#Liz Gill
folditdouble · 2 months
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Women in Film Challenge 2024: [27/52] Goldfish Memory, dir. Liz Gill (Ireland, 2003)
You know, goldfish only have a three second memory. That means if it takes three seconds to swim around the bowl, everything is new. Each time two goldfish meet, it’s like it’s the first time. It’s just like humans, really. Each time we fall in love, it’s as if we’re doing it for the first time. Some kind of chemical reaction kicks in and wipes out all memories of how painful the last heartbreak was and we think, “Wow! This is great! This is new! This is different!”
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naturesapphic · 5 months
Jade West x Fem reader:
R and Jade being gfs, not really keeping it a secret but no one seems to ever notice until the one time R walks up to the group late for lunch since she had to practice a song for a class, Jade has R’s lunch and everything and R gives her a kiss in gratitude like any gf would. Only to be bombarded with questions. Them both being like: we didn’t exactly keep it a secret. Everyone disagreeing which leads to them both pointing out every time they did PDA infront of the group. Them saying they never noticed and R smirking at jade with the ‘I wonder what else they wouldn’t notice’ smirk as she starts to rub Jade’s thigh😭
Jade blushing and Tori pointing it out but before Jade speaks R does. “Tori if you don’t shut up I can show you all the ways i can hurt you using only mg index finger” Eveyone is shocked except Jade bc she knows R is only mean when someone really pisses her off or is rude/pisses off jade and makes her uncomfortable (which Tori did)
Everyone thinking back to moments R would be mean and realising it was only ever bc it would be jade related
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Jade west x fem!reader
Warnings: cussing and fluff :)
“Hey babygirl. Sorry I’m late. I was finishing up on my song I was working on and didn’t see the clock.” You breathed out as you ran from your class to outside to get lunch. “No problem princess. Here I got you your favorite with your favorite soda.” Jade said with a small smile on her face that she only reserves for you. “Thank you baby.” You said as you slide in beside her on the bench and kiss her gratefully on her lips.
“Wait what?” Tori exclaimed as did everyone else. “How did this happen?” “That’s hot.” “Shut up Rex!” “Awwww y’all are so cute!!!” “As long as y’all are happy.” Everyone stated and Jade rolled her eyes at them. “We didn’t exactly keep it a secret guys.” You said confused but enthralled with how they were acting. “Bro ain’t no way we would miss some lesbian action.” Rex said and Jade angrily grabbed Rex from Robbie and tore his head off and threw it in the garbage. “Rex!” Robbie yelled out as he went head first into the trash can. Everyone just looked at Jade shocked but continued on because what Rex said was weird as fuck.
“I mean…Rex was kinda right. How would we have missed it?” Andre said and you rolled your eyes this time and Jade smirked over at you. “Well remember at the full moon jam and jade glared and made comments at anyone who was near me or looked at me?” You explained and they still didn’t look as convinced. “Well maybe it’s because jades such a good friend!” Cat exclaimed happily and you gave her a smile. “Well she is my best friend so I’ll give you that but has she ever done that with y’all?” You said to everyone and they all shook their heads besides Beck but jade and beck had a decent breakup and decided to just stay friends.
“And how we always hold hands when we are together.” You said. “Well we thought that y’all were really close and Jade had a soft spot for you.” Tori said and you thought of more reasons to convince them. “And! When jade literally grabbed my face and kissed me in front of a boy when he kept trying to ask me out and she said “mine!” And the boy scurried off.” You said and everyone said “ohhhh”. “I thought jade was being nice!” Cat said and everyone started laughing and Jade gave everyone glares. “I can be nice! Only to y/n though…and sometimes cat.” Jade admitted and you giggled at her. “Fuck y’all.” Jade said and you smirked at her. “You only need to fuck me.” You said and Jade blushed a little and hid her cheeks by putting both of her hands on them.
