#all my special interests combining at once oooo
thevillagequeer · 1 year
Please don't think just because Destiny's Children turned into a cult of personality, they didn't follow the typical counterculture talking points of that era. Spirituality, sexual freedom, civil rights, women's equality, definitely liberal drug use on the followers' part, and you better believe Dave wasn't the only one who heard Klaus' warnings about the Vietnam war -- he had those statistics right at the top of his head. Also keep in mind the first major protests didn't start until 1964.
Oh honey darling sweatheart, no no no, i am so sorry its your ask that is going to be on the recieving end of this onslaught you've just walked into the intersection of everything that makes my brain go brrrrrrr 
First of all, if we are going with the rule that klaus can't take part in things that hadn't at the time he was dropped into the past, he certainly cannot be starting a hippy dippy cult. Hell, he shouldn't be strutting around looking like a hippie either! 
If the beatles are still in liverpool, don't even think about the age of aquarius, you get what i'm saying?.  
Hippie culture was so heavily tied to the anti war movement for a multitude of reasons, you can't have the culture of one without the other. Its the same with music, its the same with the rise of cults in this era, it all ties back back to each other and none of these things were as we know them today until the mid to late 60s, certainly not prior to 1964 and definitely not 1960
So if its historically inaccurate to have Klaus fighting against the war in Vietnam in 1961, it's just as inaccurate for him to have started up a cult. 
But, for me at least, that doesn't matter one bit.  Because Klaus isn't a person of the 60s.  He was born nearly 3 decades after the fact. Everything he knows about this time, save for his ten months in the war itself, is how the rest of us learned.  Books, movies, music, the odd recollection from someone who lived through it, perhaps.
When you take someone with ideals influenced by a time or movement and put them into that time before those beliefs were created, it's nigh impossible to keep them from bringing those ideas in too early.
Its a common trope in time-travel fiction, but it's because characters are human. 
Most of them, at least, want to make the world a better place, and being put in the past feels like a key to that, because for once, you have a cheat sheet. No one knows what's going to happen in life, but now you do.  
Humans also love to impress.  They will play Chuck Berry at their parents prom years before it's released.  They will show someone the palm sized computer they can keep in their pocket that has more technology in it than what sent man to the moon.
And do we really think Klaus would be taking note of historical accuracy? The love of his life has less than a decade to live before dying tragically, he's just seen the world end, and for all he knows, he's the only one of his family who made it. If he knows there was a movement to stop the war, why the hell would he care if he joins it a couple years too early? 
Though, to be fair to the point, I will dive in a little bit to how the cults of the 60s functioned with the aesthetic Klaus and his followers adopted as well as with the anti war movement.
As you mentioned, all of this falls under what we now call the counterculture of the 1960s. It was called this because quite literally, it was *countering* the culture of the time.
the world the flower children of the 60s were born into was tight laced, kept up appearances, and abided by strict social rules.  they danced the foxtrot, they starched their shirts and sent their boys off to die.  
everything they did from then on was to fight against that. it was all an act of rebellion, an act of rejection. the status quo they were dying for needed to know they were not abiding
That's why the aesthetics of stereotypical cults and hippies were and honestly still often are used interchangeably, because a lot of cult leaders would use theseaesthetics and buzzwords to draw young, passionate folks in.
now, given how Klaus has an almost reverse view of all this, entering the decade with the knowledge of how it ends, this is how I can see him accidentally attracting a following by just bringing forth what the 60s were getting to, only sooner.
Because, honestly, if we are talking about cultural shifts and all that jazz and how that spurred these touchstones forward, if especially in line with season 2 of tua, the shift started when Kennedy was shot. That;s the turning point.
(As a history goof, i would argue that the real linchpin was the assassination of Robert Kennedy, not JFK, but we're not really talking about history history rn lol even though this is incredibly long already and I do apologize I just loveeeee this shit)
So, if Klaus wouldn't have been allowed to be an anti war activist prior to 1964, he couldn't be a cult leader in the way he was either. Because technically, historically, the true unrest of the 60s that spurred the attraction to cults, that got these social movements into unruly high gear, doesn't happen until the Hargreeves are all back together and Klaus has abandoned Destiny's Children. 
Charlie Manson wasn't getting shit into gear until around 1967 and the other well know American cult of the time that *did* run at the same time as Destiny's Children, the People's Temple (Jonestown ring any bells?) was specifically run as a Christian community under the guise of being marxist liberation. And they weren't even doing traditional cult shit until the mid-60s either. 
Now, onto Klaus. In s2, the cult is not much more than set dressing. It gives them a cool place to stay and a handful of characters to interact with. Either way you slice it, it was an underused aspect of the season.
But more importantly, what was the role the cult was supposed to fill in the story?
in my opinion it boils down to these points:
Klaus is a charismatic little bitch and he can attract all sorts of people to him with insane ease
Klaus is not good at dealing with things and instead throws his energy out to externalities, obsessions even
He needed to be infamous
Lets take stock of Klaus within the first days of arriving in Dallas, 1960
he is 59 years in the past with only his ghost brother 
they have just come an earth literal seconds away from total annihilation
days before his sibling ended the world, he was actually much closer to the time he is in now.  he's just spent 10 months in Vietnam, 1968
the last days in the war, he lost the love of his life to a gunshot wound to the chest.  he bled out in his arms.  
he's wearing bowling shoes
Literally, though, from Klaus' own words, we know he has never loved anyone like he loved Dave.  And now, he has nearly a decade to prevent his death.  
As viewers, we can see starting Destiny's Children as a distraction on Klaus' part, and that's understandable.  Who wouldn't want a lighthearted distraction to the tune of the summer of love? (which, again, wasn't until 1967 but..)
But, if we're to believe Klaus' goal of keeping Dave alive, shouldn't we also be inclined to think that maybe, even if it wasn't his intent, he was a bit too passionate about the cause to be read as anything but an anti war activist? That even if he tried to just blend in, he'd end up getting a little too heated in conversation? A little too pointed in what he said to kids debating on enlisting? Things that when overheard time and time again, would make certain people think he had a certain agenda?
Because really, what about Klaus in season 2 makes him a cult leader? The throngs of people? Fine, but why are they following him? The wild outfits? Sure, but that's just Klaus, isn't it? Even his followers seem to have taken more from him than he ever led them.  The whole time, it seems like Klaus attracted people with no intention of spreading shit.  He needed food and a place to stay, so he groveled.  It grew from there.  He got in over his head.  Because Klaus is smarter than he realizes.  Who the hell can accidentally start a cult? 
