#Tyrannomon X
digidaily · 1 year
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Tyranomon:X & Agumon:X !!❤
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the-apex-colosseum · 1 year
Battle of the Tyrant King Lizards!
Tyrannomon X vs Tyrantrum!
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
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So, my digimon recently digivolved to ultimate, so this is my full partner line.
Everyone, say hello to Rex the Agumon X! Hey, that rhymes!
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digitude · 2 years
Agumon X digivolve to... Tyrannomon X
Gabumon X digivolve to... Rhinomon X
And then a friendly battle! Tyrannomon X is ahead for now but Rhinomon X fighting spirit has been awakened and will seek to prove themselves! All under the watchful eyes of the royal knights haha
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picodart · 6 months
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tabsterfm · 7 months
Oh man, here comes one if my personal favorite highlights in this device. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:
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Dark Tyrannomon X! Don't let the whale-shark-lookin-ass sprite fool you, this design is simply raw, like like Tyrannomon X before it in the X1.
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Its just a shame about the sprite looking like that. Like it's supposed to be a twisted evil dinosaur who wants nothing but to flex its fighting abilities whereever it goes, but instead it just looks like a dopey sea creature. I mean, I guess there wasn't really any other choice, huh? Doesn't matter, because it means Dark Tyrannomon X gets to exist on this device and make it more peak than it already was.
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Oh, and this is her with my brand-new microphone I got the other day- see, I told yall those colors match, huh?
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digi-lov · 3 months
With each of these sets released, I wanted to compare them again.
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Like I've mentioned before, EX-03 Draconic Roar, EX-05 Animal Colosseum, and EX-06 Infernal Ascension are based on the Pendulum Progress vpets from 2002. Animal Coloseum kept the name as is, Draconic Roar was Dragon's Roar, and Infernal Ascension replaced the name Armageddon Army. (A very understandable name change)
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A large percentage of the Digimon featured in the Pendulum Progress versions were included in the respective card sets. Many of those who weren't included had similar replacements.
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As the name suggests, Draconic Roar included many Digimon related to dragons. Since many main character Digimon fall into that category, frequently featured Digimon such as the Greymon line were exluded. This set's Agumon is yellow and the suggested line goes to Veedramon and AeroVeedramon, reminiscent of the V-Tamer manga. Veemon is red in this set, and instead of the usual Ex-Veemon we get Fladramon, along with purple Wormmon and Shadramon, going into a dark Imperialdramon line. Instead of Tyrannomon and MetalTyrannomon, we have DarkTyrannomon and ExTyrannomon too. This set also featured many dragon Digimon that have debuted since the Pendulum Progress, such as Dracomon and its two lines, and the Vorvomon and Jazamon lines from Digimon Links.
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The Pendulum Progress Animal Colosseum contains many beast Digimon, notably the Four Sovereigns. The card set expanded on that and not only included the Four Sovereigns, but also their leader Fanglongmon, as well as all 12 Deva serving under them. Like the vpet, this set also featured many X Antibody Digimon, although many of them were switched in the card set. Such as Leomon being included instead of Leomon X, or Dobermon X instead of Dobermon. We also got the card debut of Lunamon and Coronamon and their respective lines, as well as the player chatacters from their debut games Digimon Dusk/Moonlight and Dawn/Sunburst!
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Infernal Ascension has a dual theme of Angels and Demons. While the Pendulum Progress included all Three Great Angel, there was only room for two Demon Lords. For the card set all Seven Great Demon Lords got featured (and also received matching alt arts!) Many of the replacements also make sense. Instead of Terriermon and Siesamon we got Lopmon and Turuiemon leading into Antylamon. While Tsukaimon works as a replacement of Patamon in style, it isn't in the Angel lines. The role is instead filled by Luxmon, a very recent addition to the Digimon franchise. Same goes for ArkhaiAngemon taking MagnaAngemon's spot, and Dominimon finally getting recognition! The addition of Mastemon is just perfect for this set too. We also get some holy-themed Digimon from the chinese game New Century for the first time!
So yeah
I just think it's fun to look at these Theme Boosters and compare what they kept, what they changed, and what they expanded upon. Goes to show how much our list of Digimon has grown in the last 20 years!
