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THE St. Jordi BCN Film Festival ’21 FILM REVIEWS, VOL. II: What’s Fine…and not!
by Lucas Avram Cavazos
YOUR #VOSE take on upcoming international cinema premiering in Catalonia & Spain soon!
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Hotel Coppelia by Jose Maria Cabral ###-1/2
As I screened Hotel Coppelia at this year’s festival, I was rather taken aback by how little I knew about the history behind the Dominican Republic and the US involvement/engagement/disruption of the island country. It is 1965 as the film commences and the ladies of the bordello and hotel, Coppelia, attend to their clientele with razor sharp precision and beguiling ways that aim to keep a roaring crowd coming back to fill the coffers, run by the icy and fierce bish, Judith (Lumi Lizardo). While the film mostly follows young server/performer Gloria, played with mild perfection by actress Nashla Bogaert, it’s the intermingling of the ladies at the brothel that aids in building an emotional response to the characters rather quickly. And when the US army invades the coastal town and ensconce themselves within the confines of the hotel to “fight the communists,” we see yet another heinous example of why so many despise the guise with which the US army lies with it appearance of helping by taking with force. This, incidentally, is exactly how every modern power on Earth has taken their stance to get to whatever they perceive they are. Hotel Coppelia, and a new student I’m teaching, has made my new history study a waltz around this incredible island, rumoured to be where Columbus actually landed as his furthest Northern reach. Lovely and necessary film…
Where to watch: TBA
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Penguin Bloom by Glendyn Ivin ###-1/2
Not knowing what to expect with an Aussie film with the word ‘penguin’ in it, I was mostly moved to screen it because who doesn’t dig Naomi Watts? But what a lovely if heartbreaking tale of truth turned celluloid treasure with this unexpected, wee gem of a film. Oscar-nominated actress Watts plays Sam Bloom, a mum vacationing with her family in Thailand when a terrible accident leaves her paralysed from the waist down. Feeling like a burden to her husband (Andrew Lincoln) and her kids, when one of them rescues a little magpie chick and the parents decide the kiddos can keep it, what ends up happening is a bond between the depressed, defeated mother and the little bird with a broken limb. You can probably imagine what happens but the easy nature of this true tale leaves you feeling grateful, happy with perhaps a few tears of joy rolling down your lovely cheeks.
Where to watch: will be in local cinemas 10/9/21
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Wild Mountain Thyme by John Patrick Shanley ##
I really can’t begin to explain how much I couldn’t believe I was watching Emily Blunt cop to an attempt at an Irish accent in this blasé, Nicholas Sparks-style romance. Starring Blunt and Christian Grey-typecast character actor Jamie Dornan, this film tells the story of the selling-off of an Irish family’s farm to a wealthy US-American nephew (read: the asshole and he is Jon Hamm...yum yum) instead of the family’s son (Dornan). What I also found most odd was watching Christopher Walken try and feign being an Irish patriarch. Could we not cull together Colm Meaney or Brendan Gleeson or ANY wonderful Irish actor above 65 to play this role? At one point around the middle juncture of the film, I actually found myself counting cliches of too many modern romance dramedies, and I eventually became perplexed as to how this was greenlit in the first place for production and why Blunt and Dornan would have signed up for this trite shite…absolutely no idea.
Where to watch: in local cinemas 23/07/21
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Blithe Spirit by Edward Hall ##
Part of the comedy lineup at this year’s BCN Film Festival, Blithe Spirit is based upon the like-titled 1941 comical play by Noel Coward. Screening the film on a smaller room at Cines Verdi BCN, I really did find it strange that top actors’ actors like Judi Dench and Isla Fisher would sign up for what turned out to be a sad sap of a film. Telling the story of Charles (Dan Stevens) who’s a wealthy writer embroiled in a bad case of writer’s block who takes his wife (Fisher) to see a medium (Dench), whose performance goes madly awry and so Charles decides to commission the older medium to perform a session in his home, but this seems to summon Charles ex-wife (played beyond annoyingly so by Leslie Mann). Jokes that fail, overacting and weak scripting made this particular comedy a dud on arrival.
