#RK900 x Reader
urlonelystarrr · 10 months
ultraviolence | part two
rk800 'connor' x reader x rk900 'nines'
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GENRE → angst, romance & smut
SYNOPSIS → your feelings for connor grew as the android revolution went on, though a new partner makes you question your feelings.
TAGS/WARNINGS → 18+ descriptions of corpses, blood, violence, homicide, child abuse/neglect, creampie, dirty talking, overstimulation, choking, oral(male & female giving/receiving)
after working in the DPD for so long, you never could get used to the sound of your alarm blaring at 5:00 am. by the time you arrived at your desk, your limbs were already aching for the warmth and comfort of your bed - the type of tiredness that could only be satiated by a full night's rest (which you didn't get most nights).
to add onto the poor sleep schedule you had, the past few weeks had been filled with an unnecessary amount of paper work, and most of your time was spent sitting in front of the terminal at your desk. in order to pass the time, you'd make frequent stops to connor's desk, only to be yelled at by hank to get back to work. or you would attempt at small talk with nines, to which he always responded with narrowed eyes and a stern look. it was clear he wasn't fond of small talk so early in the morning.
this morning was no different than the last, as you sat at your desk, bored out of your mind. the day had just begun, and the steaming cup of coffee on your desk still wasn't able to replace the extra hours of sleep that you had missed. as if a silent prayer had been answered, you swiveled your chair around to see connor's lovely face, greeting you with a good morning. "good morning detective, you seem to be in a good mood today," he gave a small smile. "all thanks to you," you smile, not noticing the grey eyes across your desk watching the two of you. connor stayed silent for a moment as his LED pulsed amber, and you followed his line of vision to see nines doing the same. "i've sent the case file to rk900, i've just got a report of a double homicide and a suicide," he briefed. "what an amazing way to start my morning," you replied, sarcasm laced in your tone.
"lieutenant anderson is currently supervising an academy student, and since i'm not authorized to investigate crime scenes on my own, i will accompany you today." connor said, hands clasped behind his back as he looked down at you. nines stood from his seat, making his way over to join connor. you took a sip of your coffee before standing up to join the pair, grabbing your keys and heading to the lot.
"what do we know about the homicide?" you asked nobody in particular. unfortunately you had to sit in the backseat of your own car, as nines insisted on driving and connor took the passenger seat before you could. "a mother had murdered her own two children before taking her life. an hk200 reported that he was a witness and is currently at the station giving a written statement," connor turned around to look at you, before turning back around to face the road. "and this happened how long ago?" you asked.
"around 20 minutes ago," nines suddenly spoke, despite being quiet the entire ride. "did the android mention that she had a husband?" nines looked in the rearview mirror to make eye contact with you before replying, "no, however legal documents show that she is married." he pulled into a vacant area near the house crowded by bystanders, police and news reporters. the three of you passed the digitalized 'POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS' tapes, ignoring people's questions about what had happened. as you entered the home, the three of you split up. as stated in the report, the crime took place in three different areas; the kitchen, the bathroom upstairs, and the last in the children's shared bedroom.
you headed over to the kitchen, where the wife laid motionless at the table, a gunshot wound lodged in the back of her head. part of her brain matter was exposed, and the surrounding area had been decorated in brains and blood. it was a gruesome sight to say the least, but you suspected that it was a little odd position for a suicide. connor stood next to you, moving in front of the corpse and analyzing her body. connor's on sight forensic analysis proved to be quite effective as it saved a lot time, compared to waiting for forensic reports after you had analyzed the scene. his brow furrowed slightly, as he looked at you (not without sampling the blood of course). the weapon - a glock G19, was located next to her hand, along with a glass of wine.
"that's unusual. the exit wound isn't on the back of the head, instead it's in the front. it's a strange way to shoot yourself," connor examined, turning to you for your opinion. "i don't think this was a suicide. i think it might've been a homicide, but we can't say for sure," you replied to his analysis, before leaving to join nines upstairs. connor watched your retreating figure, before reconstructing a possible scenario.
as you walked up the creaking stairs, you took notice of the door that was slightly ajar in the distance. as you neared it, you realized it was the bathroom. you pushed the door open with a foot, immediately noticing the bloodied corpse of one of the children in the bathtub. the water had been drained, leaving the body in a pool of her own blood. the victim suffered three gunshot wounds, one in her chest, one in her right side and the last one in her forehead.
it was sickening to see, but the more you looked the more things you found. the gunshot wounds weren't the only injuries she had, as there were welts scattered across her legs, and faint burn marks on her wrist. the welts could have come from a belt. the sight immediately reminded you of the hk400, the first case you ever worked on involving an android. a bubble of disgust and guilt boiled in the deep pits of your stomach, but you swallowed it and stood up, only to be startled by connor's unannounced appearance. "jesus, you scared me!" you sighed. "i didn't intend to startle you, detective," connor said reassuringly, with his hand on the small of your back. you ignored the comforting feeling of his hand on your back, and moved to the final room, leaving connor to analyze the second corpse.
nines crouched next to the young boy, who didn't look older than the age of eight. he took a sample of his blood, analyzing his DNA like his predecessor. like his sister, he was shot. but forensic analysis suggested he was strangled before. judging by the purplish hue on his neck, it was evident that he'd been choked. "i reconstructed a possible scenario. it seems that the perpetrator came in through the door, and then proceeded to choke the victim before shooting him four times," nines explained, looking at you as you stared at the bloodied corpse on the floor. the carpet had been stained red, along with a stick figure drawing of the boy and his family. a few crayons surrounding the picture had suffered the same fate as the drawing - stained red and broken.
you noticed that he suffered the same marks, which were obvious indicators of abuse. nines and connor had seen it too, the bruises, the burn marks and the welts. "I think the mother might have been abusing her children. maybe she felt guilty after doing this and decided to take her life," your brows furrowed as you examined the room further, noticing the lack of clothes and toys.
"It's likely, as her fingerprints match the ones on the gun." nines said. connor chimed in, adding to nines' analysis. "however, the exit wound on her forehead indicates that she couldn't have shot herself. if she killed her two children, then who killed her?" your brows only furrowed in confusion as you tried to piece together what had happened. judging from their analysis, she couldn't have ended her life. if the hk200 was a witness, then he was lying, because the mothers death wasn't adding up. the husband was also nowhere to be seen, and the gun she used was registered in his name. there was only one way to make sense of this mess, as it had spiraled into something beyond what the files insinuated.
"hello, my name is detective l/n. what's your name, honey?" connor and nines watched in the observation room as you questioned the hk200. "my name is michael," he replied, fiddling with his hands in his lap. connor's brow arched slightly from the pet name, an unknown feeling erupting in him that could only be described as jealousy. "thank you for being cooperative, i understand you've already given a written statement but we'd like to ask you a few questions." you opened the case file, revealing the images taken of the bodies. he avoided looking at the pictures, and looked at you or around the room. the room was designed to be plain and bland, in order to keep the person under questioning focused and not distracted. this allows for them to rely on the detective for any type of distraction.
"what did you do today, michael?" you started off with easy questions to gain rapport, as answering easier questions would put him at ease and he would be more likely to give you more information. you could always scare them into a confession, but that would only escalate the situation and end in a possible destruction. "i did my usual list of chores," he replied. you nodded, "does this include cooking meals?"
"yes," he confirmed. "can you tell me what their mother does? does she help out, or does she rely on you for taking care of the children?" you noticed as he began to shift in his seat at the mention of her. "she left taking care of the children to me, and she'd spend most days drinking." you nodded, "did you have a good relationship with the children?" he took a little longer to respond, his eyes glossy with a type of pain you'd seen before. a look you wished to never see again. but then again this wasn't about you. "yeah, we did a lot together. drawing, playing games, normal things." he sounded hurt, like he was genuinely affected. you felt for him, reaching across the table to offer a comforting hand to him. he put his hand on top of yours, relaxing a little as he calmed down from your touch.
"was she married?" you had asked, despite knowing the answer. it was a simple test to see if he was lying or not. "yes. her husband would come home late and leave early in the morning, so she wouldn't spend much time with him," he explained. upon hearing this, connor did a quick search and was able to find his workplace. it was possible that the husband had left before the crime happened, and would come home to horrible news. "what time does he leave for work?" you asked, and the android replied rather quickly. "he leaves at 7:00am." by the time you arrived on scene, it had been 9:27am, and if it happened around twenty minutes before you arrived, then the husband would have been long gone, meaning the crime would take place around 9:07am.
you pushed a few images of the injuries on the children, waiting for him to look at them. "since you took care of the children, you probably have noticed these marks on them. do you know who caused them?" he visibly stiffened, eyes trained on the images of the marks and bruises. he then stared at his lap, remaining silent. but the look of guilt on his face was becoming more apparent. "i know you cared about those kids. you looked after them everyday. i can see the pain in your face." his brows started to furrow, before he slammed his fists on the table, startling you slightly. nines and connor were quickly alerted by this behavior, bodies tense and ready for anything to happen. "you don't know anything!" he yelled. "i don't, so tell me the truth," you pressed. he stayed silent again, before admitting it.
"it was the mother. she did it," he confessed. "she'd beat them almost every night. one time i tried to stop her but she said she'd return me to cyberlife if i stepped any further."
"then who killed her?" leaning into the table, you watched as he averted your gaze, "she committed suicide." it was evident he cared for those children, and seeing their abuse would become something he couldn't tolerate any longer. it started to make sense, when you placed him in the same position of the perpetrator from connor's reconstruction, it all made sense. she had downed glasses of wine after murdering her children, michael finally had enough, his heart broken over the deceased children - and so he grabbed her gun, and shot her in the back of the head before placing the gun so it looked like she committed suicide.
it seems that he started to realize that you knew what happened - what he did. "we both know that's not what happened." you stated firmly. he quickly shot up from his seat, lunging across the table to knock you to the ground. your chair tipped back, causing you to fall on your back. he was quick to get on top of you, his hands immediately wrapping themselves around your throat, and his skin peeled back to reveal the white plastic underneath. you kicked, and tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he was too strong. your throat burned as his digits dug into your tender skin, his fingers right above your pulse point. it throbbed wildy underneath his fingertips, only encouraging him to keep his silence.
connor was quickly on top of him, a hand pinning him to the table while michael's hands tried to fight the deadly grip of the rk800. nines quickly pulled you out of the room, and as much as he wanted to deal with the hk200, he knew connor could handle it.
connor didn't say a word, and it terrified the android underneath his palm. he could only stare into the hot rage above him, warnings popping up in his screen warning him of a shutdown. connor had torn out his thirium pump, the tips of his fingers holding onto the pump in his hand. hot blue blood splattered over his fingers and clothing, though that was the least of his worries.
"you're going to talk," connor suddenly said. "you have approximately 120 seconds before you shut down. i suggest that you tell me the truth, otherwise it won't be the other officers you have to worry about. it'll be me." he leaned into his ear, before putting his thirium pump back into place. his forearm pushed him down into the table, preventing him from moving. "i won't tell you." michael sneered. connor said nothing, and immediately grabbed his arm to probe his memory. michael grunted, the sensation feeling like a burn throughout his body as connor searched his memories. that was all the confirmation that he needed.
michael was escorted out, and you found yourself in the bathroom again, splashing cold water onto your face. after all that happened today, you felt like you didn't solve anything. the husband would come home to his entire family gone, and you felt like you couldn't save anyone. this feeling of shame and guilt, you felt partly responsible. it brought you back to the painful memories of the last case, but this time you had connor and nines.
"you should go to a hospital," nines suggested. both of the androids had scanned you again and again, all to make sure that you were alright. "i'm okay nines," you reassured your partner. "nines?" connor joined in, his head turned to look at his replica. "yes, that is the name that was given to me from the detective." nines replied, his eyes locked onto his predecessor. connor ignored nines, and asked if you were really alright. his fingers itched to touch the bruises forming around your neck, but he pushed away the thought and focused on your well-being. "you both don't need to worry. i've been doing this for years," you replied cooly.
fowler had come up to the three of you, his intense gaze locked on you. "you should head home, l/n. we seriously cannot have you getting injured on the job again," he said sternly. connor was about to retaliate, but nines placed his arm in front of him to stop him. they made brief eye contact, communicating silently.
'don't make it worse for her,' nines said. connor ignored him, his eyes locked on yours as captain fowler scolded you while also making sure you're okay. you sighed once he left, running a hand through your hair. "i guess i'll be getting home then," you said to both the androids, noticing that connor looked worried. "let me drive you home, i feel partly responsible for your injury," he said, his hand on the small of your back again. you smiled, trying to mask the way your body responded to his touches. though, you had forgotten that connor wasn't the only one who could read your body, nines could too. his LED circled amber as he scanned you, taking note of how your temperature raised whenever he or connor was around. he bid you goodbye, and watched as you left with connor for the night.
the car ride wasn't awkward at all. one thing that separated connor from nines was the fact that connor spent more time around humans, and he knew how to make conversation easier. the sound of the car engine and rain pattering against the roof put you at ease. detroit could be pretty at night, especially when it was raining like this. "i saw you take care of that android, you can be scary," you laughed. he gave a small smile in response to your laughter, "i didn't mean for you to see that. i apologize if-"
"i'm only teasing you," you nudged his arm with a grin, "it was kind of hot." he cocked a brow, his social relations program helping him differentiate the two meanings of the word. "hot? i don't think cyberlife intended for it to come off that way.." you laughed, missing these conversations with the android. if only hank could supervise academy students forever, and you could have both rk units to yourself. "i'm worried for you detective, it seems that you're putting yourself at risk with these cases. you should be more careful," he looked over at you, his eyes flickering to your injury before returning back to the road. you eyed him as he drove, fighting the smile the threatened to crawl up your face at his concern for your well-being. "thank you connor, but that's kind of my job. i knew what i was getting into when i was training to become a cop. i know the risks, but for you i'll be more careful." it was strange for him, for him to smile without making the conscious effort to do so, for his body to do things that weren't premeditated and forced.
the more you looked at him from your peripheral, the more you saw the differences between him and nines. you never would compare them, but they were so different in personality that it was slightly humorous. sometimes when you looked into connors eyes, you couldn't help but feel like you'd give him everything. his eyes ere so soft, and the only thing you could compare it to were puppy dog eyes, the thought of it making you chuckle, causing the android look over at you. "what's funny, detective?" you shook your head, "oh nothing. i was just thinking about how hard it must be being the most attractive detective alive," you smiled. if he could blush, he definitely would. "it must be an everyday struggle for you then," he replied cheekily.
it wasn't long before he was inside of your house, awkwardly lingering at your front door while you took your shoes off. "you should stay the night, it's raining too hard for you to be going home so late." he nodded, analyzing your home. it was a modern space, decorated with matching furniture but lacking any personalized items like photos. "i'm going to change, i'll be back soon, you can hang out here,"you smiled before disappearing into a different room. he walked over to the kitchen, noticing a pet food bowl, and an orange cat purring as it rubbed it's body on his legs. he crouched down, petting the cat gently. the collar was a light pink, with the name reading 'peaches'.
you returned, only to find him very immersed with petting your cat. you smiled, crouching next to him to pet her. "she seems to like you," you said, fingers accidentally brushing against his as you pet her together. "she's nice, i like dogs and cats." you chuckled, smiling from his pure nature. he was so sweet. "androids don't sleep, do they?" you suddenly asked, after thinking about what he was going to do while you slept. "no, androids don't require things like sleeping or eating. however we do have a 'rest mode' where we temporarily shut down to reserve energy." his eyes were attentive to your exposed skin, as he was used to seeing you in long sleeved tops, and a skirt with stockings. but you were in the comfort of your home, wearing a tank top and shorts. he appreciated the view.
