#Miara x Omega
violetjedisylveon · 1 year
SW Sapphic Week Day One - Reunion
Summary: After the Empire was defeated, Kaeden retired to the little paradise she and Ahsoka had built together on a distant, peaceful planet. Ahsoka has been dead for twelve years now, and Kaeden spends her days tending to her gardens and living a peaceful life mostly alone aside from Miara's visits with her family.
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: greif, loss, feels but it ends fluffy.
A/N: First time doing one of these things, so I hope I did it right. And I might not do all of them, just the ones I feel the strongest about my writing ability with. Also this originally started off as Kaesoka but then I got ideas and it's got background Miara x Omega.
Day 5, 6, 7.
Ao3 link
Kaeden pushed her hat back and wiped the sweat from her brow. I'll need to shower tonight. She sighed and leaned against her garden hoe, examining her work.
The small flower field was slowly coming into shape, crops did exceedingly well on this planet, you could toss the seed out and they'd grow just fine. Her work with the soil was to ensure the most productive output. She had become a bit of an expert in working with soil in recent years. She had worked hard to learn how to turn arid, once considered useless land into something that could sustain life from many experts in planet restoration.
She had no plans for anything that grand, all she wanted was to have enough food to support herself and the community around her, growing it herself was the best way possible.
The other, more exotic plants she had were more of a personal plant keeping hobby but they too had their uses for the community. The flowers she was planning on planting were to sell, she did need credits after all, but she'd give them just as much attention as her more personal plants.
Some of her neighbors joked she was growing a forest, it was more true than she cared to admit. When she couldn't sleep, she would keep herself busy with planting, just planting rows upon rows of trees and plants, it had started small, but as the trees matured, they began to spread themselves. Some of them were almost twenty years old.
She surveyed her gardens, her own self made paradise. It was getting late in the day, she ought to be heading in for the night. Miara was going to visit with her children and wife tonight, it would be good to see them.
She put her tools away and peeled off her sweat sticky gloves, leaving everything in the shed. The lock on her shed was courtesy of Miara. She headed for her house.
As she walked inside, her attention was snagged by the plant that had started it all. The grand, blossoming tree that she had planted with Ahsoka all those years ago when they chose to make this place their secret home. She deviated from her course and went up to the tree. It was strong and powerful and beautiful, just like Ahsoka.
She trailed her fingers through the thin lightsaber burn in the trunk. Ahsoka had accidentally scratched it, just barely, while training once. She had thought it was going to die and cried about killing their plant child. Of course, the tree was fine and recovered from the very light scratch.
She let her hand rest on the bark for a moment, reliving all the memories she had with Ahsoka, then drew away. It wasn't good to dwell on it.
Ahsoka had been dead for twelve years at this point. It had been the longest twelve years of Kaeden's life. She gave their tree a final glance, then it became just like every other tree she had grown.
She headed inside, she had family coming, she needed to prepare.
Kaeden opened the door and was immediately greeted by loud cheering of her name.
Miara gave her an absolutely crushing hug. Her wife, a sweet woman named Omega, was a Mandalorian, and during their relationship, Miara had increasingly grown in strength to match her. It was certainly paying off, Miara could practically lift her off the floor.
"It's been ages!" Miara said, setting her back on solid ground.
"It's only been a few months." Kaeden responded.
"A busy few months." Omega commented.
"Really? What have you two been up to?" Kaeden asked.
"Talk inside, I wanna see Auntie's forest!" Rayshe'a, the second youngest of Miara and Omega's children, said.
"Be patient." Eyayah scolded her twin.
"Look who's talking!" Rayshe'a shot back.
Kaeden stepped aside to let her family into her home. Miara and Omega had a lot of kids, some of them were adopted and some were biological. Regardless of their origins, all of them were part of her family and she loved each of them dearly.
Her sister's more aquatic children made a beeline for her ponds, they loved swimming in them so much she had adjusted them to be more comfortable for their swimming. It was especially good on hot days when they visited, everyone could have a swim. One child, Brisst, dragged Miara off to go see their favorite plant before Kaeden had a chance to talk to her little sister, only getting an apologetic glance as she was dragged off.
Kaeden brushed it off, she could always talk later. She chose to observe her sister's horde of children and noticed two new children, sticking noticeably closer to Omega and giving her uncertain glances.
One was a little Twi'lek girl, who's light purple skin had the marks of sunburn and sandblasting, and she had silver hair braided down the back of her head. The other was an older, more human looking girl with paler purple, similarly sandblasted skin. Her face was marked with tattoos somewhat like the ones Omega had on one side of her face, she had very short lekku poking out from her silver hair, they only reached just below her shoulders.
The pair were sisters, orphans if Omega and Miara's track record for adopting any kid they found was anything to go off of.
Kaeden approached Omega, the younger girl hid behind her older sister, who got defensive. Omega gave her an apologetic look and said something in Dathomirian that got the kids to relax a bit.
"How'd you come across those two?" Kaeden asked once the pair had gotten curious and left to explore.
Omega sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Well, Boba did a thing, and so no more slavery on Tatooine so there's a lot of stuff going on with that, they haven't trusted anyone for years, but when we visited, Asriq saw the marks and decided the best bet would be to come with me. They've got issues, Merdi has bad nightmares. So now I need to find another therapist. But they're both very kind and sweet, just defensive at first." Omega explained.
Kaeden felt sympathy for the orphaned sisters, for obvious reasons. She was again thankful she and Miara hadn't been orphaned on a world where they were exploited.
"I bet me and Miara's old therapist would be able to help you."
