#Negativity Itself ( Ormad )
themanofgloom · 2 years
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// Merry Christmas from Ormad! Reliving a faint memory from the past.
(It’s not exact, of course,,, but I thought Ormad holding a toddler Rudy would be cute okay) //
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flowersandhoodies-a · 4 years
Starter for @themanofgloom​
The elf had been struggling for the past few days to get some peaceful slumber. Besides a few nightmares, her sleep was dreamless. Not even a speck of imaginative thought was to be found. This could be of the fact of her simple worries getting the better of her and her simply ignoring it.
Fast forward to her outside, laying next to the embodiment of negativity, looking up at the blue sky scattered with puffy clouds. She was naming of what each cloud’s shape reminded her of. Bunny, flower, mermaid. A simple pastime brought her a type of serene feeling. So when Ormad came over, she would gently nudge such activities.
Maddy spoke up after a few moments of silence, deciding to move to another topic.
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“Hey Ormad, have you ever had dreams? I-I know that sounds silly but i’m curious.”
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magickedhat · 3 years
Surprisingly, Rudy’s broke, so she can’t give Wren anything super special for their birthday. However! In some odd coincidence, they receive a black gift box with a purple bow at their footstep, and if they were to open it, they’d find a floating shadowy ball. One that they can control for fun; one that moves back and forth and flies in the air at the command of their hands. There is also a card inside that reads: “Rudy told me it was your birthday today. I have gifted you a ball of Negativity. Happy birthday. - Ormad” (themanofgloom)
Wren's Birthday! / accepting.
a gift box has found its way to their doorstep.
should one consider the technicalities of their current living situation, this isn't their doorstep, nor is it their home, so momentarily they assume the gift is meant for the owners of the house. however, upon showing Hugues, he insists they open it themself, in case it's meant for their birthday. wren is so curious that they need no further convincing. they settle on a table and tug at the purple ribbon.
the ball of shadow floats out of the box as soon as they open it. wren gasps and tries to catch it, but it flies out of their reach, then slides into a halt. they couldn't say they'd ever seen condensed darkness like this, so the sight itself excites and intrigues them immensely. it doesn't take them long to figure out the mechanics of it, and soon they're snorting and laughing as they direct the ball into impossible places and heights they can't reach, testing its abilities, weighing its strengths and shortcomings. even if it weren't meant to be a toy, wren had found a way for it to be!
at some point, they realized they'd never read the note inside the box, so they drifted back to check, urging the ball to follow and spin around them as they did. they were still grinning as they picked up the note, but the contents quickly earned a raised brow.
they didn't know how they felt about ormad yet. however, they were touched to read it was Rudy who'd informed him of today. she had remembered. and looking at the ball, round and dark and so incredibly full of pranking possibilities, wren began to think ormad might not be so bad, after all.
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twistytwine · 4 years
Fighting Movesets: Ormad
If my OCs were in a fighting game;
(Xbox controller format; A = attack 1, Y = taunt, B = attack 2, X = grab. Left control stick to move around + jump. Left control stick + A = different attacks. Left control stick + B different minor attacks. Left bumper/right bumper = block.)
General Summary: The Lord, the Master, the Personification of Negativity is here. Ormad is a smooth fighter with plenty of tricks up his sleeve, and he is fast and elegant. However, he can be knocked off the stage rather easily — his weight is his enemy.
A + no movement = “Minions.” Pressing A lets Ormad summon his negative minions. A single press sends flies towards his opponents. Holding A will cause Ormad to charge his power, and releasing it after his hand starts to glow will cause birds to charge towards his opponents. Holding A until Ormad’s entire figure glows and releasing it will cause a ferocious wolf to charge towards his opponents.
Flies = 5% damage
Birds = 15% damage
Wolf = 35% damage
A + left/right movement = “Boogeyman’s Hand.” Ormad will send a weapon of negativity towards the direction he’s facing. There are various weapons he can throw, but it doesn’t matter which one it is because they all make the same amount of damage. (28% damage.) The weapons include a spinning scythe, a spear, and a twirling sword. All of these weapons will be cloaked in negativity, which presents itself as dark purple and black smoke.
A + down movement = “Shadow Shield.” Ormad will hover above the ground, claws out and shadowy streams of negativity circling him. This move has two uses; it works as a reflector and a counter. If a projectile is sent towards him as he performs this move, the projectile will be reflected in the opposite direction upon touching the streams of negativity. If he is attacked while he is performing this move, Ormad will automatically make a counter-attack by pirouetting, causing the negativity to slam into his opponent. This will cause 27% damage.
