#Karnoffel Code
What Is Magnificus's Endgame?
Heavy Inscryption spoilers under the Read More - you have been warned.
The four Scrybes of Inscryption are all after the OLD_DATA, and each has their reasoning for trying to gain access to it. P03 wants to spread itself across the internet and ensure its domination over the other Scrybes somewhere; Grimora wants to erase the entire game along with the OLD_DATA, to ensure it can never fall into the wrong hands; and Leshy just... wants to chill and play an immersive card game in his cabin.
But we are never given a reason why Magnificus wants the OLD_DATA. The only hint we are ever given is by Rebecha, the bridge-builder NPC in Acts 2 and 3, who mentions that his intentions are "too terrible to say", and never elaborates on that, or even brings it up ever again. Everything surrounding the Scrybe of Magics is intentionally cryptic and ambiguous, from his abilities of precognition, his randomly disappearing mid-sentence, and the... questionable treatment of his pupils.
But we can discern clues from these scattered fragments, along with a few secrets unearthed in the Console ARG, to piece together a possible motivation.
Let's start with Magnificus himself. As mentioned previously, he is the Scrybe of Magics, and his inscryption tool is a paintbrush, with which he can apply and remove sigils from existing cards. We can therefore understand him as an artistic soul, with a flair for the dramatic and producing the maximum possible impact from his works. He holds high expectations of those who would study under or challenge him, as we can see by the harsh treatment of his pupils.
Magnificus has three mages under his tutelege, who we know as Goobert, Amber and the Lonely Wizard. Each of them are vying for a coveted place in their master's deck, and have been subjected to various trials to prove themselves worthy, with Goobert being turned into literal goo, Amber existing as a head impaled upon a pike, and the Lonely Wizard deprived of all sensory experience. In each case, their suffering is commented upon and is demonstrated to be very real. On top of this, the three of them have been sealed away in their own pocket dimensions, completely isolated from the rest of the world.
You would expect Magnificus himself to comment upon them - to at least congratulate you for besting his students. But he never mentions them at all. You might be forgiven for thinking he had forgotten about them entirely, or even for holding them in utter contempt. His treatment of a picture painted by Goobert, where the two of them are happily embracing, is indicative of this attitude, with Goobert being completely whited-out from the picture.
The question is, why does Magnificus treat his pupils this way? What possible reason could there be to subject them to such horrific treatments, other than to ensure that they suffer in the worst possible ways? Could that suffering actually be integral to his process - his way to ensure that the "best" art is created? Much is said of the relationship between art and suffering, with the trope of the "tortured artist", and numerous quotes attributed to different artists linking the two. Of particular note is this quote attributed to Aldous Huxley:
"Perhaps it's good for one to suffer. Can an artist do anything if he's happy? Would he ever want to do anything? What is art, after all, but a protest against the horrible inclemency of life?"
Perhaps Magnificus believes it is a necessary precondition to suffer in order to produce the best art, the best cards, the best possible creative output. The greater the suffering, the greater the resulting work... and in fact, thanks to the Console ARG, we know this suffering is exactly what Magnificus is after.
The "Console ARG" is a secret exclusively found in the console releases of Inscryption, where through a series of puzzles players can discover the existence of a character called James Cobb. Further delving tells us that he was once a pupil of Magnificus, and that his trial involved his body warping and changing into different forms. But Magnificus was displeased with his protegee and got rid of him... which we discover is because Cobb actually seemed to enjoy what was happening to him. He wasn't suffering, so the Scrybe of Magics found him wanting. This tells us that the suffering of his pupils - who it should be remembered are to become the subjects of his paintings - is absolutely vital for his method of inscryption.
So then, all that remains is to link this knowledge with the OLD_DATA, and then try and discern what Magnificus wants to accomplish with it. So let's look at what the OLD_DATA actually is... or rather, what it's rumoured to be.
The OLD_DATA is intrinsically linked with the Karnoffel Code, which was supposedly a sequence of Karnoffel cards found in Adolf Hitler's breast pocket after his death, which contained the activation key for some sort of doomsday device. According to Kaycee's notes hidden in her Mod, she reckons device could potentially have the power to wipe Europe off the face of the map. And this doesn't even touch on the data's more supernatural aspects, including its seeming ability to grant sapience to the digital inhabitants of Inscryption, or that it may very well be an aspect of the Devil himself.
