#a case of identity innit
dreamcatcherwriting · 10 months
tw//blood, knife
Lookit him it's the little murdering psychopath :D
Fanart for Fallen Sanity's delightful book in which many people die, A Study, Innit and its sequel, A Case of Identity, Innit on Quotev.
I did this to save a cat lol (well a fictional cat but a cat nonetheless)
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 years
my boyfriend is not any flavour of queer. he says he "wishes he was" because queer people "just seem to understand the world so much" by which i assume he means we by default actually consider society wrt sex and gender, but he is unfortunately both cis and het. he's checked.
he carries around a copy of "the little book of lgbtq" in his backpack at all times in case he needs to look something up.
a good chunk of his youtube history is queer history / queer media / 'what it's like to be x' videos. he thinks all of you with the less famous identities (ie not the L G B or T) are very cool and funky and hopes you have a good day.
he knows he's straight because he has kissed men on several occasions and was not into it sexually. one of those times was a gay dude who promised to buy him drinks all night in exchange for a kiss and my boyfriend is nothing if not a wee whore. one of the others was kissing his gay friend who was depressed about not being able to hook up with anyone, because he is a very sweet wee whore.
he would do it again because he is very neutral on the kiss itself (not into it, but not grossed out by it. it's just a kiss, innit) and because he doesn't want people to be so lonely and sad that they cry in the smoking area of the club.
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erischeatsdeath · 1 year
bullet train moments i 🫶 adore
-the prince sobbing and swearing that yuichi kidnapped her and lemon staring blankly for a moment before going, "sorry. i get captivated by white girl tears. bravo--,“
-kill me pretty!! being tangerine's song
-"and lemon?... you be careful too." [beat] "[winks] when the train comes-a-rocking, don't come-a-knocking, amirite?"
-the twins arguing about their kill count while the son is just "🧍😐".
-yuichi kimura "how the fuck am i supposed to kill the white death 😡" "wtf are you doing 🤨" "[constant blank, confused, pissed-the-fuck-off stare]" underrated character frfr.
-"oh my god, did you just say whack. 😭" "i did, i'm bringing it back." "noo it needs to stay where it was" [...] "so they don't whack me! see what i did there?" "you're really proud of yourself, aren't you? 😠😒" MARIA AND LADYBUG!!
-"nut up or shut up, bruv." [agressive british rock rendition of i'm forever blowing bubbles]
-the prince explaining her plans to yuichi. not my fave character but MAN the way she says shit during her second scene w/ kimura and while she's rigging the case is so.. slash pos.
-CARVER. fucking carver. the fact that ryan reynolds was narratively and canonically supposed to be the main chara. of the movie is so funny to me. and ladybug just despising his existence and cursing his name as he sees the snake.
-a tangerine fruit truck identical to the one lemon drives in the end of the movie almost killing ladybug in his opening scene.
-the political blackmail scene where the woman is deadass moaning, "i voted for you" 😭
-"bloody fuckin' hell. do you mind?" being tangerine's first line because yuichi ran into the cute cart girl. him calling yuichi a "fucking asshole" to the cart girl.
-tangerine being a kleptomaniac 🫶
-ladybug being so unironically convinced that his garbage fucking british accent was convincing the white death's men.
-"yeah? well im a professional. i wanted to make sure this wasnt some yakuza trap but clearly not it's some fucking 80's dance-off, innit?" live, laugh, tangerine.
-maria beetle. need i say more.
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familyabolisher · 1 year
re: the other questions about books, this is probably impossible to answer but what does make a good book in your opinion? like what would you say a good book Does if that can be identified
lol yeah i mean that’s the question innit! i don’t really believe in “good” and “bad” as like metaphysical properties that one can kind of alchemise into being by using the Right combination of literary discourses in narrative construction, so i guess i can’t really then point to one fixed set of criteria by which a book becomes “good” or enjoyable to me. i think the closest approximation i can get here is like, a good book (to me) is one that has a clear and sophisticated discourse to it, but doesn’t just tell me its discourse; rather, it makes generous use of literary techniques in order to essentially chart the path by which i can trace that discourse (or trace one of many possible discourses) on my own. i like a book that takes its readership seriously rather than worrying that people won’t get it and need to be told what it’s about. more ambiguity please people!!!!!
one of the reasons i like locked tomb so much despite its many faults is that tazmuir is operating within a very developed discourse of sexual violence, imperialism, catholicism, and queerness/lesbian gender relations—but she’s not spelling this out for the reader on every other page. she’s making use of unreliable narration, multitudinous shifting perspectives, intertextuality (don quixote, the iliad, lolita, etc) to gradually map this discourse out on the good faith assumption that the reader will ask their own questions about what those references and allusions and shifts in perspective are doing. and it makes for something that i can talk about for days and days and days—like, you can follow a line of argument through about the significance of dulcinea’s name being dulcinea relative to ideas of chivalry in gtn, how those ideas of chivalry are linked to an internal system of imperialism enacted in-world, how imperialism is linked to death, how cytherea & gideon’s relationship as a Highly Questionable one feeds into these constellate ideas of death/imperialism/sexual violence/chivalry, how all of that then reconverges at our original point of entry (don quixote) with questions of shifting + unstable identities, doubles and doppelgangers (also a lolita thing), the extent to which falsely occupying a role is the same as ‘becoming’ or internalising it or if that difference even matters. (is don quixote a knight? is dulcinea del toboso a lady? is gideon a cavalier? is cytherea Her Lady?). all of that gets v effectively encoded in the naming of one (1) character and unpacking it is far more gratifying on my end than it would be had it all just been Explained on the page!
like—i like things that offer me thought trajectories i can follow through on and construct my own argument within; i hate books which just kind of … hand me what they want to say, often spelt out in quippable extracts. like, write a medium article! i want to think about this text—i don’t want to read it and have it be like “here’s what i think” and then have myself be like “here’s what the book thinks.” my only avenue for response then becomes responding to the book’s discourse—which can be interesting, but is nowhere near as fun as trying to locate it and build the case for my own reading in the first place.
i also just love a playful, original prose voice. i love a writer who understands that prose itself is a site of discourse, that prose can be used to communicate certain ideas and obscure others; i love writers with unique prose voices who don’t just imitate the elevated MFA voice that’s such a big deal right now. anything experimental, innovative, intricate, thoughtful, deliberate will scratch an itch for me. 
i think often this kind of question collapses into a tautology: a book is good when it’s good! i don’t really know how to answer this coherently. i like books that make me think about things that i find it satisfying to think about. i know the good ones when i see them; at the same time, my "good" is someone else's "very very bad" and my "fucking unreadable" is someone else's "favourite book ever" and neither position can really supercede the other without appeals to external intellectual hierarchies that i tend to reject. that’s probably the best i’ve got.
