#all cops are potential rapists
doesnotloveyou · 8 months
the best parts of MV continue to be the moments where they have the extremely iconic masculine characters both question and defy toxic masculine norms. for example,
both Rico and Sonny show compassion and sometimes even affection for each other
both Rico and Sonny show it's okay to cry and be vulnerable, and that you shouldn't be mocked for it
both Rico and Sonny treat sex workers as fellow human beings who deserve respect and protection (sidenote: i think the undercover cops relate to the hookers because both jobs require putting on a persona under potentially dangerous circumstances)
Sonny regrets not backing up a friend who came out as gay because he was young and didn't know what to do
Sonny regrets not standing up for a high school classmate who was sexually assaulted and then demeaned behind her back, again because he was young and didn't know what to do
Sonny barely holds back his rage against a man who emotionally abuses his wife
Sonny barely holds back his rage against all abusers, including the couple who exploited a 13yo runaway for their own benefit
Sonny does, for the most part, hold back his rage or seek counsel from a male friend to calm him down (his anger issues needed more attention in the writing imo)
Rico approaches difficult circumstances with calm compassion and a positive mental attitude
Rico makes it clear it is never okay for an adult man to have a sexual interest in teenage girls even when they are asking for it
Rico also makes it clear that a hypersexual teenage girl does not deserve less respect for acting that way
Sonny is continuously nonplussed by LGBTQ people, treating them as equals, and rolling his eyes at cishet who don't like it
Sonny is emotionally devastated over every teenage boy who doesn't make it out of a bad situation
Castillo is gentler with female officers, female victims, and is proud of his wife for marrying again and finding happiness
actually, the biggest deal to me is this reoccuring theme of "forgive yourself for not knowing better at the time."
For instance, Sonny doesn't seem to know how to handle Gina's rape, but in a later season when she is avidly hunting down a friend's rapist Sonny jumps at the opportunity to chase the man down and be extra aggressive. Then in other instances where sexual assault is a topic, Sonny has stronger opinions and stronger reactions. So part of his character is that he learns, but it's usually the hard way and he tends to overcorrect.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
@feminismisstillahatemovement actually made a VERY good point about blaming the category of people for individual crimes that made me rethink my stance.
Imagine, hypothetically, if all crimes relevant to drug-dealing and robbery got analysed, and statistical majority just happened to be the people of colour. What would come of that? Like... Would that become suddenly justified to look at a black or latin-american person and think ‘yeah, a drug dealer and a criminal potentially’? Of course not! This would be a QUITE bigoted and racist take. /gen
But in this logic? Then how is this okay to analyse all sex-related crimes, figure that majority of criminals are male, and let it result in seeing men as potential rapists and abusers BY DEFAULT?
I didn’t really thing of hypocrisy of this mindset, but in a way, this is... just this. By looking at a man and just automatically suspecting a potential rapist/abuser/misogynist, we are doing the same thing the racist cops do! The cops that see a black person and automatically suspect a drug dealer or robber or whatever. I was not thinking about the absurd of the situation of ‘every man is up to no good until proven otherwise’, but I do now.
And I think I do not want to be a part of this anymore. Men that hurt me to the point of my life being ruined were an anomaly rather than the rule, and I think I should fight my fear before men - the same way racism biases should not be accepted. Thinking that men and women have equal rights is not feminism - it is just being normal. And not being okay (as a woman) with ‘feminine’ professions and roles forced on you by society is not feminism - it is independence. The trait found in men as well.
I no longer want to be the part of THIS as a woman. I think I am finally ready to accept myself as a woman despite all contradictions both biologically and socially - but also I want to have them as our friends, sons, brothers and fathers. There is no need to treat men the same way racist cops treat every non-white citizen, and if some fear is left in me, I will overcome it.
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someone-named-adel · 1 year
Warning:Kidnapping, death, and yandere behavior are mentioned, pedophiles, crooked cops, and drug addicts are also briefly mentioned, but nothing "serious" or very descriptive (I think).
(There are also insults, sorry, but I love to write obscure things and put some bad vocabulary in it)
(please tell me if I forgot to mention anything)
Reminder: I do not support people who claim to be yandere or who act like one, this is all fiction, and it should stay that way, if someone you know acts this way, you should stay away from that person Or ask him nicely to go to therapy
(And if that person keeps fucking around, go and hit that person in-)
(ah, it contains sensitive topics, I am not responsible for anything, since you are going to read at your own risk)
(puede o no que agregue más etiquetas cuando revise minuciosamente esto/I may or may not add more tags when I double check this)
Advertencia: se mencionan el secuestro, la muerte y temas breves de yandere, también se menciona brevemente a pedófilos, policías corruptos y drogadictos, pero nada "grave" o muy descriptivo (creo)
(También hay insultos, perdón, pero me encanta escribir cosas oscuras y meterle algo de mal vocabulario)
(por favor, díganme si olvidé mencionar algo)
Recordatorio: no apoyo a las personas que dicen ser yandere o que actúan como tal, todo esto es ficción y debe seguir siendo así, si alguien que conoces actúa de esta manera, debes mantenerte alejado de esa persona, o decirle que vaya a terapia.
(Y si esa persona sigue jodiendo, ve y golpea a esa persona en sus-)
(ah, contiene temas sensibles, no me hago cargo de nada, ya que vas a leer bajo tu responsabilidad)
Guide on how MC can survive the misadventures of the city that never sleeps (or can fail miserably and dig a hole so big that the light will be seen as a fairy tale)
For: $³R£///
To: My dear MC~
[You don't know me, but, I know a lot about you, and don't worry, I'll help you survive in that... Nasty world.
Use this guide very carefully, you do not know the dangers you can attract if you did not have this paper to guide you in your //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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Take care, and follow my advice to the letter ]
1) first of all, you should NEVER but NEVER go to New York City, there's no telling if you might run into the "friendly" beings that inhabit the area, and I'm not talking about the muggers, rapists, pedophiles, corrupt cops, and all that crap in general that is unfortunately plaguing the whole world.
No no no no, I'm talking about the beings who are in the shadows, the inhabitants who will never go to the surface in the daytime unless absolutely necessary (or they feel so bored that they will inevitably go out into the city to do whatever foolish things a teenager with full energy can do), those who are "heroes" of the city, but are not recognized as such by its inhabitants.
if for some unknown reason, you inevitably HAVE to go to New York, then you'll have to keep reading this guide (how unlucky do you have to be to go anyway to a place that has a red flag stuck in its name?) :
2) you will always have to go during the day to do your business (buy groceries or things that are needed in your apartment/home, visit a relative or do the typical things that the average person does), try not to be outside the safety of your home when it's getting dark, because you can be a walking target of anyone with bad intentions in that case.
