#We also need to talk about Jarod's first line
revedetendresse · 2 years
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bestfriendforhire · 5 years
Entry 393
 November came.  We had a memorial for Raine’s mother, Eliza, on the fourth, since Raine wanted to do something for it, not that she actually managed to ask.  She had always known that her mother feared her, which was part of the reason she feared herself, but they’d had a few wonderful times as well.
 Raine told us of her fondest memories, such as when they spent an entire day roaming the city as cats.  When Raine was three, her mother had thrown her a princess party, inviting all of the other werecats from the area.  At eight, Raine received her first computer and was introduced to MMO RPGs, which became a shared interest for the two of them.
 Sadly, all of the events after Raine’s fourth birthday were overshadowed by her mother’s fear.  Raine didn’t say anything of the sort, but I could read between the lines and had extra information.  Raine didn’t really celebrate birthdays after turning four until she turned eight.  Unlike most of us, Raine remembered being born and every day since in clarity that would make people with an eidetic memory envious.  She remembered those years of her mother jumping at Raine’s approach, the fear in Eliza’s eyes, and the smell of terror.
 Aaliyah had told me of Eliza’s struggles, trying to win the battle over her fear.  She still loved Raine, but her daughter had made a nightmarish scene of their attackers that Eliza just couldn’t forget.  Raine knew, of course, in the way of a brilliant child who could hear her mother’s conversations clear across the city couldn’t help knowing.  I was thankful that Aaliyah would eventually let them talk again, after they both were ready.  Eliza would be proud of her daughter.
 The day after the memorial was Cosette’s birthday.  She wanted a small celebration again, so we gave her that, making sure everyone was free to attend.  Vito, Papak, Zachary, and Ariadne made an appearance as well, a great honor for any vampire.  Surprisingly for most, there were token gifts sent from part of the Slayer family as well.  I was warned in advance, so I didn’t search them all for traps.
 On the eleventh, Alma, our unborn child, and I jumped out of space and time with Regina’s spirit to celebrate my departed friend’s birthday.  My wife didn’t approve of how Regina clung to me, but neither of us said anything.  Regina’s memories weren’t intact, and Aaliyah was not about to break her agreement with Regina.  As much as I disapproved of Regina’s choice, I would respect her wish.  I appreciated the protection she granted my home and felt spending a day’s worth of time with her each year for eternity was the least I could do.
 When Thanksgiving arrived, Best Friend For Hire, the Intergalactic House of Awesome Sauce, and Global Princess Entertainment hosted a charity event for anyone who wanted a free meal out of a block’s worth of buildings we purchased and renovated for this and future similar occasions.  Best Friend For Hire provided some of the staff, though we enlisted volunteers as well.  The Intergalactic House of Awesome Sauce provided enough food for tens of thousands of people, which most would find impressive, not knowing what a miniscule fraction of the daily output that was.
 Global Princess Entertainment made the entire ordering and delivery process automated, mass-producing the electronic waiters designed by Aurora, Mila, Jarod, and Maxine.  Aaliyah’s company also provided streaming movies, games, and other types of entertainment throughout the buildings, leaving my team and the volunteers with only cleaning to handle, which was largely restricted to the garbage which made its way outdoors.  The automated waiters handled clearing tables and cleaning floors within the buildings.
The feast upon returning home was even bigger than last year.  Of course, there were more people in my company to feed, but I was certain that Marco didn’t want to be outdone, even though the rest of us had been given opportunities to eat on breaks earlier.  My parents, who had volunteered at the earlier event, also came to the feast at my home, taking plenty of leftovers when they left.
 November thirtieth found me pacing in the morning.  There was nothing special happening on that day, but there were many December birthdays to consider.  Mick, my father, Maple, and Noelle were all born in December.  I knew those weren’t the birthdays that had me pacing.  In December—thirty-one days at most, I’d have a second child.  Well… thirty-one days for other people.  An irritating thought in the back of my head wouldn’t let me ignore the fact that there’d probably be numerous months for me still, out on business throughout time and space.  This child would be the first of my blood, possibly even bearing my name.  
 “James, you’re pacing.” stated Alma as she walked into the office, her pregnancy showing beneath the elegant gown she wore.
 “Going somewhere?” I questioned.
 “Oh, no.  Dani wanted me to join her, Cosette, Heloise, Emma, Iris, and Aaliyah in playing princess later.  Dressing up is apparently a requirement, even though we’ll be using the VR set to have an in-depth experience of being a princess during times of war.” she explained.
 “She convinced Iris to dress up as a princess?” I asked, feeling amused by the idea.  Iris was more of a tomboy, rarely wearing anything distinctly girly, and she typically wasn’t inclined to play video games.
 “The whole scenario is to start off with our parents being slaughtered at a meeting of the crowns.  Each of our characters will have reason to believe one of the others is the culprit, so there’s going to be a tremendous amount of action involved.  Besides, you know what turning down our daughter is like.”
 I nodded, still smiling.
 “So why are you pacing?  Get more bad news?”
 Stepping over to her, I twirled her around, hugging her as I kissed her head.  Without me needing to say a word, Mila provided music for us to dance.
 “We’re having a child soon.  Unlike you, I don’t know the gender and am not speaking frequently with him or her yet.”
 “You do every night.” she interjected.  She was wonderful at letting me share in the fey-like communication.   She even convinced my parents to try, after revealing that our child had already spoken a few words.
 “Still isn’t nearly as much as you.” I insisted.  “I’m anxious.  I’ve managed to avoid knowing too much, so I don’t know what to expect!  This is exciting and somewhat frightening to me.  Our child might walk on his or her first day!  Even you can’t say what sort of magic our child might have, though some ability with heat would make sense.  We’ll have to be on guard for at least a month… Only a month?  I know you spent your life accustomed to the idea that your child would be superhuman, but the idea still excites me… and worries me.  There’s so much restraint required in interacting with other beings.  Will it be tough for our child?”
 Alma shrugged “Our child will learn.  We’ll be there to keep everyone safe, and Aaliyah has assured us both that things will go well.  What more do you want?”
 I shrugged and then kissed her as the song ended.  “Best be off before Dani declares you late.” I told her.
 She hugged me and said, “Relax, my love.  I know you can’t grow physically ill, but you shouldn’t let your anxieties get in the way of our joy.”
 “I won’t.” I promised, waving when she left.  Soon, we’d be raising a second child.
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it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but in preparation of s5 here’s a giant post about the The 100 panel at Wonder Con
Before the panel they played the first 15 minutes of S5. No spoilers, but it reminds us just how good Eliza Taylor is
Then they announced the moderator of the panel. King Roan himself, Zach McGowan
Chris came out with a plate of celery? It looked like celery. I would expect nothing less.
For each panelist Zach had his own question as well as one provided for him about season 5.
Zach's personal question for Jason - "Why'd you kill Roan?"
"Priorities change. Spacekru is a family, on the ground Clarke and Madi are a family, and the bunker is batshit crazy" - Jason when asked if anything has changed when it comes to the notion of tribalism/my people/and the new crews.
Zach - How come everyone gets to grow facial hair but you? 
 Chris (jokingly) - I actually grow the most and have to shave multiple times a day. 
"Space is a bit of respite and peace. I can't imagine he'd want to go back too soon" - Chris when asked what's changed for Monty 
Even if Monty and Harper don't last, Chris hopes that they gave it their best shot.
Lindsey said that Raven always felt like Q (James Bond) to her, and that she feels like in s5 Raven is more of Bellamy's right hand man. She gives her input, but gives it to Bellamy to make the call.
She would be interested to see how Raven would be as a leader "maybe she's bad at public speaking"
Zach continued to ask the hard-hitting questions we're all dying to know the answers to, such as "How long did it take Bellamy to grow that beard in space?"
Bellamy makes sure everyone has a job/routine to help them not lose their sanity up in space.
Richard mentioned that saying "See you on the other side" was all he'd hoped it would be, and added on that the line has even more significance for the show because of Jasper
"Not as a leader...He's just as hard on himself as the audience has been...He might judge himself (in regards to the type of person he became to survive) waking up in the morning isn't always the easiest" - Richard when asked how Murphy sees himself.
Zach officially unbanished Tasya from Azgeda. Now she just needs to find Marie to unbanish her the rest of the way
Friendship in space is a novelty for Echo, and this is the first time she's ever had friends 
Bellamy delegates
 Echo and Emori teach Trig lessons 
Echo teaches fighting 
Monty teaches farming 
Raven teaches Emori
 Murphy doesn't do much 
"I grew my beard out of respect for Roan" - Sachin Sahel 
the one thing Sachin really wanted us to know about the bunker story line is that 'we are not prepared for what we're going to see'
Jarod notes that Miller might have been desensitized early to things like violence and death (going back to s1), but that he got to play vulnerability partly due to love.
Sachin jokes that it's "Terrifying Love"
Jason says there is a merging of minds when it comes to Skai Kru and the grounders, but that "Wonkru is not a good force when they come out"
The Eligius crew is from our time
The fan questions started up, and I realized I have a voice recorder app I can use instead of shorthand speed writing notes  (so from here on out things are more detailed)
Fan 1 - Bellamy and Clarke are my favorite characters of all time, and Bob Morley you are amazing. 
 Bob - aww shucks thank you. 
 Sachin - he is dreamy
 Bob (to Sachin) - no, no continue. Keep talking
Fan 1 (cont'd) - in s4 there were a lot of separations of the major characters, by the end of s5 is it going to be like that where there are more separations or are the main characters going to be coming together and united?
Bob - We obviously can't answer that....Sachin?
 Sachin - so the bunker is terrible
Bob passes the question over to Jason "I think you'll be happy."
Fan 2 - Do they keep in touch with any of the former cast, and is it possible to see them come back in some way or another? 
 Zach - Nope. I haven't seen these guys in  so long
Lindsey mentions they keep in touch a lot, and throws the question of coming back over to Jason. 
"Dead on the show is dead, so ultimately it's sad. We have flashback sometimes, so it's always possible, but I can't really specifically say anybody's that's dead will come back." 
Jason - Zach, want to do a flashback to when you were little? 
 Zach - do I get to be a little boy? ... (alters voice to go up a few octaves) this is my little kid voice. 
 Sachin - I'd watch it.
Fan 3 has a request from another fan for Bob to wear his Bears shirt at the con in Melbourne. Which leads to jokes about Bob taking wardrobe requests, and Sachin asking if he can wear the shirt 
Fan 4 - I have a question for SpaceKru, if you guys had free time, what would you guys be doing? We know Bellamy's staring out a window all the time, what else do you do for fun? 
 Lindsey - doing a lot of puzzles  
Tasya (who was talking to Richard) - what were we doing? ... I was busy giving Murphy advice 
Richard - she's become my best friend in space over the years. She's my therapist.
Bob - Jason had mentioned training, I think that Echo and Emori give trig lessons. (to Richard) I'm not sure what you're - I mean I was a janitor, so I can teach...
Lindsey - Murphy gives jerk lessons 
 Richard - that's a low blow... I do what I do. Sometimes I just want to hang out and be by myself... (to Tasya) Echo I need to talk to you right now people are being really mean to me
Jason - a lot of people have sex in space
Fan 5 - What's the strangest thing they ever ate on set?
 Lindsey and Tasya - Monty's algae (it was like oatmeal and green juice) 
 Chris - the jello 
 Lindsey - the chip! the chip was like a hard gelatin wafer
Fan 6 - the last season we saw how Clarke dealt with you guys being gone (mentions radioing Bellamy) I wanted to know if we would see how Bellamy dealt with this and Raven, cause you guys were close to Clarke, and the original sky crew too
Bob - I kind of feel like he's carrying guilt about leaving Clarke behind. I mean it was Raven's schedule that kind of - 
 Lindsey - It was my fault... Which is why it's even worse that it's taken me 6 yrs to figure out a way to  get back. That's embarrassing
Bob - I think, also, everyone in SpaceKru is kind of dealing with their own form and grief, and I think that being occupied and yoga classes, as Jason put it, and Trig classes have had them not falling too deeply into their own grief
Lindsey - we talked about giving Raven a tattoo and having something for Clarke in it as a memoir 
 Jason - then you chose like the biggest raven bird for your back....it would have taken 18 hrs to do in make up 
 Lindsey - I had other choices too.
Bob - they gave me the blue henley shirt, which you saw Clarke wearing in s1
 Lindsey - oh, so you're wearing her shirt?
 Bob - Well, no, not her shirt exactly, but I always felt like season 1 people in the blue shirts were the good guy, and the black shirts were the bad guys
Lindsey - we actually had a mop that we just set up on the kitchen table and talked to it.
Bob - Monty's obviously grieving and Echo and Emori. I think we're all trying to deal with it, and at the same time trying to stay sane with routine, whether it be mundane or not.
Jason - they're also trying to, I think, honor her for what she gave up to get them to space.
Fan 7 (last question) - What was the best improv moment that you had? 