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Hi It is me Emily Hellenora Granfer,
Ladies and gents, esteemed mates, and fellow Londoners,
Today, we find ourselves in a right pickle, discussing a rather peculiar trend that's been sweeping across the pond in the good ol' United States. I'm here to shed some light on those anti-transgender bills and legislation, my dear chaps. Now, whilst these measures claim to protect women's rights or preserve traditional values, we simply must take a closer look at the consequences they might bring forth. In this jolly speech, we shall delve into why these anti-trans bills might just backfire and leave a rather embarrassing stain on the trousers of those who championed them.
First and foremost, let's have a good laugh at the misplacement of priorities, shall we? Instead of tackling pressing issues like healthcare, infrastructure, or education, our dear American friends seem to be wasting their precious time and resources on bills that disproportionately target a marginalized community. It's like trying to find Big Ben in New York City! I say, it's high time they focus on what truly matters and leave the poor transgender folk be.
Now, let's talk about the atmosphere these anti-trans bills create, shall we? It's not the most welcoming, I must say. By sending a clear message of intolerance and discrimination, they're creating a rather dodgy environment for their transgender mates. And what happens when you make folks feel unwelcome? Mental health issues, my friends. Anxiety, depression, and a general sense of gloominess. Blimey, they sure can do better than that! Let's strive for an inclusive society that values diversity and respects the rights of all, regardless of their gender identity. It's not rocket science, you know.
Oh, but wait, there's more! These anti-trans bills can have some jolly economic repercussions as well. You see, lots of businesses these days are rather keen on diversity and inclusivity. They understand that embracing different perspectives and identities isn't just the morally right thing to do, but it's also good for business, innit? So, when a state decides to pass these discriminatory laws, it's like waving a big red bus to these companies. They might just pack their bags and head for friendlier pastures, taking their jobs and economic contributions with them. Now, that's not very smart, is it?
And let's not forget the legal challenges that await these anti-trans bills. Constitutional battles, my darlings! They can drain their public resources faster than you can say "cheeky Nando's." Not to mention the damage it does to their dear reputation. Do they really want to be known as the place that wasted time, money, and effort defending laws that target a specific community? I think not, my friends.
But fear not, for there is hope amidst this chaos! The passage of these anti-trans bills has ignited a spark within the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. It's like trying to put out a fire with a cuppa tea, I tell you! The more they try to limit the rights of transgender individuals, the stronger the opposition becomes, united in their fight for equality and justice. So, let's embrace this solidarity, my dear mates, and show those who championed these bills that their actions have only strengthened our resolve.
In conclusion, my jolly good audience, let us reflect upon the unintended consequences of these anti-trans bills across the pond. They divert attention from pressing issues, foster discrimination, and harm their local economies. It's time for our American friends to wake up and smell the roses, or in their case, the tea! Inclusivity, respect, and equal rights for all, regardless of gender identity, are not just mere buzzwords. They are the very foundations of a progressive and enlightened society.
So, let us stand tall, raise our cups of tea, and proclaim, "No more nonsense, no more discrimination!" Together, we can create a future where every individual is valued, respected, and free to be their fabulous selves. Let's give these anti-trans bills a proper East End send-off and show them the door.
Thank you, my dear mates, and cheerio!
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grimaussiewitch · 11 months
Mcyt test tube baby headcanons:
(This is all for fun and is only the characters that the creators presents. I have zero clue if anyone here is an actual test tube baby and even then, real life ivf is way different then whatever I wrote here)
Jaiden: federation Jaiden headcanon/theory goes hand in hand with test tube creation. Just make a baby to work for you.
Grian: look at him. He was not naturally created.
Scar: something about that face feels like it was plastered onto a baby. Like you have a baby floating in a tube and it just has a smirk and wide, unblinking eyes. Somehow born with scars.
Wilbur: “but what about Kristen and Phil!” Nah, the two did some sort of science or magic to make the baby and the Samsung fridge was the surrogate. He was developing along side vegetables. Embryo Wilbur was probably frozen for six months in the freezer part of the fridge too.
Docm77: a creeper that is also a player and enjoys redstone, aka the closest to science in minecraft. Sounds like an experiment to turn mobs into players.
Zedaph: another case of science esq man. Probably makes clones of himself. If not, a sheep magically transforming into zedaph at random.
Foolish: technically kind of canon?? Only if you really think about it. I mean he had to totems be his kids on the dsmp so someone probably made him. How are totems made…
Tommyinnit: lab innit my beloved. Feral energy that can only be contained in a science tube.
Etho: is Canadian.
Mumbo jumbo: the tube was a Pringles can.
Tubbo: he just has the vibes.
Scott smajor: this man is on nearly every smp, at lest one of him was made in a lab. Which one? I do not know.
Shubble: not through a biology lab but the magical equivalent. Season 1!empires was from a mushroom or flower, season 2 is via witch magic. Stirring some good soup and bam! A baby.
Skeppy: is a test tube baby in the way blocks and objects are made through a crafting table.
Pearlescentmoon: no rhyme or reason. She just is. Just picture stardust slushing around in a tube. That’s Pearl.
Literally any mob player ever, especially slime: they either came conscious or was goop in a lab.
Prince Zam: I don’t know much about life steal or Prince Zam but he just has the vibes you know?