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ladyofthecastleproject · 10 months
The Mysterious Shapeshifter
[AO3 version]
Daisuke and Iori head to a village in danger, but their enemy is... Lightnimon!? Unable to change, Daisuke has to face an enemy without revealing his secret identity... Who's this copycat and what is he planning to do?
[Note: It's 2008; Just a funny Daisuke-Iori combo action. I like this one too!! The comical tone was half inspired in the Kizuna Drama CD]
“I’m tired from that last battle, sigh” Daisuke lied on the grass, his arms behind his head. He was watched by Iori, Armadimon and V-mon who were collecting fruits for the camp.
“I know you’re tired but could you help us, Daisuke-san?”
“Yeah, please we can’t carry all of those alone, dagya”
“I’m… not sure what to do… Having a double identity this time is making me appreciate Spider-Man, Batman, Supergirl, and other superheroes…”
He got up from the ground and walked to the group, to help them get the fruits.
“Where have you been?” Iori asked out of curiosity “Don’t tell me you didn't sleep last night.”
“Yeah, you got me. I had no peace last night” and he sighed, “Ranamon and Frostmon are out, but there’s still troops and Lekismon around. Actually I didn’t sleep because I had to fight a horde of Tyrannomon all alone. I mean, V-mon helped but we couldn’t call for help.”
“I see…”
“Lightnimon works alone. V-mon can only help if hidden or covered by a cape.”
“But… won’t the cape burn, dagya?”
“...” Daisuke glanced at Armadimon for a few seconds. Then… “That’s a good question, but thankfully it never happened.”
Suddenly, some screams were heard in the distance, coming from a village. Its villagers started to run away, so some passed through the boys.
“What the…” Daisuke said, then dropped all fruits on the group to stop a panicked EbiBurgamon, “Oi, come here kiddo! What’s wrong?”
“A-ah…!! H-humans!! Um… You must be the Chosen Children… Please save our people and town! We’re under attack…!!”
“Those guys again!?” Armadimon gritted his teeth.
“N-No… It’s… Lightnimon! He’s against us now!!” and the child level digimon started to cry. Daisuke's eyes widened when he heard that name. He looked at Iori, Armadimon and V-mon with a grimace. Then, he patted the digimon’s head and smiled.
“Don’t worry, we will talk to him. Maybe he’s under a spell or being controlled by a gear or ring. We will save your home.”
The group ran to the village, but during their way…
“Daisuke-san, shouldn’t we call the others?”
“There’s no time for that,” he replied, “Someone’s pretending to be me.”
“Don’t you think this is exactly what he wants you to do? It’s a trap to lure you and unmask Lightnimon’s identity.”
“But… I promised that villager we would help them…!”
“... I think we can do something about this” Iori mused “We’re far away from the camp right now…”
“Alright, but I can’t change here… Whatever, I will have to face the imposter as myself then.”
“Do we have a plan?” V-mon asked.
“The plan is… Not screwing up. And you know I said it to myself too.”
Once they arrived in the village, the quartet saw a very bootleg black armor digimon walking around, commanding troops made of Fangmon. Daisuke and Iori evolved their partners to XV-mon and Ankylomon to fight such troops.
“Tail Hammer!”“X Larser!”
Iori was using the Submarimon-esque Sword to attack such enemies as well, while Daisuke couldn’t do anything this time except warn the other three about the enemies coming.
“Isn’t that a good hour for you to change?” Whispered Iori.
“The villagers will be scared” Daisuke replied, “and I can’t use that weapon without changing to him”
When the last Fangmon got beaten, they proceeded to search for the fake Lightnimon. Though, it was still risky for Daisuke to take part in battles yet, especially if their enemies didn’t know he’s still alive (or was what he assumed) which could turn things a little worse.
“There it is!” Daisuke muttered to the group, and they hid behind a house “Wait, that feels like a bootleg Lightnimon… I’m offended.”
“What, you take offense to that?” V-mon said (both him and Armadimon devolve to child form) eyes squinting at Daisuke.
“I… I mean! Ken felt insulted when I copied him…”
“That’s not the time for that” Iori whispered, “We need to find a way to unmask the copycat quickly.”
