#Khalai Protoss
iskelan · 2 months
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Inola’k’Sheddar in her Khalai youth, collecting herbs for her healing essences.
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deepreapercenturion · 3 months
Avlya-Viz needs a psychotherapist, can you recommend one?
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PTSD and tremor are bad.
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utapok · 9 months
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«Now you come and say 'Don Artanis, give me victory in the power struggle.' But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me Hierarch»
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protosshiropon · 2 years
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miracleinfeathers · 1 month
Less than a millennium has passed and here is a small description of my main Protoss characters xd
Не прошло и тысячелетия и вот небольшая характеристика моих основных персонажей протоссов
Senia - Khalai hails from Aiur. Her neural processes were damaged during the accident. Because of this, she had to leave her home planet and wander alone among the stars in space in search of herself and her path.
Siya - Comes from the family of judges on Aiur. She is the younger sister of Yais. She is not particularly "talkative", prefers to deal with documents and hold meetings. She believes that she is looking for her way to perfection (she just wants to be as outstanding a judge as her older sister).
Alesta - Comes from the Templar castle from Aiur and is a Zealot. An orphan who was accepted into the Templar caste as a child, mentor Rogond and she, along with her adopted "family", grew up and studied the skills of the Templars. Until Aiur was captured by the Zerg. She has lost everything that was dear to her and she has only herself and her faith in herself.
Agnest- Comes from the Templar caste from Aiur and is the highest Templar. She has a calm personality and although she is an experienced warrior, she is more attracted to botany at heart. There will definitely be a lot of plants in the room she lives in. Agnest misses all her friends, whom she lost because of the battles.
Shirin - ???
One day, the Mobius Foundation thought about what would happen if Protoss were crossed with other species (they also managed to cross Protoss and Zerg through cloning, although it was considered impossible). Shirin is a successful experiment, but she does not remember at all and does not know who she is. In the course of a combination of circumstances, she accidentally found herself on a safe planet, being lost to scientists, having gained freedom.
Kai - Khalai hails from Aiur. She is well versed in shipbuilding and engineering, but due to self-doubt, she usually stays away. Secretly dreams of becoming a pilot, because she is well versed in the systems of spaceships and not only ships, but because of indecision, dreams remain dreams until she decides to change something. He understands space maps, easily navigates constellations and is fond of astrology.
Viola - Comes from the Templar caste from Aiur and is a Zealot. In one word - "movement". She is rarely found bored with nothing to do, she will always find entertainment for herself, whether it is training or making fun of others.
Sati - is a dark Templar from the Lenassa tribe and hails from Shakuras. Behind the taciturn and slightly irritated appearance is a kind nature that just wants to protect the people dear to her. She lost her lover during the military campaign to protect Aiur and after that she is especially distrustful of people from Aiur.
Mia - is one of the most poorly thought-out characters so far. She is a tal'darim.
Yais - Comes from the family of judges on Aiur. She is Siya's older sister. Although she is literally a couple of minutes older than her sister, everyone still sees her only as Siya's older sister and the heiress of a family they are proud of, who has a great future and a successful career. Since childhood, You had to take responsibility for both herself and her sister (although she never admits this, how to actually take care of her well-being). During the war, Yais was stolen by the Mobius Foundation as an experimental way to create hybrids.
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Сения/Senia - Кхалай родом с Айура. У нее были повреждены нейронные отростки в ходе несчастного случая. Из-за чего ей пришлось покинуть свою родную планету и в одиночку скитаться среди звезд в космосе в поиске себя и своего пути.
Сия/Siya - Происходит из рода судей на Айуре. Является младшей сестрой Яис. Не особо "разговорчива", предпочитает разбираться с документами и проводить собрания. Считает что ищет свой путь к совершенству (ей просто хочется быть такой же выдающейся судьей, как и ее старшая сестра).
Алеста/Alesta - Происходит из касты тамплиеров с Айура и является зилотом. Сирота, которую приняли в детстве в касту тамплиеров, наставник Рогонд и она вместе со своей приемной "семьей" росла и обучалась мастерству тамплиеров. Пока Айур не был захвачен зергами. Она потеряла все что ей было дорого и у нее осталась только она сама и ее вера в себя.
