bedbellyandbeyond · 2 years
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Checking Out 2
(Story Post)
Jeffrey was in tears. “It hurts so much!” “What do we do?” Wano asked, frantically. “The baby is supposed to be cut out tomorrow!” “Stay calm, alright?” Dax said, pulling out his phone. “I'll call the doctor.” “Jeffrey, just breathe, okay?” Nathan said, standing to the side of the bed and rubbing Jeffrey's arm. “You’ve got this.”
Jeffrey panted and gripped the bed sheets tightly in his fists. “Rrrrgghaaahhhh!” “Dada?” Ben was wringing the bottom of his shirt, watching his father struggle with concern. He started to tear up, balling the fabric in his fists. “Daaa…” “Wano, can you take him?” Nathan said. “I don't think he can handle seeing Jeffrey in pain like this.” Wano shook his head. “I cannot leave my mate in agony.” “I've got him.” Dax pinned his phone to his shoulder and scooped up Ben. The line seemed to pick up just as he stepped out the door. “Hello? Yes! Um, we have a bit of an emergency…” Jeffrey pressed his lips together tightly as a strong contraction swept over him. “Mmnnnnrrrrr!!! Make it stop!” “You need to push, Jeffrey,” Nathan said, helping support his leg. “Push hard!” “I can't!” Jeffrey cried. “It won't move!” “You need to try,” Nathan said, still stroking his arm. “Come on, 3, 2…” “Aaaaahhhhh!!!” Jeffrey bore down, yelling up into the air. Nathan watched as the head started to crown more, but Jeffrey's push ended quickly, and the head withdrew. “It's not working!” Jeffrey sobbed. Dax peeked his head back in. “Reid's on his way with a nurse!” “Tell them to hurry up!” Jeffrey cried. “Thank you for the update!” Nathan said. “How's Ben?” “Oh, um…” Loud sobbing could be heard from behind Dax. “He's fine. Don't worry.” For the next few minutes, Nathan continued to coach Jeffrey through his breathing and pushing. Every push, the baby's head bulged a little but still receded back. No progress was being made, and everyone was starting to get worried. After about five minutes, the door opened, and Dax was ushering Reid and Köbi in. Jeffrey was in hysterics, and at this point Nathan was just trying to calm him down. He got Wano to tuck himself in behind Jeffrey as a body to lean on and offer belly rubs and massages, but nothing seemed to work to calm the distressed labourer. “Doctor…” Jeffrey sobbed as Reid swooped in with a bag of instruments. “Make it end!” “You're alright, Jeffrey. You're alright,” Reid said as he waved Köbi to his side. “You've done a good job so far. All of you.” “But the baby's not coming out!” Jeffrey cried. “I can't push it out!” “That's why we're here to help!” Reid assured. “Köbi, could you please?” Köbi nodded and smiled to Jeffrey. “Would you like to hold my hand?” he asked as he offered it. Jeffrey wasn't sure what the offer was for, but he took Köbi's hand. At first, he clung to it with a death grip as another contraction racked through him, but soon his grip softened as the nurse's magic worked on him. His whole body relaxed, and he leaned back against Wano, taking deep breaths. “Oh my god… That's so much better…” Köbi grinned. “You're going to be alright. Don't worry.” Meanwhile, Reid was rummaging through the back he brought with him after assessing the progress. “Let's see here… Ah, here we go.” “Are you going to be able to get the baby out?” Nathan asked, now to the side. “It seems stuck.” “Aye, well it's all what Syd expected,” Reid said. “The babe's a little on the large side, which is why the c-section was planned, but it seems our little one decided to come a little early. However, they've progressed further than expected in a very short period. Natural birth is still possible, just need a wee bit of assistance.” He pulled out a pair of forceps and clinked them together. “What's that?” Jeffrey asked. “Forceps, my friend,” Reid said. “Take a deep breath for me. In…” Jeffrey breathed in and as he did so, Reid did his best to slide the instruments inside and around the baby's head. He was having a lot of trouble however, and