#Meeting Aérien
opelman · 21 days
F-AZEG / 124724 - Chance Vought F4U-5 Corsair
F-AZEG / 124724 - Chance Vought F4U-5 Corsair by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: Meeting Aérien Airshow Amicale Jean Baptiste Salis AJBS Le Temps des Hélices La Ferté Alais LFFQ France IMG_2422
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Meeting aérien 📷 @sebastien_blomme 🇫🇷 Quel bonheur de se tremper les pieds dans la Garonne avec les températures qui grimpent 😅 C'est cette période de l'année avec énormément de calopteryx où je vais dans cesse essayer de capturer l'image que j'ai en tête...un défi depuis 3 ans, et je n'y suis pas encore 🙄 Ca fait une bonne excuse pour aller se rafraîchir 😁 🇬🇧 What a pleasure to soak your feet in the Garonne with the rising temperatures 😅 It's that time of year with a lot of calopteryx where I constantly try to capture the image I have in mind...a challenge for 3 years, and I'm not there yet 🙄 What a good excuse to go in the water again 😁 https://ift.tt/3ki1oNB
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carbone14 · 11 months
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Ed Shipley aux commandes d'un North American P-51 Mustang pendant un meeting aérien – Langley Air Force Base – Virginie – Etats-Unis – 21 mai 2004
Photographe : Technical Sergeant Ben Blocker
©United States Air Force
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fucknewsfrance · 22 days
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Quelles sont les chances de victoire à la prochaine Coupe de l’#America avec l’#AC75, le nouveau #bateau français ?
La France participera à la prochaine Coupe de l’America avec un bateau hors-norme, qui pourra littéralement voler au dessus de l’eau. Mais est-ce encore de la Voile ? L’AC75, le dernier bateau de la France, qui participera à la prochaine Coupe de l’America a concourru ce weekend à un meeting aérien dans la région parisienne et a impressionné son petit monde.
Fabriqué grâce à un partenariat entre le ministère de l’armée de l’air, de l’armée de mer et l’équipe du film Avatar 2, LA voie de l’eau, il vole à plus de 100 km/h au dessus de l’eau.
« Bien sûr, pour des questions de réglementations qui nous contraignent à l’excès, nous sommes obligés de garder un contact avec l’eau via le foil, mais nous pourrions tout à fait voler à des altitudes supérieures » déclarait Quentin Delapierre, le barreur du voilier, qui est également titulaire d’un brevet de pilote de l’air
A la question des chances de victoires françaises, Quentin nous a répondu « 100% de chance. La victoire ne peut pas nous échapper, même face aux néo-zélandais, dernier vainqueur de la Coupe de l’America. Nous sommes équipés en dernier recours de canons Caesar qui peuvent nous permettre de détruire les adversaires à plus de 5000 yards ».
S’il remporte la course, l’AC75 pourrait être produit à grande échelle et être envoyé à l’Ukraine pour développer sa flotte en Mer Noire. Lisez l'article sur notre site Toutes nos fucknews sont tirées de faits réels
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gerardlesudiste · 7 months
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Un chasseur soviétique Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-17 Fresco, en vol a basse altitude et a grande vitesse au cours d'un meeting aérien.