Агнест/Agnest - Происходит из касты тамплиеров с Айура и является высшим тамплиером. У нее спокойный характер и хотя она является опытным воином, её больше в душе привлекает ботаника. В комнате которой она живет, обязательно будет много растений. Агнест скучает по всем своим друзьям, которых она потеряла из за сражений.
Ширин/Shirin - ???
Однажды в Фонде Мёбиуса задумались о том что было бы если скрестить протоссов с другими видами ( у них же получилось скрестить через клонирование скрестить протоссов и зергов, хотя это считалось невозможным). Ширин является удачным экспериментом, но совершенно не помнит и не знает кто она. В ходе стечения обстоятельств, она случайно оказалась на безопасной планете будучи утерянной для ученых, обретя свободу.
Виола/Viola - Происходит из касты тамплиеров с Айура и является зилотом. Одним словом - "движение". Ее редко можно найти скучающей без дела, она всегда найдет развлечения себе, будь это тренировки или подшучивание над другими.
Кай/Kai - Кхалай родом с Айура. Она отлично разбирается в кораблестроении и технике, но из за неуверенности в себе обычно остается в стороне. Тайно мечтает стать пилотом, потому что превосходно разбирается в системах космических и не только кораблей, но из за нерешительности, мечты остаются мечтами, пока она не решиться, что то менять.
Разбирается в картах космоса, легко ориентируется в созвездиях и увлекается астрологией.
Сати/Sati - Является темным тамплиером из племени Ленасса и родом с Шакураса. За неразговорчивой и слегка раздраженной внешностью находится добрая натура, которая просто хочет защитить дорогих ей людей. Она потеряла своего возлюбленного во время военной кампании по защите Айура и после этого особенно недоверчива к выходцам с Айура.
Мия/Mia - пока что она одна из самых слабо продуманных персонажей. Она является талдаримом.
Яис/Yais - Происходит из рода судей на Айуре. Является старшей сестрой Сии. Хотя она старше сестры буквально на пару минут, все все равно ее воспринимают, только как старшую сестру Сии и наследницу семьи, которой гордятся, которую ждет великое будущее и успешная карьера. С детства Яис пришлось нести ответственность и за себя, и за сестру (хотя она никогда не признается Сие, как на самом деле заботиться о ее благополучии). Во время войны была похищена Фондом Мебиуса в качестве экспериментального способа создания гибридов.
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zerguette · 2 years
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From left up(bulky guy) to bottom right(guy that has a third eye as a mark) You have:
Samantio! -> 500-700yo Albino Tal'darim that hid his iddentity and now is a kind of Commander among Khalai. Loves to pick his guards and is a hecking bitch, above 3 meters and not so close but still not so away from the 4meters tall
Yumata! -> [Data Lost]yo He says he's a khalai, isn't, comes from a protoss colony (from very ancient times, these guys took the lead and left when the first type of carriers were created) that is in a far away planet, everyone there is funky. His speciality is healer role, Will give You a rose and remind You to sleep :)
Karmentos! -> Zealot of a Lost colony of protoss in a cold frozen planet. He's serious looking but actually a crybaby. Both of his two tall cousins are phase-smiths that works in this colony and he always worry for them and for everyone in the colony. 451yo, funky greens :3
Zarmoria! -> Phase-smith, cousin of Karmentos. Loves his work and has problem with his sight and some brain problems that leads him to have tics from time to time, dysfunctional boy! 378yo. Ends finding out too much things that is killed for this.. c:
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fracolliastray611 · 2 years
War and History of Planet Oar
In Yunizburg, the place was grey, with a little shades of green, it was snowy, similar to Khalkin Gol and Krasny Bor. Like in Chechnya, in war is bloody. But, you could see a variety of drips. With others having the Russian Crimean, Falkland British, and Vietnam styles. The places are Shymkent, Tashkent, Shimono, Shimabara, Krasny Bor, Khalkin Gol, named after places from Earth by Velestinian-Casmanian travelers. Small numbers of Filipinos and Japanese led by a Spairitrean commander Ioannis Lipton settled in Jormungrad, the Military city-state. The war broke out in Eastern lands when Tusviet Mercenaries, Remnants of the Space Anarchists and Pith Shocktroopers came to attack. Pith Empire already owned 7 planets from the Baelrog sector, Pithia being their home planet and capital. Umojan settlers and their Belarusian and Uzbek counterparts formed the nation of Gravel in 2007. All settlers arrived in 1948, after Frederic Caspian and Maximus Carian brought them after