#Tiny jote made a tiny student
moonilit · 7 months
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Self Immolation chapter 17, Holy and Jote for @itsjustliah
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starlitpaint · 5 years
She-Ra / SVTFOE AU!!
Fair warning: these were all joted down at 1am when I couldn’t sleep sO sorry for any grammar mistakes ajdjsjdhjdhfjdhrid
Also: this AU is gonna be mainly Glimmadora based (with Adora and Glimmer being sorta the equivalent of Star and Marco. I say sorta bc it doesn’t 100% follow the canon SVTFOE stuff lmao
How the first episode would go down:
On her 14th birthday, Glimmer received her wand. Angella, being overprotective, sends her to Earth to train and to stay with her aunt Castaspella, who resides there because she owns a resort on the planet.
While getting her enrolled for school, Glimmer is kidnapped by a horde soldier and brought to the horde dimension (basically the monsters in canon star)
Here we find Adora, who’s trying to escape said Horde. She looks mostly human but has little devil wings on her back. Also has super strength if she so chooses to use it, but she has to be suuuuper focused to use it right. Also can use magic blue fire blasts, but those are hard to control. (How and why she can do this is explained later in my notes najdjsdjjd)
Glimmer is highly suspicious of Adora but who’s gonna say no to a free rescue amiright?
They escape back to earth together where no one is any the wiser. The principal mistakes Adora for a student and pairs them so Glimmer can be shown around the school
Glimmer, who knows more about Earth Culture bc of her aunt castaspella, ends up showing Adora around. Adora is basically like when Star first arrived on earth
After everything, Glimmer heads to her aunt castaspellas place. She is nOT fond of Adora at this point, especially when Adora accidentally used her magic blasts and hit Glimmer square in the face.
Glimmer learns Adora will be staying with them and dies inside as Adora accidentally destroys a wall
Glimmer ends up at a gas station so she can get some chips or something and Adora appears, being super apologetic
Insert battle against the Horde (monsters) here, where they learn they compliment each other’s fighting styles well and actually make a p great team
They hug and become actual friends this time, being literal dorks
Mewberty happens and Glimmer gets tiny angel wings on her back. They match Adora’s devil wings and it’s honestly adorable
Adora is one quarter human, half mewman and one quarter demon. One of her grandparents out of all 4 is the equivalent of a Lucator in the canon. Married to that grandparent is a human who summoned them, where the human part comes from. Why am I going so in depth for this? Probably to justify the demon wings which are definitely not meant to match Glimmers after her mewberty transformation bc shipping noooo. Fr tho it’s to explain why she was with the Horde who are made up of monsters like in canon SVTFOE
Glimmers cheek marks are pinkish purple sparkles
Catra is the equivalent of Toffee and Tom at the same time in this and You can’t change my mind
How the wand getting destroyed played out: Catra would never actually kill Adora but knew Glimmer didn’t know that. Glimmer does the thing with her wand and Glimmer can’t hear Adora’s pleading that it’s a trap because sound proofing.
Blood moon ball was v interesting- and the equivalent of princess prom
Scorpia is the equivalent of a Lucator in this and is probably distantly related to Adora. It was her year to host what I’m gonna call the Blood Moon Prom and she was tryna help Catra win Adora back to the hordes side with the Blood Moon dance. Sure it kills her on the inside bc she’s in love with catra but she does it so she can see catra happy.
Catra gets fuckin PISSED when Glimmer steals the Blood Moon Dance from her.
Glimmer is ms. steal yo girl :))))
I’m just throwing this in here but on Thursday’s Glimmer and Adora always cuddle and watch movies bc movie night
Glimmers signature food is gonna be nachos like in the star vs canon with Marco but due to Adora’s begging the cheese is replaced by a glittering sugary dip. Glimmer likes it more than she thinks she should.
Adora and Glimmer constantly get mistaken for a couple and it drives them both crazy bc they WISH. Secretly ofc.
Entrapta is 100% Janna in this
Glimmer is 100% the one who reccomended Adora take Karate and Fencing
Glimmer gives Adora a sword.
Adora actually works a lot better with her magic fire blasts while she has her sword. She can channel it through and actually have a focus point on where to aim
Shadow Weaver is Ludo
Bow is Pony Head but like a LOT less annoying. Glimmers bff. (I don’t have him quite as figured out in this AU yET)
Designs for Adora and Glimmer in the SVTFOE style as well as the image I used as a base below the line uwu
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Adora, probably freaking out about the Horde dimension probably. Also Glimmer doesn’t have her cape in this bc she gets it from Adora later like Marco did with Star
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Original image uwu
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