Weskyn was a Zabrak rebel officer, her unofficial job was consoling, particularly after conflict, she had been a therapist during the clone war and taken on helping refugees. She hadn't been on Alderaan so she was doing fine as of now, still a therapist.
"Thanks, I'll be sure to check it out." Omega said.
Eyayah and Rayshe'a burst into the main room, panting and out of breath.
"Mom! Buir(mom)! Ba'vodu(aunt)! Someone's in the gardens!" Eyayah shouted.
"What?!" Kaeden jolted up.
It was impossible for anyone to get into her gardens without setting off a security alert. Only family and trusted friends could come and go, but no one had told her about this.
She ran outside and found a cloaked stranger standing up on the rise next to her tree. Something about them seemed so familiar, Kaeden couldn't put her finger on it.
"Hello?" Kaeden asked, approaching the stranger cautiously.
"It's still here… after all these years, I was sure it would've died… I swear I did something wrong with it… I never did have your green thumb." That voice, that heart shatteringly familiar voice she thought she would never hear in person again.
Her throat tightened with emotion, her eyes stung. No no no. It's not here. They just sound like her, she's gone, she's dead. Kaeden told herself stubbornly. Her body was several steps ahead of her, she was running up to the stranger beside her tree before she had time to think it through. They shyly pulled their hood down over their face. Kaeden hesitantly reached out and stopped halfway, her hand shaking violently.
They pulled their hood down, Kaeden could hardly muffle the sob that escaped her.
Ahsoka. Ahsoka. It was her.
Ahsoka was standing in front of her with a beautifully nervous, apologetic smile.
"Ahsoka?" She choked out.
"Hi Kay… It's been a while." Her voice was a blessing on her ears.
She was suddenly breathless.
"Ahsoka… is it really you…?" she whispered.
"Yeah, it's me." Ahsoka confirmed with a nervous chuckle.
Kaeden reached out her half raised hand to Ahsoka's face. She hesitated again, afraid Ahsoka would disappear when she tried to touch her, yet she felt the warmth radiating from Ahsoka's skin and rested her hand ever so gently on her cheek. Ahsoka leaned into her touch and put her hand over Kaeden's, gently pulling back and planting a soft kiss on her hand the way she always used to.
At this point, Kaeden could hardly see anything through her tears, but she laughed and slammed herself into Ahsoka's warm body. Ahsoka wrapped her arms around her.
"It's really you… it's you…" she cried.
"Yeah, it's really me… i missed you." Ahsoka said softly.
"Where have you been?" Kaeden asked.
"That is a very long story." Ahsoka chuckled.
Kaeden did too.
"I've got time, I'm always up for hearing your stories." She said, looking up into Ahsoka's brilliant eyes.
"I know you are." Ahsoka murmured.
Omega's got nightsister tattoos from time spent on Dathomir with Merrin. They are besties btw. Omega's a Mandalorian and a nightsister cause why not?
Orphans on Tatooine after Boba took over just get adopted by Omega and Miara/Mandalorians so there are a lot of new Mandalorian kids now.
Eyayah means echo and Rayshe'a means five.
This was really fun! I'm excited for the rest of the event and seeing all the cool stuff people come up with!
I have ap testing this week tho 😔.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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thefulcrumfiles · 3 years
Hablemos de: The Bad Batch
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Ya tenía rato que quería hablar sobre la serie, porque el primer capítulo me gustó, solo que si hay muchos problemas con el Whitewashing de los clones y de Kanan, que quería tocar en otro post que nunca se hizo. Pero aquí escribí algo indagando sobre Kanan y todo ese drama, además de quemar tantito a esta serie, que si bien tiene muchos errores, espero vaya mejorando como lo que sucedió en el capítulo 6.
Realmente no estaba tan emocionada por una serie de ellos, si bien dará más profundidad al Imperio y puede seguir a diferentes personajes, realmente la Fuerza Clon 99 era medio meh para mí. Si, me gustaban todos pero tener a todos estos personajes juntos una vez mas no me parecía buena idea. Creo que principalmente es porque les faltaba algo con lo que fuera mas fácil el familiarizarse: a estos personajes les faltaba carisma y tenerlos a todos estresa un poco, por eso creo que Omega ha hecho esta serie muy pasable y algo que la hace constante. Obviamente esta temática de personas adoptando a niños en Star Wars ya se siente un poquito repetitiva, con Mando, Kanan y por supuesto Anakin, creo que ya deberían buscarse algo más, aunque tampoco digo que no sea entretenido; lo es. En lo personal, el Found Family es de mis temáticas favoritas, así que tampoco me quejo.
Ahora lo primero: Kanan. No hubiera adivinado que ese niño era Kanan, salvo porque me hice un spoiler ese día en la mañana, pero ese niño se parece mas a Cal Kestis que a Kanan, no entiendo quién dio la autorización de que le cambiaran tanto sus rasgos faciales tanto como su color de piel. El whitewashing me hace sentir super mal, y mas cuando hay muchos fans que dicen que ese es el correcto color de piel, pero bueno. Otra cosa que no estuvo bien fue el cambiar el canon de los cómics de Kanan, que era muy innecesario y pudieron haber hecho las cosas muy diferentes si querían que los de Hunter y los otros estuvieran con Kanan en ese momento.
Lo que sigue del capítulo estuvo normal, realmente siento que la escena de Kanan en la nieve y en la luz del día le quitó muchísimo la emoción y el sentimiento. No sentí la orden 66 tan emocionante y me dio igual. 
Los siguientes capítulos no estuvieron mal, pero la decisión de Disney de transmitirlos cada semana no es lo mejor; es desesperante y comenzaron a darme igual, esos primeros los debieron de haber sacado juntos y los demás ya semanales, le quitan la emoción en vez de generar intriga.