Where to watch: in local cinemas on 22/10/21
Last Call by Steven Bernstein ##
This film marks a moment when an accomplished cinematographer finally brings a long-desired project to fruition and onto screens. Director Bernstein has been working behind the scenes for over 35 years on innumerable movies, but he actually released an unfinished draft of this film entitled Dominion and also starring Rhys Ifans and John Malkovich back in 2016. With Last Call, a full-length feature film starring the aforementioned actors come together to tell the story of the final hours of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas’ final day. It’s a grim day where he downs eighteen shots, chats up a myriad of people, who may or may not be there, and that is until the seizure that eventually brought about his death. What Bernstein serves up however is a choppy story with certain scenes that throw continuity to the wind, but you can tell the director is a true fan of the poet and desired to create a testament to the man for whose name ‘Bob Dylan’ was transformed from Robert Zimmerman. Alas, no wannabe deep conversations or great actors can save this MEH! piece…sorry!
Where to watch: TBA
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#elproyeccionista de #josemariacabral pelicula dominicana. Está disponible ya en #primevideo https://www.instagram.com/p/CJKf7x-LH7C/?igshid=12l36oya23sj3
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franciscomaldo · 5 years
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Se estrenan las películas #TerminatorDarkFate , #Hustlers, #Infectados (de #FlavioPedota), #IslaDePlastico (documental de #JoseMariaCabral) y #TheIrishman (de #MartinScorsese). Sección de estrenos del noticiero #EnNoticias, del canal @entelevisionRD . Mira el video completo copiando el siguiente enlace: https://youtu.be/t7WxEOUbXCE https://www.instagram.com/p/B4VEaSMHEl6/?igshid=kow3lp26xgzi
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dianitafernanda · 4 years
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#repost #justiciaoestosevaajoder #sevan #fuera 🇩🇴🔥 @aimeemazara ・・・ ⁣ Day 5 of peaceful protests in Dominican Republic —⁣ 🇩🇴 This is for the international community; for the Dominican diaspora that wish to share information with their non-Spanish speaking friends & family; for mine, who’s asked what is it I’ve been sharing about DR in my stories these last few days. ⁣ This is an incredibly summarized and easily digestible recap of events. Trying to be as impartial as I can as there are still a lot of questions to be answered. However, I’ve excluded events that have exacerbated the situation because it’s still “alleged” (pero uno sabe klk), like the assault of a telecom technician under National Police custody for conversations he had about a possible election sabotage the day before, or the extended power outages being experienced after elections were suspended prompting some to assume it’s on purpose. Government says they had nothing to do with either, leading to more questions & confusion. ⁣ This is just to open curiosity/dialogue. Stay informed, read the news, and draw your own conclusions. ⁣ In the meantime, DR is still fighting the good fight.. on the right side of history. Huge shoutout to the youth for leading a whole movement. 🇩🇴⁣ ⁣ ——⁣ Está en inglés porque hay demasiado información siendo compartida por personas que están viviéndolo en vivo, y prefiero dirigirlos a ellos, amplificar su voz; como @josemariacabral @carosantanas @altagraciasa @somospueblord y muchos más. Esto es para visibilidad extranjera, que también viene bien.⁣ ⁣ #sevan #eleccionesmunicipales #manifestacionpacifica (at Plainfield, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B81eu8sna7vvbeXeFdFN37EAZ9agL9jSmhfzFk0/?igshid=11h9gb8ivy690
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quidcabalmalamasa · 4 years
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Reacciones a #GritoDeLucha sí, ya está en la redes, disfruten y compartan esta obra musical... https://open.spotify.com/artist/1S1gq40LbNv9teW7EyraUC?si=ix5zEFUNTGGjhhoW15p2kA . El videoclip está casi listo, bajo la dirección de @ico_abreu @sebsromero @ernestoalemany . @dannymarcelinor @virpastor17 @jennytorres67 @edlinnathalynavy @carolrodoli @jvolivier @alofokemusicnet @sammy.manzu @arlinv.b @ruliconcepcion @gerizep @kmilomiguel @jlcorporan @jackanthony06 @kira15brizuela @kiweny08 @herminionova @hemphilotranota @yidaxarias07 @elainefeliz1 @ritaindianalamontra @kilosderap @lula.pa @florangelagustin @alexandre.laprise @_lalirica @elnidodelacigua @ciudadalt @rd.oxfam @josemariacabral @casayard @johannegomezterrero @techo_rd @ (en Dominican Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_xmb1hBz82/?igshid=1206d31qvphru