"that makes sense, I think I'd go insane and hallucinate after not sleeping for a couple of days," you replied, moving to the couch where he followed you. he looked cute sitting in your girly living room. his eyes flickered between you and your neck, your tank top revealing more of your neck and chest, which he tried to ignore. "it doesn't hurt if that's what you're worried about," you said, after noticing his LED turn amber a few times. he was analyzing you. "i apologize, i didn't mean to-" you cut him off by shaking your head, placing a hand on his thigh which was impossible to ignore. "that's okay, i know you're concerned. it's sweet connor, I'm thankful for you," you smiled. something fluttered within him, it was the feeling he got when he made amanda happy or accomplishing a mission, just without being literally forced to accept the woman. she was long gone, but that's what he could compare this feeling to. who knows, maybe he just liked being praised. "thank you for being understanding, detective." his thirium pump raced from the sudden contact, his skin warming from the heat of your palm. "please, call me by my name. even in the office. you're my friend," you rested your hand on his shoulder, the urge to just touch him everywhere overwhelming you. "okay, y/n." the sound of your name rolling off his tongue was something that you enjoyed too much.
his eyes were trained on the floor, a pang of guilt welling up inside him from today's events. "i still feel responsible for your injury." you sighed, "connor, it's okay. it's not your fault." your hand moved to his, and you held his hand gently. there it was, that feeling again. he wanted you to hold his hand forever. your thumb brushed over his knuckles, and he gently squeezed your fingers in response. you suddenly got shy, as your eyes avoided his and you slightly warmed from what you were going to ask. "connor?" you asked for his attention, and he'd give it to you, no questions asked. he titled his head slightly, finding it hard to focus when you were holding his hand. it was far more intimate than any other gestures you've given, besides hugs, he might've found a favorite. "what is it det- y/n?" he corrected. "can i hug you?" you smiled shyly at him. it was unusual for you to ask since you'd always just go ahead and hug him (not that he minded), but it seemed like in your personal space and a much more secluded area, you seemed to be more nervous when alone with him. "of course you can, you don't need to ask. is that why you were nervous?" he teased, and you smiled before leaning into him and wrapping your arms around his body. hugging him wasn't what you expected- it was nothing like hugging a mannequin, but it wasn't like hugging a human. he still had the warmth and the softness from his skin, but under that was plastic and metal that made his body feel more firm. almost like how you'd touch flexed muscles, his body was similar to that.
his arms were wrapped around your waist, a little more loosely than yours. he liked the way you smelled, your smell was comforting in a way. as an android, he could register smells, but he didn't experience them in the same way as humans. certain smells are tied to memories, like a home cooked meal reminding you of childhood. yet your scent made him feel a certain way that he couldn't describe, no matter how many times he tried to compute it. it was just a pleasurable feeling. you smelled good all the time, everytime you hugged him he'd smell bright crystal by versace. "i have a question, y/n." he suddenly spoke. you hummed into his shoulder, prompting him to continue. "what makes you so affectionate towards me?" you almost laughed at his question, but it made you stop and think for a second. he could feel your heart race, and he didn't know why, it was a simple question.
"because I like you." you pulled away, looking to see his reaction. "thank you, I like you too. it's a great pleasure to be working with you," he gave a soft smile, not quite understanding what you really meant. you laughed, and shook your head. "I meant I have feelings for you. and it's okay, I don't expect you to return them, but I just want you to know that I've liked you for a really long time now."
his brows furrowed slightly, now understanding what you meant. you were worried, did he like you too? it had been strange for him. to deny his feelings at first, to ignore the increased whir of his thirium pump when you were around, to distract himself from how good your touch made him feel. to try to talk to someone else because he felt the need to be around you all the time. lately he's been more accepting of these feelings, and some of the new urges he's discovered. he's never felt the urge to want to touch someone before, to see you do things that were completely inappropriate. at first, he felt shame for thinking about you that way. but when he came to accept that it was probably normal, it was easier to let loose. his silence made you worry, but he was happier than he's ever been in his entire life. his LED was showing that he was currently processing the information, and he tried to hide how happy he really was. "I have feelings for you too, and I don't think I would've ever admitted them because I was afraid of rejection," he admitted, a soft smile tugging at his pink lips.
him? connor? the deviant hunter was afraid of being rejected by you? it almost made you laugh, because the thought was so bizarre to you. "are you serious? you were afraid?" you teased him back, and he rolled his eyes at your comment. he looked at you, and then your lips. you did the same, hoping that the two of you were sharing the same thought. in an instant, his lips were on yours. it was a completely new sensation to him, since the only thing to touch his lips were his fingers when analyzing DNA, so the feeling of your plush lips against his own was very new. he liked it.
your hand found its way on the side of his neck, and you deepened the kiss by gently pushing him back onto the couch. his LED pulsed a steady blue, even if inside he felt like he was burning up. he'd never felt so hot before, the component that circled cool air into his system working twice as hard to keep him from overheating. your tongue ran across his bottom lip, and he couldn't deny that he really liked that. your tongue then pushed past his pearly whites, and he actually thought he might catch on fire if you keep pushing him like this. his hands ran up the small of your back, and he pulled you into his lap, making you pull away from the kiss momentarily - a string of saliva connecting your mouths. you pulled him back by his tie, your fingers looping around the fabric to loosen it. it started with his tie, then his jacket, and then your fingers were slowly unbuttoning his shirt. he tilted his head back, allowing you to kiss his neck and the middle of his throat, your tongue running down his adams apple.
he was experiencing pure bliss, the feeling of your tongue running against his skin almost burning him from the heat. your kisses started in between his collarbones, and then it led down his sculpted stomach. you were pleasantly surprised by his muscular physique that hid underneath his clothes. through the jacket, you couldn't see much, but now you were able to see how strong he actually was. cyberlife intended for him to be stronger, and in doing so they gave him a lean yet muscular physique in order to be faster and precise. you slowly shifted to your knees, kneeling in between his thighs. you pushed his legs apart, and rested your arms on his thighs, while your fingers played with his belt. his cock strained against his boxers and his jeans as he looked down at you. your palm pressed on his crotch, and he clenched his jaw from the sudden pressure. fuck, you were going to break him.
"shit," he hissed, feeling more of your hand pressing on him through his jeans. it was a first hearing him curse, and fuck did it turn you on. before you continued, you momentarily stopped to ask him if it was okay. he nodded, his breathing becoming heavier as you unbuckled his belt. you pulled his jeans down enough to where his boxers were exposed, and fuck you didn't expect him to be so...big. it was hard to hide your surprise at his size, and you finally knew why he was always in a good mood. he smirked, his head tilting while his hand ran through your hair. you pulled his cock out gently, kissing his tip before wetting the length with your tongue. you made direct eye contact with him while you ran your tongue up the length of his cock. he nearly came just from the sight.
"you're so pretty," you complimented, before taking him in your mouth. the artificial muscles in his thighs clenched from the heat and wetness from your mouth, and he didn't know if he could handle being inside you if your mouth felt this heavenly. he let out soft grunts, making you clench your thighs together. you spit on his pink tip, before swirling your tongue around the head of his cock, your hands working up his length. you took him in your mouth again, your eyes tearing up from his tip hitting your throat as he gently thrusted into your mouth. his breathing became heavier, grunting while his head tipped back. you were surprised to feel his fingers gripping your hair, before you realized that he was holding you in place. he grunted one last time, before cumming into your mouth. unlike humans, his cum didn't have a certain taste as it was artificial, yet there was still something delicious about it, and you practically licked your lips clean.
your knees ached from being on the floor, and you were surprised yet again when he kissed you again, this time more hungry. you kissed back with the same amount of hunger, your lust never ending for the android that was above you. you laid on your couch, watching as he placed his hands on either side of your head. it was his turn to be in-between your thighs, and you whimpered feeling his cock press against the outline of your shorts. "i want you just as bad as you want me," he muttered into the crook of your neck, his lips kissing at your jaw and neck. unfortunately you couldn't bruise android skin, but he could bruise yours easily. his tongue licked at your skin, and he began to suck to leave a hickey. your hands traced the muscles on his back, your palms running up and down the smooth skin. "yeah? prove it," you challenged, watching as he nearly tore your shorts off, leaving you feeling exposed.
he was a little overwhelmed by so many urges at once, the urge to break you and leave you begging for him, or to fuck you until you cry. your back arched as he started to kiss your exposed cleavage, sitting up on his knees to squeeze your boobs. he'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about doing this before. you moaned, watching as he lifted up your tank top and discarded it to the side. he kissed your chest, and you arched your back enough for him to remove your bra. he looked down at you, admiring how pretty you are. "you're prettier," he replied to the comment you made earlier, leaning down to squeeze and play with your boobs. he pushed your hips down from moving up into his, his palms holding you down easily. he decided to do the same, and pressed a thumb against your clothed pussy. you whimpered as he moved his thumb in slow circles, applying the right amount of pressure for you to be arching your back.
"my mouth isn't just for sampling dna, you know," he uttered lowly, his lips pressing against your pussy. you felt so hot, your skin burned from every touch. his hands gripped at your thighs, before moving one of his hands to tear your panties off. he didn't know if he could hold himself back, but for your sake he tried. "oh fuck," you whimpered as he ran a tongue up your slit, brown eyes peering up at you for your reaction. your brows twisted in pleasure, as his tongue began to work magic on you. the tip of his tongue swirled deliciously around your clit, before his lips sealed around you. it didn't take you long until you came on his tongue, his middle and ring finger buried deep into you while his mouth lapped at your clit. your abs clenched, your back arching and your toes curling as you unleash yourself on his mouth.
the moans that spill past your mouth are filthy, filling up the room along with the smell of sex. his fingers shove themselves into your mouth, and you're forced to taste yourself while you look up at the android above you. he looked so hot, his lips were slightly parted and shiny from being in between your thighs. his hair was slightly messy from you tugging on it, which he didn't mind. how his hair looked was the last thing he was thinking about. all he was thinking about was fucking you until you couldn't take it anymore. you lovingly suck on his fingers until his fingers are stripped of your taste, your tongue grazes his knuckles as he pulls them out from your mouth.
"is this your first time?" you asked, your fingers tracing his jaw and running down his chest. "yeah," his short response made you grin, and you pushed him back into the couch, immediately crawling onto his lap. his dick rests against his stomach, and you guide it back to your slit, hovering over him slightly in order to put it in. he looks down at your hand wrapped around his dick, capturing all of this and storing it into a special area that could only be accessed by him. he was definitely going to look at this later. you slowly sink onto his cock, the both of you grunting from the pressure. he seems to be in pure bliss, his head tilting back, his pretty pink lips parted and brows furrowed. if you could take a picture, you would. you gently rock against him, moving your hips slowly in order to not overwhelm him. your hands rest against his chest, and his hands grip onto your hips as you ride him slowly. you lean down and kiss his neck, adding onto the pleasure he was feeling right now. soft gasps and groans slipped out from his mouth uncontrollably, as he started to lose himself in the feeling of you clenched around him. you started to move faster, a pace that only brought the two of you closer to your end. your pussy wrapped around him deliciously, your wetness dripping down and spilling onto his thighs. he wasn't going to let you have all of the control, though.
it might have been his first time, but he sure knew how to fuck like he'd been doing it for years. he suddenly picked you up, with his cock still inside, and pressed you up against the nearest wall. you gasped, legs and arms wrapping around him in fear of being dropped. "don't worry, I'm not gonna drop you," he murmured against your neck, his strong arms holding you up with ease as he started to pound into you. your head titled back as you pushed your hips into him, his inhuman stamina keeping you up in the air, while miraculously being able to hit the spot that made you nearly scream.
"c'mon, take it, i know you can" he encouraged, his cock hitting that spot that made your toes curl. "cum on this dick, i know you want to," he continued, his voice low and demanding as he leaned next to your ear. it was different from how he spoke at the office, with professionalism and respect. but right now, he was fucking you like he had no respect for you, like he hated you. his pace was brutal, filling your pussy up until you couldn't take it. his cock rested heavy inside you, stretching your pussy out in the best way possible. his hand held you by the throat, while his body supported the weight of yours. "oh my god, fuck," you whimpered, your pussy clenching around his cock before you came all over him. he grunted, gasping as his cum poured into you, combining into a mess on your thighs and his own. he thrusted into you a few more times, enjoying the whimpers that slipped past your lips, the way you begged him to stop, the sound of your voice telling him that it was too much. he pulled out gently, cock dragging against the warm walls of your pussy. a new feeling overcame him as he watched his artificial cum drip out your pussy. you returned to your feet, nearly dropping a whole head as he'd been holding you up at eye length. you truly didn't understand how he was able to do so much. goddamn.
"i have no idea how you're able to hold me up like that," you took a second to control your breathing. he smirked, "my stamina and strength were designed to help catch deviants, though I'd say that I prefer fucking you over the mission." you softly gasped, hitting his arm playfully. "I've never heard you curse before," you giggle, doing a little walk of shame to retrieve your clothing. he mimicked your movements, putting his boxers and pants on first, while you lazily threw on your tank top and panties. you stopped him before he could put on his dress shirt. "I don't usually curse when I'm at work, as it's not professional, but we're not at the police department, are we?" he cocked his head, watching curiously as you put on his grey jacket over his bare upper body. "no, we are not," you smile, stepping back to admire your work. "what is the point of wearing a jacket if I'm not wearing anything underneath?" he questioned, watching as you eyed his body. "it's hot," you comment, dragging a hand down his bare stomach, your fingers tracing over his abs. "i look like i work at the eden club," he replied, not very fond of this look. you giggled, pulling him into you for another kiss.
it might have been the first time in a while that you've felt like you were doing something right. whatever you felt with connor, it felt right. he felt the same as you, he felt like having you in his life was something he wouldn't be able to let go. the two of you stayed like this, not putting a label on things yet, and being content with the things way are. you were happy, and so was connor.
though you couldn't deny the slight feelings of desire that you had for his counterpart. you felt guilty for having thoughts about nines. he was your partner. you felt selfish for wanting them both, and you didn't want to have to make a choice with who you wanted to be with, because that wasn't fair. you weren't saying that nines would even have feelings for you, but the mere thought was just enough to make you consider all the possibilities. what you didn't know, was that connor was well aware of the feelings you might have for nines, as well as him. he noticed the looks you gave, the thrum of your heart if he came too close. he didn't know why, but he didn't mind. he didn't mind seeing you look at nines like that, probably because they had the same face. but also because he wanted nines to enjoy you too. he could tell that nines was having the same thoughts, and if only you knew what was going on in his head. the thought of you being used by both of them was exciting. you don't know what's in store, but you know what you're here for.
AUTHORS NOTE: ur a real one if u get the reference at the end, but I just wanted to say I'm so grateful for all the support that you guys show me ♡ I hope i didnt miss any tags, so pls lmk if i did !! ALSOO i'm so sorry for using y/n. i hate it but i literally don't know what else to put.
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multi-fandomedfreak · 10 months
Hi, may I request headcanons for Connor, Nines and Ralph (separately)? How would they react if reader took them to buy clothes for themselves for the first time?
Authors note: This is so stinkin cuteee
Characters: Connor, Nines, and Ralph
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ : Ralph is a little insecure about his scar lol, very fluffy
🪙 Connor 🪙
-He would be so grateful for you to buy him clothes
-He doesn’t wanna walk around in that Cyberlife uniform all the time lol
-Even though he’s Deviant he’s still not used to doing things for himself a lot
-So when he hears that he gets to pick out his own clothes
-He just awkwardly sifts through the clothes at the store
-You find it pretty cute how he has no idea what he’s even looking for poor boy
-Eventually he asks you for help and you both get swept into a shopping spree
-If you asked him to, he’d definitely give you a little fashion show as he tries on clothes
-He may or may not get addicted to shopping with you
-I also feel like once he gets a sense of what kind of clothes he wants
-He’ll pick out so. many. suits.
-And of course many ties to match
-Idk why but yeah he just loves lookin dapper
-Although he would be very considerate of your budget and would try not to buy too many things
-Just keep a close eye on him tho
-Bc he will get lost in the store (poor boy gets too curious)
💙 Nines 💙
-He is so confused on why you want to buy him clothes
-He’s all like: “But I already have clothes.”
-And you gotta convince him that one suit just isn’t enough
-Literally takes forever to convince him to let you buy him some clothes
-And he’s even more confused-for some reason- that he has to go with you to buy them
-If you could give a question mark a face, it’d be the face that Nines is making
-He just didn’t think he would actually be picking out the clothes himself
-So you make it a goal for him to start making decisions for himself
-When you both get to mall, a little like Connor, he has no clue on where to start picking out clothes
-So you both take a while to first discuss what kind of clothes he wants
-And then you finally start picking out clothes
-I feel like Nines would def get a bunch of suits too
-But not like Connor, Connor at least knows he can’t have just suits
-But no, Nines wants ONLY SUITS
-Takes more time to explain how he can’t just have suits
-Literally took almost the whole day to just buy him clothes
-But it was worth it because he was grateful for it in the end
🌿 Ralph 🌿
-He’s ecstatic about getting new clothes!!
-He wants to look more presentable and is beyond grateful you would offer to buy him clothes
-Like I’m pretty sure the amount of time he said “thank you” that day
-Was the amount of times someone says “thank you” in a lifetime
-Buuut he gets a little hesitant when you ask him to come with you to buy his clothes
-He hatesss the idea of going out in public
-Especially with his scar, he’s super insecure about it
-So tons of reassuring later, you and Ralph are in the store picking out his clothes
-The entire time he’s practically glued to your side
-Like literally. He has not let go of your hand the moment you both let the house
-But it’s not as bad as he first thought
-He actually starts having fun picking out his clothes and trying them on
-Definitely a flustered mess when you compliment the clothes he tries on
-He’s confused but happy that no one has said anything about his scar
-Totally not having to do with you giving anyone The Death Stare™️ if they even breath at Ralph the wrong way
-Over all it was a very fun experience for the both of you
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randoimago · 1 year
Hey there! “i want you. i don’t know why, i can’t explain it, but i just wanna be around you all the time” for Connor (if possible, both - RK800 and RK900) and s/o, please! Mwah! Thanks!
