#Metal Greymon X
digitude · 2 years
Rhinomon X digivolve to... Were Garurumon X!
Tyrannomon X digivolve to... Metal Greymon X!
A best of 3 that made it to all 3 matches! Metal Greymon X continued his winning streak at the start, but lost the second battle after a close fight! Were Garurumon X had a decisive victory for the final battle though, frustrating their rival but pleasing themselves! The Digimon from the dark area need to catch up and we will have a tournament for strongest ultimate Digimon!
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tabsterfm · 7 months
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Just like with the X1s, Tyrannomon X's best-care evolution is Metal Greymon X, this time obviously being the Virus one, and hoooly shit what a complete BANGER of a design.
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My favorite part has got to be their arm-cannon, only visible in its attack animation. Like, just LOOK at it! The spriting on it just looks so damn pleasing to look at.
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And of course, you can't have a Metal Greymon without a War Greymon. I'm pretty sure this is straight up just a recolor of War Greymon X, down to the closeup sprite being the same aside from its eyes I think? Regardless, I still think this dudes pretty damn cool.
I'm gonna try and get her through Area Special when I get the chance, but I might be occupied with other things, I'll see how it goes.
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reversemoon255 · 1 month
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Figure-Rise Amplified Greymon (2010 Anime Version) Custom
For the final toy review of MetalGreyMonth, I had to do a custom of my favorite boi to round things off. Was hoping to also have a MailBirdramon done, but I didn't have time T_T But still, having a custom of this guy around means I can possibly do all of its forms in the future, including my own. That being said, the MailBirdramon I'm imagining may have to take some transformation liberties... But we'll get there eventually.
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The Details: Let's start with colors. I used the same blue for the skin as I did with MetalGreymon X, but switched up the stripes from dark blue to orange. Apart from that, the eyes are black, red, and metallic red, and there's a number of silver details dotted throughout. The head piece and tail are both gunmetal with one stripe on the back of the head being silver to emulate Greymon's headphones, and the claws are all dark blue. There's a lot more metal than this Greymon typically has, and that I would be unable to remove, so where I could I painted the more flush details blue to try and minimize their impact.
But I didn't just change up colors on this one, as I also added a few custom touches to differentiate this one from the others. Much of this was omitting parts, such as the wings, and swapping out the big arm for the saurian one I had leftover from MetalGreymon Alteros Mode. However, there are a few pieces taken from other kits. The horn is taken from the AGE-2 Magnum's Bits, and the new details around the side horns are taken from the Lfrith's shoulder armor.
The tail is comprised of 30MM pieces; specifically a large axe head, an Alto upper arm sleeve, a 3mm adapter for when I eventually make armor for it, and a gap filler piece to create a flush surface to attach it to the existing tail with.
Overall, this is just the beginning of something I hope to continue to work on in the months to come. Though, considering I just cranked out both these customs and all this Greymon related art in quick succession, I think I wanna take it easy for a little bit. Do some straight builds, maybe do at least one concept piece to wind down after all this. It was a lot of fun, but also mentally draining to a degree, so I want to take it kinda easy for a week or two.
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In sadder news, I woke up late today and had to scramble to get to work on time. I didn't put my DMCs in freeze mode. Luckily the Blitz Greymon I was intending to jogress with Cres Gururumon was in storage, so I only lost a Metal Greymon that I was likely going to let die anyway.
However, the Metal Mamemon I intended to evolve into Cres Gururumon was not, and it died too... I do kind of suspect that it Evo Failed anyway...
Looks like these things aren't as tough as Digimon X... or even as a DM20, I feel like if it was a DM20, I would have just come home to a sick Digimon.