Anyway, its a disservice to the character.  because yes, its impressive, but what did it really do to further the character? we don't even get to see how it affected his relationship with substances! we are just told he's sober.  sober in the 1960s. in a supposedly hippie cult.  okkkkk. 
the plotline and concept on the whole just doesn't check any boxes and it doesn't add any depth.  that's why I am so critical of it.  I don't care if Klaus had a go at being an asshole cultist that he'd have to atone for, just if it's done well.  And it wasn't.  And I honestly do not believe it is in Klaus' character to act in that way.  That's why I think it would have made more sense for him to have ended up as an accidental activist rather than an accidental cult leader.  Because it'd be just as selfish– he'd be in it for one person and one person only. But maybe it wouldn't stay that way.  It'd lead to the same reach and infamy, without the blurriness and crude steterotyping and reliance on cheap humor.  
This got verryyyyy long and I bet it also makes 0 sense, but I do not have the braincells to try and make it more lucid, I'm sorry.  I just love both these topics very much sooooo a lot of words.  
If anyone ends up actually reading this you are amazing and I love you and we should probably be mutuals and talk 
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jaxl-road · 4 years
The League of Extraordinary Rockstars, ch.8
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Summary: LA is a hub for music and mutants, making it the perfect place for Motley Crue, Guns N’ Roses, and countless other mutant musicians to call home. But it’s not all easy, especially when it comes to finding a decent place to live. So what better solution than moving in together in the mansion of an immortal? Love, drama, and super powers. If nothing else, it’ll be interesting.
Chapter Warnings: Language, genderswap!Steven
AN: This is a collaboration between myself and @the–blackdahlia! It combines elements from her fic “It’s So Easy (And Other Lies)” (specifically her genderswapped!Steven) and my super powered GnR series. It is completely AU and ignores timelines like Woah, but hopefully you’ll have as much fun reading it as we’re having writing it! Let us know what you think!
AN pt 2: It was entirely my fault that this chapter took so long, so special shout out to @the--blackdahlia​ for being so patient and kind while I got my shit together <3 <3 <3
The night was spent with Stevie, Duff, and Izzy just talking, drinking, and trying to figure things out. Izzy had opted to return to his own bed for the night, and Stevie and Duff didn’t press him to stay, even though Stevie did pout when he said goodnight.
“I hope he realizes this isn’t a joke,” Stevie yawned.
“I’m sure he knows,” Duff smiled, “Let’s get you to bed pretty girl.”
Despite drinking more than Izzy and Duff had, Stevie was up before them the next morning, preparing to make breakfast for, what she assumed would be just her, Duff, and Izzy. But she knew she couldn’t get away with that.
That being said, she was on the lookout for a wild CC Deville to come crawling out of the cabinets at any minute.
She was so focused on being prepared for the potential Poison guitarist, that she ended up nearly screaming when she tossed a towel onto the kitchen table and it landed on a camouflaged Slash.
“God fucking dammit, Slash!” Stevie clutched her chest as the guitarist grumbled, shaking his head to get the towel off his hair and becoming visible again, “WHY are you sleeping out here?”
“Good question,” he stretched his arms over his head, “I was having some drinks with Tommy and Nikki. I must have passed out and they left me here.”
“That sounds about right,” She breathed. “Wait, since when do you have drinks with Tommy and Nikki?”
“Must have a death wish,” Vince commented as he came down the stairs with a satisfied grin on his face, “Morning guys! God, last night…”
“I don’t want to know,” Stevie turned away, missing the glare Slash shot him “I’ve gotta work on breakfast. You two, keep watch for CC.”
“We apparently need CC traps to go with the live traps Tommy wants to set up to catch that fucking raccoon,” Vince laughed, winking at Slash, who huffed and turned away. “Was it something I said?”
Stevie rolled her eyes as she started pulling items out of the fridge, “Vince, don’t be an ass.”
“That’s just his natural state,” Slash commented.
“If you think you can kill my good mood with your attitude you’re wrong,” Vince crossed his arms.
Ignoring the bickering rockers behind her, Stevie focused on the stove in front of her. Her cooking skills weren’t high class, but she figured she could handle some scrambled eggs and bacon, so she got started.
“I need Tommy to teach me to cook,” Stevie said to no one, “His cooking is amazing.”
“Yeah, if he kept cooking, I’d get fat,” Vince commented.
“Good,” Slash muttered under his breath. Before Vince could say anything, Kelly came down the stairs.
“What are you two bickering about?” He asked as he stretched to loosen his muscles. “It’s too early for this.”
“Apparently Vince is just planning on fighting everyone in Guns N’ Roses,” Stevie called over her shoulder.
“Hey!” Vince threw his hand up, “I’d never fight you, Stevie!”
“What are you talking about? I’ve seen you two bicker dozens of times,” Kelly chimed in.
“I can’t believe you’re all ganging up on me,” Vince huffed, “So rude.”
Snickering, Stevie finished the first pan of bacon, a few pieces maybe borderline burnt, but nothing any of the boys would complain about. She got started on a second batch before looking over her shoulder. “What are the odds of you guys actually making your own breakfast instead of stealing mine?”
“Slim to none,” Slash grinned. Stevie shook her head as Tommy and Nikki joined them.
“Good morning son,” Nikki patted Kelly on the shoulder.
“Oh my god that’s not over yet?” Kelly sighed.
“Nope!” Tommy smiled, “Oooo breakfast. I love food.”
“It pisses me off that you can eat and eat and never gain a pound,” Baz popped into the kitchen. “I want your metabolism.”
Stevie groaned at the increase in people in the kitchen. She wasn’t even that surprised when she went to place the second batch of bacon on the plate to find half of the first batch gone.
“Tommy!” She whined, spinning around and putting her hands on her hips, “At least let me finish before you steal my food!”
“What?” The speedster blinked, “I didn’t do anything!”
“Yeah right,” she rolled her eyes, “Look, I’m gonna make enough for everyone so just wait a few minutes!”
“But I-” Tommy flailed, sputtering as he tried to defend himself while the group chuckled at him.
“Where’s Ax?” Slash asked as he turned to Sebastian, “You usually drag him out with you.”
“Oh, yeah, he’s probably not gonna be around today,” the teleporter smiled sadly, “He’s in a, y’know… a mood. I was just gonna take some food back to our room.”
Stevie frowned, “Oh. Well, I’m making some eggs in a minute, but you can take some-” she turned to gesture to the plate of bacon only to find it nearly empty. “Oh come on!” She snapped in frustration.