“i want you. i don’t know why, i can’t explain it, but i just wanna be around you all the time”
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Character(s): Connor, Nines (RK900)
Type of Request: Sentence Scenarios
Note(s): Usually the fandom name for RK900 (Nines) cause it's easier than putting the model number the whole time!
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Connor gets a warning about a surge in his thirium pump as he hears you say these words. He gets rid of it as his programming tries to process what you said, his emotions getting tangled and confused but the most prominent one would be similar to happiness.
A smile crosses his face at your words, he deactivates the warnings that keep popping up about instabilities and overheating. You probably notice a bit of an annoyed look on his face, which he quickly tells you it's not because of you.
His LED stuttered, caught between blue and yellow. "I… I feel a similar inexplicable pull towards you," he confesses. He doesn't know if the words are right to say, but he knows that your words made him happy and he wants to keep maintain that happiness.
This whole experience is new for him, but he wants to have it. He wants to pursue this with you.
His calculating gaze softens as he hears the words from you. His programmed reaction is to tell you that it's illogical to feel this way towards an android… but something stops him from saying that. Like his programming hit a wall and prevented him from the high probability of seeing sadness displayed on your face because of him.
He can't help but observe you, analyzing your heartbeat and noticing the soft look you give him. It makes him… feel something. He feels light, which his model is made from better and lighter materials than older models, but this feeling is different from the literal sense.
"I, too, am drawn to your company," he admits, a bit of confusion in his voice from this realization. "Though I lack the ability to experience emotions as you do, I am... interested to learn why this is."
While Nines hasn't experienced deviancy like many others, his emotions are still new. More raw. And he wants to be cautious when taking this next step with you.
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airbendertendou · 1 year
you are in love! ♥︎
synopsis : various best friend!characters realizing they like you a lil more than they should [including rk900 nines, wujin, gyeong-su, arisu and chishiya.]
no pronouns used ; gender neutral but reader is wearing lip balm / gloss / stain lmao ; [name] used in place of y/n
song inspo ; you are in love by taylor swift
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
the department is slow today. the usual hustle and bustle had calmed down immensely, sounds of typing and idle chatter taking over. your mug is sat to the left, empty as you squint at the computer screen in front of you. nines had been assigned the desk in front of yours — a blessing for quick cases, but a curse when he decided to ignore his tasks and simply stare at you.
as he was doing right now. blue eyes watch you as his led light slowly swirls yellow, head tilting as you blantantly ignore him. “want a refill?”
you hum, glancing at your stained mug before finding his gaze. you smile his way, “sure, if you don’t mind. i’m almost done here, though.”
without another word, nines makes his way to the breakroom to refill your mug with a steaming beverage. he hums at the steam, wondering if it was too hot for you to drink. he brings the cup to his mouth without thinking, the scalding liquid hitting his lips.
as he pulls it away — he’ll let it cool off a little longer, he decides — his lips feel sticky. a tingling sensation takes over, cooling and poking his lips at once. they taste sweet — minty — and it makes nines think.
is that how you tasted?
it had to be the lip gloss he’d always seen you applying. nines takes the mug back to you, loitering beside your desk as you look up at him. you grin again, ”thanks for the drink! you really didn’t ha—”
his lips are pressed against yours within the next second. pressing closer — harder — nines lets out a sigh as he finally releases you from his hold. he licks his lips, smacking them a bit as your gloss sticks to them.
“tingles.” is all he says before sitting across from you and continuing to stare. you blink, startled at his sudden and intense movements.
this changes things, you think. you’re unable to get back to work ; unable to meet nines’ eyes now that you’ve felt his skin against your own. you take a sip of your drink — this changes a lot of things.
daesu had invited to you meet up with the group ; a new store had opened and everyone needed a break from their studies. namra met up with you so you could both walk to meet your friends, arms linked together as you talked about how difficult your last test was and how drained you were.
onjo squealed when she caught sight of you both, her and isak running to collide with you. you dispersed in a pile of giggles only to be pulled into a hug by daesu, who loudly and joyfully greeted you.
gyeongsu nudges you with a laugh as you pass through an art supply store, teasing you about the abundance of pens you always brings to class. this argument always happened but you always replied with the same thing — “need a different color for each subject!”
this, of course, applied to highlighters as well.
“hey,” a shy shoulder budges against yours. the clothing store you’re looking at now isn’t that interesting to you and the distraction is welcomed. wujin’s half-smile greets you, “glad you could make it.”
you let out a sigh, “needed a break from school so badly. how was your test? did you do okay?”
wujin shrugged. his mind was on other things ; eyes sticking to the new lip tint you’d put on. it was a darker color than usual, a cranberry and wine color that he couldn’t look away from. clearing his throat, wujin says, “that’s new. your— lip color.”
you perk up immediately, animatedly talking about the sale you stumbled upon and the new scents of hand lotion you grabbed. and that was interesting — wujin hung off of your every word — but he couldn’t look away from your lips.
your lips and their wine stained smile that he imagines pressing against his neck. would the color stick to his skin? would it mark him as yours ; and you as his?
letting out another whine, gyeongsu flops back onto his carpeted floor. studying was hard ; it was tiring and boring and mentally exhausting. sighing, he goes to sit up and get back to it when the doorbell rings.
lo and behold, his savior. you’re standing in the doorway with a grin and your school bag, takeout bags looped around your wrists. you’re talking to gyeongsu’s mom ; giggling at her words and nodding along to what she says.
you look so comfortable at his house, so natural there that it almost hurts. his mom is in her nursing uniform, scrubs making their weird noise as she moves around. wordlessly, you hand her one of the takeout bags before setting the other one on the living room table. you’d been friends since you were young — had visited his house numerous times before — but, time and time again, gyeongsu thought about how well you fit in with them.
how well you could fit with him.
“hi, ‘su!” you grin his way and his heart aches. the boy melts where he stands, smile ghosting on his face immediately at the sight of you. he walks your way, both arms looping around one of yours with a sigh as he pulls you to sit on the floor beside him. “all good?’
he whines again, “brain hurts.”
“yeah i thought you might have some trouble,” you speak as you pull out your food. sighing, you smile his way timidly, pushing the food his way. “so, i retook the notes in a way i thought you’d understand.”
gyeogsu stares as you begin to dig in. his eyes are heart-shaped — they have to be. he softens entirely as he watches you.
the walk back from a game was always serene in the most devastating way. the beach wasn’t as safe as he’d originally thought — wasn’t as friendly and kind as the name suggested. but, arisu needed company and needed to understand what was happening and why he was sucked into the borderlands.
one good thing about the beach was you. you’d been ‘teamed up’ with usagi since you popped into the games, your wit and her athleticism saving you both more often than it let you down. one smile at arisu and— oh, he was a goner.
you’d met at the tag game and he’d stuck to you since. you always tried your best to be paired up with him, knowing what the loss of a friend could feel like ; what dark roads it could lead your mind to.
and he appreciated it so much — appreciated the way you took care of him and looked after him in the gentlest and most subtle of ways. with a sigh, arisu gave the two of hearts card to hatter, no closer to the end of the game than they’d been beforehand.
dried blood itched on his face ; stained his hands and coated his skin in a lingering scent he could never get rid of. a hand was latched onto his own, pulling and tugging him gently to a bathroom.
“come back to me,” a voice whispered. arisu always disappeared into his head after a game, screams and surrendering laughter haunting his mind. “come on, ‘su. come back.”
with a foggy blink, you came into view. you held a warm rag to his face, washing the blood off of his skin tenderly with a smile that made him melt. arisu slouched, relaxing forward into your open arms. “[name].”
“hi, ‘su.” you brushed your fingers through his greasy hair. “welcome back. i’m glad you’re alive.”
arisu snuggled further into you, arms winding around your waist as he thought. it was so easy to get lost in you ; too easy to think of you both getting out of the borderlands and settling down together and staying together.
he wish you knew, but he couldn’t be the one to tell you. not yet ; not with blood still dried on his hands.
slight season two spoilers!
you’d been separated. you’d clung to chishiya since you arrived at the beach and now you were apart. worry and panic induced pacing caught kuina’s sight as you mindlessly picked at your skin. 
she slung a backpack around her shoulders, looking at arisu and usagi as she spoke. “i’m off to find chishiya and ann.” she turns to you again, noticing the way you perked up at his name. “want to join me, [name]?” 
you didn’t have to think before you were grabbing your own supplies and leaving with a hug to arisu and usagi. a promise to come back — to see them alive — and you were on your way. 
then you were alone. 
kuina had let go of you while you ran from the king of spades [again], and you’d found yourself lost. a blimp for the jack of hearts had just exploded a few feet in front of you. 
lost in thought, you watched it tirelessly. and then a familiar voice. “[name]?”
you blink, coming back to reality as he walks up to you. 
“chishiya,” you sigh out before running to meet him. without thinking, you throw your arms around his neck and pull him close. you let out a breath, closing your eyes and savoring his warmth. he was safe — alive. you go to pull away, “sorry. i got a little excited.” 
chishiya grabs your right wrist, pulling it back around his neck as your left one is guided to wrap around his waist. he sinks into you, letting out his own sigh of relief as he relaxes. 
“s’okay. need this — need you.” it’s out of character for the blond to be so loving ; so touch-starved as he clings onto you and makes your hold tighter. it wasn’t nice being alone in the games, not even to someone like chishiya. a feather-light touch hits the tip of your cheekbone. “you tell anyone about this, and i’ll kill you.” 
the threat makes you laugh into his shoulder — even though you know he isn’t joking.
——♥︎—— there will b an anime version of this up soon!
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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honey-beann · 1 year
Background Noise
rk boys (Nines, Connor, Sixty) x Reader Smut
Word count: 4,244
It was a beautiful morning, especially for Detroit, and Connor was feeling almost too content, watching the birds fly past the window above the kitchen sink as he sat comfortably at the breakfast bar.
The new house was perfect, notably different from the apartments he had lived in prior, and he found himself feeling so at home within it that he was filled with a joy he had only experienced once before, in an entirely different situation.
He allowed his mind to drift back to that night, your pretty dress, your ecstatic grin, and the calm waters lapping gently against concrete and wood sticking out clearly in his mind, even in memory alone.
Unbeknownst to the outside world, he examined his calendar internally, his LED briefly blinking yellow before calming back down to blue almost immediately as he checked just how long it had been since that wonderful afternoon.
He startled a bit (though he hoped only internally), at the realization that it had already been two months, and made a mental note to pick up some flowers to commemorate the event.
He had only just begun considering what type of flowers, when he heard his name get called from the speakers of the laptop that sat on the countertop in front of him.
"Do you have anything to add, Connor?"
Connor fixed his eyes on the screen and smiled politely at the speaker as well as the many college students who sat uncomfortably in their cramped desk seats a few hundred miles away at NYU, where he, Markus, Kara, North, and Simon were currently giving a lecture over video call.
"I'm sorry, I must have gotten lost in thought for a second, what was the question?"
Connor could see North cast the section of the screen he was taking up on her end a brief glare, but Kara, who had been the one to ask for his input in the first place, just smiled easily and waved his apology off.
"No problem. It was just about android-human romantic relationships and how the laws surrounding them are believed to change in the next few years. Markus mentioned his plans to have marriage legalized, and North spoke on the amount of negativity that these relationships face outside of the legal system, but I thought you might be able to provide some extra insight, if you felt comfortable."
Connor gave a slight nod, his smile returning to his face as he turned his attention back towards the large crowd of students, who, despite having been required to attend for credit, all seemed rather invested, though that was hardly any surprise given the speakers present.
Ever since the revolution, Connor and Markus in particular had gained a significant deal of notoriety due to both the rolls that they played, and the romantic relationships they had.
Markus had now been in his relationship with another android for a few years now, and Connor had been in his with a human for around the same amount of time, and people found that to be immensely interesting.
Here was Connor, the deviant hunter, a former prototype android designed for detective work, dating a human as if that were the most natural thing he could possibly do, and honestly, the media ate that up.
There were photos of you in the tabloids, articles about you posted online, and you were both criticized and adored by androids and humans alike for your relationship with Connor, even after all these years.
Of course, there were many other juicy aspects of your romantic life that the media loved to fixate on, but Connor hardly thought those were worth bringing up now, unless he wanted to complicate things extensively.
So instead, he chose to give the simplest answer he could without making it seem as if he were against the idea of speaking on his personal relationship (because he most certainly was not, in fact, he thoroughly enjoyed talking about you whenever an opportunity presented itself).
"Well, in my experience, android-human relationships are very similar to those shared between only humans and only androids. There are a lot of stereotypes, like that android lovers are superior, or that human partners can connect easier, but truthfully, I think most of these concepts are contrived by those who don't accept these relationships as legitimate and seek to weaken them because of that."
Just as he finished up his statement, a student raised their hand, and Kara, as the moderator, was more than happy to call upon them.
"Yes, you in the front row?"
The girl seemed nervous as she spoke up, but even so, Connor was able to make out her question easily.
"So if these stereotypes that Connor mentioned can be eliminated or lessened to a certain degree, can we anticipate the legalization of android-human marriage to occur shortly thereafter?"
Markus was quick to respond,
"Well, the legal system doesn't necessarily depend on these stereotypes being less prevalent, but it would definitely help our cause. That being said, I believe it won't be long now until android-human marriage is legalized, and that seems to be the consensus among many in the U.S. There has been a significant increase in the number of android-human betrothals within the past year, and I think that points to a general agreement that non-regulated marriages will definitely be legalized in the near future, it just depends on how long it takes for the government to recognize that from a legal standpoint."
Connor nodded in agreement,
"The data trends towards a general air of acceptance at the idea of legalizing these marriages. I myself proposed to my fiancee just two months ago with the expectation that in a slightly lengthened wedding planning time frame, the legalization process will be completed."
Soft murmurs echoed out among the crowd at this, as very few people were aware of your engagement (though the media had spoken frequently on the sudden addition of a rather expensive looking ring to your every day outfits).
Connor fought back a slight grin of amusement at the surprise that his words had caused, choosing instead to turn his attention towards the class's professor as the older man asked a question about android unions in the workplace, something that was much more in Simon's wheelhouse than Connor's.
He listened intently as his friend and colleague spoke in depth on the issue,
So intently in fact, that he neglected to notice the bedroom door opening until it was too late for him to do anything about it.
Out you walked, donning only an oversized dress shirt, slippers, and underwear, your hair mussed up, and your expression still rather drowsy as you made your way across the living room and into the bathroom, fully in frame of the camera you were all too unaware of for the majority of your trek.
Connor bit back a chuckle, his cheeks tinted a slight blue color as he admired via his screen how lovely you looked in your pajamas despite your immense lack of effort.
Of course though, he wasn't the only one to notice, and when you walked back through towards your bedroom after using the bathroom, there was a strong silence present from both the speakers as well as the audience, all of whom were rather distracted by the intrusion. Finally, clearly hoping to move on for the sake of time, the professor cleared his throat and spoke up through the newly awkward atmosphere.
"Excuse me, Mr. Anderson, but I believe there is someone in the backgrou-"
He cut himself off suddenly when an arm reached over from just out of frame and pulled you in toward it, shock clearly written across your face as you were yanked straight from view, yelping at the unexpected tug.
"Er, is everything alright?"
The professor spoke quietly now, his brow furrowed in confusion as Connor offered him a polite smile and nod,
"All is well, I believe my partner simply forgot about our professional arrangement this morning and neglected to use the other bathroom upon waking up."
"But who was-"
"As for the individual that removed her from the camera's view, I'm unsure if that was the rk800 or rk900, but I can assure you that our fiancee is entirely safe."
The crowd remained silent for a few moments as a great deal of the students took in what was for them, new information.
Of course, some larger fans and smart speculators had been able to piece together the relationship you shared with Sixty and Nines, but most people chose to ignore the complicated question of your romantic life beyond you and Connor.
After all, in the eyes of the media, Connor was a big sweetheart, while you were his equally innocent and adorable life partner, and how could they ever push that image out if they speculated that you were also engaged to both the rk800 model that had tried to kill Connor and Hank prior to deviation, and the rk900 model who had been strictly designed for military use when it came to hunting down deviants?
The short answer was that they couldn't, and as a result, the already rarely posted images of you and either of your partners who weren't Connor struggled to gain much traction, meaning that not many people believed, or even knew the rumor about your romantic relationship with all three men.
Except recently, you'd all sat down and had a conversation about this topic, which had ended with one strict viewpoint shared by all four of you:
Your relationship was not a secret, nor was it something to be ashamed of, and there would be no more comments leaving that up for interpretation.
The silence continued for multiple additional seconds beyond what Connor himself would consider awkward, until a student loudly cleared their own throat before slowly raising their hand, to which Kara responded by calling upon them in a manner that was almost hesitant.
"So uh, have android related marriage benefits been considered yet?"
North was quick to jump on answering that question, but even still, Connor couldn't help but feel his attention drift towards the situation just outside the range of his camera.