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diaborodevil · 6 months
You know what giving my characters digimon partners like I’m Karn ex or something
Nezhan: candmon-meramon-asuramon-vulcanusmon
Kim smith: agumon-tyranamon-metal tyranamon-blitz Greymon
Carlos: pillomon-sheepmon-pajiramon-gulfmon
Kyle: impmon x-wizarmon x-rise greymon x-gaioumon
Herry: floramon-kiwimon-garudamon-ceresmon
I did this cause I wanted to and because I could pick your favorite also will do more when there’s more characters yay
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smol-tactician · 3 years
Some of the random shit Tai says part 3
Tai: There's no fruit in fruit snacks, therefore the government is having us lie to children.
Matt: Tai for once, can we just eat lunch without you instigating everything?
Tai: There's no coffee in coffee cake.
Matt: Wait what?
Tai: Sometimes I wonder if some of the stuff I think about is cause of my ADHD, or if I'm actually worried about it.
Izzy: Meaning?
Tai: Izzy I could basically type up a 50 page essay on the theories of a fucking pineapple.
Izzy: A pineapple- Tai what the hell is suspicious about a pineapple?
Tai: The acid in it is slowly trying to destroy your mouth as you eat it.
Izzy:... Continue.
Tai: I don't give a shit at this point. When we get married, we're getting a fucking tree house.
Matt: A tree house?
Tai: Yes! It'll be a vacation home or something!
Matt: You want a tree house as a vacation home?
Tai: Well duh! We'd live in the castle!
Matt: Yeah ok-... did you say castle?
Tai: Yeah, get over it. I've been planning this for over a year now.
Matt: I-
Tai: Hey what's that thing that likes scan shit?
Sora: A scanner?
Tai: No the other thing.
Mimi: An X-ray?
Tai: No it like does the thing with the buttons.
Joe: Ticket scanner?
Tai: No it has radiation or whatever.
Izzy: MRI? CT scan?
Tai: No it's like the sun, but it's a box. It makes food.
Matt: Tai I swear to fucking god if you're talking about a microwave.
Tai: Yeah that thing.
Tai: One of these days I'm gonna have to prove that I'm as smart as I seem to be on paper, and that scares me.
Kari: It scares all of us.
Greymon: What should I do?
Tai: You're a dinosaur.
Greymon: Meaning?
Tai: Go Jurassic park on his ass.
Greymon: Tai I don't know what that means.
Tai: Go metal Greymon, then take you're big ass feet and stomp on him after you super slam him into the ground. Then do the fire thing.
Matt: I know this mother fucker did not just tell his digimon to super slam someone.
TK: I'm honestly not surprised anymore.
Tai: Matt my relationship with you is like a video game.
Matt: Do I even wanna know what that means?
Tai: I love you, yet you piss me off the point I wanna throw you against a wall.
Matt: Yeah that's fair.
Tai: So this dude came up to me.
Matt: W h a t
Tai: Matt we're dating, besides the guy smelled like middle school lockeroom. So he looks at me right?
Matt: Yeah?
Tai: And I'm sitting there eating my fucking ice cream right?
Mimi: Keep going.
Tai: He asked me "what else dat mouth do?"
Matt: I'm sorry, WHAT?
Tai: Lemme finish! So I looked him dead in the eyes and said "Complain".
Mimi: *wheezing*
Sora: PFFT
Matt: Yeah that's accurate.
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goughie-cobler · 2 years
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Although Metal Greymon X’s virus variant has only appeared on the DMX2 it’s left arm made it to TV screens in 2020 attatched to Metal Greymon: Alterous Mode with a palette change. Maybe next reboot pal.
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kikotsukino · 4 years
Not going the Skull Greymon route in this remake....
Will just mean we will have other developments to look forward to instead of getting a cheap copy and paste from the OG. 
Also I don't understand why Skull Greymon was needed in this remake, especially since, the characters have its own personality that makes them different and stand on its own in this remake. So instead of hoping for it to be the same, why cant we just appreciate this for being different and look forward to developments that will be different and unpredictable later down the road? 
If fans want the Skull Greymon route, you can always go back and watch the og.