“Third cabinet on the left,” Mick stated nonchalantly as he shuffled into the room.
Blinking in confusion, Stevie opened the cabinet in question and cursed loudly.
“Oh for fucks sake, CC!”
“I was hungry! You said you were gonna share!” The guitarist pouted around a mouthful of bacon.
“Why are you even here?” Tommy asked. “And why are you in a cabinet?”
“Alright, come on,” Mick pulled CC out of the cabinet, dragging the other guitarist out. Stevie sighed.
“I have a headache now,” She groaned. Tommy went to finish up the cooking while Duff and Izzy finally joined everyone. Once there was enough food ready, Sebastian was quick to make two plates and retreat back to his and Axl’s room, the tall singer awkwardly avoiding even looking in Izzy’s direction.
Not that Izzy noticed. He was too caught up in his own head as he tried to figure out how he was supposed to act around Duff and Stevie now. The night before, they had talked as if he would be another boyfriend, but that could have just been for his benefit. It didn’t mean they would appreciate him invading their space in front of the others. Did Duff even like guys?
It was too early for this. He needed coffee.
"Morning sweetie," Stevie greeted Duff. "Morning honey," She kissed Izzy's cheek, making him blush. "I'm gonna go lay on the couch. Fucking CC gave me a migraine." She walked off, mumbling about how he even got in there.
She had just flopped back onto the couch when Kelly suddenly entered her field of vision, the bassist grinning widely as he leaned over the back of the couch.
“I couldn’t help but notice,” he smirked, “you gave a certain guitarist a little smooch this morning.”
Stevie grinned back at him, “Hey, it was your idea!”
“Yeah, but you were so shy and nervous, I didn’t think you’d have the balls to actually do it,” he teased, laughing as Stevie punched him hard on the shoulder. “But for real,” he softened, “it all worked out?”
“Yeah, I think so,” She smiled. “He said yes at least...” Her eyes darkened a little before she shook her head and grinned, “So now you really don’t get to tap this anymore.”
“I hate you,” Kelly laughed, “But don’t worry. I sowed my wild oats last night.”
“Kelly, it’s the 20th century. You don’t have to talk like an old farmer.”
“I am appalled you called me a farmer,” Kelly said in mock annoyance, making Stevie laugh.
“I seriously have a migraine though,” Stevie told him, to which Kelly responded by yelling:
“Duff! Izzy! Come help Stevie!” He turned to look at her, with her eyes scrunched up, “You’re welcome.”
The two men quickly wandered into the living room, Izzy clutching his coffee like a lifeline while Duff chewed on a piece of toast. “What’s wrong?” The blonde asked, mouth still full, “Stevie, are you alright?”
"Just a headache…"
"You said migraine!" Kelly yelled, making Izzy give him a death stare.
“If she said migraine,” he replied, softly but coldly, “then why the fuck are you making it worse with your shouting?”
“Shit…” Kelly smiled sheepishly. “I’m just gonna go…” He quickly left, leaving Izzy and Duff with Stevie.
“I’m okay guys,” Stevie waved them off.
“Are you sure?” Duff questioned quietly, tossing his toast onto the coffee table carelessly as he approached the drummer, “Do you want me to grab Mick?”
Izzy shuffled uncomfortably. He didn’t want to leave, but he felt like he was intruding.
"Izzy, baby, tell Duff he's overreacting," Stevie smiled at Izzy. "I just need some cuddles from my boys."
It took a moment for the guitarist to respond- his brain short-circuited every time someone called him a pet name, and he was still trying to figure out his place here. It had been less than twelve hours and all his assumptions about what this relationship was had started to crumble in his hands. And he had no idea if that was good or bad.
“You heard the glowstick,” he finally responded, forcing a wry grin on his face as he turned to Duff, “Keep calm and get cuddling.”
Stevie smiled and reached for them, wanting cuddles. She sighed happily as they settled down by her.
"Thank you guys," She smiled. She kissed each other their cheeks and giggled when Izzy’s cheeks turned red, “Maybe today we can just be lazy? Apparently Axl might be MIA today, so we won’t have to like, seriously rehearse,” a small frown crossed Izzy’s face, but Stevie didn’t notice and carried on, “Although you know I’m always down to jam with you guys,” she grinned widely.
“That sounds awesome. Maybe we could switch instruments. I bet Izzy would look good playing your drums.” Duff suggested.
“Oh, I know he would!” Stevie said excitedly.
Izzy rolled his eyes, a small smirk of amusement on his face and his cheeks still slightly pink. Unable to resist, Stevie leaned forward to give him a quick kiss on the lips. But her plan was foiled when instead of feeling lightly chapped lips, she instead felt nothing but air as she fell forward, landing across the couch with a soft ‘oof’.
“Shit, fuck, I’m sorry,” Izzy stood rapidly, his body gliding through Stevie and Duff. His shoulders hitched up around his ears, a guilty and embarrassed look on his face, and the two blondes would bet money that he was still intangible even as he stood out of their reach.
While Slash definitely had the worst control of his abilities among the group, Izzy wasn’t far behind, especially when it came to unconscious control. When he was calm or in a good mood, he was fine. But the second he started feeling emotional or frazzled, he had trouble staying solid. And emotional and frazzled were understatements as far as how he had been feeling the past week.
"Are you OK?" Stevie questioned as Duff helped her sit up. "Did I do something?"
"No," Izzy sighed. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's ok." Stevie smiled at him, the light brighter. "As long as you're not falling into the girls locker room…"
"Axl fucking told you about that?" Izzy sighed. "Fucking Bill…" The redhead loved to tease him for the many mishaps that had occurred when his powers first emerged in their first year of high school. He was a little convinced that Axl had some sort of secondary power that allowed him to always be present anytime Izzy embarrassed himself.
Frowning to himself, he wondered if he should try to talk to Axl about what happened the other day, but before he could dwell on it his thoughts were interrupted when Duff chimed in.
“Hey, don’t stress dude, we all had shit happen when our abilities popped up,” he grinned, “For like, the first year or something anytime I got startled a bunch of fog would surround me.”
“Aw, that’s so cute!” Stevie laughed, “Little baby smoke machine!”
“Hey! Slash told me about you blinding your school photographer!” Duff told her.
“It’s not my fault! He told me to give my biggest smile. I couldn’t help it,” Stevie defended.
“Nice to know nothing has changed,” Duff teased.
“Izzy, help me out here,” Stevie begged. “Please?”