WW2. As of 1948, only 25 settlements exists, 1 city-state and 1 nation. Weapons, gadgets, devices and tools also vehicles and energy systems are futuristic and much advance than on earth. Scientist, Albert Kronenhower discovered 2 energy fuels called green petroleum and electrolium, a gem similar to the solar power which can power up to 300 houses. The planet has many useful resources, which are easy to preserve at the same time. Earth 611, 616, 606 became advance when Formosians, Martians and Oarlanders delivered new sources of energy and technology to earth. In universe A611 and C136, earth was advanced unlike in 531, 64 and 034 where earth is only an average and most of the fitness Christians on that universe fled to the prosperous universe. Churches were also extracted by the help of the first Protoss General and inovator, Kyr who warped them to Planet Klandar, a planet in the garm sector, where they co-existed with the Protoss. When the Eastern war began, the Alliance of Stromgarde, Khalai, Umoja, Casmania, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Terran Dominion battled against the Tusviet, Space Anarchist and the Pith Empire for 12 years(2009-2025), which ended in Alliance victory. Later on, Astray, his wife Nino and their family moved to Oar’s own Switzerland and Argentina called Argentinland, the snowy, jungle paradise where all retirees moved. Later on, Oar founded the Republic of Oar, and made Vasil Orban as it’s first Prime Minister, and also the youngest Prime Minister at the age of 27. He led the country to success, and was called the “ Salazar of Oar”. He is also the financier of warping Earths 531, 64 and 034’s Churches to Oar’s Western and Southern hemisphere. 4 Pyramids were also made by the Protoss and the extracted Ancient Egyptian architects for commercialized industries and power plants, including the improvised version of the Baghdad battery, Mesoa became the Mesopotamia of Oar. Last thing about Oar, like Formosa and other planets, corruption is punishable by either exile or firing squad. Sexual corruption does not exist, nor prostitution as the humans who were brought are known as traditional and cultural people. Oar’s most popular paradise is Macauburg, and it’s best sanitary parks are Augustus Park and Titus Park.
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thirsty-protoss-fan · 3 years
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Executor Tassadar, Great Warrior of the Sergas Tribe, Saviour of Templar, the Hero of Auir...
...and his mouldy boyfriend Zeratul.
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Imagine 600 years of carrying out duties
To kill your matriarch with your own hands
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pedroam-bang · 7 years
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StarCraft II: Legacy Of The Void (2015)
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arianevass · 3 years
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New Twitter banner. Old stuff. But I am proud of this. 
If you like my drawings, please consider supporting me at Kofi
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iskelan · 2 months
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A simple one this time. Idella’k’Furinax, young probe operator on distant colony Jaldax. She is bored.
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deepreapercenturion · 5 months
POV: Your wife is dead and you have PTSD
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By the way his name is Avlya-Viz
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utapok · 10 months
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There are unexpected alliances, arising sometimes in the harsh Koprulu sector. Rival races need to combine their technologies to face the dangers of deep space... Protoss commission!
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predwolfxx121 · 2 years
A Khalai human Warrior looked bold and proud.
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Do NOT repost my drawings without my permission!
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miracleinfeathers · 10 months
Вот мне интересно, если в конце все кхалаи были вынуждены обрезать нервные отростки, чтобы избавиться от Амуна, что позже привело к тому что протоссы потеряли кхалу.. или же нет? Будет ли у будущих поколений доступ к кхале или же Амун своим присутствием все поломал?
I wonder if in the end all the Khalai were forced to cut off the nerve appendages to get rid of Amun, which later led to the protoss losing the khala.. or is it not? Will future generations have access to khala, or has Amun ruined everything with his presence?
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