Xisumavoid/Evil X: you know how identical twins are made through eggs splitting? Yeah that’s these two. But once fully split they got extra dna thrown into them, just to spice things up. One became more “evil” and the other “British”
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celecaster · 6 days
Not the rat anon but I assume it's because you hang out with mostly rationalists
Serious question though but what do you mean by rationalists have disdain for schizophrenics and the brain damaged?
I don't 'hang out' with anybody... My entire bloge's existence is 'I'm sad and lonely and alone' so that is an odd assumption to make.
Anyway, my understanding of The Internet Phenomenon Of The Rationalists is that we may have 'rationalism' conceptually, as like an abstract ideology, but then we have the actual people who put it into practice. And like all demographics you can't really generalise it, I'm certain there are self-identified rationalists out there who are very much just 'knowledge and logic are super important' and not much more of the other peripheral stuff.
And again, this is something I do not care enough to look into, so selection bias likely comes into play, but a lot of the ones I have seen online (not all) express ideas that imply 'logic' is a choice and that 'stupid' people are either stupid on purpose or stupid for reasons I think are shallow [ eg 'Because the school curricula suck' ], that (material) reality in itself is more important than anything by virtue of being material reality alone [ since I distinguish between 'true' and 'useful' I disagree with this ], and have very flippant attitudes towards things heavily associated with schizos [ delusions, magical thinking, internal identity incongruences, disorganised speech, paraphilias, whatever ] that bother me for the same reason those 'a bit odd innit' positivity postes bother me: it's not likely out of an active bigotry, but you can tell they can speak so insensitively because 'these people exist and have lives and reasons for their beliefs/experiences that aren't what you assume based on your own personal framework' is something they never have to think about because it doesn't affect them. Which is, fine, fair enough, but I'm going to be very rah-rah about the idea that you're the winner of the Thinking War if that doesn't even cross your mind very much.
I once read this thing about schizophrenia by that one super famous rationalist, what's-his-face, Slate Star guy or whatever. Maybe 'offencive' is too strong a word for it but it was very much a 'This is a guy who talks about schizophrenia like it's an Etiological Model Of Case Study Reviews and not actual real life people who are alive and living and exist.'
And to be fair, that guy wrote with that 'snarky' tone all the time that again means it is likely not reflective of any conscious or active bigotry, but blah blah 'you can only afford to be flippant because it doesn't affect you' blah blaaaaah.
Ultimately the problem with many of them is they are very much Opinion Havers who insist on having Opinions on matters where a committed opinion is neither useful nor necessary, especially so when they are trying to discourse about the identities of fringe communities they are not a part of nor immerse themselves in.
If I see another rationalist have something to say about ~paraphiliacs~ when their idea of what a paraphilia is is to regurgitate the DSM-V criteria I will be, uh... sad. It's sad to be treated by smart people as if one is not an actual person but is instead a mere theoretical subject for speculation and discourse.
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slvtforoldermen · 4 months
Forget Me Not
Chapter Two: The Party
Forget Me Not Masterlist
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Summary: A few months after the train, you encounter the twins again as a formal event, your boss makes it extremely clear that you can’t cause a scene, but that’s quite difficult considering you have two brothers trying to murder you…
Pairing: Tangerine x Fem!Reader
Trope: Enemies/Rivals To Lovers
Chapter Warning: Violence, fighting, alcohol consumption, no use of Y/n but reader is implied, Scar Face being a creep, a little bit of predatory behaviour (not committed by Tan, dw <3)
Word Count: 1.7k
Lemon and Tangerine sit on the floor of their hotel room in Tokyo, sipping whatever alcohol was in the tiny bottles that Tangerine had stolen on the way in.
“I really don’t understand how you didn’t notice she switched the cases up,” Lemon mutters, putting another bottle on the carpet.
“I think I was a bit distracted,” Tangerine slurs a little, leaning his head against the wall.
“What happened, you’re never distracted, mate,” Lemon asks, before popping open another bottle.
“You really wanna know?” Tangerine hissed as the alcohol burned his tongue.
“Yes, I’d really like to know the reason for why going to die for failing this mission,” Lemon says sarcastically.
“You know the girl who bumped into me on the train?” Tangerine started. “That was the Stalker.” Lemon starts to laugh hysterically.
“You let a little girl beat your arse,” He chuckles, but once he sees that Tangerine doesn’t even smile with him, he stops. “You’re serious?”
“Why would I joke at a time like this?”
“Shit, she’s a Diesel then, innit,” Lemon says.
“If you mention Thomas the fucking Tank Engine one more fucking time, I’m gonna cut your bollocks off and send them to your mum,” Tangerine takes a sip of the bottle and throws it away. “Do you reckon if we find her and send her the Bolt, he won’t kill us?” Lemon nods.
“Well we’re gonna still have to find her anyway… but how do we find someone who’s known internationally for not getting caught?” Lemon asks.
“Don't know. We've got her name though. And we've got a bit of time...so we'll start off by looking for that Forget-Me-Not on all our databases,” Tangerine explains, Lemon looks at him confused and grabs the note.
“Are you delusional? The note says it was the Stalker, not this ‘Forget Me Not’ character?” Lemon says.
“I know it looks bloody confusing, but I think her identity is Forget Me Not, she had this tattoo of the flower on her neck, it’s a shot in the dark but I bet you that that’s her code name,” Tangerine explains. “And she's been spotted on missions as the Stalker. No one knows what she looks like, which makes her a bloody good spy.”
“Apart from you,” Lemon states.
“Yeah, I’ve got a pretty good idea of what she looks like now,” Tangerine nods.
“Brill, then we can hunt her down, can’t we?” Lemon asks.
“It’ll be a piece of cake,” Tangerine smirks.
A Few Months Later…
You enter the birthday party of the daughter of a man you’ve been tasked with assassinating. This wasn’t the day you’re supposed to kill him, today you were sent to the party to grab more information on him, to find a time and place where you could kill him with little witnesses as possible.