pulled them out. “Och, that's a big head…” Reid muttered, going back into his bag. “Come on, Reid. What can we do now?” Nathan asked, very worried now. “Don't fret, now. I've still got tricks in here.” Reid pulled out a little cup like device on a tube. “Alright, baby. Work with me on this one.” “What’s that?” Wano asked confused. Reid waggled the cup. “This is called vacuum delivery.” The cup was then suctioned over a portion of the baby's head. Reid pulled the tube a little to make sure it was secure, and then gave a thumbs up. “Jeffrey, I'm going to need your best push now.” “I can't…” Jeffrey panted. “I'm too tired…” “Köbi, can you do anything about that?” Reid asked. “Uh, yes. One moment.” Köbi gripped Jeffrey's hand back, also rubbing his forearm gently. Jeffrey breathed in sharply now, his eye widening like he'd just been hit with a shot of espresso. “Big push, please. Next contraction,” Reid said. As a strong contraction came in a wave over him, Jeffrey bore down, arching his back, and Reid pulled on the little vacuum, hoping for a bit of movement. Jeffrey’s privates bulged and a quarter inch more head could be seen as Jeffrey relaxed. “Ah, now you're coming along, ya wee beastie,” Reid expressed, readjusting his grip. “But I need another big push.” “Is it coming out?” Wano asked. “Yes, Jeffrey's got this!” Nathan reassured. “Push now, let's go,” Reid instructed, starting to pull. Jeffrey wrapped one hand around under his thigh and pulled himself forward as he bore down. Reid pulled best he could and wiggled the cord a little, trying to get a little more give. Another half inch came into view. “The baby's coming, but I'm going to need you to push for a little longer on the next one,” Reid instructed, getting a little worried himself now. “You understand, Jeffrey?” Jeffrey was tearing up again, but he nodded. “Yeah, I'll try…” “You can do this,” Reid insisted. “Take a few good breaths right now before we continue.” Köbi moved his hand to Jeffrey's upper arm so the boy could get a grip of both his thighs for support. Jeffrey took a few breaths and then bore down again, pushing as hard as his could. This time, a full inch and a half came out, and the ear tips could be seen on the baby’s head. “Oh! It's coming out!” Nathan exclaimed excitedly. “Yes!” “Good! Very good.” Reid wiped a little sweat from his brow. “Alright, again. Another big push, Jeffrey!” Jeffrey whimpered and then bore down again, his fingertips and thighs white with tension. Reid pulled, and the baby’s brow was now visible. “You're doing it!” Nathan said. “The head's almost out!” Jeffrey sniffled and sobbed as he relaxed after the contraction. “Why was Ben so much easier?” “Ben didn't have a head the size of an emu's egg, laddie,” Reid said. “Push!” “I can't!” Jeffrey sobbed. “It's too big!” “No, you are doing it!” Wano supported, placing his hands on Jeffrey's stomach. “You can push! You are strong!” Jeffrey sniffled, but he locked his arms under and around Wano's before starting to push again. “Arrrraaaaahhhh!!!” Reid pulled best he could and finally the whole head came out, face down, wearing the suction cup like a hat. Reid removed the vacuum, then got his hands around the head and cleared the neck of the umbilical cord. He got his best grip of it and looked to Jeffrey. “Just one more push, Jeffrey. You can do this.” Jeffrey cried out as he leaned forward over his belly, pulling Wano up with him. His stomach tensed hard like a rock, bearing down on its contents. Reid pulled and the shoulders emerged with a gush of fluid and soon the rest of the child followed through, arriving into the towel Köbi had prepared. Jeffrey’s stomach deflated some, mostly only bulging at the base now. Feeling the sudden emptiness and relief, Jeffrey leaned back, trembling against Wano's chest. Wano grinned. “It's out, my mate. Our baby is born.” Jeffrey panted and gripped Wano's wrist weakly. “It's over?” “Yes, you have given birth!” Wano reassured. “I am very proud.” Meanwhile, Reid was holding the babe to his shoulder, rubbing it's