He couldn't quite make you out without making it obvious that he was looking in your direction, but he could clearly see Sixty's back as he caged you in against the wall, arms on either side of you while he leaned down to capture your lips in his in a manner that was no doubt ravenous.
He and Nines had both been out of town until just before Connor had began setting up for his prior arrangements earlier that morning, and if the android had meant what he'd said over the phone the night before last, you were likely in for one hell of a two month engagement celebration.
Connor attempted to turn his attention back towards the lecture, ignoring the growing pressure between his legs as he turned up the volume slightly, eyes fixated almost too intently on the screen.
Suddenly though, he was forced to hold back a wince as you stumbled back into the view of the audience, cheeks pink, lips bruised, and hair even messier than before as you struggled to avoid Sixty's attempts at grabbing you again with a laugh that was distant to the mic, but sharp in Connor's ears, igniting a spark of adoration in him at the sound.
He watched via the screen in front of him as you backed further into clear view with Sixty following confidently, a predatory grin at his lips that immediately let Connor know that the android couldn't care less whether or not those on the video call saw him.
Now more than a little bit enthralled by the chase as well as the sparkle of excitement he could see in your eyes, Connor kept his gaze trained on the scene playing out on the screen, a slight smirk fighting to show itself as he watched you start to lose your balance after being forced to raise a leg to stop your feral fiance from grabbing at it.
You shrieked as you fell back, catching yourself on your palms as you tried desperately to scoot away from Sixty's grip, though your efforts proved futile when he wrapped a nimble hand around one of your ankles, tugging you towards him and eventually just out of frame once more.
Soon afterward Connor heard the familiar sound of your feigned pleas for freedom being muffled against Sixty's hungry lips as they claimed your own for the second time that morning.
It proved to be very distracting.
Though, not nearly as distracting as you backing your way into frame once again moments later, palms flat against the floor behind you as you kicked playfully at Sixty, still doing your best to win the game of chase he'd started despite your obvious enjoyment.
You were fighting a grin as you continued to move backward, using your hands as leverage to pull yourself along faster even as Sixty followed on foot, which gave him a very clear advantage.
Repressing the urge to calculate how long on average Sixty tended to play with you before choosing to halt his typically lengthy games of cat and mouse, Connor shifted his gaze back towards the audience, hoping that the scene in the background wasn't the reason their gaze was so affixed to the projector screen in front of them.
Unfortunately though, the android's attempt at placing his regard on something that wasn't his fiancee's rather amusing struggle was squashed by the notable visual of a new figure entering the frame.
This definitely didn't help his cause, and he was almost certain that the crowd couldn't have possibly gone without noticing it either, as Nines made for an incredibly imposing figure under any and all circumstances.
That being said, you had clearly gotten very comfortable with his presence throughout the years, because you didn't even notice that he was there until you'd accidentally backed into his legs.
And by then, it was far too late.
Connor watched, artificial breathing paused as you slowly looked up to see Nines standing behind you, eyes slightly widened as you took in the sight of him. The android cast a brief glance over to the video call that his predecessor was on before shifting his gaze toward Sixty, who had his hands in his pockets as he smirked down at your helpless position between him and the rk900.
You were laying with your back pressed against Nines' body, one leg extended outward while the other was bent at the knee, as if you had been mid struggle when you'd finally stopped.
You let out a tiny squeak of fear, one that Connor barely managed to make out above the sound of North's voice, as without warning, Sixty knelt down to run a hand slowly up your leg before wrapping it loosely around your calf, his gaze hungry in a way that Connor was certain you were all too familiar with.
Nines, on the other hand, crouched behind you, his torso unyielding against your back as he ran a hand up from your straightened leg to your throat, where it briefly curled and squeezed before loosening, though it notably did not move away as he lowered his mouth to your ear.
Connor attempted to make out what he was saying, but in the end, it was your reaction that held his attention more than anything else.
He watched your muscles tense and your throat bob as you leaned into Nines' touch, nodding softly as the android in question smirked against your neck before he slowly stood, guiding you up with him and walking you backwards and out of frame once more, Sixty following eagerly.
There was a distant clamor that Connor was almost certain came from the counter of the bathroom sink, and then suddenly, his LED was flashing yellow with an incoming call from a familiar rk800 model android.
Connor swallowed thickly, briefly ensuring that the attention of those participating in the lecture wasn't on him before he answered hesitantly, the sound of your muffled whimpers instantly filling his ears and forcing him to hold back a shiver as he shifted in his seat, suddenly very uncomfortable thanks to the increasing strain within his pants.
He murmured under his breath, inhaling sharply as Sixty chuckled in response, a teasing lilt to his tone as he spoke,
"You hear that pretty girl? Connors decided to say hello in spite of his little arrangement, isn't that sweet?"
Connor tensed at the sound of you gasping on the other end of the line, a keening whine slipping past your lips at Sixty's taunting words, which he continued to utilize mercilessly.
"What was that, Princess?"
He pressed,
"I don't think he can hear you."
From Sixty's end, Connor was able to make out an oh so familiar squelching sound followed by a sharp cry that he knew for a fact belonged to you, your head falling back to what he imagined was the mirror behind you with a dull thud.
Connor flinched slightly at the sound, but assuaged his own worries with the knowledge that neither Nines nor Sixty would ever allow you to get hurt in their presence.
And clearly the injury wasn't anything severe, because mere moments afterward, Nines spoke up,
"Why don't you tell Connor how good it feels, hmm? We don't want him to feel excluded sitting all alone out there."
You whimpered at Nines' cruel tone, but opened your mouth to speak regardless, your breaths so hurried that Connor could hear them easily.
You whined out, and the sound of his name leaving your lips immediately had the android in question holding back a groan, his LED flickering briefly as he sent Sixty a message.
After doing this, Connor waited patiently, until finally, the receiving android let out an audible chuckle, humming softly as he spoke,
"Well isn't this interesting, Connor here is asking me to narrate your little... Predicament for him."
Sixty paused for a moment, allowing his predecessor to better make out your soft pleas before he continued, voice full of a mocking amusement that he had mastered the use of ages ago.
"Does that sound nice, Sweetheart? You want me to tell him how hot you look all spread out for Nines' fingers? How fucked out your expression is when we haven't even taken you properly yet?"
There was a brief silence for a moment or two, but Connor was quick to deduce that you must have nodded, because Sixty gave a short chuckle before he spoke up again,
"That's right, Baby, you look so fucking pretty when you take what we give you. Does it feel nice?"
You gave a shrill cry of bliss in response, and the next time that Sixty spoke, it was to Connor directly, his voice barely above a growl,
"Fuck, you really should see her, I don't know if she's ever been this wet before."
The loud squelching sounds in the background only served to cement Sixty's statement as truthful, and Connor had to mute himself so no one would hear the heady groan that was pulled from deep within him as a result.
"And she's desperate too, already begged Nines to fuck her before you could even answer the phone."
Connor heard his successor chuckle softly in the background before the squelching increased in intensity, followed shortly thereafter by your rushed pleas for more, which fell from your lips like a waterfall.
Connor then heard Nines give a sigh that was a bit too close to a growl for him to ignore, before suddenly, the squelching stopped entirely, replaced immediately afterward by the sounds of zippers being tugged down and clothing hitting the floor.
To Connor's surprise though, the next thing he heard wasn't some sharp cry or plea from you, but rather Nines' harsh tone as he spoke up for the second time that morning,
"Since you just can't seem keep your mouth shut on your own, you don't mind if Sixty helps you, do you, Sweetling?"
You whimpered shakily, but spoke up nonetheless, no doubt knowing the punishment that awaited if you didn't,
"N-no sir."
You whispered out, and Connor could all but hear Nines grin as he hummed softly before finally replying,
"Good girl."
And the next thing that Connor heard was a loud curse from Sixty, who let out a strained laugh immediately afterward, as if surprised by his own exclamation.
"That's it, Princess, open that pretty mouth just a little more for me,"
And a second later, he groaned heavily again, hissing through his teeth before he spoke up,
"Shit, that's it, Baby, just like that."
Connor held back a moan as he imagined how desperate you must have looked in that moment, spread out for Nines with Sixty's dick stuffed down your throat as you took them both eagerly,
It was almost enough to make him whimper at the thought alone, suddenly all too ready to end this video call once and for all.
Distantly, he could make out a new voice asking a question, but all that he could do was pray that it wasn't for him, because there was no way he could muster up the strength to say anything coherent knowing that his beautiful fiancee was being absolutely ravaged in the next room over.
Connor tensed slightly at the sound of your muffled groans, stifled by Sixty's length as you took everything that both he and Nines gave you, which was apparently about to be increased according to the latter individual.
"Did you want me to fuck you, Little Dove? Is that what you were begging for so shamelessly?"
Connor inhaled sharpy at the sound of your replying whines despite the rather large obstacle that was keeping you from speaking properly, which, judging by the noises that Sixty was making, likely wouldn't be an obstacle for very much longer.
The android in question was growling out your name, fucking your mouth with so much force that you would occasionally gag around his thickness, which only served to bring him closer and closer to orgasm.
"C'mon Baby, take me, just a little more and I'll come right down that pretty little throat of yours."
You whimpered weakly around Sixty's cock, and something about that sound must have struck the android as particularly ruinous, because mere moments afterward he was fulfilling his previous promise, hand in your hair as he rode out his orgasm with a harsh groan of pure bliss.
Connor, recognizing the familiar sounds of Sixty reaching his end, was more than a little bit eager to hear what would come next, and was not let down by what followed, because immediately after Sixty had backed away and leaned against the wall to get a better look at your fucked out expression, Nines took the opportunity to push into you, having removed anything that might get in the way of that a long time ago
You gasped immediately at the unexpected fullness that followed, and Connor could hardly restrain himself as Nines began thrusting in and out of you, hands on your ass as he set an absolutely brutal pace right from the get go.
You cried out loud enough that Connor could hear you both through the call and through the bathroom door, making him immensely relieved to note that he was still muted, because he really wasn't sure how he could ever explain away the sound of his future wife getting fucked by her two other partners in the next room.
Nines chuckled darkly at your exclamation, and unbeknownst to Connor, pressed his thumb against your clit as he continued to take you fast and rough, quickly building you up to your orgasm with practiced skill, all while pushing himself straight to the edge as well.
He hissed out between clenched teeth, hands gripping your ass hard enough to leave bruises as he drove into you, savoring every little sound you made for him as he did so.
And then, he said something that nearly made Connor snap.
"Do you want me to come inside of you, little one? Fill you up the way that Connor always begs to? Would you like to feel it drip out of your aching cunt and down your thighs for hours to come?"
His voice was like gravel as he spoke, strained and broken up by the occasional grunt or curse, but even still, it provided Nines with the reaction he so desired.
You gave a sharp cry upon hearing those words leave his mouth, and immediately, Connor knew that you were coming, voice haggard and body quaking as Nines dragged your orgasm out of you ruthlessly, until finally, he too came with a groan, filling you with his artificial seed just as he'd promised he would.
And that imagined visual, of you dripping with Nines' come after he had said such filthy things to you, things that Connor had long since made clear he desired, had him sending Markus a brief message about some contrived emergency before he all but slammed his laptop shut, stalking towards the bathroom with a clear purpose in mind.
This was indeed going to be a very long 2 month engagement celebration for you, and Connor would make sure of that far beyond anything you'd ever experienced before.
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pixelmensupremacy · 1 year
May i request a DBH fic? The moment they realized they fell in love with reader. May i request Gavin and the RK bros
A/N: Honestly, I don't why it took me so long to get this out. Either way that's an interesting request, Nonny! Here's my take on the dbh boys realizing they have feelings for the reader.
Warnings: GN!reader, it's implied that reader is shorter, pretty much fluffy stuff, not proof read
Being his snarky self, Gavin would be jokingly flirty at first not thinking much of it
Until he began sensing a warmth every time (Y/N) laughed at his silly jokes and sarcastic comments
Before he knew it, he was always spending his free time with (Y/N)
Going into the breakroom, whenever he noticed they were there
Greeting them every morning with a genuine smile on his face
Vibrant morning sunrays hit (Y/N) skin as walked into the building of the Detroit police department. It was quiet except for the usual sound of mouse clicks and the occasional phone ring. A bright smile curled the corners of their lips at the sight of their partner Gavin Reed.
"Morning, Reed!" Enthusiasm was evident in their voice; his attention was immediately anchored to them and their face, which he found absolutely adorable. Affected by their happy expression, he couldn't help but smile back at them.
"Somebody call the cops because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!" He eyed the from head to toe, causing them to shyly look away.
Interestingly enough, it was the colleagues at the department that noticed the change first
His longing to constantly be in (Y/N)'s company was obvious to everyone else but Gavin and (Y/N)
Happy to finally see Gavin break character and soften, his colleagues would tease him every once in a while
While on the other hand (Y/N) would get overwhelmed with questions such as "Did you put him under a spell?"
I feel like Gavin will distance himself once he realizes that his feelings toward (Y/N) are more than just a silly crush
Progressively he will grow colder to (Y/N)
He would find himself in a rabbit hole of repressed emotions and anxieties, connected to his past, which will ultimately lead to avoiding (Y/N)
Hurt and confused, (Y/N) wouldn't give up on reaching out to him but with little to no success
Until they give up, which in return pains Gavin even more
Suddenly he will have to deal not only with the fear of abandonment but also the consequences of said fear taking over him
I like to imagine Hank will be quick to notice the distance formed between the two and will talk to Gavin
Knowing him since his rookie days, Hank is one of the few people who know quite a lot about Gavin, which helps him in advising the detective
Eventually, thanks to Hank's help, Gavin will be able to realize that by avoiding his problems he made things worse
He will want to apologize to (Y/N) for hurting them
“I know I’ve been a total ass the past few weeks, but maybe I can make it up to you. (Y/N) silently gaze at him as if they weren’t sure if this was a dream or reality.
“There’s new restaurant down the block and I thought maybe..” He went on all the while studying their face. “Maybe we could check it out?”
Much to his delight, they agree
The two have the time of their life, catching up like nothing ever happened
And even getting closer
“So,” He spoke up, hot puffs of air escaping his mouth. “Are we even?”
(Y/N) swayed back and forth on their feet, overdoing the time it took them to answer.
“I’m afraid a single date won’t be enough, Reed.” Their hand reached for his neck, bringing his face closer to theirs; their lips touched his in a soft and delicate kiss that left him wanting more.
“Your wish is my command.” (Y/N) giggled, causing a warmth to spread in his chest, despite the cold of the November night.
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Markus is definitely the type of person, who looks for a friend first and a lover second
So, I expect him to fall for (Y/N) after they have gotten to know each other
His feelings for them will slowly but surely progress into a sensation he's never felt before
Even if the thought of (Y/N) wouldn't leave his mind, he would be reluctant to share that with them
Or at least not verbally
Being the altruist he is, his love language would be one of service
Anyway he could, he would help
Standing on their tippy toes, (Y/N) struggled to reach the contents of the top shelf; even the chair they were standing on seemed to not help much. Passing by the kitchen, Markus’ attention was caught by the creaking of the chair and (Y/N)’s puffs and quiet curses. With a puzzled expression, he walked up to them and took a glance at what they were doing.
Reaching with a hand near theirs, he took a hold of a box of cereal; electrical shock ran through (Y/N)’s entire body at the slight brush of his cold skin against theirs.
“Is this what you were looking for?” They nodded as they got down.
“Yeah, thanks.” (Y/N)  took the box with a bright smile on their face that caused his circuits to malfunction, resulting in LED lighting up in a vibrant amber color.
Though he will eventually come to realize that his desire to help (Y/N) exceeded past just his typical friendly behavior
He desired to be by their side at all times
He will absolutely melt if (Y/N) were to compliment him
The enchanting melody filled the space, alluring (Y/N) the source of the sound. Letting the music take over them, their steps were in perfect sync with the rhythm of the song; it almost felt as if time stopped and they have found themselves in a wonderland- one they couldn’t imagine even in their wildest dreams.
The volume grew louder so did the effect of the melody upon (Y/N); seeing a door, they weren’t surprised to see Markus sat before the piano. His slender fingers stroked the snow-white keys, the impact of his firm, yet delicate, touch made for a captivating melody akin to the song of a siren that drew in sailors in the dead of night.
Much like a sailor, bewitched by a magnificent siren, (Y/N) stood and watched as his composition tingled their every sense. Not long after did Markus sense their presence; startled by their sudden appearance, he stopped playing.
“Why did you stop?” Disappointment was written in their expression.
“I didn’t expect to have an audience.” He made a reply in a bashful manner, his colorful eyes avoiding theirs.
“I love it when you play the piano.” (Y/N) began as they neared him. “No matter how many times I hear you play it’s never the same. It’s truly fascinating.” There was a spark in their eyes as they spoke that caused a tingling sensation to occur in his thirium pump. Was he malfunctioning?
