#Vaal Hazak and Velkhana
artvianblog · 2 years
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fake rise icons, part II
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damnwyverngems · 2 years
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- 【モンハンヴィネット03】過去まとめ -
By 刃根 / Twitter: SS_sky87  
** Permission was granted by the artist to share this images.
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kurapixel · 2 years
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monster hunter cheebs
first set | second set | third set | fourth set | fifth set | sixth set | seventh set | eighth set | Malzeno
buy charms here
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jjangstyle · 8 months
some of my Baldur's Gate 3 characters
dumps them here in no particular order
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yehaw it's Espinas, my solo run, Dragonborn Druid Barbarian
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ayo it's Vaal Hazak, my duo run, chaotic evil, Dragonborn Sorcerer (yes, I name all my dragonborn characters after monster hunter dragons)
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wow, is that Velkhana, my... uh... yknow it's been so long since I started this run with my friend graves I forgot what class he is (yes, I only play dragonborns)
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elendsessor · 3 months
ok my favorite kind of elder dragons are the parasitic ones since we actually see what harm they’re capable of doing outside of being told they’re harmful to the environment and i really have to give props to blackveil vaal hazak since he’s easily the best “roaming” elder dragon (aside from the magalas because honestly there was so much done with gore that no elder dragon can stand on the level of showing that domino effect).
see the problem i have with roaming ones is you barely see what they do unless it’s story stuff and worldborne was MASSIVE missed opportunity. they tried remedying this by having extreme weather whenever they’re around (except in the elder’s recess at least it’s insanely hard to tell) but while yeah extreme weather is bad…. it looks way too natural. teostra in particular makes this really obvious by having things in the wildspire wastes look a little warmer. wow so cool clearly a massive problem. we do see what elder dragons are capable of in fights of course but some of it is harder to depict without their own unique arenas. nergigante is the one we see the most but really nergie’s more of the real hero since he actually y’know kills and eats other elder dragons so aside from the affect of potentially scaring some off from their territory he’s the least harmful. and has been fighting them off for years and is what helps regulate elder dragon populations so really the demonization of him is very very fabricated after the initial zorah storyline. only closest one is velkhana but she’s actually pretty passive outside of story stuff. most of the ones in world kinda just mind their own business anyways.
but vaal is built different.
(anyways big ramble beneath the cut)
you can already see the effects of what his presence has brought about the second you get to the rotten vale without even meeting him. effluvium is nearly everywhere and a ton of the small monsters are coated in the stuff which does harm them, and when you do fight vaal you see him fuck up those lil guys repeatedly even outside the introduction cutscene. he also has the best elder dragon theme in world no contest. only problem is that he’s pretty easy??? all he has is the effluvium to prove a real threat so popping on anti effluvium decorations simplifies the entire fight. he moves slow, acts slow, the ai isn’t particularly good, and though he hits hard it is relying heavily on if you have your health cut.
blackveil is somehow infinitely more terrifying than a massive mesh of rotting flesh and is absurdly unique
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this is what happens when black mold mixes with cordyceps and it’s so fitting for what vaal hazak is. kinda surprising we haven’t had a fungi based monster until him at least in mainline (might’ve been one that existed before that i’m forgetting). but it’s more than just appearance that makes this thing horrifying. while another chill unless provoked monster, the damage has already been done once you first encounter him.
the entirely of the great forest’s deepest depths are covered in spores and before meeting him you see a bunch of familiar monsters caked in it. the atmosphere is dreary, at least the forest floor choked by sickly mold. he doesn’t even attack you when you finally get the run in, rather moving past you like you were never there. worst part? effluvium resistance doesn’t save you—it only removes one problem. he attacks faster while still hitting hard, each breath spewing more and more of that mold, further covering the foliage and whatever creature is unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire, chipping away at your health. you step in the pale patches, you start taking damage at a relatively rapid pace.
then there’s that ultimate move, where blackveil puffs itself up. most elder dragons when they do this call for the player to get as far away as possible. not with him. he covers such a wide range that, unless you farcast, you will get stuck traversing through a sea of spores. the only “safe” space is right beside the beast, aka the last place you want to be, since he can easily hit you.
this is straight up some of the most anxiety inducing stuff in mainline monster hunter and does show that killing it isn’t enough. the spores don’t magically disappear. it sticks, and all you got rid of was the source… until you return to the forest in any quest or expedition he isn’t in, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any threat. that’s just a gameplay thing. thinking on a logistical level, were hunts to have a visible effect within the world, yeah that shit isn’t clearing for awhile.
this is how roaming elder dragon fights should be, and it’s easily the greatest one to come out of post old school monsters.
