#Wordsworth Consolas
followerofmercyart · 4 years
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Trying a new artstyle for my OCs. My lovely friends have been so supportive and got me back into doing my original story. Have Wordsworth and Eric beating the crap out of their brothers in law.
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So @followerofmercy let me have her old tablet and it’s totally rad :D I figured I should honor her gift by drawing one of her OCs as my first real project on it! I’m still figuring it out and this is not the best but it’s already SUCH A HUGE IMPROVEMENT over just using my mouse. I’m going to have a lot of fun with this I think. So thank you friend! 
I wasn’t sure exactly how your skeletons worked, if they were supposed to look more like ‘real’ skeletons or no, so I went with the kinda-squishy-lookin Undertale style I’m used to, hope that’s alright. I tried to draw Wordsworth Consolas in his Royal Magician robes :D 
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followerofmercy · 6 years
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Patrick Consolas, the final part of the silhouette series!
Part [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [x]
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pangeanews · 4 years
Simon Armitage, il Poeta Laureato inglese, scrive una poesia sul virus. “La poesia non consola, insegna a essere contemplativi”
Simon Armitage è un poeta autentico, un grande poeta. Uno che fonde lo sfascio al mito, il pop al cosmico, l’etica quotidiana all’epica. È uno che sta sui tratturi di Seamus Heaney e di Ted Hughes. Da noi si legge poco, ed è un peccato: la raccolta di Poesia edita nel 2001 da Mondadori è introvabile, l’antologia In cerca di vite già perse è stata pubblicata da Guanda nel 2015. Nel frattempo, Armitage ha scritto moltissimo, ha tradotto Omero e la leggenda arturiana Sir Gawain e il cavaliere verde (da noi è in edizione Guanda, 2011, eureka), ha occupato la cattedra di “Professor of Poetry” all’Università di Oxford, seguendo gente come W.H. Auden, Robert Graves, Seamus Heaney, Geoffrey Hill. Dallo scorso anno Armitage è “Poet Laureate”, incarico per noi vuoto di senso ma in UK pari a una santificazione lirica in vita – sono stati ‘poeti laureati’ Wordsworth e Tennyson e Ted Hughes. Insomma, Simon Armitage è poeta – e studia, dacché poesia è studio, pratica artigiana, manuale (dare struttura e forma a una poesia), e di testa (dare contenuti e immagini a una poesia). Beh, anche Armitage, dall’alto del suo incarico, si è messo a compilare una poesia ‘sul coronavirus’. La sua, però – s’intitola Lockdown, cioè ‘isolamento’, ‘coprifuoco’, ‘incarceramento’ – non è poesia dall’indole morale o moralistica. Non vuole spiegarci come si vive e cos’è il buono & il giusto. Lavora per immagini, fecondando la Storia.
I dati di fatto, nella narrazione poetica, sono due. La prima – più ovvia – è l’epidemia di peste bubbonica che ha falciato il villaggio di Eyam, nel Derbyshire, tra 1665 e 1666. Su 350 abitanti, morirono in 260. Armitage si riferisce ad alcuni elementi chiave di quella pestilenza: la “Pietra di Confine” che segnala l’isolamento totale del villaggio, la pratica di disinfettare le monete nell’aceto, la storia dei fidanzati separati, Rowland e Emmott. L’altro riferimento è il Meghaduta, il poema sanscrito di Kalidasa (V secolo dopo Cristo), storia mitica di un amore perduto: un dio dei boschi, in esilio, affida il messaggio alla sua amata a una nuvola. “Il nuvolo, di bellezza perfetta nella sua forma di fiore di loto, sarà latore di questa supplica inconsueta, di questa rassicurazione amorosa ad una fanciulla che piange d’amore e di nostalgia, in una piccola casa lontana” (Brunilde Neroni, nella traduzione italiana edita da SE). “Ho pensato a un gesto pieno di speranza”, ha detto Armitage, ancorandosi al poema indiano. “La poesia non è una consolazione, non può nulla contro la catastrofe, ma la poesia insegna ad avere rispetto del linguaggio, e dunque dell’uomo. La poesia pretende concentrazione, ci chiede di essere contemplativi”. In ogni caso, pur legata alla circostanza, la poesia non è brutta. (d.b.)
Non potevo scappare dal sogno allucinato di pulci infette
nella trama e nell’ordito del vestito fradicio presso il camino del sarto
nella vecchia Eyam. Non possiamo non vedere
la Pietra di Confine, il dado idiota con i suoi sei buchi neri,
ditali gonfi di aceto purificano monete appestate.
Mi è venuta in mente la triste storia di Emmott Syddall e Rowland Torre,
gli sfortunati amanti ai lati opposti della quarantena
un corteggiamento vuoto di verbi valicava il fiume finché lei non arrivò più.
Mi ha visitato il sonno e questa volta ho sognato
le parole dello yaksha in esilio a sua moglie, perduta, affidate a una nuvola di passaggio
una nuvola che segue mappe di cammelli e tracce di greggi
flussi come collane, pavoni dalla coda a ventaglio, elefanti dipinti,
copriletto trapuntati di prati e di rovi,
foreste di bambù e vertigini innevate, cascate, gole,
i geroglifici delle gru dalle ali immense lo scintillio del fiore di loto dopo la pioggia,
l’aria ipnotica e trasparente, pura,
il viaggio certamente faticoso, lungo, lento, ma è necessario, è così.
