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Embracing a world where vaccines work for all! Each dose is a step towards a healthier, united future. Together, let's ensure that the shield of protection reaches every corner, leaving no one behind. 
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primecashpro · 1 year
National Immunization Day
Immunization is a gift we give to ourselves and to those around us. Let's celebrate National Immunization Day by spreading awareness about the importance of vaccines and encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. . . .
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digicontact · 1 year
National Immunization Day
Immunization is a gift we give to ourselves and to those around us. Let's celebrate National Immunization Day by spreading awareness about the importance of vaccines and encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. . . .
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indogenmed-org · 4 days
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In just 5 decades we went from a world where the death of a child was something many parents feared, to a world where every child –– if vaccinated –– has a chance to survive and thrive. #WIW2024 #ImmunizeToThrive #WorldImmunizationDay #ProtectWithVaccines #ImmunizationMatters #VaccinesSaveLives #ChildhoodSurvival #ImmunizationSuccess #VaccinesForAll #Indogenmed
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yarddrone · 6 months
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YardDrone's SkyDrone Vaccine stands out as an innovation in the quest to save lives.
In the pursuit of global health, SkyDrone Vaccine is at the forefront, ensuring that health reaches every corner of the world.
Discover some of the solutions:
👉 Rapid Distribution
👉 Cold Chain Integrity
👉 Global Reach
👉 Secure and Traceable
👉 Emergency Response
Visit us here to learn more:
Get in touch with us for a customized demo:
Call/Whatsapp: +91-9625975757
Mail us: 𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬@𝐲𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞.𝐜𝐨𝐦
#SkyDrone #Globalhealth #HealthcareInnovation #Skydrone #Innovationinhealthcare #Vaccinesforall #GlobalPublicHealth #SkynamicDrone #InnovationHealthcare #HealthcareInnovations
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spotstory · 3 years
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پاکستان کو #COVAX کے ذریعے #COVID19 ویکسین کی پہلی کھیپ موصول ہو گئی ہے۔ 12 لاکھ سے زائد اوکسفرڈ-اسٹرازینکا ویکسین کے ٹیکے گزشتہ رات اسلام آباد ایرپورٹ پہنچے ہیں۔ ویکسین کی خریداری اور فراہمی میں یونیسف نے اہم کردار ادا کیا۔ یہ ویکسین ملک بھر میں جاری حکومت کی #COVID19 ویکسینیشن مہم میں استعمال ہوگی۔ اگر آپ کی عمر 40 یا اس سے زیادہ ہے تو خود کو ویکسین کے لئے ریجسٹر کریں۔ #VaccinesWork #covidvacccine #vaccinesforall Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination Islamabad UNICEF UNICEF South Asia (at Islamabad اسلام آباد) https://www.instagram.com/p/COoKMFqBcS0/?igshid=cit4xpxy35rk
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caminocasabella · 3 years
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Esta maňá ás 8:45 puxen a vacina de Oxford e AstraZeneca contra a Covid-19 no HULA de Lugo. Non me doeu nada, non estiven nin cuarenta segundos dentro, e despois dixéronme que agardara 15 minutos no corredor. Como non tiven ningún efecto secundario collín o coche e marchei pra Castroverde, a onde cheguei pra traballar ás 9:30. Estou moi contenta e orgullosa de telo feito, porque xa estamos máis preto de rematar con esta pandemia. Agora só falta que teňamos vacinas pra todos! O que tamén hai que mencionar é que a organización e o trato aos profesores por parte do goberno galego deixou moito que desexar, como vén sendo habitual, pois estes tres días en toda Galiza chamaron a vacinarse a un grande número profesores ao mesmo tempo, sen previo aviso e con só 24 horas de antelación, polo que en moitos colexios e institutos foi imposible que os rapaces estiveran atendidos, e perderon clases. Aos profesores esíxennos estar tódolos días perfectos e que deamos o 100%, coma en esta semana e todo o ano, e é tempo de que adiquemos uns momentos pra descansar. A coidarse todos! #VaccinesForAll #Castroverde #ArteParaTodos #TechnicalDrawingForAll #LearningForAll #RaiseYourHand #FundEducation #QualityEducationForAll #PovertyIsSexist #GirlsCount #WomenOfTheWorldTakeOver #covid19 ♥️🌈 (at Lugo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLxXYqshi1_/?igshid=12ln1sj12y1ya
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pharmaworldtoday · 4 years
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5 successful years of ensuring full immunization to child & mother: Over 3.39 crore children and 87.18 lakh pregnant women vaccinated. #MissionIndradhanush #SwasthaBharat #KoiPeecheNaChoote #VaccinesWork #VaccinesForAll #HealthForAll #TransformingIndia https://t.co/cjKSFPNdM9 #PharmaWorldToday #pharmanews (at Bangalore, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f1W-Lhg_n/?igshid=1iydc3lc9d1
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stefaugust · 4 years
W.H.O. are U Tariff Man?
As the corona virus continues to spread even while peaking, we in the good ol’ US of A we remain under the tyrannical thumb of Tariff Man who claims that HE and ONLY HE has the ULTIMATE say in ANYTHING HE HAS ROYALLY SCREWED UP!
Today T.M. lays the blame for the screw-up at the feet of the World Health Organization by pulling much needed funding from this organization during a pandemic. TM is starting to resemble his peer in North Korea K.J.U. and may be seconds away from ordering the troops to shoot at will!