One thing to note about this move is that it only lasts for a certain amount of time, and if no projectile or attack is cast upon Ormad, then he may be left vulnerable after the move is finished.
A + up movement = “Purple Portals.” Ormad will fall into a portal summoned below him before appearing in another portal somewhere else. Exactly where he appears depends on how the player controls the direction of the left stick.
Y + no movement = “Taunt 1.” Ormad will perform his taunt. Ormad’s taunt is a ballet move; he will shift into an arabesque position for half a second before going back to his regular stance.
Y + left/right movement = “Taunt 2.” Ormad will perform his second taunt. Ormad’s second taunt is curling his hands into fists and shaking them by his face. He’ll hover a little above the ground as purple wisps of negativity twirl around his arms. Then he’ll descend back into his regular stance.
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crestfxllenfxte · 5 years
Mind + "Oh, I wish I could do something to make her feel better somehow. She's a mother. A worried one. I just want her to know that she's not alone in her parental struggles." (themanofgloom)
My Muse Reads Your Muse’s MInd! - Accepting! 
Fate flinched, ears drooping as uncertainty flooded her mind. It was a sweet sentiment but the demoness couldn’t help but feel guilt tug at her heart.
“You shouldn’t worry yourself too much over me, Ormad.” She began, chuckling nervously and combing her hand through her bangs over and over again. “Even the embodiment of Negativity itself shouldn’t be burdened with the weight of the baggage I carry.”
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thedemiurgickids · 6 years
A Drabble Featuring Ormad & Winsome
Winsome didn’t visit the Negative Side because he was forced to; in fact, all of it was completely his choice. He liked the strange, mysterious, and gloomy atmosphere of the area, and he especially liked roaming around it with his gothic best friend.
It was...a bit pitiful, however. Ormad didn’t have anybody to really live with, besides Rudy, who wasn’t allowed to spend the night with him unless she really needed to from the confirmation of her grandparents. Otherwise, Ormad was completely alone. Winsome wished he could live with his dear friend, but Akilah needed someone to hang around with as well.
And it was good for Winsome to be around the man, to keep him company and comfortable. And to make sure that he’s doing all right.
A particular day in general really struck a nerve in the demon, however.
His ears twitched as he heard a furious growl from the other room, a sign of frustration from the man of negativity himself. Even though Ormad was known to be a cold, icy, and stoic figure, he had a dangerous temper that could break its bonds upon any second and any moment of any time. And it wasn’t pretty to watch.
The clown turned his head to the direction of the sound, pondering to himself if it would be best to check on Ormad in case he was struggling. It wasn’t much anyway, was it? He knew when was best.
But at the same time, Winsome felt a ping of worry. Ormad’s seething anger was sometimes silent, and he didn’t want to risk anything.
So reluctantly, he walked across the hall and to the door of the room, where he took one of his gloved hands and knocked on the door. Silence was his response.
“Maddy?” he called. “Are you okay?”
Still, there was no response. Of course he didn’t want to reply. He was simply too afraid of opening up his feelings for others to see.
“Maddy, I’m coming in there no matter how much you want me to go away. I want to know if you’re good or not.”
To his surprise, Ormad snapped behind the door, “Leave! There’s no use for you here!”
It stung. It really did. But Winsome knew better than to be hurt over it; the tired, exhausted man of negativity unleashed his anger onto others. So the clown simply rolled his eyes and said, “I’m coming in!” He turned the knob and swung the door open.
There Ormad was. Winsome didn’t even need to look twice to know that he was having an extremely rough day. The bags underneath his eyes were the darkest the clown had ever seen of him, and his expression was fuming. His eyebrows were furrowed ferociously downwards, revealing the intense anger that was resonating from the man himself.
His chest and shoulders were literally heaving up and down from his haggard pants, claws clenching and unclenching into tight fists. His glare caused Winsome to flinch.
“I told you,” he hissed. “I told you to leave me alone.”
“I...” Winsome pursed his lips. He could be burned alive from the heat of Ormad’s glower, scorched with holes in every area of his body. One little word could set him off to yet another destructive temper tantrum. And he was on the very edge of it, the demon could tell.
Before he could actually reply, Ormad huffed, turning around and causing the skirt of his robe to spread like a fan. He brought his hands to his temples, attempting to massage the excruciating ache that was thudding in his head, but it never really worked. Nor was it actually enough to calm him down. Especially when Winsome continued to talk to him.
