ararozu-art · 2 years
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Some fake anime screenshots featuring some scenes from Door to Phantomile!
I”m open to doing more, but idk when. I’ve basically been bouncing between Klonoa fan art and my webcomic lately.
(these pictures feel so warm to me lol i love em all)
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ganbaria-art · 1 year
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Klonoa characters and food!
‼️ Do not tag as ship, thanks in advance ‼️
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kevinrodolfoxd3 · 2 years
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Lephise doesn't know how to drive.
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sweetness-pop · 2 years
Imagine being an 18 year old Lunatean sky pirate and you now have this tall 40 year old purple tomcat hunter, known as "Poison Claws" madly infatuated with you non-stop, and it's so damn creepy!
-Leorina, as she gets disgusted by Janga developing an unhealthy attraction towards her despite the long age gap of possibly 20+ years!
-Lolo, Tat, Lephise, and Anemon as they have a girls' get-together, and are also grossed out by what Leo had just told them!
(What if Klonoa happened to pass by at the part where the Sky Pirate mentioned Janga's nasty crush on her, and the Dream Traveler along with Huepow, now disgusted, also went "Eeewww!!!"?)
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momett · 2 years
it came with two discs. both have been put on my archive! 
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playstationpark · 1 year
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Lephise Statue 'Klonoa: Door to Phantomile' PlayStation @BandaiNamcoUS
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getallemeralds · 5 months
here are some ideas for tokiponaised klonoa character names:
klonoa = kulona
huepow = pupo (😔)
ghadius = katesu
karal = kalu
solare = either solalu or sunolu
soleil = either soleli or sunoli
baguji = bakuja
some characters' names are easy to tokiponaise, like lepisu [lephise] or popuka [popka]. but others, especially characters whose names are titles (moon queen, high priestess, king of sorrow), or are a bit punny (seadoph) are a bit hard to think of names for in a way that sounds similar and gets the point across. i am very lucky that solare and soleil's names easy work like that in toki pona. you can even really emphasise the "sol"/"solar" part of their names, too, and it still works.
ooh, heck yeah!! poor huepow pupo though.............
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imtrying 2 engage in ur interests tell me more abt the critters and creatures in kolona door to phantomile pls
OH COOL well immm not too sure how to explain things without spoiling too many things abt the games story but ill try my best <=] (oh god this got really long im so sorry. i dont know how to explain things without making them massive paragraphs <//3)
so first off obviosuly youve got klonoa, main/titular chaarcter the guy you play as. hes just a little guy (literally hes like canonically nine yrs old or smthn in door to phantomile) and here for a good time! the game kickstarts with him finding this ring in a forest near his house, which contains this wind spirit named huepow ! huepow basically just works as the backbone of the gameplay mechanics (lets you grab n throw enemies) + is klonoas buddy throught the game . klonoa is this like. weird rabbit cat creature Thing its kinda purposely left ambiguous and like every other character is the game is some funny looking made up species
in phantomile (the world that game takes place in) theres four large groups all themed after a different elemment (so klonoa is from wind village, the second area you go trough is forlock forest(nature/plant life), then jugpot falls(water) and the sun kingdom which is in the sky .
in the first level where youre running theough wind village to inspect this weird thing klonoa heard crashing into the hill at the center of the village, you meet this guy named balue who basically gives an exposition dump explaining hes building a tower in an attempt to get to the ‘moon kingdom’, which is basically this in universe myth/legend and klonoa kinda thinks hes just saying some crazy bullshit but balues motivation to go there is cuz he wants to meet this diva popstar type girl named lephise (except shes actually like incredibly fucking important to the state of the world they live in like. as a whole. balue kinda glosses over this himself but its made pretty clear not too long afterwards)
anyways so klonoa and huepow make it to the hill and there they meet the main villains, joka (this funny jester orb guy whos like the second in command. hes a horrid little creature and i want him dead /silly) and ghadius (its kinda unclear what this guy even… is at first. but hes basically the big boss in charge of all the shit that goes Wrong throughout thw game, and wants to turn the world into an ‘eternal nightmare’) uh the two of them are badically just talking to this fucking. unconsious girl(who you find out is lephise) and basically theyre just plotting n schemeing, trying to find this special mcguffin blah blah blah.
funny thing abt the enemies in thsi game is that theyre fucking adorable?? like the main grunts youll find are these little guys called moos and theres a buncha variants of them and rheyre just the cutest little things in the world.. whats funny is theyre supposed to be made of ‘pure nightmares’ or whatever lmao
oh yeah the game has this whole dream motif throughout the whole thing.. theres more to it than what ive mentioned but that gets into real heavy spoiler territory hehe
uh i dont know where to end this theres so much more i could say.. like uhh everyone in the game is voice acted but they all speak in funny little animal crossing esque noises. but everyone has their own unique kinds of noises they made if that makes sense?? like characters from the same region or of the same species will have simlar sounds but their individual voices also sound different. i dont knkw how to explain it well but it makes sense when listening to the voicelines hsgshgs
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transmorolians · 1 year
lephise forbid women do anything
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formerchaoslord · 2 years
Sparkplug, I dare you to sing. (I bet you sound like a siren.)