“Catch’em from their back!”
“That… is a good idea, I guess...” Iori blinked twice.
“Hmm, someone managed to beat my army” they heard the ‘bootleg’ Lightnimon monologuing, and his voice wasn’t like Daisuke’s at all, “You bet it was those annoying Chosen Children.”
He wasn’t looking, and the quartet approached carefully, until…
“I GOT YOU!” and the copycat turned back, releasing from his finger a shot of dark water and forced them to dodge.
“You knew we were around, heh...” Daisuke laughed nervously.
“Huh aren’t you… the dead Chosen Child?” the enemy gasped, “So, you’re alive!?”
“I didn’t die. I was just… Stuck in some dark cave waiting to be released from that prison” he shrugged. Armadimon didn’t catch that reference, but somehow Iori and V-mon did.
“Interesting… But you think you can beat me, the grand thief, Lightnimon?!”
“We know you’re not him, cut it off” Daisuke suddenly said with an annoyed tone.
“How are you so sure, human?”
“Hmm, as we saw… Lightnimon’s appearance resembles an armor based on Lighdramon” Iori started, “And judging by this fact, his attacks should be based on Lightning.”
“Yeah, and he uses a weapon with the same motif, dagya” Armadimon shrugged.
“Right!” V-mon nodded “And he doesn’t call himself by ‘Grand Lightnimon’ but more like ‘The Warrior of Night,The Silent Knight’ by what I heard from the digimon”
“Kh!! How do you all KNOW about him?! He’s a mysterious figure! Of course I am him!”
“Then, what’s your proof?” Daisuke rolled his eyes, “If the digimon in this village had time to take a look at you, they would totally see you’re not him.”
“You brats, I will--”
“Shoot us with lightning now!?” V-mon asked, “Because yeah Lightnimon’s name comes from ‘Lightning’ which means… You’re an imposter.”
The faker was making some noises of distress until he stopped and started laughing. Louder and louder, the laughter scared the digimon duo and made the boys uncomfortable.
“You’re sly foxes” the faker finally spoke again, “You manage to know more about a myth than me. Very well, I don’t have to keep this ugly form anymore.”
And his shape deformed from a small silhouette to a man’s size. A man with water-like hair and a white suit.
“This is my real form, and I’m Splashmon, the Water-tiger Shapeshifter.”
“What should we do now?” V-mon muttered to the group, “I assume he’s a higher level than us…!”
“It’s still ‘don’t mess this up’ !!” Daisuke replied in a murmur, “We might heat things up here”
“Ok! Heating things up is my middle name!”
“... V-mon, you don’t have a middle name.”
“Are you done?” Splashmon sighed.
“No, wait a little more” and both him and Iori took their digivices from their pockets “Courage Digimental Up!”
“Knowledge Digimental Up!” 
V-mon and Armadimon amor-evolved to Fladramon and Digmon, stood in front of the kids and ready to attack. Iori summoned his Submari-Sword and got on guard, just to protect Daisuke this time.
“You can’t change yet, I believe” he muttered to Daisuke “I will be your bodyguard this time. Just once.”
“ ‘Just once’ you say… You had saved me countless times already, heh”
“I’ll not keep waiting for you to finish your chit chat!” Splashmon hissed, then ran in their direction.
“Here he comes!” Digmon alerted the group, “Gold Rush!!” and he shot his drills like missiles against Splashmon.
“This won’t scratch me!” the enemy laughed, the drills passed through his body like if they were passing through a waterfall, “I can turn my body solid and liquid as I please!”
“Uh oh…” Digmon gasped, the drills came back to him, “Now what should we do, dagya?”
“Fladramon might be useless too” Daisuke babbled, “I… We have to think quickly!”
Splashmon punched Fladramon and kicked Digmon quickly, making the hero digimon duo step back.
“Any plan??” Fladramon asked, and he dodged another kick, “hurry up!!”
“We… We are thinking!” Iori replied nervously, “Uh… Fladramon is fire, Digmon is earth… They’re not good for this battle…”
If… -- Daisuke thought -- If I could change to Lightnimon we could get some advantage since Lighdra-Glaive could stunt him, and water plus electricity is not a good match…
“Ugh…” Fladramon blocked a kick. “Argh!” But Digmon received a high pressure shot of dark water and fell on the ground.
