#Pointe Poirier
piper and paul 😭😭😭
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macaroni-rascal · 1 month
Montreal Worlds 2024 Day 2&3
HOLY WOW! What a couple days that was. This is going to be a wild ramble and bullet point list of things that I can remember and stick out in the onslaught of skating that I've seen in the past 48 hours. It's also 11:30pm, so bear with me.
Roman clean program? In front of me and God and all of Montreal? Utterly wild, so exciting in the building.
Aleksandr Selevko is such a force, I enjoyed his skate SO much, what a magnetic skater.
JASON BROWN. What a serve, he is so beloved, you could just tell the whole crowd was so behind him and love him so much, it was such a stunning piece of skating.
The announcer's saying Lukas Britschgi instead of Deniss was so hilarious, and he had a lovely skate to boot.
Speaking of Lukas, LOVED him, he's so fun.
YUMAAAAAAAA. That is all.
Shoma Uno made me cry and he needs to pay for emotional damages, he had such a good warm up I was buzzing and kept excitedly hitting my friend's knee whenever he landed another clean jump. QUAD TOE TRIPLE TOE!
Ilia was there.
DEANNA STELLATO THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE. The fact that she normally has such an intense reaction post good skate, but instead this time she just leaned forward, half crying, going 'oh my god' made me cry too. The roof blew off the fucking place. It was a singular moment in my life. I am just so unbelievably happy for her and all that she has achieved. Max was so good, so steady, so fucking wonderful. I am in awe of this team.
Glad M/K went back to that free program, a shame about her doubling, and wow did she ever take it hard. It's definitely their best program, for the love of God Bruno Marcotte STOP LETTING YOUR FUCKING SISTER CHOREOGRAPH EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM. DON'T ME COME TO OAKVILLE! I'LL DO IT!
So so happy for Hase and Volodin, they had such a lovely skate, a very well deserved medal, they've had such momentum all season.
Moment of silence of Conti and Macii, that was rough.
Pairs in person made me age about 15 years, so if I have grey hair in the coming months, I know who to blame. Holy shit, it's exhilarating but also tense as hell. I loved it!
Hannah Lim, you're a fucking star.
Mrazkes are deeply underwhelming, like wow, they skate very small.
Lopareva and Brissaud also skate very very small. I kept looking up at the time thinking the program would be over and it wasn't. Not a fan at all.
Cpom CRUSHED IT and it was so awesome to see.
LAJOIE AND LAGHA MY LOVES! Easily the performance of the night, and not even close. So glad they got here after battling injury, so proud of them.
Gilles and Poirier are slooooooooooow. Very slow. Maybe the slowest of the last two groups. It's glaring. How have they not worked on this? They also skate small.
Guignard and Fabbri had a good lift, and a cringe everything else.
I just watched Evan during their performance and wow does he do not a lot. It's the Madi show and he's barely a supporting actor.
Fear and Gibson were there.
Besides her heinous jumps, Isabeau created a moment, and it was lovely to experience.
Big ups to Chaeyon Kim for a solid, if boring and slightly cold, free skate. On this night, a well deserved bronze.
Leona, oh Leona. The whole crowd deflated when she fell. Such a shame.
OKAY SO CUTE MOMENT! So Kimmy Repond's dad was sitting ldown and across from me two rows, he was about 4 feet from me. I didn't know he was her dad at the start, but I knew by the end, because he was SO dad about the whole skate. Then when she skated clean, he jumped up, a man below me went and shook his hand and went "Are you her dad?" and he got tears in his eyes, put his hand on his chest, and went 'She is my daughter." I just about sobbed my brains out. So beautiful. He then didn't clap once for the next Swiss skater, which I do not fault him for, major dad behaviour.
Moment of silence for Amber Glenn.
Josefin Taljegard, I love you.
The people around me and I all started chatting about 30 minutes into the women's free skate, by the end of it, I would go to war for all of them. Camaraderie between skating fans is very fun.
Still a giant fuck you to the woman who asked me if NikS. raped me when I pointed out to my friend he shouldn't be competing, special place in hell for you, you hot garbage person.
I got very cold during the women's free, got a hot chocolate, it wasn't good, but it saved my life, and for that I thank it.
Accidentally got up late (9:36am for a rendez vous at 10am) for breakfast with my brother, still arrived at 10:01am, I am a superhero.
Still fuck the seats in the venue, they need about 4 inches on all sides to be even remotely comfortable, including 4 more inches of leg room. We are humans, not dead sardines, for the love of GOD.
Kaori's speed and power made me gasp a few times.
I can't remember anything else but I know other things happened, ah well, it's almost midnight, I ordered late night pizza take out like a boss, I'm gonna eat that, unwind, and hopefully sleep more than four hours.
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erinaonice · 1 month
so this article (helsingin sanomat 19.3.2024) interviews juulia turkkila and matthias versluis on some changes that they've made to their free dance as well as talks about matthias's side hustle as a music editor (summarized and translated by yours truly)
an assisted lift in the free dance step sequence was over the allowed 3.10 seconds by 0.1 seconds and led to juulia and matthias lose the fifth place by 0.07 points
as such they edited the overly long move out of the program.