 Lindsey - Not me, it was Devon. Remember when Devon at the beginning of season 4, he slides in, right? He does the Tom Cruise 'Risky Business' slide. It's great. It's great. It was pure Devon
Jarod mentions he and Sachin getting the "too sweet" hand gesture in
Lindsey - I think I bit someone at some point. I think I bit Eliza real one time when we were doing the ALIE thing
Chris - how closely have you watched the pilot? When Jasper lands on the other side I get a little double fist pump in the air. So, in Mt. Weather when I crack the code, in like 2x08, I threw in, like, 7 or 8 fist pumps
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krisrussel · 2 years
WIP meme-ish
Thanks to @havocthecat for the inspiration.
Rules: write the latest line from a WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Hi, my name is Kris and I write mostly Sparky, but also some other things that probably no one will ever read. To get myself motivated to keep on writing, I like doing things like these to revisit all my WIPs. I’ll put a break after 6, because it’s a long list ;) So, without further ado, the last sentence of my WIPs:
1. “Elizabeth, how are you?” Heightmeyer asked as she entered the bedroom where Teyla was helping her get ready. (Sparky - 35k fic so far. This one is so close to getting finished, but I feel I’ve been dragging it out and lost my motivation to continue)
2. “Forever,” she whispered as she closed the distance between them and kissed him, tender at first, then demanding. (Bodyguard fic where I want to give them a happy ending also close too finishing but I feel like it’s just too sappy. I just need to find a good beta for this, Someone who really knows the characters,)
3. A crooked grin appeared on his face as he nodded. “Yeah, I want to explain why I’ve been an idiot.” He looked into her eyes and realized there was still hope. Not all between them was lost. (Sparky - Fic wherein Elizabeth was send back to Earth and John acted like an idiot)
4. “He’s alive,” Elizabeth breathed in confirmation. (Sparky - where everyone thinks John has died on another planet during a mission)
5. “Giselle...” Robert said in a warning tone and she immediately went quiet, remembering their little talk earlier in the day when he told her that not everyone was that open-minded when it came to talking animals and stories about princesses and monsters. (Enchanted fic - basically a continuation after the movie. But again I think it’s too sappy and I should find a beta to confirm/deny that)
6. She nodded and moved to get off of the bed. He put a hand over her arm and looked at her questioningly. “What are you doing?” (The Pretender - Jarod/Miss Parker - I’m not sure I’ve got their voices right and I might need to do a whole rewrite)
7. "What if we stayed?" Marc said. "Mom and I have no one else here. Mom would be devastated if she heard she'd never see Angie again, or never got to know her grandson." (Sparky - 20k so far - sort of an AU where the Asuran attack never happened, but after leading the expedition for over 4 years, Elizabeth is send back to Earth and John faces his feelings for her. In this Marc is Elizabeth's brother)
8. “Maybe you should keep him in the infirmary a bit longer,” Teyla proposed. “ We have no missions planned any time soon because of the repairs anyway.” (Sparky - set after The Long Goodbye where John and Elizabeth actually talk about what happened, but then Atlantis gets attacked and it all goes to hell)
9. Ellis sighed again, he knew they would lose a lot more time if they continued their search and it turned up empty. (Sparky - My Missing Moments fic which I started uploading to AO3 - 41k so far and I still need to write like 40 chapters...)
10. “Great. See you tomorrow then,” he sounded happy again and in a strange way that made her happy. It surprised her how easily she could read his feelings by just hearing his voice. (Babylon 5 - John/Delenn - An AU where in their next life they meet each other while they’re attending NYU)
11. It only took her a couple of minutes to change and soon they were on their way to her old quarters. (Sparky - set a year after Lifeline)
12. “And what do you propose we do? Kidnap General Landry or General O’Neill and demand her return?” John barked in reply. He was suddenly sick of this; sick of battling for something that never could happen. “Grow up, McKay. Some things just aren’t meant to be. The world isn’t perfect. Far from it. Some things just don’t happen,” he growled as he wiped the tears off his face and stomped off the balcony back into the city. (Sparky - apparently I really like writing fic where Elizabeth is send back to Earth and John stays behind feeling completely lost. Now if only I managed to finish them.)
13. “I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.” Grodin grinned. “Sorry, General, it was on a need-to-know basis and you didn’t need to know.” (Sparky AU that starts 2 months before the expedition is set to leave. Started writing this for the bigbang many years ago.)
14. “Elizabeth?” Rodney yelled again. He had heard someone else yell and he wasn’t sure what had happened. “Elizabeth? I don’t know if you can hear me but I’m here alone. I don’t know where Sheppard is and the last thing I remember was that he was badly wounded. Elizabeth?” (Sparky - I like it, but I’m not sure I’ve captured their voices right)
15. Slowly he made his way through the upper dining room. The doors were wide open, so he had to be very silent because he couldn’t be sure how many sweepers were out there. (The Pretender - Jarod/Miss Parker - I think I stopped writing this one because it seemed to be going in the same direction of other of these fics I had written before, so I might do a rewrite)
16. Parker glared at the pretender. “I told you that I’d get it done.” (The Pretender - Jarod/Miss Parker - I think I stopped writing for the same reason as above. It has kinda the same premise, yet again.)
17, “Exactly!” John agreed without hesitation. He’d be the first one to demand extra security to help keep their leader safe, but he had been to visit the Telsjeck countless times and he knew they could be trusted.  (Sparky - written for a Christmas challenge. I might try to finish it for this year’s Christmas)
18. Sunday came much too slow for him. Work didn’t hold his interest as it used to as she was mostly on his mind. Saturday seemed even worse; the day crawled past at a frustratingly slow pace. When Sunday finally came around, he was at the train station bright and early. (Sparky - a future fic where John has left the SGC after they returned to Earth and then meets a school teacher who looks exactly like Elizabeth)
19. Cam shrugged. “I trust your insight, so no need to explain. Just be careful out there.” (Sparky - My take on what would have happened if John had asked old!Rodney in ‘The Last Man’ about Elizabeth. Some chapters of these are also up on AO3.)
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cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 6 - Captain And I To Rep The Asians - Xavier
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Format: The Greenhouse
Eliminated: William (4-3)
aw i made a white man cry at work. sad.
Greenhouse redemption!
have i told you about blake coming to tell me in my dr to thank me for making him cry at work asshole? yea he came to tell me that. did he cry when he sent jennet home last week? no. literally so self-centered and he def tried to guilt trip me but no.. i don't feel bad at all. i feel like i did something bad (by taylor swift) "If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming" "They say I did something bad Then why's it feel so good? They say I did something bad But why's it feel so good? Most fun I ever had And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could It just felt so good, good" please lemme be happy for once.. i did it for jennet.
i love xavier
Final 9 for sure! And a way to make it farther. We just need to stick together! And not be messy. That’s you Nyx!
So we have a POC alliance with Nyx, Autumn and Captain. The GH 3 have had one since the start and I still feel bad Mario didn’t even try for the buy back. And Captain and I to rep the Asians. We are all on good terms with Jarod but if Jarod feels left out he might make moves. I am good with Daisy and Lindsay too. William at the start but not too much. Lanie and Kaleigh nothing. Kaleigh I feel bad for, always at the bottom but she isn’t making any moves to move herself up. I hope these alliances work out. It will work this round but let’s see next round. Nyx is a wild card and they can sometimes go off on their own. I’ve never played with Autumn but I don’t think she’ll turn on us. Captain I am putting way too much trust in. I want to work with Jarod but I feel he is buttering up everyone and I want to be the only one haha.
OKAY OKAY OKAY So this round Kaleigh and William are up. This actually works in my benefit because I don't have to get any blood on my hands (even though I DESERVED THAT FREAKING WIN GHdsljahgdsljakfjha;gds) I am PERSONALLY fine if either of them leave. I worked with both of them in Totem Pole, so they both have known me for the same amount of time. William fucked me over in the first round, so like IS THIS MY CHANCE TO TAKE HIM OUT or do I keep him as a shield, gain his trust, and then take him out later down the line? OR Kaleigh is LOVED by a lot of people, but she's also inactive. I enjoy talking to her, but she never reaches out to me, I always reach out to her (WHICH IS FINE we stan a busy queen). But my fear is that she's gonna slide by and no one's gonna think to put her up... Do I keep the Goat, or do I keep the Shield? ALSO Jarod came to me with a great idea. We "work with" William and push Kaleigh to certain people, knowing that William is likely going to be the vote. If we do this, he'll gain our trust and if he potentially goes, then one of us could have the advantage. If it backfires, he stays and knows we kept him... so its a win-win? And I'm not too scared of Kaleigh if she finds out that I voted for her.... so I guess I'm gonna keep the shield and slay the goat? AHHH
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
8x14: Rick and Morgan
Okay, let's talk about Rick and Morgan's arc in this episode. We had a ton of emphasis of themes we’ve seen before in this episode, which reiterates many of these arcs closing this season.
***Everyone really should have watched by now, but just in case, there are spoilers for 8x14 in this post. Don’t read until you’ve watched.***
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First, we have Rick grieving for Carl. I was happy to see this because I saw a lot of people being critical bc Rick didn't seem to grieve for Carl. When it comes to the stages of grief, him taking out his grief as anger against Negan first actually makes perfect sense.
In that first scene with Michonne, there's a call back to Andrea. Michonne says she knows what Rick’s dealing with bc she did the same thing after losing her son. Andrea brought her back. I could mention Beth's parallels to Andrea, but I actually think the more powerful parallel comes from the “we get to come back” theme. Andrea brought Michonne back after losing her son. So who will bring Rick back after losing his son? The same person whose head the hat was put on when it fell off Carl, perhaps? ;D
In one of the most interesting and foreshadowing shots of the episode, Rick stares at Carl’s hat sticking out of the bag. It freaks him out, and he leaves to kill the Saviors despite Michonne asking him not to. Thematically, Carl was always Rick’s conscience/voice of reason. He always got Rick to be more civil when he leaned toward brutality. Now, without Carl there, Rick still went to kill people. So we have a major foreshadow about the sheriff's hat and how it's going to affect him moving forward. Yes, the same hat put on Beth in 4x16 after it fell off Carl's head.
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@wdway also noticed a lot of interesting symbols. Judith's blocks have a bunch of interesting symbols on them. Symbols that could be Xs or crosses, and also some that look like alpha and omega signs. It's just more proof that we’re coming to the end of this 4-season arc and everything is about to turn. She also noticed Judith's golden-furred Beth teddy bear. 
Also notice the colors: red and green, black and white in the bowl (think Bethyl shoe laces) and pink.
Rick talks to Alden, who asks him not to kill all the Saviors who took off the night before. Even though they made a bad choice, Alden says some are good people who’ll listen to reason. He says, "You could show them. Bring them back. You could do that." That's almost exactly what Herschel said to Rick in 4x16. Speaking about Carl and how brutal he’d become, Herschel said Carl needs his father. “He needs his father to show him the way."
In S3, Rick does show Carl the way back, which begins the 4-season arc. In this case, Rick replies, "Yeah, I could,” which implies he's definitely not going to. Once again we’re seeing brutal Rick in the opposite mindset from what we saw in S4.
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We hear a lot of familiar dialogue from Morgan. He says to Carol, "See, we’re the same," and "I was supposed to." Remember "I was supposed to," means that he was supposed to kill someone and didn't, and then someone he loves dies as a result. Here, he’s saying he should have killed the saviors, specifically Gavin and Jared. Because he didn’t, Benjamin died. Now Henry is gone, and like Carol, Morgan believes he is probably dead. Hence, he hallucinates Henry with the same wound in his neck that Gavin sustained, and Henry accusing him, saying, "You were supposed to."
I think the "we’re the same," line is Morgan's way of saying that he and Carol are thinking similarly about Henry. (They both think he's dead.) It's also a bigger theme. Crazy Tattoo Guy from Terminus also yelled that to "We’re the same!" I think it's a theme about how everyone can become brutal under the right circumstances. Everyone has both good and evil in them. It's just a matter of making the right choices.
When looking at the hallucination of Henry, Morgan says, "You are not here." So that's the "here's not here" theme. Remember that's about Morgan trying to differentiate reality from hallucination. (X) Same thing goes here. He's not really seeing Henry (Carol witnesses Morgan’s issues here) but on some level he knows he's hallucinating. He’s trying to convince himself of what the reality is.
I think all of Carol and Morgan's scenes together were fascinating. He says that Carol saves people, but she can't save the dead. Carol obviously doesn't know what he's talking about and says, "you're not dead." Morgan shakes his head and says, "not me. I don't die. I just see it. Again and again." Once again this calls back all the way to Clear and the beginnings of Morgan's arc. He told Rick that the good people, like Rick, always die, but the weak have inherited the earth. Morgan's "I don't die," is about him always living to see others die and how haunted he is by it. He’s begged Rick to kill him in the past because, while he won’t take his own life, he wants to die rather than living and being “haunted by the dead,” as Tyrese put it.
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Morgan says, "You save people. I watch them die. I have to. I'm supposed to.” Carol replies, "You saved me. You knew I could come back. You can too." Then Morgan says, "It wasn't me. I'm not strong like you.” He then goes on to say he knew something bad would happen with the Saviors. He hoped it wouldn't, but he stood back and watched and knew eventually it would. 