On the other side of the room, stands Tangerine, wearing a three piece and a tie, blending into the crowd. He sees you walk through the door, and nudges Lemon.
“She’s here,” He says quietly. Lemon nods and steps forward, but before the bigger man does anything, the smaller one pulls him back. “What are you doing mate?”
“I’m gonna go get her.”
“Are you stupid? Or did you just not read the briefing, again?” Tangerine asks sarcastically. “One, we can’t kill her here because if anything happens at this party, we’ll get shot before you can say ‘Forget Me Not’, and two, if that girl recognises any sign of danger, she’ll run, and we’ll have lost her again, you hear?” Lemon nods. “She also knows what we look like, so we need to somehow, make sure she doesn’t see us too.”
You take a champagne flute from one of the servers and thank him before he walks off to go to someone else. After taking a sip from the glass, you tap your earpiece to speak to your woman in the chair.
“I’m in,” You say, scanning the room.
“Good, now, you’re not going to make any type of hostile moves towards anyone today, because today, you’re Lady Redison, married to the Duke of Babbington,” She explains into the earpiece.
“Duke of Babbington?” You mumble. “Where have I heard that before?”
“Lord Babington from Sanditon,” Sharon replies.
“Right…” You say. “Well hopefully the Koreans don’t have the BBC.” As you spot the president of South Korea, you put your empty champagne glass on a table and straighten out your dress. You see the President’s daughter and clear your throat.
“Ah, 딸아, 이쪽은 배빙턴 부인이야. 영국에서 온 내 좋은 동료야,” President Seo says in his native language. “How are you, Miss Babbington?”
“I’m good, thank you Mr President,” You bow as you speak. He laughs and waves at you dismissively.
“Oh, your father and I have been friends for years, no need for honourifics… Chaebin is fine,” He chuckles, you shake your head.
“It only feels suitable to call you by the appropriate titles, Sir,” You smile.
“How is your father doing these days?” He asks, walking to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“Um… he’s good, he’s very well,” You say; in your earpiece, you hear Sharon say something about John Redison getting a promotion in the government. “He just got a promotion in parliament.”
“You know he’s never mentioned having a daughter until I got the call a few weeks ago,” He says.
“Yes, Dad doesn’t like to talk about me much,” You reply, before you clear your throat and stand up straight. “May I excuse myself.” You rush away and leave the room. You weren’t supposed to get close to the target yet, and that was too close for comfort.
You enter the foyer and there aren’t many people there, just the security guards. You take a sigh and then feel something cold press against your back and your earpiece gets pulled from your ear and stepped on, but before you can do anything, you hear a voice.
“You do or say anything and I’ll shoot you, right here, right now,” Tangerine whispers into your ear. “You’re a fucking bitch, ya know that? Thinking you could get away with such a fucking sly move.”
“Don’t do anything stupid, I have a good name here you know,” You hiss.
“Yeah, course you do, Forget-Me-Not,” He says.
“You’re really starting to get on my tits, ya know that?”
“I don’t even know you,” You whisper, and the guards look at you.
“You’re gonna pretend we’re together and that we’re leaving,” He says, his voice sounds so familiar but you can’t put your finger on it. Another man, whose face you recognise from somewhere and again, you cannot remember where from.
“Miss Redison? Are you alright?” A security guard asks, approaching you.
“Yes, I’m perfectly alright, this is my friend, we were just having a conversation,” You chuckle, and pat his arm. They nod before opening the door and the man guides you through them towards a black car.
“Oh, Miss Babbington!” A voice called, the man, who still held the gun to your back, turned you around. It was a man you saw was staring at you. “You forgot your bag!” He handed it to you and you smiled, taking it.
“Thank you…”
“You know I was thinking-“
“Look mate, we’ve got to go somewhere so if you could piss off that would be great,” The man said, and that’s when it hit you. This was Tangerine, the guy from the bullet train a few months back. The man backed away and you squeezed your eyes shut and you were pushed into the car. Tangerine got in next to you and Lemon hopped in the driver’s seat.
“I don’t have your money, if that’s what you want,” You say.
“Oh we know darlin’, probably spent it on the dress you’re wearing right? Would hate for it to get ruined,” Tangerine speaks in a mocking manner, you sigh shakily.
“I didn’t spend the money, I returned it to the man who hired me,” You mumble. Tangerine tuts.
“Well that money was something we were tasked to take, and if we didn’t, we’d get killed, but we managed to convince our boss that if we brought you in, he’d let us go Scott free,” Tangerine explains.
“Fuck indeed, love,” Tangerine smirks, tying the zip lock around your wrists. You hit your head against the seat and groaned. “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure your death is quick and easy.”
About an hour later, the car stops, and two men open the door, pulling you out, you struggle for a while before the back of your legs get kicked from behind and you hiss in pain. They pull you into a large house, and then into an office. Tangerine and Lemon follow behind.
“Sir,” One of the guards said and pushed you forward. “They brought her.” A tall white man with a scar across his face turned around, facing you.
“Miss Stalker?” He smirked. “God, you’re even prettier in person.” He played with the rings on his fingers. “So, you stole my money.”
“It was never yours-“
“Ohhh, don’t do that, don’t, no, not unless you wanna die,” Scar Face coos.
“You’re gonna kill me anyway,” You spat in his face. He takes his index finger and wipe the saliva from his cheek. He then approaches you and grabs your cheeks.
“That’s true, you don’t miss a trick do you,” He chuckles. “But, I can decide to kill you now, or give you a little fun before I do that.”
“You’d die before you get anything like that, you pig,” You whisper.
“Hm… I’ll take that as a no,” Scar Face laughs cruelly, he glances at his henchmen before pushing you back towards them. “Take her to the cells.” He turns around and sits back at his desk, but before the guards can take you out.
“Oh and them two as well.”
“What?!” Tangerine yells. You look back to the room and see the two men getting knocked out before you lose consciousness yourself.