In this one why can’t we just appreciate for the fact that Taichi and Greymon successfully digivolved the first time, and in my opinion they both earned this success together since they demonstrated their courage together well and work together as one. 
Honestly, while I am not a fan of Skull Greymon, but that development in the og made me a fan of Taichi and Agumon, so I understood the importance of it being in the Og. HOWEVER, just because I understood it is needed in the OG, it doesn't mean it will make sense in this remake, considering how Taichi was presented since the beginning of this remake. If it happened it will make no sense seeing how Taichi and Greymon was like, especially when Taichi considered more about Agumon feelings in all this, and this is what I love about it. This change made it endearing to see between them and I don't need a dark route for me to love them in this one because the story and character bond, portrayal in this one stand on its own without having the same copy as the og. 
In the OG, Taichi and Greymon definitely earned that digivolution to ultimate successfully the second time, but in this remake, they also earned their digivolution to ultimate successfully the first time against Metal Tyrannamon. 
Both paths are different because of the built up that lead to it. Taichi and Greymon perfected this together the first time without going Skull Greymon because Taichi wasn't being selfish and inconsiderate of Agumon/Greymon feelings, he didn't misused his crest of courage, they earned this success because they are connected as one and Taichi was there with Agumon/Greymon since the beginning so it made sense why they were able to achieve this success to Metal Greymon. 
Taichi is different in this one, but it doesn't make him less likeable to me, not only him, the other characters so far are likeable in this one. 
Some of you may feel that disappointment when comparing to the og. But just take this as an AU setting*. 
For me, I wasn't disappointed in this remake for taking a different route especially when it made these changes that I appreciate and love. I love that it's different, because of all said. I love Taichi and Agumon in this one no less than the original, since I love seeing they have that closer bond without needing to take that dark route for once. This is like an extension to what I love about Digimon and how they are able to explore a different path in the what if scenario, kinda like an AU (Alternate Universe) setting. 
Just like if Angewomon mega form is Ophanimon > Magnadramon (I am hoping it will be Ophanimon) it wouldn't be less valid when compared to the og because the story in this one calls for it because of the whole Holy Digimon. It would make sense if Ophanimon happens, and if it does, personally for me, it will be another change I love in this remake. 
At the end of the day, no version is perfect. Both will have its pros and cons. I respect that it's your opinion for liking the original better but I don't respect those for being close minded or bias because of their nostalgia preferences of the og and bash those who can love/enjoy this remake(and the changes). 
Once again, not having the same development and story built up as the og, doesn't mean we won't get other (different) developments down the road, so give this a chance. If you still don't like it after giving this one a chance, then that's your preference, and this remake is not for you.
P.S: I will reiterate that a remake doesn’t have to be the exact copy of the original, if you think it does, then you surely have not seen other anime remakes *cough* Sailor Moon *cough* Hunter x Hunter. That’s all I have to say.
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digitude · 2 years
Goodnight Digimon! Everyone has been hard at work conquering their prospective worlds! Were Garurumon X and Metal Greymon X have both unlocked the data for their Mega forms and grown high in level! I sense a rematch on the horizon lol
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super-saiyan-rose · 4 years
Those new metal greymon and weregarurumon forms are just like pieces of the x-antibody versions right?
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jex450 · 2 years
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Omegamon x and metal greymon x
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reversemoon255 · 2 years
Fifth Review: Digimon Top 10
I’ve been really enjoying Digimon Ghost Game, I don’t have anything else to write about this month, and Top 10s are fun, so here’s my Top 10 Favorite Digimon. Because.
NUMBER 10: OmegaShoutmon X-Antibody
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It may be obvious to people who frequent my reviews that I really like Shoutmon. A well-developed Digimon with a toy-centric gimmick I enjoy, and a very shiny evolution introduced half-way through the show to add to that gimmick. OmegaShoutmon ends up winning out over Shoutmon and his kingly evolution because I like the design more, and the X-Antibody version wins out over that for the same reasons. It’s definitely a bit over-designed, but I can’t help but want to see this thing Digi Xros’d with something to see how crazy it can get.