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neozoneorg · 9 months
Air Legend, un meeting aérien international et une opportunité pour les inventeurs de présenter leurs créations
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Chaque année, le meeting Air Legend illumine le ciel de Seine-et-Marne, attirant des milliers de passionnés d'aéronautique. Découvrez les temps forts de cette édition 2023 et explorez un univers fascinant, entre avions emblématiques, inventions ... Read the full article
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agence-photo-imatext · 11 months
Beauvechain. Meeting aérien à la base en 1986
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Sortir ce week-end à Montbéliard
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Voici la sélection ToutMontbeliard.com d’idées sorties pour ce week-end : VENDREDI 12 MAI 2023 - Marché du soir à Voujeaucourt, de 17h00 à 22h00 - Showcase de Valentina (The Voice Kids) à Arbouans, Salle polyvalente, à partir de 16h15, dans le cadre de la semaine contre le harcèlement scolaire - Vente de printemps de l'Armée du Salut à Montbéliard, 12 rue de la Chapelle, de 10h00 à 16h00 SAMEDI 13 MAI 2023 - Nuit européenne des musées 2023 à Montbéliard > infos - Journée portes ouvertes aux ateliers municipaux de Montbéliard > infos - Les Samedis de Vandoncourt : "Tableau de guitares bigarrées", au Temple de Vandoncourt, à 19h00 - Bourse aux miniatures et jouets anciens au Musée de l'Aventure Peugeot de Sochaux, de 9h00 à 18h00 - Etupes fête la biodiversité, site des Vernes, de 10h00 à 17h00 - 4ème Marché des Potiers à Dampierre-Les-Bois - Week-end Shopping passion à Sainte-Suzanne, salle polyvalente, de 14h00 à 19h00 - Fête de quartier des Champs Montants à Audincourt, Stade du Collège des Hautes-Vignes - Vente de printemps de l'Armée du Salut à Montbéliard, 12 rue de la Chapelle, de 10h00 à 16h00 DIMANCHE 14 MAI 2023 - Meeting aérien de Montbéliard à l'Aérodrome du Pays de Montbéliard de Courcelles-les-Montbéliard - Concert à Voujeaucourt : "Avec Voce d'Italia", en faveur de la Ligue contre le Cancer > infos - Auto/Moto La Passion Mobile : rassemblement de voitures à Montbéliard > infos - Week-end Shopping passion à Sainte-Suzanne, salle polyvalente, de 10h00 à 17h00 - "Le Doubs en marche" départ Salle polyvalente de Grand-Charmont entre 8h00 et 14h00, tarif 5 € (gobelet et porte-gobelet offerts), circuits 2,5km, 10km, 11km, 21km, organisé par les amicales Don de Sang Bénévole de Montbéliard et Fesches-le-Châtel > infos - Escapade gourmande sur Sainte-Marie, Echenans, Semondans, Raynans, Issans et Saint-Julien-les-Montbéliard, parcours de 9km, départ de l'Ecole de Sainte-Marie à partir de 10h30 > infos - Vide greniers à Nommay, Rue du Stade parking de la salle J. Prévert, de 8h00 à 16h30 - Randonnée pédestre avec les Sports Réunis du Pays de Montbéliard au Mont Châteleu (Les Gras 25), 5h00 de marche, 520m de dénivelé, 14km, départ à 8h00 de la Roselière à Montbéliard > infos Une idée sortie à proposer pour un prochain week-end ? Contactez-nous via www.toutmontbeliard.com/contact Read the full article
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beleqme · 1 year
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Meeting aérien.
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thewul · 1 year
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Wallpaper of the day
Les cotés sur le haut sont en retrait?
Pour permettre la vision latérale Professeur
Et le champ est large a l’avant
Plus que sur des jets conventionnels effectivement
A cette taille la cabine est éjectable?
A cette taille non, c’est un Heat Sink par contre, la chaleur du bloc des turbines est dégagée vers un heat sink a 4 niveaux la ou nous avons les ailerons de la cabine
L’avion est froid?!
Il est différent
Comment est refroidi le heat sink?
C’est la que cela devient intéressant Professeur, il s’agit d’un refroidissement liquide a base de fluorine
C’est un éventail de technologies hors du commun!
La plupart des missiles sont a reconnaissance thermique, si l’on veut avoir des clients il faut leur proposer un avion qui trouve des solutions a un certain nombre de difficultés
Et que proposez vous?
Un avion furtif qui sait se défendre
Une autre de ses qualités?
C’est un chasseur d’avions de combat
Même a plusieurs contre un?
Le pilote fait toujours la différence, avec un avion difficile a accrocher et plus rapide, qui peut monter très haut, oui, il peut chasser une petite escadrille
Donc c’est une nouvelle définition d’un avion furtif?
