#THANK YOUUU !!!!!! hope u have an epic day ^-^
vanibear · 10 months
HI KAT ^_^ 3, 16, and 24 for the ask game?
HAII DIVA <3!!!!!!!
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“Harriet had possessed it too, and sometimes I like to imagine I am, in a way, a rather odd remnant of her…”
—The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
i picked up this book at the little free library in my neighborhood but i havent started reading it yet LOL!
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
ougbh this is . too hard …….. when it comes to artists I usually just end up picking one of their albums to be my favorite and then listening to that over and over. so i thhink ill just go with my album favs this summer instead of bands of all time bc Id be here for awhile 💀 
beginning of the summer was who really cares by tv girl, middle of summer was flood & also they might be giants by they might be giants, and the end ( t-t its gone by so fast….) of summer so far has been american thighs by veruca salt
hm in typing this all up i just remembered that one of my fave bands is actually sleigh bells .noisy music 👍my mom played them all the time when I was little. their first album & jessica rabbit & reign of terror are prob my favorites of their albums .waow a lot of words for me to finally answer the question 🪦
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
i have like an unofficial collection of sunglasses! i only have like 10 but I try to pick up some whenever see them and I can .even if I only ever wear one pair shfjfkdjsdbf
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mblue-art · 5 months
Hii!! I am a huuge fan or your beautiful art, and I just want you to know that you are so amazing at what you do, and that you shouldn't ever give up, no matter how hard it gets! ^^
Cross, Epic, Lust, Killer, and everyone's rooting for you, Blue (Including me)!
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(Drawings not mine, credits to the owner) Cross: U-Uhm... I-I really like the way you d-draw, B-Blue.... -////- A-And I've seen the comics you make, and uhm... th-they're r-really good...
(Aww, look at the bean blush ^^ <3)
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Lust: Hello, love~ Who knew there was someone out there who drew me so good?~ Hehe~ I'm just kidding, darling, I love your art! It's soft and lovable, like me! ;) Anyways, they really are rooting for ya, Blue! Keep doing what you do because lots of people love your art!! <3
awww/// /)/////(\;; hehehe hiii thank youuu you are very nice 🥺 that's very cute of you to write 💙 hope u have a nice day, op 🫶
( 💜 💜 )
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I Hope you have a wonderful day Skyyy:3
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also this XD /p /ref
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tomatoart · 4 years
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saintobio · 3 years
Sainttyy!!🥰I don't know where to start as my thoughts are in a mess right now!! Girl⁉️You should start writing a book!! 🙌🏻
I'm just gonna put my comments in random. So pls bear wit mee:
✨First, can we put a BIG EMPHASIS ON HOW MUCH EFFORT YOU GAVE FOR THE RESEARCH‼️Good lord, everything was surreal. This one made the cut. Not just for the sake of writing angst, humor and lust everything was planned out VERY carefully👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻💯
✨I feel so happy about Satoru's character development, I am overwhelmed tbh but very touched by his gestures just to make it up to y/n. I felt bad for him at some point. But yeah, HE DESERVES THAT😁.
✨I loved that y/n could also answer back and stand her ground on some scenes. Like how she would remind Satoru the exact words he told her. It was like slapping him back on the face!👍🏻 Yea girl! Destroy him!!
✨She's not that "victimized female lead" we always get. She has a pure heart but nevertheless, a strong person as well. She knows how to shut the fvcking Satoru up.
✨When I learned they were actually been close during their childhood, it really hurt me. Yeah, like how could Satoru treat her like trash?! TF is wrong with Satoru and his misplaced anger?
✨Let's not forget the angsty scenes, the Bora Bora trip!! My heart breaks for y/n 😫💔This is where I also had my anxiety attack!🤣 I need to stop reading at some point. I love how she articulated how she felt in regards with their marriage, about how she was worried raising a child considering their setting, the hellish things she had to endure (does she has to though?) She was just so selfless.
✨Satoru begging on his knees??! He must be so inlove with her right?! Him shedding tears?! I could not, I NEVER imagined this coming, with you portraying him like a bastard, a total ASSHOLE?!🤣 I didn't even expect too much from him. I was starting to hate on him fr.
✨I loved Toji and Satoru's phone interaction in chapter 18!! I wouldn't have thought they would share that moment. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 There's always this great plot twists, like whoah didn't see that coming.
✨I'm so worried on the upcoming chapters, I wanted them to stay together during this hurricane. I hope things would not break them apart. Their making up was just so satisfying it brought joy to my boring life!
✨I know Gen would do everything for her sister but I was silently begging "Gen, can u pls not?"
✨I really hate Eula. What a biatch. Serves her right. She should rot in hell.