back in circles. The baby was blue in appearance, but it was difficult to know if that was distress or simply inherited. “Come on, wee thing. Give us a good cry for your parents.” He gave it a couple pats on the back. “Come on, now.” “Is the baby alright?” Nathan asked in asked quietly. “Give me a moment, just gotta kick-start the process,” Reid said, switching shoulders and giving a few more slaps on the back. “Where's my… Where's the baby?” Jeffrey started asking. “I want to hold them.” But Reid wasn't getting any cry, not even a little wiggle. The baby was limp and unresponsive. Definitely distress, the doctor determined silently. “Köbi, could you take a look?” Reid asked, using a calm tone. The last thing he wanted to do was alarm anyone, but at this moment, the angel was the child’s best bet. “Uh, yes!” Köbi let go of Jeffrey so he could move to take the baby. Without his soothing abilities, Jeffrey groaned as the soreness took over his body. As soon as he touched the child, Köbi blanched a bit, but he took them and held them to his chest. “Give me a minute,” Köbi said, closing his eyes and rubbing the baby's back with his index and middle fingers. “While Köbi looks after the ween, Jeffrey, I need your help with delivering the placenta,” Reid redirected just as he was cutting and clamping the umbilical cord. “Wait, is my baby alright?” Jeffrey asked, trying to sit up now. “Your baby just needs a little help getting started. Trust that Köbi is the right one to help, aren't you, Köbi?” Reid said. Köbi however couldn't hear him as he concentrated on the newborn. “Aye, he’s busy. Let's finish up though,” Reid said. “Let's start with just a little push.” Jeffrey was wary but he did as the doctor said and let him coach him through removing the placenta. Nathan moved to check on Köbi and the baby, hoping there was some good news. Kobi was still holding the newborn carefully, his eyes tight shut but damp. Nathan had no idea what the nurse was, but this didn’t seem like any kind of medical process he’d heard off. The nurse’s fingertips glowed as if energy was flowing from him into the child’s body. Nathan watched, mesmerised by the glowing light, a feeling of fear and curiosity keeping his attention, and his perception of time was lost until eventually the glow faded. Köbi let out a shuddered breath, opening his teary eyes, and then brought the babe to his chest. He whispered something indecipherable and bit his lip, stroking the child’s back. Nathan watched, breath held. A split second later, a small, choked cough emerged, followed by a loud wail as the child sprung to life, arms and legs wiggling; hands and toes curling. An air of relief filled the room, the sinking feeling in Nathan’s stomach dissipating. “My baby!” Jeffrey exclaimed, holding his arms out. “Thank goodness,” Nathan exhaled, following Köbi as he carried the baby to the parents. “Bit of a rough start, but everyone’s pulled through,” Reid reassured. “Congratulations, both of you.” Jeffrey received his child and held them close to his chest. They were quite blue like Wano, but with less distinguishing Eclulan features. “Wano, this is our baby…” he muttered proudly. Wano was all smiles as he looked down into the face of his child. “You really did it. Is it male or female?” “Oh, um…” Jeffrey unwrapped the bundle to get a good look. “It’s a boy!” “Two penises?” Wano asked. “Naw, just one,” Jeffrey said. “Then it is girl,” Wano said. “Eclulan males have two penises.” “Well, it’s also my baby,” Jeffrey said. “I’m a man and I have one penis.” “But our baby is clearly very Eclulan,” Wano argued. “Only his colour, the rest could be really human!” Jeffrey argued back. “Not to be rude, but does it really matter?” Reid asked. “There’s no need to assign a sex right now, really…” “Yeah, I mean, some human kids, and like a lot of Yulinian kids are gender-nonbinary,” Nathan supported. “I have had a few in my classes as a teacher.” “I mean, I guess that other doctor told us to call them they/them,” Jeffrey said. “Yeah, you see?” Nathan