Markus will definitely confess once the revolution is successful and he feels safe enough to have another person in his life
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He's completely oblivious
Never in his short life did he expect to feel let alone fall in love
So, he's very confused when he experiences system malfunctions in (Y/N)'s presence
He constantly runs system checks only to get confused when the results show no apparent errors
Despite being a prototype, created to unravel complicated cases with ease, it takes him some time to figure out it's (Y/N) that causes these malfunctions
Of course, not without Hank's help
Enamored by the enigma surrounding them, Connor couldn’t help but stare at them and wonder: why they caused such reactions in him. Coincidently or not, Hank had noticed Connor’s lack of focus on his tasks; following the direction of his gaze, the man had found the reason.
“You know it’s rude to stare right? Or that isn’t in your damn program?” Hank got straight to the point but Connor seemed clueless, for he gave him a puzzled look. The man let out a sigh of disappointment.
“Look, I know you got something towards (Y/N) and you better go talk to them.”
“But I-“
“Trust me. They like you too.” Silently, Connor looked at his partner, processing what he had said. “Come on! Don’t waste your chance.” He urged the android on.
Connor will get flustered if (Y/N) were to compliment him
“Good morning!” (Y/N) greeted; their voice akin to a bell rang in Connor’s ears.
“Mornin’, kid” Hank mumbled under his nose, not quite returning their excitement.
“You’re here early!” They stared in awe.
“Yeah, thanks to him.” He pointed to Connor, who shyly waved his hand; (Y/N) smiled.
“Good job, Connor! Even if I wanted, I wouldn’t be able to bring Hank here before noon.” They joked, causing the lieutenant to laugh, meanwhile, Connor’s cheeks got blue, dusted with deep shades of blue, and amber hues danced on his LED.
If it came to physical touch Connor would probably shut down from how many system errors he gets
Much like in Markus' case, I think Connor will be confident in his emotions after the revolution when he becomes a deviant
It may take him a bit longer to fully grasp the experience of having feelings
Though he will get used to it with some guidance
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Just like Gavin, Sixty will be flirty but mostly with someone, who reflects the same energy
He may be a bit too daring at times, openly flirting without any shame whatsoever
Heading towards the breakroom with their partner beside them, (Y/N) was eager to get their morning coffee, though it seemed Sixty had other plans.
"Is your phone in your back pocket? Because your ass is calling me." With him being close by their side, his voice- barely above a whisper- caused shivers to run down their spine.
“Haha very funny, Sixty.” They sarcastically laughed, in hopes of hiding the excitement that grew within them.
“You know I’m always at your service.” He winked at them as he opened the door for them.
It may take him a lot longer to get attached and even longer to acknowledge his feelings
He would definitely test (Y/N)'s loyalty for him to fully trust them
Being Connor's successor and the android that almost caused the downfall of the revolution, Sixty is battling his past
An awkward silence had settled upon the two; worried, (Y/N) glanced at Sixty though his blank expression didn’t aid them in understanding what was going on.
“Is everything alright, Sixty?” Their voice were calm and quiet, loud enough only for him to hear; his brown eyes stared back at theirs. A puff of air escaped past his lips.
“It’s none of your concern.” He cut them off, bitterness was evident in his voice.
So, he will fall for someone, who accepts him for who he is and helps him in forgiving himself
His path to deviancy will be turbulent, filled with an explosion of repressed emotions Sixty is forced to deal with
But by being by his side, (Y/N) cloud build a bridge to his heart
The moment he realizes he is head over heels for (Y/N) is when he lets his guard down
When the playful facade crumbles down and what is left is a person, fighting to be accepted and forgiven
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Out of all of the boys, it will take Nines the most time to catch feelings
Being the most advanced android in the world, Nines is less prone to deviancy
Not only it takes him more time to feel emotions but to also acknowledge and accept them
So, romance with Nines is close to nonexistent until deviancy
Though there still would sign in his behavior that indicate a crack in his system
With all of his advances, I feel Nines would want to use his assets for good
And working at DPD gives him such an opportunity
Upon meeting (Y/N) he wouldn't sense anything right away
Though as they work together and get accustomed to each other, Nines will slowly change
His curiosity will grow, resulting in asking (Y/N) questions outside their field of work
Yet what draws Nines in is their tolerance
They never pressure him to open up or to talk when he doesn't want to
It just occurs naturaly
“Detective, may I ask you something?” Nines’ icy blue irises bore into theirs.
“Of course, go ahead.” (Y/N) took a sip of their drink.
“Why did you join the force?” A smear of genuine curiosity was evident behind his enigmatic gaze.
“Well,” A smile curled the corners of their lips as the memories flooded in. “I guess you could say I just want to help people.” Their gaze met his. “What about you?”
He stayed silent for a few moments; bright yellow circled across his light-emitting diode.
“I suppose we have common motives.” He danced around the question, yet they didn’t question him any further.
I feel like a life-or-death situation may bring his feelings to the surface
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Puppyboy!Connor and Catboy!Nines <3 they both love you so much but sometimes it’s so hard to do with how busy you are all the time :’(
you better believe the second you get home your pretty puppy Connor is dragging you off to your room and trying to get in your pants. the second he pulls your boxers down, he’s shoving your cock half way down his throat in hopes that you’ll praise him and call him your good boy.
Or maybe you’re greeted with your mean kitty Nines asking why you didn’t tell him you would be coming home late, but it’s not like he cares or anything…he especially doesn’t care when he’s pawing at your shirt and pants, asking if you can fuck him already to make up for you being home so late
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vampcubus · 2 years
KISS HCS | simon, daniel, & nines 
 a/n: bonus round!! no one asked for em but I’m a whore for PL600s and warming up to RK900 so i figured why not. these really got away from me, apparently i can’t write headcanons without exposition 🧍‍♀️ 
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Simon (PL600)
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— What sets domestic androids apart from a lot of the others is their remarkable ability to blend into human families, they have expanded knowledge of affectionate gestures and often double as “significant other” models. So Simon knows why humans kiss and comes to the conclusion very soon that it’s something he wants to experience with you. 
When you kiss Simon for the first time he thinks he’s gone blind and dumb, swears his thirium pump stops for a moment as your lips gingerly brush over his. You see his eyes go half-lidded and soften in a moment. Your hands grip the collar of his shirt like the scruff of a cat. You’re supposed to be angry with him, you remind yourself. He almost died on top of that tower, you were worried sick for hours, and now he’s back admitting he volunteered to be left behind.
Markus and the others got their earful earlier, it’s his turn to have his ear tugged on.
But you can’t find it in yourself to be cross with him because you’re just so happy he’s back, and the icing on the cake is the way he sighs “I love you, i’d never leave you.” against your lips. and suddenly you’re throwing yourself at him, tears streaming down your face as you cup his face and kiss the android with all you have.
— He didn’t know kissing felt like that.
— Simon loves soft and sweet kisses, they are his kryptonite and if you ever want anything from him that’s how you get it. No matter how firm he starts off, he always melts into compliance with every saccharine kiss you tease at the corners of his lips, tilting your head away when he chases your lips, insisting he yields. He always does.
— The type to kiss oh so gently over your closed eyelids just to see you grin with your eyes shut.
— Simon likes kisses to be a part of your routine, like a kiss goodbye before both or one of you is off to work, and a kiss hello when you get home. MANDATORY BEDTIME KISSES, they’re non-negotiable. Simon doesn’t need to sleep but he wants to sleep next to you at night. It always takes an eternity for the two of you to finally settle down and sleep because you’re too busy smoochin’ and whispering sweet nothings to one another. 
— While the majority of the kisses Simon initiates are intended to be chaste and innocent, you have a way of drawing him back in and making him want more so easily. Will literally lay on the couch for hours with you just lovingly(?) making out with you, trying to fit as much of his tongue in your mouth as he can as you teasingly swirl your own around his, your fingers tangled in the synthetic blonde strands of his hair. 
— Moans into kisses like a whore fight me.
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Daniel (PL600)
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— Like Simon, he knows about kissing and I mean his previous owners were a married couple that wasn’t necessarily embarrassed being affectionate in front of their android. He just never expects to get the opportunity to try it. Daniel is grateful you even let him stay, let alone pursue a romantic relationship with you– which was very hard, by the way, getting someone who literally just had their trust shattered into pieces to trust you.
— Despite Daniel’s trauma initially prompting him to distance himself from you, being a part of a family is something he craves so deeply. 
— When you kiss Daniel for the first time, it’s hesitant and you aren’t sure if it’s the right move. 
He’s having an episode, pacing around the kitchen mumbling about Emma, how it wasn’t fair. How he didn’t mean to do it. When you finally corral him against the counter, hands on either side of his face in a way you can only hope is comforting. The touch draws those silvery blue eyes to yours and suddenly the guarded, bitter Daniel you’d known up until that point melted away and you knew you were seeing a glimpse of who he used to be. He’s vulnerable now and you know you need to be careful.
“I never meant to hurt them.”
“I know, Daniel. It’s in the past, you aren’t just their machine anymore. You’re safe here.” you soothe, but the PL600 is unconvinced.
“The police are rounding us up and sending us to camps, if you’re caught with me- “ he starts, and you realize he’s worried about what might happen to you for hiding him.
“I won’t let them take you, you deserve to be free. If that means we have to pack up and sneak you across the border, then that’s what we’ll do.” You asserted, your thumbs brushing away his synthetic tears as his hands come up to hold yours over his face. “I won’t lose you.”
You know you’ve finally broken through that icy barrier he’s kept between you when he leans down to rest his forehead against yours. His LED is blinking yellow, but before you can ask why his lips are on yours. The kiss is gentle and riddled with hesitation, but you only sigh and wrap your arms around his neck in encouragement. 
— He’s yours now, be gentle with him.
— Hug him from behind while he cooks, pepper butterfly kisses from his shoulder up his neck to that spot behind his ear that makes his whole body shudder. You discovered gentle touches around his biocomponents could be immensely pleasurable and most definitely took advantage. His audio processor is right there, so he can’t help but sigh when you kiss there.
— Daniel’s kisses are usually soft, slow, and loving, the type where you can’t help but stop what you’re doing and lose yourself in the moment.
— Daniel’s kisses are radically different when made jealous; however, they’re desperate and possessive. You often have to tap at his shoulder to remind him to let you breathe 😅 there’s no better way to reassure him than to match his energy. Kiss him until he forgets what he was even worried about, till all he can think about is your lips against his. 
— Kissing’s a part of his routine. A kiss hello and goodbye before and after work, a kiss good morning and goodnight. It’s muscle memory at this point.
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Nines (RK900)
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— Kissing is pretty foreign to Nines, he was designed specifically to be cold, calculating, and efficient at hunting down deviants- and now he is deviant and very lost on how to cope with the change. Cyberlife did their damndest to prevent him from achieving deviancy, so naturally, he takes longer to grasp emotions and how to handle them. 
— That’s not to say he doesn’t have urges to kiss you, because he absolutely does. He just doesn’t know what to do about those urges.
— If you only saw how fascinated he was when checking the footage from the last stand outside the recall center during the revolution. His LED flickering between blue and yellow as he watches Markus and North kiss in front of hundreds of soldiers, shocking the media and stopping the assault altogether.
— He knew straight away you were who he wanted to experience it with, but Nines was quite notoriously terrible at expressing himself without coming off as a huge prick. You butted heads for sure in the beginning, which made the android's feelings for you even more frustrating to deal with. He wanted to bond with you but every time he opened his mouth he just made you angry.
— You don’t see this of course, but you know how androids can construct routes of action? He absolutely reconstructs kissing scenes but never executes them. 
— You’re often saddled in cases together so obviously all that tension has to burst sooner or later. 
It happens when you’ve finally had enough of him and burst into Fowler’s office demanding to be put in a car with anyone else—you’d even have taken Gavin at that point. Nines only catches the last bits of the spat but puts things together pretty quickly. Before you can storm off he corners you in a hallway of the station.
“You don’t want to be partners anymore?” it’s accusatory, and you hate that it makes you feel guilty. 
“Partners? All we do is butt heads and disagree over cases, Nines. I’m done trying to understand you.” You seethe, but you’re taken aback by how unhinged the usually stoic and polished android detective looks. His LED is spinning between yellow and red with every word and he’s deliberately blocking the exit. “You should be grateful, you’ll get a more compliant partner.”
“I don’t want a more compliant partner, I want you.” He's wearing an expression you recognize as desperation.
“That doesn’t make any fucking sense, you’ve never wanted anything other than to be a huge pain in my a- “ but you’re cut off by his cold lips against yours and that certainly shuts you up.
You had resigned yourself to believing you’d probably never know why he hated you so much. That maybe Nines just didn’t want to build connections with anyone, that deviancy just wasn’t his thing, but this new… information was providing evidence to the contrary. 
— Nines is a pretty awkward kisser in the beginning, and it takes practice and some pointers for him to improve. Once you get past the stiffness, and teach him where to put his hands and how to move his lips against yours he quickly becomes obsessed with kissing. The RK models are one of the few with the ability to taste things, and once you’ve introduced Nines to kissing with tongue it’s all he really wants to do.
— Will literally make out with you for hours if that’s your desire. There’s nowhere he feels more content than up against a wall somewhere with your tongue down his throat. 
— Most arguments turn into angry kissing nowadays. Say sorry later kiss me now, that type deal. 
— And once Nines finally thaws out? Everything about him—including the way he kisses you softens. He takes his time kissing you, gives you that longing look when you pull away first (because otherwise he’d keep you there all day) he can never really get enough of you.
— If you’re ever interrupted right before your lips meet he’s so pouty, sending death glares at the distraction until he gets his kiss 😤
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993 notes · View notes
geminigengar · 5 months
working on a new rk900 x reader where nines is dressed down undercover when he meets the reader and its just shenanigans with this dynamic
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115 notes · View notes
urlonelystarrr · 11 months
rk800 'connor' x reader x rk900 'nines'
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GENRE → angst, romance
SYNOPSIS → your feelings for connor grew as the android revolution went on, though a new partner makes you question your feelings.
TAGS/WARNINGS → descriptions of corpses, blood, death, angst, crime scenes
you could never get used to the smell of rotting flesh. the scent was overbearing, a particular smell that could only be compared to meat gone bad in your fridge. the scent was much stronger than expired meat, however you managed to push through it. crime scene after crime scene, they each had their own story to tell. and even though your sharp detective skills could figure out what happened, this case seemed to throw you off balance.
androids were something you were unfamiliar with. so far you've only dealt with human on human crimes, but never human and android. as you stepped into the rotting house, the first thing you noticed were the words "I AM ALIVE" written in the victims blood on the wall, right above where said victim laid. the smell lingered in the air, so much that whenever you went home you'd wash your clothes twice with the fear of that smell seeping into your clothing. the victims home was cluttered and messy, expected as nobody had been taking care of the home for weeks. as you examined the living area, you noticed blood leading into the kitchen. following the trail, it stopped in front of the flipped over table, which indicated that there has been a struggle between the victim and the android. there was always more to the story other than the android going rogue all of a sudden and attacking it's owner, and even the thought of a person owning someone who has a conscious didn't sit right with you.
that being said, it led you back to where you started: I AM ALIVE. the words repeated in your head like a broken record. you had an idea of what it meant. maybe the android wanted to tell people that they aren't just machines, that they're more than just wires and whatever else they were made of. the sound of the front door opening caught your attention, and you were met with lieutenant anderson's face along with someone you didn't recognize.
"jesus that smell!" the lieutenant's face scrunched up into that of disgust, before officer collins gave him a short briefing on what had happened. the person that he was with was an android, judging by his LED that circled amber as he analyzed the scene. "you'll get used to it," you replied to hank, to which he shook his head. you looked over to his partner, holding your hand out for him to shake. "hello. my name is y/n," you smiled. he shook your hand, "my name is connor." ah, so that was his name. hank didn't seem too pleased with his partner as he rolled his eyes, walking away with another officer, leaving you two alone. connor squat down in front of the corpse, his LED circling amber once again as he scanned the body. "he was stabbed 28 times," he said, standing up. "yeah, seems like whoever did this was tired of him." you commented before heading into the kitchen with the android. you didn't know what he was looking at, but his eyes were trained on the floor, despite nothing being there. "what are you looking at?" you asked him, stopping shortly once he stood between the table and the sink. "thirium. you call it 'blue blood'. it's the fluid that powers androids biocomponents." well, the more you know. "so...humans can't see it but you can?"