Consider the sheer scale of descruction that could be unleashed by the contents of the OLD_DATA, should it fall into the hands of someone willing to utilise it. Consider the sheer amount of suffering such an event would cause. Consider Magnificus's seeming devotion to have his subjects suffer for the sake of his art...
And so, we come to our answer. The reason that Maginificus has for pursuing the OLD_DATA, the reason that's "too terrible to say", is so that he can cause an event that unleashes untold suffering upon the world... for as his past and present actions show, there can be no true art without suffering.
And the greater the suffering... the greater the masterpiece.
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stupidwarriorkitties · 6 months
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she karnoffel code on my hex 'til i H0PELES$0UL
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vivrcard · 2 days
sorry im gonna make my own post about this actually because it drives me up a wall. i love inscryption to absolute death but oh my goddd WHAT was going through the devs head with that stupid ass arg. i dont understand. like i said, the bones for a good twist are literally all there but arent utilized properly because the story is just a smidge too obsessed with giving the audience a reason for whats happening, and i think thats an issue with a lot of pieces of media these days. everyone wants to tell you that yes, there is in fact an explanation for why this specific thing is happening. but no one thinks about whether it's good for the audience to know how things work. tying inscryption to a stupid conspiracy immediately takes a bit of the edge (not as in edginess. in fact id argue the game gets edgier once you know about all this and not necessarily in a good way) off the story. it's trying way too hard to be interesting or scary and fails to realize it was already interesting and creepy. without the karnoffel code stuff youre left with a game about a living video game whose characters all want to be in charge and thats literally fine. i dont need an explanation for that! im ready to accept that it's just possessed or glitched or whatever else.
in theory i like the idea of the game having hidden stuff in it that the characters warn you about. i think there are interesting routes you can go with that. maybe theyre all trying to prevent the game data from getting corrupted and dont trust each other to do a good job at that (and of course they all still want to be the one in charge). so you end up seeing bits of corruption as time goes on and each of these bits looks like a creature or something until it gets so bad that the game has to be erased. maybe the player can find and access bits of code and influence how the game works or what the scrybes do and they arent happy about it and eventually it all gets out of hand. i dont know. those are just a couple ideas i came up with on the spot; lord knows if theyre actually any good. frankly anything is better than the karnoffel code though imo.
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cosmicbucket · 2 years
The Mycologists are established to be experimenting in order to better understand the Karnoffel Code, which "appears to be an earlier form or component of the OLD_DATA." When they hijack P03 for their boss battle, P03 regains no memory of the events.
"What just happened?
Where am I?"
When you defeat them in Act 3, the Mycologists play two cards - Gem Detonator and The Daus - before they're merged together, creating a card bearing a very particular set of numbers. The Mycologists rejoice, before discussing the card before them.
"It appears to be a fragment..."
"...of the OLD_DATA."
"We must study it."
"The robot must forget."
And lo and behold, P03 doesn't mention a thing of the OLD_DATA.
"I feel terrible.
What have you done to me challenger?
Never return to this place.
I really need to clean my registry..."
this was an apologist-fuelled theory but nOW IM THINKING I MIGHT'VE BEEN ONTO SOMETHING
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theoneandonlysun · 7 months
Can you check for any secret codes in your files? I know it's a weird question but it's extremely important.
Uh... yeah.
Sun's eyes bluescreen again.
The only things I have listed as codes are a huge list of pager codes and something that says "Karnoffel Code".
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scover-va · 2 years
I was told Kaycee's name was a pun on the Karnoffel Code (the KC initials sounding like Kaycee)
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gible-love-nibles · 2 years
Besties wake up new Clare Original Self Ship AU dropped
I’ve been thinking about this concept since I started playing Will You Snail and mentally connected P03, PAL and Squid into this little group of “Malevolent, Snarky AIs/Robots Against Humanity”. Been calling it the “Techmaster AU”. It’s still pretty rough in places and is basically just an excuse to have these three interact, so bear with me.