La majorité sont des bombardiers, le BAT est un avion qui vole plus haut qu’un avion de combat conventionnel, c’est un intercepteur, qui peut également servir entant que bombardier
Cette versatilité entre la défense d’un périmètre aérien et sa capacité a conduire des missions furtives sont son point fort
Il n’y a pas que les missions en solo!
Vous avez tout a fait raison Professeur, le système de reconnaissance et de communication par ultrasons que nous voulons développer le dote d’une stratégie de groupe peu commune, en outre la capacité a opérer en escadrille sans radio et sans radar
commentaries: yes but the discussion was about a spaceship and now we’re looking at a fighter jet, it’s true and some centuries ago people believed that the Sun orbited Earth, we know much more today than we did in the past and we have to look at knowledge something started way back in history and that is verging towards a  steep peak now, what do we do if tomorrow we learn that there are advanced alien species, that they are armed, and some of them are beliquous, participating space agencies have to know that it is not just about going into space we have to be able to defend this planet to start with and future colonies in space, not to say that ODYSSEY 1 & 2 are armed because we are naively touring our space system knowing nothing is there, but beyond we have to be prepared, it so happens that space is vast and it can be our luck to expand into a great expanse of it before meeting anyone, that’s the opportunity but it doesn’t stop there, to go further we have make sure that we’re not sitting ducks, why the BAT what does it have to do with ultrasound since there are no sounds in space, in space what we want to do is imitate pulsars and use what we have developed and learned about ultrasounds, if you emit on a steady frequency you are going to get caught but if you imitate pulsars by encoding digital signals in emissions that seem of a natural cause that’s the trick right there, for future military operations that will involve infiltrations, which are not science fiction or an eventuality, progressing into space they are a fact of life, what we don’t see is that in the distant future human colonies on nearby exoplanets can constitute governments and civilizations of their own, with the drive to expand,now we want to keep that expansion tidy and under one roof but expansion there will be, together with those who will oppose you even passing by somewhere as in search of more Earth like exoplanets, or they don’t want you setting up a space hub on some moon where it is convenient for you, we have to both negotiate and have the means to turn a def ear on unnecessary arguments ie a military force to defend that expansion, that is not of the nature of well we’ll fight you if needed, but that is going to make others think twice, it’s space it’s not the happy campers, sometimes often we hope we can strike gold and find habitable planets without a dominant specie, or we can find other well disposed races equally or more advanced with whom we can cooperate, and sometimes not, last but not least making a fighter jet is tricky because they are small, and if we can figure out the tricky parts its useful for making larger ships 
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williamgunst · 1 year
Charente : les montgolfières remontent à Mainfonds
Charente : les montgolfières remontent à Mainfonds
Après trois ans d’absence, la Coupe d’Europe de Montgolfières revient dans le ciel charentais, du 4 au 7 août. Une compétition qui se terminera par un grand meeting aérien. La 22ème édition de la Coupe d’Europe de Montgolfières marque le retour des montgolfières dans le ciel charentais. Du 4 au 7 août une soixantaine de montgolfières sont attendues pour animer ce grand événement. Quarante pilotes…
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opelman · 6 months
174 - Wallpaper / Fond d'écran
Wallpaper #174 by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: FA-101 / 6H-101 - General Dynamics (Lockheed-Martin) F-16 Fighting Falcon Meeting Aérien Airshow Belgian Air Force 2 wing F16 Solo Display Pilote : Vador BA 115 Orange Caritat LFMO France IMG_9520
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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21-756 L’obéissance indispensable à notre salut !