"correct." he looked over to you, before walking off to the backyard. there were some parts you had yet to explore, so you went down the hall and made a right into a small but cluttered bathroom. pulling back the shower curtain was slightly ominous, as if you expected the android to jump out at you. but what you saw was more intriguing. ra9 was written on the wall multiple times, along with a statuette in the middle of the shower floor. "could it be some type of religious offering?" connor's voice said behind you, making you jump from his sudden appearance. "how long have you been standing there?" you asked, and you noticed his eyes were looking at your chest. "not very long. your heart is racing," he commented. "because you scared me," you rolled your eyes, before turning around to pick up the statue. "anyway, i think it could be a religious offering like you said, judging by the phrase written on the wall a thousand times, it could be an offering to whoever ra9 is." intrigued by your analysis, he noticed something strange. a trail of thirium, coming from the kitchen and stopping right in front of the shower. then, leading to the attic. "think he's up there?" not many people used pronouns when referring to androids, most of them said "it" rather than calling them he or she. it was the first cop he'd heard use that. "only one way to find out."
grabbing a chair for him, he thanked you before going up the attic. you'd be scared shitless, though androids didn't necessarily have emotions. connor probably felt the same as he did when he showed up. hank came over once he noticed connor was up there for too long, shouting for him. "connor! the fuck are you doing up there?!"
connor replied quickly. "it's here, lieutenant!" shit. the two of you ran to grab the attention of the other officers.
everything was moved to the station. you, connor, gavin and chris watched as hank tried interrogating the suspect. to no avail, he came back shortly after, until connor offered to question him. gavin laughed, making you cock your brow at him. "what's funny? connor has a better chance at getting answers than any of us. he knows more about deviants than we do," you crossed your arms, making gavin scoff and ignore you. connor looked at you with an unrecognizable emotion, before heading into the room.
there was no doubt that he would be successful, as the suspect confessed that he did in fact murder carlos ortiz, and claimed self defense. physical evidence showed clear signs of abuse - burn marks stretching over a year old, and so on. you honestly pitied him. maybe that's why you came to the cell he was being held in, keeping your distance to avoid causing unwanted stress. he barely looked up as you tried to get his attention. "i believe you," you started off, until he cut you off. "it doesn't matter. i'm going to get shut down." his broken voice tore your heart apart, and you didn't want to make any promises that he'd be kept alive. but you also couldn't sit there and do nothing.
"i'm going to try to convince them not to shut you off. carlos attacked you first, but in detroit law your act of self defense was deemed excessive- which is why they're treating this as homicide. i really do feel for you, i don't want your abuse to be the only memory you have of this life."
he looked up at you with a pained expression, as if he believed what you were saying wasn't true. as if you were trying to lure him into a trap. he didn't say anything, and went back over to the wall where he continued carving something into. you noticed his cuffs were still on. his head turned upon hearing the door slide open, and he backed up to the corner with his hands raised, which made you stop in your tracks. "can i remove the cuffs?" your voice was gentle, and you spoke as if you were speaking to a frightened child. he placed his hands in front of you, visibly shaking as you gently pried them off.
the moment he was brought to the station, he'd been treated inhumane. the officers shoved him around, holding him down to place cuffs on him in the interrogation room, and even when he was trying to leave the room, they were rough. not you though. from the moment you saw him, you didn't look at him with judgement. he felt like he could trust you, the only problem was that he didn't want to. even as your fingers gently brushed his wrists to remove the cuffs, he didn't want to feel comforted by your calming nature. your eyes were trained on his damaged forearm, guilt swallowing you whole as you looked at him. tears pricked at your eyes as you tried to hold in the sympathy you felt for the android. you didn't know why you felt so strongly- this was unusual. he noticed your eyes watering and felt a little more trust. "you don't deserve this," you said, your voice wavering. "i'm going to try to get you better, okay?" you looked up at him, your hands holding his. the trembling stopped. he nodded, prompting you to exit the cell, leaving him alone.
locking yourself in the restroom, you took deep breaths in order to calm yourself. the moment you stepped out, the sound of multiple officers shouting caught your attention.
you quickly ran to the source, skin prickled with goosebumps as you heard a thudding sound. the sight of thirium splattered onto the clear cell door made you cry out, pushing past officers to stop the deviant from self destruction. you immediately put your hand in between his forehead and the glass. "stop it!" you yelled, pulling him away gently, where he laid in your lap, thirium leaking onto your clothes. you covered the wound on his head with your hand, tears leaking down your face as he died in your arms.
"you know what they're going to do to me," he said to you, the words not being loud enough for any officer except for you. you clutched him harder, watching as he gave a small smile before laying still in your arms.
"are you alright, detective?" connor asked you, noticing the thirium all over your clothes, and your reddened eyes. "i don't understand. it's our job to protect people, not let these things happen to them." you sat on top of your desk, your head turning to look at the android being carried into the archive room. they didn't even see him as a dead body. just evidence to be hung up on the wall. something twisted in your gut.
"it's not a person. it's a machine," he corrected, rather machine-like. you sniffled, "he was more than that. you're more than that- all of you."
he titled his head, something he did often. he was going to say something before hank cut him off. "it's dead...that's for sure." your head hung low, eyes trained on the ground as everything around you faded. any noise was drowned out by the vicious thoughts in your head, the guilt clawing up your throat. you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.
when you came into the office the next morning, you noticed a certain android sitting in the lieutenant's seat. "good morning," you greeted connor. his presence indicated that he was going to be here for a while, until everything would clear up. you doubted it would ever clear up, though having connor around for a while didn't seem too bad. "good morning detective. do you know what time lieutenant anderson arrives?" he asked, tilting his head. you didn't know if there were any other rk units, but you wondered if all of them were this cute. "usually around noon. I don't think he'll be coming anytime soon though," you bit your lip. "thank you." he replied, standing up to walk elsewhere, until you stopped him. "would you like me to show you around? maybe it's best if we get to know each other," you said warmly.
he smiled and nodded, following as you showed him around the police department. you stopped in front of the archive room, explaining to him what was in there, even though he probably already knew. "most cops here are very anti-android, so please be careful. speaking of which..." you muttered the last part under your breath as gavin entered the break room, immediately looking over at the much taller figure standing next to you as you made a cup of coffee. "huh, looks like plastic detective's back in town," he sneered. you grit your teeth, shooting him a glare. "hello. my name is connor," he greeted. he gave an amused look at his partner, who shared the same look as gavin came closer to the rk model. "I don't give a shit what your name is. you might've gotten lucky last night, but I'm warning you. stay outta my way," he poked a finger into his chest, his gaze sharp and full of anger. you stepped in between the two, causing gavin to stumble slightly as you gripped his finger and threw his arm back to him. "we get it. you're insecure. move along now, surely you have more work to do other than lounging in the break room all day." he scowled, about to press you when fowler shouted gavin's name from the bullpen. "you're fuckin' lucky fowler called me in when he did," he said, not before shoulder checking you as he walked out.
you groaned, running a hand through your hair. "are you alright detective?" connor asked again. "i should be asking you that. i'm sorry about him." you apologized, squeezing his arm gently.
the sensation lingered on his arm, even as he searched for the missing ax400. "connor! jesus, i'm talking to you. you ran outta batteries or what?" hank yelled, after calling connor's name for the last few minutes. "i'm sorry lieutenant. i was making a report to cyber life," he lied. hank scoffed, continuing to search the motel.
it had been a couple of months since the revolution, led by markus and a group of androids. connor had fully deviated, and with the new android laws he was allowed to remain working at the dpd. since then, the two of you had gotten closer. you saw more and more of connor's personality after working with him for so long. you'd be lying if you said you didn't have any feelings for the android. sure, it was dumb, and also forbidden. you doubted he shared any of the same feelings, though a part of you wished he'd reciprocate them.
he found it strange your heart rate would increase whenever he was around you. you hadn't done that before. he also sensed that your body temperature would increase if he got too close, and all of this analysis only confused him more. his relationship with the lieutenant has improved greatly, as well as yours.
the three of you hung out after work, frequently at a bar. you didn't drink, so it was mostly you and connor babysitting a very drunk hank.
with more and more cases involving androids pouring in, you were being overworked. you didn't have a partner, but if you needed help connor would offer to help you when he was available. even so, you couldn't rely on him when he already had his hands full. the only problem was that there was nobody else working these cases that would be your partner. despite gavin being anti android and still working in these cases, you'd rather get paralyzed from the waist down than work with him.
fowler noticed inconsistencies in your work recently, which was why he was shouting your name from across the bullpen to call you into his see through office. "look, i know you've got a lot on your hands. but i can't keep letting you slide. your work has been inconsistent l/n." he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "you've gotta give me some time- i've been staying past office hours trying to finish everything. if I had a partner i'd be getting a lot more work done and solved." you explained.
he sighed, "alright. I'll see what I can do. just- in the meantime, will you please focus on your work?" you nodded, standing up before leaving his office.
it actually didn't take you too long before you had a partner. "cyberlife was generous enough to give me one of the most advanced androids in their possession, an rk900. now, i expect you to give me quality reports, and to solve your cases." you thanked him, before leaving his office and returning to your desk. hank and connor were out on a mission, otherwise you'd be telling them first. you waited at your desk, browsing some files when you felt the presence of somebody behind you. you swiveled your chair around to see an exact replica of connor, with a few different features. besides his white pristine jacket, you noticed his eyes were grey instead of brown. he looked much more intimidating than his counterpart. and he might've even been taller, though it was hard to judge considering you were sitting down.
"you're detective l/n, correct?" even the way he talked was different. his voice was similar to his predecessor, however there was something that distinguished him and the rk800. he sounded more authoritative in a way. "yes, you must be my partner?" you stood up to shake his hand, which he stared at for a few seconds before lifting up his own. his grip was strong, you noted. "yes. it would be best to get to work right away. is there a desk anywhere?"
you nodded, pointing to the vacant desk in front of you. he sat down, being quick to work as he browsed the many cases that you had. you saw his LED circle amber, indicating he was analyzing all of the current information. "do you have a name?" you asked, making eye contact with him before looking away. "no." well, he was very direct. "we should give you one," you suggested. he stared at you before responding vaguely, "i don't see how this relates to the investigation." you shrugged, "well, it would be more efficient to call out something other than your model number, in case of an emergency." a look flashed in his eye before he responded quickly, as if he expected you to say that. "there won't be any emergencies as long as you're with me."
you were caught off guard, and he knew it. from that look of amusement on his face, you reacted just as he expected. your skin flushed as you looked away, trying to hide your flustered state. did he even know how that sounded to humans? "that's sweet." you replied. "i didn't intend for it to be."
what was his problem? you ignored his comment and stood up, coming over to his side of the desk. "can you find the most recent case involving an attack with an android for me?" you asked, leaning over him slightly. his eyes avoided looking at your cleavage that was exposed, and he fought the urge to point out your violation of dress code. "did you need to stand up to tell me this?" he asked, before searching for a file. you chuckled a little bit, amused by his strange sense of humor. even if it didn't mean to come off as humorous, you still found it funny. your computer chimed with the case file, and you browsed it before grabbing your coat. "i think this will be a good start to our investigation," you said, grabbing your keys as well. he followed you to the parking lot, waiting for you expectantly as you forgot to unlock the passenger door. "oops, sorry," you unlocked the passenger side, waiting until he was fully inside before driving off.
"julia nichols, the wife of anthony nichols reported that her android had killed her husband before disappearing," you went over briefly. "i know." rk900 replied, looking over at you for a moment before turning his head back to the road. "right, you're the one who gave me the file," you said in defeat.
the two of you arrived at the scene shortly after other officers started to show up, and immediately you could tell something was off.
"her story isn't adding up," you said to rk900 as he analyzed the shared bedroom. "i agree. there's information that she's hiding from us. her heart rate spikes up and so does her body temperature." he said as if it was the most normal thing ever. the way you looked at him was proof that humans would never be able to surpass their greatest creation. the rk900 looked around more, peering into the closet to find a wooden box, with the outline of a hunting knife that appeared to be missing. "that's strange," you commented, before interjecting with another random thought that came to mind.
"does that mean you can see my heart rate too?" your curiosity and fascination with something so ordinary to him definitely fueled his ego a little bit. "yes." he stepped closer until he was two feet away from you. "i can see everything," he leaned down just enough for you to be eye to eye with him. the increased heart rate told him all he needed to know, and he left the room, leaving you speechless.
you tried to ignore whatever that was earlier by inspecting the gruesome crime scene. the pictures were always different in comparison to real life. seeing an image versus the actual remains of a human was a drastic change.
the murder took place a few hours or so ago, leaving a 15 minute time gap between the wife's distressed 911 call, and the amount of time it took for officers to respond to the call. judging by the blood splatter patterns, the android would've been seen with blood all over her clothing. unlike humans, androids don't feel pain. despite not being susceptible to damage, the android would most likely have a part of their hand damaged because of the amount of force needed to tear through tissue and muscles. it would definitely leave an injury.
with this information in mind, you were quick to note the slight injury on the wife's right hand.
you didn't believe a word she said. however, you played it off like you believed her and that she wasn't the main suspect. rk900 scanned the husbands corpse that was laid out on the kitchen floor. there was a key detail that any other officer would miss out on, not because they weren't observant enough, but because they weren't an android. rk900 found traces of thirium on the kitchen sink. what looked like fingers gripping onto the counter, and a splatter that was across from the fingers, with little droplets leading him into the basement of the home. he stood in front of the door, about to head downstairs when he felt you behind him. "don't go down there. i have a bad feeling about it," you gripped his wrist, stopping him from moving any further. "you underestimate me, detective. i'm rk900, the most advanced android ever made. if i couldn't handle a human, what kind of detective would i be?" he tugged his hand free from your grip, which didn't take much effort at all. you swallowed nervously as he headed down the steps, following after him. he stopped in his tracks when he felt your weight on the steps behind him. "i advise you not to stand in my way. i can handle this myself," he said, staring at you like you were some child interfering with adult business. you held your tongue, and retreated upstairs to look for anything else.
rk900 didn't bring up the fact that he saw blue blood in the kitchen. not only did that raise suspicion, but it also kept valuable information from you.
you examined the kitchen once more, coming over to where the husband laid, lifeless. you noticed that the knife in question that he was stabbed with was nowhere to be found. even the officers that first responded to the scene said that they hadn't found the weapon. the wife also stated that she did not see where the weapon landed, only when it was being used. but that didn't make sense, why would the android run off with the murder weapon if they knew there wouldn't be any fingerprints?
"excuse me, miss nichols? were you able to tell what type of knife it was?" you asked the wife who had come back inside after being questioned. "it was a kitchen knife." she replied coolly. which was strange, considering the circumstances. a chill ran up your spine as you realized you made a grave mistake. "none of the knives are missing except for your husband's hunting knife," you said.
as rk900 analyzed the basement for any more traces of blue blood, he stumbled upon a container filled with blue blood, next to a black garbage bag that contained a heavy smell. he scanned it, then again, and again to make sure what he was seeing was correct. the blood in the container belonged to the hk400, and it matched the same sample from the kitchen. he pried open the bag, only to see a faint blue light humming, and then the hk200's dismembered corpse inside.
the woman paused, looking at you before lunging at you with the said knife. "shit! nines!" you yelled, trying to gather the android's attention while trying to keep yourself alive. you slipped on the blood, causing you to hit your head on the tiled floors of the kitchen, and she was on top of you in an instant. you fought with her, knocking down chairs to gather the attention of anybody. she managed to cut your arm, staining your white blouse with red, but you managed to switch positions until you were the one on top. using your forearm, you held her down by the chest while using your free hand to slam the knife out of her own. "fuck. nines!" you yelled again, relief flooding your body as footsteps rushed up the stairs, and rk900 was quick to enter the scene. while you were distracted, she was able to grab the knife and cut your stomach, but you were quick and held the blade before it could fully penetrate. he kicked the knife out of her hands, quick to point his gun while you held her down. "don't move or I'll shoot!" he raised his voice slightly, kneeling down to reach into your holster to grab your handcuffs. it felt weird having his fingers shove themselves into your belt, but you tried not to focus on the rough brush of his knuckles so close to you.
she was quickly apprehended by your partner, immediately being sat in the back of a police car. you sat on the floor with your back against a few cupboards, your hand clutching your stomach. you looked like a bloody mess. your arm was stained red, your abdomen leaked red all over your blouse, and your hand was drenched in a mixture of your own blood and the victims.
rk900 rushed to your side, scanning your body to see what injuries you had. thankfully none of them were fatal, but this still was a drawback on his end. "you okay?" you asked, despite being the one bleeding out. "i told you, i can handle myself." you nodded, "so what did you find in the basement?"
he sighed, or gave an equivalent to that. "you need medical attention before we can discuss the details," he held his hand firmly against your abdomen, adding the correct pressure that was needed to stop the bleeding. you winced, gritting your teeth at the burning sensation. you didn't say anything, the two of you waited in silence as an ambulance rushed to the home.
it wasn't a part of his mission to follow you to the hospital, but he did anyway. you had left your keys on the floor, which he picked up and cleaned before using your car to follow the ambulance.
after you were all bandaged up, you headed to the front desk where you signed out. you turned around, seeing the familiar pristine white jacket of the rk900, sitting in the wait room. he sat with his hands in his lap, and it was oddly cute seeing someone so intimidating look so small. as he stood up, you were quickly reminded that he wasn't cute and tiny. "why are you here?" you asked with a smug look on your face. "to return your keys," he replied. you chuckled, "sure. well, let's get out of here," you had walked to the parking lot, waiting for him to lead the way as you had no idea where he parked. "give me the keys," you said. "no. that would be a hazard for both of us. i'm driving," he said as he sat gracefully in the driver's seat. you wondered if you looked that good getting into your car.