“Okay ew we didn’t need to know that.” Robbie said as he came back from receiving Rex “shut the fuck up robbie.” Jade replied and you held back a laugh. “I can’t believe we never noticed that y’all did any pda, let alone dating.” Beck said and you smirked at Jade “I wonder what else they wouldn’t notice.” As you started rubbing jaded thigh under the table and Jade started blushing again. Of course Tori took notice and decided to open her big mouth. “Why Jade blushing so much? What are y’all doing?” Tori said and before Jade could mutter a word you jumped to it. “Tori if you don’t shut up I can show you all the ways I can hurt you only using my index finger.” You threatened her and everyone just looked at you with wide eyes.
“Damn y/n didn’t think you had it in you.” Beck said shocked at your comment and everyone agreed. “Man…y’all are fucking special and not observant at all. My grandparents probably have a higher iq than all of y’all combined.” You said dumbfounded at their obliviousness. “I’m only mean when someone makes Jade upset and uncomfortable. Which Tori clearly did.” You said as you gave Tori a deadly death stare which made her shift in her seat. “Ohhhhh is that why you kicked that guy in his balls when he tore up jades poster she made for one of her plays?” Cat asked you and you giggled nodding. “Yeah she did.” Jade said proudly and put her arm around you.
“and that one time where she punched a girl in the face for making fun of Jade behind her back?” Andre said asked and you nodded. “Yup. I sure did. She got what she deserved. No one talks about my girl like that behind her back.” You said and Jade gives you a loving smile. “Damn…it definitely makes sense now. With how y/n and Jade always protect each other and are so touchy.” Tori said as everyone nodded in agreement. “Can I watch y’all kiss sometime?” Rex said and this time you got Rex and threw him somewhere as Robbie ran to go get him. “That’s my girl.” Jade said proudly as everyone smiled at the both of you together.
A/n: I hope @karsonromanoff likes it and I hope the rest of y’all enjoy it! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all! And happy new year!
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go-celebs · 1 year
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miss-lauryn-hill · 2 years
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kulemii · 5 months
reasons why i should or why i should not watch succession.. reaaaadyyyy? GO!
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anthophilafalls · 1 year
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[Image description: photograph of Joan Jett and the Blackhearts Album, followed by a photograph of Elisabeth Gilles]
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alexdaimond · 1 year
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radiofreeskaro · 2 years
Radio Free Skaro #875 - And Introducing David Tennant as The Doctor
Radio Free Skaro #875 - And Introducing David Tennant as The Doctor - Our review of #DoctorWho "The Power of the Doctor"!
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs875.mp3 Download MP3 It’s the end of an era, but the moment has been prepared for! But have the Three Who Rule prepared for the cavalcade of companions, story threads (tied up) and FEELS of “The Power of the Doctor”? What do they think of our new 14th Doctor, who is also our old 10th and possibly 10.5 and definitely Handy Doctor? Or in the words of the man…
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sissylillygill · 7 months
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Transvestite Santa Stephen Gill
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everymlmhybrid · 2 years
"Americans don't realize the 'no darling it's pomegranate' lady was being condescending because of her posh accent" no I knew it I just thought it was hot. Next question.
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versegm · 9 months
Various fgo servant fun facts
Saber Astolfo is the version of Astolfo who has their reason back
Beni-Enma has no tongue. She speaks through her bird hat thing.
Saber Gilles de Rais has madness enhancement, because one would have to be insane to believe he can still be a hero after everything he has done
Napoleon is explicitly not The Dude Napoleon but rather the Cult Of Personality Of Napoleon
Benkei is not actually Benkei, he's a guy who had actually fleed Benkei's battle and is using his name as a servant. That's why Ushiwakamaru is constantly fucking with him.
St Georgios has a knack for photography. St Martha has a knack for bondage.
Medb is a rider because she rides men
Red Hare thinks that he is Lu Bu. It is a recurring joke in events that Lu Bu acts as a horse.
Carmilla is an older version of Liz, which is why they each think the other is massively cringe
Fuuma Kotarou is part oni
Beowulf is a berserker because he doesn't fit in any other classes, which is why his madness enhancement is so low
Berserker Lancelot has no face
Tamamo Cat essentially lobotomized herself via madness enhancement to ensure she would never be a monster again
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naturesapphic · 2 months
Can I request jade west x fem reader where reader has a panic attack and jade helps her
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Panic attack
Jade west x fem!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, panic attacks, bullies, Jade being a soft protective girlfriend, talks of violence
You were at your locker sorting through some of your things when you heard a couple of footsteps behind you. When you turned around you saw that it was Ashley and her two friends beside her. Ashley has been bullying you since kindergarten and you never understood why. You were hoping she would just go away, no one knows you are dating Jade west. Jade asked you to be her girlfriend about two months ago and the rest is history. It’s not that y’all aren’t affectionate in front of people, they just don’t seem to pay attention.