He uses the phrase, "Like it always does." I knew we’d heard that line somewhere before. Enid says it to Glenn in 6x09. When they get back from Operation Lead the Walkers Away and find Alexandria surrounded by walkers, she says, "It's just what happens. And it always happens, Glenn." Then she tries to give up, but Glenn brings her back and talks her into helping him. I think when this phrase is used, the character is giving up hope, not trying anymore. Carol mentions “trying” here as well (X), so Carol hasn't given up hope. She's moved to a hopeful place, but Morgan has not. He is still in the darkest of despair.
Morgan seeing Henry was a callback to similar situations. He saw Henry and thought he was dead. It turned out to be untrue. It is very similar to Daryl in S2. He saw Merle, who he thought was dead, but wasn’t. Merle turned up again in S3. So once again, just because Ty hallucinated Beth, that doesn’t mean she's dead. Just saying.
Rick and Morgan:
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When Rick first catches up with Morgan, he says, "You know me," which he also said to Morgan in Clear. It's a bit different because in S3, Morgan didn't recognize him. Here, Morgan does recognize him and says, "I'm not right." 
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When they get to the bar, there’s a hand and foot on the ground that’ve been hacked off. Presumably because they were bitten by walkers. Of course, we have a big precedent with hacked off limbs, and there's the Lost Shoe/Foot theory. Most of the times we’ve someone hack off a limb, they survive at least for a while. I think the message is that those guys definitely could have survived. Rick even talks about taking back to the Hilltop doctor. He lied, but that doesn't mean they couldn't have been saved. So, once again, we have every possibility of people who can be saved, and be persuaded to come over to TF’s side of the war, but Rick kills them anyway.
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I also thought this part was reminiscent of Terminus. When Rick wakes up, everything is hazy and moves in slow motion, much like when he was dragged to the trough at Terminus. The camera even pans over everything the same way it did in 5x01. So we definitely had some callbacks to Terminus in this episode. Rick killed everyone there, too.
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The bar scene was very reminiscent of Nebraska in S2, where Herschel went off the rails and Rick went to get him. The major difference is, even though they killed everyone in that episode too, it was out of self-defense bc those guys had bad intentions. Here, Rick had plenty of evidence that some of the Saviors were good people. They proved it by helping him fight the walkers, even saving his and Morgan's lives. He and Morgan murdered them anyway. It was pretty damn cold.
Jarod died much like Noah did, trapped with walkers and torn apart. I expected it to be gorier, actually. Spoilers said it would be super-gory like Noah's death. It was kind of gross, but I still think Noah’s death takes the cake. The really interesting thing was that Jarod kept saying to Morgan, "Let go! Let go!" 
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Remember that right before Noah died, he said to Glenn, "Don't let go." So it’s an opposite situation from Noah's death. Good guy vs bad guy who dies. Glenn was also a good guy who couldn't stop Noah's death. Morgan, while we consider him a good guy, purposely killed Jared. Once again representing the darkness TF has fallen into.
We also had the “After” theme here. One of the saviors on the ground who’s dying says to Rick, “We could've lived after...after this." We’ve hard a lot of talk about what comes after and how there needs to be something after. The way Rick is going, he's going to kill everyone and there won't be anyone left to live after.
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As they leave the bar, Morgan walks by Rick and says, "Everybody turns." This is another thing Morgan said to Rick back in Clear. I think it has several meanings tho. 
1) Everyone turns evil at some point. This show is not about our heroes always being heroic. Everyone does bad things, makes bad decisions, or falls into darkness. Most of TF has come to that point during the war. But that's not the end of the story. They get to come back. It's what the whole “we get to come back” theme is about: making bad decisions (because “everyone turns”) but they get a second chance. 
2) I also can't help but relate this to Beth. TF would have been so sure she’d turned, it wouldn’t even enter their minds that she might have survived.
Morgan also says something really tragic here. When Rick asks why Morgan saved him back in S1, Morgan replies, "Because I had my son there." So just like Carl for Rick, Duane was Morgan's voice of reason. He only showed Rick mercy for Duane's sake. So the idea is that with Duane and Carl gone, nothing is going save these men from themselves. Theirs voice of reason are dead. Beth will show up to become Rick's voice of reason, but I don't know what this means for Morgan. He’s not dying anytime soon, as he's the crossover character, but he’ll have to find something to bring him back, or he’ll self-destruct.
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When they return to Hilltop, Morgan is happy to see Henry is okay. He says to Henry, "Don't ever be sorry," which is what he said to Carl in Clear. Yet another tie between Carl and how this kid is affecting Morgan. I also think the “don’t ever be sorry” is yet another example of how Morgan’s brutal mindset. He's doing terrible things, killing people with Rick, and he's not even sorry. After that, Morgan sits down and cries. Obviously this is affecting him on some level. He is not too far gone yet. But it also doesn't seem like he’s going to turn his life around anytime soon, though.
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Rick finally sits down to read Carl's letter. The big thing that jumped out at me about this scene is that he puts on a white shirt. So, White Shirt Theory, which means the character is about to go undergo some big emotional or psychological change. Reading Carl's letter will probably change things for Rick in some way. We just don't know how yet.
It also occurred to me that Rick’s beard is getting long again. Still nothing like the caveman growth he had in 5a, but it's definitely longer than it used to be. Rick’s grown-out beard is always a sign of him slipping from his sanity and toward brutality. Just wanted to point that out.
That's it for Rick and Morgan's part in this episode. Tomorrow I'll talk about Negan and Jesus and maybe Daryl a little more. Thoughts?
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Ep. 2: “I’m Trying To Lay Low” - Jake
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plan worked fabulously purrrrrrrrr
(a little later)
maybe its me being paranoid but why are jake,jones, and lindsay always the last three to leave calls............ when i have a f2 with all of em....
Song of the day is ELVIS by AOA. My favourite workout bop. Silver got voted out! So sad, I wanted to play with him. But also, kinda cool! This is the only game I have played where I truly didn't know anyone (except my very first ORG). What an experience. I know last confessional I said Sam and Shane were both kinda on the fence for me in terms of if I wanted to maybe work with them or not. An update: I think I want to work with both! Both of them, unprompted, told me they wanted to work with me if we lost immunity, and I have actually been getting along well with both of them I feel now that our conversations are moving past the sort of awkward beginning stages. I still like Sammy even though I probably should talk to him more oops... and Daisy/Lovelis/Ethan are also still in my good books. I kind of keep forgetting Pete and Cloud are on this tribe but when I remember, I am happy they are here. That being said, I think Cloud or Madison will be the first to go if we lose. Cloud is very inactive. Madison is too but she was at least on the call tonight. It might come down to how immunity goes. I want to participate because it will bond us as a team. That way even if we lose, I was a part of the team effort and won't stand out as someone who people don't know or want to work with. Also while I personally want Cloud or Madison out as I know them the least, I am not going to push it. I'll let somebody else throw out a name and as long as that name isn't Jessica then I will consider it. I sort of chilled today with the social game and only messaged people as they messaged me. The vibe of this team is very relaxed from what I can tell and I didn't want to overdo it with conversations and come across as too much. Tomorrow, my goal is to talk to every single person for at least 1 (one) whole real conversation. I might have to start using my good ol' tactic of sending people random youtube links and saying "what do you think of this" to get something going.... Honestly nothing starts a conversation like David Hasselhoff and his cinematic masterpieces that we call music videos. I hope the other tribe is full of problems so that when we eventually swap, I have a very easy time in this game.
no recording tonight because i have a headache:( anyways i'm apparently not in as good of a position in the tribe as I was hoping. got left out of a six person group chat bc I was associated w Silver and people were nervous abt this vote w me. Jake luckily looped me in but I'm kind of bummed out people didn't trust me enough to let me in on this. I know it's probably just cuz Silver and I had been getting along alright the past two days but that means I'm in kind of a yucky position in the tribe that is starting to gear me up to a S6 type deal from survivor umich and I'm not fuckin' vibin. I'm gonna try to reach out (Nash appears to be ignoring me currently tho so lol) and try to fix that. I still want to work tight w Jones and Jake but I don't want them to be my only options. I need some more connections than that. ALSO WHEN SILVER DID THE THING MY HEART STOPPED LOL SO THAT MIGHT BE WHY IM BEING IGNORED also "you kept laughing at silver's jokes" was a comment someone leveled at me today and i couldn't find a good way to level and say i laugh at everything because that's how my brain is trained to react to everything. monkey brain cannot comprehend emotions so i laugh everything off. anyways i guess this is my clue i've got to step up. i mean, it's fine if i'm under the radar some because it's not merge yet so like it's fine, but i'm... worried. if nothing else we're even tho bc the galaghers got revealed as well as the six person alliance so we're all even here. bottom line is, i'm winning this fucking scavenger hunt this shit aint happening next week
y'all I'm still shaking from tonight tbh....
Nobody will want to vote me out if I have kittens and share pictures of them muahahahahahahahahahaha
Oh no, we lost! I hope that Shane and Daisy want to be a final 3 because that is what I am envisioning in my hopes, dreams, and mood board.
WE ARE IMMUNE!!! I’m so excited to have flipped the vote on Silver AND got us immunity but, I’m gonna have to be more careful if I’m gonna go far in this game. I know I can be strategic, I can be a comp threat but I really have to work on making myself a little dimmer in the social department. If we swap or merge obviously down the line, I feel like I’m gonna have a LOT of different potential paths to the end but, it won’t matter if they all realize that. So I really really have to be careful here. I am playing this game with a level head so far and really trying to make my rounds daily to talk to people. I am close with Jake, close with Jones and close with Nash. I am working on forming better bonds with Jabari, Lindsay and Jennet right now and honestly to me, Pennino is a non factor as well as Mikey but I am obviously going to try to maintain being on their good side. So that’s all I got for this round it’s been pretty tame except for Jennet immediately leaking our alliance by accident. At this point I really don’t think it matters.
Okay so our tribe is not superhuman and we finally lost a challenge so we will be attending tribal tonight. Nobody is really saying much in terms of what will happen which is extremely worrisome, however, I did hear Sam on call very subtly throw Cloud out there and I'm kinda hoping that Jessica and Shane heard that too and will kind of run with it. Daisy wants both of us to be safe and I feel the same way so I'm hoping that's what will happen. In other news!!! I have officially begun the idol hunt one round too late but perhaps that works out better because if something is found, I'll know it. So because of the way things were worded during the hunt, the idol has either been found already or whoever wrote this system wanted to through a red herring in there to trick us. I'm going with the latter because I feel like Jarod would do that. That's all from this neck of the woods for now, hopefully will be writing another one of these bad bois next round :*
I WILL die for jones btw...
(a little later)
Survived the immunity challenge... at what cost
(after falling asleep on the beach)
The way we accidentally won that comp is literally a joke.... period i guess?
so we lost cus we’re the beauty tribe not the brains tribe fuck math dude anyways, it’s been hella fuckin quiet like not a lot of people are on and aren’t really talking. Up until about, 4 hours before tribal Sam comes to me and says the vote is gonna be Cloud and i’m like what who why. All he said is “that’s what he’s heard” honestly i think it’s just his own idea but whatever. I don’t know Cloud at all so it’s fine with me. Sam, myself, Jessica, and Shane apparently are all agreed to vote Cloud and with Ethan’s vote that’ll be 5.
i have nithing to say other than i might just be the stupidest person on the planet. absolutley nothing is happening in my head ever. if i stay its pure luck HSKSHSNSKBSKS
smiles at immunity... this is cute it feels good to not be in danger for once! i’m honestly still worried my tribe might want to cut me at next tribal but at least tonight can be chill! i hope kiki is first brookeisa boot xoxo
honestly there is no tea, daisy found an idol and gambles her vote but she lost her vote early so no worries w that! I love her so much and i hope she doesn’t snake me...but daisy if ur reading this, in this moment i love dont snake me mwah!! I love Jess and I love Cloud but everyone’s telling me Cloud is the vote but I’m so sad because I had such a good time with them and they are one of the few funny ones in the game!! Anyways not much is happening we lost the challenge cause we are just bad at math...blinks...I don’t think I’m in any danger and this vote should be unanimous. I was also told someone said I was one of the few active people so that’s a check in my book!