“...I wanna make sure you’re okay,” Winsome managed to conclude. “You’re so stressed, Maddy, and I don’t wanna see you like this.”
“Well, then deal with it!” he shouted, snapping around to direct his searing gaze back on the clown. “You’re going to see this everyday from now on, so don’t be fucking surprised!”
Winsome cowered, taking a step away with his hands awkwardly folded behind his back. The roar of Ormad’s voice rang in his ears, leaving an irregular heartbeat inside the demon’s chest.
Ormad kept his glare still and fixed as well. He didn’t blink, but a muscle in his cheek twitched.
“...Ormad,” Winsome said. “Please. Calm down. Take--”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
Winsome blinked. Then he sighed. Might as well forcefully calm him down, then. It was his only choice, after all.
He took a single step towards the Negative, which, upon reflex, caused the man to do the opposite and take a step backwards. A low growl came from his chest as he bared his white teeth. “Get away from me!” he snapped.
But the clown didn’t obey. Instead, he inched closer and closer. Ormad rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly, fidgeting with his hands in both anxiety and annoyance.
“Come on.” Winsome cautiously circled around his friend before stopping directly in front of him. “Just take a deep breath, señor.”
Ormad’s face curled into a nasty snarl. “I will not. I will not even--!”
Before he could continue to protest, the clown slipped his own gloved hands in the other’s, holding them gently but warmly. The Negative’s voice caught in his throat, and he broke the end of his sentence. Internally, Winsome smiled. He always knew that physical touch and affection were one of Ormad’s weaknesses.
Winsome took his thumbs and lightly pushed them down onto his friend’s bony palms. He could literally feel the beating of the pulse in his wrist, of how intense and aggressive it was from all the anger. Currently, his goal was to calm it down. To calm his friend down and take all that anger away.
“Just sit down, okay Maddy?” the clown crooned, a sweet tone to his honeyed voice. He guided the other to one of the chairs that accompanied the table, pushing him down softly and comfortably with ease. If it was anyone who could make anybody comfortable, it was ironically Winsome. “I’ll listen to ya.”
Ormad’s jaw clenched, as if he were trapping a dirty insult from flying out of his mouth. He did really want to let it go, but the sensation of Winsome’s hands in his was just...so comforting. What Winsome said about him was true: he did love physical affection. 
As Ormad sat, Winsome stood standing. He stood behind Ormad, feeling strange how the taller man was now below his chin. He wasn’t used to being the one who loomed over others, especially other entities or creatures that were similar as he was.
“Now, do what I said. Take a deep breath, okay? A couple, if you need to. You don’t have to say anything. Just listen.”
The gloomy and angered man’s face was still alight with wrath, his lips curled into a scowl and his hands tightened into fists in his lap. But hesitantly, he managed to do what Winsome had suggested; he took deep breaths, stopping his several puffs of anger for a few moments.
Winsome placed his hands around the base of Ormad’s neck, and he began to massage the man’s stiff, tense muscles as he spoke. For some reason, it was something that actually did soothe him in a way, and it was unexpected to know that it was from the personification of negativity itself.
As the clown began to console with his words of comfort, Ormad’s aching, heaving shoulders began to relax, and his breathing came to a slow. He stared ahead, eye slightly twitching as he did so. “Winsome--” he began, but cut himself off to the easing kneads pressing against his neck. 
The clown sighed. “Maddy...how can you put up with this so much? Can’t stay angry every single week, señor. Need to be a lil’ bit...calmer! You know what I’m saying?”
Ormad growled. “It’s not....easy.” He clenched his teeth together, doing his best to sound intimidating and cold. But the warmth against his collar argued. His voice began to lose its icy exterior, becoming more slurred and soft the longer he spoke. “I have to...deal with things. Not easy. And...you should try imagining yourself in my place.”
“Still, you overwork yourself, señor. You don’t ever sleep when you need to, and I don’t like seeing you faint.” He took his thumb and traced it along Ormad’s jawline. “You need rest. After this, go to sleep.”
“You know why I don’t sleep, Winsome,” the man muttered. “And you can’t force me to. It’s not...” He swallowed. “..it’s not something I can quite handle.”
“I know that, Maddy. But you have to at least rest. Close your eyes for a few moments or something like that.”
The man snickered, a snarky tone in his voice. “What? Do you really think that I....that....” He trailed off.