Simon Armitage
L'articolo Simon Armitage, il Poeta Laureato inglese, scrive una poesia sul virus. “La poesia non consola, insegna a essere contemplativi” proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/3bgDM5P
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aleoon · 7 years
Embora a glória, que antes cintilara, Tenha tornado-se distante e coisa rara, E embora nada traga novamente a hora Do esplendor no relvado, ou da flor que vigora; Nós não vamos chorar; iremos Achar forças no que tivemos Um dia; no afeto primeiro Que ainda se mantém inteiro; No pensamento que consola E medra quando a dor desola; Na fé que enxerga além da morte E na sabedoria do que nós vivemos.” — Ode: Prenúncios de imortalidade
- William Wordsworth
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followerofmercy · 6 years
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My personal favorite, part 6 of the silhouette series. Xer’s mentioned in the snippet in this post. 
Part [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [x] [7] [8]
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followerofmercy · 6 years
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I’m doing a silhouette series of the main characters of my story :D
Part 1 of the silhouette series
Part [x] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
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followerofmercy · 6 years
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Part 2 of the silhouette series. The character designs are subject to change but they’re accurate overall
Part [1] [x] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
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followerofmercy · 6 years
The Wordsworth ask meme was really interesting, you should do Ariella too!
My other favorite!!! We’ll act like she’s alive. 
01. Name: Ariella Lucida Consolas (formerly Ariella Mariah Lucidas)02. Nickname(s): Air, Snowy (almost always goes by Ariel or Ariella)03. Gender/Species: Female, Skeleton monster04. Sexuality: Heterosexual, only attracted to other skeletons and elementals 05. Best Friend: Gertrude, the dragon lady who co-owns the butcher shop, and Wordsworth, her husband. 06. Relationship Status: Married to Wordsworth, formerly engaged to another guy07: Crush/Significant Other: Wordsworth (my otp 08. Least Favourite Person: The man who owns the grocery stall across from the butcher shop - he’s condescending and kept trying to sabotage their business until her and Gertrude went out all fire and ice to haze him.  09. Favourite Food: Unfortunately, said annoying man makes a killer sweet potato casserole. She’s been trying to steal the recipe. 10. Favourite Place: There are caverns on near the coast that fill with water. Interesting creatures live there, many of which give off light that reflects off the water in gorgeous patterns and colors. It’s quiet, surreal and far removed from the rest of the world (despite only being a few yards below). She also loves the bowels of Queen Ytt’s palace - the air is cool and dry and the stone shows the marks of generations of workers. Being able to see their handiwork makes her proud of her own effect on the world, no matter how insignificant it feels sometimes.11. Valued Attributes: Long-suffering, resourceful, calm, collected and unfailingly loyal. Very emotionally and mentally strong. 12. Dreams: Becoming independent (which she did!), becoming a botanist/botany illustrator and having her husband and kids help with it - plants were scarce in the skeleton homeland and life wasn’t valued like it is in the monster nation. She kept a lot of plants once she moved and got exposed to the wide variety available, especially cold-weather plants that didn’t normally grow in the area. Unfortunately, she died before she could get the schooling or write a book on what she learned. 13. Nightmares: Being saddled with more unwanted responsibilities, being responsible for someone’s bad decisions, going back to the skeleton homeland, losing her kids, getting in a bad marriage and ending up like her mother14. A Secret: She and Gertrude love doing karaoke together. She also kinda wishes one of her sons ended up a daughter instead - probably Cid. (Not that she wishes she never had Cid, but that if either Cid or Patrick was a girl, Cid’d do better)15. Best Day: It wasn’t her best day as in her most enjoyable, but it was the day she sat alone on a boat watching the skeleton homeland fade on the horizon, surrounded by species she’d never seen before with nothing but a duffel bag and the money she got from selling her engagement ring and some things that wouldn’t be missed from her (ex)fiancé’s house. She had never been so terrified. One of the skeleton merchants, one with a ram’s skull, offered her a blanket and told her all about the monster nation. She later fell asleep and, when she woke up, saw her new home glittering with torchlights and framed by the rising sun. And she was alone. But she was free. She was doing this.