✨You couldn't really imagine what you put me through. I literally binge read until morning and cried my eyes out, then put myself on the same misery the next day to re-read the chapters. Their relationship was toxic, okay. But the development was so satisfying.. I'm praying like please-don't-stop-let-them-be-happy-oh-my-god-please-have-mercy.
✨BABIESS!! I want them to have BABIESS!!👼🏻
✨I cannot wait for the sequel!!! cause girl you are EPIC!!
I'm so sorry for the rambled comments. I am worried you'll close your inbox soon.. 🙇🏻‍♀️ You deserved more thorough and proper feedback but I'm not really good at it (not as articulate as u are babe) so I'm sorry.. and THANK YOUUU FOR BEING THE AWESOME WICKED WRITER YOU ARE. You did great in making me suffer!! Lol jk luv uu🥰
hellooooo i can’t believe u found me on ao3 bc people hardly ever do :’D but thank you sm <33 it makes me happy to know that you genuinely enjoyed this series !!
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surlifen · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂 hope u have a good one !!!
THANK YOUUU!! <33 having epic day :D
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420pogpills · 3 years
how was the interview??? Hope it went well!!! 🥺 im sending you good luck and vibes so that you get the best position possible! As you may remember I had my interview as well and things went good I think! I might be moving to London soon for 2 years :0
So sorry for appearing and disappearing all the time heh I was quite busy the past few months.
I'm kinda excited for MCC but also I don't know who to watch! I usually watch George most times but I kinda miss hearing dreams voice lol but I also wanna see georges pretty face .... ahhh idk!
Oh! And I was thinking to get some dream and George merch but I like subtle merch....something that doesn't scream that is (minecraft youtubers) merch ya know... but I got no clue what to get.
Anyways hope u had a lovely day and make sure to drink water and get plenty of rest cutie 🥺💕
hello my love!!! 💖💖💖 i am doing very good thank youuu! how about you? 😁❤️ i rambled sooooo much in this especially about job interviews lmaooo so putting it under read more 😂
my interview went really well thank you for asking :'D my first interview was brilliant and they invited me to the 2nd stage but apparently they all had a chat amongst themselves over the weekend and decided there's a different role i'd be more suited for as the one i originally applied for they thought i might get bored?? :') which is really exciting to me that they i guess kind of got a good idea of what kind of person i am, that i'm capable and exciting enough to take on a more interactive role and that they are genuinely considering taking me on!!
so i interviewed for the new role on wednesday, and the lady who interviewed me said the previous lady i was interviewed by spoke very highly of me :') so it was very nice to hear that, definitely raised my spirits and confidence, and by the end of this interview i was invited to the 2nd stage on the spot which was epic!! and 2nd stage is i believe the final one, i've been given a brief to do and i gotta create a presentation for them :)
they want to see my powerpoint skills, as well as creativity and critical thinking and i guess my confidence too - which i didn't have much of at all throughout my life but i feel like i gained a lot of it in the last few months so i'm really looking forward to it, i've been brainstorming a lot and gonna give my absolute 100% on this presentation! after wednesday i imagine i should hopefully have a pretty good idea about whether i'm getting the job or not so fingers crossed!!
i'm so glad that things went well for you!!! it sounds super super exciting, especially if you get to move to london omgggg you're gonna be in my ends!!! if you don't have an answer yet, then best of luck to youuuuu i hope it all goes well and you get the opportunity you deserve!! ❤️❤️❤️😁 i'm sure you absolutely smashed it!
interviewing can be so scary and daunting but honestly your biggest asset will always be your personality!! if you make them feel comfortable and keep them smiling, they won't worry as much about your experience and skill set if you don't think you have enough of it on paper, but it'll make them think 'oh i'd love to work with this person'. you know you're more than capable, you can learn and you can pick things up, and you'll make them believe that no problem, as long as the good mood is kept up during the interview!
one of the things i live by - and this is actually part of the company culture of my current workplace - is that people may forget what you said, people may forget what you did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel! when an employer has to sit through 10 interviews per day, they won't remember which person had a better track record or achieved higher statistics, but they will definitely remember the person who made them feel the best! so that's the aim for sure :)
don't apologise at all, it's nice that you're keeping busy, i hope you're taking care of yourself 😁
and hope you enjoyed mcc too!!! i watched george's pov i always do :') but i went to watch dream's a few times as well! it was a wild mcc haha i loved it
and totally agree with you on subtle merch, it's the best!!! that's why i love the 25 mil hoodie so much from dream, it's such a cool design that's not in any way obvious it's got anything to do with a minecraft youtuber :'D not that i'm ashamed of liking dream or anything, but i've just never been much into fan merch stuff. even my most favourite bands and musicians, i either don't have their merch or i don't wear it out idk. but the 25 mil hoodie is super cute and can totally be worn out so once it gets a lil colder it's probably gonna be a nice lil staple piece for me for casual wear :'D
get plenty of rest and water too my love, stay safe and good luck, thank you for coming back and checking in as always 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU 💖💖
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itsjusta · 3 years
Feb 15 (Mon)
i got so busy in da hapon doe 🥺 i cleaned da cr huhu im so kapoyyy and then i felt a little kulbaan doeee cos nag huna2 ko sako sched sa mon-wed dis week issa so busy doeee :((( i have to do pa today one assignment and then practice for our prelims then finalize half of my midterms theeeen study for ur philo HAHAHAHAH aissshhh i also feel very kahilakon doeee idk and my arms kay murag ga kurog2 doe :(( aish im too busy for these feelings!!!!