Seriously, no one wants to see some kidnapping/murder/assault case on TV on a Monday morning, because it's the worst way to start the week.
3) Please, BUT PLEASE PLEASE avoid alleys, or, just any place with very little lighting or population, that also makes you a potential target for muggers, kidnappers, ill-intentioned drunks, violent drug addicts with a very fucked up debt or The Foot Clan, or any other weird cult with equally weird names (seriously, why in some way or another does MC always encounter some weirdo in the alleys <<cof cof cof, purple dragons, a sick motherfucker, or any other weirdo you can imagine cof cof cof>> I mean, how the fuck can you be so unlucky my dear friend? ), Instead, opt to go to busier streets, with more lighting, or with some police presence (they don't do shit ever, but it can give you a sense of calm and security, even if it's minimal and doesn't prevent your paranoia).
Ah, being in alleys, dangerous places, or very dimly lit streets also increases the odds of encountering these aforementioned heroes.
(But we both know that really has to be the last thing you want, right?)
4) if you somehow have to ENTER a DARK STREET or LITTLE LIT street in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT for whatever reason, you should at least be prepared for whatever happens, either by having your keys in a certain position in your hand to be used as a weapon, or maybe you can use your self-defense skills (if you took classes in that, of course), if not, then quickly think of something that can help you in a desperate life or death situation, I guess, apply some of what you saw in action movies, because really, nothing good can happen once you're in New York (especially with all those weird... Mutants? Loose on the streets, but arguably it would be better if you were attacked by some drunk or drug addict, in which case, if something serious happens to the guy, you can use the excuse of self-defense, and they can find some trace DNA if you scratched his skin with your fingernails to track the person).
5) Well, if you have a part time job during the afternoon/evening or whatever, you should make sure to NEVER leave any valuables in plain sight both inside work, and on the way home, remember all will not always be quiet, the whole scenario can change overnight and cause you to be seen on the news as someone missing/dead (this applies in real life too, there are sick people on the streets, be careful people, because from one second to the next you can lose everything, or they can lose you), be aware of your surroundings, one wrong step and you will fall on the sidewalk.
(Seriously, take into account your safety, nobody would like to suddenly receive a message from the police/an acquaintance notifying the death of a loved one, at least I could not bear to know that a relative or person close to me died or disappeared overnight, or that I was the missing/murdered person).
If for some reason you know turtles, then follow my advice:
1) Never let Donatello repair any object of yours, there is no telling if he can put any trackers or bugs inside (or both).
2) walk carefully being close to Leonardo, he is more than he looks, and never touch any of his nerves, try to keep the peace especially with him, because you don't know for sure how he will act if you pull the wrong thread, and you don't want to know that, do you?
3) flatter Miguel angel, you should not be so affectionate, but don't be so cold to him either, be seen as a friend, but not a close one.
Make sure you let him know that you are not derogatory towards him, and never, but NEVER say anything hurtful about anything about him in front of his family, you will be in big trouble, and I honestly don't think you will get out of that situation unscathed, not considering that these guys are attached to their family and, with a very good strength.
Oh by the way, there's also a chance you'll end up in debt overnight, and you don't want to know how many zeros are in debt (funny, isn't it?).
4) Raphael, oh sweet and dangerous Raphael.
Where should I start?
NEVER let him overstep your boundaries, don't let him get too attached to your hip, be nice to him, but keep your distance, he's a nice guy, but we don't want him to show you the other side of his love do we?
oh, don't forget that for him, his family comes first, watch your words, and any criticism, don't say it.
Maybe you'll thank me for the advice later.
5) keep a good relationship with his "father", as that relationship can save your life (or doom it, whichever comes first).
6) show your limits to the hamato family, and, if they don't respect them, you must force them to respect them, after all, if you don't teach the limits you have at the beginning of knowing each other, and demand that they respect them, as well as you will respect theirs(you MUST respect their limits, there is no choice), it could make that this family's attitudes could become... strange, and when you least expect it, they will invade your privacy furiously, as if you take a dangerously dirty object away from a baby that you were ordered to take care of because you saw it about to put it in its mouth, and it will start crying so loud, it will break the windows of the house.
Step firmly on the ground and frame your boundaries in gold and silver, in a high place where everyone can see them.
If for some reason they behave... strangely with you despite having followed all my advice, you must keep something important in mind.
Do not allow them to invade your home without permission, and, if you give them permission, make sure they do not do anything suspicious, and watch their movements in detail, always be cautious, ALWAYS.
Now, if for some reason they have entered your home.
Then you have to-.
“Ooh my beloved MC~, where are you that I do not see you? ”
Guía sobre como MC puede sobrevivir a las desventuras de la ciudad que jamás duerme (o puede fallar miserablemente y cavar un agujero tan grande que la luz será vista como un cuento de hadas)
De: $³R£///
Para: Mi querido MC~
[no me conoces, pero, yo sé mucho sobre ti, y no te preocupes, te ayudaré a sobrevivir en ese... Asqueroso mundo.
Utiliza esta guía con mucho cuidado, no sabes los peligros que puedes atraer si no tuvieras este papel para guiarte en tu ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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Cuídate, y sigue al pie de la letra mis consejos ]
1) primero que nada, JAMÁS pero JAMÁS debes ir a New York City, no se sabe si puedes toparte con los "amigables" seres que habitan por la zona, y no hablo de los asaltantes, violadores, pedofilos, policías corruptos, y toda esa mierda en general que está desgraciadamente plagada por todo el mundo.
No no no, yo me refiero a los seres que están en las sombras, los habitantes que jamás irán a la superficie de día, a menos que sea absolutamente necesario (o se sientan tan aburridos que inevitablemente saldrán a la ciudad a hacer cualquier tontería que un adolescente con la energía a tope pueda hacer), aquellos que son "héroes" de la ciudad, más no son reconocidos como tales por sus habitantes.
si por algún motivo desconocido, inevitablemente TIENES que ir a New York, entonces tendrás que seguir leyendo esta guía (¿que tan desafortunado tienes que ser para ir de todos modos a un lugar en donde tiene pegado la bandera roja en el nombre?)
2) tendrás que ir siempre de día a hacer tus cosas (comprar comestibles o cosas que hacen falta en tu departamento/hogar, visitar algún familiar o hacer las típicas cosas que una persona promedio hace), intenta no estar fuera de la seguridad de tu hogar cuando esté anocheciendo, por que puedes ser un objetivo andante de cualquier persona con malas intenciones en ese caso.
En serio, nadie quiere ver en la televisión algún caso de secuestro/asesinato/asalto un lunes en la mañana, por que es la peor manera de empezar la semana.