NUMBER 9: Bastemon
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I just think she’s cute. Also, I really enjoy her portrayal in Xros Wars, where she’s incredibly lazy 90% of the time, but can occasionally get really heated when she needs to. Her fight against Chuchumon, even though we don’t see it, is probably my favorite joke from that season.
NUMBER 8: Omedamon
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I don’t like April Fool’s Day. It’s a lot of really dumb jokes, most of them half-hearted, and very little of it I find interesting. Omedamon, however, is the exception. A crossover between Digimon and Medarot (Medabots) that wasn’t just fun, goofy art, but both Omedamon and the eventual 3 new Medarots (across two years) are usable units in both series’ mobile games. Not only did we get several great designs introduced into two franchises, but they were canonized. I wish more companies were willing to do this kind of thing.
NUMBER 7: Omegamon Alter-S
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Omegamon/Omnimon is definitely one of the most popular Digimon overall, and I like them as well. Every time I watch Children’s War Game, I well up a bit at the scene where their body is forming from the wishes of all the world’s children. Their design has also been replicated many times, both in series with Digimon like Chaosmon, Omedamon, and Shoutmon, and parodied in other series as well. Unfortunately for Omegamon standard, design always wins out over nostalgia with me, and Alter-S is a cooler design in my opinion. Replacing the familiar WarGreymon/MetalGarurumon combo with the (IMO) more interesting BlitzGreymon and CresGarurumon, they swaps the usual arm weapons and adopts a more dark appearance. I also love how they used them in Adventure:, with the dual-wield moments and final reveal against Abbadomon. An improvement on an already great design.
NUMBER 6: Dukemon (Amplified) (Art by @/Asmaria_)
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Out of every evolution gimmick introduced throughout the many season of Digimon, above-and-beyond, my favorite has always been Bio-Merging. It’s the ultimate extension of the partner concept focused on in the first three seasons, and several after. And while I like all four of the Lv.6 Digimon that utilize this mechanic, Dukemon/Gallantmon is my favorite. The knight aesthetic is great, his moment of evolution and following fight are the strongest, and like many of the Digimon on this list, he has many iterations to choose your favorite from. Mine, unsurprisingly, is the model kit version. It’s still Dukemon, but with a higher level of detail and a lot more sharp edges. Just a great design.
NUMBER 5: MetalGreymon (Virus) X-Antibody
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It’s not that I don’t like the original MetalGreymon, but his design isn’t that interesting to me. I like that he resembles his previous form, which not every evolution from season 1 does, but he isn’t as compelling to me as many of the other Greymon evolutions we’ve gotten, including Greymon himself. Virus X takes that uninteresting design and evolves it in a way I really enjoy, with the flaming hair and wings, increased metal parts, and especially the Alterous. It’s a rotating arm that can form MetalGreymon’s usual claw, or 180 and become a large cannon. It’s so cool that they gave it to MetalGreymon standard in Adventure: as a power-up. A fantastic upgrade to an originally meh design.
NUMBER 4: Pulsemon (Art by @/gebofrog38)
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An aspect of the games that never truly integrated itself into the shows until recently is a Digimon’s ability to have multiple evolutions. We saw moments here and there, like SkullGreymon and Megidramon, but they were one-offs; active mistakes caused by the Digimons’ Tamers. Then came the Vital Brace and Pulsemon, a Digimon designed specifically to not only have branching lines, but a branching web of evolutions. Since his introduction, we got a few more situational evolutions in Adventure: and it’s Gammamon’s main gimmick in Ghost Game. It’s a Digimon with a gimmick that it did so well it inspired copycats.