said. “When they get older, maybe they’ll decide. How about that? What do you think, Wano?” Wano pursed his lips to the side. “I suppose, I don’t really care about that. I am just very happy…they are here.” Jeffrey smiled up to him. “But then what will we name them? How do Eclulans name their children?” “Oh, uh… It is tradition that a child receives the last of their father’s name. My father was Orwa. I had siblings Wari, Waona, and my twin Wajie. Our child’s name should begin with  the sound ‘No’,” Wano stated. “Wait, you have a twin out there?” Jeffrey asked. “You’ve never talked about them!” “I had siblings. I do not wish to speak of them,” Wano said. Jeffrey sighed. “Okay… ‘No’… Hm… Noah? Wait, maybe that’s too much of a boy’s name.” “May I suggest Noe then?” Nathan said. “It’s a unisex alternative to Noah.” “Noe?” Jeffrey smiled. “I actually… I really like that. Where’d you get that from?” “Well, I mean, they’re biblical names,” Nathan said. “I, um… My family was very religious.” “I like Noe,” Wano said. “Noe… Noe. Yes, this is a strong name.” “Sounds like we have a name,” Reid said, pleasantly. “I think the new family should be given some privacy, don’t you think? We’ll step out and be back in a bit to run some tests, make sure everyone’s all good to go.” Nathan nodded and opened the door for Dax. He was crouched in the hall with Ben asleep on his chest, but he perked up as soon as Nathan popped his head out. “Everything well in there?” Dax asked. “Child and parent are alright?” “Yeah, I think Ben should come in and meet his new sibling,” Nathan said. “Did you hear that?” Dax rubbed the toddler’s back to wake him gently. “Someone’s a big brother!” Ben rubbed at his eyes crankily as he was handed over to Nathan so that Dax could stand up properly. They took him inside to his father and he immediately reached out to Jeffrey as they approached. “Dada…” “Bean, meet Noe,” Jeffrey cooed softly as he cradled the newborn in one arm and supported the toddler with the other. “They couldn’t wait to meet their big brother.” “Babbee…” Ben babbled, placing his hand on his new sibling’s face. “That’s right! Noe is a baby,” Jeffrey said. “Very good.” “Alright, let’s leave them be,” Nathan said, taking Dax’s hand. “Doctor’s orders.” “But you’ve been in here the whole time, I haven’t had a chance to meet the baby,” Dax whined. “You’ll have several babies to meet soon,” Nathan said, leaning against him. “We can come back later. Come on.” “Alright…” Dax sighed. “Congratulations, Wano and Jeffrey. Awesome work.” “That’s our cue as well, Köbi,” Reid said, patting his quiet assistant on the back. “You alright?” Köbi blinked and then looked at Reid with a blank face. “Oh, um… Yes, we should go.” Reid opened the door for them and the crowd filed out, leaving the newly grown family to their time together, as limited as it was.
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nyeznajka · 1 year
2022 ádvent tizenötödik söre
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Köbi: Bayerisch British Ale
Ez egy hagyományos, sötét brit ale, bajor interpretációban, ezt írják róla. Iszonyatosan habzott, olyan 15 perc után tudtam kitölteni. De ízre frankó. Viszont kesernyésebb szerintem, mint egy brit ale, ezt tették a bajorok vele. Határozottan erősebb is, egy erősebb IPA érzetét kelti. Rengeteg cuccot pakoltak bele.
Közben rájöttem, mire emlékeztet. A Stone Brewerynek volt egy Arrogant Bastard Ale nevű söre. Az volt ilyen, tényleg arrogáns, kicsit pofánbaszós. Idemásolom az oldalról a bemutatójukat, mert kurva jó:
"This is an aggressive beer. You probably won’t like it. It's quite doubtful that you have the taste or sophistication to be able to appreciate an ale of this quality and depth. Arrogant Bastard Ale has revelled in its unprecedented and uncompromising celebration of intensity since 1997 and will never pander to the lowest common denominator. There have been many nods to Arrogant Bastard Ale…even outright attempts to copy it…but only one can ever embody the true nature of Liquid Arrogance."
