#NaKniCroMo 2019
Graphic by @naknicromo
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Day 1 -Introduce yourself
Let’s do this again from a *slightly* different angle than usual -
I’m Mads, I crochet, cross stitch, and spin, plus I knit and weave very badly. I first got into knitting when I was nine, forgot everything, tried to relearn in 2019, sucked at it, got really mad, and learned crocheting in late 2019-2020, just in time for the COVID pandemic. Since then, crafting, especially crochet, has taken over my entire goddamn life.
I’m hoping to launch a crochet small business on Etsy, but I keep just… not doing that. Because I keep forgetting. My bad lol.
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reckless-stitches · 5 years
NaKniCroMo Day 23: Longest Project
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This wonderful mess was started back in 2015 and is just over halfway done...I hope to finish it this year but it doesn’t travel well and I travel a lot.
I actually have a chart as well as a whole crochet by numbers style pattern that I personally wrote up for it, but I don’t want to publish the pattern until the blanket is done and I have tested for and corrected any mistakes.
There has been a lot I have learned in the over three years since this was started and the thing I wish I had done better was pay attention to the actual yarn weight. All the colours are labeled as a 4 -worsted weight (USA/Canada label) but they are actually widely different in thickness which is causing rippling that I just pray some blocking can reduce at the end.
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ebearcrochet · 5 years
Worst crafting habit
Why Did I Only Buy One Skein Of This Yarn? ‘Cause Look How Pretty The Colour Is
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Biggest Project
NaKniCroMo day 22
The largest project I have completed is my rainbow pride blanket. It fits nicely on my double bed.
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I think it was only the second or third crochet project I’d ever tried (you might have noticed, when I jump into a hobby, I tend to go all out...). The pattern is all half-double crochets (UK half-trebles), and it was initially advertised as a stash-buster project. I just crocheted along until I felt I’d used enough of a colour, then snipped it and tied on the next one to create my rainbow.
I worked with double-stranded aran-weight yarns. My colour yarn was coupled with a pale grey that I used for the entire blanket, and I really like the way it tricks the eye into softening the colour changes.
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siraheatingcake · 5 years
I started with 32 stitches. I decreased 8 of them. Obviously there are 25 left, because math doesn’t apply to knitting.
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NaKniCroMo Photo Challenge - Day 27 - Share Your Progress 
Where did March go? It seems like it just flew by! If I've counted correctly, I have completed 28 amigurumi so far (I think I got them all in the picture), so I'm on track to complete my goal! Of course, being me, I'm still nervous about being on track rather than way ahead. However, either way, I'm excited that I've made so much progress building stock for my booth! 
Which one is your favorite?
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soerdinan · 5 years
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Here we go. Couple of Honey slimes for the first week of NaKniCroMo. ^_^
..and a mint mango.
Other one is bigger because it has already eaten its mango. =T
I’m again running out of 6mm bead eyes, so I used 10mm.
I’ll clean up and post the pattern for them later this week. ^_^
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tj-crochets · 5 years
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I’m way behind on NaKniCroMo, but here’s Day 22, biggest project, and day 23, longest lasting WIP, at the same time! I made this with a 19mm hook and three strands of worsted weight yarn held together to get a gentler color change, and it’s just a giant rectangle of double crochet. I made this almost four years ago!!
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arsonforcharlie · 5 years
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Naknicromo days 1 and 2 because I'm a scrub who took too long to get into it.
Day 1- what's your goal?
I find I've been knitting a lot less and going to video games when im stressed more. I want to do that less.
Day 2- meet the maker
It's me. It's a selfie. Hell yeah.
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corasknitknacks · 5 years
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NaKniCroMo day 15 - favourite yarn
Just like I don't have a favourite fiber I don't really have a favourite yarn either. But there is certainly some brands I really like. 
Like Yarn and Colors and Scheepjeswol for crochet. Their yarns are available in a lot of colours, so that means you can make all sorts of pretty combinations. For knitting I really like some fancy (hand) dyed yarns like Skein and GamerCrafting.
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shesanearthgirl · 5 years
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Naknicromo Day 10 - inspiration
Just stuff around me and people I talk to and crafting pals I brainstorm with. Sometimes I see a turtle named Pancake and I gotta make a turtle named Pancake Jr.
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reckless-stitches · 5 years
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NaKniCroMo day 24: most complicated pattern
This is by far the most complicated pattern I have done. No two rows are the same throughout the whole pattern and I am only in part 2 of 9!😳😨😨
It has been made a bit trickier because instead of changing yarns like the pattern calls for I am just using a mandala yarn - this causes issues because the pattern often starts in a different place in the round when the yarn is changed meaning I have to sl st my way forwards to backwards to make those rows work.
Not sure what this will be in the end but really happy with it and glad to be working on something more complicated to help me learn new ways of thinking about crochet.
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tallangrycockatiel · 5 years
Ok, let's try this this year.
NaKniCroMo day 1: goals
My goal this month is to finish this boyo. He's a Junimo from Stardew Valley, based on @sirithre 's cross stitch pattern and made in 1 inch crochet squares - 256 of them. He's already been a great stashbuster, and is going to be a cushion cover when he's done.
The plan:
1. Finish making the squares (14 left to go).
2. Finish sewing him up (so glad I've been doing this along the way).
3. Add border around him to get the front panel to the right size.
4. Make back panel, which will be one big double crochet square, striped in the colours I've not used up yet.
5. Make flap. Currently thinking 3 or 4 fancy squares side by side for this - who knows what yarn I'll have left by this point though.
6. Sew up the whole thing.
This felt doable before I listed it all out, and now it sounds slightly worrisome. Let's see how it goes.
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It’s NaKniCroMo !!!
Day 1: Share your goal. 
I have 2 for NaKniCroMo 2019...
Number 1
I’ll be aiming to finish my current blanket within the next few weeks, have a sneak-peak of the joining 
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Number 2
My main goal for this month is to be productive with these beauties :D
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A very kind coworker has gifted me what seems like a mountain of raw fleece, fresh off the sheep. Each of those boxes is meant to hold 150 litres. In return I’ll be making him and his family a bunch of hats for next winter.
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I’ve already picked over one fleece. By the end of the month I want to have picked over the others, have washed the fibres, and to have started spinning.
A longer-term goal will be experimenting with dyeing, but that probably won’t be happening until the summer.
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naknicromo · 5 years
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Under two months to go until #NaKniCroMo2019! Who’s excited? Have you thought about your goals yet?
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NaKniCroMo - Day 22 - Biggest Project 
While I've made a few fairly large amigurumi, the one that sticks with me the most is this ridiculous shark. I had him for almost 3 years after making him before he finally sold. He was a great companion at conventions and often watched our table for us overnight! I'm glad he has a new home, but I still miss him! I guess its time to make another huge project! Forgive my ridiculous Snapchat selfie face.
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