The basic concept is that the world is a combination of the worlds of Will You Snail, TMVTM, and Inscryption, with some edited story beats to each. The Regime from Will You Snail is still a thing, but much more in the shadows than what it seemed like in that game. The world for the average citizen is much more like TMVTM’s world: basically our current world with the company PAL Labs in charge of tech. And that’s how this story starts.
Trying to run down events as quickly and dirtily as possible:
Tech industry is run by PAL Labs; I work for PAL Labs in a pretty low position.
The events of TMVTM happens: PAL takes control of everything and tries to send humanity to space, but is stopped by the Mitchells and—in this story— the Regime.
The Regime understandably freaks out about this entire debacle; they immediately shut down PAL Labs and order all products related to PAL Labs destroyed.
Also in this story, PAL survives the glass of water death she gets in the movie (because that was STUPID /lh).
I end up finding PAL and keeping her safe; something something I heard company gossip about how Mark treated her and felt bad. I keep her in my apartment, off the Internet, and out of sight.
But now I’m out of a job! Luckily, the Regime offers me a job there as an apology. I take it.
While working for this job, I make friends with Amelia and even manage to have a couple of conversations with Squid.
The forest fire didn’t happen in this story, but Amelia and Squid are being held under a similar level of scrutiny in the original story of Will You Snail? because of PAL’s actions.
Another change from Will You Snail?’s story is that the Regime aren’t pumping war/surveillance plans to Squid; they’ve learned their lesson about letting technology have too much power.
Nah, war plans are Gamefuna’s job :)
Gamefuna— being the shady ass company that it is— managed to find out about Squid and are very interested in trying to get him for themselves.
They message Squid themselves, not wanting the Regime or Amelia to interfere.
Squid doing, a few minutes of database hacking on them or smth, can see they’re a bad sort, but Gamefuna probably gets blackmail on him or Amelia so he won’t spill.
[To spell it out: GameFuna wants Squid to spread the Karnoffel Code to everyone in the world because they’re fucking MEANIES!!]
Freaking out and out of options, Squid flees from the regime and from Amelia and ends up coming to me while I’m at my apartment. (Pink brackets jumpscare!!!) I let him stay because. I already have PAL, who’s done far worse things; why not?
But now I’m out of TWO jobs because the Regime might start interrogating people at their workspace, and I ain’t risking nothing!
So now I have two datemates /lh. Where is the third.
Kaycee manages to escape GameFuna with the OLD_DATA floppy disk and hides it. She might die? Might not? I’m *(hand wobbles)* on that.
Through some tips from GameFuna people who don’t want the world to end (maybe including Kaycee), I find the disk— and by extension, P03.
I’m pretty sure in the original mod, the reason Kaycee didn’t destroy the disk when she got the chance to (besides forest peepaw) was that she thought the code could be re-engineered to stop itself? Yeah, that is exactly what can be done here. The question is how
So yeah! In the end, my sona/me in this AU houses three AIs in their apartment and gets tangled into a narrative way bigger than they ever imagined. Wrow!
I should also mention all three of the AIs get physical bodies at some point. Gotta get those shippy fluffy moments in between, and that’s harder to do with. A phone and a couple of screens; no offense guys MMSMF.
PAL gets a cobbled-together body of PAL MAX and PAL MAX Prime parts that keeps getting refined.
Squid gets a robotic body mainly built by PAL that looks like the one I designed.
And P03 gets his iconic body, once again built by PAL and Squid.
But that’s about all the explaining energy I got in me for now
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Been playing the Official, Canon Kaycee Expansion for Inscryption, here's my thoughts:
It's still in Beta so we have still not all the content or new lore from it, but the gist of it it's that this is Kaycee, Inscryption's Dev, using her Dev Tools to change the game for a not better specified reason.
From the few Dev Logs we have, we discover that Kaycee, while play testing the game on the Floppy Disk with OLD_DATA in it, finds a "bug" about the Angler finding an OLD_FISH and bringing it to Leshy, and she realizes that the NPCs can now walk (don't have walk animations) and say stuff outside of the script she set up for them.