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Playing kissy face with a tyrant seems to suit T.M. just fine while he plays God as to who should get funding for Covid-19 vaccines and who doesn’t. 
It’s sort of like how he used to pay his workers in construction: if you were illegal you got bupkis and if you were semi legal you got less than bupkis! 
Oy gevult, when does this drama end? WHEN AMERICANS GET THIS GUY OUT OF OFFICE! 
I can see Woody Harrelson and a fat-faced Stephen Colbert (yes, you Bubbalah) having a field day as these two in a movie entitled: 
“The Day I Kissed the ‘Arse of My Tyrant Comrade” or something like that. 
No offense to Stephen and Woody.  Personally, I think they would make a hell of a lot better team in the White House than what’s currently in place. 
 And they just might respect the opinion of the 4′ 11″ voice of reason TT.M. has been tweeting about:
I can see Trump sitting on his golden twaddy-bowl calculating his next tweet: 
“Fauci Fauci bo-bauci banana fana fo Fauci me my mo ouchie - Fauci Out!”
His inherent narcissism and blatant lack of culpability have spilled out of brain pan and are running amok down Pennsylvania Avenue. 
Sort of like in that movie “The Blob” where that big ball of glutenous grab-all spreads as fast as this Covid-19 thing, gobbling up everybody in it’s wake! 
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Don’t worry, my darling Stephen, you will not have to gain umpteen pounds to fill out the fat suit for the sequel:
“The Day My Crap Ran Amok From My Golden Twaddy-Bowl During MY BEST TWEET EVER!” 
 The one thing that just may MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN: 
Although I am heartened to see President Obama stepping up to the plate to endorse his good buddy, Joe - AFTER endorsing Bernie!
 Nu - this politics game is funny! 
Meanwhile developers in health care in the U.S. and China also race to complete finding a vaccine that will keep this virus thing from spreading. 
How’s about those tariffs on China now, friends?
Perhaps T.M. will impose stricter one’s if they get to the finish line first, nu? A dollah to the yen just may get you egg-roll! NOT!
https://www.syracuse.com/coronavir us/2020/04/coronavirus-vaccine-search-heats-up-in-china-us.html
As this 62 days-sober correspondent covers this mess from an equally sober home in paradise, I urge each of you to GET BUSY THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY! 
Then:  Pass the Charmin and hold the Glade refills, it’s gonna be a stinky race to the next four years!
Peace through culpability while these dudes attempt to get a grip! 
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sparksinthenight · 3 years
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kayla360 · 2 years
Canadian health system needs to do better!
Great we have free healthcare but for that free healthcare you need documents. Documents that might surprise the general public but a lot of people don’t have. And I was part of those people until actually the other day when taking my booster shots. Realizing that without my health card, I couldn't have got it. But then I thought oh they must have figured a way for non-citizens which they did since most non-citizens like permanent residents, etc. have legal documents.
But what about homeless people who are in the street for so long any legal documents have been long gone? What about undocumented immigrants? Don't they deserve the same health then us? For the very least, these groups should have the same access to the vaccine since this is a global pandemic and we are trying to contain it.
Well, I got curious and my research left me sadden about this "perfect country" that's providing these people nothing. And as a result often needs to get their treatments illegally.
And then I wonder how many of them died because of the lack of our government to see anyone without documents as a human being. How many people got cover and spread without knowing because they had to work since they are not permitted to the reliefs fund how many outbreaks are coming from them without being their fault?
We are angry at the anti-vax and anti-mask for good reason, but they are the minorities. A vocal on but a minority. I want you to think how I a healthy 20-year-old can get my booster vaccine in less than 15 min but an at risk member of our society ( because yes they are a part of our society undocumented or not) can't get even 1 dose.
Here are some resources that I found of organization in Canada that will help undocumented people to get their vaccine. (Sadly, I can only find information for Toronto information are very scarce since most of the vaccination of undocumented are people doing it illegally.)
- https://www.schliferclinic.com/resources-for-non-status-women/
- https://www.toronto.ca/news/city-of-toronto-launches-new-toronto-for-all-campaign-to-support-undocumented-residents/
And here are some websites that can better educated about the subject and advocates for this issue. (Some that you can even donate.
- https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/migrants-undocumented-workers-fear-getting-covid-19-vaccine-could-lead-to-deportation-1.5375993
- https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/covid-19-vaccine-undocumented-migrants-bc-immigration-1.6001643
- https://migrantrights.ca/vaccinesforall/
And finaly i'm far from being an expert but i can see their's a problem and their must be change. And also fell free to had on if you know more or know more ways to help.
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alimuhammad123-blog · 3 years
#Effectiveness, #Statistics, #vaccinesforall , #BIBP #vaccines , #BioNTech, #pfizervaccine #CanSino #vaccinedevelopment , #coronavaccine #vaccineswork , #modernavaccine , #sputnikv #astrazenecavaccine #medicine #research #biotech #cancer #healthcare #health #healthtech #digitalhealth
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alimuhammad123-blog · 3 years
#Effectiveness, #Statistics, #vaccinesforall , #BIBP #vaccines , #BioNTech, #pfizervaccine #CanSino #vaccinedevelopment , #coronavaccine #vaccineswork , #modernavaccine , #sputnikv #astrazenecavaccine #medicine #research #biotech #cancer #healthcare #health #healthtech #digitalhealth
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