I'm trying to lay low so if I'm not very present on Discord the next day or so that's why hehe
so ethan is down for voting Cloud, sammy too. Cool great awesome hot. i’m just sitting here vibing and suddenly Sammy tells me that my (and Madison’s) name came up for a second. He said it went away and it’s Cloud for the vote but like jskdhd why do i aaalways get targeted bitch i’m literally just sitting here whYY can’t i relax for once?! Frfr every survivor game it’s always this person or me. I’m always the other option and i just don’t get why lmao
This tribes been kinda dead until like an hour ago plss, a new alliance of 5 has been organised and somehow me and Shane managed to make it seem like it was Jessica’s idea? Don’t really know how that happened in all honesty but a vibe. Then Daisy also leaked that she’s in another alliance who’s actively idol hunting so that was a lovely bit of beef that I love to see - my guess is she’s in a duo chat with Jess and they’ve tried to get this group formed with people who they think are unconnected, unbeknownst to them that me and Shane have a final two deal and I kinda have one with Sammy as well that happened on day one but it’s not really developed as of yet, he’s not really tried to talk game with me as of yet, but all in due time I suppose there’s plenty of time for more shenanigans 😂
HONESTLY Chile. Not much tea going around since this round we won. Im very proud of Nicole as she literally carried us and I pray she'll do it again dhbhsfg. Ive started getting really close with Jones and she's so fun to talk to, im hoping me her and nash can form a little trio and work together but who knows. Jennet STILL hasn't replied back after like a week so idk what's up w them LMAO
So our tribe loved it when we blindsided silver, it puts me in a much better position than before. Now I have to talk more to people and take time to realize what's gonna happen. As of right now I have 2 alliances. The big majority one and the one where its just me and Jake and Jennet.
0 notes
glennenglishnyc · 3 years
“How Sense Memory Works”
For many young actors the American Method remains something of a mystery. It’s often equated with legendary actors like Brando and James Dean, but it’s often linked to current actors who go to radical extremes like Christian Bale or Jarod Leto. The Method sometimes conjures up images of dark, uncontrollable forces that may work in the actor’s favor or not. Everyone seems to know it’s powerful but is it really worth all that trouble? Can’t actors just act and leave it at that?
As a teacher of the Method I can tell you it’s definitely worthwhile and I can’t imagine acting truthfully without it. When I first started walking around the boards and yelling out lines, I had no idea what I was doing, I didn’t know Upstage from Downstage, or Stage Left from Stage Right. I certainly had no idea how to manufacture realistic emotion or how to apply it in a scene. Like all newbies I’d pace around backstage, trying to whip myself into a state but my emotions were largely out of control and couldn’t be counted on from one minute to the next.  
Welcome to the plight of the amateur actor, who has no training and no consistent way to work. For no matter what it looks like onstage or onscreen, professional actors are never out of the control - quite the opposite.
So how do you manage this? Well, if you’re serious than you need to learn a Method which is really nothing more than a systematic way of doing the job. Now there are several versions of the Method but the one that I studied and now teach is based on what we call “sense memory”. These are the physical sensations that surround a particular memory event from your past. When we talk about sensory things, we’re literally talking about certain sights, certain sounds, smells that trigger past events and emotions we associate with those events.
Sense memory is not a new idea but something from the early 20th Century. The French psychologist Theodule-Armand Ribot came up with the theory of Affective Memory, along with Retrograde Amnesia. A Russian stage director named Stanislavsky read this work, which led to his experiments with actors and memory in Moscow. This resulted in a new “system” of acting based on what they called the “Emotional Recall”. Affective Memory, sense memory and the Emotional Recall are all closely related, especially from an acting point of view. The Russian system eventually traveled to the U.S., where it was adapted by Lee Strasberg and the Actor’s Studio, which is where the American Method was born.  
Great. Now that we know where it came from, how does this Sense Memory work? Well, it actually works rather simply. The Method tells us that all human experience is recorded up in our skulls, in our personal hard-drive, so to speak. If an actor wants to access these memories and the emotions that go along with them, they have to learn how to “trick” the memory and bring it to life. This is where the “sensory” part comes in and while it’s a simple trick, it’s one that requires practice to do it well.
All of us have five senses and this is where Method students begin their work and start with a simple, sensory object. Now the object itself can be many things but it’s best if it has some kind of natural texture like a wool sweater or a hat. It can also be a piece of jewelry like a ring or watch. The best kind of sensory object is from childhood, as we tend to imbue these objects with real emotional energy. The only no-no is that it can’t be synthetic, no plastic, as these things tend to be lifeless and have no vibrations the actor can work with.
Now the actor takes the object and explores it in sensory detail. What does it look like? What does it feel like to the touch? What is its smell? Sound? Taste? And it’s very important that the actor do these things in real detail, it can’t be done in any sort of casual way. The actor has to take their time and explore the object, as well as be open to any sort of images or associations the object brings up for them. Sometimes these things come up right away and sometimes it takes a little while but they will come. This is why I prefer the object be something from childhood as these things tend to be loaded with emotional energy. Because we as people, not just actors, carry around an enormous number of memories on our hard drive, more than any of us realize until we begin to do this work.  
After the actor has explored the object in as much sensory detail as they can, they put the object aside for the next part of the exercise. Now they have a clear sense memory of the object and I tell them to recreate it, in a sensory way, right out of nothing, right out of thin air. When they do this, it’s important that they do this strictly for themselves, there’s nothing about showing or indicating the object for anybody else. It’s just for the actor, they need to make as real as they can but only for themselves.
Once the actor can create a sensory object in detail for themselves, then they’re ready to do the same with more complex things, like people and places. These are one of the Method actors most basic tools, these sensory things that have personal value and inspire personal emotions that the actor can use in their work. Of course, to the audience these things are invisible but the effect it has on the actor is quite clear. This is one of the paradoxes of acting, for if a thing is real for the actor, it will be real for those watching the actor.  
When the actor has a particular emotional need, they create sensory elements that inspire an emotion in themselves that approximates that need. It can be a person, a place, a piece of remembered music or a combination of them. When they have all that going for themselves, they just pick it up and drop it onto whoever or whatever they’re working with in real life. We call this “working with substitutions” and it’s very effective.
So next time you see a Method actor conjuring up some magic on the screen, remember what it’s really all about. Your friends might be amazed by the magician but you’ll know it’s all emotional sleight-of-hand.
0 notes
sly2o · 6 years
Unlocking Season 4′s potential: a Riley story (I swear this isn’t crack)
TL;DR: I think Riley was supposed to be a LI for Clarke, and Monty + Harper filled a story-line that Bryan + Miller was supposed to have, and that Miller was supposed to go to space.
We know that when the actor who plays Bryan abruptly left the show to pursue another role, which resulted in the parts written for him being given to a new character named Riley. So with the information we have, what was Bryan supposed to be doing in 4A and 4B?
Well first let’s ask ourselves…
What was Riley supposed to be doing before this shift in plot line?
Answer: Clarke.
I call forward as evidence:
1. The awkward hug.
Clarke clearly recognizes Riley, and clearly has a history with him. This is never resolved (and evidently never will be). Why waste the audience’s time with this?
2. Niylah’s out of character return
When the actor who got cast as Riley had to shift into Bryan’s role in 4A, someone else had to shift into what had originally been carved out as the Riley role. Hence the return of Niylah.
Why on Earth would Niylah want to climb into bed (so to speak) with the very kru that killed her family? Why would she want to tend bar for the people who executed her father?  After the violent interaction she had with Skaikru in Season 3 where they stormed her home - which resulted in it being attacked by ALIE - why would she want to be anywhere near Skaikru ever again? 
Clarke’s magic ladybits can only explain so many of these questions without some very explicitly stated plot - and helping make rations is hardly good enough. 
How Niylah turned around to accepting Skaikru is 100% glossed over... almost as if it wasn’t planned for. 
3. Niylah’s extremely lacking season 4 character arc.
If Niylah’s presence in the Skaikru area was planned all along - why didn’t she play a role in helping free Bellamy in 4x11? Surely she’d want to help all the people she had traded with in the past survive the radiation blast.
If her presence was planned all along, why did she play a bizarrely helpless role in stopping Illian when he arrived at Arkadia to blow up the place? What happened to the capable Niylah who lied to the Prince of Azgeda in the premiere of Season 3?
98% of Niylah’s role is season 4 was to be a place of comfort for Clarke to go to, where Clarke could exposition her internal thought process. 
Because that was what Riley’s role was supposed to be - and it would make sense in the context of a new character whose role was crafted to serve this piece of plot.
4. Timing of Riley’s and Niylah’s appearances
Niylah doesn’t show up until episode 5, which is a few episodes after Riley is introduced. In theory, if Riley had stayed in his original role this would have been enough time for Clarke to catch up with Riley and do her usual grief bang move with her old love interest.
Furthermore, the fact that Riley gets a reaction, introduction, and hug - and Niylah just sort of shows up should raise some alarm bells about how she was not originally supposed to be in this season.
What was Nathan supposed to be doing this season?
Last year Jarod Joseph tweeted he would be back in Season 4 in a “big way”… and yet the season showed us otherwise. Aside from break up with Bryan,  sharing moon-eyes with Jackson, and being a guy with a gun when you need a guy with a gun.
So what was he supposed to be doing?
Answer: part of the Monty/Harper 4B plot.
Supporting evidence:
1. Riley being built up in 4A and then being sidelined in 4B just to die.
The writers had to dispose of Riley after he filled in the role of Bryan in 4A. As much as we all love Riley, let’s be real, he was never Spacekru material. There also wasn’t space to resolve his character in the finale (see below) because Niylah had taken his role so he just got... disposed of.
2. Bryan’s planned path of descent in 4A.
We know that the episode where Bellamy talks down Riley from assassinating Roan was supposed to be Bryan. We know that Bryan was headed to a darker place with respect to his mental health. The break up with Nathan (or what was at least going to be the start of a line of major fights) likely didn’t help either.  Season 3 had already established that there was strain in this relationship (Bryan and Miller taking different sides in the Pike/Kane leadership) so this also wasn’t coming out of nowhere. Speaking of which…
The scene where Harper accidentally is linked to an Arkadian dying was probably Bryan’s last straw. But for Harper it was... the only straw? How did she break so fast? Being cut from the list could have added to that... but it seems a bit like she was shoehorned into a role meant for someone else.
3. People arguing that they want to live in 4A and then deciding to die in 4B?????
Both Harper and Riley are a part of the mob that are pissed at Clarke for creating the list and excluding them. Now just a few weeks later they are OK with dying? That’s not right. How did their anger turn in that direction so quickly? 
4. Monty on double comfort duty at the DNR den
For me this one of the most compelling reasons for why Harper was supposed to be Bryan.
I believe Monty and Harper were still supposed to both be at Arkadia, but they were both supposed to be there because of Jasper’s importance to Monty. This would have been mirrored by Nathan and Bryan also being there and having a very similar fight to the one Harper and Monty had in the actual episode. By having these two pairs there (Monty + Jasper, Nathan + Bryan) it would have really drawn out the parallels between these journeys with respect to mental health.  
But instead we essentially had an understaffed Monty running back and forth between two people to comfort them which made for awkward pacing during the episode. 
The impacts of Bryan’s replacement on the finale.
Nathan and Bryan were supposed to go to space.
If the above scenarios had come to pass, then Nathan and Bryan would have been with the Arkadia group, meaning they would have been able to go to space. If this had happened, it would have really helped frame Octavia as alone again underground isolated from her peers.I also get the impression that Nathan + Dad Miller were filling in a storyline that someone else was meant to have, to echo back to Tor Lenkin and his kid and really emphasize that “are we really doing this again?” parallel. I think the kid everyone joked that Jaha adopted was supposed to be that kid. Instead that new Tor and his kid got sort of shuffled to the side as the writers scrambled to shoehorn in how they would save Nathan when he had been left off the list. 
Emori was supposed to be kicked out of the second dawn bunker.
The Arkadians pushing around and then kicking out Niylah didn’t make very much sense... Why would her [grounder] people abandon her? Because she spent 2 months hanging out over at Arkadia? That seems a little bit like an over-reaction. Are we supposed to believe she was so bad at trading that she had no favours she could use to get picked by her people? I hardly believe that. Again - what happened to the Niylah who could boldly lie in the face of the prince of Azgeda?
Now go back to the finale and imagine it was Emori who got kicked out by the Arkadians — this is a highly believable scenario because Emori has no people to speak for her since she was cast out for being different. John following his heart again because they are going to make it together in the bunker. Clarke giving her helmet to Emori would have meant so. much. more.  on the heels of Emori being thrown out of the second dawn bunker, combined with how Clarke used the nightblood on herself instead of Emori. And then Emori saying “can’t we wait a little longer?” for Clarke after all that? Ugh my emotions.
...And now the crack
(Look I have no self control - I can’t write meta without including crack)
Was Clarke supposed to be pregnant?
1. Why has Jason insisted on calling Madi “Clarke’s child” as opposed to her little sister? Is it a hang-up from where the plot was supposed to go?
2. Consider this: what if for “science reasons” the nightblood only worked because of the child inside her? Quite frankly we had an entire episode around why nightblood can’t be made in a laboratory on Earth, and it was enraging to see it work in the end because that means more people could have survived. It would have been much more satisfactory to see that it was Clarke’s unique scenario that that saved her life. (Also explains the throw up in the finale). Plus it would help stress in season 5 that Clarke owes her very life to her child which is why she always puts the child first. It also explains why it was six years of time gap. A five year old (remember, we lose almost a year because pregnancy time) is old enough/big enough to get into trouble on their own. Four years old is kinda pushing it on the “this is way too young” spectrum. 