Huffing out a laugh, the guitarist shook his head fondly, “I mean, you do have a very… bright smile.”
Duff laughed as Stevie pouted, crossing her arms petulantly, “Aw, it’s not a bad thing! You’re our Sunshine!” He wrapped his arms around her, the drummer unable to keep a straight face as he rested his chin on her head.
“Good thing you two are cute or we’d have a real problem,” She told them as she snuggled into Duff. Izzy was about to say something when Tommy came barreling into the room.
“Guys! Guys! Look at this book I found in Nikki’s shit!” Tommy tossed a heavy book on the table and everyone got a chill down their spines.
“Well that certainly looks… ominous,” Duff said slowly. The book was thick and leather bound, black with red writing in a language that didn’t look familiar to any of them. Stevie reached out and touched the book. When she did, the wind picked up a little bit.
“Wasn’t me,” Duff told them when they all looked at him.
“Let’s crack this baby open!” Tommy said, excitedly. “Maybe there’s naked pictures in there.”
“Probably all of you,” Izzy smirked and Tommy rolled his eyes, but then looked a little nervous. Picking up the book again, he flipped it over to glance suspiciously at the back cover, tracing his finger over the strange symbol on the back. Shivering slightly, he put it back on the coffee table, squeezing to sit on the couch beside the other three.
“Alright, the curiosity is killing me!” With that, he flipped the cover open, quick like ripping off a bandaid. The four rockers leaned over to look at the first page.
Duff, Stevie, and Izzy, frowned at the words written there. “What the Hell?” Izzy stated.
“Seriously,” Tommy chimed in, “What sort of book needs a disclaimer like that?” Three sets of eyes snapped to look at the speedster. When he noticed them staring, he blinked in confusion, “What?”
“You can read Latin?” Duff questioned.
“Huh? No way, isn’t that like, a dead language or something?”
“Can you read this?” Duff pointed to the page.
“It’s in Latin,” he squinted at the words, “at least I’m pretty sure it is. Definitely not English though.”
Tommy’s eyes widened comically, looking between the figures beside him and the book on the table. Then with a gust of superspeed, he slammed the cover shut, huddling against the back of the couch away from the book, “How much did I snort this morning?”
"Whatever it was, you should share," Stevie told him.
"What did it say?" Izzy quizzed Tommy.
“It said ‘Tommy, I’m gonna kick your fucking ass’.” The group jumped, turning around to find Nikki scowling at them. Stalking forward, he snatched the book off the table as Tommy rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Y’know, that’s actually pretty close to what it said.”
"Wait, how do you know what it says?" Nikki asked.
"Uh, well, you see…"
"Tell me what this says?" Nikki held out the book and pointed to a small part that no one could read, except Tommy.
"Property of Cherie Curry and Lita...Ford...oh fuck…."
“What? What’s wrong?” Izzy asked.
“Nothing!” Nikki and Tommy blurted out in sync. There was a long pause, Tommy fidgeting in his seat while Nikki glared at him and hugged the book protectively to his chest.
“Oh gee, look at the time,” Tommy stood nervously, “I think I hear Mick… somewhere.... Sorrybabedidn’tmeantobyyyye!” and with that, the drummer was gone in a blur.
“Dammit, T-Bone! You can run but you can’t hide!” The skin around Nikki’s eyes glowed orange as he ran off to track down his boyfriend, leaving the three Guns members to stare after him in confusion.
"What just happened?" Stevie asked.
"I don't know, but I'm going to go raid Kelly’s prohibition room," Izzy sighed, heading straight for the basement.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 25th-March 31st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from March 25th, 2019 to March 31st, 2019.  The chat focused on Tamberlane by Caytlin Vilbrandt.
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Featured Comment:
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Tamberlane by Caytlin Vilbrandt~! (https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until March 31st to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. Where do you think Tamberlane is from? Is she from Abroad as some characters have suggested? What do you think Tamberlane’s past history is? Last, what do you think will happen when Tamberlane’s origins are uncovered?
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Yay! Hi all! I can't wait to talk about Tamberlane with you!
I'll add my answers to the discussion when I'm more awake =w=
I remember reading the first chapter of Tamberlane once upon a time; so happy to have the opportunity to catch up again and see where it's gone!
I love just about every scene with Oakewood or Piper because they're both hilarious, but this one probably wins for me. He's such a good reverse psychology grandpa. https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/tamberlane/page-94/
Close second is Piper's brilliant plan because I am also a saleswoman at heart: https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/tamberlane/page-110/
All signs definitely point to the idea that Tamberlane is from Abroad, and I'm very curious about what's so scary about it. (My guess is that it's the world of Humans and animal-types get treated like animals there, which would explain their fears). From the conversation with Tagg and Danger, I suspect there's internal conflict in the land of Abroad (a plague? a war?), and Tamberlane was sent out baby-on-the-river-style by a well-meaning mom that wanted her to have a better life. Tamberlane seems to be good at making friends, though, so I think even if they confirm that she's from Abroad, the community will still accept and protect her. It very much feels like "it takes a village to raise a child" is a big central theme in this comic.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Oooh, that's an interesting theory!
I definitely wanted to explore It Takes a Village in this story for sure
I didn't grow up in any tight-knit neighborhoods and our distant family was either extra distant or just not close emotionally, so I don't really know what that kind of mentality is like on a personal level. I wanted to see what I could figure out with a story like that. :3
As for MY answers......:3c 1. My favorite scene in the comic so far is probably still this one dang page because it came out exactly like I wanted it to in my head.
2. Obviously I can't comment much on this due to spoilers, but I do think when her origins come to light, people are gonna flip their dang lids. :3
I think you did a really good job of conveying a close, loving community! I can tell even between minor characters there's a lot of kindness and support in this setting and it's very refreshing to read!
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Yaaaay :D
I know for a little bit early on in the writing, I was planning a more contentious environment around Belfry ("what a hassle") but then was like, who wants to read that? Not me. Screw that, lol
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Why do you think Follybrook is held in such low disregard? Who exactly are the creatures who occupy Follybrook? Also, what do you make of the rumors that Follybrook residents are disappearing because of something happening Abroad?
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Hmmm, my favorite character is hard to choose. I love them all. But right now, I'd say probably Belfry. She tries so hard, and she didn't get a lot of spotlight in Chapter 3, and I really want to do more interaction with her and Tamberlane in Chapter 4.