Au cours d’un vol d’essai, un pilote fut frappé de cécité temporaire. Par un message radio, il en avertit immédiatement le contrôleur aérien. Un de ses confrères, dépêché auprès du contrôleur pour assister le pilote en difficulté, lui dit : « Suivez mes ordres à la lettre. »
Pour familiariser le pilote aveugle à cette nouvelle situation, son collègue lui fit survoler plusieurs fois la piste pour présentation finale en vue de l’atterrissage. Tous les moyens de sécurité ayant été mis en place à proximité de la piste, le guidage final commença. « Maintenant, descendez sur la finale, bien ! Accentuez la descente, virez légèrement à gauche, bien ! Maintenez le cap. Réduisez la vitesse, sortez les volets, le train, très bien ! »
Ainsi continua le guidage depuis le sol, de cet « avion aveugle », pendant quelques minutes qui paraissaient interminables. A l'approche de la piste pour l'atterrissage, le pilote continua à guider son collègue.
« On approche du sol, nous sommes à 5 mètres, réduisez les gaz et augmentez légèrement l'assiette, très bien ! »
Le pilote exécuta un atterrissage parfait et fut sauvé ; peu après il retrouvait la vue.
Tout ce que Dieu nous demande c’est une obéissance à 100 %.
Abraham obéit […] il partit […] sans savoir où il allait, Hébreux 11 :12.
#pilote #avion #obeissance #salut #foi #determination #controleur #aerien #meeting #atterissage #descendre #final #cap #vue #dieu #sauve #histoire #365histoires #versetdujour #versetbiblique #croire
Jean-Louis Gaillard
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cemovowuri · 2 years
Trg philippines pdf files
 TRG PHILIPPINES PDF FILES >>Download (Telecharger) vk.cc/c7jKeU
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brunomindcast · 2 years
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Adapting my two main OCs to Shadowhunters bc I really like the show and the books.
Species : it's complicated actually! Their mother was a Shadowhunter and their dad a seelie of the autumn court. We don't know much about seelies in Shadowhunter except that they can't lie and have a strong bond with nature. I chose the autumn Court bc I really like autumn. And since we don't know much about them I can do what I want. The seelies from the autumn court are elementals, whose elemental nature is linked to their own deep nature, nothing to do with their DNA. Their dad was a water fae.
Physically, they're about the same, but add some angelic runes here and there. The sleeves of Caleb's heavy coat can be taken off (there's zippers at the shoulders) so he can access the runes on his arms easily (I think it would be more logical for Shadowhunters to wear mostly short sleeves bc they don't always have the time to roll up their sleeves to use their runes.
The twins are weird hybrids. Their dad brought them to the autumn court at birth (their mom died in childbirth) but they were only mildly accepted there. I don't really know if the seelie are racists, but still, half-Shadowhunter kids are bound to meet some issues. When their dad died (killed by a demon when they were 11, he was a very good dad until then), the autumn court left them alone in the city of bones. The silent brothers fostered them until they were 17, at which point they joined the New York Institute. Spending six years with the silent brothers left them with a slight tendency to not speak and some telepathic powers that are limited to communication with each other.
Their skills and powers are... Various. Basically, Caleb is a bit more Shadowhunter than fae. He can use angelic weapons, runes work on him (even if sometimes their effect is a bit weak), but his elemental powers (he's a water elemental) are kind of limited : he can make it rain on a small radius (and not big tempests), walk on water (but only for 2-3km), breathe underwater and he's unaffected by the effect of water on tracking spells, meaning he can track people even if they're on water (honestly this last one is the only really useful one). Weapons wise, he uses a bow and a crossbow (once a sniper always a sniper). He's better at hand to hand than the usual Caleb, and he's not that bad with a sword. His seelie powers can be a drain of energy, he needs some time in water to recharge. He is able to lie, but usually doesn't sees the point. But that stays an advantage because when people see a seelie (the twins don't exactly look like hybrids ; pointed ears, pointed teeth, weird coloring - without the runes they would easily pass for full-blooded fae) says something directly that assume that, since seelie can't lie, that it is obviously the truth. Caleb doesn't tell people he is able to lie. He can also (it's a headcanon of mine that seelie can see through glamours because glamours are lies and seelies have a thing with lies) see through Shadowhunter glamours, but not through most warlock or fae glamours.
