#TNYJ-4 - SY_0 - S-R_0 - Remedy Of 2019
tnyj-3 · 2 years
In-depth review of Year Zero for the TNYJ-3 Remedy.
This year has been an extremely bizarre experience for me on a very personal level, due to multiple factors, the first of which being this sudden switch in my overall mindset and overall sense of absolute hope and willpower on December 30th, 2021, despite the mental devastation the year caused me. Throughout the course of this year, I have grown to attribute the sudden switch in both mindset and outlook to be the initial hope I had from very early 2020. The second reason for this is because of the very powerful drive and motivation I had during the first sixth of the year, from January to February. I was so driven to make progress that by March, I was burnt out on a physical level. Speaking of March, on March 7th, 2022, the first notable negative event occurred, where my great-grandmother, Margret Hurworth-Seal died in her sleep of sepsis at age 92. At first, I was neutral about it, until March 8th and 9th, when it really began to sink in. Due to this event, three songs were composed by each of the following aliases: Hades Vortexium, Vantablack and Spectralon. The first two composing two individual works in direct response, whilst Spectralon went on to participate in a collaborative piece between itself, Hades Vortexium and Vantablack. By late-March, things began to stagnate a little due to the massive burnout caused by overworking myself a month prior.
In April, not much worth of note occurred, other than the fact that I wanted to document my entire life in musical form. The things I did in April, if I can actually recall, were several shop runs, helping out around the house every now-and-then and that’s basically it. The succeeding month, however, May, was a completely different story. Possibly the most bizarre month of this year, in terms of the earlier side.
In May, I started cataloguing the songs and sounds for my own Life Mixtapes and separated my entire life lived thus far, into five distinct phases, dubbing them “TNYJ-0”, “TNYJ-1”, “TNYJ-2”, “TNYJ-3” and “TNYJ-4” respectively. All five phases (also named “stages”) spanning all of my years lived so far. The cataloguing specifically began on May 20th, 2022 and is ongoing to this day. May was also a bizarre month for the fact that I revisited Gram’s house for the first time in over 15 years and the weirder fact that the entire place, despite the renovations taking place at the time of the revisit, it felt very familiar. The revisit was specifically on May 22nd, merely 48 hours after the initial Life Mixtape cataloguing, which also proved my now weird and bizarre depth of memory. Then on the final day of the month, May 31st, I visited my Nana’s house on my own and in the complete absence of my parents for the first time in about 16 years.
In June, nothing much happened aside from the fact that my more ““known”” Hypertone career turned 2 years old and the commitment of doing shop runs along with the occasional housework.
July was a weird month, akin to May. It was the final month at the college and the first month of having short hair for the first time in about a year. Outside of that, July was the first time I ever hung out with a close friend outside of school in over five years. At home, I (mostly) sat in my room, occasionally spending time with family and doing housework.
In August, my final ever Hypertone song as “Vortex Reaper” hit 2K views on YouTube, thanks to some kid named “DJ Jayden” sampling it in an FnF song for a mod. As a celebration of the anniversary, I did a remix EP for it and it was released on August 26th, 2022.
In September, school picked up again, and thus started “18th year - Salvation - Stage 5: Academic Continuation”. However, the one (good) thing about September is that the debut EP from my duo band project “TeaL” was completed after almost two entire months. As well as the implementation of “Phantom Vibrations”, an alias that focuses on Infinitesimal Slow Music (ISM). Then the most bizarre event of this decade so far (since the outbreak of COVID-19) happened: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, died. It will probably be the weirdest notable event of mine and everyone else’s (who lived to *witness it (hear about it, at least)) life.
Then, in the advent of this (current) month, the anniversary of my descent into madness is coming up. Because of what has occurred in my country (and around the world at large, for that matter), which have all been negative events, back-to-back. This has resulted in an internal battle between my two primary thought processes and outlooks on life and reality: Nihilistic pessimism from last year and hopeful optimism from this year. Resulting in very sudden switches between the two, of which are fighting for control. So far, this month has been great, with the implementation of Herja Sonus, on October 1st, the alias focusing on unnerving music and compositions. At home (so far), I have been doing housework, unfortunately not spending time with family too much (as I should be doing). This aspect is harder to fix than one might realise, since we are in a post-COVID-19 age, where the lockdowns from 2020 and early-mid 2021 outright killed in-person interactions from within the homes of countless families due to the self-isolation policies enforced by the governments and health agencies. However, despite this truth, I will continue the attempts to remedy this, because I want to be an infinitely better person than I was during TNYJ-3.
Another thing (of utmost importance) that I forgot to note is the growing independence I have acquired. In late August, I cooked myself dinner completely independently. That is, to date, the absolute pinnacle of this year, in terms of practical function.
- 18th year - Salvation.
- 38D
- 18th Year - Salvation. - Day 282 - Week 40 - Day 6 - Month 10 - Week 1 - Day 2
Next update: 31/10/22 or 11/22.
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tnyj-3 · 6 months
SY_0 - S-R_0 - Remedy Of 2019 (2022): Full Tracklist Completed.
View the 2022 Life Mixtape Entry here: TNYJ-4 - SY_0 - S-R_0 - Remedy Of 2019 (2022) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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