"now that I've gotten medical attention, what did you end up finding in the basement?" you asked, looking over at the android who was driving even faster than you. "the missing hk200. it was dismembered and thrown into a garbage bag. next to it was a pitcher of its blood." you grimaced, "so it didn't run away after all. the wife definitely killed her husband and framed the android, but why? I mean why kill someone you were married to?" the android went silent for a moment, before telling you something that definitely would've helped. "I didn't mention this to you because I thought it wasn't relevant information, but when we were inside the room, I found his phone and saw evidence of him having an affair. that could've been a reason why she did it."
you froze, staring at him with a mixture of anger and hopelessness. "why would you keep that from me? even if it doesn't seem useful at the moment, you could've told me." you looked angry but you didn't sound angry. there was something in your tone that sounded like despair. you didn't underestimate his abilities when it came to defending himself, you just didn't want him to put himself into dangerous situations just because he can. in a way you were looking out for him without looking out for yourself. now wasn't the right time to say you were worried when you ended up proving him right; you were in his way. "I'm sorry, detective. I should also bring up that I found traces of blue blood in the kitchen." his tone was different from before. it sounded like he almost regretted his actions. you stayed silent this time. he underestimated your abilities, not because he was looking out for you but because you were weaker than him. that only would interfere with his work. it made you sad to say the least.
you dreaded reporting back to fowler, knowing he'd take rk900's side on this and probably fire you for letting the situation get out of control. you dreaded hearing what he'd have to say. you knew this was your fault, a loss on your end, only proving that you weren't good enough to be a detective. you sat across from Fowler, already sensing his anger and disappointment. rk900 stood behind you with his hands clasped behind his back, his face devoid of any emotion as he watched Fowler start to yell at you. "I give you one of the most advanced partners you can have, and you come back like this?! it doesn't matter that you solved the case! you let the situation get out of control. if I have to tell you to tighten the hell up again, then you're out of my office l/n. be like your partner."
rk900 looked down at you as you avoided meeting anyone's gaze. he didn't want to admit it, but he felt partly responsible for withholding information that could've given you a better outcome. you sat at your desk, avoiding his gaze as you typed away on your computer. the blood was still there on your shirt. you tried to cover it with your coat, but it was useless. the amount of blood on you made him feel guilty. if he just told you what he found, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. he was about to say something when you stood up, and excused yourself. he saw you talking to Connor, making eye contact with the rk800 before he went back to his conversation with you. were you complaining about him to his counterpart? the thought of that angered him, but he remained calm as he didn't know what you were saying. you left to the bathroom, while his predecessor came towards his desk.
"you're partners now," he said. rk900 didn't reply, he just looked at Connor until he said something else. "what's surprising is that she's not mad at you. she feels the opposite, that you're mad at her," he explained. rk900 stood up, looking over to the bathrooms where you were in. "that wasn't my intention-"
"then fix it." Connor said, walking back to his desk. his LED flashed red briefly, before returning to the steady blue it always was. he hated seeing you hurt. he was worried his counterpart would be too careless. sometimes he wished he could be your partner, in a work sense but also in another way he couldn't define. he wouldn't let you get injured like that. he just hoped rk900 would recognize his mistake.
it seemed like crying at work started to become a habit of yours as this was the second time you've done it. you didn't know what to do. you felt like you didn't belong here. since your first day, you've felt out of place. and now, the feeling came on worse than before. when fowler yelled at you to be more like your partner, suddenly it felt like your mom comparing you to a classmate that you could never be like. working here reminded you of when you were a kid, when you came home crying wondering why nobody wanted to play with you. was it always going to be like this? your tears ran down the drain again, and you wiped your eyes and blew your nose before trying to go back out again.
someone entering the restroom quickly made you pretend as if nothing was wrong, but when you met those same grey eyes in the mirror, you couldn't help but to lower your head.
"when you were calling me for help, you called me 'nines'. is that correct?" he asked you. your brows furrowed as you tried to piece what he was trying to allude to. "yes, is it okay if I can call you that?" you said, turning around only to find him closer than you anticipated. "mhm," he said lowly, "i like it. you can call me nines from now on." the corners of your mouth upturned slightly as you said it out loud once more. "I like it too."
he didn't know how to apologize without making it sound like connor told him everything. "I should have been more...efficient. I should have told you the information I found instead of keeping it to myself." you smiled a little bit at him, before remembering what he had told you. "it's okay nines. i never underestimated you, i just...didn't want you to put yourself in danger." unfortunately, he couldn't say the same. the words were clogged in his artificial throat as he tried to gather a correct response. but the look in your face told him that you already knew. "i know nines. if you feel that I stand in your way, don't be afraid to ask for a replace-"
"no." the word was out before he could even think about it. it caught both of you off guard, but he was quick to correct himself. "I apologize for what I said in the basement. if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have found the culprit. I regret what I said, I hope we can move past this and become better partners." you would've started crying again, but you felt too happy to even consider it. "I hope we can move past this too. after all, you are my partner," you smiled, patting his arm.
the police department wasn't bustling with police officers as many of them had gone home, which was something you were thankful for as nobody would question why you just walked out of the same bathroom with your male partner. just imagine the rumors. connor was glad to see you smiling again, and came over before he and hank left home. "are you heading home?" you asked the brown eyed rk unit. after being with nines all day, you missed connor. "yes. i hope that you get well soon, detective." he scanned you one last time, just to make sure that you were alright. "I will be. take care of yourself connor," you smiled before hugging the android goodnight. if anyone else was here, there would be rumors of you fucking both the rk models. you hadn't hugged him before, but it was definitely something he'd get used to. his arms wrapped around your waist gently, not to hurt you. he rested his chin on your shoulder, his sensors going haywire from the warmth surrounding his body. as well as the smell of you, and your hands rubbing his lower back. if he could get goosebumps he probably would have them right now, as the feeling was similar. nines watched your interaction with curiosity. he had access to connor 's memories but never found anything intimate, or anything to suggest the two of you had a relationship outside of work. he must have been very close to you, as your body went from being tensed to completely relaxed.
after connor had left and you made some final reports about the case, it was time for you to go home. you stretched your back, wincing when you felt your injury move underneath the bandage. "are you alright, detective?" nines asked. you smiled, despite them being two different people with different personalities, there were some things they did that mimicked one another. "I am. I think I'm done for the night." you stood up, and grabbed your coat. nines did the same, though he didn't need to grab anything except for his keys. "nines?" you called out, looking over to him only to find he was already looking at you. "yes?"
"are you comfortable with me hugging you?" it was strange. you seemed confident hugging connor but you looked shy when asking him. it made him feel a way he couldn't describe. despite being deviant, these emotions were still new to him, as connor had time to adapt to these new feelings, he didn't have much of an experience. he paused for a second, before nodding his head. you wrapped your arms around his abdomen, your hands rubbing the same lower portion of his back that you did when you hugged connor. reluctantly, he wrapped his arms around you, his sensors taking in the sensation crawling up his spine. since deviation, he was able to feel more things for some reason. that meant his pleasure receptors were stronger than they'd be if he was just in his program, but right now he felt something he'd never felt before. it was a good feeling, to be wrapped with a warm pressure. now he understood why humans loved hugging each other.
you pulled away to his distaste, walking out with him to your car. you didn't know what you just started, but you knew it would be tough to handle your feelings for both of the androids.
a/n: before you ask, yes there will be a part two. I'm not sure how long this might continue, but it depends on how many people will enjoy it. I know the majority of my followers aren't a part of this fan base, but I hope it reaches the right audience ♡
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domxmarvel · 2 years
DBH-Domestic headcanons
3 Year Masterlist  
Special thanks to @princess-odette for helping me with these
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There will definitely be a lot of trial and error
He barely knew what to do the first time you cuddled him
He was designed to hunt down deviants 
The complete opposite of gentle and soft
Yet somehow he was
He usually just copies whatever you do or looks it up
He tried to cook once but almost burnt everything down
So you convinced him to do the dishes instead
But whenever you did them,he wrap his arms around you and kiss your neck
Your dates would consist of going to old record stores,picnic and bookstores
You’d always sit under a tree with his arm around you while reading
If you ask he’ll read to you
If you’re reading at home,he’ll put on one of the records and ask you to dance
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Husband material
He knows how to cook,clean and give the best cuddles
Breakfast in bed is just an everyday thing
Sometimes you’d convinces him to cuddle instead
Those days you’d end up cooking breakfast together
Will definitely have paintings of you all over your house
Except the one in the living room of both of you
Which took a lot of convincing 
He loved painting you and refused to paint himself
You’d always compliment him to remind him how beautiful he is
If you played and instrument,you’d play together 
If you didn’t he’d teach you
Gavin reed
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Gavin loves his cats almost as much as he loves you
You’d spend everyday cuddling either him or one of the cats
Waking up with all of them on top of you
He’s always bring you coffee in the morning just the way you like it
You made sure he wasn’t mean to Connor anymore 
You’d try to help him with some of his cases even if you weren’t a detective
Movie night every weekend
Although you’d talk through most of it
Randomly quoting memes at each other for no reason
He’d only say ‘I love you’ If you were alone
Nines (RK 900)
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somehow he’s more clueless than Connor
He will try his best and do what he actually can
He’d make you coffee in the morning but it would be a different kind every morning
He’d also cook for you without burning anything
You were surprised by how good he was
You’d spend endless hours reading in silence
Every month you’d pick a book and read and chapter each night and discussed it
Whenever it was his turn he’d pick a something with romantic
Sometimes you thought he picked them just to see you flustered
Whenever you were too tired to read he’d cuddled you and read it to you
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randoimago · 1 year
Aah, can I also request some letters for RK800 and RK900? M, S and Y, please!
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Character(s): RK800 (Connor), RK900 (Nines)
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): Calling RK900 Nines just because I like that better than his model number!
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M - Memory (what is their favourite memory with you?)
A favorite memory he thinks fondly of from time-to-time is when he went on a walk in the park with you. It's simple and the moment was on the casual side rather than romantic, but he noticed how relaxed and happy you looked.
The smile on your face and seeing you stress-free is kept in his memory banks. Sometimes, he finds himself smiling at the memory popping up out of nowhere.
It was after a chase with finding a deviant android, one that murdered for the sake of enjoying it than defense. Nines saw you retreat to the roof of the building and he followed you, curious as to what your intentions were. You ended up just talking, mentioning similar cases with humans. Nines added to your comments with logic and how faulty programming caused this.
Nothing romantic happened at all, but hours were spent just talking under the night sky and Nines ends up going back to that moment quite a bit, it was the first moment that he really felt that he got to see you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
I feel like Connor would be very protective over you once he's reached deviancy. He realizes his feelings and doesn't like the idea of you being hurt in any way, but he also has to stop himself from rushing to your side every time because he knows that level of protectiveness could upset you too.
Connor would prefer to not resort to violence so he tries to be charming and sly as he gets you out of any uncomfortable situations. That doesn't mean he won't punch someone for you, but he is better with his words. And as such, he's very good with giving you compliments and cheering you up in those situations too.
He usually views other's well-being over his own so having his S/O take care of him makes him happy. He does remind you that it's unnecessary to comfort him, but the smile on his face shows that he very much enjoys it.
He doesn't realize his protectiveness to his S/O. Nines sees you in danger and he ignores his programming giving him a percentage of your safety as he goes to immediately help you without a thought.
He knows he's strong and physically capable to keep you safe, but then he sees you in emotion turmoil. Nines convinces himself that he's calming you so your performance doesn't jeopardize his, but he is fast to find information and read your tells to make sure you are okay.
Nines would never ask that you protect him. He's a machine and can't feel pain. But if you defend him in conversation or even just stay by his side when he needs you (not that he'd say he needs you) then that causes some system errors that he doesn't quite know how to handle.
Y - Yearning (how do they cope when they are missing you? are they alright with being without you for an extended period of time or would they prefer to be with you every day of their life without exception?)
Definitely is a bit of a puppy when it comes to his S/O being away. He tries to not let it affect his performance, but Hank is quick to call him out on it. He ends up getting his coin out more often or trying to find ways to occupy his mind as a small timer is going on in the back of his programming for when you'll be back.
Very much would prefer you to be around him all the time, but he also knows that would be unreasonable and illogical to ask for, so he just awaits for your return.
Nothing seems to change for Nines when his S/O is gone for a while. He still performs highly and functions just fine. Nothing really seems wrong except for the fact that he acts more like a machine while you're away.
He does miss you, but he can't let it get in the way of his work. Would request that you not leave so often or not be gone for too long as he wants to make sure you're by his side and not in danger of being hurt.
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chin-chilla-7 · 1 year
Loved the emotionless human reader.
Can you do that same prompt but with Connor and Nines?
She just very constipated with emotions☠️☠️
I’m glad you enjoyed those headcanons! I can totally do the same for Connor and Rk900!
Connor and Rk900 (Nines) react to a reader who is overall disconnected from their emotions.
After his deviancy, Connor was steadily connecting with humans and androids alike. Meeting you was like meeting anyone else.
He didn’t think much of the fact you had problems expressing emotions. He had met many people while working with Hank, he was aware of how humans could struggle to express how they really feel.
He was surprised by you thinking emotions were pointless, though. That was something new he hadn’t experienced yet.
He’ll talk to you about it, asking your opinions, maybe even sharing some of his own. He won’t try to change your mind, but he at least tries to offer insight into why emotions are important.
He’ll shut you down if you get annoyed at someone else being ‘overly emotional’. It’ll be quick and curt as it’s not something that needs extra attention.
Rk900 (Nines)
Nines really connects with the fact that you are overall disconnected from emotions. He’s still quite new to… well, everything, including emotions, so it’s a lot for him to take in and process.
So knowing that a human has a similar experience has put less pressure on him to figure everything out.
He doesn’t really express emotions, either. When the two of you are together, many people get intimidated by both of you sharing a similar blank expression.
It makes him feel a little less alone.
He does, though, get confused when he learns you think emotions are pointless. That hasn’t been the conclusion he’s come to.
He’s found out that emotions are a different eye to see the world, an eye he’s still learning how to see through.
And there’s a certain type of beauty to this perspective of the world, one he’d like to look closer into.
He’s the one most likely to ‘argue’ about emotions being important. I don’t think he’ll see it as arguing, but you definitely could see it as an argument.
If you were to be annoyed that someone else is crying or in a deep bit of emotion, the Nines would find that quite rude and request you leave if you’re that bothered by it.
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homicidal-slvt · 11 months
Okay! So the short version of my request is I’d essentially like a yandere love triangle where Nines is after the attention of Connor’s girlfriend. When he goes to make a move and maybe separate them, he finds out Connor is a (slightly more subtle) yandere who knows what Nines is trying to do and isn’t happy about it.
"999 Or 666"
Connor x F!Reader x RK900
Warnings: Yandere Themes & Death Of A Character
You hummed a soft tune while carefully folding laundry, Connor was currently in the kitchen tending to- well you're not exactly sure what. He often is fixing things.... Sometimes things you swear weren't actually broken but you trust him.
Calm and collected with a shockingly gentle touch for something inhuman. You put your faith in him even if occasionally there were things that seemed- off. He'd never hurt you. He's a robot not a monster- a robot with feelings and heart. So what if he bleeds blue rather than red- he still bleeds.
A pair of arms wrap around you from behind causing you to flinch for a split second in surprise.
He apologized while pressing close to you, a soft chuckle escaping your lips as you watch the little ringlet of light flicker between colors.
"It's alright Connor. Just give me a little warning next time."
Of course you made a new friend- you're just so darn sweet and inviting. It's not the first time you unintentionally charmed someone.
Connor does not like it though. He does not like the way Nines is looking at you.
Nines has set his eyes on you, your every movement mesmerizes him. It makes him feel something. He likes it- he likes feeling.
Swiftly reaching out before Connor can even react, Nines grabs the groceries that were in your hands moving towards the kitchen with them.
"Here. Let me give you a hand with that."
You couldn't help but giggle a little- it was cute. He's cute.
You love Connor- you only view Nines as a friend. Though when you giggle at what he does, it makes your calm collected boyfriend boil within.
His expression doesn't change- but the flicker of his light ringlet is an indication. A warning to something brewing behind his eyes.
Too bad you didn't notice.
"She's mine."
You were currently inside watching a movie, Connor standing outside with Nines. Tension thick in the air almost to a suffocating degree.
"She's not property."
Nines shot back- which may have been a mistake. A miscalculation. Perhaps he should have kept his mouth shut but he didn't exactly regret saying it.