4:15 pm —— i was doing my assignment but idkkkk my heart is beating fast jd doeee and my arms feel numb and ga kurog2 and i have this kulbaan feeling :((( UGH issa need to take a break :(( also wanna cry but i cant cry doeee but i eventually cried na dayon doeee
i also didnt continue to work nalang doeee issa i dont feel well physically and emotionally hahahha 😟 im back to working doe and i cried a looootttt cos im writing about love HAHAHAH
but the practice was cancelled sooo i started na my surprise for u para mas less2 ako i do ugmaaa i started na the peanut butter bars unta lang di ma epic fail uyyy or basin di diay ta mag kita sa wed hilak ko!!!!
Feb 16 (Tues)
issa wake up ko so early kay gi wake up ko sako groupmates and aishhhh so busy na dayon mi prac and do sa amo midterms!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ and i’m so sleepy na gyd doeee huhu
so kapoy ni nga day doe cos whole day atubang sa screen issa maka drain doe and maka labad sa head issa wa gyd ko na do nga acads kay mag utro pami reshoot so sayang effort but sge nalang doeee huhuhu alsooo excited for my surprise tooom hope u like it :((((
Feb 17 (Wed)
Woke up at 7:30!!! so early so sayo pd ko nag cook for your giftsss and for our lunch hehehe im always excited to cook for u doe and give u gifts 🥺🥺🥺 and aishhh im really happy doe that u still laag hereee issa when i’m with u i feel safe gyd doe 🥺🥺🥺 u give me so much comfort gyd doe thank u sooo much 🥺🥺 even though u dont say it, i know u care a lot for me gyd doeee (or maybe assuming lang ko hahahah) but aishhh thank u for keeping me in your life :((
i’m sorry i cried a lot doeee huhu idk also but aishhh its hard for me to let go of you gyd doeee and moments like this issa makes me realize na i still have so much love for u gyd doe :((( issa both tears of joy and sadness man to kanina!! hahahha im happy na u still make time for me doeee and im happy gyd that i get to be with youuu but also sad cos aishhh issa i know everything is so hard gyd doe and usahay ra au ta makauban huhu what i said was true doeee that i will endure everything basta its for ur happiness!! hehhe u know i’ve endured sooo much the past months but i never got angry with u gyd doeee cos i know u were happy man with your decisions!!! heheh i can never hold bad feelings for u gyd doeee my heart is just full of gratitude and love for u!!!! i just want u to be happy saimo life doeee career, acads, family life, with friends, and saimo gf doeee heheh even though its so sakit for me but i just want gyd na mahappy ka heheh and aishhh im happy gyd doe nga part pako saimo lifeee 🥺🥺 im happy that u talk to me pa doeee and that i still get to be with youuu heheh makes me happy that you’re there for me whenever i have chikaaa!!!! thankkkkk youuu eriiiiccc!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
and giving gifts is one way i can show how much i appreciate you doeee :((( and thank youuuu for making me feel cared for and special :((( issa u always make me feel lyk dat gyd doeee with ur hugs and kisses thank u :(((( and aish i get so soft for u gyd doe esp when u cry huhuhu dont cry na ok!!!! i’m happy this way man heheh i’m happy doe that u still let me show my love for u and im happy and grateful that u keep me in ur life doe 🥺 i just always hope and pray that my heart can endure watching u love another doe just until i can move on hehe and i think my heart is getting stronger naman doe but aish there are just times gyd that i cannot kaya it heheh but das okay ryttt!! thank youuu kaayo for coming here doeee thank u for giving me your time and for the effort!!! i appreciate it so much doe cos i know its hard gyd to come visit me with your situation now but u still make time for me gyddd thank youuuuu 😭😭😭❤️❤️
anddd how r u doe??? maulaw ko ask in person doe idk why :((( i hope you’re okay lang also haaaa maybe hurting napd ka there :((( i want u to be genuinely happy doeee and i will also get there soon!! apas rako!!! ❤️
Feb 18 (Thurs)
started my day early cosss we had to shoot sa gmeet doeee heheh its a nice day doe idk why!! the weather is nice heheh also i chika to u about khalid doeee hahaha shhh lang ok!!! 🤣 issa i got scared doe i just inbox zone him HAHAHHAHA di jd ko ga entertain ug mga laki doeee cos i dont have gana gyd to talk to others doe!! issa just want to be single lang gyd doeee cos di pako ready also wa pa gani ko ka move on!!! hahahahha
dis day was nice and chill lang doeee i did ur finman hehhe and had an exam dayooon and watched kdrama with mom!! pa tatt nako toooom OMGGG are u excited for me too?!!