Winsome hands had suddenly moved down to the Negative’s rigid shoulders, thumbs pressing into his back, massaging the area with care. Ormad’s muscles were tense and hard underneath his black clothing, and the demon almost felt guilty. He couldn’t imagine holding a painful ache for days at a time, especially when he was always on the edge of a tantrum.
Ormad sighed, and ironically, he did what he just denied he would do. He closed his dark, tired eyelids, drowning himself in the warmth of his friend’s comfort for a few moments. His shoulders drooped, to the satisfaction of Winsome, and his head hunched over. Winsome could finally release the nervous breath that was caught up inside his chest, and a small smile crossed his lips.
“Promise me to get some rest from now on, okay señor?” He continued to massage Ormad’s rough shoulders. “I promise you’ll be okay.”
Fists finally unclenching, the Negative let out a hushed groan. “Fine,” he grumbled. “Fine, fine, fine.”
“And make sure that you treat yourself well--”
“I heard you, Winsome.” He opened his eyes, a more weary expression on his face. “I heard you.” Then he quietly hissed in pain; Winsome had rubbed onto a rather sore spot, and though it was relieving, it also hurt. He rose one of his own hands to caress the bruise, face in a slight grimace for a second or two.
Winsome wrapped his long arms around his friend’s shoulders, putting his chin on top of his head in an affectionate way. The both of them sighed, one of relief and one of satisfaction. For a few moments, they both just kept still, embracing each other. 
Then Winsome finally let go, unbeknownst to Ormad’s dismay.
“Hey now, Maddy,” he said, turning the man’s head upwards so that they looked at each other. “Go to sleep.”
“Fine,” the Negative mumbled, already on the edge of falling asleep. “I will.”
Winsome smiled, before taking his hands off of Ormad’s face and frolicking away, leaving the Man of Gloom in a more sore but comfortable state.
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themanofgloom · 2 years
ormad im living in ur walls lol
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// ...Well, he doesn't like the sound of that. //
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themanofgloom · 3 years
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// Happy (early) Halloween, everybody!! Here are doodles of the main three in costume.
Rudy - Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty
Ormad - Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
Oscar - Dr. Frank-n-Furter. //
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themanofgloom · 3 years
// here’s a little animatic i made because my mind’s all over the place
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themanofgloom · 3 years
I finally got back onto my composer ass and I composed an official theme for Ormad!! And I’m so happy to have done so. I’m really proud of this piece!! I’ve had his leitmotif in mind for YEARS but it took forever to finally write it down and put it into Garageband
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themanofgloom · 3 years
“Happy, as all the children say...
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“... Halloween.”
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themanofgloom · 3 years
Does Ormad take Rudy trick r treating around Halloween?
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In the human world, yes. Rudy will wear whatever wacky costume she likes (for instance, a stoner panda) and Ormad will follow close behind. He doesn't like to draw attention to himself, so he'll probably just be in a normal human disguise, or something to match with Rudy's costume.
Ormad doesn't like being out for long, though Rudy wants to get candy until her bucket is full. Then they can go home and Ormad will recharge his social battery while Rudy eats like 3 packets of M&M's.
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themanofgloom · 3 years
Tangent Torture Tango
starter for @theotherrookie
A part of him couldn’t believe what he was doing at the moment, and yet... he was satisfied with it. It was no deal, no, because he asked for nothing in return (though a part of him wished he did), but simply an offer. An act of kindness.
Him? Kind? He couldn’t believe it! It’d been so long since he’d displayed that sort of behavior that he almost felt sick to the stomach about it... but...
Seriously, why would you do this for a Pigeon?
Ormad had tracked down Rook’s father, even though it took a while. In that business tower of his. He wondered, briefly, if the building was bigger than the man’s ego.
Either way, it was late at night, and Ormad went through the halls as a shadow, disguised, invisible -- blended. He searched for the face that he’d seen before, and whenever he’d come across him... he’d follow. And stalk. And prepare.
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themanofgloom · 2 years
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He isn’t sure if that’s safe?
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themanofgloom · 2 years
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“Yeah, we should knock down tall people, but just stay away from my dad!”
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themanofgloom · 2 years
Happy Valentine’s Day!
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Happy Valentine’s Day from Oscar! In which he will most likely gift you baskets full of your favorite fruits or show you cute-looking planets.
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Meanwhile, Rudy is probably going to send you meme compilations on behalf of her father, who doesn’t have much renewed experience in expressing love for people who aren’t her.
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