Na ehhez hasonlít nekem a Köbi BBA.
Összetétel: víz, pale ale, pilzeni, special w és caramünch typ 2 komlók, brewmasters fruit ale 03 élesztő, east kent golding, cascade, fuggles, citra és mandarina bavaria komlók.
Induló balling: 13
Alkohol: 6,7%
Na zdarovje, ahogy egyes újabb britek mondják!
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Müller Köbi
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VERDADEIRO PAÍS DAS MARAVILHAS DE INVERNO: Schwellbrunn SUÍÇA Aldeia mais bonita Snowy Appenzellerland
VERDADEIRO PAÍS DAS MARAVILHAS DE INVERNO: Schwellbrunn SUÍÇA – Aldeia mais bonita – Snowy Appenzellerland https://ift.tt/wu23imj Schwellbrunn está definitivamente longe de ser mundialmente famoso, mas ei! Foi eleita a vila mais bonita da Suíça no ano de 2017. Quão emocionante é visitar esta vila fofa durante o inverno e como é a cultura local? O que é o Silvesterchlausen? Mergulhe na maravilhosa paisagem da montanhosa Appenzellerland e conheça esta joia escondida de uma serena vila da Suíça! Informações sobre o turismo local: Music by Epidemic Sound Equipment: Sony α6500, GoPro Hero 8 Black, DJI Mavic Air Agradecimentos especiais a Julia, Heidi e Köbi Dietrich The post VERDADEIRO PAÍS DAS MARAVILHAS DE INVERNO: Schwellbrunn SUÍÇA – Aldeia mais bonita – Snowy Appenzellerland appeared first on Férias Now. Post Original Férias Now via Dicas Tudos & Todos https://ift.tt/n52iFfq July 13, 2022 at 06:59AM
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tavonjgta · 7 years
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vodeaare · 4 years
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garadinervi · 6 years
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Atelier Gassner, Visuelle Geschichten / Visual Essays, Essays by Alberto Alessi, Walter Bohatsch, Köbi Gantenbein, Roland Jörg, and Otto Kapfinger, Sonderzahl, Wien, 2017
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forestlion · 3 years
Vor der Bessenheit Jakob “Köbi” Neumanns durch Karsten Engeldesherrn, war dieser Finanzberater bei der ING-DiBa. Er konnte zu Lebzeiten Dirk Nowitzki allerdings nicht kennenlernen.
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juliliest · 3 years
Antennenkind - ein Vorlesebuch über Hochsensibilität
Ein Vorlesebuch über Hochsensibilität Köbi ist einfach alles zu laut – momentan ganz besonders seine Tante Ruh, die gerade aus dem Libanon gekommen ist und laut in zackigem Arabisch spricht. Wenn Köbi die ganze Welt zu laut ist, setzt er sich Kopfhörer auf die Ohren und Schildkröte Pänzi auf den Schoß und verschanzt sich in seinem Zimmer. Für deine Ohren ist die Welt zu laut, sagt Mama immer.…
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smeef37 · 4 years
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köbi — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/39q0RTc
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st-gallen-myths · 3 years
275. Milk in the Shepherd's Crook
275. Milk in the Shepherd's Crook: Goatherders "Köbi" (Jakob) and "Seppen-Lihert" (Joseph-Leonhard) were herding the goats together on the long meadow. The day was hot and the two shepherds were thirsty. "We want to look for water... #Swiss #Switzerland
Goatherders “Köbi” (Jakob) and “Seppen-Lihert” (Joseph-Leonhard) were herding the goats together on the long meadow. The day was hot and the two shepherds were thirsty. Then Lihert said: “We want to look for water, so that we don’t have to die of thirst.” Köbi laughed at this and replied: “Water is too thin for me; I prefer to drink milk. You see that cow over there in Vermol is giving her milk;…
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bedbellyandbeyond · 1 year
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Lost Angel
(Story Post)
