.
“But I want to do that too. I want to get you things and pay for bills too. My whole life I’ve depended on myself and no one else to keep myself alive and now all of sudden I don’t even have a job.” She said and I pursed my lips.
“Where will you go?” If she was actually going to go I needed to know where.I also needed her to be somewhat close.
“My brothers.” She said and I closed my eyes. That was too far. Anything that wasn’t a ten minute drive was too far. Her older brother, Austin, lived almost an hour away.
“Please just stay withme. We can work it out.” I begged after I opened my eyes again and she took a deep breath.I could see her answer in her eyes. It was clear to me what was going to happen tonight. _______ could, at times, be stubborn and when she made up her mind you couldn’t change it for anything.
“I have to think. And so do you. You have to really figure out if I’m worth all the problems I deal with.” I gave her a sad smile, thinking of those problems. They weren’t her fault. When she was nine her father molested her for the first time. When she was twelve he raped her and continued to do so until she was sixteen when her mother found out. She still battled with a lot of the emotional trauma that came with it.
“You are. I know you are and no amount of time is going to change that.” I replied honestlyand kissed her forehead softly. How was I going to let her walk away like this? Let her get in her car and drive away knowing she might not come back home?The thought of it tugged at my heart strings.
“I’ll call you.” She said and I took a deep breath and let it out. I picked up her bag and slung it on my shoulder. I walked out to the living room with her behind me and through our cozy littleapartment.
When I asked _______ to move in with me seven months ago we were going to move into my apartment but we ended up getting an entirely new one together instead. I left the decorating to her and she did a great job. It wasn’t too feminine and I liked it a lot. It was black and white theme and we used most of her things and some of mine.
We walked out into the late night winter air and she unlocked her car with the remote on her key chain and also popped opened the trunk. I went to put her bang in the trunk and closed it quickly after I set it in. I went around to where she was standing by the driver door and kissed her softly.
“I love you.” She said after I pulled away.
“I love you to.” I said and I opened her door for her. She got in the car and I closed her door for her and backed away a couple steps. This was not what I wanted. I wanted her to go back to bed with me and never let her go. My heart ached as I watched her drive away.
Over the next two days _______ and I talked once and it very brief, just about how she was sorry that she left like that. During those two days all I did was mope around and listen to Steely Dan hoping that _______ would come home and tell me everything was okay. My very wise mother had told me it was just because of what happed to her. She felt unworthy and inferior because of it. I hated that she felt like that because I always wanted her to feel like the beautiful angel she was. _______ was my entire world and I needed her like I needed air to breathe. I still remember the day we met like it was yesterday even though it was really a year agoand I was twenty-three and reckless.
  I walked into the Starbucks and the smell of coffee hit my senses as I made my way to the line of people waiting to order their coffee. I hated to wait but I knew it would be worth it. I was so tired and needed something to keep me awake if I was going to be awake for the rest of the night.
I got in line behind a woman with deep red hair and I pulled out my phone and started to text Kennedy that I would be a little late since I was getting coffee.
When it was my turn I ordered my salted caramel mocha and then paid the woman the four dollars. I went and stood to wait for my drink and when it was called I went the counter to go and get it.
I reached my hand out and at the same time my hand grabbed the hot up of coffee a small hand with black nails did as well.
I looked up into a pair of brown eyes with amber flecks in them. The air left my lungs entirely and I swear my heart skipped a beat.
This woman was beautiful, gorgeous, and ravishing all in one. Her hair was a deep red that wasn’t real but she made it look real. Her heart shaped face complimented her high cheek bones that were highlighted with a light pink blush. The beauty’s red lips were soft and plump and it stood out against her soft clear skin. Long thick eyelashes framed her almond eyes that were slightly wide with surprise and awe.
“I’m sorry.” She said and took her hand off the cup. I cleared my throat and tried to find my own voice. 
“Please, you ordered first, this must be yours.” I said taking my hand off the cup and her hand replaced mine on the opposite side.
“I’m_______.” She said and I smiled.
“John.” I said returning her smile. This woman was going to change my life. I could already tell.
  I smiled at the memory. We had changed so much in the last year, _______ the most. She dropped the red hair and went back to her natural brown and started to go to therapy for her past traumas. I hadn’t known about what she went through until we had been together for four months. She was afraid to tell me but it only made me love her all the more.
_______ had changed me as well. I used to party more than anything and didn’t take things seriously but she changed all that. I was responsible and more serious now.
I heard a knock on the door and didn’t want to get up but assumed it was Kennedy wanting food since his fridge was broken. I got up and opened the door and almost cried at who was standing in front of me.