As for Follybrook... :3
I like Briar! Something about her combination of moodiness and compassion just gets me, haha
Briar is an MVP for sure
Oakewood and Piper are second (I'm really enjoying watching Oakewood pretend he doesn't actually CARE about Tamberlane, he's just studying! It's not parenting, nope)
(Piper because she is a hilarious troll)
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Briar has a special place in my heart for sure! She's me when I was 13, lmao. Though, a little more confrontational than I was XD
I dunno about Follybrook, though I get the impression it's closer to Abroad than Treehollow is? Which I guess might be why it's being affected first by whatever's happening out there.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
You are correct! Follybrook is on the "border" of Abroad. Sort of the last gasp of civilization so to speak.
Oh damn, was not expecting lore when I popped into this channel
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Belfry is definitely a sweetie, but I feel like I need to see her not in crisis and/or mom mode to really connect with who she is and what she's about. I'm looking forward to more stuff with her in Chapter 4 and the scenes with her and Tamberlane are always very sweet, but I'd also like to see more of who she is as an individual when she's not being defined by her relationship to others.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
That is a good thing to note!
same, re: Belfry
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
-scribbles notes- All I'd heard so far from folks was wanting more scenes with her and Tam, so that's a good thing for me to think about going forward!
Oakewood is probably my favorite too because he's clearly got this "big fish in a small pond" sort of wisdom and crusty outside/softie inside personality that's just perfect. I'm looking forward to how Milo's introduction might accent or challenge that.
(Also does Milo have a pet moth because I want 40) https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/tamberlane/page-125/
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
He totally does
A big ol fluffy moth named Sophie
Awwwwww, Sophie looks so soft!
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Since he's a cameo, in the reference character that was provided, he actually had a pet spider!
But I decided I did not want to stare at reference photos up close of a spider
So Sophie became a moth XD
1) my favorite scene is probably the one where tamberlane tries to help the crow guy and the crow guy goes all prejudiced. and then oakewood swoops in and calls her his grandaughter and yells at the guy. i like seeing tamberlane still trying to be helpful, but i also like oakewood way more clearly defining their relationship cause that opens up a whole new can of worms and kind of adds some vulnerability to him. also, has a great ending where milo comments on this and oakewood tells him to shut up XD https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/tamberlane/page-140/ 2) i think Abroad has been mentioned way too much for Tamberlane to not be from aborad. This is not to mention a) they don't know what a human is and b) they seem relatively unfamiliar whats going on in Aborad land. So i mean, all the clues only point to one place. unlike @Delphina , im actually assuming a darker route. cause tamberlane seems kind of neglected so im not sure this is a situation of well meaning mom. more like mom who might of tried and gave up. im also less optimistic about ppl saying its fine tamberlane is from abroad. cause there seems to be a lot of built up prejudice there and man, idk. prejudice is hard to just flip at the turn of a hat.
But yeah, if Follybrook is super-close to Abroad, then that sorta explains why the villagers treat them as social pariahs more than "those kids with their piercings and bad attitudes who are only let in once a year". The big drama in which Tess revealed that if Belfry went there for even a GOOD reason like trying to care for Tamberlane, she'd be full-out exiled was pretty shocking. Because yeah, if Abroad was simply dangerous and full of monsters, I can't imagine why it would be wrong or bad to come back; the big fear would be that you WOULDN'T come back. It seems like Abroad almost has a demonic/evil status in their minds and that they believe (rightly or wrongly) ANY contact would fundamentally change a person or attract something bad. I just struggle with the fact that if Abroad has so much mindshare in the fabric of their society, and if Tamberlane (and maybe all humans) are from there, absolutely nobody what a human looks like or have any stories that might help them identify Tamberlane as one? If there was something big and scary that I was to stay away from at all costs, I'd want to know what it looked like.
3) my favorite character is definitely oakewood bar none. i am a sucker for grumpy guys. but i especially like oakewood cause hes not the stereotypical grumpy guy. cause usually old grump guys are the most prejudiced. but in this case oakewood is actually the more forward thinking of the bunch. when everyone else was telling belfry to just abandon tamberlane hes just like "nah come live with me." and then tolerates her clumsiness and all that jazz. its great contrast that plays on expectations and i love it. 4) I assume the creature occupying follybrook are just regular creatures. but ya know, prejudice and all that. which i think the comic does a good job of showing through example how prejudice works. all the characters weve known seem to have this fear and sort of "they're different think" about them. so as a reader you cant help but think "oh they must be different" even tho that might not necessarily be the case. As for the rumors, I assume theyre based on truth. Maybe some secret slave ring or something. Though not sure what it has to do with what might be going on in abroad.
yeah you make a good point @Delphina . for a place they seem to hate so much its just flat out exile, they dont seem to know much about it. or at least anything that theyre willing to talk about yet. which its strange even follybook folks who are closer are just kind of vague about what they know of abroad
Hey @Caytlin (Tamberlane) , you mentioned that you spent a lot of time making the bartering system. Tell us about it!
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
I can say, at least, that a lot of these topics will be broached in Chapter 4! :3 I can't wait to see reactions, haha
AS FOR BARTER! Oh god the barter system. I read some novels, did some research on different kinds of monetary systems. The world of Tamberlane is sort of a socialist utopia where folks' basic needs are taken care of and the town bands together to care for each other. You do work for the town, the town does work for you. So there's not a lot of, like, "how much does this cost" so much as "what of my work can I trade you"
Which! Let me just say, I have a HELL of a time trying to write and get that across
If I did it over, they'd just have a dang money system lmao
I dunno, it makes sense that a small town would work on a trade and favor system. I live in a tiny neighborhood in the country, and things tend to work like that
A side quest economy, essentially
This isn't story related (or only tangentally), but I love seeing the groups of pallette changes when you look at all the pages in a grid on the archive.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Oh yeah it totally makes sense! It's a good story decision! It's just difficult to get across narratively and causes more confusion than it helps when it comes to telling a story
Also :'D Thanks Timmo!! I really enjoy having different palettes for different scenes!
Folks are just more used to parsing "I bet you five bucks" rather than "I bet you six months of library research"
I bet you 15 pounds of pickled beets
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
It's much easier when you have a good like that, yeah! Trying to figure out what Oakewood would offer was tough XD
Does scowling count as a good or service?
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
It's like a kissing booth!
But it's a scowling booth
2 pence per scowl
Oakewood offers access to the "good" books in the back room.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
"Y'like that, do ya? Yeah?" "Oakewood... this is a book about gardening" "THE BEST BOOK ABOUT GARDENING, THANK YOU"
Is it cannon that Oakewood's a good DM?