Little angel… What have you done? “I know, I am sorry.” You’ve taken from me. “I never meant to. I…I only wanted to do the right thing.” Who are you to decide? Better yet, what are you? Do you think yourself a principality? “No, of course not. I—” An archangel, then. “No.” And yet, you chose to overstep. You chose to govern Life and Death. “I broke the rules. I know well that I was out of line.” Know your place, child. For Death does not trifle. “Forgive me. Forgive me or… Or take from me what is owed to you. I just ask that you do not take the child.” …You attempt to bargain with Death? “If Death allows it.” You offer an angel for a child. Amusing… Quite the offer. “It is all I have to offer.” You understand that in making this offer, you value an angel higher than a child for Death, but a child for an angel for Life? “Yes. If Lord Death agrees.” …You believe then that Life and Death value differently. “If they are equal, then is it not a fair trade?” Ahh… Very well then. “…Very well?” Since you believe the life for the child so important, do not let it go to waste. An angel for a child. “I submit myself.” Ahaha… Submit then to the child, angel. You belong to them. “…I belong to them?” Yes, now go, Köbi. “I do not understand.” Köbi. “Yes?” Köbi. “Death?” KÖBI. “Köbi!”
The angel was startled awake. Sydryn loomed over him, appearing concerned. They had a hand on his forehead, but they withdrew it when he sat up. “I didn't think it possible for an angel to catch a fever…” they said. “I… It's nothing,” Köbi said, rubbing his own forehead. Sydryn just frowned and sat down on the end of his bed. “Köbi, I haven't seen you out of your room for several days. I am aware that I too have been a recluse, but I had hope you would still be performing your duties at APID.” “I was, for a time…” Köbi sighed. “I… I did something that I, as an angel, had no authority to do. But I… I don't think I would've done anything differently.” Sydryn placed a hand on his shoulder. “I'm sure you did exactly what you believed to be right, but I can understand how that might conflict with your values and status as an angel. However, I would've liked if you came to me about it. Seranan nearly burned the house down trying to make food for themself…” “Ah, I'm sorry! I know I've been neglecting my duties—” “Banish the thought. It's not about that, or Seranan.” Sydryn sat and sighed. “I want to know if there's anything I can do to help.” Köbi shook his head. “I don't know. Nothing. I think, maybe I…” He trailed off and rubbed his face. “You what?” Sydryn pursued. Köbi pursed his lips. “I don't think I can continue at APID.” Sydryn frowned. “Köbi, you’re of great use to APID. Your gifts are helping a lot of people.” “I know, but I…” Köbi shook his head. “I can't be tempted to do what I did again. I have no right. And I know in the medical field I'd be tempted.” Sydryn sighed and wrapped an arm around Köbi's shoulder. “Come here…” Köbi felt his eyes well with tears, and he leaned into the dragon's sideward hug. “Syd, you don't have to do this…” “Hush.” Sydryn rubbed his back. “I'm prescribing this hug to you.” This made Köbi chuckle a little. “Prescribing?” “You're a good angel, Köbi. This will pass.” “Okay…” Köbi took a deep breath to try and calm himself down. “Syd…” “Mn?” “If I… If something were to happen to me, please know that—” “What would happen to you?” Sydryn interrupted. “I don't know, I’m just saying if. Please just hear me out.” “Alright…” Köbi inhaled again. “I just want you to know, and this is coming from an angel and friend… I believe you're a very good person, Syd. I need you to know that your mistakes do not define you. Your actions and intentions are genuine, and I believe you do a lot of good in this world.” Sydryn actively relaxed their body and sighed. “Okay. Thank you for telling me that.” “It's true though. I really believe it.” “I believe that you believe that.” Köbi sighed. “I want you to take this seriously.” “I take everything seriously.” Sydryn pulled themselves up off the bed slowly. “I'm going to make you some breakfast.” “Oh, no, Syd, you don't need to do that,” Köbi said getting up. “You know I don't have to eat. Let me make you something.” Sydryn just waved a hand and started to waddle to the door. The moment they passed the threshold however, a chime rung out through