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Round 1 Part 1 Matchups
Amazingly, I somehow managed to decide to do this the exact same day as a new Monster Hunter game got announced, so it goes without saying that any Wilds monsters that happen to get revealed are not going to make it into the bracket (maybe I can do a bonus round or something if this goes on long enough, idk). Now, before I actually get to the matchups, there are a few things I need to get out of the way first
First off, since there are 232 monsters in this tournament, and 232 isn't a power of 2, the top 24 seeded monsters will be getting a bye, meaning they will not be appearing in Round 1. These include: Fatalis, Crimson Qurupeco, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Apex Diablos, Monoblos, Dreadking Rathalos, Beotodus, Nibelsnarf, Flaming Espinas, Vaal Hazak, Lagiacrus, Drilltusk Tetsucabra, Plesioth, Qurupeco, Apex Rathian, Barroth, Daimyo Hermitaur, Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, Desert Seltas, Emerald Congalala, Namielle, Shen Gaoren, Nightcloak Malfestio, and Pukei-Pukei. As stated in the original post, this tournament has been seeded randomly, and these were the 24 monsters that ended up getting byes.
Secondly, as the title of this post suggests, Round 1 will be broken up into 2 parts. This is honestly moreso because of tumblr than because of any workload issue; I'd like to have the matchup post have a link to every match in the round, but after all the byes there are 104 matches this round, and a tumblr post can only have a maximum of 100 links. This means if I did all of round 1 at once, some matches would be missing links. Regardless, 52 matches at once is a more reasonable number to handle so I won't be complaining too much. Part 1 matches will begin being posted on the 16th, and Part 2 matchups will be announced after Part 1 is finished.
Next, there's the matter of poll length. Personally I was leaning towards having tournament polls be 1 week long, but I'm unsure. So I'm going to let you all decide, 1 day polls or 1 week polls?
Lastly, as mentioned above, this post will be periodically updated with links to matches as they get posted (assuming I actually remember to update this). The matches themselves will also be tagged as Round 1 Poll in case you prefer finding them that way. With all that said, here are the first 52 matches of Round 1:
Astalos Vs. Redhelm Arzuros
Plum Daimyo Hermitaur Vs. Glavenus
Risen Chameleos Vs. Great Izuchi
Crimson Glow Valstrax Vs. Tigrex
Zamtrios Vs. Nakarkos
Almudron Vs. Nerscylla
Nightshade Paolumu Vs. Najarala
Black Diablos Vs. Leshen
Paolumu Vs. Shrouded Nerscylla
Magnamalo Vs. Brute Tigrex
Rust Duramboros Vs. Velkhana
Hypnocatrice Vs. White Monoblos
Red Khezu Vs. Great Girros
Giadrome Vs. Rajang
Ceadeus Vs. Green Nargacuga
Safi'jiiva Vs. Amatsu
Savage Deviljho Vs. Apex Mizutsune
Black Gravios Vs. Magma Almudron
Zinogre Vs. Shagaru Magala
Green Plesioth Vs. Ebony Odogaron
King Shakalaka Vs. Molten Tigrex
Elderfrost Gammoth Vs. Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax
Rathalos Vs. Seething Bazelgeuse
Lavasioth Vs. Hallowed Jhen Mohran
Ivory Lagiacrus Vs. Goldbeard Ceadeus
Arzuros Vs. Stygian Zinogre
Thunder Serpent Narwa Vs. Apex Zinogre
Dreadqueen Rathian Vs. Deviljho
Purple Ludroth Vs. Crystalbeard Uragaan
Terra Shogun Cenataur Vs. Chaotic Gore Magala
Gore Magala Vs. Desert Seltas Queen
Tobi-Kadachi Vs. Viper Tobi-Kadachi
Gammoth Vs. Ancient Leshen
Espinas Vs. Jade Barroth
Legiana Vs. Crimson Fatalis
Great Baggi Vs. Silverwind Nargacuga
Basarios Vs. Kulu-Ya-Ku
Soulseer Mizutsune Vs. Pink Rathian
Tigerstripe Zamtrios Vs. Thunderlord Zinogre
Radobaan Vs. Scarred Yian Garuga
Raging Brachydios Vs. Gravios
Blue Yian Kut-Ku Vs. Gold Rathian
Ahtal-Ka Vs. Shah Dalamadur
Kushala Daora Vs. Dodogama
Copper Blangonga Vs. Great Jagras