Some Last Thoughts
Something I hope I haven’t stirred up, but that I will mention in case I did, is that I hope this doesn’t come off as anti-niylah/niylarke. My complaints are really that Niylah and her relationship with Clarke could have been done way better in this season. Ultimately it was great relationship for Clarke to have (and honestly, probably a better pairing than Riley + Clarke would have been), but the execution was really off for all the reasons I named above.
I think a lot of the pacing problems with the season can be traced back to Bryan’s exit. It makes me ask - why didn’t they just recast? But I guess that’s not really something they do with this show (except for Madi?? IDK)
I’m sure there are other pieces to this puzzle I am missing, but I find this concept so easy to lock in with the season that I just can’t help but believe it was what was originally written. 
Either way it’s unprovable and not canon... but I thought I’d share my speculation for what might have been with you all. Hope you enjoyed. 
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2017dawnsyear-blog · 7 years
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Without those behind us
Wow! What a week. This week I had the total honour of being on the radio alongside Ben Smith.  In actual fact when I realised I was sharing the airwaves with him I giggled like a school girl at a Bros concert.  You know when you just totally admire someone and all they represent, if you ever get the chance to meet them or talk to them the gift of speech eludes you?  That was my week. This week as totally amazing people are preparing to run the London Marathon it made me think about the support we have behind us.  I see many people getting their support from the places you would expect, husband, wife, children, but then I also saw people getting their support from non-traditional places, friends, running buddies, facebook groups, total strangers.  I think so long as you are getting your support and cheer squad from somewhere it doesn’t matter from whom.
Never more evident of those behind us is my ‘infamous’ photo.  The guy behind me is Jarod.  He was amazing that day.  The day the photo was taken he was ‘Tailrunner’ at parkrun.  The Tailrunner’s job (sorry to those of you who are in the know but this is for those yet to discover the parkrun love) is to close the run, all runners have passed the finish line and along the way to encourage and support those towards the back of the pack to achieve their goal and to finish the run.  Many, many times tailrunners have stayed with me at the back of the pack (often there were and still are tears) until I finished, they have chatted to me along the way and distracted me from the pain and sweat and have helped me see that I could achieve my goal. 
For me I know my husband and kids love me but at this point, 4 months in, they are slightly bored of my journey and story.  After their initial amazement that I was finally shifting my butt and stuck with it come rain, snow and monsoon it faded to indifference and shouts of “where’s my dinner” and “Mum there’s a spider in the bath – can you sort it”. It’s understandable I guess when you hear it every day and life carries on as it was.  It certainly keeps you grounded when you get in from Media City and national radio and the school uniforms need sorting for the next day.  
It set me thinking of the amazing people I have met so far on my amazing journey.  Last Saturday at parkrun I got run home by my beautiful 13 year old friend (Alicia) who had already finished her run but who wanted to run home with me.  Also Pikachu, Mr Bump, the Little Mermaid, Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog – all awesome people who put their own running journey to one side to support me.  Those are the moments you realise you have made awesome friends, slightly surreal friends, but awesome nonetheless.
Following the BBC Radio 5 Live show I realised the sheer power of Twitter – the messages of support I got and reinforcement that my story is helping and inspiring others were phenomenal.  People behind me supporting me and wishing me the best on my journey that I had never had the pleasure of meeting.  Messages from people that were planning on doing their first parkrun after hearing my story, doing their first 10km, making the first step to prove that if you are over-weight or inactive it doesn’t stop you from getting out there and making positive changes.  At that moment I realised I am the person behind them.  I feel honoured to be there if they need that.
So no matter where your cheer squad comes from, celebrate your awesomeness and enjoy the sense of achievement from the success of setting out to do something and reaching your goal.  My goal still has 8 months to go.  Who knows what I will have achieved by then?
Thanks for reading
Dawn Nisbet
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alwaysaprille · 7 years
Day 2 (January 14th) Part 2:
After lunch with #Bactus:
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it was time to go handle other business. We split up here, with some of going to the Costume Panel and others going for autographs, unfortunately the costume panel with Wendy Biscuit was cancelled with no notice and the autograph lines were horrendous so we wound up just charging our phones and chatting for a bit until the Delinquent Panel, which featured Eliza, Bob, Chris, Richard, Jarod, Chelsey and Katie (Lindsey was supposed to be on the panel, but she was still not at the even yet). 
I was actually a bit late to the Delinquent Panel because I had my Bob photo op pictured here:
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He’s a genuine sweetheart guys. Like, he remembered my name from the quick meeting we had at the panel in the morning, said he liked my hair, and asked if I’d eaten (he smells like mint-he was eating one-and super clean laundry, btw), before saying he had. When he asked how I wanted us to pose, I just asked for a hug and he said “Of course!!” He gave me a real hug first and then we did the side hug for the photo.
Then I joined the other gals in waiting for another Bob photo op, because Jen had two. After Gina, Sam and Jen took their individual ops, we all ran back for a group, which made Bob really smile, he was super surprised:
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We finally made it to the Delinquent Panel and here’s the relevant info I gathered from there:
Everyone got their Custom Funko Pops, they were all super pleased (Sachin cat called from the audience because he didn’t get one).
They talked about their character’s ages, with Bob pointing out Bellamy isn’t really a Delinquent, Bob said Bellamy is about 24) so he must have had a birthday on the ground, same as Clarke. 
This is Harper’s biggest Season thus far (which makes sense because she’s finally a series regular).
Clark says that the Jonty high five in the trailer is a good indicator of the promise for Jonty this Season.
Bob said Bellamy thinks Octavia is responsible for Monroe’s death (which I agree with.)
When asked why they sided with Pike, Monty said it was for his mother (which I’ve always thought, so good to have that confirmed!). Jarod (who was anti-Pike) said it was because Pike was a Brother (another black man) and that the others wouldn’t understand.) Someone reminded him he was anti-Pike, it was funny. 
Jarod said he gets nervous working with Bob because he respects his ability as an actor so much.
Murphy had a lot of respect for Pike by the end of the Season, Richard loves Murphy’s relentlessness. 
Clarke’s emotional side comes from Jake, while Abby is where she gets her diplomatic/political stuff from.
They all joked about being chipped or “chip-faced”. 
Eliza said Monty is her all time favorite character on the show. 
When asked which other show they’d like to be on: Eliza said Broad City, Bob said Black Mirror (everyone cheered), Chelsey said Homeland. 
Richard said he thinks Murphy and Bellamy are back to some semblance of mistake and Bob made like...a “sure, Jan” noise. 
Season 4 has a huge power imbalance, with no real Chancellor or Commander and so the power shift is tumultuous.
There will be a mutual respect between the Delinquents and the adults because they all have to collectively come together. 
After the Panel was over, I had a few more photo ops scheduled, so I took care of those:
The Bad Boys op with Jarod, Bob and Richard. Sachin snorted when he heard their op was called “The Bad Boys”, lol:
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I asked them to do a Charlie’s Angel pose, with me as Charlie, presenting my angels. Bob still looks too innocent (He can’t help it), but Richard’s face is perf!
I also squeezed in my Jarod Joseph photo op, I wanted to do the “Unfriendly Black Hotties” thing-Jarod, nailed it, me-unsure:
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I missed the Camp Jaha Panel, because I was given a random free Meet and Greet with Luisa d’Oliveira.
Luisa is the sweetest, she started off by asking everyone where we were from (and remembered every place). She was so genuine guys. She doesn’t seem to realize that people actual like her outside of the Memori relationship. 
@adancergirl did a thorough write up of this, so I’m linking that here:
Then I shot over to get my Photo Op with Lindsey “Actual Angel” Morgan done:
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After that was done it was time for the Grounder/Mt. Weather Panel which featured Chris, Jarod, Chelsey, Tasya, Luisa and Jessica.
Chris was late and walked on to the stage looking like a hipster college student. (He wears a backpack everywhere guys and he always has his hood up, it’s adorbs).
Tasya confirmed that Echo is a royal guard for the Ice Nation and said there will be more Becho interaction this Season. Bellamy is the only Arkadian that Echo trusts (although we don’t know if that sentiment is returned-I expect to see some tension here!)
Jessica said it’s pretty obvious when you start watching Season 4 where Niylah’s allegiance lies. She’s super funny, btw. 
Chris is so deadpan guys. Like, his humor is out of this world. I love it. 
My favorite Chris quote was: “When Jarod's hand was on my knee in episode 210, I've never felt warmer.”
He asked how many people shipped Minty by show of hands (and then Marper). It was about even and Chelsey raised her hand for both options. 
Chris wanted a photo of the audience but he doesn’t have a smart phone (according to Jessica it’s a flip phone) and so he took out an Old School  disposable camera that he’d just bought from London Drugs and took a picture of one side of the crowd, forgot to roll the film forward, so had to pause and do it, and then the other side. Jarod shook his head and laughed. 
When asked which character they’d like to play other than their own everyone but Jarod said Bellamy. Jarod said Monty, because he’s like a cat-to which Chris replied “What?”
Marper was organic and not planned at all. They often didn’t have lines in Season 2, but were told to do things in the background, so Chris and Chelsey discussed what they would do in the situation if this was real (after Harper has her butt drilled) and Chris said “Well, we’re friends, so I’d try to make you feel better” and this is where the cup scene originates. 
Chelsey said they kept improvising those little scenes in the background and eventually the writer’s must have picked up on it and actually made Marper canon. 
Chris closed the panel with the following: He asked how many people had ever been in a breakup that was so bad that you thought you’d never love again, lots of people raised their hands, including all of the cast and then he said:
“Monty and Harper are at a position where they are super excited and super terrified because they are starting something new and they're sharing so much with each other so when that person leaves you it can be soul destroying. Welcome to Unity Days.”
Everyone cracked up and that was the end of that panel.
Then  I ran up to get my final two autographs of the day, both from Bob. I gave him #Bactus and a handwritten card first, he smiled super big when I gave him Bactus and he and his manager both laughed when I explained it’s name, he said that was clever. 
I asked him to sign my “Bellamy Blake Protection Squad Shirt” with @indygoh‘s art on it:
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and the postcard I won in the Cancer Gets LOST silent auction. He loved the BBPS shirt and said, sometimes Bellamy needs some backup and he and his manager said that the postcard’s artwork was cute. While I was leaving, he said “Thanks for Bactus, April.”
And I died on the inside because he remembered my name from hours before.
After the Convention closed for the evening, everyone gathered in my room and we had an impromptu pizza party where we just in person meta’d (and I got teary about Lincoln-which was super embarrassing) and it was such a great night, because talking in person is always so much easier than online.
We hung out pretty late, until most of us were sleepy and then parted ways to get ready for Unity Days Part 3.
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bestfriendforhire · 6 years
Entry 342
 “James!  Mila!?  Is something wrong?” inquired Iris as I stepped out of my car.  She was just getting home herself.  Barely waiting for me to shake my head, she then asked “Then why are you…”
 Interrupting her, I said, “I was going to wait for you to arrive at my home, but I was informed that you wouldn't have time to stop by today.  Sorry for the intrusion, but I thought this was a good opportunity to meet your parents, if you don't mind.”
 Mila had not only informed me that Iris would not be stopping by my house but that she seemed concerned about how to broach the trip to France with her parents.
 “First off, I have something to give you.” I stated as I held out the enhancement suit for her.  “You're only allowed to wear this while working for me, at my home, or in route to or from a job.  You'll also be expected to wear this during our trip to France, since you don't seem prepared to taze someone with your magic.”
 “Taze someone?  Are you expecting trouble?” She asked, looking concerned.
 “No, but I would like to be prepared just in case.” I informed her.  “I don't imagine everyone will be with me at all times.  My wife might well want to get me alone at some point, and by now I'm sure you're well aware that some of our friends can be a bit flirtatious.”
 She nodded and said, “That's for sure.”
 Smiling, I said,  “Groups may well be split up at times.  If you ever find yourself alone, I would like you to feel safe still.  You will, of course, be able to contact me if needed at any time.  Next time you visit the mansion, be sure to stop by Jarod’s lab for a phone upgrade.”
 “Phone upgrade?” she inquired.
 “Yes.  As I'm sure you've noticed, we have certain technologies available to us that aren't mass-produced for the world yet.” I told her, motioning to the suit.  “Though altering the hardware will void any warranty you have, I promise that your phone will have increased performance.  Furthermore, your phone will be able to connect with my network if ever you decide to switch plans, which I highly recommend.”
 “Umm… Okay.  I'll have to talk with my dad about it.” she replied.
 The front door opened, and Mick looked out at us.  “Iris, you okay?”
 Nodding, she said, “Mick, this is my boss, James, and Mila, his umm...”
 “Maid.” stated Mila.
 He glanced over his shoulder before moving out from the door.  After walking over to us, he asked in a whisper “You're the one who told my sister to warn me not to play our games as much?”
 I smiled and said, “Yes.  She did explain why, didn't she?”
 Mick nodded and then asked “Is it true that you can… You know…”
 “I'm certain you would be amazed, but this is neither the time nor the place.  Why don't you stop by the mansion with your sister when you have time?” I inquired.