3) Por favor, PERO POR FAVOR evita los callejones, o, simplemente cualquier lugar con muy poca iluminación o población, eso también te hace un potencial objetivo de asaltantes, secuestradores, borrachos mal intencionados, drogadictos violentos con una muy jodida deuda o El Clan del Pie, o cualquier otro culto raro con nombre igual de raro (en serio, por qué de algún modo u otro siempre MC se encuentra a algún bicho raro en los callejones <<cof cof, dragones púrpura, un hijo de puta enfermo, o cualquier otro bicho raro que te puedas imaginar cof cof>> digo, ¿como carajos puedes tener tan mala suerte mi querido amigo?), En su lugar, opta por ir a calles más transitadas, con más iluminación, o con alguna presencia policial (no hacen una mierda nunca, pero te puede dar una sensación de tranquilidad y seguridad, aunque sea mínima y no evite tu paranoia)
Ah, el estar en los callejones, lugares peligrosos, o calles muy poco iluminadas también aumenta las probabilidades de encontrarte con estos susodichos héroes.
(Pero ambos sabemos que realmente eso tiene que ser lo último que deseas, ¿no?)
4) si de algún modo tienes que ENTRAR en un CALLEJÓN OSCURO o en una calle POCO ILUMINADA en MEDIO DE LA NOCHE sea por el motivo que sea, al menos deberías estar preparado para cualquier cosa que suceda, ya sea teniendo tus llaves en una posición determinada en tu mano para ser utilizadas como un arma, o tal vez puedas utilizar tus habilidades de defensa personal (si es que tomaste clases de eso, claro está), si no, entonces piensa rápidamente en algo que te pueda ayudar en una situación desesperada de vida o muerte, yo que se, aplica algo de lo que viste en las películas de acción, por qué realmente, nada bueno puede pasar una vez que estás en New York (sobre todo con todos esos raros ¿Mutantes? Sueltos en las calles, pero se puede decir que sería mejor que seas atacado por algún borracho o drogadicto, en dado caso, si le sucede algo grave al tipo, puedes utilizar la excusa de defensa personal, y pueden encontrar algún rastro de ADN si le rasguñaste la piel con tus uñas para rastrear a la persona)
5) Bien, si tienes un trabajo de medio tiempo durante la tarde/noche o lo que sea, debes asegurarte de NUNCA dejar a la vista algún objeto de valor tanto dentro del trabajo, como de camino a casa, recuerda que no siempre todo estará tranquilo,todo el escenario puede cambiar de la noche a la mañana y hacer que seas visto en las noticias como alguien desparecido/muerto (esto se aplica también en la vida real, hay enfermos sueltos por las calles, cuidense mucho gente, por qué de un segundo a otro puedes perderlo todo,o pueden perderte a tí), estate atento a tu alrededor, un paso en falso y caeras en la acera.
(En serio, tomen en cuenta su seguridad, a nadie le gustaría recibir repentinamente un mensaje de la policía/ algún conocido notificando la muerte de un ser querido, por lo menos yo no podría soportar saber que algún familiar o persona cercana a mi murió o desapareció de la noche a la mañana, o haber Sido yo la persona desaparecida/asesinada)
Si por algún motivo conoces a las tortugas, entonces sigue mis consejos:
1) Jamás dejes que Donatello repare algún objeto tuyo, no se sabe si puede ponerle algún rastreador o micrófono dentro (o ambos)
2) camina con cuidado estando cerca de Leonardo, es más de lo que aparenta, y nunca toques alguno de sus nervios, intenta mantener la paz sobre todo con el, ya que no sabes con certeza como actuará si tiras el hilo equivocado, y no quieres saber eso ¿verdad?
3) halaga a Miguel angel, no debes ser tan cariñoso, pero tampoco seas tan frío con él, se visto como un amigo, pero no uno cercano.
Asegúrate de hacerle saber que no eres despectivo con él, y nunca, pero NUNCA digas algo hiriente sobre cualquier cosa de su persona en frente de su familia, estarás metido en un gran problema, y no creo sinceramente que salgas ileso de esa situación, no teniendo en cuenta que estos chicos son apegados a su familia y, con una muy buena fuerza.
Ah cierto, también hay una posibilidad de que termines endeudado de la noche a la mañana, y no quieres saber cuántos ceros hay en la deuda (curioso, ¿no es así?)
4) Raphael, oh, dulce y peligroso Raphael.
¿Por dónde debería empezar?
NUNCA dejes que exceda tus límites, no dejes que se apegue demasiado a tu cadera, se amable con él, pero mantén distancia, es un buen chico, pero no queremos que te muestre el otro lado de su amor ¿verdad?
oh, no olvides que para él, su familia es lo primero, cuida tus palabras, y cualquier crítica, no la digas.
Tal vez me agradezcas el consejo más tarde.
5) mantén una buena relación con su “padre”, ya que esa relación puede salvar tu vida (o condenarla, lo que suceda primero)
6) muestrales tus límites a la familia hamato, y, si no los respetan, debes forzarlos a respetarlos, después de todo, si no enseñas los límites que tienes a inicios de conocerse entre si, y exiges que los respeten, así como tú respetaras los suyos(DEBES respetar sus límites, no hay opción), podría hacer que las actitudes de esta familia puedan volverse... extrañas, y cuando menos te lo esperes, invadiran tu privacidad furiosamente, como si le quitarás un objeto peligrosamente sucio a un bebé que te ordenaron cuidar por qué lo viste a punto de meterlo en su boca, y este empezará a llorar tan fuerte, que rompería los cristales de la casa.
Pisa firmemente el suelo y enmarca tus límites en oro y plata, en un lugar elevado en dónde todos pueden verlos.
Si por alguna razón se comportan de forma... extraña contigo a pesar de haber seguido todos mis consejos, debes tener en cuenta algo importante.
No permitas que invadan tu hogar sin permiso, y, si le das permiso, asegúrate de que no hagan nada sospechoso, y observa a detalle sus movimientos, siempre debes ser precavido, SIEMPRE.
Ahora, si por algún motivo ellos han entrado a tu hogar
Entonces tienes que—
“Oh mi amado MC~, ¿dónde estás que no te puedo ver? ”
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meloncalic · 2 years
warnings: stalking/casing, VERY brief mention of a rapist, violence/gore description, nothing explicit happens but is implied, knife mention
uh it’s basically POV you’re Murdock, so i feel like that’s a warning in and of itself??
800+ words
There is a very integral part of human nature that separates us from beasts. Some say it’s reasoning, language, society as a whole. They’re all wrong.
The only thing keeping the primal instincts of our inner being masked is control. Human beings are savage creatures with control.
The voice in your head that keeps you from jumping off that railing. From strangling that co-worker. From speeding right through that red light.
Control is something that can also be trained, expanded to handle new issues. Perfected.