"we changed the move so we don't make the same mistake, not taking unnecessary risks," says turkkila at pirkkola ice rink, where she and versluis prepare for the worlds
turkkila and versluis arrived to toronto, canada, early on to recover from jet lag and to polish their programs. their rink mates there are the canadian piper gilles and paul poirier
on music: versluis plays the guitar and knows how to edit music, so he has arranged the pair's rhythm dance medley
"we're on version 15 now," versluis laughs
versluis has arranged music to other skaters as well, like a finnish synchronized skating team and the latvian deniss vasiljevs (!!)
vasiljevs premiers a new free program in the worlds with music arranged by versluis
"a request came from deniss. arranging is a bit of a side hustle, I get small compensations from it," tells versluis
in montreal turkkila and versluis compete for the fifth time on worlds level. a year ago the pair was ninth. the placement brought finland a second spot in ice dance, represented by world championships first-timers yuka orihara and juho pirinen, who were tenth in europeans
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an-odd-idea · 5 months
Ice Dance Choreographic Elements Ranked, because you all wanted to know
Basically, in ice dance, there are certain required elements like twizzles, step sequences, and lifts. There are also seven types of “choreographic elements” of which each team can do three of their choice, and I have opinions about which ones they choose
7. Choreographic Assisted Jumps: 2/10 nothingburger
Often a “blink-and-you’ll miss it” affair- just three very short lifts (they’re not even jumps lmao). Some are are super creative and cool (see: Chock and Bates folding human origami). Others are not (see: basically everyone else). Kind of a throwaway element for most, like that one class everyone takes because it’s an easy A
6. Character Choreographic Step Sequence or whatever order those words go in: 4/10 can be fun but also really awkward
Sometimes fun because teams can do basically whatever dance moves they want. Sadly, often what they want is a whole lot of nothing while making dramatic faces at the judges (Turkkila and Versluis have the best character step I’ve seen by far this season with that clock arm move they do while leaning on each other, they understood the assignment) And teams usually make a really awkward stop right by the boards because it has to clearly go across short ways, and it just never flows very nicely with the rest of the program, it’s just kind of a weird time even when otherwise done really well. Gilles and Poirier made it flow pretty nicely tho, good job!
5. Choreographic Twizzling Movement: 5/10 uncommon
Probably the least commonly done because twizzles are hard and teams don’t want to risk messing up, and they don’t really lend themselves well to expressive choreography. Also there are a whole bunch of specific requirements compared to the other choreographic elements. The novelty factor makes them cool to see whenever they do pop up
4. Choreographic Hydroblade: 6/10 new- small sample size
Brand new this season, so I’ve only gotten to see a few. Likely to rise in my rating as I see more. Gilles and Poirier have set the standard
3. Choreographic Slide Move: 8/10 awesome! unless they go for the technicality
So fun to see figure skaters slide on knees and arms and thighs and what have you without the fall deduction they would usually get for doing such things. Sometimes they decide to be lame about it and the “slide” aspect is just a hand down on the ice while otherwise just doing a skating move, but there have been so many cool slide moves ever since it became a thing. They’ll do it as a partial lift, or slide spinning on their knees in hold and then separate while still spinning like Guignard and Fabbri a couple seasons ago, all kinds of fun options, I love love love the one Hawayek and Baker did with her on one knee and him stretching out on the ice with his hand supporting him on her boot
2. Choreographic Lift: 9/10 if it ain’t broke…
The choreographic lift is just an extra lift in the program with fewer rules than the mandatory dance lifts. Just as long as it’s between 3 and 10 seconds long and somebody’s being lifted, they can basically do whatever they want, and the possibilities are endless. A lot of the time, it’s like “whoa they did NOT have to go that hard on an element worth 1.10 base value points” Sometimes they go a little too hard and it’s just kind of over complicated and weird looking, but creativity nonetheless. My favorite at the moment is Lajoie and Lagha where it’s basically a stationary lift and it looks like she’s flying right above the ice with him holding her by one arm and one leg
1. Choreographic Spin Move: 10/10 the best don’t @ me
I’ve never been disappointed by a choreographic spin move. They are just so fun, every single one of them. My favorite by far is the type like Chock and Bates last season where he was standing and holding her by the hand while she was in a near split on the ice, and all the similar ones. Spin moves that seem a lot like a dance spin except somebody’s on two feet are less common and therefore a novelty. Virtue and Moir did that cool fan kick and then spun in a dance hold. So much fun to be had, especially at those Olympics where the spin move was mandatory and we got to see so many creative things. Oh oh! and the one Lim and Quan did last season where he spun her around and dipped her while she was in arabesque, that was so neat! Oh and Lauriault and le Gac where she’s somehow laying on his boot? See??? So many good ones, I keep thinking of more
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davidfakrikian · 1 year
DVDvision - La Collection Épisode 8
L'histoire de DVDvision vol.1 continue ! Et voici l'épisode 8 de la série, quand le rédac-chef se retrouve à travailler 24h/24 pour sauver le DVD de Crying Freeman, et est trop épuisé pour signer l'édito !