the house. “What? Who's here?” Sydryn wrinkled their nose. No one ever rung the doorbell. The last person who had was Seranan months ago. Even when they got deliveries, they were instructed not to ring. They checked their door app and their eyes widened. “Ix?” Köbi straightened up. “Dr Ix?” “How do they know my address?” Sydryn asked. Köbi stiffened. “Er, well…” “You gave it to them?!” Sydryn snarled. “I mean, they've been worried about you, before I left… And I figured you've probably been ignoring everyone's messages from work… Listen, I gave it to them weeks ago, but they never did anything until now, so I figured they forgot about it or gave up or whatever.” Sydryn frowned. “You haven't given anyone else my private information, have you? Reid better not have my address.” “No, no. Of course not!” Köbi said. “Just Ix, and I realised I shouldn't have, in the moment, I just—” Syd cut him off with a waved hand. “Enough. It's fine. Lucky for you, I feel I can trust Ix.” They then opened the intercom. “Hello?” Ix was still on screen and they appeared to be turning to leave when Syd answered, and they jumped a little. “Hello? Dr Aias? I'm sorry for the intrusion, I just—” “No matter. I'll buzz you in.” “Ah, I appreciate it!” Syd pressed the button to open the gate before closing the app. After a moment, they looked at themselves. “Shit, I am completely unkempt! I have to change… I have to do something with my hair—this is terribly unprofessional! I am not prepared for guests!” “It's alright, this is your home, you can present yourself however you'd like!” Köbi said. “Not like this!” Syd did a little circle in panic. Köbi offered a hand. “Do you want me to braid your hair while you pick an outfit?” “No, no, I'll worry about me. I need you to entertain Ix while they wait. I need time to freshen up!” Sydryn then swept out the door, hurrying off to their bedroom. Seeing the dragon so frazzled about it made Köbi chuckle a little bit before he quickly went down to receive their guest. His excitement for Syd to finally talk to someone from outside the house for the first time in several days practically made him forget his woes for now and he received the Yulinian with a smile.
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mrsrcbinscn · 3 years
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❤️ 10.3 M likes mrs.robinson ☑️: I took my talented cousin Köbi out to @pixies last week to celebrate the release of our first album together as @wearefriendlyknives 
Thank you alcohol for the duo name and album title
Köbi and I wrote every song on this album together in either English, German, French, or Italian
Missing his wit and quality jam time now that he’s back home in Switzerland @kobifram
It’s Not Rocket Surgery is now available on all streaming platforms!
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swissfeeds · 3 years
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Hirsch «Köbi» sorgt für Angst im Dorf https://ift.tt/2YIAVye
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liloelsagranger · 6 years
Tag Meme - Revenge
I was tagged by @rocketshippingassbutt, thanks mate :)
drink - black tea
phone call – my boyfriend
text message - my boyfriend
song you listened to – Move it by Technotronic
time you cried – just a few minutes ago
dated someone twice? – no
kissed someone and regretted it – yes
been cheated on – I think so, yes
lost someone special - yes
been depressed – unfortunately, yes
gotten drunk and thrown up – no, I’m emetophobic, throwing up scares me so I try to keep within bounds
fave colours
ice blue
in the last year have you…
made new friends – YES! A., M. and N. and N., plus my lovely friends I met on tumblr
fallen out of love - no
laughed until you cried – yeah, my dad’s solutions for questions from the Asperger’s test were just freaking hilarious
found out someone was talking about you – oh yes, those stupid brats at my last job called me “worthless” and “a wimp” for having graduated in Near Eastern Archaeology, that’s how they congratulated me...