This is what Murdock has had to dedicate himself to. When the feeling comes, control is the only thing that can stop it. That feeling, that urge, it operates like clockwork.
It always originates as a sensation at the base of his skull, a sign that something is off. It spreads, days later, throughout the head, pounding with want and compulsion to just —
That’s when the research has to start. He’s a man who plans, who does things with intent, his talents would be wasted with anything else.
The newspaper of the city is always riddled with the day’s featured scumbags: the repeated killer here, the rapist there. Without fail, there’s multiple options to choose from. And plenty of time in the future.
But for now, one in particular stands out to Murdock, and the feeling nods its head in agreement. A serial kidnapper, determined to target the helpless. Pathetic. Do they really find themselves so high and mighty for beating someone who wasn’t even playing their game? The article about the criminal finds itself cut out, and plunged into the darkness of a coat pocket.
The point in the night when everything is so still it seems as if nothing’s alive, is his favorite he thinks. The calm, cool nocturne air would feel nice if not for the car surrounding him. That gentle buzz, that feeling in his skull, is building up to throbbing by now — right on schedule.
His car is parked with a perfect view into an abandoned warehouse, magnified through binoculars. Its metal creaking and concrete crumbling exterior a perfect potential spot for the kidnapper. He had narrowed down possible locations over the last couple of days, using the help of some informants and people with certain legal resources. Why the cops were getting lazier and lazier in this place, he couldn’t guess. Well maybe he could, as it’s well known that the current controlling power of organized crime in the area has their teeth in the Chief. But, that wasn’t going to stop him from using their assets.
The scene stays the same for what seems like hours, the only motion being the flickering of streetlamps in his view. All the while, the feeling had been starting to claw its way through the rest of his body, a buzz of something pumping through his veins. To say he’s starting to feel antsy is an understatement. Another especially strong wave hits.
Before he can try and shake it off, a clatter of metal catches his attention. Getting out of the car silently but quickly, he scans for the source of it, trying to concentrate through the rushing of blood in his ears. If it were a perfect world, now the kidnapper would come out and reveal themselves, unknowing that they have already met their end. He would slice the pathetic worm open, watch the fear in their eyes drain to nothingness. And the feeling would disappear again, if only for a couple days.
But it’s not a perfect world, the criminal is nowhere to be found and the urge is still there, growing. His handy knife feeling heavier and heavier by the second in its holster. He gets bad when he’s like this, he’s had enough experiences past this point to know you don’t want to be around him.
Practically trembling as he gets back in his car, white-knuckles gripping the steering wheel with his eyes squeezed shut.
In and out. Just breathe. In and out. Control.
And the rush calms, if for just a moment. The peace is welcomed, a brief pause of the roaring in his ears and adrenaline pumping in his veins is phenomenal. It doesn’t last long —
A man appears on the end of the street, head-to-toe in jogging gear with headphones on. Night runners, God have mercy. Are people really that dumb? Especially in an area like this?
The jogging man stops to catch his breath. Murdock feels the urge rear its ugly head again, electrifying and exponentially more powerful than before his little meditation session. He looks down and he’s holding his knife in his lap. He doesn’t remember removing it from its holster.
The jogger continues to lean on the building, breathing heavy. The man hasn’t done anything wrong. He’s probably got a wife, kids, a stressful job. This is probably the only time he ever gets to himself.
Murdock still finds himself getting out of his car, blade in hand. Every fiber of his being on fire, the urge is over-due, and it’s making that fact known. It doesn’t care who, just if.
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
Two brothers who kept a “human sacrifice” hit list of cops, judges, politicians, celebrities and “banker scum” were nabbed with an arsenal of homemade bombs and ghost guns in their family’s Queens apartment, prosecutors said Monday.
Wannabe anarchists Andrew Hatziagelis, 39, and his 51-year-old brother Angelo were hit with a 130-count indictment after cops and federal agents seized a cache of weapons that included “improvised” explosive devices, body armor and a collection of AR-15-style and 9 mm ghost guns.
The pair also allegedly scribbled “hit list” on a scrap of notebook paper that included a list of potential targets that also listed “corporate scum.”
“Wipe out the scum,” the disturbing note said. “Wipe out the earth,” with the lines marked as “chorus – hit list.
“Human sacrifices,” a written rant on a separate page said. “Permitable but only for the corrupt rapists, pedophiles, murderers, politicians, judges.”
The busts came after a joint operation with the Queens District Attorney’s Office, the NYPD and the US Department of Homeland Security.
“The city is safer today,” Queens DA Melinda Katz said in a statement on Monday. “We cannot measure the number of lives that were saved but we do know that these weapons will never hurt anyone.”
Investigators said they uncovered an ‘arsenal’ of bombs and weapons in an Astoria apartment, including homemade devices and instructions on building ghost guns and other weapons. Queens DA
Brothers Andrew and Angelo Hatziagelis allegedly kept bizarre notes that included a hit list naming everyone from cops and celebrities to “corporate scum” and “banker scum.” Queens DA
The Hatziagelis brothers ran a ghost gun manufacturing operation inside the apartment they shared with their mother and another brother on 36th Avenue in Astoria, according to the indictment.
Cops executed a search warrant at the home on Jan. 17 and discovered the alarming arsenal.
Among the weapons seized were eight homemade bombs, one partially constructed trip-wire bomb, two loaded AR-15-style rifles and two 9 mm semiautomatic handguns — all of them untraceable ghost guns — 600 rounds of ammunition and three sets of body armor, officials said.
Andrew Hatziagelis, 39, was charged with storing a cache of illegal weapons in the family’s Queens home. Queens DA
Angelo Hatziagelis, 51, was charged with keeping a stash of illegal weapons in his family’s Queens home. Queens DA
Authorities said the Hatziagelis brothers had eight homemade bombs in their Queens apartment, along with a collection of ghost guns. Queens DA
In addition, the brothers allegedly had a series of notebooks with bomb-making instructions along with “anarchist-related propaganda” and 3D printers used for manufacturing ghost gun parts.
“Today’s charges underscore the harsh reality that our communities contain a small number of people who conceivably harbor evil intent,” NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban said in a statement.
“This cache of weapons — including explosives and untraceable 3D-printed ghost guns — had the potential to wreak horrendous carnage,” Caban said.
The two brothers are due in court on Feb. 15, and each faces up to 25 years in prison if convicted.
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Yes it matters
Ok so I see this chart pretty consistently when I hear about rape.
Tumblr media
This chart is a functional lie for a number of reason. And I can tell you why. But this conversation is nuanced and deserves to be talked about.