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Numéro 8 - Janvier 2001 - 
116 pages
Editeur : Seven Sept
Directrice de publication : Véronique Poirier 
Rédacteur en chef : David Fakrikian
Rédacteurs principaux : Yannick Dahan, Christophe Lemaire, Stéphane Lacombe, Benjamin Rozovas, Rafik Djoumi, David Martinez, Sandy Gillet, Nicolas Saada, Nicolas Rioult, Guillaume Delbos, Gael Golhen.
Sommaire : Gladiator making of DVD, Films ados, DVD en séries.
DVD : Le Pacte des Loups, Les Rivières Pourpres.
Notes : Ce numéro fut le plus vendu de DVDvision, montant à 34 000 exemplaires. Nous venons alors d'embaucher à temps plein Benjamin Rozovas, qui prend en charge le cahier multimédia, et grâce à ma rencontre avec Nicolas de La Mothe, qui dirige alors les projets à Gaumont Columbia Tri-Star, je signe le dossier de couverture sur Gladiator, qui est une véritable plongée dans les coulisses de l'adaptation d'un blockbuster américain en DVD Zone 2. C'est donc la deuxième fois en 8 numéros qu'un film de Ridley Scott fait notre couverture. Lié au DVD, Le Pacte des Loups, forcément très racoleur, et à la superbe couverture retravaillée par Joel Casano, ce numéro tombe à point. 
Il correspond aussi à une énorme période d'effervescence pendant laquelle je me retrouve à travailler littéralement jour et nuit, ce qui explique que Leonard Haddad signe le très drôle éditorial de ce numéro. Bien que présent quand il l'a rédigé, je n'avais ce soir là plus la force d'écrire, donc je l'ai laissé à mon ordinateur le faire à ma place. 
La raison ? Alors que la date de sortie du Pacte des Loups de Christophe Gans approche, l'odyssée du DVD Crying Freeman, commencée en 1999, sur lequel je donne un coup de main au concepteur Sébastien Prangère (également le monteur du Pacte des Loups) prend une tournure surréaliste.
Au cours de la conception, j'ai décidé de mon propre chef, au vu de l'abondance de matériel, que le collector serait un double DVD-9, alors qu'à l'origine, le produit était budgétisé pour un DVD-10 (double face). Ce qui, en plein milieu du bouclage du magazine, me vaut d'être convoqué en compagnie de Sébastien Prangère dans le bureau de Victor Hadida, qui m'incendie à juste titre, (après tout, c'est son argent que je suis en train de dépenser). Les ventes sont alors estimées à 5000 ex., et faire deux DVD-9 risque de réduire fortement les bénéfices possibles du projet. Je défend mon choix avec une énorme mauvaise foi, argumentant des raisons techniques, et Victor fini par valider à contre-coeur. 
Après avoir reporté la sortie une première fois pour refaire le master en HD, (sur lequel j'ai supervisé l'étalonnage qui ensuite a été approuvé par Christophe), nous ratons la nouvelle date de sortie, quand la compagnie chargée du transfert HD nous livre un DVD master dans lequel il manque environ 40 secondes de film ! Elles étaient pourtant présentes sur la copie interpositive que nous avons remasterisée. Il faut donc tout refaire ! Et pour couronner le tout, malgré nos efforts et nos nuit blanches passées à les aider, la compagnie chargée des menus est incapable de nous livrer un produit fini qui correspond à nos attentes sur le deuxième disque des suppléments.
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Le coffret Crying Freeman de 2001, originellement estimé à 5000 ventes, est monté à 100 000 exemplaires à sa sortie.
Pendant ce temps, une fois les bons de précommande envoyés aux magasins, et après que j'ai organisé une démo de présentation pour la presse avec un avant/après, pendant laquelle tous les journalistes sont devenus fous en voyant la qualité du transfert HD du film, la hype monte. Très, très haut. L'éditeur a commencé à faire imprimer le coffret emballage. Qui passe d'un pressage de 6000 ex, initialement prévu, à 12000. Puis, deux jours après, nous apprenons qu'il y a 18000 précommandes. Nous renvoyons donc au calage le coffret, pour 24000 exemplaires. Mais la semaine suivante, on nous informe qu'il y a 32000 précommandes ! Le coffret va être remis au calage au moins quatre fois, pour un total de 80000 exemplaires, du délire total. Seul problème, si l'emballage est prêt, le DVD ne l'est pas ! 
Alors qu'il a vent des chiffres de précommandes, je devient le meilleur ami de Victor Hadida, qui convoque un meeting au sommet avec son frère Samuel, Christophe Gans et Sébastien Prangère, où nous décidons tous que vu l'attente, il est hors de question de sortir le disque tel qu'il est finalisé par la compagnie d'authoring. Victor va alors empoigner son téléphone, et sauver le projet, en embauchant TOUT le staff d'une autre compagnie d'authoring pour refaire le disque... en une semaine, sous la supervision de Sébastien et moi. Il paie donc littéralement cette société, pour que tous leur travaux en cours s'arretent, et que 100% de leur équipe travaille sur le DVD Crying Freeman 24h/24 ! 