Este episodio 6 finalmente me dio lo que estaba esperando desde hace mucho. No se por qué pero la aparición de Trace y Rafa hizo el capítulo fuera más fluido y mas interesante, tal vez porque son personajes que ya conocemos y fue bueno volver a verlas. En especial porque sabemos ahora que trabajan para alguien (el cual no puede ser Ahsoka pero estoy segura ellas están del lado bueno) y tal vez vuelvan a aparecer.
No tiene mucho que ver pero me gustaría que Disney respetara en trabajo de otras personas, por ejemplo con los escritores de Kanan: The Last Padawan, Filoni y su equipo literalmente le escupieron a lo que crearon y lo cambiaron todo; no sé a quién pertenezca Kanan, pero tirar a la basura el trabajo de otras personas no está bien, pero ya vimos que es una tendencia de Disney pisotear lo que hacen sus trabajadores, con tal de ganar más dinero. Por lo que me da miedo que ahora cambien los hechos del libro de Ahsoka. Tengo la esperanza en que Kaeden y Miara hagan alguna aparición en su serie (ya estoy soñando mucho). Tal vez aquí pudieran darle algo de background a donde está Ahsoka, pues ya sabemos que Rex aparecerá en algún momento de la serie.
Wrecker. Hay mi querido Wrecker. Si soy sincera, fue de los personajes que mas me desesperó del escuadrón, porque los músculos del equipo tienden a ser muy ruidosos (odio el ruido) . Pues ahora, acabo de quedar porque Wrecker pasó a ser de mis favoritos. La verdad no sé como sucedió, solo que de un día para otro me encontraba leyendo wrecker x reader fics y aquí estoy. Lo que más me gusta de Wrecker es que ya hemos visto que realmente se preocupa por su escuadrón. Pero todas esas misiones y cosas han opacado realmente a los personajes secundarios, porque realmente no sabemos casi nada sobre ellos (otro punto que me gustaría tocar en un futuro). Y pues esto a su vez, permite que como fans podamos imaginar cómo es el personaje y crearnos una imagen de él. 
Ahora que Wrecker está tendiendo problemas con su chip,  acabo de recordar que obviamente estas series deben de tener drama, pero esta no genera nada, un problema que se expone desde el principio y lo lentos que van los capítulos. Porque al final no se explora realmente qué le está pasando a Wrecker, pero sí me preocupé cuando se cayó. En fin, veremos la próxima semana qué le está pasando o lo seguirán ignorando para utilizarlo a su favor cuando sea necesario.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
I just got a crazy ship idea!
Omega x Miara Larte.
Omega was ~13 in 18 BBY and Miara was 14 so age isn't an issue. But boom, yeah? Anyone?
They can bond over dead parents and siblings held captive/tortured by the Empire!
And Miara is like, a super cool fighter piolet for the rebellion, so they go on double dates witb Hera and Kanan! While Ahsoka and Kaeden watch from afar because they all ended up going to the same place on the same day, triple dates!
Omega can teach Miara about Mando things and Miara can teach Omega about plants?
Miara and Omega are together now I've decided. This my little headcanon
They saw the new republic being shit and went to join the Mandalorians but then Ahsoka and Kaeden had to go do whatever happens in Ahsoka show and Hera needs help so they tagged along.
When Ahsoka show comes out I'm definitely writing that, mostly for me.
Side note, I came up with this writing Kaesoka stuff and listening to a sapphic playlist so, yeah.
Someone else had the idea of them dating and it's beautiful!
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violetjedisylveon · 8 months
My New Life Interrupted By A Ghost
Summary: A flash through some important moments in Omega's new, happy life with her greatly extended family.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: ⚠birth stuff, implied death, cursing⚠
A/N: Yo, I decided that Omega gets two wives, cause after writing this I discovered that Miara Larte and Omega are pretty close in age and so yeah, Miara also has another partner, but also with Omega, it's more on/off for Miara and Omega. Both their partners were actually scheming to get them together when they saw how oblivious they were. Caoimhe and Miara's partner are in a qpr. Caoimhe and Miara also date. Miara's partner is in a qpr with Omega too.
Caoimhe is a bambi lesbian btw. Imma needa draw a relationship map for this. This story is 100000% more fun to work with now cause it's a fun dynamic.
The Fett-Peli-Larte kids have three amazing badass moms and one badass O'pa, + a billion aunts and uncles. Miara's partner does not have a last name.
Twenty Eight Years AU Masterpost
Omega breathed in the cool, ocean air. The gentle breeze tugged the wisps of her hair.
Pabu was the definition of security, safety, peace.
Truthfully, Omega wasn't sure if she had ever truly known peace in her twenty-two years of life.
She was going to start now, here in the place her brothers had decided to settle on nine years ago. It felt like a lifetime ago when she had first seen this serene oasis against the darkness of the galaxy.
She had spent those nine years in varying states of wellness and stability, the first four she had been utterly lost and just moving around to survive and trying to spite the Empire. The later five had been spent on the long, winding road to recovery from the endless pain and suffering and fighting and tragedy and trauma that permeated the galaxy.
But all of that was gone now, the road to recovery had led her here, back to this peaceful place. She was done with all of that, she wasn't going to fight anymore, she had already spent far too much of her life fighting.
Hee siblings had understood that sentiment, but it had taken her forever to convince Echo to finally get off the battlefield, Emerie was more than ready for peace. He may have acted grumpy about it, but she knew Echo was secretly relieved for it to be over, and that he would follow her anywhere, just to make sure he didn't lose her too.
And they weren't here on Pabu alone.
Omega was going to start a life and a family here.