This Chart says, "Rapists" as if it is CERTAIN that the numbers of actual rapists here is "This number of people are 100% for certain, actual rapists." I take issue with that. Because if you consider the entire chart to reflect this idea, it assumes that the numbers on the chart are actual for sure rapists, and of this INSANE number, less than a fraction have been reported, a fraction of that face trial, and a fraction of that serve jail time. (This not also talking about the fact that most stats are not even edited to reflect retracted or proven false claims)
Humans lie. And yes, I KNOW that there are women out there that have been raped, have not gone to the cops, and or stuff happened to them and nothing got done about it. I know it happens. The issue? We can't be certain it happens in these numbers. Why? Because there are people out there who do not understand what rape is. There are people that HONESTLY believe that if you regret sex after you have it, then it's rape. Then you have a video, where a woman comes out more or less claiming that EVERYTHING is rape. And you have people that don't realize there is a difference between sexual assault and rape. And while they are both awful, there is still a difference.
Fact of the matter is, yes we should listen when women make allegations. However, there is a difference between taking their claim seriously, and believing them about who, when, where, and how, without question. Actual skepticism is always needed when looking into things. And two things can be true at once.
Yes you can take a persons claim seriously. & Yes you can still attempt to figure out if 100% of what they are saying is functional fact.
Yes these two things seem contradictory, however, all it is, is that you are being critical in general and trying to get to the bottom of a situation that could have devastating consequences for everyone involved or already has.
Truth of the matter is while I certainly have empathy for any woman that goes through that, and I really do, we have to be as objective as I can. Thing is, there is a lot of societal support for women out there. That's not to say there should be more or less. Just that there is a good bit out there. And me personally, if I have a person who I know in my life, come to me saying it happened to them, I'll take them seriously.
However, I also have to look at this from the perspective that FAR LESS (in the west, just to be clear) of society does. And it is extremely less. Which is that false allegations are more common than people want to believe that they are. And humans are humans. They lie. Is that to say everything humans say is always a lie? No. But let's look back in time a little bit.
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Title9. An Obama era policy that basically made a kangaroo court in colleges where even if you were accused you really could not defend yourself, and a college, that YOU PAID to go to, could just take steps to remove you.
Then there was this story.
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This is not uncommon. not even remotely. Men suffer a lot over false allegations. And where I get the most angry is with radfems, who don't care about this because they place the potential suffering of a woman, over the actual suffering of a man.
What do I mean since I know that can be taken out of context. In the above listed cases, there are still people that believe the the men in these stories did these things. And that the men in fact got away with it. One almost had his college career ruined (and several relationships in his own personal life), and one spent years in jail. Years of freedom he will never get back. And his story is not uncommon. There are men who have been killed over allegations alone. And certainly, there are fathers, that if their daughter came to them and told them that they had been raped, the father would fly off the handle and kill the man accused.
But lets take a step back and look at history. There have been girls documented by the news, that have accused men of raping them, because they were afraid of the fathers finding out about their (often much older) bf. Especially in cases of pregnancy. In the case of mattress girl, she literally LIED ABOUT RAPE, because the guy did not want to sleep with her. And she's far from unique in that regard.
And more than that, it's not even the threat of death to a lot of these men. Not even the threat of jail. It's the threat of their name being forever associated with being a monster. Potentially losing friends and loved ones over something that has not even been proven. People think that society doesn't, "Believe women when they talk", but if that was true at all as a majority issue, why would my concern be valid at all? Why would it be the case where a mans live is allowed to be upheaved fully with no question whatsoever, potentially left to rot with no job, no loved ones, and nothing. And even IF he is cleared, the stigma of that claim against him will forever haunt his reputation. So short of him changing his name, and leaving the country, ASSUMING he didn't end up as a national headline, he will always have people approach him and go, "Wait, weren't you that guy that raped that girl".
No man should ever have to live through that. Unless he IS guilty. But radfems won't care about this because they hate men. But for those that are not radfems, that don't understand what I'm getting at. Imagine one day that your father, brother, nephew, uncle, grandfather, or son got accused. Are you just going to believe they did it? Or will you want proof that it happened. (Clearly I'm making a case to people where the people I listed are not already known to be terrible shit monsters). But more than likely you are going to want proof it happened. Well guess what? Every man out there is someone's son, uncle, father, grandfather, nephew, etc. Why should they not be awarded the same courtesy? And if you say to the above question, "Of course I would believe the accuser and alienate my family over a total stranger" Then I feel bad for your family in general.
My point is this. There is zero recourse for women at all if they lie about rape or SA in 99% of cases. Where as one accusation can be the end of a mans life, even if it's a provable lie. This might not bother some of you. It certainly bothers me.
And while several people are going to claim this post is a statement that I hate women, I don't. I've said it a lot, but you can take a person seriously and still want to make sure everything said adds up.
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bindi-the-skunk · 1 year
In May 2015, 20th Century Fox announced that a reboot is being developed.[12]John Davis said that the reboot will be a female-centric film.[13] As of May 2022, the film is on track by 20th Century Studios, scheduled to stream on Hulu, with Justin Haythe writing and Don Murphy, who produced the 2003 film, will return as a producer alongside Susan Montford and Erwin Stoff of 3 Arts Entertainment.
yes because female-centric reboots do SO well and are SO up to honoring the franchise
it is not even that these films are bad out of the gate, they had potential to be fun, but they just had to make "females are leading this franchise now!" their main draw, instead of making fun characters
You think the sexism and racism was bad in the COMIC? Watch them crank up on it 1000% if they do put Mina as the leader (and do not just bring in a new obvious self-insert like Alan Moore did with Quartermain) and if they put in a female POC she is going to be bullied and belittled if not outright raped by one of the male characters (watch them make either Nemo or Jekyll the traitor-rapist and not Griffin for shock value if they even have them in the movie at all) because a strong female character can ONLY come about by being bullied by men and raped by them or by stepping on men.
Not by surrounding herself with other capable people of any gender who make up for her shortcomings and helping others with dignity, not surrounding herself with brain-dead walking jokes to try and appear better in comparison.
Mina was fun in the original movie because well she certainly did fall into certain "strong female character" traps, she had moments of gentleness and her actress gave her a fun and interesting presence, as did all of the actors, they all stood out in their own ways, and that is what made them memorable (save the one cash cow actor but that is a rant for another day)
I want the movie to do well! Do not get me wrong, but I think we all know it will not try and be good, it will be a mouthpiece like the "oceans eleven" "Charlie's angels" and the "ghostbusters" remakes.
female led movies and franchises CAN work
"The Heat" with Sandra Bullock was a fun buddy cop film with a lot of heart and good humor
MLP: Friendship is magic was a long running series that gave girls the message that "there is no wrong way to be a girl" and gave a multitude of characters for girls AND boys of all ages to latch onto and love.
There is no love put into remakes of any sort now, it is all chewed up and spit out bile of the originals who do nothing to understand what made the originals fun.
