#Lilja FFXIV
opteekaal · 1 year
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Day 3: Swept off their Feet
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suites · 1 year
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wol time! ft. lilja my beloved :)
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agender-pidgeon · 5 months
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Sleepy onsen dip.
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tritoch · 3 months
reading lore for something else and was reminded of the facts that:
bozjan seers who had the echo used its power to alter people's memories as a form of therapy using crystal foci
employing their technique and one such focus is how you enter cid's memories to view the gunnhildr's blade relics
using the focus with the warrior of light's echo enables someone else with the echo to see your echo vision
also the storyline implies you can possibly intentionally trigger your echo when using the focus
ancient bozjans used crystals extensively for archiving memories for many purposes, including passing down martial techniques (which are the fragments you use to acquire bozja-specific actions like seraph strike or flare star)
most of the relic storyline involves finding other memory crystals (which appear to implicitly draw into themselves the memories of those who die near them, or are manifested on death) or revisiting memories of your past exploits and placing them into these crystals, and gerolt then using their aether (which we know is a major component of memory) to reinforce the relic
later stages involve you drawing out raw emotion into crystals using a similar process. these crystals are said to be very different, contain raw emotion or something akin to the power of prayer, and are either again created by you in pitched battle or are said to manifest from the strong emotions of warriors in conflict in zadnor. these crystals also require a different process and reagent to properly bind the emotion to the weapon.
knowing what we know now, those crystals are definitely full of dynamis and that whole part of the relic chain can be interpreted as gerolt working out a way to infuse dynamis into a weapon.
also the weapon save the queen itself (which i still want a replica of for glam) can hold the most aether and dynamis to empower it because it's made from auracite, much like the heart of sabik
also this is unrelated to anything but mikoto namedrops moenbryda which always floors me. i love that she knows all the archon scions (she's literally a student of baldesion) and they've never once mentioned her. she's so "theoretically lore-important character only appearing in this anime movie and never in the series"-coded.
this is all perfectly straightforward in the relic quests but i have to be honest i don't pay attention when mikoto or gerolt are talking and the way bozja was delivered didn't really work for me. writing it all out in plain text like this makes the lore feel absolutely wild
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mimusbirds · 2 years
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Lilja! I loved having her around for Bozja, I hope she comes back. 
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bungelical · 1 year
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lilja sjasaris in the outfits she deserves
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fae-knight · 11 days
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The twins are ready for their next adventure 💕✨
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melnathea · 1 year
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Zara and Lilja
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okayesthealer · 1 year
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🦇Happy All Saints' Wake from the ladies of the Bozjan Southern Front!! 🦇
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jalopeura · 2 years
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short hair bunny also cute 🥰🥰🥰
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lynbeck · 1 month
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Also my new favorite girlfriends. Need a 100k modern au about these two building a rocket
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Day 25: Viera Pal
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Aetherologists, Archons, Archaeologists, and Engineers alike all played a pivotal role in the liberation of Bozja. Altering the battlefield with their ideas and know-how to better fit the smaller forces. While Cid led technological development, the contributions of Lilja Sjasaris are not to be understated.
Lilja, like Branka, is also torn between two worlds. The one of her ancestry and birthright, and the one of the invading Empire. Something the two managed to bond over, as well as their mutual fascination with Magitek. A topic that would easily bore either Mikoto or Misija nearly to tears.
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quarterdollar · 1 year
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autumnslance · 8 months
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 11: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
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“We’re almost to the test site Mikoto’s marked,” Dark Autumn said, checking the map.
Iyna peeked around the corner of the ruins, scanning for hostiles. “Good. It’s too damn quiet out here, it’s making my ears twitch.”
“They do that anyway,” C’oretta pointed out.
“You know what I mean.”
“Quiet,” Dark admonished, taking point, bow in hand. The trio crept across the wartorn fields of the Bozjan southern front. Dark wondered once again what it might have looked like before the disaster and more recent rebellions, her forestborn sensibilities mourning for the land and its creatures as much as for the people. This was one of those times she was glad to not be able to hear the elements of the world and how they must feel in places like this.
They reached the location the archon had indicated, C’oretta deploying the device and checking back with Lilja and Mikoto via linkpearl, the trio’s excited scientific babble far too much for Dark to follow. That was an unexpected trio of overly intelligent energy that left her and Iyna, not to mention the Bozjan leadership, utterly exhausted, but they certainly got their results.
It could be worse, she supposed. They could add Aeryn to the mix. But the Warrior of Light was off trying to rescue the Scions from whatever was happening, and Twelve only knew when she’d return.
“OK we’re good to go,” C’oretta said. “They’re getting the readings now and should have some data for us when we get back.”
“If you say so,” Dark said. “Let’s…where’s Iyna?”
C’oretta’s ears went flat and her tail stiffened as she looked around. The viera was nowhere in sight. “She can’t have gone far but I don’t know why she would have wandered off that isn’t like her.”