 When Mick looked at her, Iris shrugged and smiled.
 “Today I'm here to discuss the company trip with your parents, assuming they happened to be home.” I informed him.
 “Company trip?  Where are you going?” he asked, looking surprised.
 “France.  We'll be attending a concert as well as general tourist sites throughout the country.” I explained.
 “Wow.  Iris, have you told dad that you'll need a passport?” he questioned.
 “I have already taken the liberty to acquire passports for everyone needing them.” explained Mila.
 “Whoa.  Sorry.  Maids don't just clean things?” inquired Mick.
 “Mila's a special case and a good friend.  I don't know what I would do without her.” I insisted.  “Are your parents home?”
 “Oh.  Yeah.  Sorry.  This way.” he stated, turning and heading to the door.  After we entered, he called out, saying, “Hey, mom, we have a guest.”
 “Coming!” she called.
 I could tell by the aroma that she was cooking, and I could hear her hurriedly wash her hands as Mick led me to a living room.
 “Would you like a drink?” asked Mick.
 “Sure.  Orange juice.” replied Iris with a grin.
 “I'll take some as well.” I told him before he could come to his sister.
 “Mila, right?” asked Mick as he looked to her.  When she nodded, he inquired “Want anything?”
 “No, thank you.” she told him with a smile.
 “Who's here?” asked someone just after Mick left the room.
 I glanced at Mila who mouthed the name Mike.
 “Iris’ boss.  Go find dad.” replied Mick.
 “Sorry if my brothers get rowdy while you’re here.” stated Iris.
 I laughed and said, “If they can be more rowdy than our mutual friends, I will be quite impressed.”
 “Yeah… You have a point.  Am I allowed to tell them about Mila, or would you prefer that I didn't?” she asked.
 “I don't mind either way.” stated Mila.
 “They probably wouldn't believe me, so I guess it's not a big deal.” admitted Iris.
 I stood as Iris’ mother entered the room, and said, “Mrs. Storm, please pardon my intrusion, but there is business which I would like to discuss with you and your husband.  I am James Michael Somerset III, Iris’ boss.”
 “Welcome to our home, Mr. Somerset.” she replied, shaking my proffered hand.
 “James, please.” I told her.
 I heard the front door open and shut followed by someone running.
 Smiling, Mrs. Storm then said, “Call me Mirabella.  Pleasure to meet you, James.  Iris has been strangely tight-lipped about you, but my husband is excited to have new blood joining his baseball league.”
 “We at Best Friend For Hire appreciate the opportunity.” I assured her.
 “Have you started practicing yet?” she asked.
 As she spoke, Matt ran up behind her saying, “Mom, you're not going to believe this, but there's a talking car out front.”
 “Sorry if I startled you, Matt, but I prefer that the master’s personal transportation goes untouched without his permission.” explained Mila.
 Pointing at her, Matt said, “You sound just like the car!”
 Mila smiled and nodded.
 “Wait.  How did you know that…” started Matt.
 “Matt, behave!” snapped his mother.  “This is James, Iris’ boss.”
 For a moment, he looked as if he wanted to argue, but he took a deep breath and then said, “Sorry.”
 “No need to apologize.” I assured him.  “My DB5 has had some considerable upgrades, and few wouldn't be surprised by her.”
 Two sets of footsteps were coming down stairs, and I was certain one would be Iris’ father.
 “Mila would you mind showing Matt the car?” I inquired.  “Mike would probably be interested as well if you catch him in the hall.”
 “As you wish, master.” she replied, standing and walking toward Matt.
 “Can I?” asked Matt, facing his mother.
 “Just be careful.” she told him.
 “Sorry about my brothers.” stated Iris.
 “She says that even though Kayla nearly ran into her when she came for an interview.” I teased.
 As I spoke, I heard Mila introducing herself in the hall and asking if Mike would like to join them.  Mr. Storm seemed enthusiastic as well, though he continued walking toward us.  Mick returned with the orange juice, beating Mr. Storm to the room.
 “Kayla's ten.  My brothers are older than me!” she argued.
 I shrugged and said, “Still, things happen.”
 “Who is Kayla?” asked Mirabella.
 “She's the sister of an employee who lives at my company headquarters.” I explained.  “Many of my employees live there, since we have exceptional accommodations.”
 “He's understating them dramatically.  I really can't explain.” insisted Iris.
 Stepping into the room, Mr. Storm asked “Explain what?”
 “How incredible Best Friend For Hire's headquarters is.” stated Mirabella.  “This is Iris’ boss, James.  James, this is my husband, Grayson.”
 I shook his hand and said, “Meeting you is a pleasure, sir.  Thank you for inviting my company to join your baseball league.  I do feel obligated to warn you that most of my company is young and highly athletic.”
 “Iris has mentioned that you do martial arts training each morning.  What's the reason for it?” he asked.
 “In addition to being a good general fitness program, I like the idea that all of my employees will be able to protect themselves in case a client becomes less than pleasant.” I explained.  “We do, of course, screen our clients before pairing them with any given best friend, so there is yet to be a serious incident.”
 “I'm glad to hear you're cautious, given your unusual line of work.  The company doing okay?” he inquired.
 I nodded and said, “We're still expanding, and our profits are quite substantial.  Just this past winter, I added a hotel chain to the company's assets.  We also have close ties with Global Princess Entertainment and the Intergalactic House of Awesome Sauce, given that I'm a primary shareholder in each.”
 Looking surprised, Grayson said, “Wow.  Impressive.  That restaurant chain is something else.  We've eaten there a couple times.’
 “You should see James’ chef in action.  That guy's amazing too.” insisted Iris.
 “My wife assures me that Marco is one of the best chefs in the world.  As head of the Pendreigh Group, she's done enough traveling for me to take her word.” I added.
 “The Pendreigh Group!?” he asked, sounding shocked.
 “Yes.  Heard of them?” I inquired.
 Nodding, he said, “They've been buying up companies all over the city, so I did a bit of research a while back.  You say your wife runs it!?”
 “Yes.  She also manages her father's estates.  He's the Duke of Caerllion in Wales.” I explained.
 Grayson nodded and took a seat, so the rest of us did as well.  Talking with him and his wife about the trip to France didn't take terribly long, but I chose to stay a while and reinforce the idea that Iris was in good hands.  As a father myself, I knew how important a sense of security for one’s children was.
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rubint06002688-blog · 7 years
What Can The Music Industry Teach You About Pornography
windows. . That's correct suckas. . D. Sanchez ai not po'! Anyhow. . While riding out the storm I started going out of boxes of tapes. . On the lookout for some and all discovered proof on PP and Marko's gayness... if lo and behold I run into an older college Bang Bus event... one among my personal favorites... Maritza! You FNG's outside there that do not understand who she actually is... Maritza was one of those first MILF b roads we ever chose up. . I mean c'mon. . This film will be 4 years old! You get to find that a younger, less bushy Ugs InAll his butt blasting glory ...from the driver's seat. . And maybe not only that my fine feathered pals... however in a single of his first flicks... my primary man Ram On... the Dongzilla himself... rides and puts in certain superb obligation rough work! So yeah... Maritza's round bubble booty ass was strolling home with a few markets if she was seen by yours truly...man. . 've I was GUESS SO! God-knows Maritza did not want to stroll all of the way dwelling with all those bags... therefore after accepting our deal for a experience. . It had been on! A young, however consistently dope D. Sanchez takes us on a magical ride thru the muddy waters of the Everglades... don't forget those days???? Ha-ha. . I really like it! Evidently this delightful mature woman with great all-natural boobs and toasty titties was a veteran himself... it did not take much for her to strip down to her unmentionables... so when she did... it had been glorious! I believe that is where my infatuation with elderly latin women came to play with... simply because this girl certainly did discover how to work with this enormous dick of Ramon's... however,... when you're wed into a migrant worker. . You'll take anything that seems a stepup... unfortunately sufficient... as was the ritual which resides on now. . We had to hurry up and remove this extensive... her and also her stinking groceries... viewing this incident brought back a lot of memories... of more straightforward instances. . Earlier I turned into the internet juggernaut that sits here today... when it really was about... 3 dudes Kamasutra plus a camera on a assignment... basic! Love this shit fuckers... The Dirty One... Learning about a new art is interesting, for example knowing how you can play the piano could always be lucrative. Music can be really a fantastic means with a teacher studying to play with such a prestigious instrument could be exciting along with expressing yourself. But that has been just one hell of a piano lesson he'd forget. His mum advocated Victoria Valentina to instruct him just how to play with the piano. Victoria can be an College friend of hers, that has been assume for a piano lesson, but the Naughty Victoria experienced something else in my mind. She very drawn to Jarod and was. She could not resist the urge to own Jarod feel up all within her body and create sweet love to 29, as she showed him a few primary notes. She decided to seduce unsuspecting Jarod; she had him rub on her big mature breast and she took it upon herself to teach Jarod how a true female can meet a man. Instead, they fucked to the dining room dining table on the settee even on the piano. That really was just one crazy Piano lesson which neither would ever forget. Now as you've all heard by today... Hurricane Wilma decided to fuck upward EVERYONE'S lifetime now. . At least people in South Florida plus some other bastard language discussing areas which come inside the vicinity... so yeah... lots of electrical power outages and gas lines that are caustic... Present divorcee, Michelle is back on the prowl after shooting her he's got. This cougar prey: Johnny. So when this mature ho lures him back to her place, she is more then keen to pry his pants of and chomp down on some tremendous man meat. Throughout the storm's class. . A brother just like me personally sought refuge in the residence in another of my huge closets because of most my walls ! Ugs and I opted to scour the Miami streets and check out the aftermath of the storm that ran through the following... blessings to each of the family members affected by Katrina... and conducted into the magnificent milf Alanis at a neighborhood corner cafeteria. For when unsightly's java dependence is good for some thing... as much shit like I talk about Ugs. . And trust me it's plenty... he came thru in the clutch this time around and attracted this significant bubble butt mami for me... and we all know what goes on future. . muahahahahaha! Evidently Alanis and her big natural juggs had some support from the cleaning ... therefore ofcourse I offered our companies and also we were all good to go! Something about these latina girls. . That they are aware of the things that they need and how to do it once it's in their han. . errr mouths! Take the blow job for example. . Messy saliva driven suck job with those juicy entire latina lips... and you know that the cunt fucking is equally like sexy! I love this shit. . Too awful it was come to a sour end... but yeah... D. Sanchez to get Prez bitches!
0 notes
cow5secondchance · 3 years
Episode 5 - What If I Say My Name Is Lorde - Captain
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Format: The Greenhouse
Eliminated: Blake (Venus Flytrap)
waking up to read that there is a tie between my bestie, mario and kaleigh and that i was the original target <3 see. i told yall when every time someone said i'm safe, i'm not. and now i'm pissed so i'm gonna just copy everything i wrote in my confessional here. THEY FUCKING WANTED ME OUT FIRST THEN THEY SWITCHED TO JENNET u see that?? u see how they’re scared of two pocs besties working tgt they told jennet they’re not on my priority list well stop dming me while i sleep maybe fuckers? these whites are fucking fake and so self-centered do i need to beg every white american to talk to me at 3am my time? girl no yea they wanted to target me at first because blake must think he’s not on my priority list for sure self-centered gay u’d love to see it huh i’m gonna venus flytrap that white ass
i mean i'm happy i survived but it won't be the same without my bestie jennet. we've been wanting to play together and our time was cut short because some white gays are so insecure and self-centered? so they decided to go for pocs? cute look on you babes.
#JusticeForJENNET https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/831702842733232148/842243242359128084/goodbye_bestie.mp4
We could have handled last round better
blake is why people are homophobic. period.
lots of details in my DR in the server i couldn't bring myself to do another entry because i was confused about all that "talk" but to sum up, nicole told me everything and blake told me everything too. he straight went up to me and said sorry i said ur name :why: and because i didn't tell me what went on (because i forgot.. like i don't think about this game all day. i also have something to do in my life) and i didn't tell him that i was in another alliance. as if he would tell me like PLS. ur just so entitled.
Blake has been going to us (Greenhouse) apologizing for his words during the call. I think Blake is scrambling. It is too much for just one sentence said during the call. Overcompensating, I think. Now Captain wants to target Nicole and Blake. Jarod wants to target Lindsay and William. I like Jarod, but he definitely is playing two sides now. Being on our (Greenhouse) side, but also on the side of Jarod-Blake-Autumn (though not too sure anymore how strong Autumn is with that trio). Captain wants to try a POC alliance. If Autumn is open, and if Jennet or Mario are the ones who come back from the buy back, that might actually work. And it would be very cool to see that happen.
what if i say that my name is lorde and my secret word is captain.. lets just do that
daisy and lanie coming back... hmm idk we're still need to wait and see if they want to work with me or not. i didn't do anything wrong to daisy so she might want to work with me. lanie tho, i voted her out but i literally explained everything that went down that round to her and threw will under the bus a bit. but will she want to work with me? idk. and i know blake is gunning for a flytrap so i need to get it or he'll flytrap my asian ass.
okay lanie told me that she told william she didn't wanna do me in the first vote but of course, i didn't get told that. and it made sense cause like lanie played with me so she should know that our timezones are different and it is hard for me to talk to ppl when i go to bed. we'll see how it goes.