Her three utterly amazing partners had been all for the idea when she first absently brought it up. Pabu was out of the way, remote, little known, and fairly close, both in position and in trade, to Caoimhe's homeworld of Cxylor; she had immediately begun to plan setting up a branch of her family's business on Pabu.
Miara thought the planet was beautiful and a perfect place to settle down, and Irtærse had also approved of the planet, it was part of the galaxy regularly traversed by purgil, the locals were used to seeing weird stuff, her magicks wouldn't be noteworthy.
It was really the perfect place for all of them.
Now they were here, standing at the door of their new home, it would open their lives to something truly wondrous.
Omega screamed as she gave a final push, her ears were ringing as the pressure on her pelvis vanished.
Among the slue of noises all around her, one thing broke through her mental fog.
A pair of sharp, highly pitched cries.
They were somehow the most beautiful things she had ever heard.
Though she was absolutely exhausted, she craned her neck to get her first good look at the pair of children she had brought into this galaxy.
Her eyes easily found the signature red of Merrin's clothes, and it was easy to find her children (children, she had children, she was a mother) from there.
Her Nightsister was cleansing the twins of afterbirth in a special type of bath she had made, due to the unique circumstances of their conception, they were a little different from normal babies.
Heh, just like me.
She suddenly realized that Caoimhe's hands were still on hers, her riduur hadn't let go of her once, just like she promised. She glanced over to see her riduur smiling proudly down at her with that lovely fanged smile.
"You did it, firebird, you did it." Caoimhe whispered to her softly.
Omega only had the strength to hum in response. Caoimhe chuckled to herself and offered her more of the sweetened potion Merrin had whipped up for her. She eagerly accepted the almost magical tasting liquid.
She heard Merrin's sharp grunt of approval at Caoimhe's actions. So far they were doing everything right despite the difficult circumstances.
Such as nearly dying.
Omega squeezed Caoimhe's hand tighter at the vivid recent memory. She didn't actually remember most of it, something had gone wrong after her water broke, she was pretty sure she'd blacked out, and then she had been woken by Merrin.
Whatever had happened, she was fairly certain one of them had gotten stuck and nearly killed their twin and her, but it was okay now. She was fine, Caoimhe was fine, Miara and Irtærse were fine, their children were fine.
Merrin turned back to them with two swaddles of fabric in her arms. The witch gave her a soft smile that she rarely used, and gently set both children down in her arms.
"They are healthy, if a little small, but that is typical for twins." She said.
Omega nodded to her, grateful beyond words for the assistance her sister had given them.
"Oh Meg, they're beautiful." Caoimhe whispered, kissing her lightly on the cheek.
She was right, the twins were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. 
They had Caoimhe's purple splotches on her tan skin, and already had tiny curls of blond and purple hair on their heads. The twins looked up at them with slightly crossed eyes, but their near whiteless eyes were a heart wrenchingly familiar shade of brown. Omega's breath hitched looking at them, and she had to look away.
No! I'm not going to let that spoil this for me! She steeled herself and looked back down.
On a second glance, they were not identical to her own, they were a fair bit lighter, more red in them, with some different specklings in them, but they were close enough that it made her think of her vod.
Her vod who would have been clamoring at the door to see the two new ade, and her vod her were patiently waiting to see.
It made her heart clench that four of her vod would never get to see these little ones, at least not ever in person. Caoimhe's gentle kiss on her temple brought her out of those troubling thoughts.
"They are so proud and happy for you." Caoimhe told her.
Omega smiled up at her riduur, who always knew what was on her mind, and what to say. She knew what Caoimhe said was the truth. If she closed her eyes, she could almost hear her vod cheering for her.
She looked back to her curious twins, already trying to explore and get out of their blankets.
"Merrin, can Miara and Irtærse come in now?" Omega asked.
"I suppose that would be fine, everyone else will have to wait." Merrin told her.
The witch left them and soon enough the door was tossed open and Omega was hit with an onslaught of worried words and questions from her wife and partner.
Merrin hadn't allowed them to come in since the room was small and the witch needed as much space as she could get. Caoimhe had been allowed in cause she was more useful than the space she took up.
They had been more than a little upset about that, with Miara arguing that they were her kids too but hadn't pushed the witch much on the subject.
Caoimhe moved to her other side to make room for their partners. Irtærse took her hands in their own, far warmer ones and gave her a sharp, worried look.
"You had us very worried ." They squeezed her hands gently.
Omega gave them a grin and watched their sharp stare soften. Irtærse was a person of few words, their actions spoke for them well enough, it just made their words more meaningful.
"I'm serious Meg, I swear I had a heart attack when I saw you." Miara told her sternly.
Omega glanced away from the three sets of worried eyes on her. Part of the trouble was her own fault, she still hadn't completely grown past her old self sacrificing habits, even though she'd been pregnant.
"But you're okay, that's what matters." Miara kissed her cheek.
Omega blinked tears out of her eyes. Stupid hormones. She thought as she wiped her eyes.
"You look tired, Peach." Irtærse observed.
Go to sleep. Was what they really meant.
Omega glanced down at the two babies resting on her bare skin. One of them was smaller than the other, which she knew was normal for twins, but it still made her anxious.
"You can worry about them later, spitfire, we'll watch over while you get some rest." Caoimhe said softly.
Omega had to force herself not to try and take care of everything right now, they never would have let her anyway. She was pretty tired anyway, it would be so easy to just close her eyes and let her mind drift.
They named their children the next day, the smaller twin they all decided to name Zosime, survivor, and the other was Roya, hunter.
Surprisingly, Irtærse had managed to fend their families off for a week of very appreciated recovery time.