They exchanged a look, the betrayal still fresh in their minds. It was hard to believe that of Iyna, given her time in Lente’s Tears, but they honestly knew so little of her—and like Misija she had been raised by Garleans.
Dark caught Iyna’s track and they crept along, though they didn’t have to go far. Around another ruined building corner only a few yalms away, Iyna stood very still, staring at something they couldn’t see.
“Iyna?” Dark kept her voice very quiet.
“Go back,” Iyna replied in a nearly voiceless whisper. “I saw movement coming our way, went to check, realized too late what it was, and now I am just waiting for it to get bored. Or at least realize I’m not a threat as I think this ruin might unfortunately be its nest.”
C’oretta frowned, took out a mirror, and held it out to where she could see around the corner and past Iyna. The little miqo’te paled. “Oh we should do what she says very carefully quietly and quickly let’s go Dark,” she whispered.
Dark began backing up, keeping an eye out in case whatever it was came around the building the other way, or had friends. Or for anything else that was out there.
C’oretta’s mirror must have caught the light when she pulled it away, as there came from around the wall a too familiar slow, throaty warning wark.
“Fuck,” Iyna said. “Run!”
C’oretta used her Scholarly skills to speed them along to outrun the red chocobo’s meteor strikes.
Dark would take this mad dash from an angry avian over going through that particular heartbreak again.
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elizabethrobertajones · 3 months
Hi! Top 5 NPCs for ffxiv? :>
Joint 5: the bunny girlfriends - Debroye from the bread quest in EW and Lilja from Bozja in Shb :) Debroye is fighting the good fight for flavour and that hardly needs expanding on after the build up Archon Loaf had in the MSQ as worldbuilding for Sharlayan. Lilja is just a badass bimbo nerd who is good enough to work at the Ironworks but cool enough for shiny nail polish and sunglasses in a warzone. They're small characters who you only meet doing side content but they have strong personalities and they get to rep viera girls who are just kinda nerdy and weird. I am disproportionately affectionate to both of them.
4: Gerolt... I think I've just spent too much time doing relic weapons... He's just awful in a really funny way and I wish him all the best and do all I can to ensure he has a better lot in life, and then one expansion later he is once again in deep drinking debt but saying the realest shit while creating incredible artworks. Also he's sort of 1/3rd the parent of the aforementioned child Frog has so I guess I need to at least get child support in the form of the first free weapon of each quest. The AU version of him and Mowen in the relic crafting tools thing actually really moved me and I'm not ashamed to admit it :')
Anyway in terms of "this guy!!" he's so up there and I'm always thrilled to see what Scenario he's in now. Over the long course of the game he's made an impression...
3: Ameliance. I'm certain she's a mob boss controlling everything from the shadows.
But seriously, no. The twins really are favourites but in terms of Top NPCs I'd been wondering about her the whole time since they do make mentions of their family and writing to mother etc and expectations were high, and getting to know her was so utterly wild because the plot demands on her from all directions of her family - her husband, her father in law, her children, the servants she hires who include the hired goons Alisaie brought to the Coils of Bahamut... Like. She is a character who had to be retroactively constructed from everything that has been said in a way that Fourchenault didn't need to be because his template is clear: He's the Son of Louisoix and burdened with cursed knowledge and the weight of history from immediate family and long lineage of being related to founding fathers of his city; he's EASY to write. Now imagine up the woman who MARRIED him, and has stayed married to him. And is going to stay married to him since the twins dealing with divorce doesn't seem like a probable plotline given the emotional directions of the broader story. Okay, now let's imagine a real woman with actual desires and personality who can fit into this puzzle piece.
Fucking Ameliance.
How on earth they convinced me she's real is a feat of writing I am in awe of.
2: Urianger is so important, like. Leave me alone, Il Mheg got me good because ffxiv seems to get everyone eventually, and now I'm nonbinary and he's my nonbinary icon :') SIGH. A Process Has Occurred. I could say more but honestly, I think that sums up that he is important to me.
1: Erenville............. Listen, I own multiple David Attenborough merch people get me because they know it's an easy gift. I had been a kid who sat and poked rockpools and puddles and I put snails in a jar and and of course picked up frogs in the garden. You introduce a character whose job is Animals and especially claims to be an expert in frogs??? He would have been at least with the bunny girlfriends on this list if this was his only contribution to the story. (And I would have enjoyed my feud in peace.)
Instead he's a fascinating guy who stood up for his workers, has leves where he's commissioning presents for gleaners, happily goes against authority to be helpful from the jump.... And NOW we get more content where we get to see him being a grumpy snarky bastard who is the only rational person in Sharlayan AND apparently has been neglecting being the only rational person in Tural too so off we go to see that in action???
I'm marrying him I'm marrying him I'm marrying him...
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