Lucent Nargacuga Vs. Mizutsune
Fulgur Anjanath Vs. Cephadrome
Nargacuga Vs. Chameleos
Dire Miralis Vs. Stonefist Hermitaur
Tetranadon Vs. Rakna-Kadaki
Bloodbath Diablos Vs. Lunagaron
Grimclaw Tigrex Vs. Lunastra
As always, happy voting, and may the best monster win!
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
ELDER DRAGONS are entities that are revered as gods and divinities. While their original form is largely accepted as that of beasts or wyverns, they can present themselves in whatever form they desire and it is unknown what their true form actually is. It is rumoured that ever since the days of old, they held power above all else. In every meaning of the word, they could twist and bend fate to their own will.
It is them who first have shared their blessings with humans and humanoids, granting them powers of vice and virtue. Most common were those of elemental manipulation and its subcategories. However, it is still unknown to what extent the Elder's blessings go.
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IN THE DAYS OF OLD, it was the divine who welcomed humankind with open arms as they first stepped foot on this earth. With the gift of their blessings, it didn't take long for many to devote themselves to the beasts and enacting their will. Though it took even less time for them to show their true colours — as man fundamentally is a creature of greed and corruption. Mankind decided that the power bestowed upon them was not enough — they wanted more. They wanted everything.
War ensued as god fought against man and ultimately, great losses were suffered on both sides. While some Elder Dragons regained control, some entered a truce with their people and others were subdued or simply vanished. Though ultimately, the outcome was that the end of the war marked the beginning of a new era — the one of the people.
TODAY — Against all odds, divinity had been overthrown and the earth's people are their own master, reigning their own kingdoms and fighting their own wars. Though their sources are not wholly extinguished, Divine Blessings are few and far between. An act of defiance, after getting thrown off their throne. There‘s still a select few Elder Dragons who still grant powers and are involved with mankind — whether it be through being the oppressor or oppressed. However, they don't have a lot of use for it anymore.
Ever since the fallout, research and experiments have been conducted in order to replicate the Elder's powers. Though not as efficient and powerful as its original, modern technology has allowed those born with nothing to seize power for themselves. It is not only the blessing of old that can be injected, but aether allowing one to wield magic as well. Technology and science is progressing at the fastest pace documented in history, and it's only a matter of time to see where man's own greed will lead him.
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VELKHANA  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Ice / Currently in posession of the Mingate Family
NAMIELLE  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Water
TEOSTRA AND LUNASTRA  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Fire / A.K.A. The Emperor and The Empress
KUSHALA DAORA  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Wind
THUNDER SERPENT NARWA  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Thunder
████████  [ ??? ]  ELEMENTALLY UNSTABLE / Location unknown / HIGH PRIORITY — All findings are to be reported to The Commander immediately.
AMATSU & CHAMELEOS  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Aether and Embodiment of Trickery
MALZENO & NERGIGANTE [ ??? ]  ███████████ / STATUS UNKNOWN / Worshipped by followers of the cult called The Twin Divine; Members are to be taken in for interrogation, followed by execution; Eliminate at signs of resistance.