“Hi.” _______ said with a small smile.
“Hi.” I said after I found my voice that had decided to hide deep in my throat. She took a deep breath and then let it out.
“I missed you a lot. And while I was missing you I realized that I can’t live without you. I know it’s selfish but I can’t do it. I literally need you to live. And if you changed your mind about us I understand-” As soon as she said that last sentence I stepped forward and kissed her passionately to stop her from continuing on with her sentence. She snaked her arms around my neck and the sound of her bag hitting the floor followed a second later.
When our kiss eventually broke we rested our foreheads on the others and my hands cupped her face. I needed to feel her, needed to know she was real and this wasn’t just a wonderful dream.
“I’m sorry I left.” I shook my head at her remorseful tone.
“You needed to figure things out.” I added to let her know that I wasn’t upset or hurt by it. I would give her all the time in the world if I was going to get her back in the end.
“I did and I figured out that all I need is for you to want me and love me. The rest I don’t care about.” My lips went back to hers and my heart felt like it was going to explode I was so happy and filled with love.
“I love you so much _______.” I told her after we pulled away and our eyes connected. I brushed back some hair from her eyes, my hand going right back to her cheek.
“I love you to John.” she said with honesty and contentment in her eyes. I smiled widely at her and she smiled in response. I was glad she stayed with me even if it was two days later. She still stayed and that was all that mattered. 
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johnohimagines · 10 years
Ten Bucks
We walked into the studio and passed by the front desk. As we walked by a woman was sitting there, a little younger than me but long blonde hair that fell down her head like a waterfall. She was looking down at something and I could just see the faintest of light blue in her eyes. She had a very small face and pink plump lips. When she looked back I smiled at her before looking away. 
“Please, she looks like the type to go for tall and handsome.” I grinned, being a bit cocky but the guys knew I wasn’t serious. I always joked about being a ladies man when in reality I had only ever been with three women, only one of them a real relationship. I was no ladies man, just a flirt. Or as some would call a tease on some occasions.
“Yeah right.” Pat scoffed with a smile. “I bet you t-t-ten bucks you can’t get her to go out with you.” 
“You’re on.” I said confidently. 
We took the elevator up to the studio we had been given for the next couple hours. Our AR was a cool guy as well as the studio manager. He was the guy who convinced us to be on the label. We only had a year contract, long enough to get the feel of being on a label and making an album with them. It took a lot of convincing from the guys to get me to agree but my terms were that if even one of us didn’t like it or felt creatively repressed, we wouldn’t renew the contract. To be fair to the label, they were being pretty fair about the whole thing. 
We went to the room and our AR was already there with the board technician as well as the studio manager, Greg.
Hands were shook and greetings exchanged before we got down to it. Jared went in first while the rest of us watched him from outside the box. 
“So how are you gonna get the blonde at the desk to go out with you?” Garrett asked me. 
“Not sure yet. I’ll just wing it.” I shrugged. I honestly had no idea on how I was going to ask her out, just that I was going to. She was pretty and the smile she gave me as I walked by her was genuine. She was probably a really great girl.
“Blonde at the desk?” Greg, asked. “The receptions downstairs?”
“Yeah.” I confirmed, confused on why he seemed so…in need of confirmation.
His face hardened and his jaw clenched. “That’s _____, my daughter.”
The smile dropped from my face and I swear I felt myself turn pale. This was how I was going to die. I always figured it would be over a woman.
I was shocked when his stern glare turned into a laugh. “Relax son, I’m not gonna kill you.” 
I let out a nervous chuckle, relaxing like he’s said. 
“Stay away from my little girl, O’Callaghan. Rock stars are a no no.”
Though he was giving me a smile, I knew he was giving me a warning. A deadly one at that. 
“Yes, sir.” I said and he nodded, looking back to Jared.
I was kinda bummed out about it. She seemed so great and was very pretty. I could have had a really good time with her. 
I looked to Greg. Why should I let him stop me? Because he was the studio manager? I didn’t see that as a good reason. I was still gonna ask _____ out. If she said yes that would be great but if she said no then that was fine to. I wasn’t going to let her dad stop me. What if _____ was something great? What if she was supposed to impact my life of make me a better person? What if I was supposed to impact her life and make her a better person? I was gonna go for it and take a chance. 
A couple hours later and I was ready to get out of the recording box. “I think we’re done for the day.” I said, taking off my headphones. I walked out of the room and into the much larger one. 
“Great work today guys.” Our AR said. Greg had left earlier for a business meeting and I was glad he wouldn’t even be in the building when I spoke to _____.