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bpd-blorbo-bracket · 5 months
Blackbeard Propaganda
impulses run his entire life. if he doesnt follow through with one i think his brain explodes into sprinkles or something idk. hes quite moody, aint he? likes that rough and toughness, dont he? bit of a hot head at inappropriate times, innit? listen i know sometimes people look at others and just go, "awe isnt he a human version of a puppy" and move on but when blackbeard met stede he really said "no actually i think that one is mine" their bond was damn near instant and it wouldnt have started if blackbeard didnt blorbo him. stede is just a good boy and he wants to be friends with everyone and ed just happens to be very very very cute. ANYWAY he has history spoken by himself and others of his hideous acts, especially done based off his mood, but we really get a good insight of that when stede leaves him. nevermind the balls to the response where he is willing to drop everything to be with stede (while also symbolically shaving his beard, he is TRYING to match this personality he is trying so HARD). why would he ever try to be a better person if it werent for the primal need to be domestic with your fp. but his reaction to when he was abandoned? oh that was the last straw. one way ticket to split town. heavy drinking, drug use, violence, all in attempt to (fail) to cope with his broken heart. izzy is such a good example of what his unstable relationship life looks like. this pull back and forth where he kinda of maybe accepts forms of affection and loyalty but he stays an arms length just in case something icky ere to happen. he does this with the whole crew. through out the entire show. slaps him upside the head the amount of identity crisis this baby can have. hes had to reinvent himself what? six times? because he can barely distinguish who he is or what he wants. the second season, especially the second half, is all about tackling his depression and feelings of emptiness with the lack of connection hes had in his life.
he really only conceptualize himself as one or the other. evil or good. the worst or a great guy. thats balck and white thinking baby
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hetaari · 1 year
2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21,22 and 24 for that writing ask game :)
Fun fact it took me ten thousand years to answer this bc this ask was apparently long enough to crash the app multiple times whilst I was answering it lmao
*cracks knuckles, cracks neck, cracks spine*
2: Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Augh I want to. Hurry to get to the interesting bits of An Unconventional Sort Of Enployment quickly!!! I’m editing the chapters that were already published bc I must’ve gotten so excited to publish them that they came out rushed :/// what I’m looking forward to most is developing relationships! I plan for everything to remain non-romantic bc I’m not good at writing romance lmao but that doesn’t make it any less fulfilling! Developing platonic relationships is actually one of my favorite things to write so I’m really looking forward to it
3: What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
It’s actually a whole fic idea and also it’s vocaloid so maybe you wouldn’t find it very interesting but anyway. It’s like:
Kaito: have you ever wondered what it’s be like to be someone else
Len: ???? Are you depressed again
Kaito: no I was just thinking about it
Len: I can help you with that
So Kaito changes his name (well, barely, it’s only one letter off) and pretends to be a girl but! He’s inadvertently committing identity theft bc the lady he’s pretending to be already exists and is actually related to him but he somehow completely forgot, and all his friends know her but either they actually thought he was her or they also forgot that she exists too
5: What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
(Previously answered) Do ocs count? Madeleine wasn’t supposed to be a self-insert at all but at some point whilst I was drafting I was like “ah fuck that’s me innit” bc I realized her personality was far too similar to mine lol
6: What character do you have the most fun writing?
(Previously answered) Germany. I love making him miserable in particular. Also Japan, the way he speaks is so satisfying, same with Russia
8: Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Generally yes, but—and I don’t mean to come off as someone who doesn’t read books—why is smut in fanfiction often better written than smut in published books? Is it censorship? A stylistic choice? Published smut often feels so weird and cringe in the way it’s written and I don’t understand why…In fact, fanfiction and standard published books really hit different in general, for better or for worse
11: What do you envy in other writers?
I feel a bit like I’ve stagnated. I’m writing the same things over and over again so I see someone else has written something radical I’m like “damn why didn’t I think of that” so I should really try doing something different…and while I know that the worth of written works is not in their length, I see so many writers put so much emphasis on the length of their works and it’s a bit discouraging as someone more used to brevity
13: Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
Yeah lol. My ao3 is here lol. But yeah I’ve been playing around with an original work for a bit actually. Might consider talking about it more. Anything else I’ve kept to myself are just things that I couldn’t finish
15: Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
It depends but mainly titles. Summaries I have the least problems with because if all else fails, I can simply make the summary a phrase that’s connected to the title, but that may become a problem if I don’t have a title lmao. In the case of gore however, that’s when I struggle a bit with tags, like “this isn’t extreme to me, but would other people find it too much?” because if it is extreme, I don’t want to want to have people let their guard down, but if it isn’t extreme, I don’t want to falsely advertise
17: Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?
Yeah, I believe art looks a bit different depending on the eye of the beholder, no matter how slightly. I don’t think my motivations are very surprising or complicated—they’re pretty much along the lines of “hey you know what would be interesting?”
20: Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
Okay first of all I’m sorry for talking about Welcome Back again, it’s my first completed multi chapter work so I’m a bit proud it, like it’s my firstborn child lol.
The way I went about it is actually something I want to repeat—taking a canon moment (in this case, Vene getting kicked out and later being sent back to Germany in a box) and going in a wildly different direction with it. It was supposed to remain a one shot but I suddenly decided to continue it, which is why the transition between the first and second chapter may seem a little odd.
Vene did kind of turn out to be kind of the antagonist though, not that he meant it. But it was a lose-lose situation i think, because he effectively fucked Germany up by telling him he was a country in the first place, but at the same time, it was really fucking weird that Germany would just live his life not knowing about a crucial part of his existence! Not really knowing what else to do, Vene just decided to wipe Germany’s memory just to put him out of his misery. Of course, that may not last forever—even though everyone was sworn to secrecy, somebody is bound to slip up, or Germany may become concerned as to why he hasn’t looked a day past 20 in years (though, knowing how he lived his life before, not once questioning it at all, this is kind of unlikely) but mark his words, Vene would wipe Germany’s memories as many times as he’d have to, even if it does hurt to do so
Also a big fan of how vene and Germany telling each other welcome back for different yet similar reasons—Germany when vene kept showing up at his house after being thrown out, even when he came back quite literally dead; and Vene, even though Germany didn’t technically leave, but he seemed alive again after being put back in the dark about his true nature
21: What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Probably comics? I might just be saying this since my paragraphs and dialogue don’t tend to be very long most of the time, which would fit well in a comic strip
22: Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
(Previously answered) Occasionally. Some of them still hold up, but others? I Can Tell They’re Old.