VAAL HAZAK  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Death
KULVE TAROTH  [ ... ]  Embodiment of Life & Prosperity
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blood-darkened-moon · 2 years
Monster Hunter
Lynian Felyne | Shakalaka
Herbivore Popo | Moofah | Larinoth | Rhenoplos | Mosswine | Gowngoat | Anteka | Kestodon | Kelbi | Ceratonoth
Temnoceran Rakna-Kadaki | Nerscylla
Neopteron Konchu | Seltas | Seltas Queen | Ahtal-Ka | Vespoid Queen
Theropod Bird Wyvern Velociprey | Velocidrome | Genprey | Gendrome | Ioprey | Iodrome | Jaggi | Great Jaggi | Baggi | Wroggi | Great Wroggi | Maccao | Izuchi | Great Izuchi | Boggi | Kulu-Ya-Ku
Flying Bird Wyvern Yian Kut-Ku | Blue Yian Kut-Ku | Yian Garuga | Scarred Yian Garuga | Malfestio | Pukei-Pukei | Aknosom | Gypceros | Qurupeco | Toridcless | Gargwa
True Wyvern Rathalos | Azure Rathalos | Silver Rathalos | Rathian | Pink Rathian | Gold Rathian | Dreadqueen Rathian | Monoblos | White Monoblos | Diablos | Black Diablos | Basarios | Ruby Basarios | Gravios | Seregios | Bazelgeuse | Seething Bazelgeuse | Khezu | Red Khezu | Astalos | Boltreaver Astalos | Espinas | Flaming Espinas | Legiana | Akantor | Paolumu | Gurenzeburu | Gigginox
Pseudo Wyvern Tigrex | Brute Tigrex | Nargacuga | Lucent Nargacuga | Silverwind Nargacuga | Barioth | Sand Barioth | Frostfang Barioth | Ukanlos
Piscine Wyvern Cephadrome | Plesioth | Beotodus | Delex
Carapaceon Shogun Ceanataur | Hermitaur | Daimyo Hermitaur | Plum Daimyo Hermitaur | Taikun Zamuza | Shen Gaoren | Akura Vashimu
Amphibian Zamtrios | Tigerstripe Zamtrios | Tetsucabra | Tetranadon
Pelagus Rajang | Furious Rajang | Garangolm | Bulldrome | Gammoth | Bishaten | Blangonga | Kecha Wacha
Fanged Beast Arzuros | Goss Harag | Lagombi | Volvidon
Leviathan Agnaktor | Mizutsune | Violet Mizutsune | Soulseer Mizutsune | Ludroth | Royal Ludroth | Purple Ludroth | Lagiacrus | Abyssal Lagiacrus | Lavasioth | Almudron | Gobul | Baruragaru | Somnacanth | Nibelsnarf
Snake Wyvern Najarala | Remobra
Brute Wyvern Uragaan | Crystalbeard Uragaan | Pumpkin Uragaan | Deviljho | Savage Deviljho | Aberrant Deviljho | Barroth | Anjanath | Fulgur Anjanath | Banbaro | Brachydios | Raging Brachydios | Glavenus | Hellblade Glavenus | Duramboros
Fanged Wyvern Zinogre | Stygian Zinogre | Thunderlord Zinogre | Dodogama | Magnamalo | Scorned Magnamalo | Odogaron | Ebony Odogaron | Tobi-Kadachi | Viper Tobi-Kadachi | Lunagaron | Palamute | Great Jagras | Great Girros
Elder Dragon Fatalis | Crimson Fatalis | White Fatalis | Xeno'jiiva | Safi'jiiva | Teostra | Lunastra | Chameleos | Risen Chameleos | Kushala Daora | Kirin | Oroshi Kirin | Shagaru Magala | Namielle | Alatreon | Ceadeus | Nergigante | Valstrax | Crimson Glow Valstrax | Thunder Serpent Narwa | Narwa the Allmother | Wind Serpent Ibushi | Malzeno/Qurio | Primordial Malzeno | Velkhana | Vaal Hazak | Blackveil Vaal Hazak | Kulve Taroth | Amatsu | Gogmazios | Gaismagorm | Shara Ishvalda | Dalamadur | Shah Dalamadur | Lao-Shan Lung | Ashen Lao-Shan Lung | Jhen Mohran | Nakarkos | Behemoth | Yama Tsukami | Nef-Garmat | Dire Miralis | Zorah Magdaros | Makili Pietru | Oltura
Unknown Gore Magala | Chaotic Gore Magala
Endemic Life Paratoad | Thornytoad | Cohoot | Forest Pteryx | Duffel Penguin | Thunderbeetle | Vigorwesp | Spiribird
Pets Poogie
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abraxasrinbalt · 8 months
I've been avoiding bringing it up to my partner cus it feels SUPER cringe but I cannot get the image out of my head that my self insert in MHW had my partner's self-insert leading them around and helping them with their whole adventure...