Omega wasn't in constant pain from her little slip up anymore, she was absolutely still sore, but that was far more manageable than sore and in pain. She was feeling up to a visit now, and her family would have broken in if she waited much longer.
So she sat on her bed with Zosime and Roya in her arms and watched as her family filed in. I'm glad we have such a big house. She thought as the room quickly filled up. She smiled at all those who were present, ignoring the pang in her heart at those who weren't.
Boba, Sintas and Ailyn, Boba's wife and daughter. Emerie and her wife, Daesha. And Echo, who she knew was the most anxious about it all.
Hera, Chopper, Hera's grumpy boyfriend, Lyana. Merrin and Cal of course were there, and there were about a dozen of Caoimhe's family members, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles, a bunch of them. Kaeden, Miara's awesome sister, was here with Ahsoka, and Ahsoka was a very busy woman.
In the back of the room, near the door in case he needed to make a quick exit, she could see Rex lurking. Normally, she would have felt… apprehensive at seeing him, things were still rough between them, she still hadn't totally forgiven him, and he still considered Saw Gerrera an ally and a friend despite the massive amount of death that followed him, but today, she was okay with putting that aside.
All their friends and family, well not all, Caoimhe had a huge family, had taken the time to come see her and the two new lives she had brought into this world.
Boba looked the least happy to be there, after Hera's boyfriend, but she had grown to expect that sort of grumpiness from her older brother. Ailyn, Boba's six year old daughter, was very excited to meet her new cousins, the girl was vibrating next to her parents.
"Damn, you and Caoimhe weren't lying when you said you have big families." Miara commented.
Omega smiled at her wife.
Each member of their very large family took their turn seeing the twins. Nobody else held them, that would over stimulate their sensitive systems.
"Ba'vodu Kiwi, they're purple like you!" Ailyn said excited once she saw them.
"They sure are." Caoimhe chuckled.
Caoimhe's great grandmother, Ailbhe, performed the customary Spælf traditions for both new births and a twin birth. Omega had initially been worried about her Nightsister ways clashing with Caoimhe's culture, but they fit together rather well, so well that Ailbhe and Merrin frequently meet up to discuss their respective magics and swap knowledge.
Speaking of the Dathomirian Zabrak, Merrin approached her once Caoimhe's family had finished their greetings.
Merrin hadn't only been there to help with the birth because she was realistically the only person who knew what these types of births entailed, her and Irtærse's status as Children of Dathomir made Merrin's involvement essential as their clan's Mother. The clan mother and elders aided in the very difficult birthing process of Zabraks, and then there was their spiritual aspect of their involvement. The clan mother gave newborns a special blessing that strengthened them for the difficulties of life.
Green mist floated around Merrin's fingers.
"May I?" She asked, extending her hand towards the newborns.
Omega held her children out to her clan mother. Merrin painted markings on their faces with the mystic mist, both infants giggled as the mist tickled their sensitive skin.
"Now you are Children of Dathomir." Merrin's voice echoed as she finished the ceremony.
"Live well little ones." She added, patted their heads gently.
Lastly, Echo, Emerie and Boba dragged Rex up to her, forcing their brother to face her.
"Rex." Omega said curtly.
Rex just stared at the twins. She could see the words he wanted to say, was thinking about saying, and held out her hand to stop him. He opened his mouth to protest, and Emerie cut in.
"Don't, just don't." She told him with a stern glare.
Rex blinked then nodded and turned his attention to the twins.
"They look like you." He said awkwardly.
"Course they do di'kut." Boba scoffed.
Rex scowled at him. Echo cleared his throat.
"You're gonna have quite the time dealing with them." He said.
"Think they'll be as bad as I was?" She prompted, looking to her older siblings.
"They'll be worse." All four said simultaneously.
The room erupted into laughter.
Omega's day had gone great so far, no signs of anything going wrong or any big surprises. After the craziness of the last few days, she was looking forward to no surprises.
They were finally heading home after helping out Boba with his thing on Tatooine, it had been a little awkward with Fennec but nothing she couldn't handle. She had given her brother well wishes and he had given them gifts for the kids, and, after a quick visit to Emerie and her wife and their kids(with an invitation to visit soon), she was headed back to Pabu, to her ade, to her ori'vod, to her aliit(clan/family).
As always, Koré was so excited they were back. She practically threw herself into their arms.
Omega, as always, caught her youngest daughter and spun her in the air.
Everything was normal and perfect and nothing was wrong.
Until she turned to greet her ade and saw the man standing in her yard.
A man with Rayshe'a's eyes, Echo's eyes, her eyes.
A man who was far too young, only a handful of years older than when she had last seen him.
A man whose face haunted her mind for years.
A man who should be dead.
At first, Omega didn't want to believe he was there, not even when her ade said they saw him. Her ade graciously left them alone.
Omega turned to her partners, Caoimhe and Miara and Irtærse knew, they knew all about her past, helped her work through it, they would tell her if this ghost was real. The conformation didn't make it better and she turned away from the ghost.
Looking into her riduurs sympathetic eyes did nothing to quell the surge of conflicting emotions tumbling inside her.
She should have been happy, right? Her brother was back from the dead, that's a good thing… so why was she so angry?
It was the sacrifices.
Everything her brothers had given up to ensure his sacrifice was not in vain, everything they did to get her safe, everything they died for, they had done it because he had died.
She had made her peace with their deaths years ago. She forged a truce with her demons, rebuilt herself back up from nothing. She had made a new life and a family she loved fiercely.
She had honored her brothers and continued living a life she loved and that they would be so happy she had.
She had never forgotten them, but she had moved on, stopped letting it drag her down to those dark places.