Je me retrouve donc à travailler la journée au journal, et la nuit chez la nouvelle compagnie d'authoring, dormant dans la chambre d'amis de Sébastien Prangère entre 4 heures et 8 heures du matin, avant de reprendre le chemin du journal. En 5 jours, nous reprenons tout à zéro, reconcevant le menu, le disque de suppléments, refaisant tous les graphismes, ajoutant des bonus de dernière minute, et refaisant même deux fois la compression du film, après que Christophe réalise sur son téléviseur qu'une étrange teinte verte a fait virer inexplicablement les couleurs du master. (En vérité, on le découvrira des années plus tard, les tubes cathodiques de cette époque, différents du moniteur HD sur lequel nous avions validé le film, viraient au vert. Ils nécessitaient donc une teinte rouge dominante afin de rééquilibrer l'image, ce qui explique que tous les masters des années 90 à 2005 ont un "red push" donnant sur les écrans d'aujourd'hui une apparence rosée).
Pour passer le temps en attendant que les graphistes nous envoient les nouveaux menus sur internet la nuit, nous jouons à la Dreamcast à SoulCalibur avec Sebastien (et oui, nous sommes encore en 1801) !
Une fois le travail terminé, Sébastien a dormi pendant 4 jours, sans qu'il ait été possible de le joindre au téléphone... Une fois le DVD sorti, il sera regardé comme l'un des meilleurs jamais édité sur le marché, un exemple à suivre, qui atteindra les 100 000 exemplaires de vente au total, en pleine post-effervescence Pacte des Loups, un happy-end inespéré.
Qui a dit que la vie d'un rédac-chef était de tout repos ? Il s'est assurément trompé. 
La citation de ce numéro : "David, mon ami !"  (Victor Hadida - janvier 2001)
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wizard0rbs · 5 months
who will qualify for gpf ice dance edition
already qualified are gilles/poirier chock/bates & fournier beaudry/soerensen
also in the top six rn are lajoie/lagha lopareva/brissaud & green/parsons
most likely to still qualify are guignard/fabbri fear/gibson turkkila/versluis & reed/ambrulevicius
gf need to medal, if no other team at nhk qualifies a 4th or even a 5th place would be enough
fg would need gold or silver but depending on the other teams bronze might be enough
both tv and ra would need gold or silver, if either of them gets bronze itll depend on the other teams and the tie break with lb to win the tiebreak tv would need over 188,49 pts and ra would need over 192,28 pts
now to the most complicated scenario: if either tv or ra get gold AND fg get silver AND gf get bronze then fbs lala fg gf tv/ra would all have 26 points meaning that gf and tv/ra would qualify due to winning the 1st tiebreak fbs would qualify due to already winning the 2nd tiebreak against lala, if fg score over 193,46 pts fg qualify if they score less than that lala qualify
technically if no other team makes it lauriault/le gac or demougeot/ le mercier could also still qualify if they win
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lover-girl-estxx · 6 months
Can u please do a dustin poirier x reader where dustin is very jealous at reader's birthday because reader is talking with her ex who she is friends with so he ignores the whole night of her birthday you can complete the rest and thank you so much
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*not my gif*
"you look beautiful" Dustin said "thank you!" I put my shoes on "We're going to you're brothers right?" "Yeah!" I smiled when he leaned down and kissed me. "hey Kane" Dustin said giving my brother a bro hug still holding my hand. Their were tons of people here family,my friends, my brothers friends,Dustin's and my brothers best friend who also is my ex we ended on good terms we went on three dates is all.
| 3rd Persons POV |
"whos the guy Y/ns talking to?" He asked Y/n's cousin "her Ex thing" Dustin tightened his jaw and nodded as she put her hand on his shoulder. "he's a UFC fighter?"Ethan asked "yeah! 29 wins better watch you're self" she laughed pushing his shoulder he rolled his eyes "but he's great really i'm really happy with him" she added and smiled "that's good i'm happy for you" "thanks!". "got a joint want to smoke?" Josh Y/ns cousin asked she nodded "want to come?" she asked Ethan who nodded, "baby?" she wrapped her arms around Dustins waist looking up at him while he talked to his friend. He didn't say anything "i'm gonna go smoke a joint want to come," still nothing "okay well i'll be outside" I kissed his cheek.
"whats up with you're boy?" Alyssa asked Y/n shrugged "I don't know he was fine when we left" I took a hit of the joint.
| Y/n's POV |
When I came back in the house Dustin was sitting on the couch eating a plate of food, I wrapped my arms around his neck from behind kissing his temple "you want something to drink?' I asked he ignored me "fine...ass" I said the last part under my breath going to the cooler grabbing myself a drink. "you good?" Mandy asked "Yeah! Dustin's just being an ass" "men are like that" she laughed, I sighed.
"here this is from me and Ethan" my brother said handing me a small box "you guys didn't have to thank you" I opened the box to a bracelet "it's beautiful thanks" I smiled as he helped me put it on. It was about one in the morning "you ready?" I asked Dustin he stood up grabbing his keys from his pocket "okay then" I stood up and said bye to everyone.