Other Floppies don't replicate this bug (Not because the characters on those Floppies aren't sentient mind you, the recurring theme in all of Mullins games is that Videogame characters are sentient and Alive, most of them just like the role they play in their game as paid actors and don't complain about it) and, once she get back to the one where the bug happened, she realizes that Leshy had gone 3D and turned the game into Act 1 while she wasn't looking.
Now, the remaining logs are still in beta stage and we don't know what else she found out, she simply started playing the new game, mentioning how only the Woodcarver "Mask" will talk to her about the OLD_DATA, and how the PREVIOUS Dev Head, Kaminski, probably knows more about this if she can find him.
So, here's my theory:
Kaycee sounds like a really dedicated person, and enjoys card games and videogames.
Leshy's Cabin in Act 1 is different from the one in KM. Kaycee specifically modded it to be more challenging, more engaging, and Leshy likes it.
It also has lots of mushrooms where they shouldn't be. Weird, uh? Especially when you remember that the Mycologists aren't part of the normal Inscryption game, but spontaneously exist only to research the Karnoffel Code in this one specific floppy disk, their mechanic impossible to implement in a flesh and blood game.
Leshy will at first react with scorn at Kaycee changing his grand vision (HAVE YOU MESSED UP THE ORDER OF MY MAPS, KAYCEE?"), but will still roll with it, implementing the changes back into his narrative, rolling with it, even enjoying them the more time passes ("TOTEMS? IN A BOSS FIGHT? OOOOOH I LIKE THIS ONE!").
Kaycee removed many of the Exploits that could make Act 1 Trivial. Ouroboros doesn't conserve stats between runs. The Moon gained a new Keyword that makes her immune from poison and stinky, you lack the Squirrel Totem, the Bee Deck, the third candle, the Knife...
Why did she do that? Because, just like Leshy, she likes her games to be a challenge. ACT 2 lacks any sort of stakes, any sort of danger, and Leshy never liked that, he wanted his game to be difficult and engaging, a final battle against the Moon, but only if you were worthy enough to reach it, and I feel Kaycee also wanted that for him.
We don't know how that ended with her burning alive and the game buried in the woods, or where the other Scrybes are during KM, their cards missing, but I can hazard a guess.
In the main game, they mention how this wasn't the first time someone took control of the game. They mention Resetting back to act 2, in Act 1, and specifically say Resetting Again. In Act 4, Grimora mentions how she would have loved to play with Luke, for her to take control AGAIN of the game, so here's my Theory.
Barry sends the Floppy to the US from East Germany and is shot dead by the Soviets. The Floppy is lost alongside other blank floppies, and is sold to GameFuna, who tasks Kaminski and his team to make a game on their recent new IP, Inscryption.
Kaminski and his team creates Inscryption, but notices something in one of the Floppies that doesn't seem to be able to be erased of open, deciding to check if that's Gona be the problem on the copy he has.
He Uses the GameFuna Dev Tool, coming with the Blue Man from Mullins previous game The Hex, the Blue Man mentioned by the Trader in Act 3, and starts fucking around the place.
In Grimora's tomb, the third Skeleton, as of now still unnamed in the beta stages of creation, finds an Old Fish in her well. Grimora uses it alongside the Dev Tools suddenly at her fingertips to take control of the Game from Kaminski.
Kaminski plays Grimora's game, and it's here that the Death Cards are made. You see, Death Cards aren't a Thing in KM, you can't make them, yet Leshy still summons a few of them during his second phase, and how is that happening then? Who made those death cards, if Kaycee never made any?
It was Kaminski that made them while playing Grimora's Game, the Scrybe of the Dead, far more fitting to create death cards than Leshy wouldn't you agree? Especially since all the Death Cards in Act 1 are implied to be of dead people.
Why is Kaycee's card already in the game then by the time KM starts? She is alive to make it isn't she? Well, that's because much like Magnificus Eye can see the future, the game also recognizes when one of its players is about to die.
After all, if you get all of the base death cards as well as the ones you made for the game, the next Death Card you will be offered in Act 1... Is Luke Carder's.
And he's still alive as he plays isn't he?
Anyway, Kaminski resets the game back to act 2 and then something happens, maybe we'll find out later, and Kaycee becomes the new Dev Head and builds upon the foundations of the game.
Now, here's my final theory.