24: Would you say your writing has changed over time?
Absolutely. I’ve gained a wider vocabulary, and just the general way I structure sentences has changed a bit since I started writing seriously again two years ago. They also increased in length somewhat and are just less sloppy in general
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
He  didn't  like  the  fact  that  his  entire  cover  had  been  blown,  and  it  bothered  him  even  more  that  it  happened  when  he  was  in  a  rush  to  get  the  information  he  needed,  get  something  to  eat  for  free,  and  leave  the  navy  headquarters  as  quickly  as  possible  after  he  arrived  there.  When  Ace  found  himself  in  a  position  where  he  had  to  choose  between  a  hammer  and  an  anvil,  he  had  no  other  option.  Everything  would  have  been  a  great  deal  more  difficult  if  Smoker  had  suddenly  sounded  the  alarm  and  disclosed  his  identity  to  everyone  else  in  that  room.  
Ace  didn't  believe  that  he  would  have  lost  to  such  a  pathetic  and  insignificant  group,  but  he  did  find  that  having  a  smooth  entrance  and  exit  was  much  more  to  his  liking.  A  momentary  deepening  of  the  frown  on  his  face  preceded  Ace's  decision  to  play  his  cards  correctly.  It  would  be  unfortunate  for  a  great  commander  to  fall  prey  to  some  Marine  like  that,  and  Ace  realized  this.  A  cunning  even  smile  quickly  blossomed  on  his  face,  carrying  the  familiar  trouble  with  which  Smoker  had  to  deal  every  time  they  got  in  each  other's  way.
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The  fact  that  he  was  pressed  up  against  a  cold  wall  wasn't  exactly  the  most  pleasant  experience,  but  the  truth  of  the  matter  that  broad  palms  were  roaming  around  his  exposed  body  helped  to  make  up  for  some  of  the  discomfort.  Ace  took  a  breath  in  through  his  snow-white  teeth  as  he  continued  to  play.  He  chuckled  as  he  turned  his  head  ever-so-slightly  to  the  side  and  cast  a  quick  glance  behind  him.  ❝  Why  ?  Afraid  that  someone  on  the  other  side  of  the  wall  will  overhear  how  their  commander  lowered  himself  to  the  level  of  some  pirate  to  touch  them  so  freely  ?  Is  there  no  shame  innit  ?  ❞  He  was  trying  his  luck,  and  for  some  strange  reason,  during  the  card  games  Ace  had  an  excessive  amount  of  it,  which  meant  that  even  now  it  would  be  difficult  to  win  against  him.  
His  hands  were  resting  on  the  icy  surface  in  front  of  him,  bearing  the  weight  of  the  other  body  that  was  pressed  up  against  his  back.  This  body  was  pressing  into  the  mark  of  one  of  the  most  terrifying  and  dangerous  pirate  crews  that  had  powered  during  this  era.  ❝  I  am  curious  to  know  their  response.  It's  not  like  I'm  afraid  of  ya'  and  your  few  soldiers  trying  to  track  me  down.  If  that's  the  case,  maybe  I  should  be  even  more  loud.  ❞  His  grin  got  wider  with  each  word,  and  so  did  the  heat  that  was  emanating  from  the  body  of  the  fire  fist.
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@stovthearted : ❛ shh. there’s people in the other room. ❜ // smoker ( prompt. )
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subtle-carrot · 1 year
A Harsh Winter for Video Making
Hey there, human-people.
Here’s a “little” post about what I’m going to do with my YouTube channel next year. We’ll go over exciting stuff like the electricity situation in Finland, how that affects my video making in the coming year, how I’m going to actually plan what I’m going to do, and what other creative things you will probably start hearing about.
So let’s start with how shit would be hitting the fan in Finland, if that shit wasn’t frozen solid and the fan had power to spin.
Running Out of Electricity
Long story short, Finland is running out of electricity and electricity prices are spiking. Just in time for my cheap electricity contract to end as well. So, I could go on a long, broad strokes analysis of why this is happening, but lets condense: Russia, winter, and that goddamn nuclear reactor that was supposed to be finished 13 years ago and now that it is, its spinny things are broken and it will be fixed right after the coldest, electricity neediest part of the year. Super. And it’s so bad that semi-random parts of the national grid might be shut down for a few hours during the coldest periods, just so that the rest of the country can actually function.
The situation should start to get better March onward, but until then, yeah, thing’s in the shitter, innit? And that means that I might have to pause my video making for a while. And I know, I’ve been pretty uneven with making videos anyhow, but this would mean that I couldn’t work on videos almost at all. This is because currently, the things that consume the most electricity in my apartment are my desktop, that I use to edit, warm water for showers, and making food. Showers I’ve already cut down on and I kinda have to keep on making food, which leaves my dear old desktop.
So, the plan is this: I will continue working on my next bigger video until day temperatures fall under -10 C (14 F). At that point, electricity will be so expensive and the national grid will be under so much stress that I won’t turn on my desktop if I don’t absolutely have to.
But worry ye not, because I have other stuff I’ll be doing.
A Writing Hiatus
When the weather gets too expensive for my liking, I’ll move to working purely on my laptop. It can’t really edit videos (if I have not even that many PDFs open, it will start to crash), but what I can do is write.
I’ve gotten back to writing in the past few months. Years ago I used to write a lot of stuff - short stories, novellas, novel attempts. A lot of them were left unfinished but isn’t that always the case. And for years before that, it was basically part of my identity that I was a writer of some kind. Not published but I just enjoyed the doingness* of it. So what happened? Basically, my studies and my slow descent into exhaustion and burnout.