And now, twenty eight years later, twenty years since she had begun to deal with her demons, he was back from the dead to drag her right back to square one like nothing happened.
Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair… they had all died… and here he was… alive.
It didn't seem fair.
It wasn't fair.
She glared at the ghost.
"You're supposed to be dead." She hissed.
"Why aren't you?" She asked.
The ghost took a shocked step back, somehow confused at her anger. She was angry, he was supposed to be dead, she was fine with him being dead… her brothers were together that way… but here he was, no more than five years older and alive.
He was out of place.
He was so wildly out of place, she could have convinced herself that he was just a hallucination or a flashback, but he stood out there too.
He was like a misplaced artifact, disrupting the scenery.
He was a ghost, just a ghost.
"Omega, where are the others?" The ghost asked softly.
There, that was when Omega snapped.
"They're dead, like you are supposed to be."
She only felt more anger when the ghost's face slowly shifted from shock to his classic thinking face. Somewhere, deep inside, she had missed seeing that face, and that feeling made her angrier.
Four months and I still don't give you any answers! Maybe you'll get one before the end of the year.
This definitely took a while to get out of my brain, mostly cause it's a back burner that I work on whenever I don't feel like working on my main stuff, or if I get a sudden burst of inspiration for it and jot down a little snippet and then I have a bunch of snippets to connect, so these back burners take a bit longer to update than my main stories, sorry if you really enjoy them😅.
I am very tempted to make an angsty traumatized Omega focused prequel story where it's just Omega, Echo and Emerie, struggling for a long time on their own cause they're a danger to others and don't want to ruin anyone else's lives and it's just really dark and angsty and Omega's got some self hate and I can just traumatize the girl. I love to traumatize her so much, she's my favorite.
So that might happen before the next chapter of this comes out.
Now some funny lil notes I had on this chapter:
Fire bird is one of Caoimhe's nicknames for Omega, a reference for her tendency to crash and burn in situations, used to be a sarcastic comment but is now a term of endearment.
Caoimhe's nicknames for Omega tend to be fire based since Omega was rather hotheaded and firey when they met.
Irtærse calls Omega Peach cause she soft and sweet but has a tough core
Aylin Fett is Boba's daughter, Boba did not leave his fam yet, and his fam didn't cut themselves off from other fetts so Sintas and Ailyn lived with Omega for a bit when he does leave.
Spælves, like normal fantasy elves tend to live fairly long lives.
May the Force be with Ailbhe, poor old lady's gonna have to do this ceremony a bunch more times.
Canon Miara: fighter pilot captain and kicking imp ass, attending the celebration on yavin after death stare
Twenty Eight Years Miara: doing all that stuff but she's got two wives, a partner and kids now.
This was long.
Sorry about that!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
SW Sapphic Week Day 5 - Sparring
Summary: Omega offers to teach Miara how to fight properly, giving her a chance to open up to someone, and if that someone happens to be the same someone she's been harbouring a crush on, it's a win win.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: mild angst, implied abuse/medical abuse, trauma.
A/N: i have ap/may/school burnout rn(why days 2-4 are missing), but I still got this together! This is sorta a prequel to day 1, explaining how Miara and Omega got together!
I have little knowledge of fight choreography or stuff like thst so it's choppy but I gave it my best. If anyone knows or has a resource on learning how to write fight choreography, especially if it has all sorts of combat like swords and stuff, let me know!
Day 1, 6, 7
Ao3 link here.
The last training droid hit the ground with a loud clatter, a few sparks sputtered out of it. Miara clapped, Omega was just as good with her hands in combat as she was with a blaster and her bow. Watching her take down the droids with nothing but her hands and witts was entrancing.
Her clapping startled Omega, who's head shot up in alarm. Her whole body went tense for a moment until she recognized her, then she relaxed. For a second, her cheeks flushed, but it faded quickly.
"Like the show?" Omega asked with an impish smirk.
"Yes, you're very good at what you do." Miara said, walking into the training room.
Omega smiled at her compliment. The bright grin made her seem far more alive and happy than she typically was. She always had an air of sadness around her, to be fair, most in the rebellion did, but Omega's seemed to go far deeper.
The Mandalorian usually kept to herself. Most rebellion members had at least one friend they spent the majority of their off time with, giving them someone who understood their pain or a distraction from it. Omega had nobody, yet she seemed to be fine with it.
Omega wiped the sweat off her forehead with a towel, for once, she wasn't wearing her signature red bandana, said bandana was tied around her water bottle. Without it, her bangs were falling into her face and sticking to her forehead. She swiped at them with an irritable grunt. Miara chuckled and received a short glare.
"Are you just going to stand there staring?" Omega asked.
Miara turned her head away slightly, her cheeks heating up slightly. She was keenly aware of Omega's suddenly sharp eyes on her.
"How are you with melee combat?" She asked.
"Uh, why?" Miara responded.
Omega looked her up and down, then wrinkled her nose.
"You look like a fighter pilot, and only a fighter pilot." Omega pointed out.
Miara scowled at the Mandalorian.
"What are you saying?"
Omega rolled her eyes and gave her an exasperated sigh.
"Can you fight? How are you in close quarters? Can you defend yourself from and armed opponent without weapons of your own?" Omega asked.
Miara didn't say a word. She was mostly a fighter pilot, and when she was on the ground, it was usually long ranged and utilizing explosives. She did have some basic self defense training but that was it. She knew for a fact she couldn't do any of what Omega had just done.
"I'll take that as a no." Omega rolled her eyes and tossed her towel down onto the bench.
She gestured for Miara to step onto the mat.
"C'mon, I'll show you how to fight properly." Omega said with a smirk.