Feb. 19 (Fri)
got my first tatt ommgggg it was sakit doeee but kaya lang!!! heheh i was also so excited to chika gyd to u doeee but i know galaag ka busa i have to wait doeee :((( aish issa ka cry dayon ko cos why am i so excited to talk to someone na naay lain priority :((( HMP KALUOY BA AYA!! HAHHAHA but aishhh issa i prefer lang like dis doe kesa i will pugos myself to entertain and talk to others issa cannot gyd doe cos i really dont have the gana hehhe just letting myself cry and maoy now doeee it’s just times like these when i realize how painful this situation is doe
also read this quote on ig dayon nga “I suppose I’ll just keep loving you, until one day it ends.” 🥺🥺 aish made me cry again cos i think this is what i’m gonna do gyd doeee and i hope u just let me love you until then doeeee 🥺 be happy and inlove with another doeee i’ll just be by your side loving you hehe and thank u for letting me love you and be in ur life!!! i dont think my love for u will end doe but u know what i mean hehe thank u cos u not shutting me out or pushing me away hehehe issa i’m sorry i always sorry doeee its just dat i feel like i’m putting u in a bad place :(( but ahhh i appreciate you so much doe and everything u do for me!! :((( thank u also for being so supportive and appreciative for meee aishhhh thank u for making me feel special 😭
Feb 20 (Sat)
happy marriage anniv to ur parents doeee!!! hehehe
woke up at 9:30 then cooked carbonara hehe gitiwas nalang nako pasta smol nalang maaan tired ko uy hehe issa rest day also today from acads doeee issa uban man ko there ila ate sweet and issa tambay2 lang ko there doeee tas pag uli so tayurd ko ka nap ko sa byahe and sa house kadjot hehe then at night watch lang ko kdrama sa room ni mom hehehe issa i like having no acads to do!!
Feb 21 (Sun)
soooo tugnaaaaw cos there’s a bagyo i woke up at 10 na!!! issa grabe ako kurog2 uy heheheh ion like dis weather issa so colddd dili ko ka lihok2 ug ayo cos tugnaw!!
issa also cried today cos aish i remembered our memories doeee and how we were so clingy with each other esp me 🥺🥺 issa like di jd ta agwanta not mag kita dugay doe and di pd ta sumhan sa each other hahahaha we were sumpay tinae gyd!!! aishh idk dali ra gyd kyko maka cry basta maka think ko about you or about sato past doeee issa aish cannot contain gyd emotions :((( and even if now i dont get the same effort from u doe its okaaay becos i chose this man pddd i chose to be in your life gihapon hhehe and aishhh lets just sulit dis doeee i want to sulit pd nga maka talk pako saimoha cos maybe a year from now dili na doeee!! maybe pila ka months imo nako i shoo shoo saimo life!!!! hhahahah but thank u doeee cos i know u want to keep me in ur life gihapon bahala lisod 🥺🥺 thank u im touched huh!!!
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hey hey!! i see you're doing matchups 😳👉🏼👈🏼 if i could get one thatd be epic !!!! im a very chaotic and slightly obnoxious person hdhdh im an enfp and taurus! i use humor as a coping mechanism so i tend to joke a lot in serious situations. i enjoy biking and taking naps at random times throughout the day- and im super easily attached! im 5'5 and have relatively long hair and have a very vintage aesthetic. i also really like animals!! thank youuu hope u have a good day ♡♡♡
I match you with... 
Look, you’re got a lot of emotions and things going on inside of your head so it seems only natural that you could get with someone that understands where you are coming from and won’t judge you for your energy levels. Seven isn’t always like that, but he loves the energy and rush that comes along with daring to be the one that is a bit wild and dangerous. 
That’s why the two of you mesh so well together with the way that you do. Seven can make you smile and you can make him smile. God, watch out for the rest of the RFA on those days where Seven wants to have fun and you tag along with him to make the chaos cranked up to eleven. Nobody could be mad at you, though, which is Seve’s saving grace when he’s being so damn playful. He knows that you have your limits though and that you’re trying to mask a lot of your pain the way he was. 
He’ll gladly wrap his arms around you and cover your face in kisses just to see your reaction.
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