“What? Are you that weak?? Or are you trying to buy time for the real Lightnimon to appear and save you all?”
“Darn it…!” Daisuke whispered, “I should’ve changed the moment I had a chance…!” “Hmm… What if…!! Daisuke-san, I got an idea!” “You got one!? Quick, say it!” “Right… Listen carefully”
“You’re too slow to attack, to block, to do anything!” Splashmon complained, but Fladramon shoved him away from them, “Oh…? That’s a different reaction…”
“Enough!” Fladramon growled, but Daisuke approached him, the same time Iori approached Digmon, whispering something in their ears “Oh, I got it…!!”
“What?” their enemy had no interest in what they were saying and conjured a chair made of dark water “Are you planning to entertain me this time?”
“Well you will see” Daisuke smirked.
“Big Crack!” Digmon impacted his drills on the floor and caused the ground to open under Splashmon’s feet. Once the enemy fell, Fladramon threw rocks to cover it quickly.
“Did you forget I can change from solid to liquid you silly-mons?”
“We know that” Iori said with a serious glare, “But you forgot that…”
Fladramon quickly changed its form to BurningFladramon and hit his paw on the top of the rocks burying Splashmon, “ Knuckle HEAT!!”
Splashmon’s screams were heard, and steam came from the opening. Yes, they had beaten Splashmon.
“... If you go to a liquid state, we will just need to boil you until you turn into steam.”
“As expected from Master Iori hehe~” Daisuke laughed, then, “Oh, wait a second. Point your digivice to the white mist before he disappears! And then press this button to devolve him to the Digiegg stage.”
“Huh…? O-Okay!!” And Iori pointed his D-3 to the steam, pressed the mentioned button and a flash of light shot from the screen, hitting the vapor and turning it into a Digiegg, who got caught in time by Daisuke.
“There, there you faker…” he gave it a little pat, “I think Frostmon can take care of you too…”
“Huh, Frostmon is alive?” Digmon and Iori exclaimed.
“Yeah, she is” BurningFladramon returned back to V-mon form, “Lightnimon didn’t kill her.”
“He didn’t, dagya…?” Digmon returned back to Armadimon form.
“... She devolved to a lesser form and is free from the bad guys” Daisuke said, then… “Ah, we need to bring everyone back… I need to do one more thing.”
“Huh?” The three tilted their heads.
The villagers came back, after Iori, Armadimon and V-mon gathered and brought them to the village. The absence of Daisuke made them confused, and once all the villagers were reunited…
A shadow appeared at the top of one of the houses.
“Fear not, dear villagers” Iori just recognized that voice and him plus Armadi-Vee squinted at Lightnimon, the one and only, jumping to the ground.
“Y-you!!” The villagers cried nervously.
“I don’t want to cause more trouble” Lightnimon tried to calm them all down, “To be honest, I’ve been under control of an evil digimon, but the Chosen Children here broke the curse and I’m back to my senses.”
Some noise from the crowd was heard, they were rumbling about what they had just heard.
“I’d like to give my sincere apologies for what I had done” and he bowed his head, “I’m so sorry, please accept my apology.”
“So… it was what I thought that happened!” The same EbiBurgamon from earlier said, and looked at the villagers “Lightnimon was out of himself, he’s fine now!”
The villagers cheered, “We forgive you, thank you for defending our village!”
“No, no…” Lightnimon said, “This time I was causing havoc. The ones you have to thank are the Chosen Children there.”
“Thank you, Chosen Children!”
“Uh… Thank you” Iori blushed, Armadimon and V-mon were waving their paws and hands.
“Now I need to go! See you! ” and Lightnimon ran away.
“You really had to do that?” Iori, Armadimon and V-mon had caught up with Lightnimon and now they were a few kilometers away from the village, in the forest.
“Couldn’t ya tell’em the truth, dagya?”
“I wish I could” he replied  “But don’t you think it’s easier to let them believe the copycat was Lightnimon and then he was controlled by some spell or evil digimon?”