NUMBER 3: Shoutmon X3
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Again, I like Shoutmon. I always thought he was ok, but then I got my hands on the Xros Figures and my opinions of both him and how much went into his design skyrocketed. As I somewhat jokingly pushed the idea of him getting a model kit in the ongoing lines, I ended up becoming more and more serious to the point that I will be legitimately sad if I never handle a decent toy of this design in my lifetime. As for why I specifically chose X3, it’s because it’s the unencumbered base design without the Star Sword. While I like how it incorporates Shoutmon’s weapon as a handle, I’ve always thought the Star Sword was a bit goofy. Still, a great design that hits me right in my love of toys.
NUMBER 2: Gaioumon Burst Mode (Art by @/Asmaria_)
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Gaioumon has some interesting history behind him. He was originally designed to be BlackWarGreymon X-Antobody, but the design team thought he looked so much cooler than WarGreymon X that they opted to make him his own Digimon and BWGX a recolor in order to not overshadow one of their flagship characters. That being said, you’re probably confused as to why Gaioumon has a Burst Mode, a gimmick exclusive to four-and-a-half Digimon from Digimon Savers...
He doesn’t, actually. Gaioumon Bust Mode is non-canon. Turns out Gaioumon is actually the favorite Digimon of semi-frequent series collaborated As’maria, who created the above art, as well as the original Gaioumon. So it’s a fan character, but that fan works on the actual series.
On a fun side note, within the most recent run of X-Antibody Digimon we got Gaioumon: Itto Mode, who bears a number in interesting similarities to this design, such as the gold horns, scarred eyes, and stomach teeth. An unofficial design so cool that it eventually wormed its way into some form of canonicity. Heck yeah.
NUMBER 1: MetalGreymon (Xros Wars)
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Yes, MetalGreymon is on here twice, I’m not sorry.
A lot of points I’ve made previously on this list apply to this choice. It’s a toy-centric redesign that improves upon a lackluster original. It has a high amount of detail, three different evolutions, and something I haven’t been able to talk about thus far is I love its art. While it’s hard to find the old Xros Wars art at a good size, I love the thick outlines and the sketchy style of it. It’s because I like this design so much that I started painting the Xros Figures Greymon I got, and subsequently the rest of the line, to be more show accurate, and why I’m so sad I haven’t been able to find MailBirdramon to complete it. I’ve even been planning to commission art of a Xros Wars WaruMonzaemon that integrates with it to form a Xros Wars WarGreymon once I get both in hand to be able to fully understand the parts layout (I’m not the biggest fan of ZekeGreymon). There’s just so much going on that makes me like it. It may not be your favorite, but it’s the perfect Digimon for me.
Thanks for reading my ramblings about Digimon. It was fun analyzing why I liked all these designs so much. I know my concept over nostalgia mentality isn’t something most people will agree with, but that’s just how I think, and maybe this gave you a slight idea of how my brain works.
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avolounge · 3 years
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😍 Moon Goddness X Miman Studio - Metal Greymon 😍 by Avolounge starting at S$198.00 SGD Show now 👉👉 https://t.co/zW6pyBNmpW #Avol.sg #resin #animes #statue #gk pic.twitter.com/eiJzJutHBJ
— Avolounge Singapore (@avolounge) December 27, 2020
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digimonrpgtabletop · 4 years
Agumon X Striker
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Agumon X(Rookie)
Tamanho médio(1 quadrado)
LV 1 Digimon Passive: X-Antibody Gauge: Todo Digimon com anticorpo X possui um medidor de anticorpos X. Conforme o mesmo luta contra outros digimons ele absorve energia da batalha e vai a acumulando. A mesma possui 3 formas, sendo elas, contido, instável e liberada. Quanto mais poder é acumulado mais forte o digimon se torna. Assim que a energia chega ao modo “liberada” o mesmo força sua evolução.
LV 2 Digimon Skill: Baby Flame. Agumon cospe fogo de sua boca. O alcance é de 4 quadrados, o alvo atingido recebe 1D8 + Força de dano.