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"If you insist, than I'll sing a few bars..."
*Elecman began singing, leaving the rest of the team in awe.*
(Headcanon of what I think Elecman's singing voice might sound like.)
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"That was incredible! You and I need to write a song together sometime!"
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"Your lovely voice singing with Elecman's? I'd love to hear that."
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"I'm quite impressed. You might even give the Muse a run for her money."
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"Yeah! You may even be as good as Lephise the Songstress!"
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"You guys are too kind. But I'm sure I'm not as great as professionals like Sonia, the Muse, or the Songstress..."
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"You're so modest, Elecman. You have such a nice singing voice."
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"Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate it."
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wysteriaisapenguin · 2 years
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So I finally finished playing Klonoa: Phantasy Reverie Series! 
Klonoa’s been one of my favorite childhood games, so seeing it get revived got me so excited. I was so ready to replay it as an adult and it’s just as charming as I remember. When I finished playing both and got to these screens, I was like, “Oh god, it’s like this game remembers me or something...” I know that sounds cheesy but there’s something about the game addressing the player as if they were an old friend...
Anyways I have a lot of thoughts about both ‘Door to Phantomile’ and ‘Lunatea’s Veil’ so feel free to read below. (Spoilers included!) 
Ok so first off, the first game: Door to Phantomile. It’s a classic platformer and getting through each stage was quick and simple. I always loved how aesthetically pleasing the design for the environments were. It was so vibrant and fitting for each element per kingdom. (Especially the Moon Kingdom!!!) I know they mostly borrowed some aspects from the wii remake, but they still included so much of the charm from the original PS1 game. This included the original dialogue, music, and designs of the characters and I’m glad they stuck with that. If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it! (I’ll never stop being be salty about Huepow hogging the dialogue in the wii remake.)  
Also I never realized how much of a babey Klonoa originally was haha
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That being said, the ending didn’t leave much of an impact for me than when I first saw it in the original. Maybe it’s because they tried to remake it with the wii remake’s graphics and models, which ended up being lukewarm...but I remember seeing that high quality cutscene where Lephise sings her beautiful song, but Klonoa is desperate to stay and Huepow doesn’t want him to go. It made child me cry so hard and I couldn’t get over it because these two friends were separated after all the adventuring they’ve done together. And I didn’t feel that at all in the remake’s ending...but at least the strong voice acting for the scene made up for it. 
Also, I still dislike Huepow for what he did; in my opinion, placing false memories to your supposed ‘friend’, pretending to be their closest friend, and telling them the truth at the very last minute is a more insidious betrayal than what I’ve seen from most twist villains. But he had no ill intentions and he deeply regretted doing all of that because he genuinely got attached to Klonoa and wanted him to stay. Even if many players, including myself, would not forgive Huepow, Klonoa would probably still forgive him because he would still see him as a friend. Even if it’s not his reality, he still wanted it to be. So I won’t be too harsh on Huepow for that. 
Now for the second game, Lunatea’s Veil! Like the first game, all of the original graphics, dialogue, and gameplay were there and I appreciate that too. I also love how varied the environments and music were for each kingdom and that made the whole journey a lot more engaging to me. 
Honestly I always preferred the second game than the first and replaying it made me remember why. Storywise, there was a lot more going on and the cast was a lot more interesting. I also really like how the kingdoms of Lunatea represented different emotions, but sorrow was cast out from the rest since people would rather forget about being sad. I think that sentiment hit a bit close to home, especially because I usually resort to escapism when I’m feeling upset. Plus, seeing how isolated all the kingdoms are from each other made me think that it’s not always a good thing to feel one emotion only. There needs to be a balance within your emotions and it’s ok to embrace your own sorrow too. 
I also started to appreciate Lolo. When I was a kid, I didn’t think much of her but now I see her as a great friend for Klonoa. In fact, she’s a better friend than Huepow ever was. She was insecure about not being good enough and she relied on Klonoa’s power to reach her own goals. But she was not manipulating him in the slightest and seeing her doubt herself because she thought she was just made me feel sad. Yes, she needed Klonoa’s help to gain her title as a priestess, but Klonoa also needed her help to fight back. They work together really well, which makes their friendship really warranted. And I loved seeing that so much. (I’m also a little salty that she got reduced to a helpless damsel in distress in later games. She’s much more than that.) 
Maybe that’s why I started to tear up a bit towards the ending. Lolo knows that Klonoa needs to leave now that the world is saved. So she gave up her title and is determined to try again on her own. Despite that, she still doesn’t want Klonoa to leave and he tells her the same thing Huepow did before they were separated: “We’ll always be together.” It’s bittersweet because you know that these two work so well together but now they’ll never see each other again. Their friendship was a lot more meaningful, just like the whole story for this game. 
Phew, that’s all the thoughts I have now! I’ll probably write more if I have anything else, but long story short: I love both Klonoa games and I’m really happy to play them again. I really hope that there will be more Klonoa content in the future, especially because the remake is doing so well. But who knows?  
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