I would totally play DND with Oakewood
He would totally murder the party though
What class would everyone be?
Milo as a wizard, obviously
Henry as a paladin
Belfry cleric?
(Except she keeps rolling critical fails?)
Constantly rolls low on cure wounds
-7 Dexterity
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Oh oh I was thinking about this recently lol!
Tess is a Barb for sure
Belfry might be a wild magic sorcerer lmao
I totally can see Oake as the DM though yeah LOL
Oake would be constantly complaining about all the weird stuff the players do.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
"Rrrrr, another five minute break, I DIDN'T PLAN FOR THIS."
So... the climax is the coyote character was right all along?
I thought... we'd fight a monster or something.
"Why would you want to fight a monster?!"
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
"The real monster was your stubborn refusal to accept the truth all along"
(Though I suspect Oakewood actually likes swashbuckling stories.)
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
He does; he also likes romance
He's a cranky old softy
I think I knew about the romance.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Yeah, that was one of the first character Q&A comics
I can definitely see him taking a stance of fictional relationships being so much better than real ones because when you're done with them you can put them on the shelf.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Lol! Omg so true
It's late, but I just found out about this, so some thoughts until I get to be around when other people get to be around.
(1) My favorite page is definitely page 81. Because (a) the punch line is fantastic, (b) it lands right in the middle of a really emotional scene without undercutting the emotion even a bit, and (c) it is the most perfect summation of the Belfry Existential Dilemma, which is made up of two parts: (i) you can't mess this up and (ii) you are going to mess this up. Magnificent.
(2) Tamberlane is from the future. Obviously.
(3) With apologies to all of the well-realized and multi-faceted characters at play in this story, Sophie is and shall always be my one true love because SHE IS SO FLUFFY AND I LOVE HER. My opinion is extremely biased; Milo is my cameo (though not my Cameo cameo, that would be weird) and worth it just for the fluffbug sidekick.
Milo was original a My Little Pony character of mine, and I continue to think that having a spider sidekick is great. For a look at Midnight Sun and Sophie before they were translated to the Tamberverse, have a look at [cw and spoiler because spider]
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ff7o7k5jda5pfgo/midnight-sun-the-adventurer.png?raw=1 (that art also by Caytlin).
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. What do you believe happened to Belfry’s biological parents? How might Belfry’s abandonment issues regarding them play a role in how she raises Tamberlane (both positively and negatively)?
5) okay. ill fully admit this is not the most epic illustration i could pick, but i really love this full body of tamberlane on this page https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/tamberlane/page-100/ tamberlane was always cute, but this is the one where my heart was stolen. like everything about her look is precious and makes you want to snuggle and protect her till the end of days. and i also like how contrasting it is to how she was before, so even without words you can tell time has passed and growth has occured and i really like. 6) Honestly, I think theyre imprisoned some how. But tbf i ironically want them to be alive and fine and showcase its the fact they were auto exiled thats the problem. And that they couldve been with belfry at any time but nope, rules and prejudice and such. but thats just my headcanon. I'm more interested in how itll affect how belfry raises tamberlane, and in a lot of senses i think its going to be a negative impact. like i feel belfry is kind of obsessed with making sure tamberlane feels loved and accepted. and while on the surface that sounds great, what happens if she has to punish tamberlane severely? is she going to panic tamberlane not feel loved and not do it? is it going to be lighter than it should? belfry already showed when she took in tamberlane that shes hyper conscious about her abandonment, and i dont think tamberlane alone is gonna make that hyperconsciousness about it go away. but on the otherhand, maybe by association others will confront belfry and make her talk about her feelings.
to reiterate what i said in the general webcomic chat: i only just started reading and the art is soo pretty!!
continuing to read: belfry pulling the pie out of the oven without mitts..... child.........
She is a problem.
:O the "ghost"!!!!
"congratulations, it's a swamp monster" made me chuckle
got to page 100! tamberlane's lil pigtails are adorable
all the way caught up now! i really liked the comic and i'm excited to continue following it!
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Aaaa yay :'D I'm glad you're enjoying it!!!
i'm gonna let it sink in for a bit before i go to answer the book club questions, but overall I found it a enjoyable mix of comforting and intriguing! im always glad to find stories where trans and nonbinary characters are treated as just a normal part of society
There are many things to like about Tamberlane. The gorgeous art and casual representation are high on that list for me.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
I will get around to answering the latest q's in a bit. I'm pretty wiped out today =w=;;; but! I am super happy people are enjoying the comic and convo :'D
Rebel, you made a great point about how Belfry obsesses over Tamberlane. I love it.
Tamberlane is a beautiful comic
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Thank you! :D
so, i just started, like... 10 minutes ago so I'm not very far, but the art is extremely cute and i love the expressions and colors. Really great shapes on all the characters. the main strokes of each character's personality is painted straight away in a really strong way, too
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Oh my gosh, thank you >u<;;; I'm so glad
@Caytlin (Tamberlane) so, um, how did you come up with the idea for Tamberlane?
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
So! I had spent a couple of years trying to write a comic and was just writing myself in circles and running into walls. Finally I got really fed up with not having a project so I said, FINE, next story idea to come into my head, I'M JUST GONNA DO IT. And then during D&D the next week I was doodling creatures and I drew Belfry and Oakewood and was like Ooo I like them. Then I drew Tamberlane's previous form, a little dragon, and was like oh hey they're taking care of an unknown creature, that's fun! And then I was like, actually a little dragon is not weird enough to set her apart from a buncha animals ... Oh hey what about if she's human?? And within a month I had started the comic haha
I wanted to challenge myself to do a project where I allowed myself to make mistakes and not be perfect and not worldbuild myself into a pit
I think that's pretty important, is the willingness to be flexible and play around
with longform webcomics, when it takes so long to make something, and you're working on the same story for years..... people grow as creators, and as people, and develop different tastes and learn things..... and it'd be a shame to not be able to express that if you're stuck to the same script you wrote 5 years ago, lol
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Exactly!! When you think about like every longform webcomic taking like at least 5 years ... there's not a lot of years where you can be creating compared to the number of stories in your head.
And I really just wanted to make something and get my hands dirty. So it's been a really interesting experience, half following a plan and half throwing it out the window lol!
for what it's worth, from a reader's perspective, it flows very nicely
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Thank goodness, haha! I always worry. XD
yeah it definitely flows nicely
also I've never played D&D
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
D&D is a lot of fun with the right group! And endlessly frustrating with the wrong one. XD But if you end up having a group of friends online or off, it's totally worth trying it out!