Make a movie, not a mouthpiece
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Foes of the Charleboises, and Friends of the O'Neills
Enemies of the Chilton Macedonians (Attleboro Charleboises):
Jesus: Jesus's father, Joseph, was a retired soldier, that joined a protection racket on cemeteries.  Jesus was trying to get married, despite never practicing law, police, military, espionage, or criminal ventures.  We killed him, personally, with "The Bible".  He was the first priest, crucified, and sodomized, publicly, by Israel's new friend, Rome; the Diaspora, our concoction. 
Hitler: Adolf's family, stole a cricket term, for a play called due to the monarch of England's sporting bet calling a foul; a player cheated, to please Britain.  Hitler was trying to be an artist, on public spectacle of produce, instead of private sales within firm, with a spouse as advisor, heterosexual, or date, or a prostitute or dominatrix or close platonic business colleague.  We fired him, for wanting a widening gala of review, and having sex with female coworkers.  We had MI-6 plant a fake Jewish culture book, we ordered him to burn after inspecting the water mark.  It was in the Reichstag.  It sent all the cooks to prison, for snitching on Jews, the Wehrmacht; Lutherans.
Bundy: Ted Bundy, was raised as a CIA agent, by the children's program, but figured out he could make more money, working for France.  He got into a relationship with a lesbian, that got really fat, because he insemenated on her hymen, to break her virginity, instead of using a dildo.  He didn't like the lie, of virginity, a "popped cherry", being a masculine virtue, and instead committed rape, unaware that the woman was a poor mother, for having improper understanding of sex, and instead trying to "pick up" men; a pedophile's mother, a sperm thief of an orphan.  We changed Ted Bundy's last name, Charlebois, to Bundy, and gave kindergarteners copies of "Batman" comics, and ruined his advertising career, with children's books about him as Bruce Wayne.
Friends of the Boston O'Neills (Boston Fire Department):
Judas: Judas was Cicero of Rome's kin, through Pontius Pilate with an Arab beggar.  He was placed, as an undercover cop, to bust the Jews, a new cult in Israel, from Rome; the actor's trade, that had caused the War with Carthage, over homosexuality and bestiality and child molestation, being offensive; spread through art, depicting children's morals, instead of military theater, demonstrating how to fight others, through playwright's economic mercantile tactics.  Money, the root of all evil, Judas's cause, and Rome's, to prevent queer; morality, the common poverty of a dictator, a rapist of family.  When Judas figured out they were all humping and fucking after boxing matches and prize fights in spectacle, and gambling on wine debt rigs with cops calling matches through badges, "baal", he delivered a book to Paul, the Bible.  Jesus claimed the credit for the book, the first court room lawsuit.  Then he spent three years, wandering around, screaming about his son being a vagina, the Lord of Heaven.
Stalin: Stalin, was a military and political cadet, thousands around the Old World, raised out of literature programs of 19th century German intellectualism.  He was pranked into Seminary, by Germans, through local newsletters responding to the candidates from other countries, as potential diplomatic marriages to models and pornography actresses, a Russian idea that Stalin was enthusiastic for.  Stalin, rose to power, as a brilliant criminal and rebel and drunk and prison survivor and outcast, journeying through higher Arctic villages and around townships and cities and palaces and revolutions.  He placed himself in charge of organizing the minutes, for meetings, meaning he'd take and keep track of numbers, of the political council, in charge of giving out assignments, from winners of awards for academic excellence, to organizational bureau.  He stomped the school and class project assignment to position and award, forever, meaning that anyone with a lawsuit for fair play, ruined their firm or government post.  Now, Russia is the best forever, because they put something in TV, that the other guy does, in the enemy country, that one of theirs did due to a lawsuit assignment.  However, they save the footage, on leader and mention the military struggle.
Richard Ramirez: A psychic Mexican, Richard Ramirez's father, had insulted a historian on a college campus, despite being a construction management major himself.  The entire family was marked historians on records - counter espionage professionals - and Richard Ramirez was placed as an altar boy, a martial arts trained student by Nuns, and priests showing them how to handle firearms and military warfare implements.  However, he was not on record, as armed and dangerous, through his family.  He was brought in to advise on dozens upon dozens of cases, as an independent vigilante, without pay, living off of what work he could find in the margin community, the people he helped.  He did hard drugs, and fought the "Little Mermaid" trend of the 1960s and 1970s, out of the Viet Zen community, the use of German texts and improper disability driven religious origin study stories.  He was a savage man, eventually being arrested for a string of murders, after locating the problem to the comic book, "X-Men", and fighting Omega Red's follows; called, "The Russians", to this day.  
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badxbabyyy · 2 months
Playing human is boring as fuck. What's worse is being an actual disgusting rapist human. Alhamdullilat to myself for never being able to be a human. Yes male or female, I'm lookin' at you Hailie Kaye White aka Hailie niggerfucker Banks on Instagram. You threatened Fadi Malkosh's job in secret to the men then made the faggots suggest Fadi Malkosh goes to the club where you were fucking men in the ripped open by a nigger baby vagina you have for $75 (real shit Fadi😂). Then you had his "crew" as the loser puts it suggest the nightclub and then you stood there with your ugly face and saggy implants, with your in-person photoshop technology ("LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO" -Fadi Malkosh) seeing if he'll make a move or he ends up homeless with no job. You didn't even want jobless, you planned homelessness with the women for him if he looked at you and thought anything ugly and didn't hit on you. Yet he STILL thought you were a butter face with a BIG FUCKIN HUGE NOSE. Yes it's rape and you tried to make my baby homeless, that's why I gave you the breast cancer I said I would when I telepathed you in jail. That's why you look sickly skinny right now, and can't get your mini Brazilian Butt Lifts and Liposuction for that wide-assss waist of yours. I will skin you alive with different knives and electricity once there's no laws and it's anarchy. And you'll keep getting cancer right now, and that plastic surgery melting off your face is Fadi Malkosh. Keep melting ugly plastic faced Jewish cuntess raggedy ann naturally fat and ugly Mongolian Turkish Jewish dark bitch. Keep bleaching your skin then spray tanning it, with your hammerhead toe shark toes. You too, CIA agent cuntess cop whore Nicolette Anne Huffman aka Nikki that made herself a playlist then did witchcraft and had your demon/soul float to Fadi Malkosh and create it with his physical body. I gave you bone cancer for starving yourself through anorexia, I know your biggest fear, being huge. Because you want small bones like mine. And to be naturally thin like me. Before the meds and fluoride dawg. So enjoy your growing giant bones and your feet are even uglier than Hailie's which I never thought could be possible once I saw hers in a photo with Fadi Malkosh on a boat. Why don't you take ME on a boat or yacht you fucking FAG Fadi Malkosh bitch??? You took me to fuckin ihop then posted about it on Facebook, lolllllll fuckin loser. Yes I deleted a couple of whores I got jealous of you talking to or potentially talking to, then some guys to make it seem less obvious it was me. I didn't know you had cameras all around your Tallahassee apartment. Even in the bathroom you creep. Then make fun of me with your cousin Omar Malkosh, who is the ugliest male I've ever seen in my entire life. He looks like a literal monkey walking around, or he got stuck between evolving into a human from a monkey. Anyway, take me somewhere romantic in Paris once so I can have the memory you bitch. Or I'll take you. I'm not marriage material. Marry your ugly fake lying about their virginity whores overseas. I'm straight on marriage. BUT I want to fuck u & make out still, you're scary when I let my gangster shield down but we're making out idgaf, u at least could give me that but if you're gonna talk like you're acting like you're human I need you to STFU because its a huge turn off. God being lame and boring is SAD and grOss, but I cant help you if you won't REMEMBER you're literal God of the universe & humans and that I'm your Goddess. Try harder to remember the beginning babe. I have visions from the past too, but I never told you because I know what it sounds like to a brainwashed by religion fucktard. Religion is comedic really.