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TODAY IN D.R. - 1 week after it all went down, Dominicans are STILL protesting, and will continue to do so until demands have been met.⁣ ⁣ Was working on another illustrated update of events, but kept getting messages from people abroad asking if their protest was down too. In this thread I try to explain as SIMPLE as I can why they're are STILL ON!⁣ I understand that due to the nature of my last post, the majority of you all are now people abroad that care deeply about DR. So I'll keep making illustrated updates like such for now. Please also check out the accounts of people back home posting valuable LIVE footage/info on what’s happening, such as @somospueblord, @carosantanas, @creoentird, @josemariacabral, @melymel.⁣ & thank you so much for the outpour of love & shares. You from your “little phone screen”, can make a much bigger impact than you imagine- trust me.⁣ ⁣ Here’s a list of places I know abroad protesting (if there’s one not on here please DM and I’ll keep it updated):⁣ USA⁣ 4pm - Boston Commons (Glorieta), Boston, MA.⁣ 4pm - Bayfront Park, Miami, USA.⁣ 4pm - Smokefree Shopping Plaza, 4771 Britt Rd, Norcross, GA, 30093, Atlanta, Georgia.⁣ 4pm - Forsyth Park, Savannah, Georgia.⁣ 4pm - Hermann Park, Houston, Texas.⁣ 11am- 500 N Brand Boulvd, Glendale, California⁣ 3pm PST - United Nations Plaza, San Francisco, California.⁣ 6pm - CVS de la Broad St, hasta estatua JPD, en el Roger William Park, Providence, RI.⁣ ⁣ ELSEWHERE⁣ 1pm at 5500 Rue Fullum, Montreal, Quebec, H2G 2H3, Canadá.⁣ 2pm - Toronto City Hall, Toronto, Canadá.⁣ 2pm - Plaza de la Constitución, Zócalo, Ciudad de México.⁣ 3pm - Puente Provencher, frente al Canadian Museum of Human Rights, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canadá.⁣ 2pm - Municipal Complex Plaza, City Hall (across from Olympic Plaza), Calgary, Canada⁣ 15:30 - Esplanade du Trocadero, París, Francia.⁣ 5pm - Plaza de los Arcos, Querétaro, México.⁣ —⁣ ⁣ 🇩🇴- Esto lo hago para visibilidad extranjera de lo que pasa en RD, que al parecer era más necesaria de lo que imaginé. Para lo que sucede EN VIVO sigan a @somospueblord, @carosantanas, @revoltiao, @josemariacabral, etc. Hoy nos toca a nosotros protestar Repost @aimeemazara https://www.instagram.com/p/B87llHvp76E/?igshid=kfi98l2db3iq
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miguelmarte · 4 years
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#HispanolaNews - - - Posted @withregram • @teamdominican 🇩🇴 🇩🇴 #Repost @andreveloz ・・・ Day 5 of peaceful protests in Dominican Republic —⁣ 🇩🇴 This is for the international community; for the Dominican diaspora that wish to share information with their non-Spanish speaking friends & family; for mine, who’s asked what is it I’ve been sharing about DR in my stories these last few days. ⁣ This is an incredibly summarized and easily digestible recap of events. Trying to be as impartial as I can as there are still a lot of questions to be answered. However, I’ve excluded events that have exacerbated the situation because it’s still “alleged” (pero uno sabe klk), like the assault of a telecom technician under National Police custody for conversations he had about a possible election sabotage the day before, or the extended power outages being experienced after elections were suspended prompting some to assume it’s on purpose. Government says they had nothing to do with either, leading to more questions & confusion. ⁣ This is just to open curiosity/dialogue. Stay informed, read the news, and draw your own conclusions. ⁣ In the meantime, DR is still fighting the good fight.. on the right side of history. Huge shoutout to the youth for leading a whole movement. 🇩🇴⁣ ⁣ ——⁣ Está en inglés porque hay demasiado información siendo compartida por personas que están viviéndolo en vivo, y prefiero dirigirlos a ellos, amplificar su voz; como @josemariacabral @carosantanas @altagraciasa @somospueblord y muchos más. Esto es para visibilidad extranjera, que también viene bien.⁣ ⁣ #sevan Repost @aimeemazara with #🇩🇴🇩🇴 #🇩🇴🇩🇴🇩🇴 #🇩🇴 #AndreVeloz #eleccionesmunicipales #manifestacionpacifica #teamDominican (at Lake Ridge, Fort Lauderdale) https://www.instagram.com/p/B81SvB-pqmp/?igshid=7u4wj90dpw75
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tupaisdigitalrd · 5 years