Alceo is more fae than Shadowhunter (which explains their weird coloring). Their elemental nature (aérien et pyromancien wind and fire) is much stronger than Caleb's : they can fly (admittedly, they fly not like a bird or superman, but like a leaf that the wind blows around. But it's weirdly efficient nonetheless), make strong bursts of wind, and control fire that is already there (they usually can't make fire out of thin air so they have like six lighters in their pockets). When they feel very strong emotions, they can possibly go up in flames like a giant torch. It rarely happens (mostly due to the lack of very strong feelings). They can control their body temperature from a bit too cold to be healthy (for anyone else) to really fucking super hot which can be an inconvenience (for others) in hand to hand. When they sneeze, they sneeze sparks. They only produce sparks when they snap their fingers, but that's about it. Runes are barely efficient on them : they're like, this close to not be Shadowhunter enough to use them. That said, they have no issue with angelic weapons. The only runes that really work on them are the mendelin rune (glamour is trickery, and trickery agrees very much with the seelie part of Alceo), the fire rune (which to be honest agrees a bit too well with Alceo), the parabatai rune (I mean, obviously the twins are parabatai. Duh), and the agility rune. Other runes are either weak or short-lived or both. They're better when Caleb is the one drawing them on Alceo, though.
Alceo and Caleb are not their true names. Obviously not ; they're seelie, what kind of Fae goes around using their true name?
About Alceo's other seelie traits : they can't lie, unlike their brother, but they don't give a shit about that. Actually, it gives them an excuse to say whatever they want. They are able to do the verbal tricks and deceit that the seelie are known for (they did spend 11 years in the autumn court after all) but honestly they just don't want to. It's funnier to be brutally, rudely sincere. They're very good at spotting loopholes tho. They can see through all minors glamours but not the really powerful ones. Weapons wise, Alceo has a bisento and several daggers.
Relationships :
The twins adore Alec despite his sometimes rigid behavior. He's an archer like Caleb, and Caleb likes having someone to talk to about archery stuff. They both like his sass (accidentally wrote ass instead of sass hahaha). The twins are very sassy people, they can appreciate a Kindred spirit. And Alec tends to not mince his words, which the twins greatly appreciate. He's very pretty too (and yes sometimes they ogle. What about it. He's worth ogling). He's very loyal towards his family, something which the twins value and like very much. He's nice, too. And he has a nice smile.
The twins really like Magnus! They think he radiates joy sometimes and that's no small feat given that they can guess that he hasn't had an easy life. Also, his eyes are gorgeous and he makes Alec incandescently happy, which very good for the twins. More happiness for their sad friend, please!
The twins really like Izzy too! She's nice and has a good sense of humor, she's really beautiful (and yes, sometimes they ogle. What about it. Can't they appreciate art when it's in front of them) and she doesn't minds them being touchy (the twins can be very touchy with some people). And she never comments on Alceo's rather intense staring (Alceo just has a resting intense face. Most of the time it's not on purpose). She's really clever and strong and so unashamedly herself! Which is really neat. She has a sort of friends with benefits deal with Alceo (who is absolutely asexual but does sometimes gets horny like once every three months, and Izzy is very, very beautiful. And she proposed the idea. So. Why not)
The twins have mixed feelings about Jace. He has beautiful eyes, and he's Alec's parabatai. He's strong too. But sometimes he takes Alec for granted, something the twins don't appreciate at all. He lies a lot, mostly to himself, which makes the twins' jaws itch. They like honestly. So they're pretty neutral about him.
The twins adore Raphael! He's so drily sarcastic. They like how he talks. They like when he speaks Spanish, it's pretty. They just really like Raphaël all around.
Alceo likes to speak about comic books or fantasy books with Simon. They Shadowhunters don't know much about pop culture or mundane stuff, it's complicated to find someone to talk about LOTR or DC with. Caleb is neutral about him. Alceo likes him, so he's okay. Also he possibly (and involuntary) scares Simon a little.
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