Dustin was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, I wrapped my arms around me from behind and kissed his shirtless back my arm went into his waistband keeping them there "what's wrong?" I kissed between his shoulder blades. He spit the toothpaste out "you're boyfriend get you that" he turned pointing to my waist "my brother and his best friend got it for me" "you're ex?!" he crossed his arms "we went on three date's Dustin..is this what you're being an ass about!?" "yeah you're the one laughing with him" "I was telling him about you! dick!" I said leaving the bathroom going down stairs.
I was sitting on the couch watching TV, Dustin going down the stairs he wrapped his arm around me "i'm sorry I am an ass" he kissed my head "I know" I put my legs in his lap and my head on his shoulder "really and i'm sorry if I ruined you're birthday" he pecked my lips "shit I wouldn't let you ruin my birthday" I laughed he smiled. I cupped his cheek and kissed him, he laid me back on the couch kissing me "love you i'm sorry again" he pecked my lip again "Love you" I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down his arms tight around my waist my legs around his "happy birthday" he kissed my cheek.
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sunskate · 7 months
I think the problem for Lala is less IAM’s lack of influence and more their position within Canadian skating. Right now, Skate Canada is going to push super hard for Gilles/Poirier and I don’t know that there is a lot of other political capital they will have left for any of the other Canadian teams. The Canadanes also are in a similar boat.
Now that we are at a point where the majority of skaters grew up without compulsories, the skating skills just aren’t there for a lot of the teams. And the ISU is too focused on the entertainment part to care.
that sounds totally true about Skate Canada's priorities. that LaLa and even FBS are more or less on their own and not getting a push from them. the sport would be better if all teams just stood on their own. the aberration isn't that FBS and LaLa aren't getting help, it's that there are teams getting scoring help bts and that it's normalized
you hear that larger feds influence results, but then you also hear about certain coaches having political capital - how does that work? Skate Canada being able to push for G/P i can kind of understand, but how exactly is Diana Davis being held up to this extent? what's the leverage to get judges to push her? and this season, you hear people saying Igor has judges in his corner and that his teams are getting a push too. how come now, and how does he have that kind of influence?
if teams are now supposed to learn their pattern dances in the younger levels through novice since they're barely required in the upper levels, that means that skaters from a culture with a lot of skating like Canada will come up with better skills, while skaters who start later or are from countries without that will have less opportunity to develop those skills. it seems very shortsighted for an organization that's supposed to be expanding the sport
the ISU could focus more on marketing the sport competently rather than dumbing it down - in Montreal last month, there was a tv ad running for Worlds, and while they quickly showed a photo of Piper and Paul among others, the featured face was Shoma. the voiceover was really dull and factual, and there was nothing about it to appeal to anyone who wasn't already following fs
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dorothydalmati1 · 8 months
Obscure Animation Subject #55: Serial Experiments Lain
Originally posted on Twitter on April 15, 2023.
Created by Yasuyuki Ueda, written by Chiaki J. Konaka and directed by Ryūtarō Nakamura, this is a 13-episode miniseries produced by Triangle Staff, and aired on TV Tokyo from July 6 to September 28, 1998.
The series follows Lain Iwakura, an adolescent girl in suburban Japan, and her relation to the Wired, a global communications network similar to the internet. The show is an original idea to the point of it being considered "an enormous risk" by its producer Yasuyuki Ueda.
Ueda had to answer repeated queries about a statement made in an Animerica interview. He stated that Lain was "a sort of cultural war against American culture and the American sense of values we [Japan] adopted after WWII". He later expanded this in numerous interviews.
He created Lain with a set of values he took as distinctly Japanese; he hoped Americans would not understand the series as the Japanese would. This would lead to a "war of ideas" over the meaning of the anime, hopefully culminating in new communication between the two cultures.
When he discovered that the American audience held the same views on the series as the Japanese, he was disappointed. The Lain franchise was originally conceived to connect across forms of media (anime, video games, manga), but due to its failure that was scrapped.
Ueda said in an interview, "the approach I took for this project was to communicate the essence of the work by the total sum of many media products". The scenario for the video game was written first, and the video game was produced at the same time as the anime series.
However, the anime was released first. A dōjinshi titled "The Nightmare of Fabrication" was produced by Yoshitoshi ABe and released in an artbook An Omnipresence in Wired. Ueda and Konaka declared that the idea of a multimedia project wasn’t unusual in Japan, as opposed for Lain.
Despite the show’s confusion to the audience it wanted to appeal to, critics responded positively to the thematic and stylistic characteristics, and it was awarded an Excellence Prize by the 1998 Japan Media Arts Festival for "its question the meaning of contemporary life".
According to Christian Nutt from Newtype USA, the main attraction to the series is its keen view on "the interlocking problems of identity and technology". Nutt saluted Abe's "crisp, clean character design" and the "perfect soundtrack" in his 2005 review of series.
He said that "Serial Experiments Lain might not yet be considered a true classic, but it's a fascinating evolutionary leap that helped change the future of anime." Anime Jump gave it 4.5/5, and Anime on DVD gave it A+ on most criteria with some As for volume 3 and 4.