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#Politica José María Cabral interactúa con Abinader en Instagram y “no se durmió” Le realizó una entrevista con preguntas de seguidores #SANTODOMINGO José María Cabral junto a Luis Abinader. -El cineasta José María Cabral como un “juego” subió a su página de Instagram una serie de vídeos interactivos con el aspirante presidencial Luis Abinader, logrando la aceptación de sus seguidores. El primero de ellos le dice: “@luisabinader, con cariño, he aquí un pequeño consejo amistoso. Métele ma’ calle y energía, que me duermo. Porque hay que saca de abajo, que eto’ ta’ muy duro”. A lo que Luis Abinader respondió: “Gracias por tu sugerencia @josemariacabral y por apoyar nuestras propuestas de cambio”, en un vídeo en el que lo invitó a un encuentro. José María continuó respondiendo: ‘’Bueno @luisabinader, sin ánimo partidista y de manera desinteresada acepto tu invitación. ¡Ah, por cierto, me llevo una almohada por si a caso!”. En otro vídeo, Domínguez Brito del PLD e Ismael Reyes del PDI, también le pidieron una visita al cineasta. Pero, la noche de este miércoles publicó la entrevista que le realizó al aspirante presidencial por el Partido Revolucionario Moderno, Luis Abinader, quien contestó varias preguntas de los seguidores de José María en Instagram. #Política  #SantoDomingo #JoséMaríaCabral  #LuisAbinader https://www.instagram.com/p/B0pgF5zF9P-/?igshid=y06504d0rr9p
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exikielreyna · 7 years
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#Repost @josemariacabral with @repostapp ・・・ Feliz de anunciar que también estaremos en la selección oficial de Miami Film Festival. @carpinterosmovie #sundance #Guadalajara #Miami #Festivals. También felicitar a @ypr por su documental Jeffrey y @jkheel por Muerte por Mil Cortes.
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yesseniabrisso · 4 years
#Repost @josemariacabral • • • • • • Dominicana 🇩🇴 - Juan Luis Guerra https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Fyd-UH2Gx/?igshid=1jak4v4u80kz7
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eduardolunany · 6 years
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#tbt @dffnyc @josemariacabral @mannyperez1 @fernandobaez9168 @lacasadelia @glendii @undelaiberypenatv #cinema #ny #dr #cinelatino #cinedominicano #usa #filmmaker #hollywood #art #films #eduardoluna #nyc
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titopereyra · 7 years
#Repost @josemariacabral (@get_repost) ・・・ Repost @cdn37
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franciscomaldo · 5 years
Estrenan documental #CaciqueFilms y @josemariacabral #IsladePlástico √
Estrenan documental #CaciqueFilms y @josemariacabral #IsladePlástico √
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Johan Gonzales, Rosalia Esteva, David Maler, Nashla Bogaert, Gilberto Morillo, Patricia Florentino y José María Cabral, durante la premier de “Isla de plástico” (2019).
El pasado martes 29 de octubre los cineastas José María Cabral y Nashla Bogaert, presentaron la premier del documental Isla de Plástico. Esta producción de Cacique Films, dirigido por José María Cabral, deja ver claramente el…
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unapery · 7 years
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"Es importante tocar las películas" 🗞 @josemariacabral un gran director que entendío todo todo sobre mi hijo en este #21FCL #paperneverdies #VERTIGO0 #elcinenosune #latinoamericasinfronteras (en Festival de Cine de Lima)
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De la película "Carpinteros" se ha hablado mucho a nivel internacional, a través de su paso por distintos festivales (incluyendo el Festival de Sundance) hoy tuve la oportunidad de verla en su premiere y sólo diré 1 cosa, y la diré honestamente: para mí "Carpinteros" es una de las MEJORES PELÍCULAS DOMINICANAS de TODOS LOS TIEMPOS. Excelente dirección y excelente guión de @josemariacabral. No lo digo por decirlo ni porque estoy emocionado. En realidad la película es muy buena.
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quidcabalmalamasa · 4 years
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Reacciones a #GritoDeLucha sí, ya está en la redes, disfruten y compartan esta obra musical... El videoclip está casi listo, bajo la dirección de @ico_abreu @sebsromero @ernestoalemany . @dannymarcelinor @virpastor17 @jennytorres67 @edlinnathalynavy @carolrodoli @jvolivier @alofokemusicnet @sammy.manzu @arlinv.b @ruliconcepcion @gerizep @kmilomiguel @jlcorporan @jackanthony06 @kira15brizuela @kiweny08 @herminionova @hemphilotranota @yidaxarias07 @elainefeliz1 @ritaindianalamontra @kilosderap @lula.pa @florangelagustin @alexandre.laprise @_lalirica @elnidodelacigua @ciudadalt @rd.oxfam @josemariacabral @casayard @johannegomezterrero @techo_rd @ https://www.instagram.com/p/B_xmb1hBz82/?igshid=1mn7mtnmbxh43
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