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cinematicnomad · 4 months
curious to know your thoughts on promising young woman because I actually liked it (sorry) but am interested to hear criticisms! I also watched saltburn and didn’t like it at all so 🤷‍♀️ no strong opinions on the director
never seen | want to see | the worst | bad | whatever | not my thing | good | great | favorite| masterpiece
i haven't watched the movie since it came out so i'm not gonna write out a super detailed explanation. mainly i have issues with this film that's very much trying, and failing, to do two opposing things at once (not that it's impossible to do so, just that this movie does it so poorly)—there's this sophomoric attempt at, like...showcasing the patriarchy, raging agains the misogynist society we live in, highlighting the prevalence of rape and rape culture, pointing a finger at the justice system and authority figures that fail to properly punish men for their crimes against women. and then at the same time it turns around and is like, oh but, the only people our protagonist is going to punish in this film is women. by?? making them or their loved ones potential victims of sexual assault themselves? also we're going to give you an extended death porn scene of the female protagonist being suffocated to death. also we're going to make the cops the heroes of the narrative bc they couldn't properly punish a rapist in the past even with the victim's testimony, but we can definitely trust them to find justice and arrest the murderers of this other woman. and the way it's played off as like. cloyingly cute at the end, with her having the ultimate upper hand. god.
it just felt v muddled, and flat, and kind of gross, and like someone was trying to eat their cake and have it too.
i know i'm in the minority in this opinion but oh man, i decidedly did Not like that movie.
send me a film
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scentedchildnacho · 9 months
David asked me about a young lady with a big backpack if she was homeless...
So I said the world isn't that abnormal homeless people are actually a minority in camp theory but homelessness remains because without an innocense people would tell felons and vets their grown men
I said she stopped to ask me if I knew if the building was a restroom and she is maybe 17 or so....she maybe was given a van or something by her parents because it's if you liquor and pot that way that ain't no home behaviour but that's probably the meanest her parents are and she will probably just give up a guy friend and go home and get married
You know normal people are forgiving and understanding and people refuse to do things unforgivable
If you ask me it's the mama lucys waitresses that are scary and north.........or out of this world rude....I told David this because after noticing camps in Las Cruces homosexual expectations here under noise pollution hyper sex are very vile suggestions of very intense hitting penetrations so I think with those potential rapists it's women it's men its children....
I think they might be Canadians at Lucy's...zapatistas I guess strategize off several terrorists a complete Helter skelter plan...ya know when you start really memorizing lubricants with science direct in your luxury lotion drug trial objectification...ya know dugas osaka....etc...
Ya know when a government is so mean violent and manipulative that it subjects it's own population to genocidal ideas because it didn't as elected understand the culture already there.....and then kept manipulating goods and services here till it's so creepy you can feel bad for most men....
Then ya know you read Psalms and start watching regulated fighting and when a waitress or prescriber ya know starts acting like a fucker like heavy hits on ya with starvation and heavy sedatives and you ask your friend for their apple list of felons to want to let out to take care of what they need to....because the behaviour is so like a big hick cabrone you don't know if the scene is hit them in the face or not ya know
I mean when there is a noise bomb that causes trembling but the waitress calls no state of emergency and steals your wallet off the fuck and then does some shocking masochistic things in front of you....or a societal expression as depressing as Nazi Germany....
I was christian David so I sometimes admit behaviour patterns that are suggestive of a profanity but I kind of feel like the Lucy's mama is like Karla Faye tucker....
Ya know when ya realize your United States American and so you believe in encouraging the strength of others through adversity and challenge or structure because of ones sad sad sad terrible story but people get so conscienceless greedy and foriegn alien it's maybe it's a fair observer Canadian with Pakistanis
Kind of behaviour that thinks clauses allow it because it's a genocide when it isn't and then they cause themselves their own personal genocide trying to avoid it...ya know the type of waitress that tried to kill you in a jail for its own bribe life
And then cute little Lakota children are on TV that are poor and may ask for a tactical development so it's great their population could be like saved by a cop team with riot gear to permanently shut down main street Las Cruces....when an ass hump party is brutal and disgusting you don't care if police violence tear gasses it all to finally leave....
Ya know when structure becomes societal and it's why do I have to let children later die of impoverished means for that lady....when it's bad enough to access accomplishments
The United States is really bad at preventing terrorist attacks like 9/11....and aids and what has happened in new Mexico will result in a lot of casualties because Canada told them civil law is that's that no questions about it and out of the closet linguistic research would notice Mexican is maybe like Russian or black is Islamic state before large bombs
Mining government crime right next to coas books but no state of emergency is called so you apply to sue the government for refusing to act when it could and pick a foriegn entity to live off it free from ever seeing thigh ass ever again
I have indigenous DNA and no one cares linguistically if I have figured out how to act like daddy for being called every disgusting hooker waitresses crack wallet....and just goes God that guys driving like a maniac maybe I will just use my innate sense of engineering to save myself and let it kill itself of its own grandiosity and personal Satan....
Or when ya notice the black schizophrenic your talking to downtown maybe better understands elie Wiesel then Liberia and ya notice people don't though truly understand that he is a very good metal musician maybe and could easily get a lot of European weapons
Folk smiles killed the Messiah because assumption of white crime didn't check for aid from the Balkans
Andrea...Andrea asked me about more dancing so I admitted every time she talks about dancing I think about that film Brian's song ya know I think that football player was Irish so people didn't check if he had a disease because off the same world system he was really trim and built like statue and all American looking and he kept doing these physical drills till he got a cancer....Andrea is thin and dark so I admit maybe people assume she is Moroccan or something and ya know just can because of evolution or something....