16. Worst Day: Very possibly when she ran out of money when she moved to the monster nation. She had no idea what to do. She had a rough life growing up, but not, like, super rough. Not hood rat rough. She didn’t know what to do with no friends, no family (useless as they may be), no money and no way to get more. She couldn’t get a job right off the boat in the harbor town since it was filled with immigrants in similar positions, didn’t know or trust anyone enough to ask for charity and even she couldn’t stay calm. She was…20? Ish? Young to be completely on her own. Her only options seemed to be stealing or prostitution, neither of which she wanted to do. A local church took her in for the night (she spent the night prior hidden under a pier), gave her some food and provided transport and a job in a town farther inland. (The other worst day was when she was sick, only part conscious, and could sorta hear Wordsworth talking to her. He sounded so heartbroken and scared - he was crying but trying to be quiet to keep from upsetting the boys - and she was so angry that she couldn’t get up and be there for him and their boys. At this point, she kinda knew she wasn’t getting better and just wanted more time with them.) 17. Favourite Outfit: She has a practical but beautiful business casual blouse and slacks (which she totally didn’t steal from Wordsworth’s old teenage clothes. Not at all). The shirt was powder blue and the slacks are black.The shirt was cut/stitched so the waist was narrower than the shoulders and give her a recognizable female figure (to other species at least) so she doesn’t keep getting called sir. She also has black dressy boots that go midway up her tibia/calf. 18. Weapon of Choice: Harsh words followed by ice magic shards to the eyes or a crowbar to the back of the head19. Role in RPG: [tank/dps/healer/healtank/et cetra]: Buffing/Support20. First Thought in the Morning: “I’m home.” 
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followerofmercy · 6 years
5 for any of your OCs
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
Ooooh the fun one. We’ll do Cid. :D
Surface fear: Not a fan of falling or heights. His species is fairly resistant to most traditional sources of harm, but a bad fall will cripple him as much as anyone else. 
Repressed: Getting sick like his mother. It’s a terrible mix of the fear of death, the unknown and losing family. 
Deep Dark: Being alone. He idolized his parents’ relationship and gets scared he’ll never have that, or that his brother will go on to do great things and leave him behind. He’s a bit young to start having that fear in the sense that he’ll grow old and die alone, but he’s had some extenuating circumstances :P 
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followerofmercy · 6 years
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Part 3 of the silhouette series
Part [1] [2] [x] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
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followerofmercy · 4 years
Writer Tag Game
Tagged by: @borkthemork (Who I love)
Author Name: FollowerofMercy anywhere I end up!
Fandom(s) you write for: Steven Universe, Fullmetal Alchemist (infrequently), Hollow Knight, Undertale
Where you post: Ao3 and cross link to Tumblr
Most popular one-shot: “Missing Person”, Hollow Knight fic with 653 kudos (People be starved for Quirrel content)
Most popular multi-chapter: Punch Buddies...? Hard to say because it’s all split up. I’m terrible at doing multi chapter fics. Competition is fairly popular at 214 kudos. 
Favorite story you wrote: I’m really proud of Dignity, an FMAB fic about Alphonse getting some pants. Premise sounds silly, but trust me, it’s not a silly fic. 
Story you were nervous to post: "Desert Vents”, which features a gem fusion OC and those generally aren’t popular. Fusions with Jasper extra so for being problematic. (I mean. She’s Jasper. That’s kinda the point.” 
How do you choose your titles? With much suffering and anxiety. 
How many of your stories are complete? This is an extremely impolite question. (Less than 20%)
In progress: 
Punch Buddies
The followup story to Punch Buddies that has a hostile gem invasion of little homeworld. Yes, I’m an author working on the sequel before the original. We exist. 
A loooong Hollow Knight fic that ends in Pale King redemption... ish. 
FMAB fic of Riza and Roy inviting Alex over for tea
The Life of Wordsworth G. Consolas - an original novel
The Wolf that Refused to Die - another original story
That one story with the kids and the angelic beasts [title pending] - yet ANOTHER original story 
Dunkin’ Donuts - Sans x Muffet - they get married for tax benefits
Salad Surprise - Steven Universe tapeworm mpreg
A monster hunter fic detailing a disgruntled hunter that signed up to be a biologist and is angry about lack of water combat
Anastasia - an FMA fic that got so out of hand I literally just need to change the names and it’s an original story
Chadverse piece. 
Rampant - YET ANOTHER original story. Might scrap it because it’s pretty similar to the wolf that refused to die
Two aliens, their adopted daughter and weird dog 
This is getting embarrassing. Trust me, there’s more. 
Pokemon fic of the child protagonist beating the shit out of Lysandre with a pipe
Coming soon:
Shank Sans [title pending] - A Papyrus, Alphys, Chara and Player centric fic looking at the worst (best?) possible ending to Undertale! I wanted to play around with a Bad Ending fic that isn’t ooOOoO spooky glitches. 
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write:
Shank Sans [title pending]! I have the first chapter and most of the outline. I’ve been excited to do this for awhile
Do you accept prompts? If you pay me! I’m doing Drabble commissions - $3/100 words. 
Top five six favorite authors:
-My mother
-Diane Duane
- @tired-cat-man
- @fanfoolishness
- @drundertalescum
Tagging anyone that wants to do it, specifically @tired-cat-man
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followerofmercy · 5 years
Y’all better get ready for a lumberjack ferret and a tired mom
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followerofmercy · 6 years
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Sydney “Cid” Consolas, part 7 of the silhouette series. 
Part: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [x] [8]
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followerofmercy · 6 years
Who is taller, Ariella or Wordsworth?
Wordsworth is taller though I haven’t decided by how much. Both of them are very tall (~5’10” for Ariella and 6’8” for Wordsworth) though that’s normal for skeletons in my story.
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