And witnessing firsthand the fact that they had the powers of God and Plot Armour on their side lmao. His insert is a "super grumpy old man" looking guy so he's probably mad as hell his ward is so fucking scared of everything despite being diagnosed with Main Character Syndrome at 5.
"Bazelgeuse is my paralysis demon" and yet you took down Velkhana... You took down a Blackveil Vaal Hazak... Kulve Taroth falls before you... You demolished the freakazoid we call Shara Ishvalda with its WEIRD PLAYER-PERCIEVING EYES...
...and you're scared of BAZELGEUSE.
Kids These Days (tm).
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doozclops · 1 year
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Blackveil Vaal Hazak fuckin sucks with lance, man. Just like Velkhana it just runs away and does breath attacks. Except instead of it all being unblockable without Guard Up, I can block some of them but then get hit with ground effects anyway.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
"Malzeno, I'm back." Velkhana just waved at the other having brought Xeno who was more curious about the wind than anything and Namielle who was still completely innocent about Amatsu and Vaal Hazak.
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He doesn't even need to know, looks like the winds are picking up everywhere. "Guess it's a party at my place, hmm?" He'll gladly keep Gore, Xeno, & apparently Namielle now as well, ignorant of what's going on in Kamrua for as long as possible.
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"Friends!!" Gore is simply happy to have others around again. They seem to have not picked up on why the winds are high today, even as far as the Citdatel. "Hi Xeno! Hi Velkhana! Hi... uh... new friend!"
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Finally got the Monster Hunter Rise demo todaaaaaay!
I am NOT HAPPEH with how insect glaive plays on the Switch at all.  I am quite upset with this because I love glaive.  I love my bugs.  I love flying through the air without a care and being the Mounting Queen.
I am quite enjoying Hunting Horn though.  Hunting Horn has always been my backup weapon for cases when glaive just won’t get the job done in MH World (looking at you, Kushala, you buttshot.)  My sister is also quite enjoying the Light Bowgun.
I buff, she knocks monsters on their butts.  Hell yes.
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thorcat · 3 years
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Met a living nightmare and a party dragon.
After that i decided that velkhana is so pretty, i want to be her. Took me couple of hunts and still hands are missing but..
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legianacrossing · 2 years
i miss her (namielle)
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koyoriin · 4 years
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The currently most up-to-date compilation of my Monster Hunter girls drawings!
http://twitter.com/koyoriin http://patreon.com/koyorin http://instagram.com/koyori_n http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=12576068
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Round 2: Velkhana Vs. Agnaktor
Velkhana (Elder Dragon)
Previous matches: Vs. Rust Duramboros
Appears in: Iceborne, Sunbreak
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Known as the "Ice Dragons that Freeze All" or the "Iceborne Wyvern," few records of Velkhana exist, as such, they remain shrouded in mystery. Their icy breath is so cold that it can form massive spires and walls of ice out of nowhere, and it is even powerful enough to freeze other monsters. Some reports indicate that Velkhana will freeze their rivals in order to establish their domain. -Sunbreak
Agnaktor (Leviathan)
Previous matches: Vs. Blackveil Vaal Hazak
Appears in: 3, Portable 3rd, 3 Ultimate, Generations, Generations Ultimate
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Also known as fire-pike wyverns, Agnaktor use their tough beaks and great strength to burrow effortlessy through rock, and can even burrow into ceilings. Their hardened-lava armor becomes even harder when cooled forming an almost impenetrable armor. -Generations Ultimate
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