“Hmm, yeah I think so” V-mon said.
“All I could do was apologize for the damage. Even if it wasn’t me, I think I had a part in it…”
“I see,” Iori nodded sagely.
“Well, I have to bring this egg to his friend so he can hatch and have Frostmon and Ranamon’s company at least.”
“... Oh, so you will have to go there first?”
“Yeah, and quickly. If we’re seen together it might be suspicious.”
“Ok. Let’s go, Armadimon.”
“Come, V-mon.”
“We… meet at the camp right?”
“Yeah, I’m not running away anymore.”
And they went in different directions.
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forteania · 11 months
Continuing my renewed DigiJourney I’ll post some updates.
Took advantage of a deal on Amazon to finally bite the bullet on the Digimon V Bracelet and a couple of DIM cards. I already had a hand me down Apple Watch, but couldn’t resist the idea of raising a Digimon by doing my daily steps/exercises.
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Additionally my Digimon taming continues as my Herissmon digivolved into a Tyrannomon: X!
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katiebug586 · 1 year
Imagine a Fillmore! Digimon AU
Like not one where they have Digimon partners, that’d be cool too, but one where they are Digimon themselves. Yeah, imagine Fillmore and Ingrid investigating some case and finally finding out who the perp is, only for the perp to digivolve straight to Champion and now the two patrollers are running from the perp and not the other way around. 
It’d be an interesting ‘monster of the week’ kind of scenario because now instead of having to chase the perp all over the school, they have to find a way to either subdue the raging Champion as Rookie-level digimon or digivolve themselves.
I did have some Digimon forms/lines in mind for them:  
Fillmore - Elecmon (X-Antibody/Virus, due to his past delinquency issues being a major theme of the show) - Leomon - Saberleomon - Dinotigermon
Ingrid: Falcomon (NOT the 2006 version/X-Antibody) - Diatrymon - Yatagaramon (Crowmon) - Ravmon
O’Farrell: Calumon
Vallejo:  Agumon - Tyrannomon - MasterTyrannomon - Victory Greymon
Tehama : Salamon - Mikemon - Taomon - Sakuyamon
Anza - Bearmon - Gryzmon - Monzaemon -  Callismon
Alistair - Psychemon (get it? Psyche sounds like psychic?) - Gargoylemon - Manticoremon - Anubismon
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runimanio · 1 month
2024 Game Clear #17 Digimon World Re:Digitized Decode
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Your Tekken timeline is worthless if it doesn't include this game
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So uh this game was the reason I got a twitter account. I was 13 at the time and really starting to surf the web properly to explore my hobbies, meaning I was able to look up news on my favorite franchise and see what was coming out soon or discover entries that I never knew existed as opposed to before where I just had to stumble upon it in the wild after it's already out.
At some point I came across this trailer and some of the PSP trailers and I just thought the game just looked so damn cool, I was so excited for it and so annoyed that Bandai Namco (Namco Bandai at the time) wouldn't commit to a English Localization that I made a twitter account to harass inquire the the Namco Bandai twitter accounts about a potential English release someday... which never happened sadly but I was amused that Decode added a Twitter-esc feed on the bottom screen for these reason.
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A couple years later, after the fan translation released I imported PSP game (the first game I ever imported) and patched it and had a ball. Even so being able to play the 3DS version that I wanted so bad in English and on actual hardware after so long is kind of surreal.
Though admittedly the larger roster of raiseable Digimon aside (I kind wish the base game launched with a lot of these added Digimon, like its crazy that PSP game didn't have Palmon & Tyrannomon) I don't think a lot of the Decode content is the most high quality, the new X-Antibody & Demon Lord scenario have a lot of cool stuff in them but the Infinity mountain dungeon is kind of a slog and the demon lord quest feels pretty padded. This is for the most part fine though because the base game is still very solid.
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The Digimon World games aren't for everyone but the general flow of these games I find so cozy: raising your Digimon the best you can and see how much of the world you can explore and how many Digimon you can recruit to your city before your partner dies and you have to return to the city. The Digimon you recruit can improve your city which in turn helps you raise your partner better. You definitely need to play with a guide near by though.