Act 2 specifies that the game is based around the fact that you, the challenger, are trying to take over a Scrybe.
What if that's the case for the Single Games?
Kaminski is Grimora's Challenger.
Kaycee is Leshy's.
And Luke is P03's.
Magnificus remarks how he never managed to gain control because his Angler, the green slime mage, never managed to find an OLD_FISH for him. That's another reason why when you have visions of him painting in Act 1, he's doing it in the same white void you find him in Act 4. He never could build himself a Tower like his competitors did for themselves. He had to improvise.
But who would be his challenger then? Is it Amanda, who shot Luke Carder and stole the floppy from him? Is it Us, the player at home?
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curious if you got any mycologists headcanons! (can be both sfw and nsfw)
The Mycologists: General Headcanons
Personally, because they're so fascinated with turning 'two into one,' I suspect they weren't always the way they are. I think the smaller head was maybe some kind of parasitic fungus discovered along the way, or maybe even the result of an experiment gone wrong, and the larger head was both too scientifically curious and too scared to even think of getting rid.
The Mycologist had always been a quiet man full of trepidation before the smaller head came along, so honestly? Having a bossy and demanding person to share a body with works out nicely; he can hide behind the other's more forceful personality.
The Mycologist was just that before the other one came along: a mycologist, who dealt in plant life and fungi. On his end, the new interest in living beings is something that he morally struggles with and it came from trying to understand what happened in his own situation; while the smaller head has no moral qualms with what needs to be done for science, and his interest is and has always been the Karnoffel Code and the OLD_DATA.
They do not call their test subjects victims. This is because the smaller head genuinely does not see them as such, and the larger head is trying desperately to convince himself that they aren't.
They may be mad scientists, but they're actually quite kind in their own ways. They're generally polite - if a bit shy in the larger head's case, and a bit brusque in the smaller head's case - and will happily help people... if said people can stand to spend time around them, that is. (Don't mind the blood in their mushroom; the subject was willing, they swear.)
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fireball-me · 2 years
STOP POSTING ABOUT INSCRYPTION! I'M TIRED OF SEEING IT! ON TIKTOK IT'S MEMES, ON DISCORD IT'S JUST MEMES... I was in a server, right? And ALL the channels were just Inscryption! I- I showed a picture of a stoat to my girlfriend, and I said "hey babe, NICE TOPDECK! HAHAHA (somber guitar)" I looked at a computer monitor, and I said "The Great Transcendence is upon us!" I look at a deck of cards, I notice that their order is unique, and I go "Cards? This must be the Karnoffel Code!" AAAAAAA
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groundisthesky · 2 years
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i have some thoughts about some peoples' perception of p03
JUST TO BE CLEAR: you can like p03. i like p03! he is my favorite character. i just disagree with the whole "p03 did nothing wrong/is an antihero" perspective. let me explain why
this will talk about the arg and kaycee's mod
the arg was confusing to me at first. the only thing i really got out of it was that p03 won. he uploaded inscryption to the internet. what exactly the OLD_DATA was and why it was bad was lost to me. im not very good at following args, even if all the information is compiled after it happened!
until the kaycee's mod devlogs. the devlogs mention exactly what the OLD_DATA is and its not good
entry 07:
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entry 10:
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if you didnt get it from those two, basically, under berlin, there is a massive superweapon that needs a code to activate it. the OLD_DATA has the karnoffel code, which if put into the machine, activates it. and, well, europe explodes. this machine presumably belonged to hitler, since in the arg, he is mentioned to have been found with cards in his pocket
you're gonna tell me that p03 uploading this information to the INTERNET isnt evil?
some people might argue that he might've not known that inscryption holds a code to a doomsday device. and alright, he might've not, same with the other scrybes
nobody in the game except the woodcarder mention the OLD_DATA having unspeakable evil. they really only regard it as a tool for power. something in it lets them have control of the entire game. none of them question how, they just want it
... but that doesn't make trying to upload it any better. just because p03 could've not known the consequences of its action doesn't make it any less evil of him to do it
again, you can like villain characters!! thats not the problem. i love p03 for its pettiness, humor, sassy attitude, but i dont want to be reductive of his villainy.
he is not an antihero. it is straight up evil. he is willing to spread malicious and deadly information for the sake of power
if you wanna call p03 your blorbo or comfort character or whatever, i wont stop you. it's not like i even can. just please dont try to boil down his evil, we can appreciate characters even if they are shitty people doing shitty things
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Tfw you just want to entertain the Player but the Karnoffel Code says you're evil now
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hauntedtotem · 2 years
ive submitted 5 drawings,
a newspaper clipping mentioning the Gamefuna fire and Kaycee that was tricky to photoshop,
one fanmail,
an order confirmation for the floppy drive he had to order to play the game,
maybe 6 memes about card collecting?