But I’m back at it again, and this time I’m writing short film and game scripts as well, most of which will most certainly never see the light of day. And I really want to talk about it more, write more about the things I’m doing, be it video or writing related. I’m especially in developing and talking about one scifi setting I’ve created, centred around a particular space station, filled with queerness and all the good things. Basically, I want to share things about my creative efforts a bit more with whoever follows this blog.
Which also means...
Rethinking my Patreon
So, up until now, I’ve mainly updated my channel and video progress on my Patreon as a tier reward. And you might already be going: “Hey, hold on there, comrade. You have a bit over 40 followers, why the heckiebeckie do you have a Patreon?” Well, originally this was so that my sister could support me when I moved away from Twitch when my last job started and I couldn’t realistically stream anymore. And so, I figured I might as well advertise it to other people as well, even though I knew no-one would probably give that kind of support yet. Which is very much okay, because it warms my heart a lot more to hear someone liked my videos rather than get a bit of money from them.
But now, this publishing of updates on Patreon has a slight problem to it: I never have the energy to update outside of it. It’s surprising how big of a drain updating to Patreon is sometimes, especially because I really want to just share everything with everyone. I don’t want to have to think what I can reveal outside of Patreon so that it can still be a special reward as well. I want to tell about the things I’m doing, talk to other people about these things and feel more connected to people who make cool things as well.
What I’m thinking of doing is a choice between a couple of ideas: a) I could just close my Patreon, open it again in the far off future; or b) I could just stop advertising it in my videos and video descriptions, and take off the update reward from the listings, and begin advertising it in the future again. I haven’t quite decided which way I’ll go but I’ll probably update you on that as well.
In any case, you can look forward to more talk about what I’m writing and doing creatively.
Back in the Spring
So, once it gets back to more manageable, cheap weather, I’ll be back to making videos. In the meanwhile, I’ll start writing more things here and on my own. I’ll probably do posts about new series and films I’d normally do videos about and keep writing scripts for longer videos so that I can schedule them for later in the year and get to making them when the spring comes. I also want to get back to making funny fake commercials I made a couple of at some point and maybe some small short films with friends.
I might also start doing more things on Instagram as well, but... Tumblr’s my home. It might not be the greatest place to advertise my kind of content, but the neighbourhood is just so pleasant.
But right now, I’ll keep working on my next longer video as long as the weather permits and you can look forward to a post about the scifi setting I mentioned earlier.
But in any case, I’ll see you in the next post.
*Almost wrote “craft” but let’s not be quite that pretentious
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collymore · 9 months
Intellectually challenged, tall story fabricators very ludicrously masquerading as skilled journalists!
By Stanley Collymore          Imagine labelling yourself a       journalist, or even actually       quite obviously absurdly       being unquestionably also regarded as   one; someone, whose job is principally   to actually type, and likewise distribute   stories, and yet you literally haven't the   slightest notion of, or any undoubtedly   comprehensive grasp, of what correct   and actually properly utilized grammar   and its irrefutably, associated spelling   are; plus attendantly, and undoubtedly   quite incredibly so even with the most   efficacy on your part how to obviously   effectively, sensibly beneficially utilize   the obvious and really crucial benefits   distinctly of a grammar or spell check   or put bluntly what they're actually for.     Yet this natural aberration of yours       evidently and rather distinctively       never fails in your supposedly       transformative pieces fittingly targeted   at those racist Karens; their discernibly quite invariably like-minded, cuckolded male Gammons, and the unmistakably,   sickeningly surfeit of brazenly toxically   verminous, maliciously egregious cum   thoroughly rightwing and actually Nazi   aficionado obnoxious haters and aptly   noxious loser scum; liberally and quite   gullibly too, gleefully ensconced in the   specious parameters of the Daily Mail.     (C) Stanley V. Collymore       27 August 2023.       Author's Remarks:       When one distinctly and unmistakably becomes discernibly endemically and equally likewise instinctively convinced that what they actually read in the Daily Mail - quite clumsy grammatical errors, and spelling errors included - evidently bears any resemblance to the truth, or semblance of it, then as someone who once trained, and evidently in the days when the NHS generally and also its hospitals specifically were crucially essentially efficiently run by competent professional personnel and not as very presently the case incompetent, highly useless and nepotistic placement, and practised as a psychiatric nurse, quite obviously to me such distinctly gullible sycophants are in dire need of serious psychiatric treatment.     But what basically gets me, additionally really, as a bona fide university qualified journalist and an English Academic that has clearly taught my speciality English and correspondingly English Language, essentially as a foreign language, both specialities at every conceivable level - secondary, tertiary and postgraduate university levels as well as distinctively societal extra-curricular projects which I've initiated or have otherwise crucially been officially involved in - I find it most sickening that those who ludicrously do asininely and extraordinarily, discernibly fatuously claim this undoubtedly rather identical English Language as basically and most repulsively clearly specifically their very own, and accordingly all other users of it irrespective of how evidently competent they are in English, or where clearly they were born, to these low-life, intellectually challenged cretins fittingly such persons are rather unquestionably always vitriolically odiously denounced generally as immigrants or foreigners!     So ironic coming from those that rather obviously are themselves categorically, most undeniably thoroughly perceptibly lacking the actual basics of the English Language - “innit"?     Daily Mail headline story on Sunday 27 August 2023: "King Charles plans to act twenty per cent of middle managers working for the Royal Household, affecting dozens, in a boost to drive efficiency and save money for the taxpayer."       Apart from being at best quite patently at least a disingenuous PR lie and also a load of obviously contrived bullshit; perhaps you'd like to point out the quite awful grammatical and spelling error in this so-called journalistic piece. Rather assuming that you can, of course!
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strawb3rry-shark · 1 year
Hot take incoming! The queer rep in Camp Here and there is great! That being said, I’m not sure what’s up with the wiki saying that a bunch of characters have different sexualities/identities that are never mentioned in the show (ie Yvonne is a lesbian, Joshua is bi, etc). I don’t particularly doubt the validity - I’m guessing that it was confirmed by M&B somewhere and whoever added it to the wiki just forgot to link a source? But even if that is the case, I tend to find that while these word-of-god canon sexualities are a nice sentiment, it annoys me a bit that we don’t get to see that in the actual show and it’s just accepted as totally canon representation alongside the stuff that is in the show, which is a little too much credit in my opinion.