Lain was subject to commentary in the literary and academic worlds. The Asian Horror Encyclopedia calls it "an outstanding psycho-horror anime about the psychic and spiritual influence of the Internet". It notes that the red spots present in all the shadows look like blood pools.
It also notes the death of a girl in a train accident is "a source of much ghost lore in the twentieth century", more so in Tokyo. Gilles Poitras describes it as a "complex and somehow existential" anime that "pushed the envelope" of anime diversity in the 1990s.
Susan J. Napier in her 2003 reading to The Problem of Existence in Japanese Animation, compared the show to Ghost in the Shell and Spirited Away. According to her, the main characters of the two other works cross barriers; they can cross back to our world, but Lain can’t.
Napier asks whether there is something to which Lain should return, "between an empty 'real' and a dark 'virtual'". Mike Toole named SEL as one of the most important anime of the 90s. Anime Academy gave the series a 75%, but criticized it due to the "lifeless" setting it had.
Michael Poirier of EX magazine stated that the last three episodes fail to resolve the questions in other DVD volumes. Justin Sevakis of Anime News Network noted that the English dub was decent, but that the show relied so little on dialogue that it hardly mattered.
So all in all, this show is one of the weirdest shows out there, but despite being a miniseries, it still has significance thanks to the bizarre nature and sci-fi themes. Not in the levels of Neon Genesis Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop, but still really interesting to go through.
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who is into the gpf?
I guess you mean who qualified already for the GPF? 🤔
For now officially qualified are those skaters who have taken part in two events and numerically have done enough that they are under the top 6 of the GP series and cannot get kicked by the remaining skaters.
For men:
Shoma Uno (30 points), Kao Miura (26 points), Sota Yamamoto (26 points) and Daniel Grassl (24 points)
Still on the "could qualify" list are Adam Siao Him Fa with 22 points and Ilia Malinin, Keegan Messing and Shun Sato who still have to skate at GP Espoo.
For women:
Kaori Sakamoto (28 points), Yelim Kim (28 points), Isabeau Levito (26 points)
On the could qualify list Rinka Watanabe (22 points), Mai Mihara, Loena Hendrickx and Anastasia Gubanova who still have to compete at GP Espoo
For ice dance:
Guignard/Fabbri (30 points), Chock/Bates (28 points), Fournier-Beaudry/Sorensen (28 points) Fear/Gibson (26 points)
Could still qualify Hawayek/Baker and Gilles/Poirier
I don't do Pairs bc tbh Pairs is just bad atm...😅
If you meant something else with your ask, feel free to ask again!
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The fate of the Amazon rainforest is in the hands of Brazilian voters
In Brazil’s election Sunday, President Jair Bolsonaro could be voted out. Here’s what that means for the Amazon.
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The Amazon rainforest is at a crossroads.
Down one path, deforestation continues to accelerate, pushing the iconic forest closer to a dangerous, self-destructing tipping point. On the other, Brazil’s government renews its efforts to protect the Amazon, conserving an enormous amount of biodiversity and carbon.
This weekend, Brazilian voters will help decide which direction the forest takes. On Sunday, the country is holding a presidential election, and the two frontrunners — right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro and former leftist president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva — are expected to take vastly different approaches to the nation’s most beloved ecosystem.
Polls this week show “Lula,” as he is widely known, with a large lead. If neither Bolsonaro nor Lula receives at least 50 percent of the vote Sunday, the election will go to a runoff at the end of October.
Under President Bolsonaro, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has surged. Lula, meanwhile, has promised to crack down on illegal mining and help bring forest loss under control, as he did a decade ago when he was president. An analysis by the climate website Carbon Brief suggests that if Bolsonaro loses to Lula, annual deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon could be down by nearly 90 percent by the end of the decade.
“Everything that Lula has said, and even his track record, would indicate that he’s going to undo the brutal regressions of the Bolsonaro regime,” Christian Poirier, program director at the nonprofit advocacy group Amazon Watch, told Vox.
Few political issues have higher global stakes than the conservation of the Amazon. Felling the rainforest not only erodes a critical carbon sink, which helps suck planet-warming gases out of the atmosphere, but it also fuels climate change. Ongoing deforestation could also trigger a runaway reaction that may turn regions of the rainforest into a savanna-like ecosystem, stripping the forest of its many ecological benefits and natural wonders.
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macaroni-rascal · 3 months
I’d say do the same with the Canadian men and women ice dancers but… what’s the point there’s no tangible contest (tho if you feel like it I’m here for the snarky tags all the way, make me laugh-cry!)
(men: Scott, poje, Paul, Nik , Patrice, victor kraatz) (women: T, Kait, piper, lolo, Marie, Shaylynn)
Men: It's Scott first, a truly giant never ending chasm, and then Paul Poirier, and then Poje, Patrice and Victor Kraatz are all sort of tied for third place, Patch and Victor because they are from a different era, and Poje cause that boy was just a hot damn mess and with no finesse or knee bend, plus he twizzled like a skater from the 90's.