We left the room and the guys started pestering me about asking _____ out. They wanted to know how I expected to get past Greg. Sooner or later he would find out but I didn’t care too much. What was the worst  he could do? Drop us from the label? I didn’t think that that would be all that bad. We did not need a label and had proven that time and time again. 
“I’m not worried about it.” I shrugged. We rounded the corner and _____ sat at the desk, speaking to someone. “Ready to lose ten bucks Kirch?” I smirked, running my hand through my hair, making it how I liked. 
“Only if you are.”
I took a deep breath and walked over to her desk just as the other man walked away. I smiled charmingly at her.
“How can I help you?” She asked back politely. 
I was gonna start with a cheesy pickup like to make her laugh. “You can start by telling me if the sun just came out? Or was that just your smile?” 
I was expecting a laugh or a giggle but she just rose an eyebrow, clearly unamused, and my smile faltered. This was not going how I had planned it out in my head. 
She looked back down to her papers. “Ya know, if you’re gonna make a bet with your friends that you can get the girl with a snap of your pretty fingers, then you should wait until she’s out of earshot.” She said bitterly. 
I sucked my lips inward. “Goodbye.”
With a sigh, I walked away and back to the guys. I silently pulled out my wallet and handed Pat ten bucks.
They all just shook their heads at me with a smile. “In my defense, I was turned down because she overheard us make the bet.” I said in an undertone, trying to keep quiet. 
“Oh please.” Garrett scoffed, turning and walking out, everyone following. I looked back at _____ one more time before following the guys.
The next time we came to the studio, _____ was there, sitting perfectly at her desk. She was even prettier than last time. Her hair was piled atop her head, strands falling down here and there and her lips were painted a matte red. 
I couldn’t resist walking up to her desk and grabbing her attention. 
“You again.” She sighed.
“Ya know, I can’t help but think we got off to a bad start. I’m John.” I smiled, hoping she wouldn’t slap me across the face.
“Tell me John, why should I even give you the time of day?” She questioned with a smile. 
My smile fell. “Because I really like you and I don’t even really know you yet. Just that you don’t take some assholes bullshit. And you’re the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen.” I admitted. 
Her fake smile was now gone as she looked up at me, trying to find any trace of deception. “You got a bad first impression of me Darlin’. I’m really not like that.” 
She looked away briefly and then right back up again. “Alright. Dinner. Friday night.” She set her chin into her hand, looking up at me with those captivating blue eyes of her. 
One Monday when I walked into the studio, I had a huge smile. I went straight to _____’s desk. We’d had a great time Friday. It had honestly been the best date I’d ever been on. I didn’t know about her but for me it was. She was great, amazing, wonderful, cute, funny. She was so many things that I didn’t even know how she was real. The way she acted through the night was like she wasn’t trying to put on a show for our date. She had worn a simple outfit and wore little makeup. She didn’t try to act super lady like and get a salad for dinner like most women. Instead she got a burger. I didn’t even know that women were capable of  doing that. She was herself and didn’t give a crap what anyone else thought of her and I found it sexy and intriguing. 
“Hi John.” She giggled.
“Hi. How are you?” 
“I’m great. How are you?” 
“I’m great now that I’m talking to you.” I said with a grin.
“Is that another one of your pickup lines?” she questioned.
“Oh Darlin’, that wasn’t a pickup line.” 
“Then tell me one.”
“Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes.” 
She burst out laughing and I couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she was.
“O’Callaghan.” My smile dropped and I looked over to see Greg walking over. I guess I was right when I predicted I would die like this: over a woman.
“Yes, sir?” I asked.
“_____ tells me you took her out on a date Friday night. Is this true?” He asked accusingly.
“Yes, sir. I like _____ a lot. I think she’s a magnificent girl.” 
“I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter?” He hissed, his eyes narrowing. 
“Excuse me?” _____ interjected, sounding very annoyed. “Did you tell John he couldn’t see me? Last I checked I was twenty four years old. I am an adult and can do as I please.” I stared, my eyes slightly wider than normal, watching as the father daughter argument took place. 
The guys walked up beside me as they argued. “Are we gonna get dropped from the label?” Pat asked.
“Ya know, I don’t know.” I chuckled. “Oh, and Patrick, I believe you owe me ten bucks.” 
“Why is that?” He chuckled.
“She went out with me didn’t she?” I asked.
He rolled his eyes but handed me twenty bucks from his pocket anyway. Ten for the ten I gave him and ten of his so I gained some cash. This had been a good bet to invest in. I got the pretty girl and I got ten bucks. It was a win win situation. Even if we might get dropped from the label.
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