That fruit picking had something cerebellum about it....it was like good for you but that put me laid out awhile
Anyway I wrote to Andrea wanting to say stuff as feminine as possible talk or think so poor sometimes and I should be impossibly better then it....I was sorry sorry for my constant conflict sorry that my language became so condemnatory really it's my feelings so check investigate
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old-wild-child · 9 months
Where’s Grandma? (also who is grandma)
Grandma is Ruth Gordon’s character from the 1970 movie “Where’s Poppa?” (Fun fact: this was the first movie to say the phrase “Cocksucker”). For some background info, this movie is… something else. It’s about an attorney named Gordon Hocheiser, who is also the primary caretaker of his Alzheimer’s ridden mother (Ruth Gordon), so constantly asks when Poppa (her late husband/father of Gordon and his brother Sidney) is coming home. Gordon has a difficult time caring for his mother, and every nurse he hires ends up leaving, but when he hired potential nurse Louise Callan (Trish Van Devere's fill debut), they both fall in love at first sight (even after Louise talked about how her she filed for divorce from her ex husband after 32 hours because he shit in the bed on the honeymoon). After that, Gordon tries to convince himself to rid of his mother in a nursing home before he can lose Louise.
I always thought it would be interesting if Gordon got a chance to talk to his mom after the events of the movie. I like to imagine how Gordon would have explained the absence of the grandparents if he ever had children.
“Gordon!” Momma exclaimed. “You’ve gotten fat!”
Louise blushed with embarrassment as Gordon tried to reintroduce the two. “Mother, you remember Louise. She’s having another baby.”
“Louise? But you were married to Gladys!!” Gordon kept count of the sentences in his head. Three sentences in and he was already losing his temper with the woman in front of him. Calling her his mother felt odd as she slowly became someone who wasn’t a mother at all. He started her dead in the eye, trying to cling onto his last few shreds of dignity.
“That was Sidney. Sidney used to be married to Gladys. She took the boys and left him after he raped a cop in Times Square. Sidney is not here to see you. I don’t even know where he is or what he is doing with his life. That’s what your golden child is doing as we speak.”
Mrs. Hocheiser looked at Louise once again, who tried her best to conceal her sadness. “So Sidney’s gotten fat?”
Gordon couldn’t pinpoint the exact emotion he was feeling in the moment of meeting his mother for the first time in a few years. All he could do was recognize that it was the same feelings he had when Sidney called him and Gladys homophobic after the two of them and Louise cut contact with him, to which the trio replied that they could accept a gay man, not a rapist, while trying not to punch holes in the wall.
I have a lot more written tho !!
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senruthmartinsbob · 2 years
This is also why I’ll never understand or forgive pro-cop true crime people because you failed to exercise awareness and compassion for the victim you failed to understand the system that made that crime not only possible but socially acceptable/passable.
True crime should have been the biggest radicalizing movement like a big never ending exposé on cops on racists on politicians on capitalism on homelessness on mental health and instead its like well we cant put ALL the blame on them! The very people who invented and enacted the crimes! Instead you made cops fucking celebrities.
They fucking failed at being a basic human.. they should have seen how electoral politics fail morally at every turn and how radical anti-state/cap politics have the potential to challenge that. But instead stan rapists i guess like they all always fucking do. Stan rapists and racists 🙄
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leianaberrie · 3 years
The way Tyler was vilified, shunned and discarded on this show angers me almost as much as Bonnie’s treatment. Like I’m not even mad at KC as a pairing (cause i ultimately don’t care enough about Klaus and Caroline) but the way they went about it was so ugly. And a lot of that is cause of the Tyler treatment. Like it disturbs me that Tyler was literally a slave to this white man, and then tried to free other slaves and his mom gets murdered in the process. And Tyler is somehow the wrong one for wanting revenge? And the fact people compare Tyler wanting revenge for his mom and Klaus petty vendetta against Katherine is disingenuous. Like I don’t know how to explain to people that Klaus giving up his pursuit of Katherine so he can get laid is not at all the same as Tyler wanting to go after Klaus for enslaving and murdering his mom.
And Tyler could’ve been such a badass werewolf. I hate how we never got to really see that cause of the Klaus/Hybrid shit.
Then when the Klaus shit was finally over, they made him act like a weak nobody. Like he was always being tranquilized by Damon or Liv and never really part of the action. And of course they made him a drunk fool for Sheriff Forbes funeral. Since when is Tyler a drunk? That was so random and unnecessary. Just like with Bonnie it seems the writers isolate Tyler and don’t really want him a part of the main events unless it’s to be a prop or tool.
And I didn’t watch after season 6, but apparently he was bought back just to get killed by the man pain rapist.
Tyler deserved better. Bonnie and Tyler had so much potential.
I think people tend to overlook just how badly Tyler was treated, compared to Bonnie, because Trevino is white passing and Tyler is supposed to be a White character. So people tend to lump him with Matt in terms of treatment, which is ridiculous because as @scorpio-karma explained in this meta: Matt is a humam in a supernatural show and Tyler is the only werewolf. Matt is actually getting more relevance than he should be getting and Tyler is getting less.
You're right that there was no need to villainize Tyler to make KC canon. Considering that KC doesn't even get to be endgame, Julie has vocally stated how much she disliked the ship and really just used it to whip up ratings, I've come to believe that it's the other way around i.e. Tyler wasn't villainized to make KC canon... but that KC became canon in order to villainize Tyler, break up Forwood, and make Steroline canon.
Think about it. Forwood was teased in s2, when Caroline was in the middle of the Matt/Tyler love triangle. They only became official in the s3 premiere. A few episodes later, Klaus returns to Mystic Falls, turns Tyler into a hybrid and that's the beginning of the end for Forwood - sire bond, Klaus drawing ponies for Caroline, exiling Tyler from Mystic Falls, etc. Forwood ended before it had even began and the reason why it ended was because of Klaroline. At the same time, Klaroline never becomes canon. Caroline/Candice could have moved to the Originals. The fans wanted it. By season 4 TVD, her storyline had stalled. Elena had her vampire arc, her new romance with Damon, and Silas coming up by the next season. Bonnie had Expression, her 'death', the resurrection of Qestiyah, the threat of Silas, and her rebudding romance with Jeremy. What did Caroline have? Take out Klaus and Tyler and her frankly decorative role in their stories, and Caroline had no purpose in s4 except being the middle of a love triangle. What did Caroline really do in season 5? She became roommates with Katherine, buddy-copped with Enzo, had a shortlived relationship with Jesse with marginally connected her to the Augustine plot... and bonded with Stefan. From his amnesia state to the Travellers's kidnapping him. Caroline had no arc or point in TVD-s5, besides laying groundwork for Steroline.
Tyler's death is just not worth discussing.
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