nxght-shxft · 7 months
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do you know how long these took me…
the seven daughters of the scarlet king RAHHHHHH
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via-the-ghoul · 8 months
here’s day 21, Lacerations. Blood and cuts TW
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A’Distat out here bleeding out on all of your personal belongings, just, all of them,
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scp-oasis · 4 months
the fact that a’distat is basically a clone of young harak is very important to me
both of them don't have a solid reason to hate - they just do
with time, harak realized why he hated existence so much and why he swore to destroy it, but when it comes to a’distat. . .
she didn't. she was born, full of hate and she stayed that way
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nxght-shxft · 3 months
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aahahhahahaaaa here they are :3 i love them sooo much more now i’m so glad i changed them up. they are in order of how they appear in dust and blood :3
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
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The Seven daughters of the Scarlet King
(Click for better quality)
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
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Sanna, the original bride of the Scarlet King
Goodnight demon slayer, goodnight, Now it's time to close your tired eyes…
Sanna was a goddess of an underwater world. She ruled with kindness and fairness to her subjects, and was known for her motherly nature and beauty.
That was until Harak arrived.
Her and her army tried in vain to stop him, but his army was always just a little stronger, a little faster, and he took the world for his empire. Her kingdom in ruins, she was distraught.
While Sanna hated him, she knew there would be no use to fight back. She was not yet desperate enough to attempt that. She, by all accounts, had it pretty easy compared to others. She was still alive, and was not forced out into the battlefield. As much as it hurt, she still wasn’t ready to die trying to fight this man.
But Harak, oh Harak. He needed more, more by his side, more with a reason to stay with him after everything. Like… if he had children.
Harak had his eyes set on Sanna to be the mother.
It hurt, it really did, more than ever, but she still couldn’t fight back. Now, she could feel it, she was pregnant. While never interested in finding a king, she was interested in being a mother. She knew if she died now, these seven children in her would go down with her for her own impatience. She had a plan of escape, however. It would have to wait, however, for the children to be born. She was paranoid the plan would fail. That she would die. She could only pray that if the plan didn’t work, they’d spare her children. Ah, she was praying. Why would a goddess pray? I wonder how desperate she was.
Soon, it came time for her daughters to be born. It was painful, but she hid, not wanting anyone to see, if Harak wished to rip her babies away from her.
(Gonna break narration for a bit: Sanna survives childbirth in this story, for reasons, saying this in advance. Stay with me here, K?)
It was still painful. It hurt so badly. But it was finite. Still bleeding, she hurting, she wrapped the children in blankets, and ran.
The ocean where her home used to be was still there, even if died red with blood and she knew a spot. A spot leading somewhere she could hide. Why didn’t she do this earlier, she wasn’t sure. Perhaps she wasn’t thinking clearly. Oh well, better late than never.
She snuck out of the palace, and starting heading to the ocean.
That was when her luck started to run out.
Naturally, the babies began to cry. The guards, of course, heard. Being caught off guard, they managed to grab the oldest, A’Tivik.
She ran. She was still recovering from the birth, she was in no shape to fight. She just had to pray she could save the remaining 6 children.
During the run, however, the second oldest child, A’Ghor, slipped from her hands into a pit of shadows. She couldn’t afford to try and grab her however, she only had hope the other 5 would be safe. But at least, no other soldier go after the child.
She heard there were people living in the shadows. Perhaps they would find the child.
While she was lost in thought however, a random, fleshy tentacle had popped from the ground.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of the kid. I just need someone of her power.”
And it grabbed the third, A’Distat, right out of her hands, and vanished.
She… wasn’t even sure where to start with that one. But, it seemed to catch the solders off guard enough for her to slip away.
Okay… when she got out, and healed up a bit, she could rescue the other three. But for now, four crying newborns needed help. It hurt, but she had to leave the others behind.
While running, one, singular man in armor approached her.
“Ah, you’re running away from here two?”
She told him she was.
“Oh, good miss Sanna. You probably don’t know me, but I was from your kingdom, you know? I was a nurse then, but well…”
He took off his helmet to reveal the head of a walrus. Then he noticed the, finally beginning to calm down, children.
“Oh, um, this is gonna sound weird, but can I watch one of them? It would keep the King looking, you know? And it’ll take some weight off your-“
Sanna just sighed and handed him the forth child, A’Zieb. The world didn’t want her to leave with all her children, did it? Might as well ensure one of them will end up in good hands. She did tell him that sooner or later, she would come back for the child.
“Oh, um, ok! I’ll do my best, Miss Sanna! It’s the least I can do, since um, you were such a good queen, you know? I swear, I’ll die before the king gets his hands on…”
Sanna told him the kid’s name.
She smiled for what felt like the first time in a while.
“Oh, um, I need to get to some friends, they helped me escape but um, we got separated and uh, they, they can take care of two of, um, the kids. You seem weak, I don’t want to much burden on you.”
She simply rolled her eyes, handed him the two oldest of the remaining children, A’Nuht, and the somehow sleeping A’Tellif. She told him their names, and made him swear on his life he would not give to the king or anyone who would give them to the king.
He put his helmet back on, and they separated.
Now she only had her youngest daughter, the little A’Habbat. No matter, she was close to the ocean now.
She dived in, her legs and tail fusing into a more mermaid-like form. She swam with all her might. Aw, it felt nice to do this again. In the distance, she could make out a walrus with three children wrapped in blankets, held by his mouth.
Soon, she found it.
A portal to the Wanderer’s Libary.
Tired and wet, she entered, almost collapsing.
Nahash soon found the mother and child, and helped her back to health.
She explained the situation as best she could, baby asleep in her arms.
“Well, I have been staying here since… why do you two not stay here? I would like to help.”
Sanna agreed.
The years went by. A’Habbat had grown into a child, curious and wild. She wanted to meet her sisters. Sanna searched and searched but could not find her other children.
Until one day, a bleeding, masked bird lady crawled in, screaming her name.
Sanna had just put A’Habbat, now a child, to bed when it happened. She panicked and ran to the bird lady. She immediately said she was a friend of Demergat, the walrus man she met long ago.
“The King… destroyed shadow world… got shadow daughter… Yaldaboath fell… kid she stole was stolen again… King found us, took the daughters, killed… so many… Lady missing… I barely escaped… don’t have much time left…”
Sanna froze. Harak had the children, had done so much more harm, and this girl, this poor poor girl…
“I’m… sorry… should have found you sooner…”
The poor girl said her final words.
Sanna knew what she had to do. It was crazy, but she was stronger now. She was probably soon about to die. She turned to Nahash, and said if she didn’t return, to take care of Abby.
She soon found herself back at his throne, him staring at her.
“Aw, I knew you would come back to me, my queen. Where are you keeping the seventh girl? I would like to meet her.”
She told him to give her children back. That she was not afraid to fight for them.
“Oh, so it’s like that? Ah, I never took you for the suicidal type. It’s sad that this will end this way.”
And they fought. Sanna was filled with emotion, wanting the life he ripped away back, to finally save those six girls, to avenge the kingdom, the people of it, that bird girl who died in front of her, and the countless other victims he claimed.
She was finally willing to fight, and willing to die, for all of them.
But all that was not enough.
Sanna lost her life that night.
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
Not to be dramatic or anything but my Nerodivergent, sapphic, and demon-girl-enjoying ass might be looking at the seven daughters of the Scarlet King, going, “Should I flesh these girls out and make them characters that exist for more reasons than just to point out how much of an asshole their dad is” and not taking no for an answer
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
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I’m giving A’Distat murder privileges, you know, for the wlw
(Click for better quality)
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