Women: Tessa first, a slightly less giant chasm than with the men, Lolo, a medium chasm, Piper and KWeaves in similar spots for different reasons, and Marie and Shae Lynn last just for the time they were ice dancers.
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Piper Gilles and Paul Poirier lead after the Rhythm Dance at the GP Final. They're in a near tie - by only about half a point - separating them and Madison Chock and Evan Bates of the US. Charlene Guignard and Marco Fabbri of Italy are in third.
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alchemistys · 2 years
skate canada day 1 thoughts
this will be mildly incoherent bc it’s late and im tired as fuck (FUCK PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION IT’S LIKE A FIFTEEN MINUTE DRIVE BUT SOMEHOW IT’S ALMOST TWO HOURS FOR ME TO GET HOME???!!!!)
-kihira rika’s skate was a bit lacklustre but her spins are phenomenal, literally so beautiful
-saw so many biellmans today flexibility game was very on point
-I am in LOVE with gabrielle daleman she is so pretty and such a precious human being, also super buff
-actually most ladies today had a really good showing? even the few who weren’t so good had a redeeming factor about their skates, like I think the...czech?? girl who skated to sweet dreams had lot to be desired but her spins were /gorgeous/
ice dance:
-definitely /the/ most fun was the canadians with the ‘cha cha cha’ dance, by far the most audience participation all day
-my personal favorite was komatsuraba/koleto with the fucking Shakira mashup
-I love those lifts where they’re going around in circles like a fucking fidget spinner
-how are they so fucking synchronized? 
-all of them were so good?? and they all looked like they were having so much fun?? I love ice dance
-not to diss anyone but the first group’s lineup was pretty lacklustre? lots of falls, spins were meh; however I will say lifts were consistently good
-the pairs did get significantly better as time went on though; well-synchronized spins are really fucking satisfying to watch
-kihara/miura were just /amazing/ 
-I want to adopt miura kao, he is absolutely adorable; cuteness aside his program was quite good, jumps were beautiful and his choreo was pretty good
-costumes were abhorrent; two of them wore fucking jeans. JEANS. that said I am willing to forgive Keegan messing but NOT fucking gogolev 
-gogolev’s was so fucking painful. the bar. was on the ground. and yet. HE GRABBED A SHOVEL.
-say it with me: Keegan Messing is a goddamn national treasure. I think he might have even gotten louder cheers than Shoma. by far the best program by sole virtue of not being hollower than a straw man. also he loves that basti squat/spread eagle-ish thing he kept doing it all the fucking time
-uno shoma is 24 years old but has the face of a 15 year old and the body of a 10 year old. his entire existence is confusing to me
-the choreo was literally so BAD for all of these. it’s just crossovers into five-second long glides just for popped jump, a fall or a flubbed landing. 95 percent of jumps today were flubbed in some way, idk if it was the ice or something or maybe they’re all trying to do quads that they can’t fucking do and that’s why they’re landing on their asses. and the times when they’re trying to do like some kind of choreo it’s just arm flailing and windmilling or random ass gestures while doing the world’s driest crossovers
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theanticool · 2 years
a couple of months early but what are your thoughts on Islam vs Charles?
For the most part, Islam’s run has been characterized by guys who will give him all the space he wants. Green, Hooker, Moises, Ramos, etc we’re either so intimidated by his wrestling or so lacking as distance strikers that they just let Islam dictate pace and range. Also, many of them were more fire hydrant shaped. Oliveira is fearless to the point of self-destruction and is built like slender man. He’s one of the most aggressive front kickers in MMA. And unlike Poirier, Gaethje, or Chandler, Islam probably doesn’t have the power or technique to knock him down a bunch. If he struggles at range against an aggressive do Bronx, can he still time a takedown? Is that a thing that’s in his arsenal?
For Do Bronx, I’m worried about what happens if this hits the mat. Unlike with his last two or three opponents, Charles has no safety zone to recover. If he’s hurt on his back, he is a sitting duck for Islam. I want to know what happens if Charles can’t get the instant sweep or sub attempt off when he gets taken down. What happens if he’s on his back, in half guard for 10-15 seconds? Cause, for all his improvements, this is the same guy that Paul Felder broke by doing that exact thing. Just being on top, flattening Oliveira out for a bit, being strong, and dropping heat. It’s a lot easier to be chaos on the feet when you know the other guy wants no part of your ground game, like Gaethje or Poirier. Islam will follow him down and try to hold him there.
I’m still not sure what to pick for this one. Haven’t watched a ton of tape. but I’m going with my heart until I do and saying Do Bronx by KO.
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davidfakrikian · 1 year
DVDvision - La Collection Épisode 5
L'histoire de DVDvision vol.1 continue ! Et voici l'épisode 5 de la série, quand DVDvision a mis Tom Cruise en couverture pour la première fois !
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Numéro 5 - Juillet 2000 - 
96 pages
Editeur : Seven Sept
Directrice de publication : Véronique Poirier 
Rédacteur en chef : David Fakrikian
Rédacteurs principaux : Yannick Dahan, Christophe Lemaire, Stéphane Lacombe, Fathi Beddiar, Benjamin Rozovas, Rafik Djoumi, David Martinez, Sandy Gillet, Nicolas Saada, Nicolas Rioult.