Miara frowned and took off her sweater, she just had a dark green tank top on underneath, matching Omega's mostly black tank with patches of red on it.
"What exactly does that mean?" She asked, walking into the ring.
"I'll show you exactly what I'm talking about." Omega grinned.
The Mandalorian took a fighting stance, Miara adopted the basic self defense stance she had been taught. Feet at a side angle, knees facing feet, get the alignment right. Weight on balls of feet. She held her arms in a position ready to block any strikes.
They slowly circled each other. Omega's sharp eyes examined her, darting back and forth, Miara could see her clever mind working out the strengths and weaknesses of her stance, determining the best place to strike. Miara knew for a fact she would have no chance if she struck first, her best bet was to react to whatever Omega did, being a pilot meant she had an excellent reaction time, so she at least had something.
When Omega did strike, her movement was swift and fluid, Miara hardly had the time to block the swift strike, but Omega had anticipated that move and easily shifted from striking to grabbing and had both of Miara's arms pulled away from her body almost effortlessly. With a quick flash of a grin, Omega pinned her arms behind her back, gently but firmly so Miara couldn't shake loose.
"Okay, fine, I don't know as much as you do about fighting." Miara grunted.
Omega chuckled and let her arms go. Miara stepped back and faced the Mandalorian.
"I could teach you, I mean, if you want to learn, that is." Omega said with the slightest hint of embarrassment in her voice.
Miara swore Omega was blushing for a brief second then her cheeks color returned back to their normal tan. She made note of that possible advantage.
"Sure, I obviously need it." Miara said.
"Great! Er- what do you want me to show you? I know a couple fighting styles from training with different people." Omega said.
"Like what?" Miara asked, walking back into the room.
"I know some standard combat forms, Mandalorian combat, Echani, Teräs Käsi, and some other stuff. When I actually have to fight someone, I mix em up to confuse the opponent, it works pretty well." Omega explained as she demonstrated a starting defensive stance, it was similar to hers but different in the position of legs and body.
They spent the next couple of hours talking and training, just the two of them. By the time Omega decided to call it a day, Miara was out of breath, sweaty and exhausted but she felt great. Some of Omega's shell came off while they were training, her eyes had brightened, she laughed more, and was more open to talking. It was nice to see her so bright and joyful.
Omega grabbed her water and took a long drink, clearly, she was done for the day.
"So, same time tomorrow?" Miara asked.
Omega shot her a surprised look and almost coughed on her water. She sputtered for a second, then wiped her mouth and stared at her.
"Scuse me?" She asked, tilting her head.
"Should we do this again tomorrow?" Miara repeated.
"You want to do it again?" Omega asked.
"Of course, why wouldn't I? You're a great teacher." Miara smiled to herself as she headed off, unknowingly leaving Omega flustered and staring after her.
Miara sat down next to Omega on the break bench. It was her seventh day of training and she was improving, it wasn't nearly as exhausting as it had been a week ago. All the extra time around Omega had given her the chance to learn more about the elusive Mandalorian.
She hadn't gotten into any meaningful details about her life for a couple of days. Miara was content with just learning what she liked and didn't like, her favorite foods, books, planets she really wanted to visit, just normal conversation stuff.
Omega drank from her bottle, Miara found herself staring at the other woman. All this time around her had also allowed her to see her up close, Miara had already begun to notice things she wouldn't have otherwise.
Omega had a preference for her right arm, it was incredibly subtle and she had only begun to notice the small, nearly invisible marks on her arms, maybe because her muscles were distracting, but there were also small round marks on her shoulders, barely perceptible but there. She knew that someone with the training Omega had would be into dangerous lines of work so the injuries had a simple explanation.
That didn't stop her from wondering.
Omega seemed down today, she looked like she was weighed down by a huge load. She looked tired.
"Have we been doing too much?" Miara asked.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Omega raised an eyebrow at her.
"You look tired today." Miara pointed out.
"Oh, I'm just, today's not a good day, ya'know?" Omega flashed her a false grin.
She knew it was false because when she was really happy, the tattoo around her nose scrunched up slightly. She didn't bring it up.
"Where'd you get those?" She asked.
The intricate tattoos were only drawn on the right side of her face, the left half was left purposefully blank aside from one over her nose. Miara had never seen anything like them before.
"These?" Omega asked, pointing to her face.
Miara nodded, Omega brightened.
"They are Dathomirian tattoos. Nightsister. I spent some time on Dathomir as a teenager. I wanted isolation… instead I got a sister. I met a nightsister, Merrin, she's my age, she was alone and wanted company and I guess I was too, so I kinda just stuck around…"
"We became friends, good friends. I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't run into her, probably dead. So we stuck together, got each other through the worst of it. We traded information, I taught her and she taught me." Omega sighed and touched the bridge of her nose lightly.
"This one here roughly means 'sister'." She said, pointing out the tattoo on her nose.
"It's the first one she gave me, so that I could look at myself and know someone cared. Then she gave me more as I got better with the Magick, she always added some extra meaning to them." Omega said wistfully.
"Wait, Magick?!" Miara exclaimed.
Omega blinked and glanced at her, then chuckled and snapped her fingers. A small, glowing green flame appeared above her hand. Omega waved her hand and it followed, leaving a small trail of glowing green embers. Miara found herself staring at Omega again.
Damn. She is impressive. She mused.
"She sounds really nice." Miara said.
"She is, like you." Omega said.
A subtle blush rose to her cheeks, the flame adopted a darker color in the center.
"I mean, you're nice too." She said slowly.
Miara chuckled and stood up, ready for another round.
"Wanna go again?" She asked.