So I checked out early last night because I wanted to watch Ragnarok on Netflix and didn't want to keep checking my phone. I thought when today came around, there would be more people who have played. Um... just one other? 2 rounds? And no one online to play? I tried approaching Kaleigh and Lindsay but no response yet. I guess no one wants to look like they want it too much? But hello, we are in a game, of course everyone wants it. There are a lot of, let's just see what happens, instead of going for it. Maybe the VFT plays into that because it is in play as both Captain and Blake want it. And my fear is if I make it in the GH, nom Blake, he gets the VFT and use it on me again. Ha ha what a trip if that happens.
So I wasn't going to play but Nyx messaged and said they wanted to play. But they wanted to rig it. I didn't want to, I want a chance to win of course. And I did :) Hope they aren't too bummed about it. I am in the GH I think, with at least 3 (Nyx beat Lanie) points. I know Jarod is in there too by beating Daisy.
Two Greenhouses in a row, but hope history doesn't repeat! 
last night before i went to sleep, i thought to myself what if i get the one that nom ppl and the nominee will get a seed to nom me so i could get another seed. then, i went to bed thinking it might be a bit too much. but BOOM, i woke up today and saw jarod have this same plan so that's good. we communicate telepathically it seems. i just need to win the seed count comp and get 2 more seeds but like idk about my puzzle ability GRRRR!! but i'll try my best. i just wanna get the flytrap before i get flytrap'ed out.
i'm cosplaying as lorde again and lorde wishes captain a successful bidding tmr
yall idk if my puzzle time would be good enough to win seeds and i just found out william has 0 seed
IM BACK IN THE GAME AND WE’RE IN A GREENHOUSE ROUND! BRO GREENHOUSE IS MY SHIT it’s such a good format ahhh. None of these hoes know the greenhouse like I do honey. I’ve played it like 18 times.... probably the most out of everyone.. and IM A HOST OF THE ORG PLZ AND IM PLAYING AN IRL GREENHOUSE WITH TAYLOR ON THE 29TH AHH But on a serious note, I’m back in the game and I don’t trust ANYONE on my tribe that voted me out, especially my love William. Love him as a person but I’m gonna get him in this game at some point, you wait and see! He just agreed to throw the RPS challenge to make up for voting me out but HONEY IT’S NOT ENOUGH LMAO. He’s probably on the bottom of my trust list. At this point in time, I trust Jarod, Daisy, Lindsey, Captain, and Blake (even though the last two voted me off, but they were told convoluted information so I don’t blame them). I will work with Nyx but I don’t trust Nyx as much as I would like. I want to talk to Kaleigh more, and idk Xavier well but we’ll talk I’m sure. For this greenhouse round, Jarod is sunflower meaning he can put up TWO houseguests. HES PUTTING UP CAPTAIN AND I! But this is a strategy. There’s a power called the Flytrap, which the holder can use to take out any single person that they want. Captain has enough seeds to buy the flytrap, but so does Blake. WHOEVER WINS THE FLYTRAP WILL LIKELY LEAVE ME SAFE because I trust both Blake and Captain. People are gonna see Jarod put up two allies and flip their shit, but trust that this is all in typical Greenhouse strategy hehehe.
yes its time for an update! a lot has happened since yesterday... so lets begin with last night, i went to sleep and had the auction in my mind SDFSDFSD i actually woke up before my alarm went off like twice. the first time, i woke up and checked my phone.. it was like 7am and then i went to bed and i dreamed that the auction was already over and i missed everything DSFDFSDFSDF PLEASE! so i woke up right after and phew it was only 8.15am methinks so like 45 more minutes.. anyways!!! blake dm'ed me before the bidding and told me he would go for a flytrap... i mean i know that already and he said he wanted it because its been on his mind. PLEASE its been haunting me since last season.. and i didn't reply to him but i was talking to lanie about seeds too and i think lanie told blake i asked her for seeds? so blake came to me again and said 'Not you asking people for seeds' or something. like mister. and what about it? lanie knew about my plan of getting the flytrap and u just didn't know about it. so just sit down and relax god damn. oh and i found out will won the seed comp which was a no no cause will would give his seeds to blake for sure. and before the auction began, i think blake would have like 15 seeds? but he actually had 18 seeds. i was so lucky i outbid him. whew. and like he told me he had only 2 ppl giving him seeds while everyone prob gave me their seeds. and um? what about it? do i need to feel bad for you when you literally targeted me last round? white twink tears i guess. he tried to get me to promise that i won't flytrap him out but i haven't promised him. i said i'm down but its not a promise right? so yea i would flytrap him out. while lanie is in my dm like don't flytrap blake she loves him. MISS THING. I JUST TOLD YOU HE TARGETED ME LAST ROUND???? like god.
hey i'm back!! i know that blake would prob give someone his seeds that he has so we have to be careful about that in next week. imma need to try to win the greenhouse comp. fingers crossed for me tho besties. this is for jennet. everything i do in this game is gonna be for jennet. no one can mess with my sister/bestie. and once you do that, you just cross the line.
i'm sorry if i come off a bit aggressive.. i don't wanna be that but you know theres something about white men that is wrong.
heyyy god i'm just so proud with myself. i actually outdid myself and i just wanna go further than this. i wanna beat my old placement.
missing jennet hours
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goodlawdmaude · 7 years
Madrid, Spain
Day 1 (3/24)
After landing in Madrid, navigating our way to our AirBnB, and napping for two hours, Jarod and I were woken up around 1:30pm by a knock at the door. Our host had told us that a man named Ous would come to clean the apartment at 2pm. What she didn’t mention was that Ous--while incredibly nice--did not speak any English. In a mixture of Spanish and charades, we managed to agree that we would leave the apartment for an hour so that he could clean. 
In a daze, we piled on our layers (it’s cold in Madrid in March!!) and headed out. We walked through the Barrio (neighborhood) of La Lavapies and into La Latina, walking until we came to La Real Basílica de San Francisco el Grande. We sat in a plaza on the South side of the church, admiring the structure’s large, yellow dome and resting our very weary bones. From there, we wandered North past El Palacio Real de Madrid, through La Plaza de Oriente, and finally back through the center of Madrid to our apartment. 
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Even though my body was dull with exhaustion, taxed heavily by the previous day/night, I was awestruck by the beautiful city streets and extravagant monuments. Everything was picturesque. There were balconies on every building with ferns growing in ornate pots and flower beds snuggled up against decorative railings. At crosswalks and through cafe windows, I saw people smoking cigarettes and sipping espressos; talking quickly, excitedly, rhythmically with wide eyes and exaggerated hand gestures. We were in a new place, and I was stoked to explore it!! 
By now, it was around 4:30pm, and we were hungry. We set off in search of a restaurant nearby and found two whose kitchens were closed. This was our first inconvenient encounter with ~siesta~. Even hungrier now, we found a market and bought tortellini and vegetables to cook back at the apartment. That night, we were in bed by 8:30. 
Day 2 (3/25)
Our first real (still surreal) morning in Madrid, we woke up at a reasonably early hour after an unreasonably excessive amount of sleep. We made eggs at home, then went to a nearby cafe recommended by our host, Maria. Again, it felt like there was culture everywhere. The people around us were dressed neatly in scarves and hats and boots (still freezing!), ordering pastries and warm drinks, dipping the former into the latter and eating them slowly and gracefully. Here, we each got two coffees and drank them quietly, soaking up the environment around us. I admit I was (I still am) a bit self conscious; I didn’t want to speak too much or too loudly in my ugly American accent and identify myself as an obnoxious outsider. 
At this cafe, we started to suspect that coffee in Spain is different than coffee in the US. In Spain, a coffee is served small in a cute little teacup on a saucer with a packet of sugar on the side. You can order a couple different variants--cafe solo (shot of espresso), cafe americano (still small), or cafe con leche (larger, but half milk)--but there is no order that will get you a giant mug of good old fashioned black coffee. (”Cafe negro” will get you the prompt: “Cafe Americano?” to which you will nod, confused and disappointed when you get a tiny teacup of slightly diluted espresso.) I digress. 
From the cafe, we headed to El Museo Del Prado, where we spent hours admiring--or more often puzzling over --thousands of paintings. My favorite was a small piece, entitled “The Painter’s Children,” which portrayed two young girls lounging on a futon, one wrapped in a pretty Japanese blanket, the other sprawled on a cushion. Jarod’s was a huge portrait of a Roman (??) leader dead in a bathtub--a suicide referenced as honorable in The Godfather. 
When we thought we might die of hunger, we tore ourselves from the Prado despite only seeing (maybe) half of the art on display. We wandered up the street and into a tapas restaurant. This was when we truly started embracing Spanish culture with a mid-day glass of wine and four sequential plates of tapas rich with meats, cheeses, and oil. This was also when I learned that a “Russian salad” does not contain lettuce, but lots of potatoes and mayonnaise. 
We went back to our apartment, took naps (Jarod) and studied the city (Lizzy). Still feeling full and generally out of sorts, we headed to the Santa Ana square//Barrio de Las Letras (the literary district, where the paving stones of the main street are engraved with some of the best known lines from 16th and 17th century Spanish literature). We got mixed drinks and a plate of tortillas and hummus at a hipster joint full of trendy young people, then proceeded to a lively gin bar called Carbones 13, where we each had a gin and tonic--the first that I have ever truly liked. 
We stopped at home briefly before rushing out to catch an authentic live flamenco performance at a bar on our corner, El Candela. We put our names down to reserve seats, then had half an hour to kill before the performance started. We spent that time in a lively, divey Bodega (wine bar) down the block. Our drinks were cheap (5€ for two) and came with a plate of potato chips. 
The performance itself was fabulous. There were only 4 people on stage and only one who danced. It was the first flamenco I’ve ever seen live, and I was struck by the drama of the production. The dancer’s heels banged loudly on the hollow stage floor, the tassels of her outfit swung wildly as she moved, and her face and hands were full of intense emotion. The crowd shouted “ole!” and the end of each piece--and sometimes during--to show their appreciation and admiration. (I didn’t know that was a real thing, but I loved it.)
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After, we went home and stayed up a while longer, confused as to what time zone we were in. Suddenly, it seemed quite late--3 or 4am--but we were not exactly to be counted on to know the time. Little did we know, day lights savings had occurred that night; a phenomenon which would further confuse us in the morning. 
Day 3 (3/26)
We woke up around 10am, with 1pm lunch reservations at one of the oldest restaurants in the world quickly approaching. Jarod was a little hungover as we embarked towards Botín for our lunch date. He ordered shrimp, which came with the legs and heads still attached. Decapitating them was a task that hungover Jarod liked even less than spry Jarod would have. I ordered cod, which was smothered in a soup of delicious tomato sauce and was impractically humongous (I am notorious for clearing my plate and could only eat half). We drank half a pitcher of sangria--which may have been ambitious given the night before, but when on vacation...--and finished the meal up with a DIVINE chocolate mousse cake. The meal was tasty, but pricey (80€) and the restaurant itself was lovely, but packed with tourists (ourselves among them). It didn't turn out to be quite the cultural endeavor I had imagined, although we did see (what I imagine to be) some very traditional Spanish dishes, such as "baby squid, cooked in his own ink." Harsh.
After lunch, we went in search of Madrid's famous flea market: El Rastro. I had the driving interest in El Rastro, but had done a poor job of researching the actual location (I knew it was in La Latina from 10am-3pm... And not much else). In our search for the market, we stumbled upon a giant amphitheater type hole in the ground, covered in weeds and graffiti and tattooed young people. There were two guys playing live music, the speaker too weak to allow us to hear them from the entrance ramp on which we stood. It was a little silly, but I felt alive being there, like I was seeing an authentic, grimy part of modern life in Madrid.
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With Jarod's guidance, we finally found El Rastro as it was closing down. We walked through the stalls of leathers, rugs, fans, and clothing, admiring everything but avoiding wanting anything (I could hardly order coffee for myself let alone haggle with a street vendor). At the end of the road, we found ourselves at an old tobacco factory, La Tabacaleria, that had long ago shut down and repurposed as an art gallery. Atlas Obscura had called this out as one of the hidden gems worth seeing in Madrid, and there was no entry fee, so we headed in.
The art exhibit was eerie--one piece was a TV hung from the rafters and entwined in a chain, broadcasting silent black and white footage--fitting for the cold and dark hallways of La Tabacaleria. There were lots of other videos in Spanish (which we didn't watch), but also some cool images of Mayan ruins (which interested me more).
When we finally got back home, we siesta'd--as is the Spanish way--and woke up some time later, ready to get our first real exercise in. We went to the Parque Del Buen Retiro, and ran around its perimeter, then walked through the interior, stopping to admire the Palacio De Velazquez, Palacio De Crystal, and a man-made lake--full of couples in paddle boats--that flanks the Monumento a Alfonso XII.