I do have lots of online friends! Don't get out enough offline at the moment though
also what inspired you to become an artist
Hi, all! just spotted the invite. Busy bat. Love Tamberlane!
I'll try to catch up with you all tomorrow evening, if I get a chance. Midnite now, kinda slow and I've got work in the morning. Belfry forever!
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What has been your favorite moment in regards to how Tamberlane has been accepted or not accepted in Treehollow? What about it made the moment emotionally compelling and what should we take away from it in regards to discrimination and acceptance?
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
Heeeey Stubat! <3
5. My favorite illustrations seem to be a rotating toss up of Belfry & Tam in the sunrise, Oakewood walking along the docks with Piper/Anthony/Tamberlane at sunrise, and the full shot of the Library at night(edited)
6. :3c(edited)
7. I really enjoy writing Briar and Belfry interacting. Small factoid that I don't think will ever be revealed in the story: the bulky blue and white scarf she's been wearing this chapter is one Belfry knitted for her (poorly). It's knotty and has a lot of gaps, but it was a work of love, and Briar wore it because 1) she loves it and she loves Belfry no matter what, and 2) sort of as a good luck token for Tess and Bel to make up.
Oh super belatedly, another thing about Follybrook: I LOVED that a lot of readers jumped to the conclusion that they were Othered because they were punky/bad tempered/non-binary. And then I loved watching them come to the realization that there were a lot of characters in Treehollow that fit those descriptions so it had to be something else. I think someone specifically called it out as an allegory for trans people, and then a couple readers mentioned Marie and they were like ... oh huh, hm.
I like making people think lol!
8. Hmm, I think I like the interaction with Leon, the grumpy crow. It was a scene that was written late in the game (like, during the scene before lol!) and I put up an auction for Leon's cameo slot. I really enjoyed being able to pack in a lot of underlying meaning to the interaction, and remind readers that Tamberlane's transition to creature society is not as smooth or effortless as it's seemed.
Plus, yeah, deciding on a whim to have Oakewood call her his granddaughter and out himself and his feelings was fun :3
There are SO MANY cute/loving character interactions, but I think when Briar is relaying her mom's message to Belfry really stood out to me because of how much she clearly cares and how torn she is in the middle of their conflict.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Which of the parents did you connect with the most in regards to how they parent their child(ren)? What do you think we can learn about life in regards to the various parent/child dynamics work and growing up?
7) Probably Piper and Tamberlane. Unlike all the other relationships where its either warm fuzzies or kind of understandable anger and drama, theirs is the relationship i think is built entirely upon misunderstandings and kids being kids. Cause at the end of the day, Piper is still a kid so i have some forgiveness in her initial treatment of tamberlane. because honestly she probably just doesnt fully grasp yet the consequences of her actions. but its interesting to see how their relationship has been one of tension where youre really not sure if the trauma can be overcome or not. so that makes it really interesting. 8) I liked that small moment when Walter kind of took Tamberlane away from the fighting. Cause holy crap was that a significant change going from "your mistake" to here let me protect this little one. it was such a small thing but it really demonstrated the time passage and also kind of reflected that sometimes non acceptance is less about hatred, more about unfamiliarity. not to say he might not think shes a mistake, but that still was a lot warmer of an interaction than i expected and showed he cared. https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/tamberlane/page-132/
9) I love a lot of the little visual details on Tess. Like the scars, the bit that's taken out of her ear. It really shows off her past. And its just one of those super good character details a lot of people dont utilize and adds so much character to the character. <3 10) I actually connected with Avery the most, but this is in large because i was raised by a single mother. And to me i think Avery really captured that balance of needing to work, trying to be there for your kid, while also not really able to be there all the time cause of the work issue. So while Piper may not be the best behaved of the children, it's totally understandable given the circumstances and i give props to avery seeming to make it work regardless. overall, though, i think what we can learn about the various parent and child dynamics is that 1) parents are winging it and 2) while parents are a big influence, theres a point you have to divorce yourself from them and make your own choices in life.
aaah i finally caught up and this comic is so good! it's kind of late where i am rn, so I'm just gonna cut right to the chase and say - oakewood is my favorite character, hands down. i couldn't tell you why, but I'm just a sucker for the gruff, older guy with a heart of gold
Everyone loves Oakewood.
He'd be the best character if not for Marie.
Caytlin (Tamberlane)
I definitely took a lot of inspiration for Oakewood from the cranky old guy in Wolf Children lol! That's his voice in my head too (the dub version)
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Which aspect of the comic’s world caught your attention the most? Alternatively, what world aspect are you hoping to see explored more? What culture detail do you think is the most significant when it comes to the story?
I think the strongest aspect of the comic is its theming. Just the overarching theme of parenthood, and how the best of intentions don't always work out the way you planned. You can see that theme everywhere in the story (from big things like Belfy & Tess's fight to smaller things like Belfy's clumsiness), and it all fits togeter SO well.
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Do you believe Belfry might have to go Abroad for Tamberlane as Tess ominously worries about? Why do you believe creatures who go Abroad get banned? How might what goes on in Abroad affect their lives regardless?
11) I feel the comic's strength is showing relationships and having that be a major drive of the story. Like there's no shortage of parenting styles, friendships, or anything else. And everything is about how the characters work off one another. And no character is really all black and white either. they just all have different views and different ways of handling things. so i think that makes all the character interactions interesting since you never know quite what youre gonna get ever instance. 12) The aspect that caught my eye the most was the presence of another spoken language. I hope it's explored more where that comes from and such, cause its a really interesting facet given everyone else is otherwise speaking the same language. the other detail im really interested in seeing explore is how the world is set up. like we know there are sailors who go around and explore but avoid aborad, so im curious what their known world is like in its totality. 13) I'm looking forward to seeing Belfry grow more and come more into her own. Atm, I kind of feel shes still just a kid trying to figure stuff out, so itll be interesting to see how tamberlane changes and effects her maturity levels. 14) Yes. Aborad feels like it's brought up too many times for belfry to not have to go. But I feel going will be a good thing cause it will kind of force the world to maybe stop ignoring abroad and accept that its part of the world too, whether they want it to be part of it or not.
I wanna find out what Tamberlane's deal is!
And also what's going on in Abroad, there've been hints about it being a strange and dangerous place and I am excited to find out what it's actually like.