"Are you sure you wanna fight me?" Omega asked with a lot more confidence in her voice.
She made a show of the glowing green flame in her hand. Miara smirked.
"I think I can handle you." She said.
"Oh really? Getting cocky, are we?" Omega rose from the bench and put the green flame out.
They stood opposite to each other, slowly circling, waiting for the opportunity to strike.
Omega, again, struck first, instead of blocking, Miara ducked to the side to avoid her. She kept her eyes on Omega as she backed away. Omega smirked, impressed. Miara smiled back.
I can't wait to see how she reacts to this. She giggled internally. Admittedly, her grand plan was a little childish, but she wanted to do it and knew it would work.
Omega tried to charge her a few more times, Miara dodged her attacks. She only struck when it was safe to do so, like when Omega's back was facing her. She played it carefully and kept her distance.
Just a little longer. She thought. Omega would anticipate a dodge now, and she could let herself get caught. She'd get caught eventually.
This time when Omega charged, Miara didn't dodge and did let the Mandalorian pin her. She hadn't expected to be knocked into the wall behind her though. Omega pinned her arms and gave her a suspicious look when she just smirked. Her plan was going great.
"What are you smirking about?" Omega asked.
Miara grinned up at her.
She shot her head up like she was going for a headbutt, and gave Omega a quick kiss on the cheek. She felt Omega stiffen and her hold on her loosen, she pulled back and smiled at the blushing Mandalorian.
She was able to easily free her arms, using the distraction to her advantage but not pressing it like she could. She didn't want to trick Omega.
"Personally, I think I did better this time." Miara said.
Omega came out of her shock and scowled down at her.
"That's not gonna work with anybody." She scolded.
"But it worked on you." Miara pointed out.
Omega turned her head away in an attempt to hide her blush. Omega took a breath and glared at her.
"It's a cheap trick." She said.
"I think you liked it." Miara stated.
"And if I did?" Omega asked, the edge in her voice melting away.
"Well, we could do it again." Miara suggested, feeling heat in her cheeks.
She was comforted by the fact that Omega's face was turning red.
"I'd definitely like that." Omega said.
"Me too."
Gay space witch Omega go brr
I don't care if you need to be Force sensitive to do Nightsister Magicks, Omega is gay and that gives her the ability to use it.
Also Omega is 100% taller than Miara.
I am very tired and finished this quickly so don't know if it's the best but it's fun and I like it so, eh!
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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violetjedisylveon · 8 months
Ahsoka Series, But Kaeden Is There, And She's Super Cryptic This Time
Spoilers for Ahsoka Episode 5
Hera, seeing Kaeden chilling in the middle of a weird rock formation chilling on her phone with the space birb Sabine drew on her armor once: What happened? What's going on? Where's Ahsoka? And where's Sabine?!
Kaeden, not even looking up: Jedi Force bullshit stuff happened, it'll all make sense in a bit.
Hera: Do you... Know what happened?
Kaeden: yeah but I'd rather explain it once and I don't know all the details.
Jacen: can I pet the bird?
Jacen: I hear someone fighting in the ocean! Maybe Ahsoka's out there!
Kaeden, still chilling: damn, sounds like a pretty intense therapy session.
Jacen: ???
*Hera ordering extra searches once Jacen tells her the stuff*
Carlson: what?
Kaeden: Jacen's a little Jedi, his dad was a Jedi too, just go with it.
*Ahsoka wakes up and sees Kaeden reading a book with two piles of books next to her*
Ahsoka, sighing: how many books have you read?
Kaeden: Four.
Ahsoka, flopping back down onto her bed: a whole twenty-four hours and I'm still exhausted.
Kaeden, smirking: Guess that's what you get when you avoid therapy or any kind of emotional healing for twenty something years.
Ahsoka: oh shut up
*then they kiss cause they love each other*
*Kaeden, explaining the situation*
Kaeden: okay, while Ahsoka was off getting some therapy and emotional healing slammed into her by the Force itself, Baylan manipulated Sabien into giving him the map and they got the coordinates and they took Sabine with them. I think she is coming back with a Jedi girlfriend.
Jacen, very excited: I get a new aunt?!
Kaeden: Yes, I like your attitude about this.
*Shin sees Sabine's sketch book open*
Shin: Why are you drawing me so much?
Sabine: 😳
*Ahsoka the white happens*
Kaeden: damn, you look good~😏
Ahsoka: not in front of Jacen, Kae😉
Carlson to New Republic people, reading from notes Kaeden gave him: so they are going to ride the purgil and find out what the Imperial remnants are up to out there, and Kaeden Larte says "Fuck the whole Senate except for Organa and kinda Mon Mothma but not entirely, get a better hold on your senate, the Empire isn't dead idiots"
NR Fleet: ...
*Ahsoka goes out to talk with the purgil*
Kaeden, to Morai: told you it'd be the whales, you owe me fifty credits
Morai: *annoyed divine birb sounds*
Bonus, Omega(from bad batch) x Miara Larte!:
Miara: I haven't heard from Kaeden in a while, you think she's okay?
Omega, doing some space magic practice: Probably? I can check real quick.
*does space magic*
Omega: Mia honey, your sister's in a purgil.
Miara, sighing: do we gotta get involved?
Omega: maybe? I kinda wanna ride a space whale.
Miara: alright let's go, I was getting a little bored anyway.
*Omega and Miara suit up in Mandalorian armor and call up a space whale with nightsister magic to take them to where the action is*
That's it. I enjoy a good cryptic slightly chaotic Kaeden, being married to Ahsoka comes with that.
Also Nightsister Omega is one of my favorite things so I shoved it in here.
Be back Wednesday for part 4!
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