LV 4 Digimon Skill: Spitfire. Agumon dispara uma grande bola de fogo de sua boca. Um local a até 3 quadrados de distancia em uma área de 6 quadrados estora uma bola de fogo causando 2D4 + força de dano em todos os atingidos.
LV 8 Digimon Skill: Baby Burner. Agumon acumula doses únicas de " Baby Flame " na boca e depois a expele de uma vez. Precisa carregar por um turno. até 3 alvos que estejam a até 5 quadrados de distancia sofrem 3D8 + força de dano.
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Greymon X(Champion)
Tamanho grande(4 Quadrados)
LV 1 Digimon Passive: X-Antibody Gauge: Todo Digimon com anticorpo X possui um medidor de anticorpos X. Conforme o mesmo luta contra outros digimons ele absorve energia da batalha e vai a acumulando. A mesma possui 3 formas, sendo elas, contido, instável e liberada. Quanto mais poder é acumulado mais forte o digimon se torna. Assim que a energia chega ao modo “liberada” o mesmo força sua evolução.
LV 2 Digimon Skill: Mega Flame.  Greymon dispara chamas de sua boca. Um alvo a até 5 quadrados de distancia sofre 2D8 + força de dano.
LV 4 Digimon Skill: Great Horn Attack. Greymon dá uma cabeçada no inimigo com seus chifres poderosos. Empurra um alvo adjacente a até 1D4 quadrados caso falhe num teste de resistência vs força de greymon e causa 2D8 + força da dano.
LV 8 Digimon Skill: Mega Burst:  Graymon usa uma Mega Flame de temperatura ultra-alta depois de intensificá-la ao máximo em sua boca. Precisa carregar por um turno. Golpe em cone que vai até 8 quadrados de distancia. Os atingidos sofrem 4D8 + força de dano.
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Metal Greymon X(Ultimate)
Tamanho Gigante(12 quadrados)
LV 1 Digimon Passive: X-Antibody Gauge: Todo Digimon com anticorpo X possui um medidor de anticorpos X. Conforme o mesmo luta contra outros digimons ele absorve energia da batalha e vai a acumulando. A mesma possui 3 formas, sendo elas, contido, instável e liberada. Quanto mais poder é acumulado mais forte o digimon se torna. Assim que a energia chega ao modo “liberada” o mesmo força sua evolução.
LV 2 Digimon Skill: Metal Slash. Metal Greymon corta o inimigo com seu braço tridente . 1 alvo a até 2 quadrados de distância. O alvo atingido sofre 2d12 + força de dano.
LV 4 Digimon Skill: Giga Destroyer. Metal Greymon lança mísseis orgânicos a partir da escotilha em seu peito. Até 2 alvos que estejam a 10 quadrados de distância. Cada local alvejado explode em uma área de 8x8 e causa 4d12 + força de dano.
LV 8 Digimon Skill: Trident Arm VER 9.9. Metal Greymon balança seu braço tridente com a energia destrutiva do Giga Destroyer. 1 alvo a até 8 quadrados de distância. O local atingido explode em um raio de 16x16 causando 8d12 + força de dano.
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War Greymon (Mega)
Tamanho Gigante(12 quadrados)
LV 1 Digimon Passive: X-Antibody Gauge: Todo Digimon com anticorpo X possui um medidor de anticorpos X. Conforme o mesmo luta contra outros digimons ele absorve energia da batalha e vai a acumulando. A mesma possui 3 formas, sendo elas, contido, instável e liberada. Quanto mais poder é acumulado mais forte o digimon se torna. Assim que a energia chega ao modo “liberada” o mesmo força sua evolução.
LV 2 Digimon Skill: Dramon Killer
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Digimon World Re:Digitize (2012)
Emilie de Rochefort, also known as Lili, is a Tamer partnered to Catherine.
Lili originates from the Tekken series, and is, along with Sebastian, the first character from another franchise to appear in any Digimon material.