“Hey. Four eyes! Look at me when I’m talking to you.” Ashley yelled as she grabbed your shoulder and yanked you around so you are facing her. “W-what do you want a-Ashley.” You whimpered out as her friends smirked at Ashley’s actions and your response. “Oh nothing. I just like tormenting you all the time.” She smirked evilly at me while her friends laughed along. Your heart started to beat faster and you felt your breath gone shallow. Ashley grabbed the front of my shirt and slapped me so hard that she knocked off my glasses.
A few seconds later and Ashley was pulled off of me and her friends were laying on the ground groaning. Jade pushed her against the lockers and looked dead into her soul. “If you ever touch, go near, BREATHE her air again. I will take my scissors and take your eyeballs out slowly while I rip off your limbs.” She threatened to Ashley in her low scary voice as Ashley nodded her head in rapid speed. Jade smirked and slammed her head against the lockers one more time for good measure and let her go. Ashley and her friends scurried off pissing their pace as Jade put her focus back on me and she frowned.
She didn’t say anything but have a sad look on her face as she gently cups your cheeks in her hands and inspected your face. She then realized you were having a panic attack and sat you down on the floor as she kneels in front of you. “Hey hey baby breath. I’m right here. It’s okay angel.” Jade said softly as she takes your hand and puts it on her heart while her other hand goes on top of your chest where your heart is. “What’s five things you can see babygirl.” Jade asked as you tried to look around you. “I-I see you…the lockers…I-I see a water fountain…I-I see p-people walking around..a-and I s-see the front doors o-of the s-school.” You said breathlessly.
“Good girl. Now. What’s four things you can touch?” Jade said and you gently put your other hand on top of the floor. “The floor…you…my face…my clothes…a-and your clothes.” You breathed out as your heart started to beat normally now. “Okay now three things you can hear.” She said as you closed your eyes and focuses your attention on what you could hear. “I can h-hear me breathing…I can hear you talks and o-other people talking.” You stuttered out as you opened your eyes to look back at your girlfriend. “What’s two things you can smell?” She asked and you sniffled a bit. “I can smell the bad cafeteria food and I can smell your minty gum.” You said with a small smile as your girlfriend laughed loudly. “Good baby good. Now this is the last one okay? What’s one thing you can taste?” She asked.
You decided to be smart about it and hopefully make your girlfriend laugh. “My salvia.” You said bluntly and Jade rolled her eyes at you while having a small smile plastered on her face which made you giggle. She realized you didn’t have your glasses on and immediately looks on the ground for them. She spotted them a few inches away from y’all and bends down and grabs them. She gently puts them on your face and you reach up to fix them. “Thank you…for helping me…” you said quietly to your girlfriend as she keeps her hands on your cheeks, softly rubbing them with her thumb. “Anytime babygirl. If they ever mess with you again or if anyone else tries to, you let me know okay?” Jade said softly as she looks deep into your eyes which made your knees weak.
You nod in understanding and you hug her tight which catches her off guard for a second but hugs you back even tighter when she gets out of it. “Now. Let’s get out of this hell hole. I want some sushi.” She stated as she slings her arm around your shoulder, leading y’all to her car outside. “And yes I’ll stop by to get you some chicken tenders and fries.” She bluntly stated which made your face light up in happiness. You couldn’t ask for a better girlfriend.
A/n: I hope the anon and the rest of you enjoyed it! Requests are still open for all of my characters including of course Rhea ripley/Demi Bennett. I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here's my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y'all!
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focusongrande · 7 months
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ariana grande and liz gilles as nomi and cristal from showgirls (1995)
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miss-lauryn-hill · 1 year
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yourapple56-blog · 22 days
Who has a one year lease for their business?!
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