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Our stomachs were still very confused so we elected to make dinner at home that evening, stopping by the market for rice, chicken, and vegetables. 
Day 4 (3/27)
By day 4, you would think we would have at least somewhat adjusted to Spanish time. And in a way we had: we were waking up late, taking naps in the afternoon, and staying up later. So on day 4, we slept in. When we finally tore ourselves from the cozy den of bed, it was around 11am. We still needed coffee, so we headed out towards La Plaza Mayor and stepped into a coffee shop along the way. 
From the Plaza, we headed out to revisit the west side of Madrid: the Royal Palace we had seen on day 1 in a daze, the old theater (Teatro Real) we had missed entirely, and the Egyptian temple (Templo De Debod) we hadn't known about. After walking for several hours, we were famished. We came home, pooled some leftovers to snack on, then exercised in our living room and cleaned up in preparation for our impending departure.
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We headed out for our final dinner. We planned to go to Museo Chicote: an old restaurant and “Madrid landmark” frequented by famous people (Ernest Hemingway among them). However, it was closed (as are a lot of shops and restaurants on Monday in Madrid, apparently). We backtracked to the literary district and chose a restaurant called "La Vinoteca." Obviously. There, we feasted on shared plates of cheesy croquettes, flavorful meatballs, and crostini topped with mozzarella and tomato. On the way home, we stopped at a nearby Bodega, which was dark but inviting and buzzing with activity. And with that, our time in Madrid had come to an end. We packed and prepared for our jarringly early 530am wake-up the next day, after which we would take the metro to the airport and fly to Porto, Portugal. 
0 notes
kinetic-elaboration · 7 years
February 2: Thoughts on 4x01 Echoes
Mmmmkay, literally JUST finished watching 4x01. I’m very proud of myself because I completely avoided ALL spoilers and I’m not going to unblock tumblr until I finish this reaction post so I can write down my totally spontaneous and unadulterated thoughts.
My general reaction: I actually kind of liked it. I wouldn’t say I liked it as much as Seasons 1 and 2 and I wouldn’t say I’m optimistic about the season and frankly I still have a lot of complaints, most of which are so general I don’t think they’ll ever be resolved BUT I would undoubtedly say that 4x01 was better than 3x01 and I’m actually looking forward to 4x02; it looks like just the kind of plot I like: tense, self-contained, lots of delinquents.
(loooong reaction under the read more)
So some things I didn’t like first so I can get my negativity out of the way:
I never fully believed that either Jarod Joseph or Chelsey Reist were going to be regulars because I thought that people were reading a lot into kind of vague tweets but I wanted to believe it, especially with Jarod Joseph and honestly even though I don’t like Harper…they both deserve main status by now. I mean they’ve lasted this fucking long. I cannot believe Zack McGowan gets main status and Jarod and Chelsey don’t.
I don’t give a fuck about the Grounders. I don’t! I don’t care!! And I will never care. So all this Polis shit, Grounder politics, Echo yammering on, blah blah blah. I can’t follow it and I don’t even want to follow it. In my incredibly subjective opinion, it really weighs the show down.
Roan constantly sounds like he’s having a * Tina Fey voice * talking like this contest. I have no idea what his real voice sounds like but if this is at all a put on accent he needs to tone it down for realsies I cannot take him seriously.
Monty/Harper. Get it away get it away. (I’m not going to go into why I hate them but rest assured every reaction I write this entire season will have some variation of this point, if the episode in question features them as a couple at all. Having a canon NoTP is such a fannish burden so I’m going to whine about it at top volume all the time.)
This isn’t entirely the show’s fault but I roll my eyes every time I hear L*xa’s name, like some kind of Pavlovian dog, so obviously I did a lot of eye rolling and now my eyes kind of hurt. In particular, Clarke’s overwrought sadness about her was just so… I’m done, I’m tired of it, I don’t care. I know I’m not being fair, because in the timeline of the show obviously L’s death is very close. But, first off, I don’t think Clarke loved her at all—I think she thinks she did but she did not, and I don’t think that line would even have been included if it weren’t for RL events. Second, and relatedly, I think that little scene with Abby and the Dramatic Single Tear TM when she hands over the chip were so clearly about appeasing fans and doing penance for daring to kill a lesbian that they took me out of the show. I wasn’t watching Clarke in Polis, I was watching Eliza Taylor acting on a set. I hope that’s the end of that, and we never have to deal with that shit again.
I didn’t like Kane’s line to Bellamy about eventually deserving to survive. I know why it’s in there, both in an in-universe and in a line-to-the-fans way, but frankly my initial thought is: all human beings deserve survival. It’s not like only good people should be allowed to live a radiation free life lol. And second, can we just leave him the fuck alone already? I’m done with the Bellamy dogpile. Let’s hope that shit’s done too.
Speaking of lines I didn’t like, Bellamy calling Clarke Princess is basically the definition of Do Not Want. It’s the sort of thing that, small as it is, makes me think that the writers don’t know their own creation and it makes me lose faith in them again. That name was an insult—it was always a fucking insult, it’s not cute, it’s not a pet name, and it has no place in the Bellarke relationship anymore. Such an unnecessary false note. (I probably seem/am disproportionately mad about it…but I hate it.)
I could have done without that last scene. It just looked so….fake. Again it just took me out of the show completely. Was it supposed to show us how dire everything is? I got that message the last 20 times lol.
The stuff I did like:
BELLAMY. There wasn’t enough of him, but he was A FUCKING STAR in the scenes he did get, especially the negotiation scene. Like I could list every line I liked and every moment I liked and that would probably be more proportional to the degree I liked them but it’s probably faster and more efficient to say that I loved it all. I loved that he and Clarke acted like (mostly) equal co-leaders. I liked that they looked to each other all the time, and had all of these silent eye-communication moments. I liked the scene with him and Kane and Indra before the meeting with Echo, I loved that Echo views him as the only Sky Person she’ll talk to, and I loved…basically all of it but I guess what I’m trying to say is I loved both how he handled the negotiation and that HE was the one doing it.
Indra was killing it in this ep too. I loved the hug with Kane of course. I loved her and Murphy in the pre-negotiation scene (“I never agreed to [guns].” / “That’s because you’re not stupid.”) (She and Murphy need their own show like I would watch it.) I like how she’s basically chilling with the Sky People now—like the little scene in the temple had such a cool collection of characters, I was digging it. (Except for Octavia…who I really don’t know what to make of this season yet so.)
Speaking of Murphy…. Okay, I wasn’t impressed by Murphy/Emori in Season 3 but I did like their scenes in this episode. Unfortunately, I was really looking forward to them joining up with the Sky People in Arkadia; I want to see another Grounder trying to find a place in Arkadia (since Lincoln was brutally murdered and all) and I want to see Murphy re-integrate himself because tbh he really is at his best when he has people to play off of. People who aren’t Emori. So I was a little bummed when they ran off into the night together because I really don’t care to watch the two of them in a vacuum and also…we already saw that? But anyway I did like their scenes in this ep so they’re in the positive column. I also like that we finally got an explanation as to why Emori took the chip.
I’ve had sort of mixed feelings about Jaha because I’m not sure whether or not I can follow his story line/character progression or not but I will say: I am 100% Team Jaha as of right now. I do think that, whatever he was on the Ark or in S1, his late S1/early S2 transformation was genuine, and he really is trying to be a good person who helps people. I hope he finds the salvation and the purpose he’s been looking for. And his role in the little ploy with Octavia and the shroud was great.
That whole sequence was probably the strongest in the episode. I think one of The 100’s greatest weaknesses at this point is the complexity of its various allegiances and all the old bad blood that’s been spilled everywhere. I haven’t seen S3 since it aired and so even as a pretty big fan I still find some stuff hard to follow—it’s hard to remember who betrayed who when and all this shit and even though some Obvious Exposition is peppered in to help us along, it’s not enough for me sometimes. But this spider web of interconnected relationships, both good and bad, is also an asset of the show and I thought that middle sequence, from the “we surrender” line to Roan waking up, really played all of that up in a good way. It brought a lot of characters and a lot of history together in a way that generally worked very well. I liked the shroud ploy (though omg the Azgeda warriors are dumb AF—how could Octavia just get up and walk around and no one noticed her? Like they’re all looking outward and no one’s looking at the big ol’ empty middle of the room? And then she, a child who lived sixteen very unhealthy years under the floor and has been on Earth probably less than a year with only a handful of months of warrior training if that is able to take out a whole room of the most fearsome warriors in the post-apocalypse? It defies belief I’m sorry). I liked the Griffins operating together. I loved the tension. (Lessened somewhat by knowing Roan would live, what with him being a main and all.) Loved the whole goshdarn thing.
Most of the Arkadia stuff was pretty eh but only in that there wasn’t much of it, and what there was, we’d seen before in promotional clips and stuff (though I will say: they did better with the promotional stuff this year; I think last year they gave away some of their surprises in a way that made the scenes ring very false on a first viewing imo). But obviously I loved my boy Jasper. I would have found his almost-suicide very hard to watch if I hadn’t known it was coming but as it was, I could be more detached about it. I wish we’d seen more of his room but what we did see was interesting (I have an obsession with the Ark/Arkadia sets okay): his art—not just Maya’s favorite painting but another one near the door; his goggles with the plastic over the eyes knocked out—like him, just a shell of their former selves; all his random tools on his desk like why does he have those?; his notebooks. And, oh, that he left a suicide note to Monty. And even just their small interaction at the door was great.
Also… while in a way I find it an odd beat for him to go from his last scene with Monty in 3x16 to almost killing himself in 4x01, mere hours later in the canon timeline… I believe it, and I’m glad that my previous fears, that the show would just forget what he’d gone through and do a Jasper re-set in the new season, can be put to rest. I liked and believed in his transition from really-ready-to-die, to well-the-world’s-gonna-kill-me-and-make-it-easy-might-as-well-enjoy-Earth.
But the best Arkadia scene was the one between Jasper and Raven. First of all because I FUCKING CALLED IT that Raven shouldn’t have the sort of coding/computer abilities that she has. I hypothesized that she might have improved her skills at some point during the S2-S3 hiatus because her disability lessened her ability to do legwork, but I also mentioned that it could have been ALIE which still means I WAS RIGHT BOOM. (I just like being right a lot okay.) Also the “upgrade” talk reminded me of Dollhouse. Which was exciting but also made me all bitter and mad because Dollhouse did the idea of artificial upgrades to your brain so much better. Made me feel inspired for my Dollhouse AU though so there’s that.
I don’t ship Jasper/Raven but I do friend-ship them and I hope they bond over having been ALIE-d.
Also speaking of being AlIE-d, I don’t think Harper forgives Jasper for what his chipped self did. And she probably shouldn’t honestly because my theory is still that ALIE pulled from the real feelings and thoughts of chipped people and maybe someday I’ll write a full explanation of why I think that—which isn’t to say that Jasper wants to hurt Harper but just to say that ‘pleading the chip’ isn’t as straightforward as all that. Still, even though it makes sense narratively, because I will pick Jasper over pretty much everyone this is sorta another reason to unfairly dislike Harper. If there is anything even remotely like a Monty having to choose scenario I will be very perturbed though.  (This isn’t something I especially liked or disliked, the thought just occurred to me while I was talking about Arkadia stuff.)
It’s pretty early to say anything about her at all but Unnamed Possible Priestess (Kenza??) is looking so promising. First, we know from the trailer she’s gorgeous and I’m always here for that. Second and to be less shallow for a second, Indra seems to know her, maybe, so that could be cool. And third, while I have yet to be impressed by Grounder religion, I am very curious to see if she’s going to be bringing in a different aspect to their spirituality. I don’t know her but I already want to see her go head to head with Roan.
I had a bit of a discussion/ramble with my mom yesterday when she was telling me a bit about the episode in a vague spoiler-free way and I was trying to explain when I like Clarke (when she’s a co-leader with a reasonably sized head, when she’s cunning and imaginative like in early S2) (early S2 Clarke is my favorite Clarke fyi) and when I don’t like her (when she’s arrogant, when she thinks she can do everything herself, when she doesn’t listen to others—basically season 2B Clarke and Clarke in parts of S3), and she said I thought I would like her in this ep. I was on the fence. I liked her with Bellamy. And she had moments that objectively I probably should have liked but I’ve just been so tired of her shit for so long it’s hard for me not to feel Tired Of Her in general. But… I guess I’ll say I think Clarke looks promising.
I kind of loved how at the end of the episode when Kabby were saying goodbye to their children and story-line heirs Bellarke, Abby says “Okay let’s do this” or some such, and then the first thing she does is hug Clarke. I know she means “okay, let’s accomplish the plan, which means separating, so I gotta say goodbye to my daughter first” but it looked a little like the “this” was hugging. Which is sort of sweet.
…Um wow I’ve written a lot and I can’t think of anything so I guess I’m done FOR NOW.
Looking forward to lots of delinquents, some hopefully cool tense scenes, more Miller and Bryan, and Clarke in a better outfit next time.
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