I uh also somehow got locked into a evolution that doesn't seem to be documented anywhere: Grappleomon -> Vikemon, I have no idea why Grapple would not evolve into Bancho as I don't think I made a care mistake but discovering a new evolution line is cool i guess
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The fan patch is pretty good, a couple of typos and weird grammar in some but hey Digimon games always had messy localizations so honestly probably better than we would've gotten lol.
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shingansoul · 9 months
Digimon Teams evolution lines for Sentai Teams
Just a little exercise I did for fun while i was sick a few weeks ago!
Donbrothers: * Momoi - Guilmon - growlmon - wargrowlmon - dukemon - dukemon x antibody(after being brought back the second time) * Shinichi - shamanmon - apemon - piccolomon * Haruka - salamon - blackgatomon - ladydevimon/nefertimon * Kiji - biyomon - akatorimon - sinduramon * Tsubasa - gabumon - lobomon - kendogarurumon * Jiro - labramon - ceasarmon - mihiramon - baihumon * Dangerous Jiro - veemon - xveemon - paildramon - ulforcevdramon * Sonoi - renamon - yaksamon - silphymon - bladeangemon * Sononi - penmon - swanmon - holy angemon * Sonoza - dracmon - musyoumon - gaioumon - "Kaito" - Omnimon x-antibody - Jin - Is a bokomon, dont worry about it
Zenkaiger: * Kaito - omnimon x antibody (he can turn into it once he confronts god) * Juran - agumon - Tyrannomon - Asuramon(with gaon) * Gaon - elecmon - Leomon - Asuramon(with juran) * Magine - palmon - witchmon - fantomon(with vroom) * Vroom - hagurumon - guardromon - fantomon(with magine) * Zox - magnamon(with cutanner)/golden rapidmon(with ricky) - zekegreymon(with zenkaizyu gear) * Stacey - Duskmon/lowemon - kaiserleomon - Raihimon(after becoming the representative of kikaitopia/digital world) - Ricky - dot gaomon - Cuttaner - dot agumon - Flint - jet silphymon
Kiramager: * Juuru - flamon - agunimon - vritramon - emperorgreymon * Tametomo - gotsumon - monochromon - metal mamemon - jijimon * Sena - hawkmon - shurimon - karatemon - gigaseadramon * Shiguru - gomamon x antibody - tylomon - mach gaogamon - magnagarurumon * Sayo - lunamon - sistermon ciel - cho-hakkaimon - beelstarmon * Takemichi - can turn into baalmon - can turn into beelzemon(2010 version) - mabushiina - is a kazemon - queen of crystallia - is an ancientirismon - oridon - is a valduramon - galza - is a darkness bagramon - Muryou - Toyagumon - Wizardmon - vademon
Ryusoulger: * Koh - agumon x antibody - tyranomon x antibody - metal tyranomon - rust tyranomon * Melt - Agumon black - allomon - triceramon x antibody - ouryumon * Asuna - armadillomon - ankylomon - vermillimon - cannondramon * Towa - liollmon - liamon - loader leomon - heavy leomon * Bamba - gammamon - wezen gammamon - canoweissmon - spinomon * Canolo - jellymon - tobiumon - mermaimon- pleisiomon * Nada - monodramon - dinohumon - cyberdramon - justimon
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Watch "my fanart beast tyrannomon" on YouTube
I made example why I next digievoletion for tyrannomon x I made up beast tyrannomon it just for fun
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
Digimon X V-pet Progress Day 2
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While Tokomon was sleeping, they digivolved to Agumon X! I'm now calling him Rex.
Rex just beat Area 9. I'm currently aiming for him to digivolve to Tyrannomon X. I had to freeze him for a majority of the day, though.
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digitude · 2 years
Rhinomon X digivolve to... Were Garurumon X!
Tyrannomon X digivolve to... Metal Greymon X!
A best of 3 that made it to all 3 matches! Metal Greymon X continued his winning streak at the start, but lost the second battle after a close fight! Were Garurumon X had a decisive victory for the final battle though, frustrating their rival but pleasing themselves! The Digimon from the dark area need to catch up and we will have a tournament for strongest ultimate Digimon!
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Tyrannomon X
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