I wonder if Abroad is like..... a portal to the regular human world or something!
or if it's still in the same world but with more humans
That's kinda my theory
The fact that they're SO nervous about it makes me wonder if it is closer to the portal thing
Would make it feel more alien to them
like it seems like even GOING close to it is seen as dangerous, not just entering the actual place
ohh also speaking of different locations: follybrook! my theory on it, based on the way that characters interacted w folks from follybrook, is that body modifications like piercing and docking (and maybe even gender-related body mods) are a cultural taboo in Silver Sage
so anyone from silver sage who Wants to do those things has to move to follybrook, and the creatures of follybrook have just as much disdain for the ol' fuddyduddies who refuse to let people do what they want with their bodies as the creatures of silver sage have for them
also it seems like metal is Important to silver sage's culture in some specific way, like it has spiritual significance
altho i could just have misread
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Tamberlane this week! Please also give a special thank you to Caytlin Vilbrandt for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Tamberlane, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/
Caytlin Vilbrandt’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tamberlane
Caytlin Vilbrandt’s Ko-Fi: https://www.ko-fi.com/pixelprism
Caytlin Vilbrandt’s Paypal.me: https://www.paypal.me/pixelprism
Caytlin Vilbrandt’s Shop: https://www.tamberlanecomic.com/shop/
Tamberlane’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/tamberlanecomic
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makaylasophiablog · 8 years
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If you're still reading this, or you just want to see the photos, then you're in the right place. Onward, to the unboxing images!
The first thing that was on the very top of my box was the amazing list of all of the products inside. On the other side (which can be seen in the image above) shows a cute, minimalist-type design along with the month this box is for, as well as the company name, Tokyo Treat!
Digging into the box, this item is called Meiji's Curry Curls. Tokyo Treat describes this as "puffed and crispy treats flavored with the delicious spices of Japanese curry". Yum!
Next was this Pretz box! At first I thought perhaps it was going to be pocky, but I was pleasantly surprised! Thos is called Gilco's Pretz Mild Salad. Tokyo Treats writes, that this is "delicious salad-flavored biscuits". I tried one out, and this is definitely a unique taste that I wasn't familiar with! Despite not being familiar with it, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
I absolutely adore the packaging of this treat! It's super "kawaii"! This one is another from the brand Gilco, which I automatically recognized. This one is titled, Gilco's Capri Cocotte Strawberry & Vanilla. About this particular treat, Tokyo Treat writes, "This sweet and airy chocolate will leave you speechless and longing for more!" Ooooh, lala!
The next thing I pull from my box is this package! This one is called "Assassination Classroom" Sugar Cola Flavor Chewy Candy. Assassination Classroom?! Ack, sounds dangerous! Rest assured, friends, Tokyo Treat wrote, "This number one manga collection series, 'Weekly Shonen Jump' and their particular Manga 'Assassination Classroom' collaborated to make a sweet and chewy candy!". Phew, that scared me!
This piece is super cute, too!  The drawing on the front is sooo cute! This is called Yaokin Rice Cracker. Tokyo Treat writes, "This special rice cracker has a very important place in Japanese history. Yyou can see this style of cracker often available in the food stalls at various Japanese festivals, both past and present". WOW, cool!
This one was a bit weird for me, but it's all about learning new tastes, right? This one is called Gummy Maru Takeshi Grilled Egg, and Tokyo Treat writes, "Tamagoyaki (grilled egg) flavors combine to give you a feeling of ancient Japan while you are snacking". Hmm, interesting!
I gotta say, I was immediately pulled into this one's packaging and tried it right on the spot. And it was so good. I absolutely adored this candy, and it's extremely beautiful, too! This one is called 12 grans LOOK (harvest la mode fruitful), and Tokyo Treat writes about this one, "These candies come from four different types of flavors and 12 grains from Japanese farmlands that you know you can enjoy." Definitely cool!
ALERT ALERT! MY FAVORITE! MY FAVORITE! (Well, one of my many favorites). It's a DIY candy kit! Eeep! This one in particular is called, Kracie's Fun Ramen Shop, and Tokyo Treat writes about this, "Make your own delicious candy ramen at home. Only water is needed to make the delicious ramen and dumpling looking meal", woo this is awesome! I can't wait to give this a go!
ANOTHER ALERT! ANOTHER DIY CANDY KIT! This one is marked as "special" on the list Tokyo Treat provides, so this is the special product in the November premium box, woohoo! This one is called Meiji's Mushroom Mountain  DIY Snacks and they write, "This special do-it-yourself candy kit is our signature snack of the month. Enjoy making special mushrooms on an enchanted mountain for you!" Ahh, I can't wait to try this! Why can't America have these things?!
These ones are super cute, and I love the unique packaging of each! These ones are called Umai-Bou 3 Set and written about these is, "a small, puffed, cylindrical corn snack ... saly and crispy in texture". Mmm, sounds so good! AAHH!! PIKACHU!! This one is called East Pigeon Pokemon Milk Snack and Tokyo Treat writes, "This popular cracker snack is now in the form of Pokemon's renowned Pikachu character. These corn-puffed treats are crunchy and delicious and we think you will absolutely love them!". Ah, so sweet! I love how the packaging of this box is also in the shape of a pokeball! How cool! Okay, so this packaging is definitely unique. It's in a pyramid shape, which is super inventive! This is called Sato Petite Pack of Meiji Bamboo Shoots, and Tokyo Treat wrote, "This adorable triangular pack of mini cookies will leave you wanting more ... the basic flavors you know well of chocolate and cookie are combined to make a sensational treat at any time of day or night". Yummy! I also got a drink! This one is titled Chilled Candy (Ginger and Honey) and says, "This delicious drink mimics the idea of drinking rain because of how connected to nature it is. Enjoy the flavors of ginger and honey that will deeply soothe your throat." UM, HOLD ON. RAIN?! That's super cool. I love the design of this can as well! Super cute and super nice design. Part of me wants to put this on the shelf, and part of me wants to drink this at once! I'm having such a dilemma! Next is this cute, blue cup thing. Hmm, I wonder what it is? This one is called Doraemon's Cup Chocolate and is "from the well known character in Japan known as Doraemon, comes this easily portable cup full of chocolate-dipped nugget snacks". Ooooo, yummy! Disclaimer, I totally tried these... and  I totally loved them! Last but not least is this Kyooya Cherry Rice Cake and it is a "cherry rice cake treat that is both starchy and sweet!". Oooo, sounds fun!
Okay, so that's it for my unboxing! Thank you all for reading, and let me know what you think down in the comments!
Don't forget to visit Tokyo Treat for yourself: https://www.tokyotreat.com/ !
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