Appearance Lili is a teenage girl with fair skin, purple eyes, blonde waist-length hair with full fringed bangs that cover her forehead, and a large bust. She wears a short, white Victorian-style dress, a red and black gingham-patterned ascot tie with a red orb and a metallic, eye-shaped ornament around it. She also wears white and red fingerless gloves, white and red boots, and red socks.
Source: Digimon Wiki
Digimon World Re:Digitize is a 2012 video game for the PlayStation Portable developed by tri-Crescendo and published by Bandai Namco Games.
Taiga is the main protagonist of the game. His digimon-partner is Agumon. Nicolai Petrov is Taiga's best friend. His father works in GIGO company. His digimon-partner is Gaomon. Akiho Rindo is a mysterious girl that follows Taiga around. Her digimon-partner is Biyomon. Mikagura Mirei is the girl who sends an email to the Digital World. Her digimon-partners are Angewomon and LadyDevimon. Yuya Kuga is the heir of GIGO company. His digimon-partner is Black War Greymon-X. Rina Shinomiya is a new tamer who only appears in the Decode 3DS version of the game. Her digimon-partner is Veemon.
The game also contains a number of guest characters from other games, including Lili from the Tekken series.
Source: Wikipedia
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kuma-style · 6 years
It’s crazy to think about high-end toys of Digimon characters but Tung Mung EX has done it with Omega-X!
Producer: Tung Mung EX
Price: Approx. $123 USD
Release Date: July 2018
Where to Buy: Show Z Store)
Item Height: Approx. 7.75″
Item Weight: N/A
Batteries: N/A
WHERE TO BUY: Show Z Store
In my younger years I much preferred Digimon na dits characters to Pokemon and as an adult it’s a real treat to have Tung Mung EX giving some of the Digimon from this the “big time” treatment. The first in the line is TungMung-01 Omega-X which is an homage to Omegamon (who also happens to be my favorite fusion in the show.) Check out the video review above as well as my written thoughts and gallery below and of course let me know what you think in the comments.
Presentation: It’s pretty straightforward in terms of boxing with a picture of its chest and “TUNGMUNG-01” plainly written on the front. The box itself id a nice, thick cardboard and the items are well packed into the plastic clamshells. It comes in two boxes with parts to “swap” onto the main body of the figure (which I’d assume is to avoid copyright issues.)
Build: Much like the Bandai Tamashii Metal Build products, Omega-X is a pieces that has a diecast frame with plastic pieces on the outside (a shell, basically.) The joints are nice and tight and the plastics used are strong. My only gripe is that the finish on the paint in a lot of places is a very rough, matted finish and although I prefer matte to gloss, it comes off almost “chalky” and seems like it’d be prone to chipping/scratching.
Accessories: Omega-X comes with a stand, a wired cape, and the weaponry for the War-Greymon and Metal Garuramon (the blade and blaster respectively.) The weapons are fantastic but the only thing I wish is that the retracted blaster had some sort of easy way to pull it out. It fits in so deep that it’s really hard to get inside and grab it to pull out because of how tight it pegs as well as how far Garuramon’s mouth opens. It’s so bad that I’ve stopped using it at all even though it’s much more aesthetically pleasing to have in there.
Articulation: From double-jointed limbs to TRIPLE ab crunch, Omega-X is an articulation lover’s DREAM. The only problem that I really have is the fact that some of the joints are really tight and it makes turning them a bit scary at times. Overall though I’d rather have tight joints (they’re not tight to the point where you feel you’re going to break something) than loose.
Overall Score: 8.0/10 – Tung Mung really knocked it out with Omega-X and did Digimon a justice it’s never been done before in terms of overall quality. Having a larger, diecast rendition of Omegaman with such a strong design is a dream come true and the quality is good. Overall this is a definite recommend for both Digimon fans and people who just plain like a quality collectible. Really looking forward to more in this line.
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Toy Review: Tung Mung EX TungMong-01 Omega-X It's crazy to think about high-end toys of Digimon characters but Tung Mung EX has done it with Omega-X!
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