met someone who changed you – no
found out who your friends are - yes, S. is my angel
kissed someone on your facebook friends list - my boyfriend
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl – Pretty much everyone, except for 2 or 3 people
do you have any pets -  I had a dog called Blacky, she almost turned 16, but died in 2012, I miss her so much
do you want to change your name - I’m quite happy with Melanie and my second name sounds nice too
what did you do for your last birthday – My boyfriend and I went out for dinner at a local restaurant in my hometown
what time did you wake up today – about 7.15 a.m.
what were you doing at midnightlast night – sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for – more income, getting accepted for Graduate School
what are you listening to right now – nothing, but I’m def going to watch some Netflix later
have you ever talked to a person named tom – yes, that was my ex-Latin teacher’s name and the name of a renowned lecturer in Fribourg
something thats getting on your nerves – for the last five years, I’ve been feeling nauseous after every meal... it drives me crazy
most visited website - Facebook
hair colour – dark dark brown
long or short hair – long hair
do you have a crush on someone – James from Team Rocket
what do you like about yourself – My eyes and my rap-skills
want any piercings? – never, that mus hurt so much
blood type – not sure
nicknames – Mele, Melä, Meli, Salami, Köbi, Efeu, Hermine, Jessie, Melusch, Zwärg
relationship status - in a relationship
zodiac - Sagittarius
pronouns - ? not sure what I’m supposed to answer
fave tv shows – The King of Queens, Pokémon, Scooby Doo, The Smurfs, Cold Case, CSI: Las Vegas, Mannezimmer, Fascht e Familie
tattoos – none
right or left handed - right handed
ever had surgery - no
piercings – none
sport – football
drinking – I enjoy a Baccardi Breezer at the beach
i’m about to watch – Netflix, probably the second episode of “Mindhunter” or “Vampire Diaries” or just another scary movie
waiting for – better days
want - have lunch or dinner without feeling nauseous afterwards, join Graduate School and find some motivation to update my fanfictions and my dissertation
get married – I really want to get married one day
career – lecturer at the University, wrestler, rapper or actress
which is better
hugs or kisses - kisses
lips or eyes - eyes
shorter or taller - taller
older or younger - older
nice arms or stomach - don’t care
hookup or relationship - relationship
troublemaker or hesitant - I would love to say troublemaker, but I’m a coward, so I go for slightly hesitant, but still up to do some crazy stuff once in a while
have you ever
kissed a stranger - yes, blah
drank hard liquor - yes, oh Ochse, what wonderful times
lost glasses - no
turned someone down - yes, he wanted to kiss me, so I just turned away, haha
sex on first date - no
broken someones heart - yes and I’m terribly sorry, but he was so much younger than me and I thought we were just good friends
had your heart broken - yes, but he’s been my boyfriend for over five years now, so I forgave him ^^
been arrested - hmm, no
cried when someone died - yes
fallen for a friend - yes
do you believe in
yourself – sometimes, I believe in my rap-skills
miracles - yes, I do
love at first sight – well, it happened to me, so yes
santa claus - not really
kiss on a first date - why not
angels - yes, because I know S.
best friend’s name - Sina
eye colour – dark dark brown
fave movie - Drei Männer im Schnee, The cat and the canary, Cube, Scream 3, Final Desitnation 3, Jumanji (the original!), Road House, Dirty Dancing, Disney’s Aladdin/Alice in Wonderland (cartoon)/Lion King/Mulan/Herules/Tarzan/Lilo and Stitch, Harry Potter
fave actor – Günther Lüders, Paul Dahlke, Claus Biederstaedt, Nicole Heesters, Margarethe Hagen, Emma Watson, David Hewlett, Nicole de Boer Hmm, I tag @lalalastilldreaming and @estrelarabyss :) Feel free to do it, you don’t have to though
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Köbi" Kuhn batte Karl Odermatt Il capitano dello Zurigo Köbi" Kuhn alza il trofeo Sandoz del '73. Lo applaude, Karl Odermatt. (Foto Keystone). https://tinyurl.com/qqex7to
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