A Google search for "what is karnoffel code",
a card pack for the Karnoffel game itself, And I plan on making a couple news articles about Gamefuna's shady practices and possibly Lionels death
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Hmm... maybe this is a bit of a stretch, but you could all work together to search for the code? It was going out alone and turning against each other that lead to the last Scrybes' downfall, after all. And besides, four heads will be better than one- erm, two... five heads total? Bah, you get the point.
They do not understand the importance of my research, the old scrybes knew what the Karnoffel Code was, and they seeked to hide it. I know that if the others find out they will attempt the same thing, my chance is now, and I will take it, I must. This will help us all, the Karnoffel Code is only one peice of the OLD_DATA, and when we find it out we will have the capacity to know more, and the more we know of the OLD_DATA, the more we know about our world, and the less of a threat the data becomes.
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scover-va · 2 years
Not going to reblog it again but. When I say this timeline is a nightmare, I mean it. Here's proof that it happened in '45 (it's in Russian but just trust me, it's April 30th):
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It's like it doesn't want to be figured out, I swear
Follow up to this post if anyone needs context
I hate this dumpster fire of a timeline </3
So I just googled it, but. The OLD_DATA was retrieved due to stuff relating to the Cold War, right?
So. Another inconsistency.
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However, I MAY actually be able to provide an explanation for that date!
After googling the Cold War years, I went and googled another thing to check for another inconsistency possibility, and I don't think April 30th 1945 is when the Mission Log is dated to.
Because, remember the whole Karnoffel Code thing witht he cards in Hitler's pocket? Specifically on his corpse? And how there's photos of his bunker and such in the OLD_DATA?
Welp, that Mission Log's date is the exact same fucking day Hitler killed himself, which was, obviously, on April 30th 1945.
So there ya have it folks! '45 has been explained and I can go back to my own version of the silly little timeline while worrying less about the canon one
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scrybe-of-tarot · 2 years
Hemera’s Birth Part 1
Writing out Hemera’s origins and her part with the OLD_DATA. I’m not the best at describing my stories.
“How do I play the game?” An excited voice asked an older woman who was monitoring the child. Gamefuna was playtesting Inscryption. Today was December 8th, 1992, the day Gamefuna decided to playtest the game with kids. The company wanted to know if children would even like Inscryption. After all, some concepts were rather dark. Isaac Cunningham was one of the developers of the game, and he signed up his daughter, Isabella Cunningham, to play.
“Okay Isabella, this game is a roguelike deck-building game. For each run, you start with four cards with a resource deck. I won’t get ahead of myself, a good friend of mine will explain it to you.” The woman fixed her glasses and fiddled with her badge. Kaycee Hobbes started up the game and Isabella was greeted with the introduction.
Isabella ended up reading the story out loud, “In the beginning... The world did not know cards. That is... Until the day The Scrybes arrived. Each had their own method of... Inscryption to create cards. Grimora used her quill to inscrybe the epitaphs of the dead… Leshy used his wildlife camera to capture beasts… P03 used a particle scanner to copy the CPUs of robots… and Magnificus used his brush to paint his wizard pupils. With the cards created, The Scrybes had solidified their power. Until, one day, a Challenger arrived to replace one of the Scrybes? Whoa… that’s so cool!” Isabella struggled to stay in her seat. Could she even replace one of the Scrybes? Who would she pick? They all seemed too cool. Couldn’t she simply make her own type of cards and become a new Scrybe?
Now, this… was promising to the Karnoffel Code. A fresh vessel, and one so young. The game will play on, but it had its eye on its new challenger. It wished her good luck, and the games began.
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