My other hot take is that Juniper sounds absolutely ridiculous saying “innit” with such a posh accent. He should absolutely do it again next season though, it was amazing.
i understand with yvonne specifically!! would love if they explored them more in general next season
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vanishingpod · 2 years
HI so I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your podcast and I listened to Wooden Overcoats because I heard you recommend it and now i absolutely love Wooden Overcoats!!! (Both finales had me making excited screaming noises and walking around in circles in my room while i liveblogged them to my girlfriend)
Do you have other recommendations in a similar vein?
Oh my goodness, sorry for the delay on this but YAY Wooden Overcoats! It's an absolute all-time fave of ours and needless to say there was much screaming in our household as well. Would die for Antigone Funn tbh.
As far as recs go, have you listened to Victoriocity? It's an alternate-Victorian-London mystery/comedy, and Tom Crowley (Eric Chapman from Wooden Overcoats) plays one of the leads. The theme song is so dramatic and catchy, it's got really snappy dialogue like Wooden Overcoats, the voice acting is across the board excellent, and we would die for Clara Entwhistle.
Some other recs, in case you haven't already checked these out:
Death by Dying: Super dark comedy about an obituary writer in a very odd town--some of our hardest laughs in any audio drama and a show that our writers quote on the DAILY
Wolf 359 and EOS10: Likely you've already listened to one or the other at this point, they're classics for a reason, but just in case you haven't--do it! These were two of our first intros to audio fiction and have been SUPER formative in teaching us how to write comedy and drama for the medium. Really great comedies that also do a fantastic job of sneakily getting you to care about the characters SO much.
Midnight Burger: Look, this show frickin rocks. Tight writing, incredibly clear character writing, just arrives from minute one with such a strong sense of tone and identity. If you like our show's vague Doctor Who vibes, there is literally no way you won't love the crew of Midnight Burger.
Mockery Manor: More of a mystery than outright comedy vibe, but the MUSIC! The SOUND DESIGN! The SETTING! It's a murder-mystery 80s show set at a theme park in the UK, with jingles left and right. We did in fact buy the soundtrack the day it became available, it's bangers beginning to end.
Brimstone Valley Mall: Speaking of music! A 90s comedy about a group of demons who work in a shopping mall and have a band. This ensemble is a frickin delight and we love a Hot Topic joke.
Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason: Full disclosure, our producer/Narrator, Lauren, is a voice actor on this, but we think if you like the satire of our show and our particular brand of morally grey protagonists, this one will be right up your alley. We'd tell you the plot but...it's kinda right there in the title, innit?
BONUS: If you have Audible or want to do some creative searching, we also highly recommend the BBC radio shows Bleak Expectations and Cabin Pressure--both incredibly funny and well-made audio sitcoms! These two shows were our gateway into audio fiction and remain the gold standard in our mind for comedy scripts that boast a frankly ridiculous joke-per-minute ratio.
We will likely add on shows from here as we think of them, but hopefully this gets you started with something that sounds fun!
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beckyblah · 3 years
I’m gonna post my 4am superhero AU timeline notes that are not proofread and ARE very long under this cut. For those still interested. (Also does this mean I am working on more of those? Yes.)
Tentative Timeline:
- Philza Minecraft becomes first legal superhero
- Wilbur Soot (name changed to protect his identity) is born.
- Philza takes on 18 year old technoblade as his trainee
- Philza is sent to protect earth from a galactic, world-ending threat, along with a few other heroes.
- In the old heroes absence, and following a tragic incident involving pars humans, the government enacts a registration and enforces stricter restrictions on Parahuman abilities
- Technoblade defects from the superhero program as it stops being a planetary peace keeping program and begins becoming a tightly regulated branch of the military
- The dream team become a military-backed superhero task force
- “Failed” Experimental Philza clone, Tommy Innit, escapes a government supersoldier facility and flees to L’Manburg.
- Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit meet and form a fast friendship.
- Wilbur Soot runs for Senator (? I imagine L’Manburg is sort of like DC except they actually managed to be a state LUL) of L’Manburg and wins
- Senator Wilbur Soot runs for president of SMP on a more liberal platform of slowly expanded civil liberties for parahumans and wins by a small margin.
- The night of the election, An anonymous whistleblower (Eret) leaks to news outlets that Wilbur Soot is secretly Philza’s child, and although his father was a hero, provides evidence that Wilburs powers include mind manipulation, emotional manipulation, and mass persuasion via sound waves. A case is made that Wilbur rigged his elections and is in fact a criminal. This throws the country into a panic that ends with General Eret and the Superhero squad of the Dream Team stages a dubiously legal arrest Wilbur, and runner up Presidential Candidate Jay Schlatt is elected as president of SMP.
- Schlatt’s first executive order is a pardon of Eret and the Dream Team, setting up the beginning of the end of democracy in SMP
- Wilbur escapes federal custody and goes into hiding.
- Disillusioned, Wilbur adopt tracks down Technoblade and asks him to help him take control of L’Manburg and defect from the SMP, creating a sovereign nation of solely parahumans with total freedom.
- The two realize - for different reasons - that this dream is impossible, and instead hold L’Manburg hostage.
- Wilbur is killed in the subsequent explosion and Technoblade is cemented as a terrorist and supervillain.
- Schlatt and Dream use the aftermath to completely restrict powers, instilling a police state onto the nation
- Amnesiac Ranboo meets newly homeless and orphaned tommyinnit and tubbo underscore.
- The three aim to prove that Wilbur was innocent of Erets accusations and that Schlatt used Dream and his powers to control Wilbur and use him as scapegoat for their plans to take over the country.
- Philza Minecraft returns to earth after learning of the death of his son.
- He defects, teams up with his old protege Techno, and reinvents himself as an anti-government supervillain
- Dream revives Wilbur Soot using an experimental technology in an attempt to win back philza minecraft.
- ????
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