Nines sensed something wasn't right with this. Right with Connor.
He's never felt this before but he feels- protective. You aren't his girlfriend but he intends for that to change.
Maybe if he drags out Connor's true colors... Maybe you'll choose him instead.
Wouldn't that be wonderful? He'd get to be the one to hold you and protect you instead. He'd be the one you run too.
Perhaps he isn't any better.
You were settled into Connor's arms nestled up against his chest, he was holding you a bit tighter than usual.
"You're quiet."
He looks down at you- an awkward but sweet smile making it's way onto his face.
"Just thinking."
"Bout' what?"
It wasn't entirely a lie- he was thinking about you. Just not in the typical sweet way like usual. You don't know that though- you don't need to know that. The way you nuzzle right into him has his system heating up- this is where you belong.
Nothing can snatch you from his arms.
Nines is visiting again- Connor isn't home right now so it's just you and him. This doesn't worry you though- why should it?
You're not in danger.
You heard shuffling around the kitchen and peeked in, it almost looked like Nines was searching for something. Something that had him rather agitated.
"What are you doing?"
He paused and turned towards you- your coffee maker in his hands.
"Has this been worked on recently?"
"Yeah... Connor said he fixed it. Why? Is it acting up again?"
His eyes drifted back to the object currently in his possession.
This is it.
He fidgeted with it and pulled out a small camera, holding it out to you and your heart stopped for a second.
What is that? Why would that be there?
Does Connor keep tabs on you whenever he has to be away for awhile...?
The thought forms knots in your stomach, this isn't something your Connor would do. No. There's no way.
Nines had set down the coffee maker and moved closer to you upon seeing your distressed expression, reaching out to pull you into his arms.
The sound of him saying your name dragged you out of your head and you swiftly stepped back avoiding his embrace.
"Don't touch me..."
The ringlet of light flickered- that time you used... It hurt. He was just helping- don't you see that? He's protecting you.
"I was just-"
"You... You should go."
"I can't leave you like this."
He was standing firm in his ground, refusing to go away despite your insistence. You two were so focused on each other you didn't hear the click of the front door.
Connor now in the kitchen doorway, a new feeling settling into the air.
"What is he doing here?"
Your heart dropped at the sound of his voice, it was like ice pressing into a wound.
Are you in danger?
He'd never hurt you.
But he would-
A blue substance splattered across your face, vision blurred in a frenzied panic. Hushed words meant to sooth you as a pair of arms snatched you into a strong chest.
You're safe. It's okay. Everything will be okay.
{The ending is up for interpretation. I know you said mild but idk how to make it only mild LMAO Sorry it took so long. Hope this is good.}
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honey-beann · 9 months
This is a weird way to come back into writing fics again, but here's a very vaguely edited fic that I wrote a while back to get me back into the groove of posting. I hope you like sick reader x snarky bastard fics lol.
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Thoroughly Analyzed (rk900 x reader)
Word Count: 1,005
"Oh fuck off, Gavin, I'm not sick!"
You all but sputtered, your cheeks dusted a light pink as you stood in front of your friend and coworker's desk, arms crossed and hip cocked to the side while you eyed him with as much disdain as you could muster.
"Are you being serious, dumb ass? You babysat Chris' kid while it had the flu four days ago, and now you're drinking tea and popping cough drops at your desk like it's your job. Just admit you were an idiot and go home."
You scoffed, glaring at Gavin as you moved away to sit down in your desk chair before turning it to face him once more.
"It wasn't a bad idea for me to babysit the kid, Reed, and I definitely did not get sick because of an eighteen month old child. Now do you have anything of substance to say, or can I finally get back to work?"
You watched as Gavin rolled his eyes, chuckling slightly under his breath as he turned his attention back to his monitor,
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, loser. Good luck nursing yourself back to health without taking a day off work."
Fighting the urge to flip off your coworker, you instead turned your gaze towards your own monitor, only to find yourself looking right above it and into the eyes of your department's rk900 model android, who had long since been dubbed 'Nines'.
You swallowed thickly, wincing shortly thereafter at the pain that action caused within your throat before catching yourself and forcing a polite smile,
"Hey Nines, what's up?"
You asked as casually as you could manage, watching as the android in question raised a brow before motioning towards Gavin, who had started watching your interaction the moment you'd spoken aloud.
You shrugged, trying not to pay your human coworker too much mind as you cleared your throat again awkwardly before attempting to speak once more, though your voice did sound notably strained this time,
"Reed told me last week that babysitting Chris' kid while he was sick was a bad idea because it was sure to get me sick too. I told him that my body was strong enough to fight off whatever an eighteen month old had, and he bet me twenty bucks that I'd be too sick to come to work within the week. That was four days ago, and now he's doing his best to convince me to go home since he's gotten it in his head that I caught the flu from the kid."
Nines' gaze was cold and stern as he stood, his arms crossed as he took a step closer,
"Did you?"
He asked, and you allowed yourself a moment to get lost in said gaze, however cold it may have been, before snapping out of it, remembering your promise to keep things professional at work.
Wouldn't want anyone catching on, after all.
"Wha- no, of course I didn't."
You sputtered nervously, hearing Gavin chuckle as he watched you from his seat, clearly amused and more than a little entertained.
"Are you sure about that, Detective?"
Nines pressed, taking another two steps closer to where you were sitting as he watched you calmly, a slight smirk making its way to his lips all the while.
"Because I have noticed a bit of a drop in your performance throughout the past two days, and it is part of policy that sick employees remain at home for necessary rest."
You shivered at the sound of Nines' voice, but did your best to play it cool despite your physical reaction to his now significantly closer presence.
"I-I'm fine I promise. I think I've just been a little tired, is all..."
You trailed off as the android in question moved to stand directly beside you, his hand falling to the back of your chair and turning it in his direction, thus forcing you to face him head on as he gazed down at you intently, that smirk remaining all the while.
"Oh really? Well, if you're just tired, I don't suppose you'd mind a routine test of your health?"
"A routine test of my health? No but what exactly-"
You were cut off by a pair of familiar lips crashing into yours as an equally familiar hand moved to cup your chin, tilting your face upward as you gasped into the kiss, eyes fluttering closed against your will. You remained this way for several seconds, until finally, Nines pulled away, humming as he looked down at you with both amusement and exasperation evident in his expression,
"According to my analysis of your saliva, you are suffering from the common flu, detective. Please gather your things and allow me to bring you home. I will inform the captain of our absence."
Unable to argue, you nodded meekly, your hand briefly raising to touch your subtly bruised lips before you snapped out of it and hurried to get your things together, trying desperately to ignore Gavin's shocked expression all the while.
Nines, on the other hand, seemed eager to bask in your shared coworker's surprise, and was in no apparent rush to leave, gathering his own belongings with the swift and relaxed ease that seemed to come so naturally to him.
Once everything was together, however, he made no effort to poke at Gavin further, simply guiding you by your elbow to the door as Reed began to follow suit, sputtering various questions, most of which were nonsensical and jumbled.
Eventually though, as the front door loomed before the two of you, Nines did stop and turn towards the man, his lips twitching upward ever so slightly as he smoothly withdrew his wallet from his pocket before reaching into it, his gaze never leaving Gavin's all the while.
"Oh, and thank you for your concern for my partner's well being, Detective Reed."
He said cheekily as he handed the man in question a twenty dollar bill before exiting the building entirely with you at his side.
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
Can I request Connor and Nines both having a crush on their colleague detective f reader who is bad ass for a human. Bonus ( reader helps Marcus who also fancies reader?)
𝐴/𝑁: 𝑁𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑦, 𝐼 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑖𝑧𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑡𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑡. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑎 100𝑘-𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑤-𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛 𝑓𝑖𝑥 𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑎. 𝐸𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑎𝑦, 𝐼 ℎ𝑎𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑢𝑛 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠. 𝐼 ℎ𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦 𝑖𝑡.
𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 1.8𝘬
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵.
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝘙𝘰𝘮 𝘤𝘰𝘮-𝘪𝘴𝘩, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥, 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘦, 𝑓𝑒𝑚!𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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There was nothing in this world quite like the combination of strong coffee and murder case files in the early morning.
Scrolling through the sizable file, (Y/N) pressed at her nose bridge not so as in disgust, but rather disbelief at the cruelty some humans were capable of. As much as she loved her job for its quirks it tended to be overwhelming, especially when she didn’t have caffein to get her through the gruesome details of a yet another awful crime. She let out a deep sigh, instinctively reaching for her mug only to notice it was empty. Great.
“I’ll go get some coffee” Stretching in her seat, (Y/N) got up from her chair; her voice immediately caught the attention of her android colleagues, causing them to involuntarily look at her in synch. “Do you boys want something from the break room?”
“I could go get you coffee, Detective.” Connor offered, abandoning his task at hand in a heartbeat.
“So could I, though I will prove to be more sufficient, for I’ve memorized the correct ratio of ingredients to achieve the best result.” Nines was quick to add, now standing up next to Connor, his slender figure towered over the one of his predecessor.
“I could do it myself, thank you.”
“But, Detective I insist-“
“There’s no need, Nines. I am a grown woman; I can pour myself a cup of coffee.” The two androids stood frozen in place; their LEDs flickered in a faint lemon color.
Entering the break room, (Y/N) was greeted by none other than her favorite colleague- lieutenant Anderson.
“You have the two most advanced androids in the world wrapped around your finger.” The man half joked, having seen the little interaction she had with said androids.
A genuine laugh erupted from her chest.
“We just get along well.” She poured herself the much-anticipated cup of coffee, facing away from the lieutenant.
“You keep telling yourself that bullshit. I may be old, but I’m not blind.” He added in a serious, yet friendly tone as if he was implying something.
Silently, (Y/N) watched as Hank closed the transparent door behind him, soon disappearing into the crowd of fellow busy officers.
Odd. She thought to herself as she mindlessly sipped at the warm bitter drink. What was this all about? She rolled her eyes- it was too early for her to put up with Hank’s moodiness.
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Arriving at yet another reported, (Y/N) wasn’t surprised to see a collapsing skeleton of what must’ve been somebody’s home. Inside, she was met with the unmistakable smell of rotting flesh. Judging by the intensity of the smell, she knew she was in for sight she wouldn’t be able to wipe off her consciousness. Though instead of dead body, the detective stumbled upon a mysterious figure; it was a man, covered in blood.
“Freeze!” She pointed her gun at the suspect, holding him at gun point. Alerted by the commotion, Connor and Nines rushed to the room the detective was in, only to notice her tackling down a man with seemingly no effort whatsoever.
“Detective, are you alright?” Connor rushed to her, whilst Nines handcuffed the suspect.
“You shouldn’t put your life at risk, Detective.” Nines glared at her.
“As you may have noticed, I could take care of myself.” She responded, dusting her clothes from the filthy ground she was on just a mere moments ago. Nines watched in silence as the detective went further into the house.
Just as she expected, the sight was as disgusting as the smell. Splashes of blood trailed to where the awful smell was coming from- the living room. There was the poor victim- dismembered into a bloody mess of limbs and intestines on what once used to be a snow-white carpet. Maggots thrived on the bruised face of the victim, making them almost unrecognizable.
“The victim was murdered five weeks ago and was found just yesterday.” Connor remarked.
“I could tell.” (Y/N) coughed at the unbearable smell. “I wonder why it took the neighbors so long to find the poor guy.”
“That information isn’t of importance right now, Detective.” (Y/N) flinched at the sudden reminder of Nines' presence. The analytical -almost cold- tone of his voice matched the expression of his face. Shortly, he glanced at her; the icy blue of his irises sparkled and for a moment she swore she saw a glimmer of warmth behind the made-up façade. His hand brushed against her arm, gently putting her behind him as he got closer to the body. Her breath hitched at closeness of his taller frame near pressing against hers.
With upmost attention, she observed his every action. Kneeling before the victim, Nines took his time studying the victim’s wounds. Slightly, he tilted his head as he took a closer look at the blood, oozing from the multiple wounds. In such moments, (Y/N) saw the connection between him and his predecessor- one most of the other officers at the DPD couldn’t. The child-like curiosity of the RK models was beyond astounding to her, adorable even. It was also why she found Nines to be just as endearing as was Connor. The more time she spent delving into the depth of Nines’ character the more she found herself invested into peeling away all of his layers until she was left with just the core of his identity. Maybe it was just a wild dream of hers, one she probably wouldn’t live to see coming true, though that was exactly what kept pulling her towards him- the utter fascination with his complex nature.
Lost in the world of her thoughts, (Y/N) hadn’t noticed Connor, standing right behind her. Silently, he watched and monitored her vitals- a habit of his he developed since deviancy. He noticed the acceleration of her heartbeat- was she anxious? He was inclined to assume so, but he was aware detective (L/N) had worked enough time in such conditions for her to be so easily distressed by a crime scene. Though that left more questions than it did answers.
Unable to dismiss his growing curiosity, he glanced at what she was looking at- Nines. He was currently taking samples, scooping some of the bodily fluids with his fingers before placing them in his mouth for analysis. That action of his appeared to have an immense effect on (Y/N). Her body temperature increased and her heartrate got even higher.
“Is everything alight, Detective?” (Y/N) swore her soul was about to leave her body as she was forcefully brought out of her daydreaming state by Connor’s hand gently shaking her shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m just a bit tired is all. I couldn’t really sleep that well last night.” She shot back a lie, she just made up. Though Connor read right through it.
“I hope you get enough rest tonight. The lack of sleep is affecting your performance at work.”
“You mean to say I’m incompetent?” She gasped dramatically with her hand atop her chest, acting offended.
“No, not at all. I’m just advising you to take better care of your health. I didn’t mean to offend you.” The words rushed out of his mouth; guilt was evident in his features.
“I know smart cookie, but now let’s get back to work.” She winked at him; gently she patted his head before she headed in Nines’ direction. Barely, she caught a glimpse of Connor’s flustered face with the corner of her eye. How adorable.
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“I suggest we get a taxi, Detective. According to the weather forecast, heavy showers are expected in the following 30 minutes.” Connor said, standing right next to (Y/N).
“Sounds good, it’s not like I could stand walking in these shoes for much longer.” Her gaze fell directly at the fancy heels she had. She wasn’t even sure why she had chosen such unsuitable footwear, though now her shoes were the least of her problems. The cold breeze pinched her cheeks, causing her to shiver.
“Are you cold, Detective?” Nines’ voice anchored her attention. “The temperature has dropped vastly since our arrival here and I’m afraid your clothing of choice is far from suitable for such weather.” He began explaining, whilst he took off his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. “Please take my jacket while I call for a taxi-“
“There’s no need to. One is already expected to arrive here in approximately 3 minutes.” Connor interrupted, his voice was an octave deeper and bitter; his eyes bore into his successor. Between them, (Y/N) glanced at Connor; was he getting jealous?
“Boys calm down. There’s no need for harsh feelings.” The two androids fell silent. With his arms crossed, Connor looked away from both her and Nines as if he couldn’t stand being in their presence; his typically soft brown eyes- she’s gotten so used to getting sucked into- were now cool and distant. Even the warmth of his features seemed to have faded away, only to be replaced with a bitter expression that appeared to be caused by thoughts, plaguing his entire being.
(Y/N) sighed in defeat; she couldn’t wrap her mind around it, why did they act like that?
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“What’s wrong?” Markus’ eyes fell upon her; a mixture of worry and curiosity flashed in the fusion of colors that were his eyes. “You know you could tell me anything.” (Y/N) nodded, briefly reminding herself of the events that brought her and Markus together.
“It’s about Connor and Nines. They tend to act very strange, it’s as if they are constantly competing for my attention.” Markus chuckled. “It’s just as ridiculous as it sounds.”
“I guess they can’t bear sharing you.” He joked.
“It appears so.” She said, then Hank’s words resurfaced in her mind. Could that mean…?
“They have a crush on you.”
(Y/N) fell silent. How come she hadn’t noticed?If anything, she wasn’t oblivious to the special treatment she received from both androids. Maybe she enjoyed it, feeling special in a way of being showered with attention. In fact, maybe she enjoyed it a tad bit too much to the point, where she hadn’t noticed how much she had gotten attached to the androids as so did they.
“And by the looks of it, it seems you too are interested. But it’s up to you to decide what the outcome will be.”
To say she hadn’t had her eye on Connor the first she met him would be a lie. Captivated by his charm, she always found herself smiling in his presence. His warm demeanor provided her with comfort, she had grown familiar with in both her ups and downs, whilst his cute face was her one weakness. On the other hand, she was smitten with Nines and the mystic aura, surrounding him- one that inevitably lured her in akin to a moth to a flame.
“Look” Markus took her hand. “I sympathize with the dilemma you’re faced with. After all I had to make a decision myself not so long ago, but you were there for me.” (Y/N)’s eyes bore into his as she remembered the fateful night she met Markus, the night of Carl Manfred’s passing- the night Markus escaped with her help. “And I’ll be there for you.”
“But how could I choose?"
“Follow your heart.”
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