Sommaire : Mission Impossible, Crying Freeman DVD, Hong-Kong à Hollywood, Abel Ferrara.
DVD : Tom Cruise, John Woo, Crying Freeman, conception par Christelle Gibout.
Notes : Le premier numéro réalisé à tête reposée, sans avoir à gérer les multiples problèmes de personnel qui nous ralentissaient depuis le début. 
Pour la première fois, un semblant d'équipe et de rédaction se forme. L'éditorial est une fantaisie totale, (mais qui deviendra réalité quelque mois plus tard). En fait les bureaux sont toujours placés dans un couloir, et nous ne sommes que quatre (Christelle Gibout au DVD, Léonard Haddad, David Martinez, et moi), à travailler à plein temps sur le magazine. Ce qui est mieux que un.
L'actualité du mois, avec la sortie de Mission Impossible II de John Woo et celle du I en DVD, dans une copie enfin visionnable, nous offre l'occasion de concevoir un sommaire plus ambitieux que d'habitude, mélangeant star-attraction (Tom Cruise), culte (les réalisateur de Hong-Kong à Hollywood) et encore plus culte (Abel Ferrara). Le principe d'être à trois pour constituer l'axe rédactionnel va beaucoup apporter au magazine. Une fois nos décisions prises, nous pouvons pratiquer séparément un suivi des pigistes, chose qu'il m'était difficile de faire seul, en jonglant avec toute l'administration et le relationnel partenaires que nécessite le mag. On voit dans ce numéro notre obsession est alors de comprendre en quoi le DVD va bouleverser notre regard sur le cinéma. Les articles de Nicolas Rioult et Benjamin Rozovas, qui commençent à prendre pied dans le magazine, sont donc cohérents entre eux, même s'ils ont été écrits séparément. 
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Vu que HK magazine s'est arrêté, on contemple, avec Véronique Poirier la directrice de publication, de reprendre leur charte couverture, avec aucune accroche sur la face, et le sommaire au dos, et puis Playstation décide de nous acheter la 4ème de couverture, donc on abandonne l'idée. C'est donc la seule couverture de Joel Casano pour DVDvision, a avoir été réalisée en format large, reproduit ci-dessus.
A ce moment là, la production du Pacte des Loups vient d'emménager quelques étages au dessus de nous, ce qui nous fournit une occasion parfaite pour compléter le numéro avec une interview du monteur David Wu (les John Woo, Freeman etc...). Et j'y passe plus de temps que dans notre couloir (forcément)... 
J'ai même l'occasion de me rendre sur le tournage du film, où je réalise que malgré son optimisme légendaire, Gans doit faire face à de nombreux problèmes de logistiques, au point qu'il passe 95% de son temps à gérer les imprévus, et seulement 5% à tourner. 
En rentrant du tournage avec son assistante et lui en voiture, à 5 heures un samedi matin, je réalise a quel point il est sur les genoux, chose que l'on ne devinerait jamais en public. Le fantasme du réalisateur qui passe ses journées à concevoir ses plans en prend un coup... Les longues heures d'attente sur le plateau me donnent l'occasion de me lier d'amitié avec Mark Dacascos, qui se révèle un mec génial, toujours attentif aux nombreux fans de "The Crow" qui squattent le tournage, et plus rock'n'roll qu'il le parait.   
Je me rend à Cannes pour la première fois en tant que journaliste pendant la conception de ce numéro, mais affublé d'un badge jaune. Je ne peux pas du coup accéder à de nombreuses projections. J'en tire un article incendiaire et humoristique, qui me vaudra de me mettre en froid avec les grandes instances du festival, qui vont rire... jaune à sa lecture. Je ne regrette pas l'avoir écrit, il fallait bien que quelqu'un expose les travers de ce système un jour ! Ensuite, après avoir parlementé, les rapports vont se détendre, et je vais passer de jaune à bleu, et je serais même sélectionné comme membre du jury DVD lors de l'inauguration de ce prix quatre ans plus tard... 
Sur ce numéro, Philippe Lambert commence à arriver a bout d'inspiration pour la maquette, il n'est pas habitué, dans mon souvenir, à travailler à l'arrachée comme nous le faisons, préférant oeuvrer dans des structures plus établies. Paola Boileau, qui réalise la maquette du dossier Crying Freeman en sous-main, s'en sort par contre très bien. Je commence à en avoir marre, à ce stade, de faire des allez-retours chez le maquettiste, et rêve de pouvoir intégrer, comme toute rédaction qui se respecte, cet élément sur place, enfin, dans notre couloir. 
Le DVD quand à lui est très cohérent par rapport au contenu du magazine (ca ne sera pas toujours facile d'arriver à ce résultat). 
La citation de ce numéro : "J'espère que Gans ne va pas remettre 5 ans pour faire un autre film"  (David Wu sur le montage du Pacte des Loups - juin 2000. Le film suivant de Gans est sorti en 2006)
copyright © David Fakrikian 2006-2008 / DVDvision.fr
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